V ' Ten Paoes lip Read the Ads. V Volume 19. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1910. : NUMBER 23. DRILLING FOR THE IS NOW First Hole Drilled Last Week and the Second is Now Going Down In the Region South of Town. A announced in TnE Star last week, drilling for the under vein of coal near Reynoldsvllle Is now In progress. The 3rst hole was finished the latter part of BHD FIRE CAUSED BY GMPLOSION Christ Montie's Home Levelled to the Ground With all Its Furnishings. A fire which originated in a very -peouliar way totally destroyod the home and household fixtures of Christ Montie, proprietor of the Family Theatre, about eleven o'clock Monday night. Mr. Montie and his fimlly had been at the theatre earlier In the evening and upon returning home Mr. Montie had turned on tbe gas in the kitchen stove and a pot of colled was eetonthe stove to boll. While it was warming up Mr. Montie and wife stepped across to the adjoining home, occupied by a daughter, aud remained a few minutes to talk. In their their absence the coflee came to a boiling point, boiled over and it is supposed that the fire beoeaih it was put out, leaving a strong flow of .gas coming Into the uve aud ou1. Into the room. When enough gs had ac--cumulated in the room to reach tbe turning gas light overhead, there was an explosion which ignited tbe wall paper in eveny portion nf the lower (poms and in a very few secon J the whole house was blazing like a powder .pile1. Gust Herold, and a few friends v who were passing discovered th fire and gave the alarm, but it was almost impossible for (be firemen t do anj thing when they arrived. They simply held it In check and prevented dnmage to adjoining houses. A large crowd gathered from all parts of town and witnessed the brilliant display. Tbe loss will approximate $2,600 nd Mr. Montie carried but II 400 in surance. Of the household goods, only two chairs and a few rugs were saved. Tuesday the remains of the house continued to burn slowly and about two o'clock spark fell, on the house across tbe railroad from tbe company tore, which also belongs to Mr. Montie, and it was necessary - to rip off a few square feet of shingles in order to prevent further damage. SOCIAUST SLAYTON v TO MORROW EVENING , The Socialists of Reynoldsvil'e and Wlnsloft township will gather in force in the Centennial hall at ReynoldBvllle Ito-roorrow, Thursday, bight, when John W. Slavton, tbe candidnte for Oovernor of HennstlvanU, appear 'O deliver an adornss, SI a ton Is said to be a man of muuli itli qu-noe and can hacdle the great problems confronting tbe people wim skill. HARRY MOORE, X the Adelphi Theatre with the big Taylor Stock Company three nights, commencing Monday, Ootober l"tb. y ir k ': " i -1 v 1 1 ii - i a UNDER VEIN PROGRESS NEAR TOWN the week and work is now going on In the second. The result of the test will not be made public until the field has been thoroughly covered. HERE TO SEE THE L A New York Concern May Lease and Operate the Plant. The representatives of a large New York silk company are In Reynolds ville to.day to Inspect the local silk mill and to meet the home people. Tbey are considering a proposition to lease and operate tb ReynoldBvllle mill. At the meeting of tho Business Men's Association last ulehr, arrangements were made for a suitable reception for these gentlemen. MEETING Of THE At the meeting of the borough council Tuueday night the street com mittee reported that the work on the big concrete arch over Pitch Pine Run, where It crosses Fourth and Grant streets had- been completed and that tbe total cost of tbe culyert would not exceed 800 .00. The borough's portion of this long arch Is 244 feet. It was authorized by council and conBtruoted under the direct supervision oi George W. Kline. -v Ex-Tax Colleotor William Copping reported that be had collected 133 72 on the 1906 07 tax duplicates. Tax Collector 8. J. Burgoon reported taxes collected to the amount of 15, 259 40 ' Tbe light committee, who had been instructed to take up the matter of renewing the contracts for street light ing with tbe Reynoldsvllle Light and Power Company, reported that the business bad not been Bettled and that a final report could not. be submitted at that time. Chief Burgess Williams reported receipts of 136.00 from fines and licenses during September. Tbe v borough property committee reported that tbe hose tower had been repaired and was now in safe condition. Tbe same committee was also Instructed to have lockers placed In tbe borough lock-up for the benefit of the borough policemen. Tbe property committee was Instruct ed to sell the stone taken from the old culvert over Pitch Pine Run at the best price obtainable. Current bills were ordered paid. JAM. HENRY DIED MONDAY Jamus L. Henry, who liyed on East ivlain street, Reynoldsvllle, died at three o'clock Monday afternoon, Oc tober 10. as a remi.'t of long Illness from Bright's disease and dropsy. The funeral service will be held to-day at the borne of his father, Cornelius