mnnm There is nothing that you can buy that will please the whole family as a beautiful piece of furniture from our stock. Fine designs in Rockers, Beautiful Style Dressers, and Bedroom Suites, Parlor Stands, Brass and Iron Beds in large assortments and a full line of everything n dependable furniture. . If you buy it nt J. R. Hillis & Oo.'s You Get It Good Furnish your home at J. R. Hillis & Co.'s. Nowhere else can you find such beauty and home, comfort at so reasonable nn outlay; nowhere such style and quality at such extremely low prices. Our recent factory purchases enable us to offer exceptional values in bedroom suites, dn ing room, parlor and library furniture. Exclusive patterns which you cannot buy except at Hillis's. It is not too early to make selections of artistie and uscfuj gifts from our large stock of home furnishings to use as Christmas gilts. P inucdaBAU'AM unit Get Ready for the Holidays Remen ber the Holidays are coming in sight Of course it will be your greatest delight To do the best turkey that comes down the pike Natures herbs will help you out all right. Sold at the Drugstores at Reynoldsville, Pa, Carlson's store, Prescottville, Pa. Bateson's store, Rathmel, Pa. Sunsrnption ft. 00 per utar in advance. 4 IIAKLHN H. LOItlt Editor and Proprietor' WKDNKSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1012 Entered at the nontoffice at Keynoldsvllls Pa., second clam mall matter. Bom m IRT1L1.V Tblbpbork No. tl. Hides WANTED I All kinds of Hides bought and highest eusli jirlei'S paid H. A DEL SON Reynoldsville, Penn'a f-rT"TTT Now Worth VJI U W $8 a lb. Ginseng The irrent money making pltni, has been B'PHiuiy rlfintf in price rur iwi years. Al ways a market, limanl UMlimfttMl. Prnall plot more prolliuliln than a laro faint. Start your bed thU fall. mnvi I'ttit ihi:h hook to tell all about the business need, plants, urowinir. marketing, how to net tlie hleh price fee the pofwlhillllesof a small plot of ground, we furnish the genuine American variety seed at low price. no. it. Write for iiinsunu buoklut NEWTOWN PRODUCING Newtown, Bucks Co., l'a. CO, fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 1, e . Coprrtjht Hut Icktfktr It Mui g A70UNG men of the strenuous life; fa X college men, business men, hustlers: these are the fellows we're especially for with Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; new models with youth and athletic vigor in them; good styles for older men, too. Plenty of' good things to wear, shirts, hats, underwear, neckwear. This is our store. Suits $20 to $50 Overcoats $18 to $ 60 . Remember we are ready for your Christmas buying. We have one of the greatest assortments of useful Christmas presents in the line of smoking jackets neckwear, gloves, O O O o o p p p Q fa o coat sweaters, umbrellas, caps in seal skin, fur and cloth caps, underwear in two niece O p and combination suits, shirts plain and fancys, suit casesand bags. ' W fa . We jnvite you to call early, make your selection and we will lav whatever von select W 0 p O p fa o 9 V o V0U ! r away ior you. ( This the store to get what veto want. Their is nothing in our line that you need send ont of town for, as we have the greatest line ever shown in any city store. p S o e p STOKE & FEICHT DRUG STORE MEDICINE THAT DOES ITS WORK WELL No matter how carefully and skillfully your physican diagnoses a case of sickness and no matter how perfectly the prescription he writes fit the needs of the patient, if those prescriptions are not properly prepared the desired benefit will not follow the taking of the medicine. If you want medicine that will do its work well, medicine which possesses the effective ness which only pure, fresh drugs can give, medicine that has been carefully compounded in exact accordance with the instructions of your doctor if you want this kind of medicine and you want to be sure of getting it, then bring your prescriptions here to us and we will unconditionally guarantee that you do get it Don't "take t lvinccs" with sickness however mild' it may be. Effective medicine is the only kind v r rth taking in any illness. In serious sickness the quality of the medicine becomes of pf if amount importance. Bring all your prescriptions here to be positive of securing medicine ol the utmost possible effectiveness. . If VWi'i , 'VS mm J: !4 Ask the Man 8 WvK)f- F.,V-'-,..- -. V Iks I Ml 3. A Line to Papa Of Great Interest in the moon, or better still, ask any man in Reynoldsville what store in town is head- Quarters for paints, oils and wwfinieto him as our display .varnishes. We submit this "fhs, l"7 pIoosin(f to V' , . , i . niieaf inn tr -thn in t V, Puollc- Tnore are many reasons for and therefore sure to be rend to the question to ine jury or tne tllls ngreenbi0 fact- Kir,t) our cnd. There's the highest siUtofaction people Wltn easy confidence, assortment Is complote. It is also a in a good book, and happily for readers, lhe verdict IS easily ours on triumph of fine qualities. Further good books have never been so cheap as . the quality and value of our than this, everything we sell goes at now. Thcr'es a whole library in our goods, the completeness of 8 Price that's most welcome to the stock of bp-to-date publicalona in every our Stock, and the moderate- DUTr- ne muat travel long and department of literature. On oar list neSS of our prices. There's a tar uP1'CBt0 the opportunities of all can find just what they desire at double reason for trading Purc,las6 which wo present. Buy- figures that make it absurd to go where you get better suited iDg dorlves a double satisfaction without reading. Any volume not In for less money than would be toTonebeX1C,,r0 that " couId.n,t stock p""1? supplied upon order, possible anywhere else. , Stoke & Peioht Drug Co. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. St FREE HANDSOME s,eS8d 3 and HOLIDAY SPOON Patented I The cut shows an elegant Coffee Spoon that is novel in design and sure to please. On the front appears the open fireplace and a stocking, without which no Christmas is eomplete.J Thetree loaded with good things is distinctly seen above the narrow part of the handle, on which appears inplain letters the words "Merry Christmas." In the gold bowl we see old Santa Claus with his flowing locks and grey beard, swinging his whip threateningly over the backof his fleet reindeer. Altogether it is a most pleasing picture andaJproper emblemjof MerryJChristmas. On the back of the handle are the glad bells which "ring out the old and ring in the new," and'underneath old Father Time with his cruel scythe. "Happv New Year" com pletes the decoration on the back of the handle. Altogether it is a most beautiful article suitable for a holiday present for one's own selfor a friend. The collection of handsome spoons has assumed in many localities the proportion of a huge fad and,this spoon is good enough to place alongside of any of them This spoon is.'the most suitable Christmas gift you can make to ladies, the Sunday chool children, or children in the public or day schools. ' Commencing December 1st with every purchase of $3.00 and upwards we will give you one of these Handsome Souvenir ' Spoons absolutely FREE, with our best wishes. This offer is good until December 31st at Goo tier's Jewelry Store, IN THE Peoples National Bank Building W H. BELL REYNOLDSVILLB, PENN'A. Good Clothes andFurnishings REYNOLDSVILLE, PA, p