The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 09, 1910, Image 7

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Tho Presbytcrlun Work Society will meet
" at 2.HO Friday nftwnnon, Nov. 1 1th, In the
church parlor.
V. A. McConnell Is adding a handsome
new second story to the colonial porch in
front of his Tavern. It will (rivo the
building 0 very imposing appearance when
D. W. Deomer, ono of tho prosperous
Winslow township farmers, has purchased
tho farm of David Strouse, near the
" McCalinont township lino, and Flem S.
Douthit will live on the place.
A bazaar and chicken and waffle supper
will be held in tho chapel of tho Presby
terian church Thursday, Nov. 10th.
Everyone invited. All contributions
should be sent to tho chapel by Thursday
morning. Bazaar begins at 3 p. m.,
slipper at 5 p. m. Supper 35 cents.
Announcement was made a few weeks
ngo that a number of Cleveland whole
sale merchants were coining to Western
Pennsylvania on a trade excursion, and
that Kcynoldsville would be included in tho
itinerary. Latest advices arc, that the
trip has been postponed until next spring.
The "Good Kat" Supper held in tho
festal hnll of the M. K. church last Friday
evening proved a very delightful event
and fairly profitable to the Helping Hand
Society. The idea new. every person
helping himself to the viands and settling
for what lie takes. Kvei-yono seemed to
to enjoy the feast and the settling tiji as
Don't forj-'et tho dunce at Monties hull
Friday evening.
Jossph Wcist, of Plullipsbm".", spent
Sunday with his family in Kcynoldsville. u
The Ladles Aid of tho Lutheran church
will hold a baznir and market on the 3id
of December.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cable,
of West Hoynuldsville, a girl,, Monday,
November "th, 1010. '
You can't afford to miss tho light
pictures at the Adelphi Theatre Monday.
Nov. 14th. Matinee and night. Children
IB cents, adults '.'5c.
Gernldine Myrtle, infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Myrtle, of Pnrdus, died
October 2"th mid was buried in the Sandy
Valley Cemetery Saturday of last week.
Julia Leone Senecal. Infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Gus. Senecal, of Hill street, died
Friday, November 4th, and was buried in
the Catholic cemetery Saturday afternoon.
Frank Evans and Miss F.inma Uhodon
two well known young people formerly of
If nvnnlrtavilln. we nnitcri iti Ti!iivnirr ut
, . - r ,.v ,
Pittsburgh, Pa., on September 0th,. 1M0. I
ATi TJH.nna Is nnn tt tin hnuinma i,. ,.f I
A child of Mr und Mrs. William
Schuckors, of Hirt-nitovt n, was buried
November 4th in the Smith' cemetery.
A surprise party was given at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Hieliard Hone on Worth
Street Saturday evening. November 5, in
honor of Mrs. Hone's birthday anniversary.
Tho evening was a very enjnyablo one,
music, parlor games, nnd tho serving of n
very fine luncheon being the pleasantries.
Mrs. Hono was tho recipient of some very
pretty and usefull presents.
Do not forget the place for your home
mndo candles Rmj noldsvllle Candy
Mr. Evans is ono of tho business men of
Vandergrift, Pa., whero they now reside.
The Order of Owls was organized in Du
Bois Monday night with a membership of
1,000 men. The press of that city speaks
of the event as being "just like a con
vention," tho degree work commencing in
tho afternoon and continuing until late in
the evening.
Miss Mayo Deaden, representing the
Siiirella Corset Company of Mcndvillo, l'a.,
v ill be at the Imperial Hotel, November
li to 10. All the latest styles demonstrat
ed and all orders guaranteed. If not
convenient to call. dr,tp
post office or call by 'pho'
Don't forget the iInmi
Friday evening.
me a cud at the
at M'ii'.tie's
Next Monday Afternoon
and Night 2:30-8:15 p. m.
$1000.00 Forfeit if these are not the Genuine IMctures of the
World's Greatest Scientific Talmist,
Mile. Lc Grande
She stands alone, possessing- a
force, a power, a gift, that none can
equal, combined with her superior
knowledge of occult forces, enables
her to road human life with accuracy
from the cradle to the grave.
HER ADVICE is reliable, her in
formation is deaf, concise and to the
point in love, courtship, marriag-p, di-voi-ce,
snles, journeys, investments,
speculation, property, etc. Without
asking one single question, without
any previous knowledge, and having
no natural means of knowing who you
are, whence and from what you come,
she tells you who is true and who is
false, w hum nnd when to marry.
auk you in Tnorm,E? Do
yon find that with nil your natural
gifN mid talents that, you are baffled,
dUcimra;;','(l, and unsuccessful? ' If so.
I ciiip- an. he advised. I have helped
ol In why not youV
The happinesn of your future life
niay depend upon the right solution
and proper advice.