Henry, conducted by Rev. A. J. Meek, of tbe Baptist church, and burial will be made In tbe Baptist cemetery. Mr. Henry was 42 years old, and was born In Armstrong county. For tbe last twenty-one years he. had lived In Reyn oldsvllle. Two years ago he was married to Miss Belle Howlett, daugh ter of John Howlett, of Reynoldsvllle, who survives. Five sisters and two brothers also survive, as follows: Mrs. Maine Nloewonger, of this place, Mrs Minerva Walker, of New Kensington, Mrs. Daisy Hawk, f. Klttanning, Mrs. Henry Biggie, of Reynoldsvllle, MIsb Edith Henry, at home, Andrew Henry, at home, and David Henry, at Big Soldier. . Senator T. M. Kurtz, of.Punxsu tawney, and several other Punxsu tawney gentlemen, attended tbe outing of the "Sandbaggers" at BrlarcrOft Farm Thursday of last week, going to the place In Mr. Kurtz's big Elmore automobile. On the road home late that evening one of tbe rear axle on the auto broke. . FOR MEREDITH'S NEWBRICK PLANT Will Be Built of Brick. With All Modern Plans For Operation. WILL DEVELOP GREAT BED OF SHALE Work on the now brick plant at Meredith has been started and will be pushed through to completion as rapid ly as possible. The grading for tbe main buildings Is about completed and filling in of tne vard for the kilns is la progress. In size the new plant will about equal the T. E. Evans plant In Reynoldsvllle, and will be equipped to employ from 50 to 75 men. As previously stated, the Meredith Brick Company is composed of W. R. Meredith, of Punxsutawney, Arthur O'Donnell, Sr., of Reynoldsvllle, and Thomas White, also of this place. All of tbe principals have had extensive experience In tho brick business and the new project will be given tbe benefit of It in every way. Part of the equipment of the now plant will be taken from the old Meredith brick plant, w"ilch tias buen idle for several years. All the build ings however will be new and will be constructed mainly of brick. Tl.e plant will occupy land just across the railroad from the old plant and to give room far it the house and barn which now occupies part of tbe land will be torn down and rebuilt elsewhere. After the plant Is In operation I' Is planned to build a number of dwelling houses for the workmen These will be located in the-vnlley east of the plant. The town of "Meredith" which had almost disappeared from tbe map after the suspension of work Jn the old plant, will re-appear more prosperous than ever. " The shale wblob the Meredith Brick Company will use for the manufacture of building brick and paving blocks, lies In the hill just back of the plant In a practically inexhaustible seam. ' THEY RAMBLED AND THEY RAMBLED Tbey say that three young people of ReynoldBvllle who went out for a little stroll Sunday afternoon, got lost in the fields and woods that norder on the stream that flows out by the old salt works school house and in their attempt to get- back to civilization, wandered towards Emerlekvllle Instead of home. Long after tbe shadows of night had fallen tbey came upon a orossing of the roads and a signboard, which tbey read by the aid of a lighted match and learned that they were three miles from ReynoldBvllle and headecTthe wrong way. It was a nice walk home, but It wasn't on the program when they started out. NO HOPE Of RESUMPTION AT ONONDAGA SHAft , When tbe B. & S. mines at Onondaga recently suspended operations it was announced tbat one more trial would be made to find a lower vein of coal than the one which they h'l attempted to work. Since then rlc rs have gone over tbe field and 'tin i-.-r.ult offers no encouragement to the company. Present Indications lire tbat the plant will never again operate. TEACHER'S MEETING SATURDAY A teachers' meeting will be beld at Reynoldsvllle on tbe afternoon of Satur day, October 15th. This meeting was agreed on by the teachers at their selon here In September and its purpose will be tbe further discussion of the new system of grading and other matter pertaining to the school work. 12,623 PEOPLE IKE IN DUBOIS The official census returns make tbe population of DuBois 12.H23, a gain of 35 per cent in ton years. This Is a yery creditable showing In tbe face of tbe fact tbat several of DuBois' large industries suspended operation during that period. - Piano boxes for sale at Haskin' Musio Store. Evening Instructors for the County Institute are All Noted Educators A GREAT REPUBLICAN RALLY AT PUNXSUTAWNEY FRIDAY All the State Candidates will be Prest, as well as Congressman Langham and the County Republican Candidates. A Republican mass meeting will be held in Jefferson Theatre, at Punxsu tawney, Friday evening, October 14, commencing at eight o'clock. The state candidates and other welt known Republicans will be here to meet the voters of Jefferson county 8nd dlsouss tbe issues uf the campaign. Tbe party will arrive in Punxsutawney on tbe 12.21 train and will be met at tbe depot by a reception committee who will escort them to the Pantall hotel, where a reception will be held. All the state