T Make the Liver Y Do its Duty Nine timet in ten when the liver it right till Stomach and bowela are light. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly cei pel a lay li , So iu duty. i Cum Co . etipation. Indijea-. tion, Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. . Small Pill, Small Don, Small Pike Genuine nuitbeu Signature BUY GEORGIA FARM LANDS NOW; $10 to HO an acre, according 10 location. Two crops a yenr: 80 to 100 bushels of corn or oats to acre. Fine fruit country. Mild winters; pteanant Bummer. Best and cheapest lamia in U. 8. To locate la section with brightest future, write Frank Weldon. Atlanta, Ga. IT J 1 ofthii paper d.i- Readers anything adver tised in its columns should ini&t upon hiving what they ask icr, refusing all substitutes "Of imitations. WHAT'S Your Healik Worth? You start sickness by mistreating nature and it generally shows first in the bowels and liver. A loc box (week's treatment) of CASCARETS will help nature help you. They will do more using them regularly as you need them than any medicine on Earth. Get a bor today; take a CASCARET tonight. Better id the morning. It's the result that makes millions take them. ggl CASCARETS inc a box for a week's treatment, all drusfg-ista. BiRgent seller in the world. Million boxes a month. AGENTS wanted In erory town. An oppor tunity to earn btir money, hxrlustvt territory. No ex pprlc nee necessary, Xrtaillc Mr.t'o.,746-;t. lUtbKL.iblrait Thompson's ye Water TAKE A POSE OF U. 'THE BEST MEDICINE icSB "for COUCHS C COLDS RED CROSS SEAL IN HICTORY First Used During the American Civil War Now an Aid in Fight ing Tuberculosis. Red Cross Christmas seals date back In their origin to "charity .stamps," first used for the soldiers' relief funds In Boston in 18G2, during the Civil war. After the war, this method of raising money was discon tinued In this country for a genera tion, although it found vogue In Por tugal, Switzerland, Australia, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Sweden and other European coun tries. There are now several hun dred different types of charity stamps used In all parts of the world. Stamps or seals were first used to get money for the anti-tuberculosis crusade In Norway and Sweden In 1904. After being used In these coun tries for three years, ns a direct re suit of the Interest of Jacob nils In this movement, the Delaware Anti Tuberculosis association, headed by Miss Emily P. Bissell, and the Red Cross society of Delaware combined in Issuing a tuberculosis stamp. So successful was this campaign that nearly $3,000 was realized, and the next year, in 1908, the American Red Cross was Induced to issue a national Red Cross tuberculosis stamp. From this sale, $135,000 was realized, that amount being almost doubled in 11)09. This year, for the first time, the sale is organized on a comprehensive basis, taking in all parts of the United States. A million for tubor culosls work Is confidently expected. AS Thorough. ,j "Tou are an optimist?" ' -3 "I am," replied Mr. Dustln Stax. "I not only hope for the best; but I mako .practical arrangements to get it" True men and women are all physi cians to make ns well. C. A. Bartol. Post 4 Toasties With Cream With Milk With Fruit Savoury Wholesome Economical "The Memory Lingers" Pof turn Cereal Co.. Ltd., Battle Creek. Mich. PROPER CARE OF SKIN MANY BADLY AFFECTED BY 80AP IN COLD WEATHER. Drying Effect of Cold Causes Skin to Crack Painfully Washing Pow ders That Are Cleansing, Soft ening and Refining. Persons with delicate skin some times are so unfortunately affected by neap In cold weather that to try to get clean with it Is to harm the flesh. Al most every one knows that cold Is drying to the skin; that, for example, Is one reason that finger tips, which nay be all right through the summer, sometimes crack painfully; cold has iried out the natural lubricating oils. Even when the drying process does not go to this extent the skin will be tome roughened by It, and when this happens dust settles under In a way which makes eradication impossible, One woman, whose skin is like pa per in its delicacy, counteracts the ef fect of soap by always rubbing her hands with grease before she washes them. Either vaseline or cold cream Berves the purpose, and the fingers and backs are well covered with It. Then washing is done with a bland soap and warm water, drying with great care follows, and the skin stays smooth and white. It is impossible to lay down a rule as to the use of soap. Its effects Is in fluenced entirely by the natural con dition of the skin on which it Is put, and what may suit one person perfect ly may be too greasy or too drying for another. Contrary to a general belief, castile soap disagrees with many per sons. It Is extremely drying to the average adult's Bkih, and though it suits babies admirably. It