The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 14, 1910, Image 10

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    Tlio First National Bank
V Capital and Surplus $175,000.00
Actual Resources over $650,000.00
Jon H. ZAUcnsn, Pres.
John H. Kftucher
Henry 0. Delblo
J. 0. Kiho, Vlce-Pres.
J. 0. Kins DanlelNolan
J. B. Hammond
K. 0. SoHUCXiRB.Caitaler
John H. Corbet t
K. R. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Bank That Docs Things
It requires time and energy and ripe experience to
make a bank. We claim all the essentials of an Efficient
Bank and offer in addition Absolute Safety.
Interest paid on Savings Accounts, having liberal
withdrawal privileges, v' -, ..
- Foreign Exchange issued on all parts of the world. v
Capital and Surplus $130,000.00;
.. r ' m . Resources $650,000.00 1.
the' peoples national bank..
(Oldest Bank la the Count) 1 ;
t " ...... v . - '
a' Open Saturday EventDfrs. '
Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent
Do you have insurance policies,,' deeds,
stock certificates, mortgages, bonds, willp,
or other valuable papers, which might be
stolen or destroyed by fire?
Would it not be wise for you to tent one
of these boxes where your papers would be
absolutely safe ; and absolutely , private?
You alone have the key. Only $2.00 per
j ear.
Ease of Manipulation, Total
S uscepti bility to G reat S peed
Simplicity of Construction,
and Neatness ot Design.
Typewriter Company
Pittsburg Branch 641 Liberty Avenue.
In the Institute Annual full announce
ment is made ot a spelling contest to be
held at the County Institute. Teachers
generally are malting this a means of
creating an interest la spelling, holding
some local contests, and sending some
representatives to the Institute to take
part in the contest. But by inquiring of
the pupils I find a number of schools in
which none of the pupils hare even heard
of the contest, the teacher has never
mentioned it to them, much loss created
any interest through it. This teacher is
certainly failing to do his or her duty,
fulling not only in cooperation '.but in
direct school work. ' ',.
This Is also true of the Display ot fxAiool
Work, i Some schools cannot take part In
the spelling 'contest , because ' the pupils
cannot get to the Institute, bu every
teacher can take some school work along
to the Institute for- this exhibit. '.as.
requested. In some counties the bringing
of this school work has been made a con
dition necessary in order to secure pay for
the week. I -do not care to do tills, but I
do expect every teacherto cooperate in
reasonable requests. Those things are for
the good of the schools and of the. boys and;
. .. r,. L. Mayne Jones,
, County Superintendents
; i u' '.(!, i vj- -
. iM. T. Recco Lasdonda, for lot in
McCalmont township. I4SJ5. November 7,
1910. -
Evaline E. Zeltler to Herbet R. Peoples,
for lot in Punxsutawney. 11,200. Novem
ber 15, 1910. ,
- Thomas Murray to James Greene, for in
terest in two lots In Falls Creek. 1111.00.
October 20, 1010.
James H. Prothero to George I. Dlngor,
for lots in Punxsutuwncy. II. November
6, 110. .1 . . . .
; John London to Anna B. St. Clair, for lot
In Punxsutawney. 12,000. Octobers, 1910.
Kate Plfer to T. G. Allubran, for 1-7 of
81.14 acres in Young township. $1,200.
November 10, 1910. ;
W. P. Jenks, by heirs, to Meigs C. Bar
rett, for lot in Brookville. 1300. October
14, 1010.
'W. S. Blaisdale, by attorney, to Irtl Gin
seppe, for lot in Sykesvllle. H0. Novem
ber 14, 1910. .j
Bernard Kline to Brookville Water Co.,
for 104 acres, 04.8 perches in Piuecreek
and Kose townships. 12,500. November
W. H. Gray to Brookville Water Co,, for
5.52 acres in Piuecreek township. $157.33
May 10, 1909.
' Adam Reits to B. C. Roiti, for 130 acres,
30 perches in Beaver township. November
19, 1910. ' . , I
J. G. McCaskey to Agnes Nesbet Hynet,
for lots inWlnslow township. $300. June
8, 1905.
G. W. Fuller to Maggie Maltellone, for
lot in Winslow township. $1. December
1, 1910.
George W. Graff to Kate M. Graff, for lot
in Punxsutawney. tl. December 1, 1910.
Antonio Spramele to Antonio Spramele,
for lot in Young township, II. December
a, lnio. ..... .
J, S! Pifer to J. M. Shearer, for lota in
Henderson township. IMS. September 1
Sara C. Bowers to J. M. Shearer, for i
acre in Hendorson township. 135. June
' Gustaf Lindquist to J, M. Sheared for
1 acre in Henderson township. 135. July
81, 1908". ; . j
Christens Hoffman to George Hetrick,
for 86.27 acres in Beaver township. 1760.
December 3, 1910. .
. Justice op the Peace.,
Pension Attorney and Real Estate Agent.
Notary public and real estate agent (El
ections will receive prjmpt attention. Office
Jnthe Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co. building
Main street Beynoldsvllle.Pa.
G. m. Mcdonald,
Real estate uent, patent secured, col-
!8CiVi'.M ni?de PmPt!' Office In Byndlcat
bulldlns, Reynoldsvlllu Pa. 7
DR-P-pooYEB,,, .. . r
A Ks DENTIST,' : ' " L
Resident dentist. In the Hoover building
main street.. Gentloness In operating.
DR. L. Ik MEANS, . ...
kS.1?! ?,n.?6C0?.d ar the "t National!
1 building, Main street.
