The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1910, Image 9

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By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Black Duck. Minn. "About a vear
ago I wrote you that I was sick and
flpnrai couia not ao any or
mf mm
my housework. My
sickness was called
Retroflexion. When
1 would Bit down I
felt as if I could not
fettip. I took
jrd.ia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Com
pound and did just
as you told me and
now I am perfectly
cured, and have a
biir babv bov."
y- Duck, Minn.
I Consider This Advice.
No woman should submit to a surgl.
cal operation, which may mean death,
until Bhe has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made exclusive
ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be the
most valuable tonic and invigoratorof
the female organism. Women resid.
lng In almost every city and town in
the United States bear willing test!,
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It cures female ills, and creates radi
ant, buoyant female health. If you
are ill, for your own sake as well as
those you love, give it a trial.
Mrs! Pinklmm, at Lynn, Mass.,
Invites all sick women to write
her for advice. Her advice Is free,
and always helpful.
Mike Sbure, 01 feel very queer,
' Dan. 01 have sich a feel av fullness
after me meals. Do yes know a rim
idy fur thot?
Dan Oi do, me bhoy. Whin yes sit
down to ate a meal, don't ate ony,
Mike But thin 01 shud be full av
mptiness !
At the First Try.
"What do you thick of my dough
nuts, George?"
"Dear, you are a wonder!"
"Do you think so, really, darling?"
"I certainly do. Scientists have
been trying for years to produce arti
ficial rubber, and here you do it the
first rattle out of the box."
Easy for Her.
An extremely corpulent old lady was
entertaining her grandchild at lunch
con when she found occasion to repri
mand the little gl.'l for dropping some
food on the tablecloth.
"You don't see grandma dropping
anything on the bible," she said.
"Of course not," replied the child;
"God gave you something in front to
top it"
A man can't understand why a
17 centB for , her luncehon should
tains notning oi Blowing in tu lor a
It seems as though women's styles
change so often merely to keep men's
noses down to the grindstone.
When It's
"What for
Serve with cream or
milk and every member
of the family will say 'rip
ping" good. And don't
be ' surprised if they want
a second helping.
"The Memory Lingers"
Voattun Cereal Company, Ltd.,
Battle Creek, M!ih.
Wild West Outdone
NEW YORK. The wild west was
once the home of most that was
romantic and daring in crime. To
day it is superseded by the wild east
by New York city Itself. Crimes are
being committed here which for dar
ing and unwontedness can scarcely
be surpassed even by the most ima
ginative of writers of fiction.
A few weeks ago, up the river in
the neighborhood of Hudson, there
was a hold-up such as Deadwood
Gulch or Coyote Canyon never sur
passed. A paymaster and his guard re
turning from a bank with $5,000 to
pay off the laborers In a brickyard
were held up and shot to death within
a few hundred yards of their office,
and' to this day not one of the assas
sins has been captured and not the
slightest light has been thrown on
the tragedy.
Recently in West Forty-seventh
street there was a duel between two
parties of men. Kach of them was in
a big touring car and they maneu
vered up and down the street ex
changing shots like two battleships in
action. There was another duel be
tween two automobile parties on Seventy-second
street a ccuplo of even
ings later.
Not long ago, one afternoon when
Broadway was crowded, a gambler
stood in front of one of the best
known of New York's theaters and
Bring Rare Antiquities From Egypt
BOSTON. The Egypt exploration
fund of England and the United
States has forwarded to Its headquar
ters in Tremont Temple a valuable
consignment of antiquities to be di
vided among museums contributing to
the society's excavations In Egypt.
These objects were displayed In
King's College, London, and represent
the result of last winter's work con
ducted at Abydos, Ehnasiya and Sid
mant. Abydos has proved an especially
valuable site for exploration. Here
Osiris and Isia had their chief altars,
to which offerings were brought from
the farthest borders of Egypt during
the period of centuries from the
twenty-eighth to the thirtieth dynas
ties. The main work, which was carried
on under the general direction of J
Now the Slot Machine Grocery Store
CINCINNATI, O. The corner gro
cery store In the crowded tene
ment sections of great cities In the
United States will be crowded out by
automatic grocery stores if the forma
tion of a great corporation to install
slot machine stores in congested dis
tricts proves a success.
