"TIIIKriTWIil'iTliiTlil'i Lt Ji BHIi'i 'IJIH The most magnificent showing of highest grade Furs and classiest Ladies' Skirts, Coats, Waists, Millinery and Furnishings for ladies ever shown in this vicinity. Also a very extraordinary nice line of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings for under market value, beneath manufacturing cost in many instances. HI- M.I.I.L W-- - i 1 ""T1 MMll I Mm VJU u u U U UL W U LjU UUU U III lllilLlIl Wtt ;.' 'ij i' '' . i. .; , .r 't'i f, , We take pleasure to open the doors Of our additional store room to our former large store, and we are proud to say that we are at present the largest store Under ne ! roof in Jefl'erson county. Our store was always known to be the best for merchandise at lowest prices. Now we can crown oursclyes as the biggest underselling store in this neighborhood. To our sorrow the weather has been backward and we havea very large winterstock on hand and it has not moved any yet. Imagine a space of CO by 120 feet chucked full with newest and up-to-date fall goods. We are compelled to cut prices very low to unable U9 to sell our winter goods and at the same time give the benefit to the consumers. Here below we will mark some prices Our stock is too large to quote it all here. LADIE'S AND MISSES COATS i( A biir asHorttnrnt of plain or drt'flyy full length -ToattoThTWBe-from. Tliie-eBHOiVlatett-HtylB. If- yon aifpInSM"of pj cq&tn'yolint style, qnatltyj and low riforliertf id the place to oome. "- J. 11 '- Ladies $22.00 coats for . . Ladie $18.00 coatB for " " s" Ladies $16.00 coats for ,:V7J ri!V': r,-vi Iadtyfl $2'4)(t0oat8 for 'Ladiy 1 1WT0 coats for Ladies $8.00 coats for Missea 15.00 coats for 2liaees&j(ULcoAtsior.. Childrens $6.00 coats for Childrens $4.00 coats for Childrens fS.OO, coats for Childrens 2. 50 cioata for ' " i L..'- Special In Children's Bear Skin Coats. eanl Jl.u .rtii' si.n :: e -j-.z ajAin $14.98 10.98 .3 J 48 3.98 8.89 3,98, 2j9Sf J 77 -.1! LADIES, '.If.' j ! a , . : $18.00 suits t -H-.75.-r . , suits: .. . ::i,v$15.00 suits at 8 MISSES' SUITS $8.00 suits at $4.98. LADIES' DRESSES' 95 98 9 4 i Serges and silks in all colors ' ' , $8.00 dresses $8.98 $10.00 presses f 5501 $15.00 dresses $8.98. ' ; FURS! FURS1 $5.00 set 3.98. $8.00 set 5.50. $10.00 set 6.98. ,$12.00 set 8.75. - $15.00 Bet 9.98. Special in Childrens Furs?, ? LADIES AND MISSES HATS ri5 per cent off. . Ladies' handkerchiefs 5c Hrindkercheiffelc. -j- I j -lyo HandkW'ohinf Oc. J 1 XX C"' 15c Haudkercheif 10c. 25cHandkerchlef 18c. ti 50-j Ilandkercheif 33c. 3 c I 3 y !uj$?f TOf BL AN K KTS A T 503, Ladies heavy outing night gowns and petticoats reduced J to 4-3 cents. per cent on on lauics scans. , r One lot of childrens underwear reduced to 19c. rnJ,liM:Tass!e Caps r 25c Caps.Til8V i9cf 50c Caps now 39. TjVYt-iiMn's Suits -'XvWtisjinit5'fnadef ifrym; fancy cheviots worsted, black thibet anfl unfinislied worsteds e av..s v. r,v it; sao.oo'.suii at the following prices: $1.00 suits $15.00 suits $20.00 suits $12.98. $6,50. 