MIL ITEMS ACRIUE BY CORRESPONDENCE. . E-EO WILL DISCK YOUR CASE. TRITELY TOLD. James Ilii-kiii, of (ilnsgmv, Scotland, is visiting lit tho homo of Wllllnm Barclay la Kathnicl. Mrss Iinmii spent several days with her cousin, Miss Madge Millan. in tills place, recently. The "Shadow Serial Riven by tho liathmel Schools was u success. William G. Harris, of this place, left for St.' Hciieilict last week and expects to tlnd employment hi the company store at that place. Mrs. Chris Hoffman visited a relative at Maifhlon recently who is ill. Mrs. John Stewart visited relatives in Force Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ruddock wre In Ernest last week attending tho wedding of tho former's brother. Miss Gertrude F.itgin, of Lulhorsbiirg, spent several days last week with her sister. Miss Mae Kngin, in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Mnughan spent several days last week with friends in Krnest, Pa. Miss fathers, of Paradise, visited ltathmcl friends last week. Mrs. Dillmnn, of . Altoona, Pa.. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs William Hoarc. in Hathmel, Funnels mid, others enn probably not put In their IcImuio during tho winter to bettor advance Hum pursuing, st'ine of the CiuTcspirndtmce C'curses In Afrri- culture which are given free by the I Pi'iinsylvania Stuto College. These ; courses will bo Voimd heiii'llciul for tt , number of reasons, mining which may j bo mentioned the following: hrst. they ! furnish infornnitiou of direct valno to tho farmers: second, they encourage sys tematlc rather than desultory rending and study; third, they eneouiiigi! reail- lug to u purpose rather than merely as 1 a pastime; fourth, they stimulate habits of study and experiment, helping the pupil llnd out things for himself ;. fifth,. I they in many cases surest points bear ing on the farm which have not been brought to notice. ! Instruction Is now given in thirty- three courses covering practically all of the ordinary furin operations including general agriculture or crop production, nnimal husbnndnry, diarying, horticul ture and tho homo. " A course in Ped agogy of Agrioulturo is also given, primarily for teachers. Those Interest ed should write to the Department of Agricultural Kducation, State College, Pa., for catalogue of the Correspondence Courses anil enrollment blank. The tu ition is free there being no fees what ever connected with the courses. Kill the germs- that's the only way to euro catarrh. Ilyomel will kill them. Just breathe. Ask Stoko and Feieht Drug Co., they sell it on money back plnn. Complete outfit ft. 00: sepnrato bottlo f0 cents. Btatk or ftiuo. rrrr of, ) I.l cas County. f ss- Frank J. Ohkky mnkes oiith that he In senior partner of the linn of F. .1. fiiF.NKt A- o.. dnlitii biiHlneat In the City of Toltilo. county and stale arorvailcl, nnil that mid firm will -iy the Hum of ONK lll'NI)Hl:i Dol.l.Alts lor fmh unci every enm at Cataiihh that cannot bo cured Dy the uw of llALb't CATAHHH CUHE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and Butwrlhed In my prencnee, this 6th day of December. A. 1., ixus. , A. W. OI.EASON. ' i 8BAL J KllTART Pl'BUC. Hnll'a Catarrh Cure la taxen Internally and acta directly upon tne blood end mucous surfaces of the system. Bend (or testimonial, tree. F. J. CHLNEY CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Pnimtlats. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. CAUSES SICKNESS. flood Health Impossible With a Dlf f ordtrsd Stomaeh. ' . there is nothing that will create tickness of Cause more trouble than a Oisbfttared stomach, and many people daily contract serious maladies sim ply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge ewry one suffering from any stomach derangement. Indigestion or dyspepsia, whether acnte or chron ic, to try tteiall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money without 'question or formality. If after reason able use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the results. We recom mend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 23c, 60c and $1.00 a box. Sold only at our stone The Rciall Store. Fur Sale by Stoke & Fetch t Drug Co,, Reynoldsville, Pa. Hides WANTED! All kinds of Hides bought and highest cash prices paid H. A DELS ON Reynoldsville, Penn'a VI at Is necessary for the enjoyment of purfce. health; Of curse lb is cut nlml Unit ove'y orgun In the hotly shall work properly, 'but, unless the blood is pure, the nerves