V A TIMELY WARNING. Backache, headaches, dizzy spells nd distressing urinary troubles warn you of dropsy, diabetes, . and fatal Brlght's disease. Act In time by cu- "wrP(f ring the kidneys with inwu a money XlllH. They have cured thousands and will cure you. Mrs. Sarah S. Mau- pin, Brentwood, Tenn., says: "Doctors said I had Brlght's disease and held out little hope of recov ery. I could scarcely totter about. My limbs were swollen and my life was one long, drawn out pain. I began us ing Doan's Kidney Fills and was as tonished at the results. In1 six weeks I could do a hard day's work without Inconvenience." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. All About It. To appreciate fully this Borap of dia logue quoted from London Punch, one should see the two odd characters en gaged in It. Apparently thry parted satisfied, one that he had imparted some real Information, the other that he had received some. Said one man: "D'you recollec' old wots-'is-name?" "'Im with the collar?" s "Aye!" "Wot ababt Mm?" " 'E'ad to go down" jerk of the head "you know they give 'Im wot you call It didn't arf git It, I don't think!" "Reely!" "'Adn't you 'eard, then?" "I did 'ear someflnk, but no details, not afore now." Youth's Companion. Why the Boy Gave Thanks. Alan had played the entire day with little brother without an impatient word. After saying his customary prayer that night, his mother suggest ed that he add: "I thank God I was not Impatient with little brother to day." This he did with much fer vency; after which he remarked that there were some other' things he would like to thank God for, and forth with he closed his eyes and said: "I thank God I offered my candy to mother before taking any myself. ' "I thank God I offered my candy to little brother before taking any my self. . "And I thank God there was some left." Llppincott's. Cheering Up the Guide. "Remember, Henry," said the hunt er who had arranged with the guide, "we're not hiring you you're simply one of our party." "What's on your mind?" inquired the guide. "Well, you see, In case anything happens we don't want to be troubled with this new employers' liability law," admitted the cautious hunter. Puck. Dr. Pierce's Plcnsnnt Pellets first pat up 40 years ago. They regulnte nnd invigor ate, stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. Preserving mediocrity Is much more respectable, and unspeakably more useful than talented inconsistency. Dr. Hamilton. AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetable Compound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Pinll ham's Vegetable Compound has made me a veil woman, and I would like to tell the whole world of it. I Buffered fromf emale trouble and fearful painsin my back. I Lad the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor In addition to my female trouble, ana advised an opera tion. Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound made me a wen woman ana 1 nave no more backache. I hope I can help others by telling thorn what Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done fc; me." JIBS. EioiAlarsE, 83SEirstSt, Milwaukee, Wis. The above is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf ering woman owes it to herself to at leasfgive Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick 'women to write her for advice. She lias puided thousands to health and her advice Is free. PATENTS book! ft LttH'nil 'IVrintt. Commit ns. MUX) Sj8 Ulli ttu. WualungUJ"; ttiu lA'arburn tiu Uiiutttfu. PATEIITSs WatnoB K.CoIemiin.TVMtv teloranoBih ileal. rwuU 4$ TAKE A DOSE OF li. "THE BEST MEDICINE "mk 1or COUGHS S COLDS , TKielllTLESEPIUlBMC of Costa rica .2. COSTA RICA stands alone among the turbulent Central Ameri can states In all things per taining to freedom, self-government and progress. The coun try was colonized at first by people from the ancient Spanish province of Galtcla, and the colonists have not, as In many tropical countries, amal gamated with the aborigines; they have consequently kept to the present time the original characteristics, as well as the qualities of their race, and the inherent grace and charm of their ancestors. They are laborious, pro gressive and peace-loving, and have a record of a long perlo1' of absolute In ternal tranquillity. Three-quarters of the population In habit the so-called central plateau, the climate of which is the most per fect realization of perpetual spring. The agriculture of this region Is very highly developed, the principal prod uct being coffee, maize, beans and po tatoes. The