1 A a SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MENTION 3 The Bio Store 4 RATHMEL ITEMS TRITELY TOLD C It. Mnlf had business nt Ocai-Ucld Tuesday of lust w!k. Mrs. Ziinmitrmiui', Camp Run, spent a day In town Innt week. Henry WoIhs, of E'.Wt. Wiwt Va., is ' spending nevoru! days with his parents at this place. Muss lXlvn Stewart, who lias lieen visitiniTiit Pmve, for aorr.e time ivtunn:d to lier homo at ilifc phfe, Saturday. Ihomns Maxvvcil v;!T'1 mends at Elcnnorn Wedni-siiay. Miss .Tanetto Tohnnton, of Kevnoldsville. was a Sunday visitor in town. A nuuilxT of the Ratlin:"! people uttoml- cd the "Vassar Gil is-' in the Iteynoldsville Ilih sc1kh1 Friday evnirp. Uiehai'd Kolievts, of DuBois, was in town several days last woek. Miss Anna Coop"!1 spcil. Saturday with friends nt Falls C'tis k. ls Marirnret Koherts, who lias been cmiftoyed in I'lU'isutawney for some time, returned to her home in Hathmel last we. AIur Hornier Bmwn pave a party at her homC on Saturday Kood time. Mrs. Wm. Lx'i-ii', if Philipshurif, is vlsitinjf relatives at this jvaee. Mrs. Jos. Bnteson, if Hmlimel, (rave a party at her home en Thursday evening of Inst week in honor of Miss Laura Hugh". Quite a number of friends were prcsont. Games wnvo jilayed and all passed the cvmiiiitf vry pleasantly. A splendid luneh was served in the course of the eveninpr, Mi's. H. B. Wyso, of Kmeiuli, w is i:i town Monday am! Tuesday ct this wirk All rejMirt ; j CURING CATARRH. Accept Our Advice and Try Thia Rem. , edy at Our Risk, i Catarrh Is a disease of the mucous membrane. Tbe mucous membrane Is, owe may Bay, tbe Interior lining of the body. Catarrh therefore may exist In aity part of tbe system, i Tfhen tbe catarrhal poison attacks the mucous membrane. Inflammation mifl congestion are produced and na ture falls to throw off the accumulat ed poisons. The orpin which has been aflllcted censes to perform Its proper function as nntnre Intended It should Tbe result Is. complication upon com plication, which may . lead to other even more serious afflictions. We honestlv believe lioxnl! Mucu Tone vlll do worriers toward over coming cn.arrb. It Is made from the prescription of an eminent physician Svho made a Iode study of entarrh. and Us John Burkhousc, of near Iteynoldsville, I will po to Clarion county this week to : send several months. E. D. Dnvis went to Clarion county '. Friday to attend the funeral ofafriond, returatnir Saturday. Mrs. J. Owen Kdelbuto was In Brook- I villo last Friday and Saturday attend ing a mcetiiiK of the D. A. U. j (iraydon Hohinsou, who has been nt I ttidftway several months, spent the past j WU9 week nt his home in Keynolrisville. Mrs. C. It, Hull, of this place, joined n ! scratches, NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified to not flump rulibish, waste, garbage or othor material on the. public road under penalty ui iuo law. y ureter Supervisors o Winslow Township. FRANK HILLIS, Secretary. A Regular Tom Boy. , Susie ellmbinB' trees and fences. jumping ditches, whittling, a) wars gutting cuts, sprains, bruises, humus. party of autoists at Brookvillo Thursday I burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother last nud motored to Warrcui, where they I just applied Bucklou's Arnica Snh-e nnd attended the convention of 1). A. R. the latter part of tle week' . j A hunting party, consisting of Lyman j Scott, George Hei'knian, Arthur Seeley. Will Scott, Charles Scott and ICdward ' Reynolds, have been in the mountains near i Hunts Hun for ten days. They report the ' game very scarce hi that vicinity. One Ix'ar only had been killed up to Friday last. : and that by a Penllcld man. i ' cured her quick. Heals everything lioat uhle Boils, fleers. Eczema, Old Soros, Corns or Piles. Try it. ffle at Rtoko & Feieht Drug Co. Want Column. rtl for pnch nttfl :tHli:Ori' .'Mtti pn 'Vy i ti vrt Ion KAY LOCATE IN THE WEST. I For Kent House nt corner of Hill and I Third streets. Inquire of