DR-;R. deverekino,
i u ? ,econd noor of the Syndicate build
"wu nvivob, nejruuiusvilie, ia. J
Black and white funeral cars. Main street
Beynoldsrllle, Pa,
funeral directors.
Main Street Reynoldsvllle, Pt.
. Reynoldsvilli, Pa.
Meetevery second and fourth Thurt
day In I. O. O. F. hall.
Backache is the Sigh.l that Kidney
Diaeasea are Nigh.
Who doesn't dread the advanoed stares'
of kidney troubles Bright's disease, dis
betes, dropsy and gravelt . '
, But to- day, throughout America, therfe
are tens of thousands suffering the tor
ments of hopeless agony just because thev
failed to heed ,the first signal, Ihe certalp
woruiug ui mirure misery oacKacne.
Backache means tliat vonr kldnevsara
weak; they may have become Inflamed
i rum ouia or injuxy, out la all proDablllty
they are stuffed up, clwiruj with imDuritlea
from the blood, for you kuow, of course,
that the blood passes through the kidneys
every few minutes, and that thekldnev
strain ihe blood of its impurities, which
pass out through the urine.
Stop kidney diseases at the start, that's
the easiest way, and Thompson's Barosma
Is the surest remedy."' Stoke & Felcht
Drug Co.,: sells It, ' and Is Willing ta
guarantee it to stop backache. sldeachAi
and sharp shooting pains,' and to cure
Jttignt s disease, ana end all kidney, liver
and bladder trouble, or money back.- : . I
: It is great maker of Dure blood, and a
builder of flesh, becanse it promptly cleans
tne kidneys, and puts them in such perfect
condition that the impurities are thorough
ly strained from the blood as it passe
through, and are promptly eliminated with
the urine. Thompson's . Barosma is only
50 cents and 11.00 a bottie.
Notice to Members of P. H. C.
on account of my being absent for the P.
0. O. colletlon for the month of December
all members are lequestrd to call at my resi
dence on Jsckson street and my wife will ra
ceive all Insurance and dues and 'receipt fo
the same,- If jou desire to pay your Insu
rance at the lodge meetlnfs, George Engle.
treasurer, will receive your assement and
dues and mcaIus forth mia. a it k -.
sessmenta must be paid before tb first day of
January. 1911. J. A. Wklsh, Aorounl.nt
Ir!l ides
All kinds of Hides bought
and highest cash pi-ices paid
Rcynoldsville, Penn'a
There is nothing that you can' rviy Hint will please
the whole family as a beautiful picce'ol urn'ture from
our stock. Fine designs in
Rockers, Beautiful Style
Dressers, and Bedroom
Suites, Parior Stands,
Brass and Iron Beds
in large assortments and a' full line of everything n
dependable furniture. " '
. .If you buy it at .
J R. Hillis & Co.'s
"You Get It Good
.Furnish your home at . R. Hillis & Co.'s. Nowhere
else can you find such beauty and home comfort at so
reasonable an outlay; nowhere such style and quality at
such extremely low prices.
Our.. recent, factory purchases enable us to offer
exceptional values in bedroom suites, diring room, parlor
and library i furniture; ' 1
?1' Exclusive patterns which you cannot buy except at
Hillis's. It is not too early to make selections of artistic
and useful gift9 from our large stock of home furnishings
to use as Christmas gifts. . , , v .,. , ,
(lTt 1 it ii ihX'iJ
- r
uenirai minsyivania Lime
: i il'j I
H-Ois hydrate lime for drilling or broadcasting; it gives
quick results.
For best' reeultB from your latd,v USE LIME, ordinary
v lime, freeh forkings, or, best of all, ' .
' USE H-6-
Lime for chemical and "building purposes. .
Crushed limestone, any size, for concreting, &c.
Lime and limestone for all purposes.
We are the largest 'vime9tolle, manufacturers ia
n... i i . . ..
Prompt shipment by any railroad.
Works at Bellcfonte, Frankstown, Spring Meadows, Tyrone
Forge and Union Furnace.
American Lime & Stone Co.,
Write for literature on Office: TYRONE, PA.
Lime and its uses.
rti Vjr
''Pi? - f-
The cut shows 'an elegant Coffee Spoon that is novel in design and sure to please.
On the front appears the open fireplace and a stocking, without which no hc'ntm n is
complete. The tree loaded with good things is distinctly seen above the narrow part
of the handle, on which appears in plain letters the words "Merry Christmas." . In the
gold bowl we see old Santa Clans with his flowing locks and grey beard, swinging his
I whip threateningly over the back of his'fleet reindeer. !' Altogether it is a most pleasing
picture and a proper emblem of Merry Christmas.
' 3 ! On the back of the handle are the glad bells which "ring out the old and ring in the
new," and underneath old Father Time with his cruel scythe. "Happv New Year" com
pletes the decoration on the back of the handle.
.2 ,;'T .vr.;Vv' S--(:Jr) 3:0 .t r-' .'.-! :
Altogether it is a most beautiful article suitable for a holiday present for one's own
self or a friend. The collection of handsome spoons has assumed in many localities the
proportion of a huge fad and this spoon is good enough to place alongside of any of them
. . This spoon is the most suitable Christmas gift y oU' can -make to ladies, the Sunday
school children, or children in the public px day schools. ' v ' :. :r
Commencing December 1st with every purchase of 3.00 and upwards we f
will give you one of these Handsome Souvenir Spoons absolutely FREE, with
our best wishes.
This offer is good until December 31st at
ca Peoples National Bank Building
" f 'RejDOldsTltle. Pa.
' ' it H.