The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1910, Image 1

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    ' - y .1 . ,ii . I,., ... , , l ,.
Read Hie Ads,
Ten Pages
L. M. Simmons, for almost a score of
years agent for tho Oil City Gas and Fuel
Supply Co., later the United Gas Co.. in
Reynoldsvillo, tins been transferred to Du
Bois as a result of radical changes made
in ' tho mtinugemet of tho company's
affairs in this part of tho tate. Tho Roy
noldsvillo oftico of tho company will not
'be abolished entirely, but all the bookkeep
ing hitherto done hero will hereafter be
done in tho DuBois oftico, as well as that
for Falls Creek, Brockwayvillo, Brookville
and numerous smaller towns in this
located here, as plumber for tho company
ior souia time, will De transferred soon,
but to where is yet uncertain. C O. Berg'
of DuBols, who was once located here has
been placed in charged of the company's
business in Reynoldsvillo.
J. P. Curry, formerly in charge of tho
United Gas Company business at DuBois,
v has been scut to Sharon. Mr. Simmons is
now in charge at DuBois and will shortly
move to that city. In his removal,1 Rey
lii'ldsville will lose one of her best citizens,
and local social circles one of leading spir
its in tho person of Mrs. Simmons.
There is naught so rare n a grand
old play. That is what Reynoldsville will
have. Al, W. Martin and local manager
M. M. Fisher have completed arrange
ments and that gentleman will bring his
revival of Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" to The Adelphl'l'hentre on
Monday, Novomber 7. It has always
proved a strong drawing card. Tho
Martin production has been pronounced by
tho press to be tho most magnificent of any
ever present on the stago, the Beoncry and
effects costing many thousands of dollars.
Six man-eating Siberian bloodhounds
trained to participate in the drama, and
among the specialty features are tho
original Georgia shouters and Jubilee
singers who will render plantation songs,
quartettes and refrains. The latest crnzo
in the dance lino known as the "S'waneo
Shine" will be presented, also many other
The reports of, the Relief Departments of
the Pennsylvania Railroad System issued
to-dny, show that during tho month of
September, 1910, an average of over $11,000.
per day was paid in benefits to employes of
the Company or their families. Since
these departments for both the Lines East
nnd Wost of Pittsburgh were established
tho amount paid out in benefits has
" reached a total of SvlMiM.H.VI.H.V
On the Lines East of Plltbnrgh and
Erie during tho month of September
payments to the amount of $1 In, 870. HI
were made by the Relief fund. In benefits
. to the families of members who died
$.10,240.16 were paid, while to members
incapacitated for work the bonefits
amounts to $79,638.15. Tho total payments
on the Lines East of Pittsburgh since
the Roliof Fund was established in 1SS6
"have amounted to $21,252,183.8!).' In Sept-
ember, the Relief Fund of the Pcnnsyl
, vania Lines West of Pittsburgh Jaid out
a total of $68,258.06, of which H0,5U6.68
were for families of members who died,
nnd $.17,692.00 for members unable to work.
The sum $7,941,173.46 represents the total
payments of the Relief Fund of Pennsyl
vania Lines West since it was established
in 18M9. .
fe. We will buy 50 head o f horses and mares
of all kinds, cheap workers, old fat ones,
any ngo from 5 to HO years old, sound or
unsound. t -
We have a market for any kind of horses
or mules, any size, in fair flesh. Now s
tho chance to get your old horses off bo
fore winter, and wo never refuse to buy
good ones as well as the common kind.
Bring them in uudt we will give you all
the market will afford. Will be at Burn's
Livery barn, ReyholdsVille, Monday, Nov
ember 14, at George Marshall's livery,
Punxsutawnoy, Pa., Tuesday, November,
15. Bring thorn in before 8 o'clock. Re
member places and dates. '
E. H. Bouor, a well known citizen of
Sandy Valloy, has purchased the Star milk
. route from Emil Persyn, who has owned it
for sev.eral years. Mr. Persyn will remain
on the Coax farm near Reynoldsville. Mr.
Boner will add to the usual line carried a
flno supply of cream and will bo in
f position to furnish Reynoldsville patrons
with it regularly.
All porsons ' are hereby notified to not
dump rubbish, waste, garbage or other
material on the public road undor ponulty
of the" law. By Order Supervisors of
Winslow Township.
FRANK HILLIS, Secretary.
