The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1910, Image 2

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WWII 'Ml I U Ul Iffh. LIW M 1 I 1 ' L' .V',.r,. 1 I SA . . I. A,' .. 'A- V -..' V I
ii -. 3-
Bachelors, In Comparison, Are De
clared to Be Chicks Not Yet
Out of the Shell.
The Interesting and delightful men
re all married. I found that out
years ago, about the same time I dis
covered that none of the eligible men
of my acquaintance would ever do as
It has made me wonder If good
husbands are born and not made, or
whether It Is the refining lnflimnre
of the "other women" In thQlr lives
that has made them bo ndoraMe.
Very lllcly that Is It or eluo thoy
iiad good mothers who brgan their
education before they were born. Or
Is It I Rhrlnk from saying Is It that
we women have become Imbued with
that same thirst for the unattainable
that from time Immemorial has been
the undoing of men? Aro the good
old days when a husband and wife
liad no thought for anyone on earth
but one another really gone, and Is
every one discontented and groaning
under his" matrimonial chains and.
Is the ronl reason why we attnict
or aro attracted by other women's
htipbnnds that we are nrattnlmMe or
forbld'len? It cannot be true! TIki'o
must bo something lein petty than
the crying of the child for the moon
behind It all.
There are bachelors downtown, too.
many of thrni. Rut somehow, thoe
whom I meet peem crude and un
formed In comrnn'poTi with the "other
women's hnsbmds," Immature and
tintpctful. Fck in my l'tt'e country
village I urpd to as?l.t the Plymouth
Hock hen wllh the hatching of her
cMcVs. nicking off the little h!r of
shell from the round balls of feather
and helnlng in my elumsv way that
the chick might get Its hearings. I
am always wanting, figuratively, to
poke off a bit of phell here and there
from the bachelors of my acquaint
nnee and watrh them get their eve
open the poor things are so h'lml
where women are concerned. Phil
llpa Lyman In Smart Set.
ROM time out of mind the pub
lic has been wont to think of
the city of Washington as
gaining Its greatest if not Its
sole distinction from being the
seat of our national govern
mentcertainly honor enough
for any community. Within the
past few years, however, the
city on the Potomac has come
to have another significance. It
is rapidly taking rank as the
foremost residential mecco of
the wealthy leisure class In
America even surpassing New
port In that respect. During
tho past decade wealthy men and women have
been flocking to the District of Columbia from
n(l parts of the country, and these wealthy In
vaders are erecting magnificent mansions that
are coming to vie with the government buildings
as objucta of Interest to the tourists and sight
seers who Journey to Washington each year.
The moneyed folk who are taking up their res
idence at tho capital of the nation ore distinctly
of the leisure class. No multi-millionaire would
think of sottiln In Washington primarily for
business r.nsons. There Is practically no manu
facturing u:id no extensive commercial Interests
When Edwin Forrest Worked In Shop.
It has been said that lha King of
Prussia Inn was a landmark, and so It
was. Opposite to it was the first
Monravian church, another guide post
. In Its time. From both of these struc
tures strangers In the neighborhood
were guided. We learn, for instance,
that the shop in which Edwin Forest
as a boy worked was next to tho King
of Prussia. The number, at that time,
was 71, and the embrjonlc tragedian's
employers were Baker & Sou. The
Bakers were Importers of German
goods, and the elder member of the
firm sadly shook his head at his
young clerk, who was accustomed to
pass more time In the company of a
play book than he was In his duties. It
Is related that Mr. Daker, who U de-'
scribed as a very worthy and pious
man, remarked one day to Forrest, In
his own peculiar style and manner:
"Edwin, my boy, this theoretical Infat
uation will be your ruin." The worthy
nan, of course. Intended his remarks
to apply to hlB apprentice's Infatuation
for theatricals. Philadelphia Ledger.
Good Use for Castle.
