V. A Ten Pages Read the Ads, VOLUME 19. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENITA.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK 26, 1910. NUMBEB 25. WAS A SUCCESS The thirty-fourth anniversary bao--quetofJohn M. Road Lodge, P. & A. M., of Roynoldavlllo, held Id the I. O. O. P. hall Friday evening of last week, wits a brilliant affair and a pleasant one for all in attendance. Covors were spread for eighty coupled and all the appointments were perfect. The tnnle decorations woro flower furnished and arranged under the direction of Mrs. M. Brown and elaborate printed menu booklets with an embossed blue and gold emblematic cover were plauod be elde each plate, During the progress of the banquet a musical program was rendered by the Masonic orchestra, consisting of Arthur H. Buskins. D. H. Young, Edward B, Maurey, Carl L. Kirk, Richard Uamiey, Harry L. Mo Entlre, Prank P. Alexander and Calyin A. Sttthlioan. ' Following were tho selections: Birds and Breezes - - - honk a The Clrl of My Pnams - Emerson A Soul horn Dream - - Lincoln Pltie Feather - - Morse Sentry March - - Ilasklns 'Oood-MRlit Dear - - Anderson At the close of the feat, Tnastmasler William M. Rife, In a neat sperch, Introduced a program of music and song and fun which continued for over Rn hour, the leading numbers of which were as follows: Overture - - Orchestra Solo - -' Artliur n. Haslilns Instrumental Solo - Miss tttitluyn Kins Selection - - Orchestra 8olo - Frank P. Alexander A Few Minutes of Fun, Edward B. Manruy Auld Lang Syne. Selection - - Orchestra Cotillion - . David Reynolds. Esq 'Good-Night Dear - Orchestra When the soul stirring strains of David Reynolds' violin floated across the room, there was an Irresistible Inclination to trip the light fantastic and the room was cleared for the pur pose. Tho old time cotillions were rendered by Mr. Reynolds as only he knows bow they were played half a -century ago, and many of the older people present, who bad not danced for years, simply could not resist the temptation to renew the memories of .youth and danced the evening out. All in all it was a gathering that will be remembered by those participating for many years to .come, and Its success relit eta credit on the Worshipful Mauler and Secretary, Harry L. MoEntlro and William Copping, who arranged all of the details of the affair. INTER-CLASS MEET SATURDAY The Roynoldsville High School will hold an later class meet on the baseball ground la this place Saturday after noon, October 20tb, commencing at 1 o'clock. This meet Is held for the double purpose of stimulating interest, la athlotlc among the high school, and to falsa a little money to purchase needed apparatus for the high school work. An, admission fee of ten cent will bi asked t.f all who attend and It Is hoped that the "grandstand" will be ,ifllled to capacity. The boys made good records at Brookvllle Saturday and the local people will be given an oppor tunity 'to see some of the feats of that occasion repeated. "ARRIVAL OF.KITTY" COMING One of the most prouatsing of this season's new dramatic offering? is Doherty Collins & Co's prnlu;tion of Norman Lee Swartout'e delinbiful farce-oomedy, "The Arrival of Kitty." The piece is said to be one of the brightest and most potent laugh pro ducer created since the days of the Eoyt farces, and, In (act, It Is in some ways Bimllar to those old masterpii ces of wit and humor though it is et tlrely new and original In theme and treat ment, Mr. Swartout alreacy holds an tin enviable place among contemporary writers of farce comedy In this country through his creation of "Sundy" and , aeveral kindred piece but it is said that he has eclipsed all his previous efforts in "The Arrival of Kitty". . Doherty Colllns& Co, who are successful pro ducers of this line of dramatics, promise to give their new comedy a thoroughly adequate presentation and to provide a company of unusual excellence. One of -the particular attractive features of the performance will be a number uf bright and clever specialties-wbkU i:i be Interspersed. "Tne Arrival of Kltty!' will be given In Adelphl Theater. Reyn oldeville, Monday, Ootober 31. If elected I, wlii be fair to all my constituents and partial to none. El sr E. Beck, for Assembly. . MING NEXT FRIDAY MadiBon F. Lirkin, the Prohibition candidate for governor, Charles E. Mc Conkey, the candidate of the same party for