The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 28, 1910, Image 6

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    1 I
,V Star
ti ilscrtptwi. 'i.wl r ! ii inftwitir.
m tin. I'M . Lonn
K4ltr and Froprletojr
Intered t thi' mstonVe . teynoldsvlll.
fa., as second cla mal'mstter
BnnmnriLtiV riLipnom no. 61.
Continued from First Pago.
the mere separation of strangers met for a
week. Tlio social featuivs of tlio week s
entertainment had played so important,
and such mi unusual pai l, that there was
genuine regret expressed at the end of tlio
sessions, and dozens remained In the town
throughout the day, unwilling to leave.
The attendance at the session was very
large even to tlio last hour.
Between the county suK'rlntendent and
his teachers the most cordial relations
exist. Most of the teachers are heartily
Jn sympathy with tlio great work of
Improving conditions in the country
school which Supt. Jones has laid out for
himself, and which ho made the dominant
now o( tho present institute. The
aohcrs gavo enpiwiion of their support
and cooperation in this work. In the
, olu, I in soil ect was
jrfven deep and favorable consideration, It
Tielnir the expressed opinion that no more
valuable iml could be given the many
rural schools of JYITei Wil county at preOHt
than that which tin) cotmly snperinWnaent
IS piCSUing Fill, Mio iniriuum w.. -
agriculture and manual training into the
schools. The institute was an inspiration
to all and directors, teachers and towns
people parted with tho aincere conviction
that much good had been accomplished
during tho live dav session In Hoynoldsville.
Tho Friday morning session was given
over to instruction by Miss Woller, In
drawing, to a talk by l)r. Kills on "Arnold
of Kugby," in which he showed that tho
theory of boy study ho had been expound
ing during the week could and had been
literally applied by the great man
mentioned, and the last talk was by Prof.
J. S. Briggs, a former superintendent of
Beaver countv who is now connected with
the state agricultural department. His
short address was on the value of teaching
the children the economic value of our
native birds.
The committee on resolutions presented a
report, in substance as follows: Hesolved,
1st, That congratulations bo extended the
citizens of Hoynoldsville for adequate pro
visions for entertainment of teachers, with
special mention to Elks and Eagles for
granting use of their club parlors, and to
the Business Men's Association for their
aid; 2nd, thanks to Prof. Yoder and the
Hoynoldsville orchestra for music rendered,
3rd, appreciation of County Supt. Jones'
efforts to produce more efficient spellers
and more eligible writers, and stamp with
approval his efforts to encourage drawing,
agriculture and nature study in the public
schools, also commending his high ideals,
easnest endeavors, efficient manner, and
strenuous efforts in conducting the work of
the schools in general ; 4th, thanks to Prof.
Zaner, Prof. Surface, Prof. Egbert, Miss
Weller and Miss Kling, for excellent
instruction and to Dr. Ellis for messages
of Inspiration, and to all committees who
aided in making tho session a success ; 5th,
appreciation of tho quality of the evening
entertainment furnished; th urging every
board to purchase more apparatus for
miikirg exieriments in sciences taught,
also that the institute insist that no high
school can properly complete the course of
study prescribed by the state in less than 8
months; 7th, that the institute express its
regret at the death of Msss Alice Thomp
son, a teacher in the county, and extend
sympathy to friends and relatives. All
were adopted.
The committee on permanent certificates
reported that examinations would be held
, the last Saturday in February at Reynolds
ville and the first Saturday in March at
The educational rallies committee has
arranged for local institutes as follows:
Wlnslow, Henderson, Washington, Snyder
townships, Brockwayville and Sykesville
boroughs, January 28th, committee, W.
M. Jones, E. O. Tobias, F. A. Hcim.
Perry, Gaskill,Big Run, Young, McCalmont
and Bell, February 4th, committee, C. H.
Straitiff, Homer Smail, Sheridan Shaffer.