- The boss, politicians will tell you how
to vote, but in the booth you can assert
your righto by voting contrary to their
corrupting influence Elmer E. Beck, for
Assembly. '
Paper Read by Dr. J, II. Murray,
of Reynoldsville, on Typhoid
Fever. ,
The Jefferson County Medical Society
held its monthly meeting in the Punxsu
tawney Country Club rooms yesterday,
with seventeen members present.
The meeting convened at 2:20, with Dr
Bowser, of Roynoldsville, president of the
Society, presiding. A paper on "Typhoid
Fever" was read by Dr. John H. Murray,
of Roynoldsville, and freely discussed by
the doctors that mado up tho assemblage.
. Dr. Pringle, of this place, followed Dr.
Murray with an excellent paper on acute
obstruction of the bowels, which was like
wise discussed at length.
A most elaborate buffet luncheon was
then enjoyed by tho physicians.
Those present were: Drs. Mills, of Big
Run. secretary of the Societv: Hnnimond.
j of Wishaw; Blncklock, of Eleanora;
Bowsor, Murray, of Riyuoldsville; Smith,
of Wnlston ; W. F. Beyer. S. Meigs Beyer.
Russell Gourley, S. .S. Hamilton, J. E.
Grube. J. M. Giubo, F. D. Pringle, J. A.
Walter. R. L. Young. Punxsiitawney
Spirit. . .
There was no general celebration of
Hallowe'en in Reynoldsville this year, but
numerous social parties were hold, and not
a few of the young people donned costumes
nnd hnd an evening of fun on the streets.
The eagerness which the younger element
shows to mnsquorade on Hallowe'en should
lend encouaagement to a movement for a
really large celebration of the night next
year. Reynoldsville was the first of tho
towns in this part of the state to lfold a
big Hallowe'en Masquerade, but un
fortunately neglected to make it an annual
affair. Sinco Reynoldsville's celebration,
many other town's have taken it up and it
is always a success.
George W. Svkes Owns a large
Tract in Alberta That is
Doing Well.
Goorgo W. Sykes. of the Sykes Woolen
Mill Company, returned last week from
Alberta, Canada, where he had spent a
month on his 8ml acre wheat farm. Mr.
Sykeh is enthusiastic over the possibilities
of Canada as a farming country and states
that his own field looks good to net him
$10,000 profit this yenr. When ho left the
wheat was knee high, "green nnd thrifty,
with every indication of yielding a heavy
crop. His son. Hurry Sykes, formerly of
Reynoldsvillo, is now on tho farm and likes
the country.
St. Catherine's Catholic church in Du
Bois which was destroyed by fire a few
months ago, has beenVcbuilt and on Sunday
morning was blessed and rededicated to
the service of the Lord. Bishop Fitz
mauriee. of Erie, and about thirty priests,
including Rev. Fathers Brady and Lynch,
of Reynoldsville, were present aiid assisted
in the services. An important event of the
day was the investiture of Father Bernard
McGivney with the purple, the insigna of
his elevation to the rank of Monsignor in
the Catholic priesthood. It is said that
about twelve hundred people participated
in the event.
The visit to Reynoldsville of Messrs.
Lurkin, McConkney and Watkins, candi
dates and speakers for pie Prohibition
party in Pennsylvania, drew out a fair
crowd last Friday night and they were
delightfully entertained by the geutlomen
for two hours. The Prohibitionists have
little love for either of tho two old parties
and tho Berryites look much tho same to
them os the partios they sprung from.
Larkin will not be elected governor, but
his campaign speeches will change enough
votes to materially affect tho votes of the
bigger mon.
A Regular Tom Boy.
was Susio climbing trees and fonces,
jumping ditches, whittling, always getting
scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps,
burns or scalds. But laws 1 Her mother
just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and
cured her quick. Hoals everything heal
able Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Old Soros,
Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c at Stoke &
Feicht Drug Co.
Postponed Euchre.
The euchre of the Knights of Columbus,
which was to be held Monday night, has
been postponed until Thursday, November
8rd. Conflict of dates with previously ar
ranged events was Cause of postponement.
I fight every inch of the way to over
come the strong opposition against me, and
I have confidence n the people that they
will elect me. Elmer E. Beck for
Bad breath, hawking, spitting come from
catarrh. Get rid of it. Ask Stoke h
Feioht Drug Co., tor Hyomei, the pleasant,
antiseptic, Australian dry air treatment.