lleuti nant governor, and Aaron S. Walkins, prtsidentof Asbury f -", v" Vt t Uf f H & - ' " ak thy 2v t 7 Madison P. l.arkln Collogp, Wllmore,' Ky., ft former candidate for vice president of the United Slates, will be in Reynoldsvilla Friday night of this week, October 2Si,h and will speak in tho Centennial hall. Larkln is a man 01 the finest stamp, Charles E. McConkey standing high iu business circles In tho eastern part of the state, and VValklns has a national reputation as a lecturer. Those who attena this rally wi'l hear three of the best political speakers on the stump to-day. MISS THOMAS WEDS AT BUTLER i . I Miss Aria Thorns", daugh'ir of Mr. and Mrs 11 .1 Thomas, uf nutlet-. former nsidt-uts f Reynoldsvllle. was marritd Wrclnrday noon t Young wood, l't , the !'! mon.v N trig perform ed In the Lutre ran parsonage by the Rev. Henry Shbnr.r an uncle of the grooom. Mr in.il Mrs. Shamir had their hiun-t all furnished radytoro cupy. The Hu'li rCtt'z n, commenting on the marilutft iu: The b:!Jj is a wW known and popultr j-nung dv of this rlty and man frit nds will juin In wlrhlnc her much happtnfus Air Shanor Is the treaurr uf Ihn Hntlir Pure Milk Company, wlrch lots s-vera! plants in the county, aid Is the manager t f the local plsnt.. He in a capable young business man ai d ha a large cirri of friend. Oa iirxt rnH.-tlayti.ev ill leave for Chlcat'ii to attend tie American Dairy Sbor. DIED AT VANDERGRIFT. Leone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aiman, of Vat dergrift. dii d Monday at 2 45 p. m. i'De body will be brought to the home of John D.. Patterson, uncle of thn deceased, in Reynoidsvil'e, where funeral service will be held Thursday ami butjal will be made in the Reynoldsvllle cetueterj . NOTICE Iwilibjat, the City Hotel Thursduy afternoon, October 2"ih. from 1 to 5 o'clock, and all returns uoist be made at tbie time. Hahvey S. Detek, A-hessor, Lutheran Church. Rev. J. A. BoiKd will occupy tte pulpit of Trinity Lutbeiau church Sun day morning, Odnbir 30 b, at 11(0 a.m., also at Chestnut Grov at 2 30 p, m. and at Emerlckvlhe at 7 30 r. m. It it hoped that a full attendance will be present, as tbert are unrao Itrportant matters to be decided upon. Amy,; iialtiiaa 1 OPEN TO TEACHERS Ono of the finest suites of club rooms in Jefferson county will be thrown open to the teacher of the county when they visit Reynoldsvllle during the coming annual Institute. , By a practically unanimous vote the members of Reynoltlsville Lodge No. 610, 13. P. O. Elks, at a special meeting he'd last Friday evenlag, decided to extend this courtesy to the teachers. It is the desire of the citizens of Reyn- oldsvtlle that the teachers shall this year have the most enjoyable Institute In the history of the county and homes, clubs and public houses will be wide open to them. The use of the Elks rooms will permit soelal gather ings of all kinds, games, music and dancing. When tho teachers coroo to Roynolds- vllle they will go direot to the F.Ik rooms, whero a secretary will be In waiting and will direct thnra to the homes and hotels in the town where moms or boarding may be secured. A score or so of messenjar boys will be in readiness to accompany thorn to any point in the town deslri d. The' rooms are very cioee to the Adelphi Theatre, where the sessions wi'l be held, and at the close of the sessions the teachers will he at liberty to use these rooms for any form of harmless recreation they choose. A vole of thanks Is certainly due the local lodge of Elks for their courteous action. It means considerable extra exrense to them and a sacrifice of their own holiday program, but it shows the true brand of Reynoldsvllle hospitality. BERRY CAMPAIGNERS GIVEN WARM VillCOMl William n. Berry, candidate of the Keystone party for governor of Pennsyl vania, was well received by the local people last Friday night and spoke to an audience tbat Oiled the Centennial halt In every part. A largo number of prominent citizens were on the platform as vice-presidents. Since his former visits to Reynoldsvllle Berry has Im proved as a . campaign speaker and succeeded in holding the olose attention of his audience. Most of his charges were dlreoted against the men identi fied with the old capital graft charges rather than against the b 'ads of the present opposition tickets. The Berry supporter In town, and they are not a few, are now planning to make an aotlve campaign for their candidate and have organized a club for that purpose. GIL C. REITZ MARRIED LAST WEEK. ( Ex-Register and Recorder Gtlmore C. Reitz. president of the company now publishing the Brook vile Re publican, and Miss Mary Rue, of ; Waynesboro, Pa., ho last year filled the position of intrctor In music and drawing in the Brookvllle publio schools, were united In marriage at Philadelphia on Tuesday afternoon of this week, and after a short wedding trip will return to Brookvillo, where they will bo at homo to friends at their home on Pickering street after November -14 Brookvllle Republican. MARRIED AT KITTANNIMG SATURDAY. Mii-s Bess Greenwiiti. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' H. F. Cmvalt, of West IteynoldsvillH. a ml H.ury English were united in marriage at Klttannlng October 15th, the Rev. Isaac Miller officiating. It is now "Postmaster" Joseph B. Means, tbat title being a-sumed by the gentleman named, whose ap pointment to succeed W. W. Hender son, whose term of office bad expired, had previously been announced in these column?, at the close of busi ness on Saturday night. SylveBter Truman has alf-o taken up the post of assistant postmaster, succeeding Miss Margaret Schultzo. BroukvUle Republican. Card of Thinks. Vf - kf T a.-.t,-.. i i i S'l tho friends for their sjmpatby and i kindness after the deutb of her son, also the Elk lodge, Men' Bible class, of the M. E. Church, friends at the Imperial hotel, and ail the other hotels for their beautiful floral tributes. ( I stand Ui( clean, progressive govern ment. Elmer E. Beck Fur Assembly. Pla-mato shoos for children. Rorm for every toe. Pride 1.O0 and tl.TS. FIELD MEET AT COUNTY SEAT The Reynoldsvllle High School Field and Track Team journeyed to Brook vllle Saturday where they took part in the annual meet under the auspices of the Brookvllle high school and won third place among tho schools contest ing. When we remember that the team had little chance to train and almost no coaching, the i-esults achieved are very gratifying 'to our boys and their friends. ' Summary. Brookvllle 55 points won. Punxsutawney.... 38 points won. Reynoldsvllle 23 points won . Beech woods ....16 points won' Brockwayvilla ...10 points won. For Reynoldsvllle, Dehart won the 100 yard dash, Nolan secot'd, in 1H seconds. These two boys won the 220 yard dash also, Dabart comiug In first and Nolan second. Ttie time here was 23 3 5 seconds. The program of events was not con ceded till after d;irk. The men In the half-mile relay bad difficulty In finding their mates. Punxsutawney won the event, Reynoldsvllle was awarded second place, D"h:trt, Nolan, If. Alexander and Cochran constituting the team. No time recordi d. In the standing broad jump, Watson tied HalTner, of Brookvllle. at 8 feet, 41 inches. By tbe time this event was called the darkness was so intense that the judges were- obliged to call Iu a passing automobile to furnish the jumpers and judges the necessary light. The occasion was very delightful one. The contestants and their teachers had the privilege of the Y. M, C. A. rooms, a substantial .lunch and a One dinner In tho evening. Tho Brookvillo people are winuers as hosts bs well as athletics. Our boys shall welcome their next Invitation QUEER EPITAPH IN CEMETERY ' A few wet'ksago there was erected in a cemetery near Big Run a tombstone over tbe grave ol a woman who died In a county hospital recently. The hus band of the woman has a grouch of considerable porportions against the medical fraternity and takes It out In the epitaph, which reads In part as follows: Examination refused JZI (quack) '. before operation " 12 hours later marched " Thru room " 4 oz cf ea'ia are . " equal to One Gun Shot. " Operating " Examining " Quarantine Strychnine ' Morphlnn " Typhoid Distributing ,' Midwife " Calomel " Temporature 40,') " Cold in the bowels " An Idiot head " And a criminal " POLICEMAN SPEARS HAS' RESIGNED. John Spears, assistant policeman of Reynoldsvllle borough, has tendered his resignation to the borough oouncl', to take effect November 1st, unless It Is impossible to secure a successor by that time. Mr.. Spears has made an ex cellent guardian of tbe peaoe and was just beginning to gain the prcper rotundity of such an official. MEAT MARKET CHANGES HANDS. E. M. Leach, for several years pro prietor of the West Reynoldsvllle meat market, has disposed of It to Irvln Burkett, and the latter gentlemen assumed charge Saturday morning. Methodist Church. Services for Sunday October 30th, 11:00 a. m . theme, "The Relation of or tbe Visible to the Invisible." 