Rev. H. E. -Robbing of New York
city, who came here to attend the
general Episcopal convention, has re
cently been appointed chairman of
the committee of 60 business men
and philanthropists who will direct
the placing of the stores.
Automatic lunchrooms, though not
new, form another side of the project.
The company- has already contracted
with the Baldwin Locomotive Works
and Cramp's shipbuilding yards to
supply food at noon to their 40,000
Women to Pit Salon Against Jackpot
CHICAGO. The "Jackpot" Is to be
supplanted by the "salon" at
Springfield. Tea and wafers are to
vie with the stronger stimulants
which have been Inseparable from leg
islative lobbying before. Pretty girls
will pit their skill against that of cor
poration lawyers and saloon keep
ers. Feminine methods are to be intro
duced into political wire pulling and
those who are familiar with the In'
ternal politics of women's clubs pre
dict that eve$rthe most practical poli
tician will bj'fn something new.
The invasion was decided upon at
a meeting of the Political Equality
League in the rooms of the Chicago
Woman's club upon suggestion of Mrs.
in New York City
engaged in a pistol duel with another
whom he claimed had wronged him.
The aggressor was the poorer marks
man and was filled with lead. Half
an hour later the sidewalk had been
scrubbed up and was dry and dusty
again, and the surging crowds gave
as little comment to the affray as the
border men used to when a man was
killed over a game of cards In Abilene
or Dodge or any other of those roar
ing cities of the cow country a quar
ter of a century ago.
One of the most daring deeds In the
history of the metropolis was that
performed by Myles McDonnell. He
walked Into a saloon, where he knew
n lot of hla enemies were waiting to
kill him. The minute he stepped Jn
side the door three or four of his foes
opened Are on him. He drew his pis
tol without batting an eye and an
swered shot for shot. The doctors of
the Harlem hospital were busy for
several days thereafter attending to
the dead and wounded. McDonnell
killed two and seriously Injured three
or four others. He himself got off
without a scratch.
New York today has . the greatest
clearing house for thieves in the
world. It is there that congregate the
transatlantic robbers, men who work
the ocean greyhounds. After each
round trip they meet at this rendez
vous and divide their spoil. There
also assemble the master thieves, the
big robbers, the clever men who steal
by brains as well as by force.. They
are the safe blowers, the crack second-story
men, the .cleverest of forg
ers who steal with pen and ink, the
kings and princes of the wireless wire
tapping and gold brick Industry, the
big swindlers in fake mining schemes.
Prof. E. Navllle, consisted of an at
tempt to clear finally the royal tombs
of the first and. second dynasties; but
much still remains to be done at this
site, and good results are expected
from the continuation of the work
next season. From these excavations
come slate palettes, Jars and vases,
ornaments of glaze, wood, stone, car
nelian, amethyst and flint; flint
razors, ivory carvings, beads and pot
tery. It is a significant fact that many of
the discoveries of the lost year are
Injured by dampness, because they
lie bo near the area of cultivation.
The wide extension of agricultural
Egypt resulting from the building of
thq monster dams at Assiout and As
souan, has not been an unmixed
blessing. Many of the noblest monu
ments have been injured and will ul
timately be overthrown by the en
croaching waters. The relics of the
past that have lain Bafely In the dry
sands of Egypt are already beginning
to decay at the touch of the infiltrat
ing waters. A few years more and
the excavator will find nothing of
value in places that are now rich
fields for archaeological research.
men, said Rev. Mr. Robblns.
"Our automatic grocery store and
lunch is not entirely for profit," said
Mr. Robbins. "It will really be a
great philanthropy. The poor in the
tenement parts of the big cities buy
In small quantities and have to pay.
the highest prices. A woman who
purchases 10 cents' worth of coal gets
it at the rate of $20 a ton. So with
the other necessities of life. The
cheap groceries are atso unsanitary;
ana mucn time is lost waiting to be
Berved, especially if a child is sent to
make the purchase.