standard bearers of the party will be present, as follows' Congressman John K. Tener, candi date for Governor. Congressman John M. Reynolds, candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Hon. Henry Houck, candidate for Secretary of Internal Affairs. Hon. C. Frederick Wright, candidate for State Treasurer. Congressman J. N. Langbam, candi date for re-election, will also be present and make an address. At 8 o'olock In the evening a macs meeting, which will be addressed by the different state ciindldates, will he be d In tbe opera house. Every dis trict in tbe cuuuty will smid a good delegation to the meeting and it Is altogether probable thaf, Reynoldsvllle will be represented by over a hundred Republicans. An effort Is being made to have special cars run between tbe towns for the night meeting. RATHMEL GIRL WAS Serious Accident Results from A Very Common Practice Among Children. About six oolock on Wednesday even ing of last week, Verga . Johnston, eleven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson met with a severe accident. While trying to climb Into a passing wagon her foot slipped and before the wagon oould be stopped, the child was badly twisted in the wheel breaking her leg, tbe bone protruding through tbe flesh. The accident happened near the Ratbmel bod oo 1 house. The child was taken back to Dr. Ira D. Bowser's office where the wound was dreesed, then taken to her home In Bloomlngton Valley. 1 Jack McKeown gave a lecture on Socialism in the M. E. Church, a Ratbmel on Wednesday evening, October . 5. - Mr. McKeown was a sold ie. In the Spanish-American War and throughout tbe discourse related many Interesting incidents which oo cured during that time. Last Tuesday evening, Rey. MoKlnley gaye his famous lecture "Sailing nn Unknown Sea" in the Presbyterln church at this place. It wasarat intellectual feast, humorous, eloquent intensely Interesting throughout and greathy pleased bis large audience. A number of young people of Rathmel gathered at the home of MitS Mary Hoare on Thursday, of last week and spent a very pleasant evening together. Mrs. L. A. Hays, of Byrndale, came to to town Saturday of last week to take careof her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Hays, who is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Crawford, of Sykesvllle, spent Friday, of last week with her daughter Mrs. Tbeo Pomroy. of Rathmel. Misses Anna Maxwell and Mae Leach are visiting friends at Emeigh, this week. , , Miss Anna Cooper spont Saturday and Sunday at bor home In Beechwoods. Mrs. McGInlsand daughter Delena, of DuBois, were in town Sunday. Mr. Oscar Nelson, of Sykesvllle was in town Sunday. Miss Ida Mulbollao spent Sunday in Panic. Dyeing and Cleaning. Clothing and gloves and feathers a psclaUy. H. H. Dabler, Reynolds- Tille, Pa, OF GRANGE HELD ATROSEVILLE Interesting Papers Were Read and Freely Discussed. Granges Are in Good Condition. vJelTerson Couniy Pomona Grange No. 20, P. of H met with the members of the Ro8evllle Grange In tbelr hall on the 6th of October at 10.00 o'clock, a. m., In regular quarterly session. Worthy Master J. H. Elder was in tbe chair, and all vacant chairs filled protern. Minutes uf the last meeting were read and adopted. Song by the choir. General business. Reports of Subordinate Granges. Nearly all re ported and all showed gain in member ship and interesting meetings. Music by the choir. The program was taken up and the question, "Fall Opening for Spring Crops," by R'sevllle and .Pleasant Hill Granges, was opened by C. A. Aaron, of the former grange. Later It was freely discussed by members of other granges. Tbe question box proved Interesting and useful. Tbe meeting then adj turn ed for tbe dinner, wbtcb tbe good sisters bad prepared in the tower part of tbe hall. The feast was a good one and tbe tables fairly groaned under tbe weight of tbe good things to eat, after dinner the patrons groaned. The meeting was again called at 1 30 and opened with music by the choir. An Address of welcome was given by sister Bessie Ross, of Roseyllle Grange, and it was a ordlt to the grange to have bright young people to perform the same. Response was by G. H. Small, of Green Valley Grange. '. Question, "Economical Stock Feeding.'' All were interesting and tbe question was well taken care of by nearly all present. Musio by the choir. . Question, "Can the Woman on the Farm bope to B come as Cultured as tbe Woman In tbe City, Where they Have Better Opportunities?" The question was well discussed. Recitation by Prof. L. Mayne Jones. Recitation by Sister Bertha Mohney. Musio by obotr. Meeting adjourned for supper, after wblob It was again called to order at 6 30 o'olock and thirteen candidates were instructed in the fifth degree. Musio by choir. Question, ''Is' the So-Called Higher Education Worth Its Cost to those Whose Life Occupation is Farming?" was ably hanpled by Prof. L. Mayne Jones. . Music. Recitation by Sister Cook, of Clover Grange. No further business appearing, tbe meeting