land is divided Into ex ceedingly small holdings. Almost every peasant Is a land-owner. The Atlantic coast, warm, hunild, and rather unhealthful, but very fer tile, produces on a very largo scale bananas and cacao, the exploitation of which is unfortunately tied by con tracts with foreign companies. In the banana plantations, covering over a hundred square miles, the laborers are mainly West Indian negroes, the only human beings able to stand hard and continuous work under the climatic conditions. The Pacific coast does not differ much from the Interior but for Its warmer temperature and Its extensive grass-covered savanas, In which stock raising is the chief Industry. Except for a small part, located In the western province of Guancaste, the 360,000 inhabitants are crowded Into a narrow belt extending across the country from ocean to ocean, along the railroad which connects Port Llmon and Punta Arenas. The remaining part of the state that is to say, four-fifths of Its entire surface of about 38,400 square miles Is a wil derness, with but a handful of hardly half-civillzed Indians Inhabiting the valleys of Dlquis and Talmanca. Of the five Central American repub lics, Costa Rica was the first to be connected by a railway with the east ern coast, thus getting Into close touch with European civilization. In many respects this was a source of real benefit to the country. The Costa Ricans became great travelers. They sent their sons to be educated In for eign schools and universities, and on their return these diffused among their fellow-citizens new ideals and more advanced moral standards. For eign teachers and professors were brought and kept Jong enough to es tablish on a solid foundation an excel lent school system, so perfect indeed that Illiterate men or women are hard to find, while books and newspapers are common even in the most remote hamlets. The scientific study of the climate and the natural resources of the country was carried on at the ex pense of the government, and the In- Picking Bananas. troductlon of modern arts and agricul tural methods and Implements were given every encouragement. Sad to say, the uplift in the general education has awakened misdirected ambitions among the poorer classes, attracted the peasants to the cities, created a greed for government posi tions, these having consequently mul tiplied beyond all reasonable limits, with a corresponding and necessary increase of public expenditures. Moreover, on account of a heavy public debt, the result partly of un scrupulous . speculations of foreign and native financiers and of unwise undertakings, the government has be- Mm UimMMmT come entangled In heavy financial dif ficulties that have brought the coun try to the verge of bankruptcy. This deplorable economic situation has been aggravated of late by several consecutive failures of the coffee crop, by unusual rainy seasons, resulting In inundations, destruction of railroads and depression of the banana trade. Two Leading Cities. Sailing In any staunch ship from New York or other Atlantic port for Costa Rica, one lands at Port Llmon, the Atlantic sea entrance of the re public. This is one of the largest ex port banana markets In the world. Tho trains run Into the banana fields and bring out the thousands of bunch es as though they were so many logs. The city is hemmed In on one side by Llmon bay, and on the other by hills that look majestically down upon it through their verdant covering which knows no changa. One of the Making Pottery. most substantial Iron piers In the world Is here. With Its great Iron piles rooted deep Into the bed of the sea It extends far out Into the water. Upon this the trains run alongside of the big ships with their loads of bana nas for export. Sometimes there are so many ships here that some have to drop anchor and wait till others clear port. It is at Port Llmon that they have a municipal free laundry. The distance from Port Llmon to San Jose, the capital, by rail, Is 108 miles, and is a whole day's journey. The cars In which you make the trip are not as commodious as American ones. So you are certain to grow weary of the trip before you reach the city. I suppose it is the only railroad In the world, a Journey upon which makes one "sea sick." San Jose Is situated in a fertile val ley and has a population of about 28, 000. Two railroads enter the city; one from the Atlantic side and the other from the Pacific. The latter is under government control and Is in complete.. The city is lighted by elec tricity and also has an