"Our grocery stores will consist of
a small room with a lot of slots in
the wall. If a man wants a dime's
worth of coal all he has to do la to
drop a dime in the slot and he gets a
whole 10 cents' worth. So with beans,
6ugar, coffee and all the rest of the
groceries, done up In clean packages,
prepared at a central point and
bought in large quantities, which ex
plains the big saving. You cannot
haggle over prices with the slot ma
chine, nor do you lose time In being
waited on. Prices will be from 1 cent
Catherine Waueh McCuIloch inet tA
of the peace at Evanston. The league
will maintain a salon in Springfield
throughout the next session of the
legislature. This salon will be quite
the equal of 1 those through which
brainy women so often swayed the
destinies of France.
The foundation of the salon will be
a good-looking young woman, and her
chaperon. This champion, who Is to
guide legislators to right thinking on
the suffrage question, already hat
been selected. She is Miss Harriet
Grim, state organizer of the society
She will be assisted by the club worn
en of, Springfield and by Chicagt
members of the league.
The headquarters of the salon will
be in an apartment in Springfield,
which will be furnished by the league
for the express purpose, and open
house will be kept as long as there Is
a legislator or bis wife in Springfield
to be entertained. The definite aim of
the league for the coming session ol
the legislature is municipal suffrage.
"The melancholy days have coma" 'tis
well that he who penned
The poem which begins that way long
since came to his end.
The melancholy. days, forsooth! Th ap
ples In the bin,
Ths grapes that are so full of Juice It
nearly bursts their skin.
The pawpaws growing; greenish-brown
and fat as butter-balls,
The black-haw plumping till at last from
sheer delight It falls!
"The melancholy days?" O, sniff the
ambient atmosphere
And get the scent the Jocund breeze Is
wafting to us here
The pungent splclness and tang that
woos belated bees
And tells us that somewhere today be
neath the orchard trees
A copper kettle bubbles full of apple but
ter! Say!
What kind of man could say this Is a
melancholy day?
O, let us weep because the gorgeous
pumpkin waxes fat!
There Is a world of sadness In the very
- thought of that.
Full soon we'll bring the pumpkin In
end cut It Into dice
And put It on the stove and boll It maybe
once or twice.
Then later on we'll sit about the groaning
board end sigh
Because we lack capacity to eat the
whole big pie!
How sad It Is to contemplate the chang
ing of the year,
To see the leaves upon the trees grow
siiriveny ana sere!
How gloomy Just to sit and think of
turkeys getting big-
How can some people nowadays be
merry as a grig?
O, It Alls one' soul with woe and gets
upon nis nerves
To think of all the shelves that now are
fun or good preserves! ,
The melancholy aya have come" O, see
these bitter tears!
The Joyous hour for mincemeat pie with
every moment nears.
O, let the wintry bllziards blow, and
fetch your killing frost.
But bring the mincemeat season and the
world Is not yet lost.
The melancholy days are near But.
nrotner, can t you guess
The nectar of the gods Is dripping from
me ciuer press I
The late Mr. Shakespeare said some
severe things about the man who has
no music in his soul and Is not moved
by concord of sweet sounds.
In his day and time Mr. Shakespeare
was doubtless right.
Mr. Shakespeare never heard a
campaign band. No bannered wagons
uuca wnn tuDa aim cornet players
ever rolled through the streets of Mr.
Shakespeare's town, playing by rule
of thumb while the banuers exhorted
the terrified hearers to vote for the
people's friend.
Mr. Shakespeare never heard Gladys
Montmorency play the piano after she
had spent a year away from home at
a finishing school and had failed to
get ber finish. . ,
If Shakespeare had beard Gladys
play and had realized that so far all
she had gleaned from the field of har
mony was the art of crossing her
hands while rendering Old Black Joe
with variations he might have writ
ten a revision of his verdict.