It is possible for the question Is
being discussed that the French state
will buy Kerjean, the finest of Breton
castles, lying on the road between
LandWIsiau and Plouescat and in tho
neighborhood of Morlalx, to make uso
of it as a museum of the arts and In
dustries of lirittany and planned on
the same principle as the Maison
d'Arltes. A museum worthy of Brit-
lany aocs not exist ana sucn a one
should be constituted before certain
features characteristic of the country
are lost sight of In the modern level
ing tide which Is 'sweeping over it.
Kerjean Is largo enough to hold all
these and combine with collections of
mere objects an "academy" of the lit
erature, language, legends, folk lore
and the history of tho race. It is also
a suitable locality for festivities, ex
hibitions, competitions and other cere
monies for the revival or preservation
of the Interesting tradition of Brittany.
A Sneer.
Judge Ben B. Lindsay, the father of
children's courts, said In an address
in Denver, apropos of criminal cor
porations: "Why, even the thieves in the pris
ons have their shot at these malefac
tors. A Denver man. visiting ono of
our jails, said to a prisoner:
" 'Well, my friend, what brought
you to this?'
" 'Poverty, boss,' the prisoner an
swered with a sneer. .'I didn't have
enough money to turn myself into a
corporation and hire a corporation
jlawyer to learn me how to steal locally."
Voices In the Night.
Hank Stubbs Handy Crockett says
he is purty sura she heerd a wireless
message goin' overhead last night.
Blge Miller Thet warn't no wire
less message; thet wuz a flock uv
quawks goin' south. Boston Post
A Delicate Point
' "What shall we do with Senator
SmnggsT" - .
"Just say he was always faithful to
. his trust"
"And shall we mention the name of
- trustr
a. '..'
4 i
S Via;
1 !
U J "J
In the city none of the ordinary
channels of wealth production for
Americans. However, It Is Just this
absence of the commercial atmos
phere combined with the mild and de
lightful winter climate of Washington
that is attracting so many of the well-to-do
newcomers. Having made their
fortunes, they are eager to enjoy life
In a city where almost everybody has
more or less leisure; where there are
Infinite opportunities for amusement;
where the climate is conducive to out-of-door
Bport all the year, and where,
finally, there Is ever to be witnessed
the Bpectacle of official life with Its
parades, ceremonies and picturesque
social functions.
Whole "colonlos" of wealthy folk
have migrated from different cities
to Washington, notably from Chicago,
Pittsburg, New York and BoBton, and
to some extent these colonies have
foregathered In certain districts In
their adopted city. A most Interest
ing group of multimillionaires the
members of which have lately built
handsome mansions In Washington is
made up of what is known bb the
"South African millionaires'' men
who acquired the bulk of their for
tunes In the gold mines and the dia
mond mines of the Dark
Among these men who are now enjoy
ing life at Washington are Hennen
Jennings, Gardner Williams, who was
for a long time manager of the fa
mous Do Beers diamond mines, and
John Hays Hammond, chum of Presi
dent Taft and the highest salaried
mining engineer and expert in th
Perhaps the most notable feature of tho in
vaslon of Washington is found In the 111. ,
famous and wealthy widow, who have Zen '
their abode there, most of them .urchwW o?
erecting mansions. Among the weTknowi ll
ows who have "adopted" Washington are Mr.
George M. Pullman, widow of the founder of the
sleeping car company; Mrs. Mark Hanna Mrs
John Hay, Mrs. Albert Clifford Barney Mrs if n
Hitt, Mrs. "Phil" Sheridan, Mrs. John" A Logan'
Mrs Thomas F. Walsh, widow of the Colorado
min ng king; Mrs. Mary Scott Townsend, who in
herited many millions made In Pennsylvania coal
and oil interests; Mrs. Slater, who requires 18
servants to minister to her lone comfort In a
monster mansion .and a number of others.