Polk, Warsaw, Heath, Eldred aud Bamett,
February 11th, committee, M.G.Morris,
Herman Home, Sara Khines. Plnecreek,
Rose, Union and Corsica, February ISth,
committee, M. M. Siar, Earl Park, Ray
Jones. Clover, Knox and Summervillo,
February 2ft, committee, H. W. Henderson,
Mcrvin Burkett, Pearl Simpson, Beaver,
Ringgold, Porter, Worthville. March 4th,
Charles Wise, Claude Neville, Claresoe
In the drawing contest, first award in
Class A went to Falls Creek, work of
Arthur Himes in room of Miss Elvira
, Johnston. Second to Brookville, Grade 7,
no name on drawing. In Class B first,
Brookville, Grade 2, Carl Lucas; second,
Big Run, Anna Craig, teacher, drawn by
lone Neale. In country schools, first
a ward to William Pratt, Spruced ale
school, Miss Theresa Straitiff teacher;
second, Myrna Sartwell, Richardsville No.
2. - taught by Sara Rhines. Color work :
First award, to Thomas Good, Eleanors
school taught by C. A. Stahlman; second to
Fred Miller, Florence School, taught by
Agatha Greeley. Map drawing; First
award, Daisy Covert, Falls Creek, Zelda
Domb teacher; second, Essie Lott, Upper
Bnoheit school, Cloye Blose, teacher.
Brookville, Grade 7, had the largest
exhibit. The Jndges in passing on this
work stated thut the work was all very
fine. (
In the writing contest, Miss Grace
Applegate, grade 2 and 8, Big Run, was
given honorable mention for meritorious
teaching of writing. Awards as follows:
Exercises, Class A. first, Dorothy Graham,
Mottem school, Lloyd Stormer, teacher;
second, Edith Swanson, Falls Creek school,
Miss Elvira Johnston, teacher. Actual
writing, Class A: first award to Daniel
Fonst, Brookville, grade 7; second, Nellie
Biggs, Kichardsvlllo No. 2, Sara Rhines,
' teacher. Class A, rural schools: first
ward. May Buscu, Volier school. J. A.
Larimer, teaoher; second; Hanel Bnell,
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
Of mercury wlii mircir demroy tin f of Jli
SDd completely dt'r&Ujie thf little rtyHtflri alien
entering it tkirouuh lite r.ucmis urlafl. Hurl
articles should never be d l-icl-tit nil prHfl
tlung from reputable pttyr.eiuns, a II"? PMtim-r Hie)
will do Ii teu fold to tile Rood you rati no. . de
rive from them. Hall's Oitarrll Cure, nirwulncuired
by F. J. Cbeaey ik Co.. Toledo. O., contn:nli r.o mer
cury, and ! taken Internally, aellait flln-rtly upos
the blood and niuooua aurfaeea of tha system. Id
buying Hall 'a otan-h Cure be mire you art ttw
genuine. It la taken Internally, and made m Toledo,
Ohio. By F. J. Cheney Co.. TraUmonMs tree.
Hold by DrueclRta, Irlee, 7 Ke. per bottle. -Take
JJaU'a Family pille for oonatlpaUun, .
Rent ok. Sell . ,
E. N"tT. Justice of the Peace
Reynoldsville. Pa.
Panic school, Wrny Smith, lonelier. Class
B: Hnit uwaiil, Gladys Woavur, Mir liuu
school. Alum Oalg, touchers sec mil.
Margaret McDonald. Urookvllh Hint
grade. '
One of tho valunhlo suggestions made at
! tlio institute WBa for tlio holding of flower
I shows or contests nt tlio vat-Inns schools as
a means of exciting interest in iinture
The Untiling committee mado report as
follows: Recommending t' the tern-hern
for special study: "Heading In Public
School," -How to Study nud Teaching
How to Study," and "American Stories of
Golden Deeds." As tlio bent lielp In draw
ins, "Progressive Art Lessons."
A Dreadful Wound.
from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fire
works, or any other nature, demands
prompt treatment with Buckien's Arnica
Salve to prevent bhxal poison or gangrene.
It's the quickest, surest healer for all such
wounds as also for Hunts, noils, Korcs.
Skin Eruptions, Known, Chnpieil Hands.
(Torus or Piles. 25c at Stoke and Felcht
Drug Co.
Curts Backache, Sidesche, and all Kid
ney, Liver and Bladder Di&easea,
or money Back .
. Yes, money back, that's the offer that
Stoke & Feiclit Drug Co., the agent in
Reynoldsvllle makes if Thompson's
Barosmiki fails to cure any of the above
named diseases.