Mrs. Corn Mitchell. Seasonable rercDiiandliise at (Popular Prices It ia with pleasure that we announce to the public that we have ' the strongest and best assorted and most up-to-date line of merchandise that we have ever shown. We have taken into consideration first, the quality of the merchandise and second, the price. We have no room for merchandise that is not good for poor merchandise is always much more costly than good merchandise. We call particular attention to the following: Sweaters, Scarfs, Underwear, Wool and Heavy Hosiery, Suits and Coats, Furs and Sweaters Wanted-House with not less than six rooms and bath. Inquiii;!!. B. Loxterman Fok Hunt Modern Improved 'eight room Inquire ut The Star Otllce. bouse, anted-Several young men to go to Arizona. M. C. Coleman. . B. Moore, one of the best known residents of the Hormtown district, has sold his farm and household goods and In the course of the next ten days will leave for Aline. Oklahoma, where ho will visit for n time with his brother, James L. Moore, formerly of Revnoldsville. It is Mr. Moore's intention to locate somewhere 1 SEWING. WANTED Inquire of Lilly in the west if conditions are satisfactory. I ronli-fmct niid Esther Klepfer at the and as he bus been all through the west I former's home in Went Heynoldsvllle before, he knows pretty well what he will ; Nov. 1st. liud. His reason for leaving the Keystone state is not dissatisfm-tion with iJ l 0K KENT House on Third street ial or industrial conditions, but on nc- ! '"'"'"'r 1st. Inquire of M. M count of the climate, which affects him I "avis. adversely. Mrs. Moore will not accompany her husband to Oklahoma' at the present time, but will s)end the whiter in Punxsn tawney and go west later. Mr. Moore's departure from this county will he deeply regretted. Ho was one of the lenders in the life of the cominunity whei e lie resided and all his life has been an active one. Daring the Spanish-Ameri- an war he enlisted in the Kith Pennsyl vania Reiriment and saw service in the island of Puerto Rico, and in civil life has been something of a soldier of fortune. At various times he has been ill about half the states in the union. With all his traveling, and notwithstanding his inten- 1 tior. of leaving the state, ho says frankly fiat climatic conditions aside, he would choose Pennsylvania in which to live in ' preference to the rest of the U. S. A. FOR Kknt Good residence on Main street u'. reasonable, rates. All modern impt-ovi incut . Inquire if J.K.Johns ton, Ileynoldsville,' or write Mrs. M. Ayres, 1,'UT Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. Wanted To webve carpet for all people who can send tnaterlul bystreet car. Write for prices. The same old weaver Theophlel Demay, Box 317, Dulantvy, r'u. FOR HlCNT Eight room house in c'ndlng bitth room. L. M. f-NYDER. Foit Sale at a H,ROAW-Cart, top buggy and two hort-e carriage. Inquire of J. H. Corbeit. FOR SALE. O.i wiUth ide of Main Mivei. to-Hneen i' .UD and Sixth Ptreetr, guoil m vi u room house with bath and all modern improvements. Lot 00x150, Prices And term'" reasonable. Do not overlook this as !t is one of the most desirable locations In town. Also, two small store rooms on Main i great success with this remedy was I ,treet! lot. 3nir0! i,,etion uii cuviuuip one. We want you' if yoti are a sufferer from catarrh In nny form, to give Itexnll Mucu-Tone n thorough trial. Use It with regularity nnd 'persistency for a reasonable time, then If you lire not satisfied., come back and tell ns, and without question or formality v t will hand back to you every cent yn t paid us. This Is certainly the tair-t offer that any one could make uil Bbould .attest our sincerity of pur Jiose. It comes In two sizes. price CO cents and $1.