Music hath charms to soothe the
savage breast, perhaps, but there are
times when it occasions the savagery
In the breast.
Another indictment against music Is
that so often attempts are made to
combine It with verseB ending "And
then to his old mother he did say,"
thus combining the two in a popular
song of the day.
Sensational to the Extreme.
"Yes, I'm going to start a new mag
azine," Bays the 'man with the fat
purse, "but there won't be the least
bit of sensationalism about It It will
be utterly different from all others."
"What's your program?" asks the
man with inked fingers.
"Not going to expose anything, not
going to "
"Huh! Right there you've outlined
one of the most sensational plans for
modern magazines I ever heard."
Love, Me, Love My Dog.
"Here comes that German count. I
wonder if he will propose again, or If
he has been discouraged by my hold
ing him oft so long. How happy he
will be, if he does propose, to -find
that the only reason for my hesitancy
was that I had to have time to teach
dear, little Fldo to say Yah.' "
"Who la that man who has been sit
ting behind the bar day after day?"
Inquired the stranger In Crimson
"That's Stage Coach Charley. He's
In a peculiar predicament. He went to
town last week and got his teeth
fixed. Then be came here, and, beln'
broke, ran up a bill on the strength of
his seven dollars' worth of gold fillln',
Charley won't submit to havln' the
nuggets pried out an' the proprietor
won't let him git away with the col
lateral, and there you are!
A Perennial Mystery.
Average Man These Sunday papers
Just make me sick! Nothing In them
but commonplace personal items
about a lot of nobodies no one ever
heard of.
Friend I saw a little mention of
you in the Sunday Gammon.
Average Man (half an hour later, to
messenger boy) Here, rush around to
the Gammon office and get me forty
copies of the Sunday edition. .
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
I and Uranulated Eyelids. Murlue Doesn t
Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
I Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
BOc, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
! Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mall.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
The Family Growler.
"Why are you weeping, little boy?"
"I broke de pitcher."
"Well, there's no use crying over
ipilt milk."
"G'wan! Dis wuz beer." Louis
rllle Courier-Journal.
Seventeen Years the Standard.
Prescribed and recommended for
Women's Aliments. A scientifically pre
pared remedy of proven worth.' The
result from their use is quick and per-
taanent For sale at all Drug turej.
Both Unpardonable.
"Agnes says she will never have
anything more to do with Gladys."
"Which did Gladys recommend? A
dressmaker or a summer hotel?"
Harper's Bazar. .
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces tnflnmmo
'lon, allays pain, cases wind eolle, 26c a bottle.
A woman hates her enemies longer
than she loves her friends.
When woman
mi I
silent seoret suffering she
trusts you. Millions have be
stowed this mark oi confi.
dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce,
ol Buffalo, N. Y. Every,
where there are women who
bear witness to the wonder,
working, curing-power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
which saves the suffering tea
from pain, end successfully
grapples with woman's weak
Dlk PHreeft Ptmt PHhit Imimm mild
Ttiat CoM Moom
ftM- . JjJA
which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. '
Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours,
without smoke or smell. .
An Indicator always shows the amount of oil In the font!
Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork In a bottle,
and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. .
An automatic-locking llame spreader prevents the
wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to
remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. '
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed
fn an instant for rewicking. Finished In Japan or nickel, strong, durable, well
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. .
Dealers Everywhere. If net at yours, write far descriptive circular
to tin nearest
Atlantic Refining Company
siainiiVIl .i
3 'Zm &. 'S4 SHOES tWoSIS
Bore- Shoes, 2.00,$2.50 A $3.00. Best in the World.
W. L. Oeteialmm $3.00, ta.BOmntt t.OOmhomm
mrm (toafvay tha bmmt enrndrn metet enetmt vof
ulmr mhomm for thm mrtam in Amorlom, erne) mrm
Ihm moat etaoetomtoml sAom iar jrtxs le buy.
lo too realise that nr ahoM lm iwm, i .-n.t-- n.