And when you stop to think that's a
wondorfully generous offer from the view
point of the afflicted, the sick and the
But the generous feature Is cast aside
when you learn that the makers of
Thompson's Barosma aren't taking one
tenth the chance you think they are, be
cause they know from years of experience,
and from thousands of cures, and
thousands of testimonials, that Thompson's
Barosma will absolutely and permanently
cure all kidney, liver and bladder diseases.
So the money back offer Is made simply
to show quickly and conclusively that the
makers of Thompson's Barosma have the
utmost faith in this marvelous remedy,
So if you are 111, have the blues, have
lost ambition, have backacho or pains In
yourside, If your urme Is high colored, and
youp eyes dull and complexion sallow, the
chances are that your kidneys are weak
and clogged up, and that your blood is full
of Impurities.
So why wait when Thompson i Barosma
is guaranteed to restore your health. Ut
a bottle to-day at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
There are two sizes 50 cents and 1. 00.
Five years ago Charles Schults, of Dun
kirk, N. Y., was so weak and run down
that he decided to give up his business.
He took Barosma, and in a few months he
regained his health, and gained 65 pounds
in weight. To-day he writes: "I have
been in perfect health ever since I wroto
you five years ago."
A Blood and Nerve Specialist. "
Man is only as old as he feels. The
human mechanism is similar to that
of a clock, whose works must be kept
in good repair in order to compete in
the race with time. How many there
are whose sallow complexion and
general debilitated appearance pro
claims to all the world their physical
condidition. The brain, however, still
works with' precise regularity the
same thoughts, the same desires,
hopes and ambitions are present; but
the will, the power, the ability, the
mechanical part of the body needs
looking alter.
Ne-ro Tablets' is the great master
mechanic, the marvelous, blood and
nerve tonic that will find the trouble
and repair it; the results are truly
miraculous. The weakened parts are
toned up and built anew; the nerves
become alert and ready to again obey
the desires as it is flashed from the
brain. New tissues form, rich, pure
blood again flows through your veins
and you again rejoice in perfect
strength and ability.
Do not delay until your case becomes
obstinate, take heed of the common
symptoms and the uncommon and
dangerous ones will not occur.t
Ne-ro Tablets are fully guaranteed
and are for' sale at every drug store in
Five per oent will be added on all
borough and school taxes not paid by
January 1st. S. J. BURGOON,
Tai Collector.
Stockholders Meeting'.
The- regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First National Bonk,
of Reynoldsville, Pa for the election of
directors for the ensuing year and for
the transaction of any other business
that may properly come before it, will be
held in the Banking Room on Tuesday,
January 10th, 1911, at 8:00 p. m.
K. C. Schuckers, Cashier.
Stockholders Meeting.
The regular annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Citizens National Bank of
Reynoldsville will be held in their banking
rooms, January 10, 1911, at 1:30 p. m., for
the purpose of electing directors and for the
transaction of any other business that may
properlyicome before that body.
J. W. Hunter, Cashier.
For that Co'd.
- Some of that good eight year old Govern
ment bonded Antietam whisker. fl.OQ
tier quart at Frank's Tavern.
. 1 a i ;
'' " Pule Hutu ' .v
Extrtt fine quality 9 pnhtids for 25 conU.
A. M. Applegate,-
- East Main Street.
- Now Is the Time.
To have your overcoat cleaned, dyed or
pressed at Dahler's dry cleaning establish
ment. .
Velvet shoes for women, price $4,00.
Aili ni s Boot bliop. ...
Vnr vi. n wife, sister or sweetheart a
of Wlvet boots price, l.0O. Adams.
"Playing tho Ponies" at Adclphl to
morrow night.
Worn -n's warm lined shoes, patent tip or
plain ; price $1.50. Adam s.
Notice to Stockboldet.
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
nn"iml mooting in tint Jefferson and fjlcnr
HoUK'.jiil ami Inn Comiutnv will beheld
j at tliu cimipii-iy's ofllro in lteynoldavillo,
j Pa., on Tuesday. January U, 'ltd 1 . nt 10
. o'clock, a. ni., fur tlio purpose of electing
a iioiii-o oi uiroctors rnr tno ensuing vear.
and tho transaction of such other business
as mny properly enio before the meeting.