(X. Remember you can obtain it only at The Rexall Store For Sale hy Stoke & Felcht Drug Co., Eeynoldvl!e, ft. Also, see. mo for all kinds of properties In al: parts of town and West ReynoldBville. Several good farms for sale. HOIIERT Z. PARRISH. A high top tan shoe for little gents, extra value (or $1 75 Adnm s Booi shop. REAL ESTATE Rent or Sel'l E. Neff, Justice of the Peace Reynoldsvillr. Pa, NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to nil sufferers from constlpntlon. In every case where we fail we will supply the medicine free. Itexnll Orderlies are n gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengtbener and tonic. They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to tak tmd work so easily that they may b taken by any one at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. Itexnll Orderlies, are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all suf ferers from any form of constlpntlon and Its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and 25c. Remember, you run ob tain Itexnll Remedies In this communi ty only at our store The Rexall Store. l or Sale by - ,V P i. M, l)i o- 0" , ii- no d-vi le. Pa. Sweaters We have just received a brand new line of sweaters the best line there is in the country. You will have to see them Co appreciate the workmanship on them. Children's sweaters 50c to $2.00 Ladies' sweaters $1.50 to $6.50 Underwear Children's fleece Ladies' cotton fleece Ladies' cotton fleece Ladies' cotton union suits Children's wool 10c to 25c 25c 50c 1.00 to $1.50 25c to 75c Ladies' wool $1.00 and $1.50 Ladies' wool union suits 2.00and$3.00 Hosiery Children's cotton 10c, 15c and 25c Children's wool 25c, 35c and 50c Ladies' cotton 1 0c, 15c, 25c and 50e Ladies' wool 25c, 35c and 50c Suits We have a good strong line of ladies' tailored suits. $10.00 to $40.00 Coats We have received the last shipment iortnis season. The line is plete now com- $5.00 to $50.00 Furs The season for furs has come and the indications are that there will be a big; fur season. Furs at all prices. SHICK & WAGNER The Big Store Corner Main and Fifth Streets REYNOLDSVHXE, . PENN-A. I Mr,.. V t oor on cannot give good light There is no flicker, no odor, no soot where FAffiELY FAVORITE OSL is used. This triple-refined lamp oil costs no more than theinferior kinds andsaves J you no end of trouble. Get it from your dealer's it j is therein barrels shipped direct from our refin eries. 1 1 & Warmrly Oil Workm Co. indspsndiml Reflnars PITT5BURQ, PA, Also makers of Waverly weveriy UMollnes. THE MAN who has saved nothing ha" yet to make a beginning. Each day's delay makes the start more difficult. Tasks that are easy for us when we are yoting, be come burdensome when we are old, and as we are younger to-day than we will ever be again, it will be easier to start to save to (lay than to-morrow. We invite your account, even it is only one dollar to start with. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK .... JCTfcMW 1 rip fyM:xP W "-(.. .url .M i. u , . 1 '."ii... .-' Hi l' i i I i t l'.W, i .'j-r., I I i I T f-.-'- . t 77 " B-BIVIVJ. II , 1tl.il Vt T lilt III 1 i ,1 I Ml . I ''1 1 MKLi'll Sec the new Adler Gloves $1.00 Be Wise and Ei'onomisp MILLIRENS Coat Sweaters and Jerseys Rhe World Welcomes the Well Dressed Man ;IT CHALLENGES THE OTHER FELLOW Start right in Kttppenheimer and Phelan clothes. They make a man feel worth. They impress others. The rich can pay more but tney can wear no Ik ter. 1 Your will find your model and fit and color in the big arrav of new fall and tit ntcr styles. All virgin wool fabrics. $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 1WARM WOOL UNDERWEAR For Men and Boy9. Fleece line I, all colors, all sizes. 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 ,SILK NECKWEAR Four-in-hands, bat wings, club use, shield tecks, shield bows, all ors and in latest weaves. 25c to 50c. HATS AND CAPS For Winter. Stiff hats or soft hats and caps. All colors, all styles in all sizes. t SHIRTS Of flannel or finej percale.' All colors all sizes. 150c, $1.00 and $1.50 MILmREN'- BROS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers