Sip 0 Ten Pages Read Hie Afls. VOLUME 19. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1910. NUMHEH 27. J. K. TENER ELECTED GOVERNOR OF THESTATE Reynol3svillc Was Carried for Berry as Had Been Anticipated. NORTH AND WILSON ' RETURNED TO ASSEMBLY A Large Vote was Cast in the State and Straight Tickets Were Rare; END OF A TITANIC STATE CONTEST Tho Republicans swept Pennsylva nia yesterday by the old time majority. Tener's lead may reach 150,000. Tn New York, Ohio and every other state holding elections for gov ernor or congress, with the exception of New Jersey, the Democrats were victorious. In New Jersey Woodrow Wilson lost. - Reynoldsville, , West Reynoldsville and at least three of the Winslow township precincts went for Berry. North and Wilson have won in the county for Assembly. Beck and Shields received an unusually hirg-e vote. REYNOLDSVILLE. GOVERNOR John K. Tenor, R 57 Webster Grim, D 8 M. F. Lai-kin, P John W. Sluyton, S 28 Wm. H. Berry, K 104 80 15 5 12 m LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. John If. Reynolds, R 5ft . Thos. Grcevcy, D 8 C. E. McConkey, P 2 Louis Cohen, S 20 D. C. Gibboncy, K .04 85 2(1 144 34 0 30 10 142 SEC. INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Henry Houck. R . . . 07 02 James I. Blakoslee D 0 as "C. W. Huntingdon. P 3 10 Beaumont Sykes. S HI lo John J. Casey, K 82 128 CONGRESS. J. N. Langhnm, R. . .. 114 ' J. S. Shirloy, D 2ft 58 John Houk. P 8 17 M. A. YanHorn, S 31 11 ASSEMBLY. Henry I. Wilson, R 78 104 S. T. North, R 65 02 E. E. Beck, D and K 05 155 William Shields, D and K . .78 :w Andrew W. Smith, P 4 10 J. C. Spranklo, P ft 0 I. E. Keslar, S.... ...28 18 E. C. Bookman, S 28 11 150 37 13 41 210 100 84 25 42 182 157 850 217 14' 11 4A 39 WEST KEYNOLDSVILLE. ' GOVERNOR. John K. Toner, & 21 Webster Grim, D 14 M. F. Larkin, P 11 John W. Slayton, Soc 5 William H. Berry, K ...08 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR John M. Reynolds, R ....23 Thomas H. Greevy, D 19 Charles E. MoConkcy P 12 Louis Cohen, Soc 7 D. C, Gibboncy, K 54 SECRETARY INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Henry Houck. R 24 James I, Blakeslee, D 23 Charles Huntington, P 10 Beaumont Sykes, Soc 8 John J. Casey, K ' CONGRESS. ' J. N. Lungham. R 39 John S. Shirley, D 3;) John Houk, P 17 JM. A, VanHorn, Soc 8 " REPRESENTATIVE. Henry" t Wilson, R. . . . S. Taylor North U 28 Elmer E. Beck, D and Ki W William Shields, D and K 80 Andrew Smith, P 10 -Tnyvmfi C Knrnnkle. P 8 I. E, Keslar, Soc E. C. Beckman, Soc M IN N .SOTO'S HOME. Firt in the home of Nicholas Schettino, : tho Italian merchant, caused the calling . out of the fire company yesterday morning. - The firemen got as far as the Pennsylvania ..!. thtr tMnr to West Rcynolds- : vllle-when word reached them that the fire was out and there was no need of their ' .' ; ' . : -r, vi. And' danoe at Montie's MVUMIUQ o.i haliEridayerening, Hot. 11th. Prank A. Bohren, Instructor; music by Campbell ll T J ! or-" - The Mail Order House your Home Home Town. Boost the Oneof the INoted Institute Instructors I " t 't 1, '"I 1 PROFESSOR II. A. SURPACK. Prof. Surface is one of the best known zoologists in the Unsted States. He has been enjjnjfPd as a day instructor for the Jefferson county teachers' institute, to be hold in the Adelphi Theatre at Reynoldsville December 19 to 2:t, .11110. FORMER LOCAL RESIDENT BEAD Word was received In Reynbtdsvi'lle recently of tho death at Shclton, Wash ington, of W. H. Knneland, a (fentleman who was a resident of Reynoldsville a quarter of a century atro and who was well known to many of older resident. While hero he was interested in lumber ing, ,nnd lived on Fourth street. Older citzens will remember a large skating rink which once stood at the corner of Hill and Fourth streets. This was built by Mr. Knocland. After leaving Rey noldsville Mr. Kneeland embarked in numerous speculative ventures and died very wealthy. A Shclton (Wash.) paper spoke of him as follows : No man .in Western Washington bad as many enterprises under control, or in dustries of so many different natures, as did Mr. ' Kneeland. Ono of largest loggers and lumber men in the state, he turned his attention to tho oyster busi ness, and was a great rfactor in building up this great industry in tho state; he own one of the finest ranches in the state, spending more than 150,00 to .carve it from the wilderness; he early saw the need of a sound banking institution in his homo town of Sholton and was instrumeptal in the founding of one; electric lights were needed when the town grew, he built a light plant: mercantile houses, hotels, railroad, iron works, real estnto. all felt the guiding touch of his hand and he with characteristic energy, took bold of many struggling enterprises and built them up to firm substantial institutions." Reynoldsville Assessment. Harvey S. Deter, assessor of Reynolds ville borough, has completed his work and makes the following report: Whole number of residout taxables, 1,000. Whole number of non-resident taxables, 138. Whole number of taxables, 1,207. Number of military enrollment, 329. Value of school property, $47,050.00. Value of church property, fW,500.00. Whole number of dogs, 137, Whole number of cows, 09. Who number horses, 121. Tost-A black hound with some tun on legs and nose, near Groves larm, uocen- woods. A reward will be paid to nnuer, Notify G. W. Lyons, 85 N. Brady street, DuBois, Pa. For Rout On' Grant street, six room house and bath, hot and cold water, gas in every room. M. M. Fisher. . Don't forget the dance at Montio's hall Friday evening. Pla-mato shoes for children. Room for evert too. Price IU50 od 11.75 Adam's. Merchant, .r - ". ': f AFTERMATH OF THE BATTLE OF FLORENCE In tho Dauphm County Court yes terday. Judge J. M. McC'arrel refused to sustain deraHrrers of th commonwealth to action brourfit by a nmober of foreign born residents of Florence, Jefferson Cbuiity. for damages from the State for the destruetion of a house by State ! Pl)Iiimen. The action of the court, was nrt un expected. The ase has been followed clowly by the people of th is section mid its history is well known. ! During tho buttle at Florence several j yoars a'o. in which two members of Troop D. State Police wore' killed,, two wounded, by desperado named Tkbon, tho house was dynamited Mid' burned to the ground in the endeavor to arrest the man who for five hours held tho ufUccr at bay.. - The owners of ' the. property,, alleging that they were mnocent parties, placed their case in the hands of Lo N.. Mitchell, of this place;-wlm succeeded in liarhig in act passed by the-Legislature- in 19M to en able the owners, to bring .sail against the State-.. The Attorney Cener;il Immediately filed a demurre;. which as; heard some time ago in the Dauphin, County Court, whicfl court has now giw.T the damaged property owners a cleur piw.iv in their smt against the State. Attorney Mitchell accomplished a Her culean task when ho succeeded in having the act enabling the property owners to sue- the Statev passed, and later overcoming tlie- demurrer filed. He is confident of securing damages in the amonnt stipulated in the suit. Punxsutiwney Spirit. WEST REYNOLDSVILLE DATA. Robert S. Wlllams has finish tho aimaal assessment of property in West Rycnolds ville borough nnd firnishod the following figures for the borough ; Whole number of resident taxable, 2tW. Whole number non-resident taxables, 45. Whole number of taxables. 313. Military enrollment, 02- Value of school proporty, 21,Mu0. Wholo nnniber of dogs, 28. . Whole number of cows, 29. Whole number of horses, 17. . PRIVATE KINDERGARTEN. Miss Lydia Mollingor will open a private kindergarten Nov. 14th. Parents who are interested can meet with her at thb home of Mrs. Ira S. Smith, on Grant street, Friday, Nov. 11th. For Rent Two bouses. Armor, Grant street. Inquire of Mrs. does not sell cheaper than and it does destroy your I town by trading at home. 1 SPELLING CONTEST AT THE COiTT INSTITUTE One of the uniiouiil and Interesting features or th" county Institute to behold in Kcyiiiilil.Hvilic lVccmbcr 10 23, will be a sM-lliiig contest between pupils of tho various school-i. This contest will be held Wednesday. A preliminary mid a final contest will lie held. Tho contestants ni-e instructed to assemble at the public school building, second floor, at 10:30 a. m. for tho pre liminary contest. Those who innko nn average of eighty -eight at this contest will be admitted to the final contest at the Opera Houso nt 1:30 p. m. The first contest will be written. All contestants should bring a stiff backed tabiW.t and a lend pencil. Only tlioso who take tho preliminary In tho forenoon anf pass with the grade given nbovo will admitted to the final contest. f'Mch common school In tho ctKtnty is entitled to two contestants. These must be selected by the teacher. The selection of these contests will afford a good opportunity for spelling contest In the school?! In graded schools each, school room is entitled to two contestants. The purpose- of this sjielling is ti.-n-cate au interest in spelling: without uu interest spelling la n-most, dilllcult subject to Vaoli. Much of the good resulting from this contest will come from tho Interest aroused in the schools in tho contests to divide who is to represent tin. school. It Is up to-each teacher to see time this interest is aroused in Ills school. A price-will be axardi'd the winner.-. SIlll PUfflCM CAKE. The clipping belotr, taken from the Sew Bethlehem- Lender, will deeply interest fanners In the Horntown region who lad an cxjieriencc with tho agent named nut many moutlhi ago: Frank Rhodes, whj resides on tho 1. K. Enkor farm in Limeston township, was recently the victim of a fruit tree agent. The ngenU lt.seenR who had boon doing considerable busincwi in this su.rtic visited Mr. Ithndi unci Bin-ceded in selling hhu a hill of poods. Mr. Rhodes- doclari.U that his oilier i small; that it would, not amount to more than floor ?20. Tho ngent made otit Mie order and duplicate both of which Window signed, butdtdjiot ijiWftUt-'nte. Last, week Rhodes was duiiifounded when he rooeiived a bill for 1102.00, tliore bi-ing in his order 1400 current Jnishcs,. WO swir cherry teees, besides a . lot of shrubbery, etc. Rhodes consulted au attorney, who advised him not to lift the goods,. After consideration, however, he decided: to lift the nursery stock and pay the biN, 'since tho nursoiy would nxit.. accept a countermand: 'if the order. FIRE AT RATHMDAY UEHT. Throo houses belonging to the-B., It A P. Ry. . (Co. burnxd to the ground at Rathmel between ten and eleven o'clock Sunday night. TUb houses stood; close to gether along the- DnBois roaV where it tiims ul right angles just at tht upper end of Rathmel. How the fire; originated ' unknown. The houses wove- vacant and had been for some time. Wlien discovered tho fire had spread so far that it was impossible to do anything with buckets in checking pro gress and th was nothing: but to let it burn to tlw end of the row. A high wind was blowing, but fortunate ly for the town of Rathinol blew toward the oast, away .from the other houses in tie town. The loss to lihe company w.Ul amount to about $1,500. WEDDING AT RATHMEL. Wednesday, November 3rd, at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes in Rathmel, . when ' their daughter. Miss Laura Hughes, became the bride of Henry Weiss. Tho ceremony wns performed by Dr. A. J. Meek, of tho Reynoldsville Baptist church, in tho presence of fifty invited guests and the affair was perfect in its appointments. Tho ring ceremony was used. The flower girl was Miss Anna Loding, of Philipsburg, The brtdo carried a large bouquet of flowers. Tho bride received a largo number of valuable presents. Following the ceremony the couple left for the east on a wedding trip of two weeks duration. Mr. Weiss is employed in West Virginia and tlio future home of the couple will be there. The bride was one of the most highly cstoemod of the young ladies of Rathmol and carried with ber tho best wishes of a legion of friends. Positively the first thno InJown, the fight pictures at the Adelphi theatre Mon day, Nov. 14th. Matinee and night, 2.:t0 nd 8.15 p. m. Admission 15 nnd 2.r. CAFI. REYNOLDS GOES' OVERBOARD ON TliE GOOD SHIP FORD. Captain T. C. Reynolds, whoso Ropublic anUiii Is us stanch us the ancient cedm-s of Lcbnnon.. eiiine up from Ilarrlsburg last week fir tho purpose of easting his vote for tin) Hon. John K. Tenor for governor., and hioidentally to do what ho could to swing the county for the Republican nominee. When t)re Cantain nun In mi- ponrs before Ills friends at the capitol, he willliavpiio dinieulty In convincing them that politfosMn Jefferson county is a war.-n- proposition.. His nosii an fiat as the face- of Jim Jofrrii-st Ids right eye is closed, hi. mouth Is aekowand hfr hoars on h(s noble- iiiow uie wars oi nutiue. II that docsn win fortlw Captain promotion in tlio service at the caiiitnl."tlie organiitntionn'ilI ungrateful lndoei. It must have happened in a political argument, foil A. B. Weed, who had tho Cnptoin out for an auto rido the afternoon the afternoons the marks, appeared, states that that there was nothing particularly exciting nn the trip. It !s ti-ui that nt ono point In Rnthmol when' the Captain was expecting tho auto to trn one wny, it went the other way, whllo Mr. Reynolds, who is a man of strong nonvicUons, in sisted on going the way he-expected to go. Tho road is paved with brick up tliere mid the landing doubt a trifle hard, but nothing to seak of. And it Is also truo th it on the road home,, -nknmtlie siindov a were falling, the carbide on. Mr. Weed's machine gave a rather uncertiiin lUlit and It was hard, to, boo a coal wagon in the center of the road barely twe nty feet a way. When the nuto.struck tho wagon, It la just possible that tho Captain vt.-4s so surprised that ho tumbled out of the auto a second time nnd landed face. -first, on. th hard, hard brick. Those are little ploasanti-ic-j, Uiat go with Joy riding on the crowded, thoroughfares of Reynoldsville, and the Captain will surely not blumo all Ills, soars on tho pilot of the good ship FonL. Incidentally, though he 'went to bed to rwt up after his experience, and though he came out next morning witlk.. a. bandage - tuviund bis head and a cover over his right, eye. he found his way to the (Kills and with his one trusty eye located tho iirpt. black square for straight out ticket. Mr. weeit auto, UKe Uie-tatain. is. somewhat in need of repaint MRS., LM..STEW1MI BEAD. Tho following obituary,, clipped from Itntler paer, concerns a lady well known in Reynohtsvillo, where sha bad frequcnUlj; visited: At lO ju.a'clnck. Tl.wrsuijr Homing, at the home of her father, Adam Miller, 427 Walker avenue, occurrttd the death of Mrs. Nina B. Stewart, wife of L. M, Stewart, of Buffalo.. Nnw York, after. m extended illness of & complication, of diseases. Tho