Complete outfit $1.00; extra bottle 50 cents.
The Inter Class Field and Track Meet of
tho Roynoldsville High School was held
Saturday on tho ball grounds. Despite
cold and wintry weather, a large and
enthusiastic crowd turned out to witness
the events and thereby support the
students in tho zeal for athletic spoVts.
The proceeds of the meeting nmounted to
nearly $l.r.00, which will be used in the
purchase of vaulting poles, discus, etc.,
the shot and hammer having been ob
tained from sundry scrap heaps around
The 100 yard dash was won by Dellart,
second W. Alexander, third Cochran.
The polo vault was won by Shutt,
Shughrou second, Bell third.
The standing broad jump was won by
Watson, M. Smith second, K. Alexander !
third. ,
220 yard dash was won by IVhurt, W.
Alexander second, Cochran third. I
Standing high jump was won by ;
Shughrou, Reed second, M. Smith third.
Running high jump was won by K.
Alexander, Reed second, Shughrou third. '
Shot put won by M. Smith, Dehart '
second, Murray third. j
Hammer throw wn by Murray, '
Watson second, M. Smith third.
Died at the Home of her Son, '
James Tovey, in Anita, Last j
Sarah Ann Tovey, a former resident tf
Reynoldsville, died at the home of her son,
James Tovey, in Anita, October 23, 1910, at
the age of OS years, 1 1 month and 17 days.
The funeral service was held Wednesday
afternoon in the Presbyterian church at
Anita, conducted by Rev. H. ti. Teagarden.
of Punxsiitawney, and . the body was
brought to Beulah cemetery in Reynolds
villo for interment beside tho body of her
husband, who died five years ngo.
Mrs. Tovey was born in England Nov. 7,
1841, and was married in that country in
18(12. The couple came to America twenty
nine years ago and lived for a timo ut
Williumstown Inter moving t Reynolds
ville and remaining here for eleven years
She is survived by one son, James Tovey,
who resides at Anita.
Sunday afternoon a murder nnd suicide
occurred at Helvetia, a little mining town
east of Sykesvillo. A foreign couple,
Kostany Liszowiski and his wife, both of
whom are reported very respectable people
among tho Slavish element, quarrelled
bitterly during tho last week nnd the bud
feeling culminated Sunday in tho husband
shooting his wife nnd then turning the
shot gun on his own person. There' was no
person present but two small children of
the pair, and they are unable to give a
very clear story of the affair.
Misses Grace Hauck and Cathorino
Gillespie entertained a party of young
people at a well arranged Hallowe'en
party at the home of J. W. Gillespie on
Fifth street Monday evening. The event
was a masked affair and well planned.
The little ludies and gentlemen arrived
with their features under cover and in
costumes that were bewildering. Until
tho masks were removed the time was
spent in playing games and all manner of
fun. Refreshments . were served nnd
music added charm to the event.
The Helping Hand Society of the M. E.
Church will hold a "Goad Eat" in the
festal hull of the M. E. Church Thursduy,
Nov. 3rd, from 5 to 1 o'clock. The supper
will be served by member.) of the Men's
Bible Cluss and will be something quite
different from the usual ruu of such affairs.
The menu is as follows :
Meat and Bread 15c
Beans ., 10c
Potato Salad 5c
Gelatin 5c
Sandwhiehes..., ' 5c
Doughnuts 2-5c
Sauor Kraut and Weiners 10c
Pickles 2-5c
Pie 6c
Cake i ' 5c
Ice Cream 10c
Music by Sunday School Orchestra.
A Man Wants To Die
only when a lazy liver aud sluggish bowels
cause frightful despondency. But Dr.
King's New Life Pills expel poisons from
the system : bring hope and courage ; cure
all Liver, Stomach and Kidney troubles;
impart health and vigor to tho weak,
nervous and ailing. - 25of at Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.
I stand before the people on my
character and business qualifications, and
I believe the people are going to elect me.
Elmer E. Beck for Assembly. ,
Accurate, 'painstaking work is the
secret of Gibson's success. If your eyes
need care, meet him at Reynoldsville
November 12, or Brookville H-15.