electric street railway. Those low adobe houses that have swayed the architectural style since the early Spanish days are giv ing place to modern brick structures that pierce the air above the head of man. It Is In this city that you find one of the finest theatrical houses in the world. It was In course of construc tion seven : ears and cost about $5,- 000,000. The seat of the cathedral is here, one of the finest In the tropics. It has three massive doors, 24 massive posts distributed along the three broad aisles and is lighted with about 600 candles aside from the many electric lights. The republic controls the manufac ture of whisky and It Is In San Jose that you find her big distillery. Much American capital Is Invested here, and there Is promise of much business activity. The climate being salubri ous, a trip down there Is an enjoyable one; the city Is often called tho Paris of Central America. Costa Rica has not had so large a share as some of tho others In the revolutions and wars which have dis tinguished the countries of the isth mus ever since their establishment; nevertheless, the little republic has by no means been free from strife. There is trouble enough on the Isth mus at all times, and Costa Ricans would scarecly be human if they did not put a finger Into the pie. Still, the country Is safe for foreigners and Is most Interesting' to visit With the establishment of the canal it will ex perience a new lease of life and Is al ready getting ready to take the ad vantages that will come of entrance Into a new era of prosperity. HIS LIVELIHOOD AT STAKE Certainly Candidate for Governor Could Not Expect to Get That Vote. An Incident in which former Gov ernor Odell of New York figured as the victim was told by Col. James Hamilton Lewis at n recent banquet. "When ' Governor Odell was last running for office," said Colonel Lew is, "there had been a great deal of talk about Niagara FallB and the elec trical power that could be conferred on all parts of New York. One day an old negro halted Mr. Odell and said: " 'Mr. Odell, Is yo' runnln' for gov' ner, sah?" , , " 'I am,' answered the candidate. "'I guess yo' want my vote, den,' said the colored man. "'Well, I would like to have your voto, Zeb. I have known you for so mnny years.' "'Well, I Jlst want to ask you a question, Mr. Odell, befo' I give mah vote to you. Are yo' for electric lights In dls town?' "Well, Zeb, I am for all modern Im provements,' said Odell, with a slight flourish. "'Well, sah, I can't vote for you,' said, Zeb with firmness. 'Yo' done for get dat I is a lamp lighter.' " AWFUL BURNING ITCH CURED IN A DAY "In the middle of the night of March 30th I woke up with a burning itch In my two hands and I felt as if I could pull them apart. In the morning the Itching had gone to my chest and dur ing that day It spread all over my body. I was red and raw from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I was in continual agony from the Itching. I could neither lie down nor sit up. I happened to see about Cutl cura Remedies, and I thought I would give them a trial. I took a good bath with the Cutlcura Soap and used the Cuticura Ointment. I put It on from my head down to my feet and then went to bed. On the flrst of April I felt like a new man. The Itching was almost gone. I continued with the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment and during that day the Itching com pletely left mo. Frank Giidley, 325 East 43rd Street, New York City, Apr. 27, 1909." Cutlcura Remedies are sold throughout the world; rotter :3rug & Cheni. Corp., Sole Props, Boston, Mass. Getting a Reputation. There is a desk In the senate par ticularly convenient as a placa from which to make speeches. It Is next to the aUle and almost in the ci nter of the chamber, and affords an c pportu nity for the speaker to make every body hear. At least a dozen senators, accord ing to the Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Star, have borrowed this desk when they had special utter ances to deliver to the senate. This led, not long ago, to a mild protest from its legitimate occupant "I am perfectly willing to give up my desk," said he, "but I am afraid people will think that the same man Is talking all the time. I don't want to get the reputation of constantly filling the senate with wordB." Youth's Companion. TRY MURINE EYE KtMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. The Exception. "Doesn't your husband like cats, Mrs. Blnks?". "No, Indeed. He hates all cats ex cept a little kitty they have at his club." Contrary