deceased., who had been ill forrthe past ton months, was, born nt Pai-l.or in 1873, removing to Buffalo, N. Y., witither husbiuid, some time ago. She is survived by her husband and three childreuVMar garott. Celeste and Miller, at home. me funeral was neiu iu uuuer sasm-ciav evening and burial was made in thu-South cemetery. Laxga Potatoes. Another Instance of heavy yield o potatoes on a farm near Reynoldax-illo was rolled to our attention last week. On a piece of ground 27 1-3 rods long and 8 rcd-j wide, amounting to about 1 Ut-30 acres, Earl Craven, of Washington township. nroduced 411 bushels of DOtaoes. The tubers wore grown on the farm of his. brother. Harry Craven, near Sandy Valley, and prove the results; that may bo secured by careful and scientific culture of tho soil. Another extraordinary thing about tlio crop was the size i-i the potatoes. Practically all wcigned close to two pounds apiece, and many of them went to two and a half and three pounds. SPECIAL AT BOON'S Tub Creamery Buttor 3Tc per pound or three pounds lor i.uu. t 3(1 boxes of mutches for 25 cebts, Pure extracted honev 3 pounds for 4i'c. THOMAS D. HOON. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to all friends our deep appreciation of tho innumerable acts of kindness shown before nnd after the dentil of our daughter. Esther, for tho sympathy expressed and for tho many Horal pieces and bouquets sent to the homo. Mr. ana Airs. w. n. iicu. Don't forgot tho dance at Montie's hall Frldav eveninir. Nov. 11th. Frank A, Bohren, Instructor; music by Campbell and Bohren. For a fancy box of chocolates for your sweetheart, as a girt, call ana see us ReynoluevlUe Candy Works. Piano boxes Mn?lo S'.o-e. for tale at H?k'r ESTHER CORNELIA BELL DIED IN NERGY HOSPITAL In fetv instances Ml fecent years has the) di-ath of u young person excited more - policial sympathy in Uoyiioldsvillo than that of MWs Esther 11:11. tho only surviv ing clnught r if Mr. nnd Mrs. Will H. Bell, which occurred ut the Monty Hospital , in Pittsburgh Thursday morning, Novem-lo-:ti-4, 1010. Miss Bell's illness win of a few days duration. Friday of Inst week she attend ed school ns usual anil In tho evening prepared to go to tlio concert of tho Vassnr Girls in .Lisi mblj- hall, but then, noticed the llrsl indications of the iittuek which ' was Ut terminate her life. Saturday her condition lioi-iune serious nnd on Moml-.iy. after consul tnttnii among the pliysieiiiAH. It was decided to take her to the Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh for n operation. For this purpose she was taken to I'ittsbnrgh Jfonday afternoon, accompanied Hy h,.,. pt.onts and by Dr. Harry B. King" Tho operation was delay ed until ll.3o Wednesdhy morning and after tho ordeal! she fulled to rally. Miss Bel lingered unl 8.30 Thirsday morning, nt which timer tho endl came; It was found ufter tlio-. opcraton that tho cause of her illness -was general peritonitis. The bKiy wig- partially prepared for burial in Pittsburgh and wasi brought to Reynoldsville TlnirsUuy night, arriving Here- at fl.40. 14. was a notabln mark of tho esteem of the nimmmiity for. the family that several hundred people were at tho .station- to meet Ilia- parents on their return with (fro casket.. Friday Saturday and "' Sunday morning, while tho caskot rested at home of tho pnronti, Main street, hun dreds gf the local people viewed the re mains f the deceased girl. Sunday iifU rnoon at two o'clock tho ffmornJ service rnn lrti at' tUi- -niideucd of the parents, a short service bring con ducted by the Rv. John F. Block, pastor of. tin- Methodist Episcopal church, wsisteii by tin- Rov. R. A. McKlnloy, piwtor of the- Presliytcrlan church. Tho inline wits, too .small to hold the" large concourse f people who came to pay last tribute of cispecU Burial was niadn '. in thiv Ritynoiflsvillo cemetery under direction of Henry Prwster. The Men's' Bible (.lass of the M. E. church, of which Mr. IM 1st k member,, attended the funeral and m.