7:30 p. m., theme, "Playing the Fool." Blankets and Comforts, See our big 12 4 all wool blankets, til colors, worth 40 50 pair, our price $5.(0 pair. Others equally as low. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa. Don't forget the nwquerado ball in I. O. O. F. hall Monday night, Ootober 31, undor direction of Frank A. Bobren. Subscribe for The Star. LECTURE COURSE SEASON' Will OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT With all the talk of the institute at tractions, the local people are In dan ger of forgetting that the usual lecture course will be given In tho Assembly ball this year, and that the talent will be equal to that of any past year. The school children have been making an active canvas of the town during the last few weeks and the sale of tickets has been very fair. Tbe first attraction will be given Friday night of this week, October 28th, and Is of exceptional merit. A concert has alwavs filled Assembly ball and no doubt? will on this occasion. The following is a good description of The Vassar Girls, who are booked to appear: This company Is tbe outgrowth of an Ideal. About ten years ago a gentleman of some means and liberal Inclination conceived the idea uf educating a double quartette of girls for high class concert work. With ample means and not Impatient of time, he selected from the wide circle of his acquaintance eight girls of superior character and musical ability and furnished them means to complete their literary and musical education, guiding the latter in tbe direction of their contemplated work. The selection of personnel of a com pany five years iu advance of their first engagement, is something unique In the history of company organization and gives Vassar Girls a distinction enjoyed by no other. After these years of schooling and special preparation, tbe eight original girls appeared In concert In an eastern city and their success was Instantaneous and eminently justified the time, expense and work requlrid to prefect their musical education, make solo artists of each Individual and make them a unit in their ensemble work. For five years this company of educated, cultured and refined young women has honored Its name, tbe Eight Vassar Girls, in a high claBS musical event In the best advanced vaudeville In the leading cites' of tbe United States, and has demonstrated as have many of tbe great artists of the world, that a good, clean musical event of superior quality, iree from any suspicion of .coarseness or cheapness wlnl' appreciation and apbtause on Its merits everywhere. So great has bean their success that practically all their time for five year's has been consumed In re turn date work In twenty or thirty cities through which tbey made their tour, tuch as New York, Philadelphia, Buf falo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Cbloago, Minneapolis, St. Louts, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver and San Francisco, where ever-ioorcaslng aud iences have greeted them. NEW QUARTERS FOR 8. H. A. Tbe leasing of the second floor of the I. O. O. F. building to the Owls for club purposes trade ntceeeary tbe sc ouring of a new meeting place for the Business Men's Association. At the last meeting of the B. P. O. Elks in Reynoldsvllle, It was voted to allow tho Association to use the social rooms i f their quarters as a mooting place free of charge. The Invitation will be accepted by tho Association and the organization will meet there the second r.nd fourth Tuesdays of each month until such time as tbey can rent and properly i quip speolal rooms for their own use. , All citizens are requested to attend these meetings of the Assoola-. tlon and take part in work tbat It being carried on. DEATH OF AN ACED LADY. Mrs. Anna Christina Beams died at tbe home of her neice, Mrs. Robert Fugate, Tuesday night, October 18th, 1010. She bad been staying at the Fugate home for some time previous to her demise. Tbe funeral services were held at tbe Lutheran Reformed ohurcb Friday conducted by Rev. Shlngledecker. and burial was made In the old Beams cemetery near Cramer station. Mrs Beams was 87 years old, having been born in Greensburg Pa. Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. R. A. McKlnley will preach in the morning on ' Fading as a Leaf," and in the evening on ''Judas Iscarlot." A ohoir uf a dozen voloes will afford excellent music. All not attending other churches cordially in vited Tho topic of tbe mid-week ser vice will bo "Tho Book of Genesis." "Hyoinel cured my catarrh in a few weeks." M. P. Burke, Nortn Pomfret, Vt. It will cure any case of catarrh, coughs, colds or bore throat, or money back. Ask Stoko Sc Feicht Drug Co. Complete outfit 11.00; extra bottle 50 cents. E A wedding of exceptional Interest took place last week at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, In the Boecbwoods, when their daughter, Miss Ada J. Smith, botme the bride of W. Vernon Britten. Tho couple were ushered Into tho parlor of tbe home, which had been appropriately decorat ed, to the strains of a wt dding march played by Mrs. G. H. Ki 1, and tho ceremony was performed by Rev. G. H. Hill, pastor of the B.pch woods Pres byterian church, assisted by Rev. Hoeac, of Blairsvllle. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Edna Brtttuu, sistor of the groom, and the groomsman W. W. Smith, a brother of the brldo. The , ring ceremony was used. After the ceremony the wedding dinner was served to the assembled guests, and following that tbe happy couple were taken to Falls Creek in time to catch the 100 B., R. & P. flyer for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto. They will be absent ten days and after their return will make their home In tba Boechwoods. Mr. Brltton and bis bride come from two of the best families In Beechwooda. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith and was one of Washington township's best school teachers. She is loved and highly , esteemed by all her friends. The groom Is the youngest son of Mrs. Lydia Brltton. He Is an honest and ludustrlous young man. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brltton wish tbem a long and prosperous journey through life. NOTES FROM THEHIGH SCHOOL Prof. R. W. Clawges was one of ih a judges In tbe Brookvllle meet. The Business Men's Association of Punxsutawney furnished Its team transportation I y automobile. 1 Prof. Downs was a Brookvllle y I sit of Saturday. Mrs. Applegato was a sohool visitor on Friday. The Senior class contributed to numbers to the chapel program oa Monday morning, a recitation by Grace Stoke and piano selection by Misses Gertrude Stoke and Fay Neale. Marlon Harris has rlthdrawn from sohool on account of ill health. Clyde Burkhottse, of the freshmen, has withdrawn from school to eater the West Reynoldsvllle high school. Director T. E. Evans visited the high sohool Thursday afternoon, Tbe junior alas again reoelvet special mention or per'ect nUendarc and punctuality last week. ' . The freshman girls, Miss Morgret'a boy 9, Miss Butler's boys and Miss Robertson's girls were perfect In at tendance and punctuality for week ending October 21. Monthly examinations are scheduled for Thursday and Friday. Monthly reports will be issmd Nov; 21, a week from date. PUBLJCJALE Of Valuable real estate. Tbe executors of the estate. of Sarab. Baum, late of Plnecreek township, Jeflerson county, Pennsylvania, do ceased,' will expose to publio sale on Tuesday, November 1st, 1010, at 2 o'clock, p. m., on tbe premises herein after mentioned, tbe real estate of said decedent, consisting of 200 acres of farm land, situate along tbe lino of the ReyooldbVilie and Brook' vllle turnpike, in ' Plnecreek town ship. Jiffereon county, Pennsylvania. -170 acrs of said lr't l. cleared and stumped and la a w-" etata of culti vation: the remt.lLi. tj 30 acres are in pasture and in woodland There is ft large 13 room, frame dwelling, with, slate roof, three barns, wagon shed and other necessary outbuildings on said premises. A large part of the farm ia underlaid with coat and a country mine; is now opened thereon. The oil and gas rights are now under lease and net a rental of $200 per year. Terms will be made known at the time of the Bale. On the tame date, place and hour, the said executors will expese for sal one lot of baled bay, one lot of oati straw, one lot of potatoes, one lotot buckwheat, one lot of oats. John n. Balm, D. W. Dinger, Clement W. Flynn, Executors. . Attorney. Shoes, Shoes. We save you from 50 cents to 11.5(3 n Shoes. Try us for j nr next pair, J U. 'Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa.