The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 28, 1910, Image 4

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iStSCrty,i-c. H.OO pt,i .itUl n- adf'Tins j
Bdlltr and Pruprl e to.'r j
i r : ,
m)N KSP.A V, .1 A N I : A 1 J Y . 1 1 , ,1 111 I
:: j
Interixf nr. KimoWcc a; 'ieynold.vlll 1
P., MiMCOu J cIhkb umlliuatli 1
' S'.iaMXii'ti-i rm-rPBOsr No. 61. j
. How th' Habit of Buying In On't
' '. Horn Town May Be Enoouragsd.
' The headline soumls peculiar, yet I
- thought It n fit one for the subject I
wish to (lisciiHH. The general comment
' is that we always soil to satisfy. Hut
, douTre? IHint is n qnost i;u thnt only
UuTcnstomors 'can answer. As far as
-OUT own satisfaction is concerned. It Is
tprobably true, tint thnt l-t tint as fur as
business nowadays extends. To pocket
tha cents now and lose dollars after
ward Is ml(?hljr poor policy.
'.How many salespeople and I might
rmf proprietors pride themselves on
i merchandise they see on their custom
.erst after they have once sold them?
.During the time of the making of the
, -sale : they' use' cVcry phrase found In
tha vocabulary to toll of a garment s
merits and suitableness to a particular
(Customer, lint onco the customer has
(bought and, paid for the garment no
more attention Is paid her on her pur--chase.
The clerk may have noticed thnt the
-color or (he lines were uot belitlliis.
ibnt since the customer showed an in
.Ctlnatlon "'toward that particular piece
of, merchandise the clerk urged her on
: toward tho purchase of It regardless
-of Its becouilngncss.
Such sales are wrong. They rr fleet
upon the good taste and judgment of a
A! store should pride Itself up n Its
capability of having the best dressed
Clientele regardless of. price, lie ;t III vi).
medium or low priced gTmieuts. of
any store In Its vicinity.
Just as an architect prides h'ui'-olf
upon the results of a carefully planned
and tastefully built house, so should
the business of a store be planned and
followed out. Dry Goods Kepo:M".
Business Men Ought to Get Cut of
Their Mental Ruts.
Some men seem to think their heads
fulfill, the purpose for which a bene
flctal Trovidence Intended them when
they absorb three meals a day and
afford a means of displaying the latest
Ideas In hats. I.lke the dog with the
chronic "tired feeling" that used to
Jean against the fence to bark, the
process of thinking Is so exhausting
that with many it Is only Indulged In
t long intervals.
Feople let out their thinking." In
poltlics there are few men who can
give it reason for being on one ide
-or the other beyond echoing the sentl
ments of some wily politician or loud
mouthed demagogue. Keliglous opin
ions and convictions In a majority of
cases are the absorbed product of
Mother minds. A good deal of Intellec
tual swallowing is dono by those who
. would doubtless resent the Imputation
' -of credulity.
This is an age of brilliant mental
offfirt, but the btilli.i ncy seems to be
largely borrowed. What the world
wants Is more Independent lndivtdti
, at thought. Let business men quit tho
ruts and cut out thinking paths for
themselves. An hour of careful
thought and wise planning is worth a 1
wfiole day of aimless plodding. 'Ton
Hef tho paths of thy feet and let all
thj ways be established." Canadian
v'Sboe and Leather .: initial.
I will visit regular
ly in Iflll. Careful
examinations of the
eyes and tests of the
. eyesight. Glasses
only prescribed when
, t eedod. Sorry- 'or
I eopla who have been
! uposod upon by par
ties using my name.
Always keep in mind
ha "I never peddle
nod-have no agents.
At New Maysvllle
iy request) January
:3; Beynoldsville 14;
Vmortran H use,
Iroofcvllle 16.
0 t--
Mlii6.n et. - RanoiasYille, Pa,
VoeU c arjecond and fourth Thure
df Inl.O. O.F. h'.L
Pennsylvania Legislators All
Alter Preferred Assignments
8hort Adjournment Gives Members a
Period in wWh .to Press Their
I Wants Cox Promises Equitable
Distribution Uncertainty. About
Closing Date Because Governor-elect
1 Tener'a Program Is Not Known,
j May Go Along Until May.
j Harrisburg, Pa. From now until the
reconvening of both branches of the
legislature on the night of Jan. 16 tho
members will be butty importuning
their friends to bring pressure on the
presiding officers of both houses to
favor them with choice committee as
signments. It is a well known fact that in the
eyes of the experienced legislator his
selection for membership on a pre
ferred committee will give him greater
opportunity to spread himself and
further the progress of favored legis
lation than all the speeches he can
deliver. Then again membership on
an important committee means that
the leaders are forced to go to the
1 members and ask them to vote for
or against a measure, as the case may
be, which puts the member In a po. I-
tlon to become known and more
eligible to seek further favors at tho
hands of the party manipulators.
- Equitable Distribution Promised.
