I J he fc Star Msmptioti fi.oo per ieartu advance. CIl.tKLKS S. LOUD Editor and Proprietor WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1910 Entered at the nostottlce at Keynoldsvllle Pa., as second class mall matter. SrjMMKRVILI.HTKI.KPHON!! NO. 61. NOTES FROM THE HICH SCHOOL Mian Margaret Frampton, R. H. S. '09, visited toe schools several days last week, Miss Frampton has been elect ed to the primary school of Sykesvllle and dropped In to pick up a few pro fessional points. Miss Ida Williams and Miss Mary Parsons visited the schools Monday morning. The High School Glee Club had Its firBt rehearsal Monday. Drawing has been added to the course of study In the high school and the first lesson will be given Thursday. The total enrollment in the grades is now 527; in the high school 110. A new tan button shoe in Walk-Overs t 14.50. Adam's Boot Shop. CERTIFICATE Bangor Slate Just received a car- -load the best in the market for the price. H..A.?SWAB . Reynoldsville, Penn'a. ' MISS CATHERINE TOBIN DID LAST WEDNESDAY Miss Catherine Tobln died at the borne of her mother', Mrs. Catherine Tobin, in Prescottville, Wednesday, September 7th, 1010, aftisr two montbB illness with tuberculosis. She hid lived in Reynoldsvllie with her parents for twenty-two years, until two years ago, when she went to Oil City to reside with a sister, and stayed there until two months ago, when be return ed home to die. ' The funeral was held in the Catholio church at 9 a. m. Friday, mass being celebrated oy Rev. Father Lynch, aud burial was made in the Catholio cemetery. The funeral, was under direction of Hughes St Fleming and was largely attended. Miss Tobln was born in Youngstown, Ohio, October 25, 1873, and was 27 years old at time of death. She was employed in the tailor shops of Reyn oldsville many years and was known to many. Beside her aged mother, Miss Tobin Is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Julia Carney, of Oil City, Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Mary O'Hearn, of Prescottville, James Tobln, of . St. Boniface, Cambria county, Richard Tobin, of Conifer, John and Edward Tobin, of Reynoldsville. All of these were present at the funeral except Richard Tobln. REAL ESTATE Rent on Sell E. NetT, Justice of the Peace Reynoldsville, Pa. We do developing and printing of a ligh class for all amateurs who buy their supplies here. Stove's. . - Start to rid yourself of catarrh to-day, Breathe Hyomei; it will cure you. ' Ask Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. about It, They guarantee it. Complete outfit including inhaler $1.00. Separate bottle 50 cents. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothes. j cleaned and dyed. Suit pressing a specialty, at Dahler's dyeing and pres sing establishment, Reynoldsville. Bring your plates and filmB to Stoke's if you do not feel like risking the development of them yourself. The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus $ 1 75,000.00 Actual Resources over $650,000.00 JOHH H. ZauOhir, Pres. -- - John H. Eancher Henry O. Delble OFFICERS J. O. Kino, Vlce-Pres. DIRECTORS J.O.King Daniel Nolan J.B.Hammond E. O. Bobiickers, Cashier John H.Oorbett H. H. Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking THE MAN who has saved nothing has yet to make a beginning. Each day's delay makes the start more difficult. Tasks that are easy for us when we are young, be come burdensome when we are old, and as we are younger to-day than we will ever fie again, it will be easier to start to save to day than to-morrow. We invite your account, even it is only one dollar to start with. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PITTSBURG Don't miss the greatest industrial show in years. Now open and entertaining and delighting thousands See the exhibit of the GREATNORTIiERN RAILROAD FIRST TIME HERE) Instructive feature, ' showing the result of scientific irriga tion and the commercial progress of the Northwest WHOLESOME FUN L'USIC RASTERS E X P o I o N Last season here of MONITOR AND MERRIMAC Greatest of all naval spectacles NORFOLK & WEST ERN R. R. EXHIBIT Amazing electrical and mechanical displays Government 'Exhibit Carload of material from Washington FOR. EVERYBODY Victor Herbert and His Band. Aug. 31 to S , 6 Dimrosch and His Orchestra, . Sep. 7 to !7 Soum md His Band. . September n to 24 Rc::'-r. Symphony Gt J.vM: OF TKE WOULD Inr.ti and His Band, Sep. 26 to Oct I Theodore Thomas Orchestra, Oct 3 to S Carlifa Hussars Band, October K to IS Ccbber 17 to 22 U.. Uf.f i .Jd mm NEWS