The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1910, Image 3
m i eo f ALLIMAi liswa Che FLOOD The Store is at its BEST. I )( INT 1)1; LAY . ......... v , . Your Shopping another Minute. This 1b the store of superiority. Superior merchandise superior styles and superior values. A large percentage of the people in this vicinity realize this fact, they are the persons who figure as our warmest store friends. Now as never before, we are ready to demonstrate this truth forcibly, convincing, and beyond all reasonable doubt. You will notaek "how" if you have been here for 'the sake of those who haven't, we say, and proudly too with our vast assemblage of Fall Goods. Never have we purchased so widely, wisely or well never before have we been able to oiler such splendid varieties, such splendid qualities at such uncommonly low prices V . The best proof we can present of the superior--ity of our stocks and values and the great selling now progressing in all departments. Come To-iiiorrow- -compare- -criticize ; bo convinced! You'll findunequalled variety and values here. Don't Judge These Clothes By the Price CLOTH CRAFT All Wool Clothes are bet ter than they are priced. They have the all-wool ma terial, the snappy style, the fine tailoring, the pleasing fit that usually command top notch prices. Yet you can have these clothes advantages ior as low as $10 and no higher than $25. Scientifics tailoring methods pocesses that dut out waste and save manufacturing cost without sacrificing quality are - the cause. The result-clothes so good that they can be safely guaranteed to you. You might pay more and expect more, but you will never get more style and service than we offeryou in Clothcraft gua ranteed Clothes. . Make us prove it. It is advisable to Buy Furs Now Our collection of Muffs and Neck Pieces and of Matched Sets are now at their best and were selected to meet every io minine idea regarding Furs, and the selection contains every new style of Muff and Neckpiece. ' Note their prices. , Neckpieces from $ 1.00- to Muffs Bets 2.00 3.00 $20.00 20.00 40.00 New Skirts for Fall. New Skirts lor Fall are here in large display and any num ber of attractive values are offered you. , Choose your skirt while the assortments are unbroken. Read the values we offer below. Voile Skirts from $6.60 to - $10.00 Panama " " 4.50 " - . . 7.00 Serge " " 4.00 " - . 7.00 "Stylerite" Coats For Misses and Children We make a specialty of filling the wertr-needs of Misses aed Children and that's why we are going to talk about our "Coats." ' ' Make the selection of the Coat for Miss or Child at our" Store. Our dis plays are practically unlimite'd and the prieces most pleasing- ; : , Misses' Coats priced from 4-00 to $15.00 Children's" " " 2.00 to $12.00 Tinnas to wear unaer tne outer wear ior Ladies, ,, New Corsets aed Corset Covers all kinds of Undergarments Hosiery, and the minor articles of under dress. Brassiers tight fitting Corset Cover .priced from 50 cents to $1.00 LaRine Corset from $1.00 to $3.00 -R. & G. Corset from $1.00 to - $2.00 Vigilant Corset .50 YOU WILL BE CHARMED WITH THESE COATS, They are simjply beautiful' in style, so refreshing in ap pearance that they charm the most critical. No matter what your taste, you will be supe of. finding among these famous La Vo gue styles a model that will please you. They are easy fitting, com fortable coats, that you will feel at home In. The're made of dependable eloths guaranteed linings strictly man-tailored and finished perfectly. You cannot fail to like them. They're serviceable goods, too. And the prices are extremely modest. But come in judge for yourself. Fall Footwear , for Men There are scoreB of Shoes for men and they all claim to be the best makes. We satisfied ourselves as to which were beBt and then offered these makes to you. Men have their choice liere from the , Stetson, Barry or Reed Shoes priced from $3.00 to $6.50 Shoes For Misses and Children. We feature the "Lenox and Educa tor" Shoe for Misses' and Children, and parents will find these Shoes to give long weaf and retain their shape, We can fit the foot of every grow ing child perfectly. Priced from 25o to $3.00 Women's Shoes of Style " The "Dorothy Dodd" or Julian & Ko kenge Shoes for women are sold here and they represent the perfection of Shoe art. Our fall models of Patent Leather, Vici Kid and Gun Metal, are most attraction in style and most attrac tively priced, $2.50 to $4.50 Rubbers for all the Family. In most stores the rubber depart ment is a sort of a side line; which is rarely, if evtr, given as close attention as the other departments in the store. How different it is here is best told by making a visit to our rubber depart ment. We invite especial attention to our line of "American and Red Ball". Brand of rubbers, arctics, Alaskas, Gum boots, etc.. Women's and Children's Sweater Coats For wintery days nothing is so attrac tive, so styliBh as a Sweater Coat and this season we feature a larger stock, than ever before. Your sweater coat selections made here assure you the most popular styles andvbest value. Ladie's Sweater Coats from $3. to '$5.' Misses' .Children's 1.25 to $2'. .50 to 1.50 Women's and Misses' Furnishings - Everything in furnishings for Wo- ' men and Misses that could possibly be- desired New style idea in collars; Neckwear, Hand Bags,' Barrettes, Combs, Bflts, Belt Buckles, Beauty Pins, Cuff Links, Switches, Hair Tur bans, Hair Rats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, etc. , so different, yet so attractiv e as to make this display of compelling interest. Our price will be found to be most attractive. Men's Furnishings for Fall. It is folly to buy your furnishing else where for in our furnishings depart- r ment you will find the largest line of iShirts, Collars, Underwear, Hats, - - Caps, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery Suspenders, Work Shirts, Overalls, Sweater Coats and Woolen Shirts, ever displayed 1 in Reynoldsville, and priced exceptionally low. Special in Boys Overcoats. We will place on sale Friday Morning 25 Overcoats for Boys, age 10 to 15 years. These are last seasons coats but are in good condition and are suitable for school or everyday wear. They are made from Kersey; Melton and Cassimere and retailed from $5.00 to $8.00, your choice while they last only $2.49 . BINQ-STOKE CO 9 REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A. "Widow Jones " Suits and Overcoats for Boys. Fit your boy up in a Widow Jones Suit or Overcoat and you will never regret it. Made on honor and sold on merit. Each OUll UJ. vciuuiil iy give eatieiauiiiuu ji tua money refunded. Suits from $2.50 to $8.50 Overcoats from $2.50 to $12.00