Prior fb the adjournment last week
Speaker Cox asked the members to
forward to him during the recess thDlr
requests for committee assignment
and he promised to take all the ap
plications into consideration and make
as equitable a distribution of tho
places as it Is in his power to do. Ac
cording to tho view of the speaker the
present session is destined to be ono
of the most notable in the history of
the state, as much important legisla
tion Is to be framed, and for this
reason unusual caution will have iO
be exercised in the makeup of tha
different committees.
Care will have to be taken to see
that a goodly number of experienced
legislators will have to be sand
wiched In between the new members,
of whom there Is an unusual number
In the house. In looking over the
makeup of the popular branch it has
been discovered 'that out of a total
membership of 207 there are no les
than 123 new faces, and It would
never do to trust important legislation
to the care of these novices.
Legislation Interests Leaders.
The most . important of the many
measures In which the leaders are
Interested In forcing to a passage in
cludes the school code, reorganization
of the highway and Insurance depart
ments, tax reform legislation, revision
of the election laws, reapportionment
Of the state upon the basis of the
new census, Increasing the powers of
the railroad commission, the pending"
constitutional amendments, the aboli
tion "of the magistrates and the crea
tion of new common plea courts -and
increasing the salaries ot the judges
The uncertainty as to the amount
of time to be consumed in the passage
of these various pieces of legislation'
has forord the leaders to devin'e from
their plans of the past and limit tho
time for continuing the legislature In
session. Heretofore It has always
been customary at the beginning of
the so'sicn to set a date for the con
elusion of the sessions, but this time
bo mention was made of thl3.
Uncertainty About Adjournment.
When asked the reasons for ignor
ing the subject United States Senator
Penrose declared that while an early
adjournment is .desirable the inability
to Judge the time necessary to pass
upon the various questions and the
uncertainty as to what other legisla
tion may be suggested by Governor
elect John K. Tener made It Impos
sible to set a definite date.
An attempt will be made, however,
to restrict the session as near to ono
hundred days as possible, although the
old timers do not look for an adjourn
ment until the flowers of May have
begun to bloom.
6chool Code May Consume Much Time.
Of all the measures above enumer
ated it la expected that the greatest
amount of time will be consumed over
the consideration of the school code
and the report of Senator McNichol's
lommlsslon to revise the tax laws.
The recommendations of the former
have been known for several months
and in many of the rural districts of
the state the candidates for the legis
lature were forced to make their cam
paigns on the attitude they would take
when these recommendations are
sought to be enacted into a general
law. The conditions In the . various
school districts differ ao widely that
It will be hard to convince the mem
ben that then own individual school
district will benefit materially by the
change and hence a great deal ot
time will be consumed to round off
the rongh edges of the bill.
But K is on the report of the find
ings of the tax commission and the
bills to be drafted In accordance there
with that the longest and most drawn
out contests will take place.' Already
tho members are being deluged with
appeals from all over the state to vote
for this proposed recommendation .or
oppose some other one and this b
fore the bills carrying these findings
into effect have really been proposed.
New Tax Recommendations.
Tho principal recommendation.)
which will be presented for the con
sideration of the legislature are th-i
A direct Inheritance tux of 1 per
cent and a graduated Collateral in
heritance tax to be made legal by con
stitutional amendment.
A 1 mill tax on the capital stock ol
manufacturing corporations.
Appointment of the board of re
vision of taxes by the auditor general
instoad of by the board of Judges of
the court of common pleas. '
An Increase equal to five times the
amount of. present taxation In taxes
on motor vehicles, which, It Is expect
ej, would yield additional state
rmnues of $2,000,000 a year.
An ad valorem tax of 2U, per cen;
on anthracite coal at the mine mouth
or In lieu thereof a flat tax of fi cent'
a ton at mine mouth.
Tax on Foreign Corporation!).
A tax on foreign comporatiour
doing business In this state and the
enactment of a law providing lor the
registration of such foreign corpora
tions in order to bring them within
reach of processes of the Pennsylvania
courts and the taxing authorities.
Continuance of present mercantile
tax, but us means of better assu.lm
equalization of such tax an annual
publication of the gross volume oi
business on which such tax is as
sessed in each instance, in addition
to the names and classification of such
Kven the most cursory peiiisal oi
these subjects will iloi.:cvtrate the
number of pi np'e who would be af
fected by tlicsa proposition if enact
ed into laws and vitlie 'he doniln .:
party Is firmly Jntren'-heil In both
branches of the legislature then
seems to be a tlKpo-Zti'm among t!i"
members to move eintlously on the'
enactment of lcgislaMon affeetin-; the
great mass of the people and this
slow" policy Ii!i'::n3 thai all le-etcst-or
recommendations will he c:er::!'
weighed, thus consuming move tin
of the Fess'on.
Future Proceedinps.