NOTES i Theodore Liberton Passed Oyer the River of Death. A New Photographer in Town. Theo. Liberton died at his home on Wednesday evening of laet week. Mr. Liberton had been troubled with a cancer In hla throat for five years before bis death. The funeral service was conducted by Father Lynch In the Reynoldsville Catholio church on Sat urday morning at 8:30 a. m. Inter ment was made. In the Catholio cemetery. A new picture gallery in town. Mr W. B. Kennedy, a photographer, of Corsica, hae arrived with the Intention of spending several weeks In our midst. We are sure Mr. Kennedy will do a Urge business, because of the many good looking people In our town. Miss Ethel Lowry, of Law ton, W Va., who bas been staying with her aunt, Mrs. A. W. Mulhollan, of this place, for the past year, bas gone to Wheeling, W. Va. Miss Ethel was a student of Reynoldsville High school last year and will finish her education In ber borne state. - Mrs. Hodgeson and ' daughter, who have been visiting at the borne of Josiah Mitchell for sometime have returned to their home In Eollister, Ohio. An entertaining and instructive lecture was given by Gertrude B. Hunt, on Thursday evening of last week In the M, . church at this plaoe. MIsb Lizzie David and John Hughes, two of the young people of Ratbmel, left town Monday of this week to attend the Clarion State Normal. A number of our young people at tended an Ice cream festival in Bloom lngton Valley Saturday evening. All enjoyed a pleasant time. Mrs. Harvey Moody and daushter, Margaret, of Shawnee, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barclay. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnU, of DuBois, spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mobney, of this place. Mrs. Sbockey and son, Fernlev, of Vandergrlft, Pa,, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Broadhead. Miss Ida Mulhollan was called to Fanio on Monday of this week on account of the sickness of her niece. Miss Catbryn Lydon, of Allegheny, has returned to. her home in this place to spend a week. Miss Elizabeth Maugban bas return ed to ber homo, after a three weeks' visit at Elanora. Miss IreneHughes, of Ratbmel, spent several days with friends in Luthers burg last week. Miss Amelia Hodge, of Rathmel, is spending the. week with friends in Punx'sutawney. Benj. Hill, of Ernest, has returned borne, after a visit of several days with friends here. Lewie Lowe. Of T,nt.t.aulll annnt several days of last week with John nugnes. Mrs. A. W. Mulhollan and Miss Ethel Lowry were in DuBois Saturday. C. R. Muir was called to DuBois on business Thursday of last week. A large number of townspeople at tended the DuBois fair last week. Miss Elma Smitten, of Pittsburg, was in town" last week. John Butson, of Reynoldsville, spent Sunday In town. A Good Position. Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in toe field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing stations throughout the country there Is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from 170 to $90 per month, with good chance, of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute operates six official Institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati, O., or Philadelphia, Pa. Attention, Brother Owls. You are hereby Informed that the blank forms for the signing of charter is now In the hands of our deputy and secretary, Fred J.. Butler, who Is our acting secretary. All paid members are requested to call as soon as possible and sign. All applicants who have not paid will do so at their earliest possible convenience and sign the charter list. By order of the Deputy Supreme Presi dent, M. J. Sullivan. The courage to carry out our cor victions is the courage of true citizen ship. Elmer E. Beck for Assembly. Lady Wlnslow Rcbekah Lodge No. 205 will hold a picnic at Romantic Park, SykeBvllle. Sept. 20th. All members invited to attend. A camera means outdoors for you if Its a workable one. Stoke's are now stocking some very desirable models. Cloth top shoes fur women In gun metal and patent from' $2.59 to 14.00. Adam's Boot Shop. Before the- leaves fall hadn't you better pick up some of those beautiful landscapes you havo been admiring all summer. Stoke's, There's a difference In cameras justas there's a difference in other things and you should buy from reliable sources Stoke's. How Good Newt Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Eliza bsthtown, Ky. "Everywhere I go I re commend Electrio Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." Tuny