The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 13, 1910, Image 7

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Prof. I. M. Smith bun been elected
musical instructor in tbo West Royn
oldsville public school.
Typhoid fever has caused three or
four deaths in Brookvlile and there are
a number of now capes.
Marvin's stationery storo, which
opened in the room next door to the
poatolFco a short time ago, has been
moved to Punxsutawney.
L. D. Roariok, who recently organiz
ed a nest of the Order of Owls in Reyn
' oldsvllle, is now recruiting members
for a nest in Punxsutawney.
The Indiana county fuir association,
after paying all its premiums this year,
anu six per cent intrnot on its stock,
.i has a balance of 83.0X0 in Its treasury in
The Peopl.-s Ba-gRir Store, A.
KaUen, pi'oprli tiv will be closed from
6 p m. tod 'iv to fi p. m. Thurs-day,
on account of the Feds' of the Atonement.
Mrs. Jewel's ncimmutoo of the
Helping Hand Society will hold a pie
social in the basement of the M. K.
church, Thursday evening October 13.
Everybody invitnd.
It will interest Roynoldsville peoplo
to know that Hoke Smith, the dis
tinguished Georgian who has juBt been
re-elected governor of that state, Is a
distant relative of Harvey L. Hoke, of
Fred K. Alexander is adding greatly
to the beauty of his Grant street home
by the construction of a handsome
concrete wall along the street and by
laying conorete walks and steps in
front of the house.
Harry Cavander, of Roynoldsville,
and Miss Grace Fetterman, daughter of
Mrs. Elizabeth Fetterman, ofPunxBU
tawney, were . married at the latter
. place one day last week, the Rev. W.
S, Wilson officiating.
The New Bethlehem glass plant will
resume operations for the fire of 1010-11
Saturday of this week. Fran k W escoat,
1 of Reynoldsvllle, who was chief cutter
. that plant last run, will again have
)harge of the department.
The Comptroller of the Currency has
granted a petition for the organization
of a National Bank at Clymer. The
new Institution, which will open its
doors for business in the near future
will have a paid in capital stock of
Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, a lady of West
Reynoldsvllle who reeently celebrated
he 89th birthday, fell recently and
broke one arm and bo badly Injured the
other than it oannot be used. Owing
to her great age she was in very serious
condition for a time.
At the last meeting o'f.the Business
Men's Association of Reynoldsvllle, a
resolution was presented and adopted
asking the Reynoldsvllle School board
to encourage athletics in the high
school as a means of holding the boys in
school until they complete the course.
Roports from the freight offloes of
Reynoldsvllle state that the shipments
both ingoing and out going, have been
heavier during the last two weeks than
for many months past. There Is no
better indication of the bright outlook
for a brisk fall and holiday trade than
Joe P. Doane, a former Reynoldsvllle
7 boy who has been a mail clerk on the
Pennsylvania railroad several years,
will resign that position this week and
return - to the Medicn-Cbirurgioal
College in Philadelphia at once to
resume the study of mediolne. He has
already taken two of the four years'
course. .
The last' word received from India
concerning Miss Elsie Ross, the Reyn
oldsvllle missionary who recently had
an attack of small pox, was to the effect
that sho was out of quarantine and
would soon be restored to her former
health. Hundreds of Miss Ross's local
friends will be glad to learn of her
Monday evening at seven o'clock, at
the Catholic church, Father P. J.
Lynch united in marriage Adam
Gioskl and Mary Vorsheck. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vorsbeck, of
West Reynoldsville. The wedding was
a" prettily arranged affair and was
celebrated at the home of the bride's
parents la suitable manner.
Work on the new Methodist Episcopal
church building in Brookvlile is
progressing repidly, the basement and
firBt story of the structure being com
pleted. A beautiful shade of white
sandstone is being used and the
structure, even now in Its incomplete
state gives evidence that when finished
it will be one of the bendBcmest church
L .edifioes In the county. It stands on a
corner lot in vue rear oi me county
Presbyterian market will be held
at Keystone Hardware store Saturday
"Billle, the Kid," is booked to appean
at the Adolpbl Theatre Friday night,
October 14th.
Rails are on the ground for the
extension of the trollev line through
Big Run borough.
There will be a dance in Montle's
Hall this, Wednesday, evening, under
direction of Frank A. Bohrcn.
Frank Caldwell, of. West Reynolds
villo, had; the Index finger of his left
hand so badly equeezsd while at work
in thn steel plant Monday that It had to
be amputated.
Sunday afternoon at 3.30 there will
be religious services in the miners' hall
tt' l'Vrscuttville. Subject of discourse,
" V Pack of Curdn and the Chief of
Sinners." Everybody is invited.
The Big Itun Tribune is conducting
a voting contest to decide upon a new
name for that borough. At present
the five highest favorites are: Del
vern.', Mountclair, Alaboe, Arconn and
Willlum Dorwerth and Mioss Emma
Hines will be married in St. Mary's
Caiholic church in Hevnoldsville this
morning at eight o'clock by Father P.
J. Lynch. Both of the contracting
parties are. well and iavorably known
in town and have hosts of friends to
extend congratulations.