When the legislature adjourned i
AU so with the understanding tliat I;
would reconvene on the night of Jan
16. The first business of the hour
then will be to put on final passage
the bill which has already received
two readings and which p ovides ar.
appropriation to pay the senators and
members and the employes of bof
The bill will then be messaged ove
to the senate, and It is expected tha:
If all plans are carried out it will re
celve its three readings and he rent
for Governor Tener to r.ttach his p'r
nature thereto not later than Jan. is
It Is expected that Rpenker Cnx v !'
be prepared to announce the re i!;n :;
of the regular standing co.mnit'eo
of the house on the evening of
16 and a flood of bills is anticipate'
Immediately after this announcemc-
Two Big Events.
The following day (Tuesday)
be largely taken up with the Inaugur:
tion of John K. Tener of Charlerol a.
the successor to Edwin S. Stuart an
this event will be followed by the
meeting of both houses In Joint cor
vention to elect a successor to Unite
States Senator George T. Oliver. Th:
latter has already been named In rni
ens and only Ihe perfunctory ratlflcr
lion of the vote to comply with th
constitutional demands Is neeessn
to accomplish his election.
When the excitement attending
these two great events has subsided
the legislature will get down to the
regular hum-drum sessions of the u
sembly. The senate will most likely
hold only short sessions of one or
two days each week for IV first
month In order to'al'ow the houo
members to present thrlr bills and get
the committees working properly, as
the upper branch always works mere
rapidly because of Its much more re
stricted membership.
To Enlarge Powers.
What Is expected by many to pr
clpate quite a bitter contest will h
the attempt to be made by the state
railroad commission for the enact
ment of legislation which will give
them Increased and enlarged powers
Every time this subject has beer
broached In sessions since the crea
tion of the commission It has beer
frowned upon by the members, man
of whom are opposed to the contlntt
atlon of the commission on the as
sumption that It was created solely to
provide soft and lucrative berths for
political and personal favorites. Last
session a bill embodying some recom
mendations of the commission was
presented but It was. promptly con
signed to a committee pigeon hole,
'Where It remained nntil the session
was over.
Would Prevent Stock "Watering."
According to Nathaniel Ewlng, tho
president ot the commission, bills ask
ing that this body be clothed with au
thority to control the capitalization of
corporations will be one of the most
Important requests to be contained in
the commission's annual report Judge
Ewlng believes that with these powers
existing much could be accomplished I
toward preventing the "watering" ti
Stock. The commission will also seek ,
to be clothed with enlarged powers re ,
rsrdir- he removal of trade cross.",
tags, eto.
Straight talk doesn't hurt anyone when it's right to the mark and true.
It's an absolute fact that the best we have is yours.
The best in goods-the best in assortment and quality the best in service.
And you get the best end ot the price question-for the sujerb quality of
the gocds offered.
Do your drug store buying here and we'll use you riijht. Right in every
way with the best we have.
There can't be any thing bettertlian the best if there was we would have it
for you.
Everything that is new and best we do have. ;
If it's toilet goods, sick room supplies, rubber goods, nursery needs or prescrip
tionswe have the complete list.
Every article goes to you with the mark of freshness, newness and quality
on it.
Every prescription is a point of perfection in purity and compounding.
Every deal is a satisfactory deal.
You can trade here with that same degree of satisfaction and savingjthat
draws so many others here. ,
We give them the best we have.
"The best we have is yours," too.
if you are a person with a
hankering after plcturo taking
and you don't own a Camera
because you are afraid they are
too intricate and too expensive
to handlo then you had better
como In here and lind out how
low priced we have them, how
cheaply you can purchase
supplies and how simple the
operation is after wo instinct
Biggest stock of cameras and
Free instruction to all
Stoke &
Horwitz's Mi Store
I. O. O. F. Buildinr.
For men's, women's and children's high
grade suits and overcoats at exactly one-
third marked
15 per cent lowerthan any other store.
A reduction equal to 50 per cent off at any
other store in Reynoldsville, DuBois
or Punx.utawney v
All from our regular stock of
We also carry complete lines of dry
goods, shoes, hats, underwear and furnish
ings of every kind.
Our ladies' side include the very latest
ideas in skirts, shirtwaists, embroideries,
etc., ever offered in this or surrounding
towns, and goods arriving daily.
Every Day is Bargain Day at
HORWITZ'S Department Store
I. O. OvBuilding. Three Doors From Postoffice. Reynoldsville. Pa.
Actually Grown
Kcxall Hair Tonic actually grows
hair, soft, glossy and luxuriant and It's
the only preparation we know of that
will grow hair satisfactorily.
A fow applications will tell. You
iil actually see results right before
you In less time than it takes to use
one Ixittle.
We guarantee every bottle, or
return your money if not satisfied.
But You Had Better 3 it .'." '
The expenditure of a few
cents extra in account books will
keep you in closer touch with
your business and you'll got
better results when the few cents
are Invested In Bookkeeping
Books. In our stock of
Day Books Cash Books
Order Books Puss Books
Ledgers and Journals
Your few cents will go tho
farthest in any grade you wish.
Any special books supplied to
Drug Co.
Doors from Postoffice
marked prices!