ceases to agree as they grow older. Palm oil is one of the simplest, looking not unlike castile. Its effect is sometimes highly deRlrable with persons to whom castile Is positively injurious. Various washing powders, so-called soap substitutes, are good, but so elab orate to make that few care to go to the trouble of making them. As a rule their basis is ground almonds, and un less one has all the utensils with which to work it becomes absolutely J Impractical to prepare the powder properly. Nevertheless, one that has stood high in favor since before the time of our grandmothers is made from eight A CONVENIENT WORK BAG I Is Handy for Small Pieces of Fancy Work or for Undarned Stockings. This bag may be made of any size, so that it may be used for small pieces of fancy work or to hold sev eral pairs of stockings that are wait ing to be mended. , For the foundation, a square card board box Is used; the inside and out of the square bottom must both be covered with the material that is to be selected for the bag; it may be fixed In position by a little seccotine. The bag must be made just the size of the box and about twice as deep as the width of one side. Turn down the top with a hem of one and one-half to two inches; extra mate rial must be allowed for the turning of this hem; run the hem twice so as to make a slide in which cord may be threaded to draw up bag. Don't sew up the bottom of the bag, but turn In the edges and sew It to the inside of the sides of box, the Btitches can be taken through to the outside, as they will be covered. Now on the outside of box put a band of embroidered canvas, fancy silk or velvet; It must .be cut a trifle wider than the -depth of side and be sewn in position top and bottom. The ends must be neatly joined together. To Make Gloves Last. To prolong the wear of cotton or silk gloves place a small piece of rot ton wool In the tips of each linger and thumb. This will prevent the nails from rubbing them into boles so soon. ounces each of Jordan almonds, blanched and ground, and wheat flour, two ounces of powdered orris root, one-eighth of an ounce of oil of lemon and one dram of oil of bitter almonds The mixture, after It has been care fully combined, Is kept in a tightly covered glass Jar. To use, the hands are wet, and about a teaspoonful of the powder Is put Into the palm, the hands being then well rubbed. It Is cleansing, as well aa softening and refining. IN FASHION. Example of the New Greek Coiffure. The Newest In Muffs. The enormous muffs which still pre vail If large at all then they must be simply stupendous, exactly like a fur rug folded look very well In wolf skins, provided that extremely hand some kind Is used which bears a like ness in color to silver fox. So, again, in the now seldom seen Isabella bear, they are effective. The very dark gray squirrel with a brownish stripe in the back makes a lovely wide stole and rich mult hemmed with dark mink for those who like a combination of furs, and so does beaver made up very sup ple and limp; but this looks best by itself. Shirtwaist Sleeves. DresBes and shirtwaists always be come soiled and worn out on the sleeves faster than anywhere elBe; moreover, separate black sleeves soil almost Immediately any white waist they are worn with. A good Idea is to make with each blouse a pair of extra sleeves, reaching a little above the el bows and fashioned of the same fabric and cut as the sleeves underneath. FaBten these with the band of hat rub ber. SECRET OF GOOD HOSTESS Carefully to Plan Details and Make Guests Feel Welcome and Comfortable. The secret of the successful hostess Is to make her guests feel welcome and as comfortable as possible, and to carefully plan out and arrange every detail before the actual day; then should things go wrong it will be by the merest accident. If she Is giving an Informal tea and the callers are not likely to exceed twelve the tea should be served In the drawing room, pouring It out herself and intrusting the delivery of the cups and small cakes to a girl friend or gen tleman visitor, shoivid the husband not be present. It the number Increases beyond this it is better to serve tea in the dining room. In any case the best available china should be used, spotless napery and glistening silver. Lace-edged and embroidered dollies should be placed on the plates which hold the cakes and dainty sandwiches. We are told the ideal hostess Is born, not made, but even if the little fairy forgot the gift of hospitality at our birth it would seem the duty of every woman to cultivate this art..,. We are also told that "practise makes perfect," and after a little prac tise, if her endeavors are earnest, a woman will gain that- envied reputa tion of being a "good hostess Sewing Chatelaine. The lightest and most convenient of sewing cases is a chatelaine formed