I CELEBRATION OF THE BATTLE OF YORKTOWN The (Uay of a flian Kith a (Daid. Bom girls 3 have wooed with infinite tact. And some with Are and flame; And soma I have never wooed at all, But kissed them, just the same! And It isn't the man, nor a matter of charm. Nor a matter ot love, I trow, That counts when It oomw to celling a klsa- It's simply knowing howl 3C 1 w -or- w -w A Wandering Destiny ' By MABEL CHASE ENGLAND L-J .by WILBUR D NEfrf L ', 'X, h f YORKTOWN, VA. This village was the scene of a great celebration on October 19, marking the anniversary of the battle of Yorktown and the snrender of Cornwallls to Washington. Many rronilnent nion took part In tho exercises, and tho war and navy department gave a military and naval display that was spectacular. A throng of visitors was rxpected, and they found anoch of Interest here. Among the show placeB Is the cave In which Lord Cornwallls established his headquarters. KISSING IS UPHELD Custom Is Stoutly Defended by Many English People. Ditappointed Mother's Statement That Love-Making In Youth Is Condu cive to Failure Meets Flood of Protests. London. The man who has , not -8ed In his boyhood days Is laying p a sad and lonely time for himself In liter years. Such, In brief, Is the tenor of many letters sent in with regard to the state went of "Disappointed Mother," pub lished recently, that kissing and love taking in childhood's days are condu cive to failure In after life. How little In agreement with the statement are these correspondents is ' clearly shown by the following ex tracts from some of the letters. Heartrending and awful to contem plate are the results of an unromantic youth in the opinion of one correspon dent who had no flirting practise In his youth. . . . "To please my parents I avoided girls," he writes, "and sought the companionship only of members of my wn sex. I certainly had more time for study, and am not considered a failure; but now I find that the other ex plainly shun me, and possibly be cause I am shy in their company, al though 1 have no difficulty In making male friends." The writer, after contrasting the sappy position of his brothers, who have always mixed with and bad friends amongs the opposite sex, with his own wretched lot, goes on to depict the hideous future in store for him: "I shall probably remain single, or, what is worse, marry the wrong girl. 1 consider that If boys are allowed to make girl friends, whether failures or ot, they will certainly be happier in after years and less likely to make a foolish marriage." "The influence of feminine society," ays another correspondent, "is very beneficial: "A youth who has spent a good deal t his time in the presence of a girl Is usually well mannered, gentle, kind hearted and a gentleman. . . . From a girl's lips a boy will hear no bad language, and from her presence will attain no bad habits. A boy who corns the company of a girl is usual ly a kind of wild, untrained animal." The after effects in later years of boyhood fenced round about with Spar To Mark Napoleon9 s Homes Conqueror of Europe Moved from House to House as His Income Gradually Increased. Paris Each of the houseB in Paris where Napoleon Bonaparte dwelt when he was a young, struggling sol dier is to be marked with a tablet suitably Inscribed. The wits are saying that the au thorities will have to order these tab lets by the hundreds. Dozens of Parisians will say to you as proudly as seriously: "He who conquered Europe once tired under the roof which is mine ow." The fact Is Napoleon accommo dated his dwelling to his purse. When he first came to Paris he lived in the military school. There he had to climb 173 steps to bis garret. A room scarcely large enough sheltered the future emperor for a time at 6 Qua! Conti. Then he took a small apartment in Rue de Nevers, only a few yards from the Tuileries palace, where he was to ahine in all his glory. - In 1792, Napoleon moved to Hotel Wets, on Rue du Mail, but the hum blest apartment in the hotel was the best he could afford. At that period the man who was to topple thrones took his meals at a little cafe in Rue dec Pettis-Peres, arranging to pay 20 cents a day. - Napoleon's next home was in Rue Montmarte. His slowly increasing in come enabled him to rent a suite ot three rooms there. One was occupied n ' n tan discipline are luridly depicted by another correspondent: "The so-called Spartan discipline in variably produces sooner or later a revulsion which has often been ruin ous to a boy's character. He revolts against all the obnoxious associations of his earlier years and causes endless trouble to the short-sighted parents whose unwise restraints have sickened htm. . . . "Why not let the boy have his girl? If she is at all sensible, she will rea lize that her work is to help him to get on, or, at the worBt, his youthful affection will either wear Itself out in due course or become something that it is a privilege for any man to feel." The power to show affection should be Instilled Into boyB and girls at an early age, says another correspondent. "In my opinion every mother should teach her sons and daughters to be af fectionate to a certain degree. Of course, 1 do not mean fussy, t. e., always hanging around one, etc., and making themselves generally obnoxious, but really affectionate and loving. "I for one can see no harm in a boy making a friend ot