ad journed to meet In Brook ville January, 1011. K. B. Deemer, Secretary. NOTES EROMTHEHICH SCHOOL The boys of tbe blgb school will take part In the field meet at Brookville on the 23rd Inst, and tbey are faithfully training for that occasion. Miss Black's school has tbe honor of special mention for perfect attendance and punctuality last week.' Tbe Senior boys and Junior girls were perfect in attendance and punctuality last week. Dr. Wlnship says of post cards: "There are limitless possibilities of good lu tbem educationally." Tbe distinguished lecturer and educator ought to virtit tbe Reynoldsvllle schools He would see post cards in evidence, and in use la the classes In geography, history und literature. Tbe Sophomore Natural History collection is growing. Tbls class has planned to collect and mount tbe specimens studied. One of tbe boys Is making a cabinet in which the collection will be assembled and then added to tbe school museum. When knockers hammer at your name, wise men know you are in the game. Elmer E. Beck, for Assembly. , Women's cloth top shoes, Patent and Dull leathers; prices 12.50 to 4 CO; Adam's. Preliminary Arrangements for The Big Event are All Completed. THE ADELPHI WILL BE PACKED The preliminary arrangements for tbe county Institute are well under way. Superintendent Jones feels safe in making the general statement tbat , the entertainment and Instruction for tbls Institute will be on a par with tbe beat in the history of the county, and also with any Institute In the state for 1910. Professor Henry Houck who is to well and favorably known in this , county will fire the opening gun of the institute at twoo'clock on the afternoon of December 19th. ThU assures an auspicious opening. Dr. Charles Calvert Ellis of Juniata College, well known as a public lecturer aud Institute instructor, comes to the Institute with a message for all who are interested In the cause of eduoation. Dr. Ellis Is lung on pedagogy and brilliant as an orator. County Supt. Lewellyn, of Fayette county says: We havo had Dr. Ellis at our Institute on three different occasions: be is a whirlwind; I would not trade him for , anything on tbe platform. "Consider ing the fact tbat he has had Fessls, Corson. Green, Fess, and others of tbe ' very bjtt Institute m a we may know thit Ellis dullvrrs the goods. Ferris Ciiiiiiit come this jer but Ellis will fuly laKe tils piHCe. . Professor H. A. Surface whose numerous writings have made him so widely known as a most versatile man will instruct lu nature study and agriculture. Miss Beatrice Weller well known a an Instructor iu drawing will devote the entire week to instruction in drawing -Supt. Hoeter of Clarion says. Miss Beat-Ice Weller was an instructor at our institute for two full weeks:! Rbe did pleasing and praotlcal work; we want her here again." Prof. J. W. Yoder of Juniata College will have tbemusloal end of tbe work., Supt. R. O. Welfllng of Potter oounty says, ''We have bad nearly all the prominent chorus ' leaden at . our Institute, and i prefer Yoder to any of them." Professor Egbert, well known in thU ' county, will give instruction in English. Professor C. P. Zaner considered by many to be tbe best penman in the U. S., will instruct in penmanship. . One other instructor has parti promised to be present. The evening attractions are equally strong. Mondav evenieg tbe Hlnsbaw Grand Opera singers will furnish an entertainment of tbe highest class that . it la possible to secure. We are fortun ate in having this company as tber ' greater part of their time Is sold to the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York City. To sing with that company is sufficient recommendation. - Tuesday evening Ex-Gov. Glenn will agaln leoture to tbe Institute; his lecture last year is his recommnndatloa for this year; he will "have a new lecture. Wed- edav evening tbe International Girls lil give a concert of guaranteed merit. . Tbey will appear' In tlx different uomumes representing six different nations, all depicted in tbe highest - olti t mui-ic. As a flttlog closing for th Ik i-i hiii it course nn Thurs day eVi-nititf Ex G.iternor Hoch will deliver bis yreai lrelure, "A MerHHge from Kaisa;" he a message for us. He is w. il knowu hs an 'orator and his ' envuifement hero wi ir've a rare op portunity to hear i. c of the m'-t. famous orators iu ib-- cjntry. BERRY AND GIBBONEY COMB ' William H. Berry, the candidate of the Ktj-toLe parly for governor of Pennsylvania, aud D. Clarence Gib- boney. tne candidate for lieutenant ' governor, will be in Reynoldsvi'lo. October 20th and bold a meeting (a " Centennial ball at 8 p. m. . REYNOLDSVILLEGIRL weds at m Cards have Dcen received in B"vn oldsville announcing the marriage at Edri, Pa., or Mies Ellen Vivian Tn-tip-klns, daughter orMr. and Mrs. Charles: Tompkins, to Royal S. Hilty, of Edri.. The ceremony occurred Wednesday, .. Ootober 5th. The bride is a graduate . of the Reynoldsvllle high school and. is well known to a large number of rurr ' people.