The Influx of wealthy householders has caused
the price of real estate In Washington to advance
by leaps and bounds in those favored sections of
the northwest portion of the city which is being
to a considerable extent monopolized by The fash
ionables. Land that a few years ago sold for
U to $2 per square foot has Jumped within a few
years to $10 per square foot, and in some exclu- '
sive neighborhoods It is almost impossible to so
cure a large building slje for love or money. The
mansions which have been erected have cost
all the way from $50,000 to $1,000,000 each and
some of them have stables and garages that have
cost as much as $25,000 each.
The two principal hubs of this new moneyed
colonization of the moBt beautiful city In the
world are found in the two little circular .parks
or plazas known respectively as Dupont circle
and Sheridan circle so named because statues
of these heroes grace these bits of greensward.
Around Dupont circle are grouped the stately
mansions of Mrs. L. Z. Lelter and Mrs. Robert
W. Patterson of - Chicago, the Herbert - Wad a
worths of New York; Mr. and Mrs. W.- Ji Hoard
man and their daughter, Miss Mabel (of Red
Cross fame), formerly of Cleveland. Nearby is '
the new mansion of Perry Belmont of, New York
and the home of George Westinghouse, the fa
mous inventor and manufacturer of Pittsburg.
Encircling Sheridan circle are the mansions
of Hennen Jennings, Mrs. Barney, Mrs. S. B.
Wyeth of .Philadelphia another famous widow;
Mrs. F. B. Moran, Gen. Charles L. Fltzhugh, Mrs.
Sheridan, widow of the general; Lieutenant
Beale, a wealthy retired officer of the United
States navy, etc. The new mansions In Wash
ington are notable not less for their magnificent
architecture than for their spotless appearance.
Washington being the cleaneBt of cities, it has
been possible to make ubo of marble, terra cotta
and delicately tinted mosaics on the exteriors of
the residences and to have them retain Indefi
nitely their pristine beauty. .
Pathetic Case
Not so long ago the writer heard a little part
ing talk between a married couple. It wasn't a
case of eavesdropping, because the conversation
was right there to be necessarily overheard. The
man was over forty and his wife was pretty close
to forty herself.
"Well, you look pretty good to me, now that
you're hiking off, young feller," he said to her,
sort of sneaking his hand over, so's to get hold
of hers. "Look pretty middling' good to me any
old tlmo, when It comes to that. It begins to
look to me that I'm mashed on you beyond all re
demption. If it does you any good to have your
man moke that kind of a fool Bchoolboy speech
after all our years at the matrimony thing, why,
you're welcome, kid, that's all."
"Well, I'll take mine out In thinking, dear," she
replied, "and I'll writs all of my foolish things
In my letters. Now, you're honestly going to
remember to feed the canary every day, aren't
you? The maid can attend to cleaning the cage,
but you yourself will feed little Dickie every
single day, now won't you? Promise
me again, so I can feel comfy about
"Sure, I'll feed the bird. Say, I've
Just been noticing those hazel eyes
of yours. You've sure got 'era all
skinned forty ways from the Jack
when It comes to the brown lamps,
"Such silliness!" she interrupted
him, looking pleased. "Now, dearie,
listen. You won't bo getting poor old
Mellnda to cook you those dreadful
meEses things with horrid cheese In
them that you're so crazy over and
that make you Blck, will you? Prom
lse me solemnly once again, now.
won't you?" .
"Nix on cheesy things, as solemn as
you want it," said he. "Going to be a mighty
dreary, dismal old imitation of a flat without you
in It. sis. and don't you ever forget that. It sure
does get me gulpy around the glue' works to see
you going off, and I find that it's getting harder
every time you go away for a little trip to see
your folks. One of these old days I'm going to
pour an awful gob of grief all over you by going
along with you when you go away.
"Now listen, Jim; I darned up all your socks
day before yesterday, but I forgot to put them
In your drawer, and you'll find them in my work
basket, and my work basket Is in the box couch
In tho sitting-room, and for mercy's sake, Jim,
pul-leaso remember this so you won't pull the
whole flat to pieces looking for your socks, won't
you? Now, there you are, with a faraway look
In your eyes, and you're not hearing one single,
solitary word that I'm saying to you."