A rumor current on tho streets lust
night to the effect that the directors of the
Star Glass Company and Colhurn Ma
chine Glass Compuny had decidod on the
removal of the glass machine from the
local plunt, met with un emphatic denial
from tlie officials of the Star Glass Com
pany.? A. T. McClure stated that to the best
cf of his knowledge the machine would
operate again in Reynoldsville in the near
future.' .
One of the most unique Hallowe'en
parties ever held In Reynoldsville was giv
en by Misses Hallio Burns nnd Faya Me
Connell to about sWty young people in
Month's hall Friday evening of last week.
Tho hall was decorated in tho spirit of
Hallowe'en and gave those present the
feeling of moving among things mysterious
nnd yii-d. The only light came rrom a
palely gleaming moon in one corner of the
room and from o few Japunesc lanterns,
while on the walls black cats seemed
stealthily to creep around, witches on their
broomsticks glided through the air, nud
grotesque faces peered out from unexpect
ed corners ut the merry crowd. Shocks of
corn fodder, with pumpkins and ground
pine heightened the effect.
For tho first fifteen minutes the time
was spent "swapping" packages, after
which there was the Tun of fortune tolling.
Fine refreshments were served about
ten o'clock, and half an hour later dancing
commenced and continued until the moon in
the comer grew pale. The music was furn
ished by the Bohren nnd Martin orchestra.
The "swapping" party wua voted one of
the best social events of the season.
GTlie plant of the Reynoldsville Woolen
Company is now being operuted with tho
largest force it has had for several years,
and tho officials report more unfilled orders
on the books than ever before in the
history of the company. Double shifts
have been at work to till orders and the
mill has the air of prosperity in every ile
pnrtmpnti -
Effie Northy nnd Nellio Small, of the
Junior class, gave readings before tho high
school on Monday morning.
Items from the weekly report of attend
ance. Perfect in attendance and punctuality
Seniors, Juniors, Freshman Girls, Miss
Morgert's , boys. Miss Schultze's boys.
The third month of school began on Mon
day, October Hist.
There were eleven pupils tardy last
On Friday evening the high school pupils
will give a short lterary musical program
in tho Assembly hall. The parents of high
school pupils have a six-eiul invitation to be
present at tills entertainment. Prof.
Rife has secured tho loan of a number of
lantern slides and ho will show tho Abby
and Oakley paintings with which the state
capitol at Harrisburg is decorated.
Following is the program :
Selection Glee Club
Story of William Peun . . Efflo Northy
Piano Solo , Paul Shutt
The Story William Tyndalo Estella Fisher
Story of John nnd Priscilln Grace Stoka
Violin Selection Harold Cochran
Piano Selection Edith Katzen
Recitation, "The Children's Hour"
' Aldu Frederick
Piano Selection Fayo Neale
Recitation, "Tho Village Blacksmith"
Pansy Foust
Violin Selection Esther Bell
Admission to this entertainment will be
free and limited to those invited.
The pupils reports for the second month
of the school are issued to-day, Wednesday.
Those reports are sent to parents or
guardians at tho ' close of each school
month. They are an impurtial estimate
of pupil's progress in liis studies aud
should be carefully examined, signed and
For this week only, extra special prices
ou things you noed every day:
Tub creamery butter, 3ac per lb., or three
lbs. for $1.00. v
Rolled Outs, 4c per lb., or seventeen lbs.
for 25c.
Special mixed candy at 8c per lb.
Methodist Church.
Services for Sunday November 6th, 11.00
a. m., theme, A Vision of God. 7:30 p. m.,
theme, The Greatest Man in Pennsylvania.
I stand for clean, progressive govern
ment. Elmer E. Beck for Assembly.
The Lutheran Aid Society will hold
their regular monthly meeting at tho homo
of Mrs. Shutt, on Mabel street, Thursday
eveniug, November 3rd.
Mr. Citizen, of this Republio, do you
believe in giving orders that- ooerne men
into voting contrary to their convictions!
Elmer E. Beck, for Assembly.
Elmer E. Beck, Democratic and Key
stone candidate for Assembly.. f)
Assessor P. A. Smith has Com
plt'ted the Annual Inspection
of Property.
'Squire P. A. Smith, of Soldier, has just
completed the annual assessment of
property In Wlnslow township and his
report will show among other things tho
following : i
Resident Tnxables in the township, 9S5.
Non-Resident Taxables in the township,
Whole Number of Taxables, 1.2S5.
Military Enrollment, 582.