a girl, or vice versa. If they are taught to regard one another in a kind of 'you must not American Wife is Selfish So Says Spouse of Mayor of Toklo, Who Has Decided Views on Married Life. New York. "The Japanese wife thinks first of her duty toward her family, the American wife of her duty toward herself." This is Madame Yenklo Ozakl's version of "The East Is EaBt and West is West," she declared at the Hotel Astor, where, she is staying wfth her husband, the Mayor of Toklo. "First of all, the Japanese woman always is a wife," said Madame Ozakl. "Before she is married she is not a woman, but a girl. With ua all the young girls are looked after by their mothers and fathers. They are all carefully provided with husbands." "But Americans do not believe per sons should marry unless they are in love," it was suggested. Mme. Ozaki frowned a hit "This love, is a very transient thing," she said, rather impatiently. "It is not a sensible reason for mar riage. It is to pick out good men for by his brother Louis, who was to be come king of Holland; another by Junot, in whose wildest dreams he could not have forseen himself a mar shal of France and duke ot Abrantes. In 1795 Napoleon went to live in the more fashionable Rue de la Michodlere and from there to Hotel Mirabeau in the Impasse du Dauphin. The Hotel Colonnade saw his last bachelor days, and when he married Josephine he bought a small house in Rue des Chantleres. Milk Thief Is Bear. Marquette, Mich. Felix La Cross, a farmer, met with a rude surprise the other night. He had missed milk and had determined to catch the thief, and lay in wait for him. When La Cross saw a dark object crawling through the window he made a grab for it To his amazement the Intruder proved to be a cub bear. The animal escaped and when the farmer started after it be stumbled on to two more bears an old and a young one. All three bears got away while La Cross returned to the bouse for his gun. Phonograph Good Fog Horn. Port Townsend. H. L. Tlbbals, Jr., manager of the Union wharf, it using a phonograph to help pilots bring their vessels to the landing. It was highly successful. The warning the other day consisted of the strain of "Has Any One Here Seen KelleyT" v. far h i tt- irir t nit MOIIUMeNTaTttW'ly love me' light they will naturally grow into either confirmed woman or man haters. And the romantic and imagin ary side ot their nature will be entire ly killed." The writer concludes with two sub tle queries: "Does a 'Disappointed Mother' allow a boy that has been helped by a girl to continue his acquaintance with that girl? Does she expect her boy to work hard at a business and then, on reaching home, to set-to to hard study?" The opinion of a boy of fourteen In a discussion on the merits and demer its of kUslng Is invaluable. A youthful correspondent living in London writes: 1 "I am fourteen years of age, but old enough to know my own mind in such matters, and I think if a boy likes a girl he takes more care in his personal habits. "If a boy is taught to despise girls he will grow up to be a hard-hearted man with no feeling tor the softer sex. Affection makes a boy polite and gen tle. For instance, I used to be a rough, untidy boy until I met with a girl; now I take more care ot my appear ance and ways. "Any boy who has any feeling has a favorite girl companion, and any par ents who want their sonB to grow up polite and gentle men allow them to go with girls." - their daughters. If you adopted that method here you would not have so many divorces. "That is because the wife is not all the time thinking of herself and what is due to her. "I do not believe that divorce should be Impossible. One wrong in our sys tem is the fact that the laws are not equal for men and women. Either can get a divorce for cruelty or un faithfulness or desertion. "But the injustice Is that by our law the children always belong to the father, and no matter how bad he is, the wife cannot take them away from him when she leaves him. So the wives will suffer almost anything rather than ask for separation. "We do not have women's clubs, but we have societies. We have a great patriotic society for women, and a society for the study of sanitation and health, and a society for the pro motion of education. . "Have we any suffragettes? No. Our women have done nothing with that movement We have many wom en workers for better education, but not for politics. "As for myself, I think unmarried women who own property should have the right to vote, but I do not think they should hold office or appear on the public platform. I do not think it would be womanly or refined." ALLIGATOR PAID BLOOD DEBT Saurian Nursed Grudge for Twenty Four Hours Then Kills Two That Had Hurt Him. New York. Alligators are supposed to have the most rudimentary instinct lve nerve apparatus of the entire rep tilian family, but Mary Jane, the largest saurian but one In the Bronx park zoo, nourished a grudge for 24 hours and then deliberately killed Texas and Mississippi, the objects of the grudge. The other day all the alligators and crocodiles were removed from the outside tanks of the reptile house, and while Mary Jane wag lassooed and bound the two other alligators went at her. Mississippi almost chewed oft her front leg on the right side and Texas lacerated her- hind leg on the same side before the attacking force was driven off. The