-jvihed to tho cemetery iu a-ibody. Esther Cormlla Bell wns born in Reynoldsville A.ugust UU, 1H04, and was 1C years. 2 months. and 8 days old at time of" her death. She spent her whole life in i place and attended Mio public schools, being in the tophomoro class, this year. She possessed unusual beuuty nnd this, witli her mild, und gentle- temperament nado her general favorite- With all who know her. Slti was nn apt student and from infancy had skown a high degree -;uf musical talent, which had bean -, improved under the Instruction of the bost inusic teachi rs of Reynoldsville, Punxsa itawaey and! DuBoia.. She- wae. a good vocalist and skilled lierformer on the - violin and piano, ' Miss Bell' was -the second daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. W31 H. Bell, an older sister having died in infuticy. Beside the parents, tjro younger brohers. survive. Byron an.t'iOrton Bill.. , Among iM reliteves win, came toReyn- dtdsvillo to attend tho- f -literal were: Lincoln Hell and family,, of Patton, James Bell and; wife, of Pattou.. Mrs . Adaline VanKhrlrk, of Itteburgh.. Mr., and Mrs. Ernest Bogert.. of. Ridgwuy. Richard Millin. jf Ridgvjy.. The floral tiibutes. wtre rotuse and rich, rheprinripal pvces-.were contribut ed by the Mir wing : Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Murray, of Baookvilfei F:. O . Eagles, No. 540. i Reynoldsville. Miss. EleenoNolar. Reynoldsville. Mis. Mary Millin, of Browkville, Bwlhre of F.& A. M Reyn-old--x-illc. Mr . nnd Mrs.. J.. S. Hammond, Reynoldsville, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Utter, Riynoldsvlli', Miss-Lula. Black, Reynolds viiJe. Mr. aod Mrs. Warnick Hunter, Reyn olAsville, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mudgc, Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Ball, cf Pittsburg.. A!Vi- Bell, Helen Wilson, Gertrude Dinsmoi-e. Ruth Pantall. Alma Grube, Mildred Sheldon. Inez Frea9,' Susan White, Leonard MeQuown, John Kelso, ijll of PniixsnUvwnoy. Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Btf.l. Miss Helen Morris, DuBois, Mr. atxl iMrs.T.F.Adam. Roynoldsville, Dr. J. S. Bardwetl. iUdgu-ay. B. Millin, Ridgway, Miss, Edith M. Millin Ridgwar. Miss Ruth London, Reynoldsville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Alexander, Reynoldsville. Miss Helen Baum. Reynoldsville, Mr: ai d Mrs, C. W. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Alexander. Miss Grace Beck, Punxsu tnwncy, Helen Kurtx, Punxsutawne', Frank Smith Mr, and Mrs. R. D. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Graham, ' Corbel fc " Graham, Grace Beck, Punxsutawnc.' , Helen Kurtz. Puuxsutawney,Frank Smith, Reynoldsville, M. G. Swartz, Reynoldi, villo, H. T. Peters and wife. Reynolds ville. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hare. Rey noldsville, S, J. Weiser, New York, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Smith,' Reynoldsville, N. Sch ettino, Reynoldsville, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Alexander. Sophomoro class of the H. S., Room 11 of the public schools, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Williams, Punxsutawney. Pupils of tho Reynoldsvlllo high school. High School Faculty, II. . L. Levy, New York. In ad dition to the ones enumerated above, thera were innumerable bouquets handed into tho home to which no cards were attached, and others from which the cards were lost. Women's olotta top shoes, Gun Metal aod PUent. Trice 2 50. Adam's. and Bohren. . !'