Andrew W. Smith, of Falls Creek,
was In Reynoldsvllle yesterday Inter
viewing the voters. Mr. Smith Is the
candidate of the Prohibitionists of
Jefferson county for Assembly, and
while he doeB not expect to win, be
does believe that he stands an excellent
chance of receiving a large porportion
ate vote. He is a man of high stand
ing In his own community and in
everv way capable of rendering good
service in the office be seeks. His
genial handshake and pleasant smile
are One allies in making friends.
$100 Reward, $100.
The reader; of this paper will be pleased to I cam
that there la at least ono dreaded disease that science
has been ahle to cure In all Its stages, and that to
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh (lire la the only positive
euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional dlscaao, require a consUtu
Wonal treatment. Hnll's Catarrh Cure Is taken Ini
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua
surfnees ot the system, thereby destroying tha
foundation ot the disease, and Riving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers thnt they offer
One Hundred Dollars tor any case that It falls tf
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F, J. CHKNEY 4 CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all Druintlata. 7 Sc.
Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipation.
Georgo Washington's Sobriquets.
Washington was called by many so
briquets. He was first of all "Father
of His Country." "Providence left bim
childless that his country might call
him father." Slgourncy calls him "I'n
ter Patriae;" Chief Justice Marshall,
the -"American Fablus.7 Lord Byron
In his "Ode to Napoleon" calls him
"the Clnclnnntns of the West." For
having a new world on his shoulders
he was called the ''Atlas of America."
The English soldiery called bim by the
sarcastic nickname of "Lovely Georgl
iis." Red Jncket. the Seneca Indian
chief, called him the "Flower of the
Forest" The Italian poet Vlttorio Al
flerl called him "Deliverer of Ameri
ca." His bitter opponents sarcastically
called bim the "Stepfather of His
Country" during bis presidency.
Once when I was a little boy 1 slept
ont In a barn all night, and It was cold,
and I shivered and couldn't sleep. But
In the next yard there was a little dog,
and he was cold, too, and he shivered,
And I got him over in the barn, and
we lay down together, and be snuggled
up to me, and I snuggled up to bim.
And pretty soon we were both warm,
and we both slept I had warmed bim,
and he bad warmed me. And so 'if a
fellow snuggles a little hope, or a little
Joy or a little desire or a little beauty
close up against his ache, why, pretty
Boon It has warmed him, and he has
warmed It He Is stronger and better
and the whole world of hope or Joy
or beauty or desire is stronger and bet
ter for It Larry Ho In St Paul Dis
patch. A Curious Rello.
A curious relic of Louis XVII. Is the
"game of domlnos" made of piece3 of
the Bastille which were given to the
dauphin before he and bis parents left
Versailles forever. It is said that
when the box containing it was
brought in the queen exclaimed to her
bedchamber woman, Mme. Cam pan,
"What a sinister plaything to give a
child!" The sinister plaything is with
other revolutionary objects preserved
In Pnris.
Visual Proof. -
She Mr. Sweetly has such polish
and such finish! Haven't you observed
them?, He (savagely) No, I haven't
more's the pity! I'd like to see bis
finish. New York Press.
Earliest Bible Pictures.
The esnllit Bible pictures were
painted ;' ' !iirch walls Instend of
elntT t)oit"t i .-irioeii the book covers.
Pittsburg. Pu., Oct. 11, (Special)
The importance of the National Land
and Irrigation Exposition to bo held at
Pittsburg, October 17 to 20, will bo
easily realized wbe i the fact Is taken
into consideration that the Institution
has the direct co-operation of the
United States Government and Ameri
can Immigration League. The North
American Civic League for Immigrants
will have Beveral representatives at the
Pittsburg Land Show, while Miss
Frances E. Kolior, the Chief of the
Bureau of Immigration and Industries
of New York State will visit the Land
Show on October 25 and 20, Miss
Kellor U one of the most popular women
who has ever been Identified with im
migration work and was especially ap
pointed by Gov. Chas, E. Hughes to
nqulre Into the welifare and industrial
opportunities of alien arrivals In
Letter 1.11.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at, RoynoUlavllln, Pa., for
week ending Oct. U, 11)10.
Robert Beoglev, Ml"8 May Crawford,
Lacelle A. Farmer, E. D. Hughes, E.
H. Hoover, Mrs. Tho-. Kirkman, Clair
Kerr, Frank Lszzl, D. S. MoAntur,
MlssHullice Miller, Jack Praldo, MUs
Ruth Rhod?, F. U. ttnith. Mrs. Mtry
M. Thompson. t
Suy advertised and give dale of list
when calling for above.
S M. McCnElOHT, P. M.
The Call of the Blood
for purification, finds voice In pimples,
bollsf sallow complexion, a jaundloed
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin, all signs of liver trouble. But
Dr. King's New Life Pills make rich
red blood; give clear ekin, rosy cheeks,
fine complexion, health. Try them.
i,")0 at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
Methodist Church.
Services for Sunday October 16th,
11:00 a. m., theme, ."The Son of Man."
7:30 p. m., theme, One of the Things
Most Needed In Reynoldsvllle.