next day she started to get her revenge, and killed Texas first without much trouble. When she got around to Mississippi, who bad been attacking her flank, Mary Jane opened her capacious mouth, grabbed Mississippi by the neck and held on until her enemy was dead. In vain keepers pounded her with rods, and only when Mississippi was - dead did she loosen her hold, wlm to the edge of the tank, climb out and sprawl on the wet masonry. Copyright, Ulo, by Associated Literary Presa The country road, unshaded by tree or shrub, stretched straight and dusty under the burning August sun. A girl In cool white came slowly out of a gateway, clicked the latch behind her and stood gazing dubiously at the book and a box of chocolates; with the other she raised her ruffled skirts, A mile to the woods, a short walk along a shady path to the bank of the river, then her canoe the book the chocolates, and With sudden decision she stepped into the road and began picking her way gingerly along the edge. When she reached the opening In the woods where the path began she heaved an Immense sigh of relief, but without pausing kept steadily on till she reached the bank of the river. There she sank down on the log to which her small canoe was moored, threw off her bat, and gasped. "Phew!" she said. "I don't believe rd do that again." She sat a few moments, her chin on ter hands, gazing out over the shad- id river, then, stepping Into her canoe he arranged herself comfortable on a pile ot cushions, places the book and the chocolates conveniently be side her and pushed off. The air was brooding and somno lent; the silence deep. She drifted lazily just a touch here and there with the paddle to guide her. A faint wind blew from the south and gently lifted the soft balr from her brow. The momenta passed. Slowly, al most Imperceptibly, the little canoe crept along. Zoe's eyes rested stead ily on a distant curve in the bank. "It was just beyond that" she mur mured. She rounded the bend cautiously. Her heart gave an excited little throb. He was there. He lay facing the river, his head thrown back on bis arm, his whole graceful length extended in an attitude of utter re pose. "Asleep!" thought Zoe resentfully, and yesterday he had had his back to She Drifted Lazily. the river and hadn't appeared to ceo her as she slipped past Just why she bad thought of him till late in the night and dreamed of him till dawn she had tailed to determine. Nor was her chance to discover what compelling characteristics lurked In his silent personality. She hesitated, making sure of his absolute uncon sciousness. At last she turned her canoe toward him, propelled It slow ly, carefully, till Its bow ran noise lessly into the soft mud of the bank. Her paddle across her knees, she leaned forward, eagerly, to Inspect undisturbed this sleeping young prince of the woods. What a phy sique! what 'features! what an ab solutely Ideal type for the hero of a sylvan adventure, a little love Idyll, such as the whole scenario seemed to suggest "I believe," she reflected dreamily, "if father would only let me alone I'd fall in love with some one just ex actly like this and under some just romantic condition. But I will not" here her reflections grew energetical ly rebellious "marry that Tom Drig coll he's always talking about, and I won't stay at borne to be baited with htm when be comes. Oh, It I could ever" she drew a long sigh "meet an unusual type of man in an un usual way." At this point In her reflections, sud--denly and without preliminary stir or motion, his eyes opened full upon her. They stared at each other, he too astonlBhed, she too panic-stricken to move. . "Please don't vanish." he mur mured at last "I'm afraid to wink." "Oh, what can I Bay?" thought Zoe wildly. i i was so aHionisnea to gee you," she stammered. "I just stopped to to make sure you were " "A man and not a faun," he sug gested helpfully. "No," she contradicted, frowning, "that you were asleep .and not not dead. You see, I have never before seen a man In these wlldB, and " "Not even a dead one?" be Inter rupted, laughing. "No." She smiled distantly. "Not even a tramp. And I wondered I thought" "l was nere yesterday," be re proached her. "He saw me!" she thought Indlg nantly. "He thinks I came down here today on the chance of meeting him, the conceited " "I paddle down here every day," she Informed him coldly. "Oh. really!" he exclaimed, with open delight. "It's awfully nice of you to tell me. I'll be here fishing every afternoon, and" "I didn't mean that," she flashed back furiously. He looked dejected. "Pardon me,' he said, "I don't suppose you did. merely meant that that Oh, please dont go," as she prepared to push off. Seizing a fallen branch he dex terously hooked It through the long rope that was tied to the bow of her canoe, and drawing It toward him grasped it firmly. "I simply meant,' he proceeded with calmness, "that I was coming here, always, every after noon to flBh. You don't mind that, do you7" he Inquired humbly. "I don't care in the least what you do," she retorted, with angry disdain He gave the rope a couple of turns around his wrist and settled himself comfortably. "In that case I shall sit here and talk to you," he announced. For answer Zoe pulled herself care fully toward the bow and began to work busily at the knot that secured her end of the rope to the little iron