9.98, t Mens,. Youths and Boys'jOvercoats Jand Rain coats 25 per- Men's Pants $4.'pants now $2, 98. V'io I $3.00 pants now $2.19. ", $2.00 and 2 50 pants $1.79. $1.50 pants now .89c. $5.00' suits 3.50. ' - J 4.06'suits 2.50.3 3.00 suits 1.95.TJ ,, i ;:2.59 suits 1.65. ; 2.00 suits 1.39. Men's 50c Underwear 39c. 25c heavy socks 19c.' 25c suspenders 19c. 50c dress shirts 39c. $1.00 dress shirts 79c. 25c caps 19c. ' 5c handkerchiefs 3c. Hats $2.50 and 3 00 hats $1.75. $2.00 hats $1.29. ''' $1 25 and $1.50 uats .89 cents. Ladies' Shoes $3 50 shoes $2 69. $3 00 shoes 2 48. $2 GO shoes 1 89 $2 00 shoes 1 48. $1 50 shoes? 1 19. All our 10 and 12 cent outings at 9c. Outing dressing sticks at 19c. Apron ginghams at 6c. Ladies carpet slippers at 19c Calicos 5c. Ladies 50c waists 39c. Ladies 7Ge and $1.00 69c. Ladies $1.50 waist 89c. .j 25 per cent oft" on all silk waists and'petticoats Men's Dress and Working Shojs $4 oo shoes 3 19. $3 5o shoes 2 98. $3 oo'shoes 2 39. $2 5o shoes 1 98. $2 oo shoes 1 48." ' $2 50 shoes 1 98. $2 oo shoes 1 48. $1 25 and 1 5o shoes 98 cents. Double Cotton Blankets 75c double cotton blankets for 1 25 and 1 oo cotton blankets for 50 cents. 89 cents. Comforts $1 5o Comforts for - . 98 2 oo Comforts for - - - 1 68 2 5o and 3 oo Comforts for - - . . 1 99 4 oo Comforts for - - 2 JB9 Men's Heavy Canvas Gloves for 5 cents. 4 All our Men's, Ladies' and Childrens woolen sweater coats reduced 25 per cent. A lot of Boys heavy sweater-coats, gray, blue and Brown at $1 oo, 75 and 43 cents. Suit Cases $1 5o suit cases for 1 19 $2 oo suit cases for! 49 4 oo suit cases for 2 98 3 oo suit cases for 1 98 5 oo Solid Leather Suit Cases 3 98. Lace Curtains 5o cent lace curtains now 33c 1 oo lace curtains now 59 cents. 1 50 lace curtains now 79 cents. 3 oo lace curtains now 1 49. BARGINS ALL OVER THE STORE. Come earfy-and avoid thVrush. v Yoti'will'uee sighs alt 'over the Centennial , . nHs4lTtldftigv-, Suph a slaughterfof prices Jonujvto-datc merchandise probably ywi4kive never heard ibr feeeif . bifdre.' Se&ingfef ftelieving. Come and see for yourself. rTipg ypur friends, tell your, neighbors, .spread the good news td your acqtfkMiricfes- This sale' it tWfimH6f 1 ttie 1 year is a God send to thS L3-jtpopl.-ot:thesa8urrouiiaings.i-il'i i.i,(J ru.ihiiii-KitN.iii -.i- u on i6w itfti r .i iti.f or. liti vr.i aw 'f in -.,IT .a-. nl ;,. ti.p.ui .l f .Jh.v Bear in nind that this out in price is bona fide. Those people that know The Bazaar will surely oome to take advantage of these low prices. And to those that don't know us we appeal and beg of them not to forget to participate in this sacrifice sale, and do not miBS your chance of a lifetime to get merchan dise at very, very low prices. Oft Tin v-3 t to 7 Br? y'u .JJ ni tv U-i ).;t h in Ij!kuu ir. r jviij II) ,v mv This,Salef WiU Last Xen Days Only, Beginning Saturday, November 12thjahd last until November 22 nil! - M : ...,rr A' !! .'. ;:; I !. '.! I 2T5IKi2 A .i-'.isif; !!;; Bin'i'V n.-i I'.) J .; .;.!, 1 I ,.-. V tr v. -i 1.1 i... ' I ' "111- . i i HI ,'().; ...I : . fWrricCTn..n Gentennicil Hall Building 1 wm Fx i