S years, that I make and aell more jt.(0, SM.ftO and S4.0O
i ."ST i'A" "r.iT.r ";'rtiw In the U.S., tnd that IOL
shape, look and Btbettor.and wear longer than anr c
SAO or SM.00 shoes Ton enn boy t QoHllty eonr
aaado my shoes THS LKADKK3 6P TIIK WOKLI
i00, 1 P yoo bo j my aho
SiiHl Pfranoe, and whealteomes time for yon to pur-. J " i-rMuwJ
abase another pair, yon will be more than plaased beeaaae &afrvtCM tklL
eh.lMtonj.wor., wall, and rare yoa somneh eomfo" 'VP"'V'
CAUTION I If0" "T01 wiftoot W.I.DoniiMXAirs- aj riKTITllT! i
Mr aaklarcauotuwaj j.m ltt, W.fcyi;' Ikm, writ. , MIOrOn-('(,. J
W 1. DOIIeLas, lit Sfwk atflwh Brwkua, Maak '.
I want every chronic rheumatic to throw
amir all medicines, all liniments, all
plasters, r.ndelve MUNXON'S RHEUMA
TISM H15MEDT a trial. No matter what
your doctor may eny, no mutter wnat
your friends may say, no matter how
Jrcjndlced you may be against all adrer
llaod remedies, go lit on-e to ynr drpj
etst and get aTiottle of the BHEUMA
5lRM HEM RUT. It It fulls to give satis
faction,! will refund yonr money. Munyon
Remember tuls remedy contains no sal
icylic ncld, no opium cocaine, morphine or
other harmful tiroes. It Is put up under
tlio guarantee of the Pure Food and Drug
For cale by all druggists, Price, Sc
"I have used your valuable Cascarefa
ami I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for
some time for indigestion and biliousness
and 8m now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, yot
will never be without them in the
family." Ed ward A. Marx, Albany.N.Y.
Pleasant,' Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do UooJ. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 85c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The Bert :
nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to ; '
cure or your money buck. .829
You Can't Cut OvT
A mm spavin, puff or
iiiuKuiiitni'in, i
will elean them off permanently, at
you work ttie horMi lutuo time, X)m
not hunter or remove the hair tti
perbottlo. Jtonk E free,
A 1ISI (ttlll I" .1 It., tor iniuikliut 1
Btfor Aftw f?11 bottlo. Hedurea Vllfh-uso Veins,
.uiivwoii'. njuriwiB. nuiiiunu nue
eles or Ligaments, Knlarired (.lands. Allays ptila
qnleklr. Your drt'Kdlrt. can supply and kIto refer,
encr-a, Will tell you moro If you write. Mid. only hy
w. v. louu. r. p. ., iittu,ii St., Upriiirlau, au
MR CUAVTR Tho"AcUn"Ftropperfordra.
milt OlWlCn ble-edEO liloflin utmpi botk
C'lKes at nneo better than new, uuarnmet'cl 111,004
ftold Intlerinony Unit year. 1'rlce 12 poat paid. Write
XurilluBtruUld booklet. KlnStrpprSKlMU.,tliHliai,e.
If afltlrted
with weak
yes, ue
nasystsiM i
Watson E.rolernna,Wa9bi
rjIl I W II I Jk Ington.D.C. Book'iree. lilfb.
a a w eat rewrence, ileal rwuia
W. N. U., PITTSBURG, NO. 441910.
Honored by Women
speaks of her
nesies and itubboru ill.
No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her oon
fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to
the World's Dispensary Mbdical Association, Dr.
R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.
amturwl howl movement move a day
on the side of the house where
winter blasts strike hardest always
has a lower temperature than the
rest of the house. There are times
when it is necessary to raise the
temperature quickly or to keep the
temperature up for a long period.
That can't be done by the regular
method of heating without great
trouble and overheating the rest of
the house. The only reliable
method of heating such a room
alone by other means is to use a
Absolutely anoJuleu and odorless
agency aj the
r other 3 .00,
! I TV
bMavaa of thm