of a long, narrow ribbon matching the shade at the working dress and thread ed through a chain of gilt or Ivory rings. The ribbon Is finished with clusters of narrower ribbon bows, from which hang scissors, thimble, pin and emery cushions, needle case, piercer, loops of embroidery, silk, etc. It is a pretty gift from the embroid erer to the embroiderer. Think of It when Christmas rolls around and make it then of cheerful red ribbon, with greentlnted Ivory rings. Black Braid Popular. Never has the variety of black silk braid for trimming been so great. It ranges in width from the narrowest to a basket weave about six Inches In width, suitable for bodices. Some kinds of fur are combined with the braids that the effect Is much like a heavy lace and a fringe effect Is also produced. Beautiful black silk twist ed cord comes as large as half an Inch In diameter and Is vary effective. PESSIMIST RAISES A- WAIL Incidentally Gives a Hard Jolt to Time-Honored Conception of New England Thanksgiving. "Oh, yes; the New Eugianders make a great time of Thanksgiving." said the insurance man as the subject, was under dismission. "Yes, they are great on Thanksgiving." "All the relntlves gather for a big dinner, don't they?" was asked. "YeB. Sly Untie Ben, up In Ver mont, gathered thirty of us at his house last Thanksgiving." "What a visit you must have had!" "Oh, yes." "And the banquet. I can picture it." "Can you?" "There was turkey, goose, duck, chicken, roast pig and sparerlb. There was mince pie, pumpkin pie and cider. There was a big cottage pudding and cranberry sauce. Ah, It must have been a royal feast." , "Yes, it was," dryly replied the ln surance man, "My Uncle Ben killed off four old roosters, his wife made four or five apple pies, and stewed up a peck of prunes, and we sat down to the feast." ' "But but It was Thanksgiving." "Sure, Mike. If it hadn't been we wouldn't have got the prunes." "And and that was all?" "All except that after dinner my I'ncle Ben took up a collection for the heathen, and we chipped in 60 cents apiece. My Uncle Ben was the heathen, you know. Oh, yes New England Thanksgiving. I've been there." THEIR FATE. Mrs. Crow William, have you ever stopped to think what will become of us when we are old? Mr. Crow Oh! I cuppose wee'll wind up as quail on toast at some ta ble d'hote restaurant. YOUR STOMACH FEELS FINE. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas and All Stomach Misery Ended in Five Minutes. This harmless preparation will promptly digest anything you eat and overcome a sick, sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach within five minutes. If your meals aon't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn.that Is a sign of Indigestion. Get from any drug store here in town a EO-cent case of Pape's Diapep sln and take a dose juBt as soon as you can. There will be no sour ris ings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will bo no sour foqd left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. I'ape's Diapcpsin is a certain regula tor for out-of-order stomachs, and be sides it takes hold of your food and digests it Just the same ns If jour stomach wasn't there. These i large EO-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure any 'case of Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or any other stomach disorder. Remember, if your stomach feels out of order and uncomfortable now, you can get relief in five minutes by taking a little Diapcpsin. ' As Time Passes. "Before you were married you used to Bend your wife flowers." "Yes," replied Mr. Meekton. "Now It takes a diamond necklace to make her as enthusiastic as she used to be over a five-dollar bunch of roses." Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Sjrnp for Children teething-, aoftena the srtims, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Repentance as a habit would keep one turning In a circle. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the beat of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced and skilled speciaiiat in the diaeaaes of women. It b at safe medicine in amy condition of the system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no sUcohol and no injurious habit-forming' drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so food that Its makers au-e not afraid to print its every ingredient on -aoh outside bottle-wrapper and attest to the frothfulnets of the same under oath. It Is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can get it. . Don't take a aubatituto of unknown ootnpoaition for this medicine o snown composition. No counterfeit ia as good aa the genuine and the druggist who says something else Is "Just as good aa Dr. Pieroe'a" is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for bis own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be trusted. lie is trifling with your most priocleaa possession your health may be your life itself Set that you gtt what yon ask for. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cater net t as as brlahfrf asd taster eolers than an; afltw she. Ona 10c oackate eotors all llhtra. Thsj era la celf nter ianw Ik. a v. , . MsamsUViuriaitrl Wnlt kw Ire atvUas-HIn to Ore. Ileus. aA atu Cstan. MO0HOC OHUa OO., qUiiu!' MUNYON'S : Eminent Doctors at Your Service Free FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION DY NAIL' If you are in doubt as to the cause of your disease, or feci the need of medical advice, address a letter to Munyon'B staff of eminent special-, ists, and they will send you an examination blank, which you will fill outi and return to them. They will then diagnose your case and tell, you what to' do, absolutely free of charge. You do not put yourself under any obligation to them, and they will not feel hurt if you do not follow their advice. If they prescribe Munyon's Kennedies and you decide to take the treatment, it goes with a guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded. ' ' i Address Munyon's" Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, 53d & Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. People Who Work ;i Indoors With Their Hands 1 i'SJ quickly cives beat, and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking flame spreader which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and iseasy to remove and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has a damper top and a cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap does not need to be screwed down ; it is put in like a cork in a bottle, and Is attached to the font by a chain, and cannot get lost. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device In construction, and consequently, it can always be easily unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection is finished in japan' or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere. If not at yours, write far descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the Atlantic Refining Company tfneerporated') EUREKA HARNESS Sold by OIL 4 Household Lukioii! THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER Is specially selected for any need In the home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can not break. Does not sum or become rancid. ron sals ev Atlantic Rpflnine Company (Inc. . I f). .1- r l Acme of Cautiousness. Seymour Young Tlcer looks like a cautious man. Ashley He Is cautious; he's so cau tious that be wouldn't ask the pret tiest girl In all the world to let him see her home Unless he had learned how far away she lived. Anyway Eve never had occasion to marry Adam by asking two or three times a day It she waB the only wom an he ever loved. - Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists, draughtsmen, and many others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or twp on cold winter morn Ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. The Perfection Oil Heater In a few minutes gives the tempera- ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. The (JERFECTflO Absolutely tmokeless and odorless j3 UtaiaUU Keep Your Harne a M soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal Dealers Everywhere FOR SALS BY Atlantic Refining Company (Inc.) FhilsdclphU, Pa. Pittsburg, Fa. Phil. d.'phia. Pa. Pitlstrari, Pa. AXLE GREASE Keeps ttio spindle bright and free, I from grit. Try a box. Dealers every where. For sale by l f THE ATLANTIC REFIN1HS CO. 1 (lncorporutotl) j Philadelphia, Pa., and Pittsburg-, Pa. ' RAW FURS THE OLDEST FUR HOUSE IN AMERICA. JOSEPH ULLMANN, 18-20-22 Wast 20th Street, New York' Branch Establishments muter SA&IB NASTH at ' LKIIZIO, LONDON, PARI. Uennan ugiaad franca .. Itnylns; and selling rrprsntat1va In all Inv porlsnl Pur Markets of iho World, Alttrlbntuig enrh artlcl. where bent results ara obtained, en able ns to pay highest market prices tot raw furs at all tlniea. Onr Kaw Fur Qootstlnns, Shlpplaa; Tafa, ata Will be sent to any siMremi on request. References: Anj Mercantile Ag-encr or Bank, PUKE MENTION THIS PAPEH WHEN XNSWDUNO. MANATEE-FLORIDA! Jbttrica'l Frail tml Cn-drt Mark! olf en tou aa ocoortunir-r In inrlnnsi Cleat id tnon tune rjrowibfl ORANGES. CRAFEFRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Two tad tnre crops rear net $500 to $1500 Der acre. Uttck tmmrtaboa. low hrnaht rates oa 3. A. L, Rjr. to NonWn ami Lantern naikr. Unilcnm riimntaa year round. Instructive booklet bee. STflU J. W. WtilTE.fe-lM. Art, DEFIANCE STARCH". eaneas ts the DMkaae mother starches onlr Vi ounce. .ams price an4 "DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY n C 'TsFVIiaA WaraaaK.ralemaB.Wnh. S'O I til la!!!s,lfi Bookfnw. Hbfh. W. N. U, PITTSBURG, NO. 60-1910. AS. Irk;