ring In the bow of the canoe. "Of course, I might offer to help you," he mused aloud, "but under the circumstances What! You're go ing to give It up? Well, that Is more sensible. I'm afraid that knot was put In to stay." Zoe moved back to her former po sition and rearranged herself on the cushions, after which she opened her book and began to read and munch chocolates. He watched her a moment. "Isn't this idyllic?" he murmured contentedly. Zoe helped herself to another choc olate and turned a page of the book. The minutes waned. Half an hour passed an hour. The silent and peaceful companionship worked like oil on the troubled waters of Zoe's resentment An unconscious happi ness and contentment stole into her heart She risked a glance at him. He was thoroughly "nice she de cided. At this moment, as If sensing her softened mood, he leaned over and peered Into the canoe. "Greedy!" he murmured. "Only three left!" Zoe struggled with herself, then laughed. "Won't you throw the rope back now, please?" she begged. "It is late and I have some distance to paddle." He looked contrite. "I've been a brute," he apologized humbly, "but 1 lust couldn't help it. I knew if I once let you go that would be the end of me you'd simply disappear forever. And and really, you know, it's lonely about here." "Isn't it!" agreed Zoe, with quick sympathy. "And so why," he asked eagerly, "shouldn't we amuse each other a little? I'm staying with my uncle, back there, on my way to Southamp ton, to visit a friend of mine, and" "Southampton!" exclaimed Zoe. "Why, that's where I live!" "Really!" His face beamed. "Do you happen to know a' Mr. Brentley and his daughter?" "My father!" Zoe gasped, "and myself! You are not don't tell me " she began to laugh helplessly. "I am Tom Drlscoll," he said sol emnly. "And you what are you do ing " he pulled the canoe nearer up here? I wag going you know that I was going, simply to meet , you!" "I ran away," gurgled Zoe. "Father had talked about you so much I I bated yout Oh, what a joke!" "It's anything but a joke If you hate me," objected Mr. Drlscoll gloomily. , Zoe lifted a flushed, dimpled face. "Well I I hadn't seen you then," she admitted. He looked into fter eyes. "Do you think I might paddle yon home?" he asked. 'T.-r- The brain that dreamed the manic strains Is dust these many, many years. Yet still the music swells and wanes And works Its spell on him who hears; The melody Is clear and sweet With dulret gladness In each tone; Of haunting swing and rhythmic beat Are murmured chords that sing alone. The hand that wrote the ,olden rhymes These many, many years Is dust; The sword It held In oldon times A century ago was ruBt But here today as fair ns then We have the song that holds the heart Which throbs again, and yet again. Because of this undying art. And they who wrote this song, they gave 1 The world no conquest of their hands. They caused no battle Mags to wave, They trampled through no alien lands, Their fame came not through women's tears Nor through the heaping of their gold Ami yet through all the bygone years The simple song their fume has told. Bo sing It softly, when the night Flings shadows from the drowsy west For all Its measures, Bhadow-llght, With comfort and heartsease are blest. And It may be to some fair star With afloat an echo of some strain To tell the two who bide ofRr They did not write their song In vain. ' Fishing. The devil, we are told, Is the father of lies. Fishing, therefore, must be the father of the devil, or else some intimate family friend. Fishing Is not an art; It Is not a Bport; It la usually an unaccomplished act. The essentials to fishing are a pole, a line, and an eliminated conscience. Also the person who desires to take up fishing as a means of occupying hla time for a day or so must have so much hope that he has to carry most of It In condensed form. Some people fish by casting the line hither and yon, then working the reel and swearing. Others cut out the casting and the reoling-ln and double up on the pro fanity. The mystery about fishing Is not why you do not catch anything, but why, when you move from an appar ently Ashless spot, the other man can row in there and immediately catch a whale. Jonah for years was suspected of being merely a fisherman. Quite Different. He chides her, sarcastically, - for turning about to look at the women they have passed. 'You cannot resist the temptation," he says, "to see what they are wear ing." "Not so," she replies, in defense. "I merely turned about to see if they had turned about to see what my new dress was made of." Just So. Lives of toothless men remind ua We must reach our meals on time Or the lift boys else will tlnd us 1- letcherizlng as we climb. Time Works Changes. "Where Is my husband?" asks the .woman of her brother-in-law, who has come to visit them for the first time in IS years, and who has taken the husband out with him to dinner. 'He's still seeing -the town," ex plains the brother-in-law. "He said a while ago that he had no idea the town had grown go much in 15 years, and that while he wag about it he would Bee it all." Feared Pneumonia. I don't Bee why you insisted on coming out here in our spring clothes on such a blustery, raw day." "But think ot everybody reading about you and I being the very first people to appear in light garb." "Reading It? Where? On our tombstones?"; i