Issues. "So Blinks has had his Income cut down!" "Yes; that is why he is so much cut up." A good honest remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hamlins Wizard Oil. Nothing wiil no quickly drive out all pain and inflammation. It's up to a man to choose between two evils when he is asked to beat the carpet or take care of the baby while his wife does It Mre. Winalow's Soothing Syrap for Children teething, softens the (rums, reduces Inflamma tion, allaya pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Some people treat the sermon as a table d'hote dinner, picking out the things that will not ngroe with them. X SLp Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may expert ence shortness of breath on exertion, paia over the heart, n or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their j4 H eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong " to pump blood to the extremities, nnd they have cold hands nor alcohol. Tn. Ingredients, as attested under oath, are Stone root (Colllmonla GuutdtB ' lis), llloodropt Hsnruloarla CfirimdenuU), llolden Seal root (.Hydrastli Cantdca a), Queen's root (Stllltntia Sytvmic), black Cherrybjrk (Pr.cus V Irrlnlnns). Mandrake root (Podophyllum PelMum), with triple refined glycerine, prepared In a scientific laboratory In a way that no druggist could lir.iuta. This tonio contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles ! but, on the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy. It helps the human system in tba constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and OJring dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom iortahle symptoms, stops excessive tissuo waste in convalescence from fevers for the run-down, anemio, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " is refreshing and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " just as good nwdicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing but Dr. Pierce' Gulden Medical Discovery will do you half aa much good. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cslor aart s oess Brighter and fatter eolsrs than inr ether . Oas 10c sacks colors sll fibers. They ifr la eel water belter than tn ether ti ' )Mnsi an, strain! altheutrlpslngipart rYrlltlerlrsskMMit-HtaleOjt. ltachtndMliCorrt. MOMHOC tltVO CO., Qulrtvy, llilnolm m UNYON'S EMINENT DOCTORS AT YOUR SERVICE FRED Wo swerp away all doctor's charges. AVe put the best medical talent within everybody's reach. We encourage everyone who ails or thinks he ails to find out exnetly what his state of health is. You can Ret our remedies here, at your drug ston-, or not nt all, as you prefer; there is positively rio chargo for examination. Professor Munyon 1ms prepared specifics for nearly every disease, which are sent prepaid on receipt of price, and sold by all druggists. ' Send to-day for a copy of our medical examination blank and Guide . to Health, which we will mail you promptly, and if you will answer all the questions, rpturning blank to'us, our doctors will carefully diagnose your ease and advise you fully, without a penny charge. Address Munyon s Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, 53d & JelTcrsoa i Streets, Philadelphia, Ta. r t 1 STEADY yJnfc. if riiiV W. L. DOUGLAS 3 '3M & '$4 SHOES '.WIS Boys' Shoes, $2.00, 2. BO & (3.00. Best in the World. W. L. Doualmm $3.00, $3. BO mnd 04.OO inot sirs) annh lifmiv th httmf matim mnd mornt bob ulmr sfio tor thm nrca In Ammrlca, end mrm thm mornt ooononilcml siosa tor Do you rnitllzo that 1117 shoe liuve hewn tlie stnnilnrd fororpr SO years, tlint I mnke mid soli morn SW.no, ttil.SO ami K 1 .00 simps tlmn nny otnrr niHntifnrtiirar In Mm i.S., 11ml tlint H01 l.AK FOIl DOI.I.AK, I (IUAKANTKH; MY Kill) KM to linlil tliHr luipfl, luok unit flt Ixttter.fintt wear longer t linn any other M.no, U.fiO or 84.00 Klines yon ran buy 1 Otmlltv ro'iints. It lias tuilile inyslmesTIIK l.KADKKM OF TIIIO WOItl.lt. Inuwll) be pleased when you liny my shoes nr. anu apncatiince, ami when it routes time for you to pur chase another pair, yon will be more than plenseil bernuae th lat nnnn irnre ao wll, atnl enve tou CAUTION ! SSSlh:STAKE NO SUBSTITUTE it jour dealer coun-H supply th with V. homilim Sli.-n. writ (or lnilrf1rr CuhIok W. JL. lOC-l.AS. 14.? Muurk Ml reel. Jti uck ton, Mas. For DISTEMPER Bnrf pure and noil tl Te ttl . crl vn P'llHDIiiHIH fr iiHitiiiiiiu jiprmn f rnn me hon; rnultry. I tiirmt itpll Inir live an'l Iftrvflne Kh nrr rt'tm-nr. Ferp It. Hmw t( toii r l riiprFlit, who will set It lor you, I'iuhm-h and dipi." 8 pedal SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Not Easy. Pat was a married man a Very much married man. lie had married no fewer than four times, aud all his wives were still In the fore. Accord ing to Pat's own account before the court where he was tried for bigamy and found guilty, his experiences were not altogether satisfactory. The judge, In passing sentence, expressed his wonder that the prisoner could be such a hardened villain as to delude so many women. "Yer honor," said Pat, apologetical ly, "I was only tryln' to get a good one, an' it's not alsy!" Llppincott's Magazine. Hli Point of View. "John, dear," queried the young wife, glancing up from tlife physical culture magazine she was perusing, "what Is your Idea of a perfect fig ure?" "Well," replied her husband, "$100.. 000 may not be perfection, but it's near enough to satisfy a man of my simple tastes." DR. MARTEL'S v FEMALE PILLS. Seventeen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre pared remeZ,' of proven worth. The result from their use Is quick and per manent For sale at all Drug Stores. A Hot Time. "That fellow cooked his reports." "I Buppose that is bow he happened to get Into a stew." If you would be pungent, bo brief; for It is with words as with sunbeams the more they are condensed, the deeper they hum. Southey. Revenge Is better kind of gratitude. than greedy Weak Heart yvutiwi and feet, or poor appetite because ol weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonio and alterative should be taken which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotics The Ratyo Lamp Is a Mgfi grade tamp, iold at a low pnoe Thfre n lump that cost ruor. bnt thernl t no better lamptnadoataor price. (Jonninictpd of o11d bratm; nlckrl plntfd enitllT Sent clean, aa orniimcm tn any mom In mnj hnitne. ThprtMftiiothlnB known to tl art of lamp-maklnir that can ndd to thnTalae of the KAYO Lampana Mhu fjvn dftTlce. Kvpry nValpr pyprywhero. If not at roura, write lor detcrlptlTe circular to the npareitagencr of the ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY (Incorporated) you lo buy, berHiiseof the mnrli comfort. rink Fye, Fplzoott Miipplnff Fever K Cutarrhal Fcve preTPtitlTe. nn mat Vr how hoiwuftt any tare re tnfcetofl nn tbo tmiiriir ...... l.al'l.l....i 1 1 1 -.(a . ...,-ks i Ctitm I'lutrtnjifr In Dnyn anil Shpp nnu OioUTm la ocl? rntiPilj. ( tii-ri l a firtppe among huma?i tWoi-a ; rr and II Int. who wl I noTiip; hi nnu m' a nttren. i m irtfcivk '. Free litsoklet, "DlutMupaft Agent want pi l' Chaml.sffli.nrl fin.CIIJTH Mn II C 1 tenoloeiata vuuu-.ui imim wi wi na AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright antf free from grit. Try a box.' Sold by dealers everywhere. Atlantic Refining: Coj (Incorporated) 1ETALL1C HEELS AND COUNTERS Afacto of Stat For Miners, Quarry men. Farmers and Al Men Who Do Rough Work Save money. Outwear shoes. Lighten than leather. Easily attached. Support the ankle. Any cobbler can put them osvi Your shoe deafer has shoes already fitted) with them. Send for booklet that tella tM ' about them. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY COL' BOSTON, MASS. "I find Cascarets so good that I ironist Dot be without them. I was troubled irreat deal with torpid liver and headacbsv Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathasw tic I feel very much better. I shall cetv tainly recommend them to my friends) oaf the best medicine I have ever seen." Anna Bazinet, Osborn Mill No. a, Fall River, llaasV Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Goad. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. ' i 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The aeon- "f Ine tablet stamoed C C C. Guaranteed ta cure or your money back. IUt ROOSEVELT'S OWN BCCi "African Game Trails" . Wt.iert I br thousands tor Christmas aad Nasi1 Yturs. Naeded I A man in every placa v to the familitti in bis locality. OnVrcii I MoneaM he siaaff o!v of fi'.'l anil high Commission. 'lake the ciiauceanil write tor piospectus now toCHARLKaV SCRIUNKR'S SONS. 153 (R. S.) Filth I New York. uu.Qreat Engllah Remedy BLAIR'S PILLS saie, sore, tiiccure. 0Oc.ai9T.lsS K9 CUAVTR The"ActlToHStropperfor Itlni ailHf Cn bl-r.lKo Uladis Htroi.i olu. at oni-fl bHtter Ur.'.u new. uuuninte.Ml iHttl)' iu,ai ii.ld Imiflnniinr flrst y'iir. 1'rice &' poflt p:ill. Wili' DROPSY NEW DISCOVERT, . qolck rrltvf nm 4 mum Html , iiiMk I imUmaalaU J u UavH I f. lr. U. U. liltiviJ M HU&tt. Uu At, All W. N. U., PITTSCURG, NO. 45-1910.' 1 0 sr 1 LlZf UfiEQ