"G'way, I've heard every word you've said. You
said you sewed some buttons on the box couch
in the spare room, and that "
"Now, Just listen to that Listen to me, sir
stop looking at those crazy skylarking dogs on
their way to the baggage car, but listen to me. I
said socks. Socks In the work basket, in box
couch. Repeat tho words after me, sir. Just like
this: Socks in work basket in box couch."
"Wocks in Bork basket In cox bouch say, hun,
I haven't time for any such fool things as socks
It's your going away that's got my goat Doggone
it, cant I stand here and mutter my thinks to
you without your ringing In work couches and
socks and birds and oheese puddings and such
Junk on me?"
Most husbands are pretty good fellows, when
It comes to all that Dub along, most of 'em, and
do the best they can, considering that they're
ornery he-creatures. And most of 'em, despite the
old funnylstlcal gag, just nachually HATE to sea
their wives go away. Washington Star. . .;
Women Understand That Not Heroism
but 8 Imply Love Prompted
A few days ago, In a somewhat
squalid neighborhood, a house caught
Are. The flames hot quickly through
the litter on the floor and the untidy
array of clothing on the walls, A wom
an talking with a neighbor ran scream
ing to the house and without an in
stant's hesitation sprang through the
smoking doorway Into what already
seemed an Inferno. A moment later
she staggered out, her hands and
faoe blackened and blistered and her
clothing on Are. In her arms she bore
her baby, safe from harm. t
hTe afternoon papers came out with
the story, printed under headlines ex
tolling this mother's heroism. Men
read It on the street cars, and as their
eyes gleamed with the stirring of th
spirit which leaps to greet noble deeds
they said: "That woman dared to do
what most men would be afraid to do."
But the mothers who read It at bom
did not think that way. Perhaps th
danger of the baby, the wrecking of
the home and the burns the woman
Buffered brought moisture to their
eyes, but to them the act was not one
of heroism It was simply what any
natural mother, no matter how timid,
would do under the same circum
stances. Cleveland Leader.
This is the noma nf fhj ffrnt,at . n
remedies for Distemper, Pink Eye, Heaves,
nd the like among all ages of horses. Sold
by Druggists. Harnett U
the manufacturers. $.50 and $1.00 a bottle.
genu wanted. Bend for free book. Spohn
Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases,
Goshen, Ind. ,
Don't you notice how the man who
always wants to bet, and who says he
has a roll In his hand, invariably rolls
Constipation caunea and assravatca manr
serious uiteares. It is thoroughly cured by
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite family laxative. f
Anything left to be done at tour
leisure seldom gets done. S. Martin.
"I fell and sprained my arm
and was in terrible pain. I
could not use my hand or arp
without intense suffering unjil
a neighbor told me to use
Sloan's Liniment. The first
application gave me instant
relief and I can now use my
arm as well as ever." Mrs. ii.
B. Springer, 921 Flora St.,
Elizabeth, N. J.
is an excellent antiseptic and germ
killer heal3 cuts,
burns, wounds, and
contusions, and will
draw the poison
from sting of poi
sonous insects.
SSo., BOo. and $1.00
Sloan's nook on
Jiotms. rattle, slieep
and poultry sent free.
Sr. Earl S. Sloan,
Boston, Bass., TT.B. A.
P R ff" B" Send postal for
pllh H Free Package)
I I B tm hm ot Paxtine.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Gives one a sweet breath; clean, white,
germ-tree teeth anbseptically -clean
mouth and throat purities the breath
after smoking; dispels all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors j7nch ap
preciated by dainty women. A. quick
remedy tor sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paxtine powder s-
anlveri m olnM nt mm.m
KfTffcifl makes a delightful analeptic so.
4 cleansing, germicidal and heal
f 4 1 1 Power and absolutely Karnr-5-3-
C- -A las. Try a Sample. 50c a
large box at dru$? or by mail.
for Co
uchs It Colds
a v