Lucius W. Robinson,
Lewis Iselln, President.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notl(j Is hereby given that the regular
snniial meeting of the Heynoldsvllle and
Falls Creek Railroad will be hold at the
company nflleo In Kevnohlsvlllo, Pa., on
Tuesday, January IT, lull, at 10: 15 o'clock
a. m., for the purposo of electing a Board
of Directors for tho coming year, and the
transaction of sueli other business as may
properly conio before the meeting.
Lucius W. Robinson,
B. M. Clnrk, I'resldent.
Sealshipt Oysters.
We uro still In the oyster business and
have tho Kcnlshipt, also the Sealshiptors.
Vou know where you always got the best.
Special rates to parties,
Frank's Tavern,
Good sixes and a lot of styles to pick
from In Men's sllpors at Adam's.
Application for License
Ort er of the Court of Quarter Hnastnns
naiuic ine i.inin hi wnicn applications
for liquor licenses may tit beaid, etc.
And now, October ari, m, It Is ordained
SB follows!
I. That the third Mondav of January.
one tliousanu eight hundred and ninety-
nine, ana earn and every year tnererrter,
at. nine o'clock In tbe forenoon of each dav.
(being the second Monday of the January
inim in eacn year, oe anu me aame is
hereby fixed as the time at which applica
tions for lli-enne to sell aprltous, vinous,
malt or brewed liquors shall be heard, at
whlnh time all Demons anulvlnx or making
objections to applications for said llcenars
may be beard by evidence, petition, remon
strance or counsel .
2. That licenses then granted shall take
effect and be In force one year from the
sixteenth day or eenruary next following
the granting; of the same.
8. Applications for places not heretofore
lloensrd must be required to establish (I) the
fitness of the applicant and (21 the nece-stty
for such licensed place, and In contested
caes not more than three witnesses on a
side will be heard on the question of the
general character of the applicant and the
necessity of the place for which a license
4. Supplemental petitions and remon
strances In writing) also specific objections
to the petition or bond of tne applicant as
well as specific char km made against him
shall be reduced to writing and filed In the
case at least five days before the time fixed
for hearing said application, otherwise they
will not he heard, and no evidence will be
heard In support of them, by the Court.
This rule shall not apply to disqualifying
causes arising within the five days preced
ing the hearing.
6. No splrltous, vinous, malt or brewed
liquors, or any admixtures thereof, shall be
furnished or sold by any licensed vendor
between the hours of o'clock, p. m., and
S.;K) o'clock a, ni., of each day on whlcn said
liquors otherwise may be legally sold.
8. All orders and rules, or parts the: eof,
now In force, which may be Inconsistent
with the foregoing order or rules, are here
by rescinded. By the Court,
a President Judge.
The following applications for Uconie to
sell liquor have been filed in the ofllce of
the Clerk of the Court oi Uuarter Sessions of
Jefferson County for January Sessions, 1U11:
I. Jacob B. fykes, residence, Sykesyllle
borouah, Hotel Bykts.
2 Hubert T. fmlth, residence, 8ykesvllle
borough, Hotel Smith.
a. W. W. Wliey, residence, Reynoldsvllle
borough. City Hotel.
4. G 11. Barclay, residence, Washington
township, Hotel Barclay.
5. Frank A. McConoell, residence, Reyn
oldsvllle borough, Frank's Mew Tavern.
6. Patrick '. Casey, res'dence, Kalis Creek
bnrouxh, Taylor Avenue Hotel.
7 David W. Nnylon, residence, Punxsu
tawney borough, The National Hotel.
8. Thomas Green, residence, Heynoldsvllle
borough. The Imperial Hotel.
It. Jacob B. Hang, residence, Punxsutawney
borouKh, Hotel Waverly.
10. YV- 8. Boss, residence. West Reynolds
vllle borough, The Boss House.
II. Philip J. AUgeler. residence, Brookville
borough The New Jefferson Hotel.
12. John A. Donnellv. raaidence. Wlnslow
township, Park Hotel.
ni. a. J. Humngton residence, rJrooKvuie
borough, Hotel Longvlew.
14. H. G. Keulonle. residence. B ookvllle
borough, Central Hotel.