Acre's of Timber, 225.
Value of School Property, $18,700.
Value of Church Property, $10,700.
Number of Dogs, 564.
Horses nnd Mules, 484.
Cows, 4 St.
Mr. Smith lias also completed a more
thorough revaluation of the
township that has been made' for many
years and there will probably be a surprise
in store for the residents when his returns
in this way become public.
John D. Pnttersour A. M. Applegiite and
David L. Postlethwait wore In DuBois
Sunday attending u meeting of the B., R.
A P. engineers, gathered for the purpose
of starting a campaign to cement the
fraternal and social relations between tho
members of the different divisions, and
bringing the "eagle eyes" Into closer
personal frienship. The engineers present
included representatives of each of tlie'
five divisions on tlie B., R. & P. system
and is the largest number of engineers of
the road that have congregated at one
Two sessions were held, one at two
o'clock In the ufternoon and one at seven
o'clork. Wnrren W. Stone, of DuBois.
presided over each session and In addition
to the social part of the meetings, tlie
working conditions, etc., were discussed
but nothing concerning these discussions
was given out.
The State President of the W. C. T. U.
has sent out a proclamation that prayer
meeting he held by every Union either be
fore or on tho day of election, asking the
Almighty to direct voters tocust their ballot
for men who will he instrumental in the
overthrow of tho . liquor traffic. The
Roynoldsville branch of tho W. C. T. U.
has arranged to hold prayer meeting
in tho Presbyterian church Monday
evening, November 8th, and announce
ment to this effect was read in tho
local churches last Sunday,
Mi's. Adda L. Martin and family will
move their hnusqhold goods to Uniontown,
Pa., this week, aud mako that city their
future home. Mrs. Martin has a son nt
that place. The family has resided in
Reynoldsvillo many years and tlie home
people will bo very sorry to learn of their
decision to leave the town.
Andrew Wheeler last week made trips to
St. Louis, where he purchased one of tho
finest car loads of mules ever brought to
this county, to New York City and from
there to Blairstown, where ho visited
his son Fred, who is attending school in
Blair's Hull, and returned home the first
of this week.
Miss Esther Bell, daughter of Will H.
Bell, was taken tc the Mercy Hospital in
Pittsburgh Monday to undergo an opera
tion for appendicitis. 'A telegram received
yesterday stated that tho operation had
not boon performed up to five o'clock.
Mrs. J. W. Kirkwood returned this wook
from a visij wtth relatiAes and friends in
East Rrady and West Monterey. y
O. Carpenter, a farmer residing near Sykes
vllle, died Saturday evening', October 2th,
at the age of 45 years. Tbe funeral service
was held at the home Tuesday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. H. O. Teagarden, of
Punxsutawnoy, and burial was made in tbe
Panic cemetery under direction of Hughes
& Fleming, of Reynoldsville. Mr. Carpenter
Is survived by hla widow,
George A. Hunter, who has been off duty
many months on account of Illness, la
employed again as the representative of a
large Pittsburgh meat packing house in this
section of tbe state. The position Is a good
one and will keep Mr. H unter traveling over
a wide stretch pf territory continually.
Frank P. Alexander, who has taken up
Insurance work, Is In Pittsburgh this week
attending a convention of the agents of the
Equltabls Life Insurance Society. - Last
night he atteuded a banquet of the company
officials and agents, held at the Hotel
Bchenley. He will return to-day.
E'.Eobert Douihlt returned yesterday from
the Boone Mountains, where he has bcon for
a few weeks gathering chestnuts.
Tbe Presbyterian Missionary Society will
meet at the home of Miss Robinson, on Main
street, Friday afternoon at 2.30.
W. 8. Christy, of near Reynoldsvillo, went
to Vandergrlft Monday morning to visit a
few days.
Miss Carrie Arnold, daughter, of Charles,!,
Arnold, of West Reynoldsville, and George
Bllffer, of DuBois, were united In marriage by
Rev. Father T. Brady at the Catholic manse
Tuesday morning at 10.00 o'clock. The
couple will go to DuBois to-day, where Mr.
Bllffer Is employed, and where they will make
their future horns.