steady unci uniler the perUct control, the digestion good and tho bowels regular, there can not lie perfect organic action. Frequent headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of apetite. dullness and languor, sallow complexion with ring under the eyes, nil proclaim that sointlilng Is wrong somewhere. Ne-ro Tablets will search your system for the trouble, find it and repair it. Ne-ro Tablets make rich, red, healthy blood, blood that will carry the nourishment to nil parts of the body. Ne-ro Tablets build atroiiR, steady nerve fibres. Ne-ro Tablets assist tho stomaeh in ropaiing tho food for the uso of the body. No-ro Tablets rcguluto tho bowels. Ne-ro Tablets build up the entire system, searching out and repairing the weak, worn, weary parts, making them strong anil healthy and vigorous. No-ro Tablets ore ,for sale by both Drug Stores, at 50 cents per box and nrc sold under a positive guarantee that, if nfter taking the first box, you aro not satisfied that you have received benefit, your money will be cheerfully refunded. YOUR KIDNEYSNEED CLEANING Every Person, Healthy or Unhealthy, Ought to Give the Kidneys a Thor ough Cleaning Right Now, You clean your teeth daily. You wouldn't think of doing otherwise, and yet the teeth nro not one-tenth so im portant to health, strength and a long life as tho kidneys. Do you know that tho kidneys are lit tle strainers or fine Bievcs, through which every drop of blood in the body passes again and again? Do you know that when the blood passes through tho kidneys these little sieves strain all tho impure matter from the blood and pass it out of the body by way of the bladder? Well, all this is so, as any physiclgn will tell you, and this being the case doesn't , it stand k to reason that these little strainers in the kidneys become c!CeC4 with impurities? And When the kidneys become clogged tlicy are unable to strain the Impure! matter from the blood, and tt stays in the blood and causes diseases in various parts of the body. Take rheumatism for instance, this terrible disease is caused by uric acid in tho blood' and urie acid gets into the blood only when the kid neys are clogged up and are unable to properly strain the impurities. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure when tho kidneys are concerned. It's almost as easy to clean out clogged kidneys as to clean your teeth. Just go to Stoko and Fiecht Drug Co., to get a bottle of Thompson's Barosma, the most scienfie kidney, liver and bladder regulator the world has ever known, take it reguarly for two weeks, and al the impuro niatter"in your kidneys will pass out through tho bladder, and your kidneys will be as pure and clean and healthy as any kidneys can be. Thompson's Barosma is guaranteed by Stoke and Fiecht Drug Co., to cure all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, or money back. It is a wonderful tonic and blood purifier and will bring the glow of health to the chocks of tho sick in a short time. 50 cents and (1.00 a bottlo. Do not forgot the place for your home made candies lleynoldsvllle Candy Works. A high top tan shoe for little gents, extra value for 11.75. Adam's Boot shop. NOTICE. All persons aro hereby notified to not dump rubbish, waste, garbago or other material on the publio road under penalty of the luw. By Order Supervisors o Winslow Township. FUANK HILLIS, Secretary. A Regular Tom Boy. was Suslo climbing trees and fences, Jumping ditches, whittling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. But laws I Her mother just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quiok. Deals everything heal abl o Bolls, Ulcers, Eezma, Old Soros, Corns or Piles. Try it. 25o at Stoko & Feloht Drug Co. Piano boxes for sale at Haskins Music Store. Want Column. Rates; One cent per word for each and very Insertion, REAL ESTATE Rent or Sell E. NefT, Justice of the Peace Keynoldsville, Pa. For Kent House at cornor of Hill and Third streets. Inquire of Mrs. Cora Mitchell. For Rent Modern Improved eight room house, Inquire at The Star Office, Wanted Several young men to go to Arizona. M. C. Colcman.EjO CS3 For Rent On Grant street, six room house and bath, hot and cold water, gas in every room. M. M. Fisher. For Kent Two houses. Inquire of Mrs. Armor, Grant street. For Sale A dandy light cash mercantile business, dealing In post cards, confection ery, etc. Doing a nice business, which can be increased; located in Brookvlllo. A bnrgnln to quick buyer. Address Lock Box 1114, Brookvlllo, Pa. Sewing Wanted Inquire of Lilly Pontefract aod Esther Klepfcr at the former's borne In West Reynoldsville Nov. 1st. For Bent House on Third street November 1st, Inquire of M. M. DavlSi For Rent Good residence on Main street at reasonable rates. All modern Improvements, Inquire of J.K.Johns ton, Reynoldsville,1 or write Mrs. M. Ayres, 1317 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. ; WANTED To weave carpet for all people who can send material by street car. Write for prices. The same old weaver Theophlol Demay, Box 317, Delanooy,, Pa. FOR Rent Eight room house in cluding bath-room, L. M. Snyder. SHCiC &WAGKEI The lito Stork Fall and Winter Showing of Merchandise That Has Merit Thanksgiving Linens We have prepared for Thanksgiving by securing the most popular lino of Thanksgiving linens on the market. Tho lino consists of table cloth, table patterns, napkins to match, lunch cloths, squares, scarfs, towels, ete. . .. Cotton table cloth Llnou, 65 Inches wide, all linen Ouen, T'i Inches wide, all llnon" Liuen, 90 Inches wide, all linen Table patterns " ' -Table patterns, with napkins Napkins Lunch cloths Squares Scarfs -. Towels 25o 50e ""H.OO and U.50 11-60 M.00 S5.00 $4.00 to 11.00 2."c and 5Uu 25 antl 50c 25 and 50o 35o, 50c, l.00 and 11.50 Fall and Winter-Goods- Cotton blankets " -Wool blankets, all wool Cotton bats, small size -Cotton bats, medicated ' : Cotton bats, comfort slo " ' " . Wool bats, comfort size r 1.00 $4.00, 15.00. tfl.OO . 10, 13 1-3 and 15c 28 atid 25c 60o and 75c 13.00' mm f We have a complete lino of DKESS GOODS, aUcolors and all prices, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, OUTINGS, FLANNELS, SWEATERS, SUITS, CLOAKS, SKIRTS, FURS, AMERICAN LADY CORSETS, LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS. Our stock is now complete and you can make your selection no matter what your wants are with assurance that you aro getting honest merchandise and you pay no more than you pay for Inferior goods. ' We have received an early shipment of laee curtains for next spring. We are there fore in a position to show you next spring styles of lace curtains. We have also a nice line of curtain nets and curtain scrims. We have also a strong line of baby coats and capes. We are prepared to supply you ' no matter what your wants are. Come In early while the stock is complete. SHIOK & WAGNER The Big Store Corner Main and Fifth Streets REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A. If 'the Lamp OH thai Saves Eyes Nothing is more Important in the home than clear, steady light Insure this by getting the oil that burns clear and clean without a flicker down to the last drop. Penn sylvania crude , oil refined to per fection. Costs no more than the tank wagon kind saves money saves Work saves eyes. Your dealer has Famitv Faoorltm Oil in barrela direct from our refineries. Wavoriy Oil Works Gom i (Indapenttanl Refiners PITTSBURG, PA, Also mnk-ra of Wnvorly Special Auto Oil and Waver ly Qaaoltnea. THE MAN who has saved nothing has yet to make a beginning. Each day's delay makes the start more difficult. ' Tasks that are easy for us when we are young, be come burdensome when we are old, and as we are younger to-day than we will ever be again, it will be easier to start to save to day than to-morrow. We invite your account, even it is only one dollar to start with. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK See the new Adler Gloves $1.00 L ir i 1 - Be Wise and Economise MILLIRENS Coat Sweaters and Jerseys The World Welcomes the Well Dressed Man IT CHALLENGES THE OTHER FELLOW Start right in Kuppenheimer and Phelan clothes. They make a man feel . his worth. They impress others. The rich can pay more but tney can wear no better.;; . .JL. Your will find your model and fit and color in the big array of new fall and winter styles. All virgin wool fabrics. $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 vVARM WOOL UNDERWEAR For Men and Boys. Fleece lined, all colors, all sizes. 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 SILK NECKWEAR Four-in-hands, bat wings, club house, shield tecks, shield bows, all tolors and in latest weaves. 25c to 50c. HATS AND CAPS For Winter. Stiff hats or soft hats and caps. All colors, all styles in all sizes. SHIRTS Of flannel or fine percale. All colors all sizes. 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 l, MILLaIRRN BROS. J M k . XZXG&&GQt94Jn jail i -