never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, Stimulate the liver, Invigorate the nervjs and purify the blood. Tbey work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, reBtorInggt.rengtb,vlgo -and health that's a dally joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction Is positively guaranteed by Stoke & Felcbt Drug Co. Not for one particular man but fcr all particular men. Walk-Over shoes, price 13.60 to 15.50. Adam's Boot Shop. Hard Vein Slate A superior product, guaranteed unfading. Sold by Woodwork Supply Company Reynoldsville, Pa. , (w-nrrr Now Worth $8 a lb. Ginseng The great money making plnnt has been taadllv rising In orlce for 00 years. Al ways a market, demand unlimited. Bmnll Slot mora proritahle than a large farm, tart your oed this fall. END FOR FREE BOOK to tell all about the business seed, plants, growing, marketing, how to get the high price, fee the possibilities of a small plot of ground. We furnish the genuine American variety seed at low price. Write for ginseng booklet No. If. NEWTOWN PRODUCING CO, Nowiown, Bucks Co., fa. Mr. Farmer If you have four cowb, sell onuj and make the same amount of butter with three by using the Tubular (separator Reynoldsville Hardware Co. The shoes to choose, WalkOvprs of course. Price 3.60 to 15.50. Adam's Boot Shop. " Pride in every stride In our shoes. A lam's Boot Shop. Jli M INISTR ATOR'8 NOTICE. Estate of Mrs. Ella Watson, Iate,of Reyn oldsvllle Borough, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Mrs. Ella Wntson. line of Keynoldsville borough, county of JelTemon and state of Pennsylvana, de oHaspd, have been granted to the under sinned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are roquPBted to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. W. L. Johnston, Administrator, O. T, A. Sc ptemher 7, 1M0. NEW MUSIC AT CUT PRICES Good Bye Betty Brown Valley Flower Maglo Mirror Waltzes Back at Dear Old Mother's Knee Garden of Roses Meet Me To-Night in Dream land Chanticleer Rag Mister Pat O Hare By the Light of the Silvery Moon Gee, But It's Tough to be Broke Put on Your Old Gray Bonnett Rastus Rag Dinah from Carlins I'll Change the. Thorns to Roses Ob You Devil Rag Only 18 cents" per copy at the Haskins Music Store Reynoldsville, , Pa. ShicH a Wagner The Bio Store- Complete Line of Fall Merchandise Now Ready Outings . . . J 10c a yard Cotton flannels - . 6c to 15c Cotton blankets . . f 1.00 Cotton batts , 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 25c Challies for comfort coverings 10c Sateen for comfort coverings . 25o Silkolinei . , , , 12 l-2c Window curtains and draperies 10c to 20c Lamb's wool comforts uncovered $3.00 Yarns Saxony Zephyr Germantovm Stocking yarns 6c . 15o 25c to 30c We have just received another shipment of Mill End Ginghams, regular 12 l-2o for 10c Ginghams and seersuckers 12 l-2c Serpentine crepe for kimonas, etc. 18c Reception crepe, the newest fabric brought out for reception dresses, kimonas, dressing sacks, etc. . " y , 12 l-es Persian Pongees far waistingB, etc. 25o Percales, beBt quality 12 l-2c We have also a complete Hue of domestics such as calicoes, apron ginghams, muslins, towel ings, etc. We have a few mill end towelings, a 12 l-2c toweling for 8c, Shick & Wagner The Big Store Corner Main &' Fifth Sts REYNOLDSVILLE, PA.' The Modern Monte Cristo S3 Every business man who uses the .Bell System is a modern Monte Cristo. The business world is his. He is afforded a service that would be impossible even with an army of runners and an unlimited treasury at his disposal. The Bell System makes him a master, of conditions rather than a Subject. . - s , It absolves him from the unin terested service of others. Bell Service multiplies both his ( time and earning capacity by con densing hours into minutes. By means of Bell Service his business is always under his per sonal control. The Bell serves as an earpiece and mouthpiece . to the outside world. It carries his voice and personality conserves his time and energy makes the business world his. ' The Bell Long Distance Service, follows everywhere to the Club, Office, Home, Seashore, Mountains. Keeps a man in communica tion with his business and other interests at all times, wherever he may be. Increases his efficiency while minimizing effort. American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Associated Companies For Sates and Other Information Regarding Service, Call the District Manager The Central District and Printing Telegraph Company . BELL SYSTEM r- - 1 aaoQ -