We would like to see a Land Show held
in Reynoldsville. More than once the Star
has culled attention to the opportunities
that ore own for development of the
farming luud neur town, and we believe
that a show of tills nnt'Htould result In
a display of the prodm 'ts Ok , juty that 1
would surprise all. During in., summer
numerous instances of successful fruit
culture were noted, and now, ut the close
of tlie season, reports from the farming
regions are to thc effect that the potato
crop has been extraordinarily largo. Not
only was the yield plentiful, but the tubers
were of exceptional size. One farmer,
Charles Dean, reports picking up at
random twenty potatoes from his bin, and
when weighed, they mudo a total of sixty
pounds, an averago of three, pounds to tha
potato. Tho reports from Itormtown,
from tho Emerickvillo, Beech woods and .
Prospect regions till indicate 'that tho
farmer In Jefferson, county has reason to be
tho most contentod'ef men tills wlnteh'
Thursday we were shown a potato grown
on the farm of M. J. Owens, near Reyn
oldsville, which weighed 'three nnd one-'
half pounds and measured, twenty-three
inches in circumference the long way. and
fourteen and one half Inches the' other. It
was a monster and we have seen Its equal
but once before, in that instance the potato
having been grown in Colorado and shipped
east. Mr. Owens states that while this
one was exceptionally lurtre. he h nfl rtiHnv
bushels more which are but slightly
smaller in size and will averugo about two
and one hulf pounds.
A very pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rodde-
cliff in Rathmel on October 22nd, when a
social gathering was held In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. William Whitford, of Lone Rock,
Iowa, and family. There were .present
about 75 of Grandfather Richard Rodde
cliff's ehifilren and grandchildren, while
little Ethel Reildecliff. daughter of
William Reddecliff. of Soldier, represented
the fourth generation. A midnight supper
was served and closed one of the most
memoriible evenings in the life of Richard
Roddeeliff. Mr. and Mi). Whitford are
now visiting lelntives'lii Ruthmel.
Fred Dean, of Butler, Pn., visited his'
parents in this place Friday and Saturday
of last week.
A lecture on Sneinlism was given, by
Puul Girtird Hunt In the M. E. church nt
Ruthmel Friday evonlng of last week,
which was well ottended.
Mrs. Isaac Butson, of Soldier, Pa.,
spent several days In town lust week.
Miss Bertha Tuiiben, who has been visit
ing her brother In Pnrdus for several
weeks, returned to her homo in Ruthmel
last week.
Miss Jessie Muir, of Wullaceton, Pa.
and R. G. Richards, of New York City,
spent several days at the home of tho
former's brother, H. C. Muir, in Ratlimel.
Miss Ethel' Patton visited friends at
Pnnxsutnwncy this week.
Miss Verna Harris, of DuBois, spent
several days in town Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker, of Rathmel,
spent several days with the lattor's
parenU at DuBois.
Mrs. Annie Hamilton is visiting all
Misses Margaret and Anna Roberts, of
Punxsutawnoy, Bpent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, in
this place. . ,
. Miss Minnie Lutho, who has been Cm'
ployed in Butler some time, returned to
her home In this place last wecH.
A surprise party was given In honor of
Mrs. R. C. Muir, at her home on Monday
evening of this week. It was largely; at
tended and a general good time was re
ported by all. '
William Tucker, of Rathmel, is now
conducting a night school every Tuesday
and Friday.
It is expected that, Rev. J. W. Myers, of
Natrona, u former Roynoldsville minister,
will be In Reynoldsville next .muhIhv, and If
to, will pru.u li In the II, 'w. UsvUie Trinity
Lutheran church In th morning and even
Ing, and In the Chestnut Grove church in the
Thursday eveniug the attraction at tlie
Family Theotre will bo unusually good. ,
Goodley and Conway will appear in sen
sational hand balancing acts and comedy
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all friends aud neigh
bors for kindues shown before and after
the death of our mother, Sarah Tovev.
Caution Beware of peddlers using my
name. I never iieddle or canvass. Moot
me at my regular places on dates given ia
papers. G. C. Gibson, optician.
n n ..,....,,., , ,. 1, 1. ., nm l.i v.
Stoke & Feicht Drug Co., for 50 cents a
large uox. uvy uru kiihibhmiih m euro
l...i:watln a..M o,.,r. aoti halolilni nor.
dizziness, biliousness, heaviness, or any
stomach ailment.
You can pull the wool over the eyes of
some of the people all the time, but yon '
cannot fleece them all tho time. Elme
E. Bock for Assembly. ' .