15. 8. A. Hunter, residence, Brookville
borough, New Commercial Hotel.
in. jonn vjuiuiisK, residence, runxsu
tawnev biirough, Parnell House.
17. John o. Rdelblute. residence. Revn-
oldsvllle borough, National Hotel.
in. n. it. mciviiiiey, residence, urooKvuie
borough, Union Hotel.
IV. Jihn Jackson, residence, McOalmont
township, Jackson House.
20. Ueorge Lolils rJchlcker, residence,
Punxsutawney borough, Hotel Haley.
21. John Siebonrocit, residence, Brookville
borough, Brookville House.
22. Klcbard E. Clover and Harry D.
Edelblute, residence, Punxsutawney borough,
Hotel Pantall.
3. i. E. Badaker, residence, McCalmont
township, Anita Hotel.
24, John C. Burns, residence, Reynolds
vllle borough Burns House.
2ft. D. U. McClelland, residence, Wlnslow
township, Hotel Hughes.
26. William DeLaney, residence, falls
Creek borough, Falls Creek Hotel.
27. Curtis A. Curry, lesldence, McOalmont
township. Hotel McGregor.
28. T. E. Bennls, residence, Punxsutawney
borough, Hotel Bennls. .
20. E r-haffer, residence, Punxsutawney
borough. Hotel Whitney.
(to. Alexander Watsoo, residence, Wtna
low township, Hotel Big Soldier.
31. John Mansell and Georae Roberts,
residence. Window township, Central Hotel.
32. William D. Gooiie, residence, Punxsu
tawney borough. City Hotel.
03. Hyaome rVayne, residence, Henderson
township, Wayne Hou-e. i
84. Mark 8 Stringer, residence, Big Bun
borough, Hotel MiClure.
85. Samuel Dickey 8ankey, residence,
Punxsutawney borough, Llndsey Hotel.
DO. E. 0, Rudolph, residence, Big Run
borough. Hotel Anderson.
37. P. A. H unter and F. L. Terstlne, agents
for, trustees of In and In behalf of the
American Hotel, residence, Brookville
borough, American Hotel.
38, , Thomas -Fleckensteln, residence,
Punxsutawney borough, Continental Hotel,
Hit. Edward 0. Lyman, residence, Punxsu
tawney borough, Washington hotel.
40. Samuel R. Williams, residence, Reyn
oldsvllle borough. The Mansion.
- 41. Ferruslo Iisgaul, residence, Knot
township, Hotel Ramsay.
42. John c, Bell, resilience, KtlOX township,
Hqiel Bell, -
1. Jolin O'l'lare, residence, Reynolosvllle
buiough, certain store room and buildings
appurtenant, thereto.
i. M. Uoucherty. John Zedek and Thomas
MrMllleh, dolni liuslnes under the Him
name of W. H. lUckendorn & Co., residence,
IhI ward, Punxsutawney borough, certain
one story hr'ck store building, aud the build
lngs'sppurtonnnt thereto.
1. Magnus Mhieler. residence, Brookville
borough, P'lng Brewery, Hroosvllle, Pa.
2. Brookville lliewlng Company, a cor
poration. Brookville. P'l.
E. B. Hendersoii. W. I. Hosenboruer and
Vafko llavrllla, doing business under the
firm name of the Elk Bun Brewing Company,
The Elk Run Breaery. Punxsutawney. Pa.
4. Punxsutawney Brewing Company, a
corporation, Punxaitawney Brewery, Punx
sutawney.Pa. J,AK, IKVIM.
Clerk of HieCourt of Quarter Sessions.
irk of ihytSo
Stoke &
Christmas is Over and Now
Comes the Substantiate
:riiiuiiiinuiiaiiiimmuiaiiamiauiuiin!iiaiuiiiwiii 'lasaiaiuuaaaauaaaia, $.
o the season
to extend .to
you our sin
cere wishes for your
happiness this glad
holiday season. &
May you have a
Prosperous New
Peioht Drug Co.
I want to tell you I have
50 9x12 Floor Rugs, Hartford
Tapestries, and a lot of Ax
minster Rugs, 9x12, that I
will selat a BARGAIN for
Cash. Nice, salable patterns.