-Mile. Le Grande is a favorite of
all classes, standing alone in her nro-
fession, giving advice that will lift the
depressed, helping them at onco out
of their troubles," the unfortunate and
discouraged are made happy, and the
straight road to SUCCESS, WEALTH
AND HAPPINESS pointed out to all.
What is more beautiful than the
true, unblemished love of one person
for another? What is sweeter, better
or more to be dosired than the nerfee.t.
harmony and happiness in married
life? If you want to win the esteem,
love and the everlasting1 affection of
another, see Mile. Le Grande. She
has done wonders for others, she can
and will help you.
All business is SACREDLY CON
FIDENTIAL. Perfect satisfaction is
given or no fee accepted. $1. readings
reduced to 50 cents, for three davs.
Hours, 10:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Lo
cated at Mrs. L. P. Miller's, West !
Main Street, Reynoldsville, Pa.
A Man Wants To Die
only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels
cause frightful despondency. But Dr.
King's New IMo Pills expel poisons from
tho system i bring- hoiie and courage ; cure
all Liver, Stomach nnd Kidney troubles;
Impart health and vigor to the weak,
nervons and ailing. 25o nt Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.
r Dyeing and Cleaning:.
Clothing and gloves and feathers a
specialty. H. H. Dahler, Reynolda
ville, Pa.
We want every working man to have
a pair of Men's-Ease Bhoes. 13 00 to
4 CO at Adam's.
We are the only people la Reynolds
vllle that carry the Apollo Chocolates.
Reynoldsville Candy Works,
The American Boy Shoes outwear all
others. Price 13 00 and 13. B0. Ad anvil.
A Walk-Over Shoe for dress, a !Mon.
Ease for work. The greatest combina
tion in shoes. Adam's boot shop.
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Copyifc,. Hrt Schiflner lc Man
T s really a joy to us to nut. hftf rwo nur
r 1 1 ... . 1 w j
reiiow-citizens such clothes as these of
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits $20 to $50
Clothes are a Great item in the li
is; ,i A , - w . " w vi uni iur wnat tnev cost, but lor what
12 aDdAhat theT hv.dp makC f US; for the w the '"ok to other people
A man s reputation may be even effected by his clothes. .
$ for q Tffre MPPb?W Rothes that do the most that clothes can do
-V tor Schaffner & Marx clothes.
g Overcoats $18 to $ 60
2j- u.o LurC c a snow you one ot the greatest assortments of K?
g Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, $
a r,i c...i ui. i r m
vuai owtdier, nais ana aps M
y ilf loo lVi
of any store outside of the largest
Remember we are agents for the John B. Stetson Co. hats. Mothers, remember we
overcJa? & first'class watch, guaranteed for one year, with each boys' suit or
Good Clothes and Furnishings ,
Pressing vs.
Permanent Shape
SOME clothes can be kept in shape only by constant
Pressing will give Bhape but will not hold it. Shape
must be a part of the clothes themselves it must be built
into them.
It's well to keep your clothes neatly pressed. It gives
them life and freshness.
But with Clothcraft Clothes you need not depend on
pressing for permanent shape. Shapeliness and smartness
are designed and cut and, sewed right into them.
They never loo&e their dressineeB and perfect fit.
They have and hold the appearance' of high priced
clothes they are yours for $10 to $25. '
Bihfj-Stoke Go.
Sealshipt Oysters
The Cream of the Oyster Beds
Packed in the Prime of their
They are packed in the prime of their
freshness, into air-tight, ice-cooled Seal
shiptors a perfect shipping refrigerator
which keeps Sealshipt Oysters at a
uniform degree of coldness.
That is why Sealshipt Oysters are the
finest in flavor and richest in food value,
We transfer Sealshipt Oysters from
Sealshiptor into the Sealshipticase, and
hand you the oysters in a wax-lined Seal
shipt blue and white wax paper pail.
In no other way can you get the
genuine Sealshipt Oysters.
Honest Value for Your Money
Sealshipt Oysters are the standard of
oyster value. When you pay less you get
Besides the supervision of State and
Federal Government, the waters where
our beds are located are analyzed by the
Lederle Laboratories the famous food
Last May the Government passed a
ruling prohibiting the shipping of oysters
in contact with water. This ruling is in
substance the same that has always
governed the sale of Sealshipt Oysters JE
This vui cause many imitators to try
and foist other oysters as genuine Seal
shipt. So in protection to yourself buy from
us. We are bona fide registered Sealshipt
Agents, a part of a perfect organization
The Sealshipt System. See the Sealshipti
case in our store.
We arejthe only authorized agents in town to handle Sealshipt Oysters -REYNOLDSVILLE,
PA, , f