For a fancy box of ohooolates for your
sweetheart, as a gift, call and see us.
Reynolusville Candy Works.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
vory Insertion.
For Sale Church organ. Inquire
of John Cutler, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For Rent Good residence on Main
street at reasonable rates, u All modern
improvements. Inquire of J. K. Johns
ton, Reynoldsvllle, or write Mrs. M,
Ayres, 1317 Fedoral Street, Allegheny,
For Sale Second hand organ. In
quire Star office.
Lost Gold brooch sot with opajs
and Btnall diamond, between post office
and Second street. Finder will be re
warded by leaving at The Star office.
Wanted To weave carpet for all
people who can send material by street
car. Write for prices. The same old
weaver Theophiel Demay, Box 317,
Delancey, Pa.
- Found Money. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
for this advertisement.- Inquire at S.
J. Burgoon's news stand.
Wanted Girl for housework who
oan speak German. Inquire at The
Star offiqe.
For Sale 1,400 feet of pine siding,
good as new. Inquire of R. L. Taafe.
Wanted To buy large second-band
heating stove for shop. L. M. Snyder.
For Rent Eight room bouse in
cluding bath room. L. M. Snyder.
Wanted 500 colonies of bees, on
shares or' cash rent. A good propo
sition. George H. Rea.
For Sale at a Bargain Cart, top
buggy and two horse carriage. Inquire
of J. H. Corbett. ,
For Sale Work horse and two year
old blooded colt; also success potato
digger, combination fence machine, and
125 egg incubator. C. H. Rea.
House for Rent In West Reyn
oldsvllle. Inquire of G. G. Williams.
For Sale Proporty on Jacksoh
street. Mrs. Katherlne Smeltzer.
For Sale Thirty-two acres of Bur
face land and upper vein of coal for
$8.50 an acre; four acres cleared; good
spring on same: timber reserved, in
quire of Noah Syphrit. R. D. 3, Reyn
oldsvllle, Pa. 2t
Wantkd at once. Hampton's MAOAztsa
wants a reliable man or woman In Keynolds
vllle to sell the fustest-prowlng magazine la
America. Earn f 1.80 to fi.OO a day. Write
Immediately for "Salary I'lun" and FREE
outfit. Address "VON," Pules Mgr., Hamp
ton's Magazine, 85 West 35 Hi St., New York.
BIOYCLES for a little easy spare-time work
for Hampton's Magazine, Send postal for
wonderful FREE Bicycle Offer. Address
"Bicycle Club," Room 638, 60 West 86th St.,
New York. '
Copyright Hirt Schaffhtr It Marx
YOU may be just as critical as you
please about the fine details of the
way your coat is cut the shape, length and curve of the lapel, the drape of the skirt9,
etc.; or the "hang" of the trousers; here in
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes you'll find exactly the right thing. And if your critical about fit, be as exacting
as you please. If you can't judge for yourself about fit it's not easy bring a good judge
with you; we'll fit you right,' or we'll not ask you to take the suit. " "
Here they are, Hart Schaffner & Marx goods;
SUITS $18 to $35
OVERCOATS $18 to $35
We have a complete line of boys' and
children's clothing. A boy's suit and
overcoat for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to $8.00.
Theyare'pure wool.
Our line of shirts, underwear, hosiery,
gloves, hats and caps is the largest we
have ever displayed. Call and be con
vinced that what we advertise 19 right.
Good Clothes and Furnishings
Rent or- Sell
E. Neff, Justloe of the Peace
For Sale.
One six room house, Main street.
One six room house, Pleasant Avenue.
One eight room house and J acre of
land, Tenth street.
One seven room bouse;. Fourth street.
Two six room bouses, West' Reyn
oldsvllle. ' Two eight room houses, West Reyn
oldsvllle. One seven room house, Jackson
street. Robert Z. Pa urish.'
Notice la hereby given all persons not
jo dump rubbish or refuse of any kind
00 lane within the borough 'limits, and
especially not along line of the creek. -By
Order of Council,
Philip Koehler, Sec.
We are the only people in Reynolds
vllle that carry the Apollo Chocolates.
Reynoldsvllle Candy Works,
Sick headache, dizziness, biliousness,
are the result of disordered stomach.
Stoke Feicht Drug Co., guarantees
MI-o-na stomach tablets to cure you, or
money back. Large box 50 cents.
A Queen Quality shoe with a
flexible wonder worker Bole, just ease
and comfort; price $4.00. Adam's.
If you have any chestnuts bring them
to us and we will pay you cash. Reyn
oldsvllle Candy Works,
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 1 75,000.00
Actual Resources over $650,000.00
John H. Zauchir, Pros.
John B. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
J . O. Kino, Vtce-Pres. K. O. Bcbdckkrs, Oashlar
J.O. Klnn Daniel Nolan
J. S. Hammond
John H. Corbett
R. H.WIIsod
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
THE MAN who has saved nothing has
yet to make a beginning. Each day's
delay makes the start more difficult. Tasks
that are easy for us when we are young, be
come burdensome when we are old, and as
we are younger to-day than we will ever be
again, it will be easier to start to save to
day than to-morrow.
We invite your account, even it is only
one dollar to start with.