flfUTTER FROM ORANGE HILL, TEXAS, WHERE MANY PEOPLE FROM THIS SECTION NOW RESIDE Cost of Living About as High As in Pennsylvania; Set tlers Arriving Rapidly. Orange Hill, Texas, June H, HMO Mr. J. W. Dean: I Should have written sooner but we 'just got settled a few days ago. We are all Well now but were all sick for about a week after wo arrived, by thechfinsre Of climate and change of drlnklnc water, bull believe It will agree wilh ui M we are all feeling good now. We had a very nlco trip, we passed through a little of West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Okla homa. We traveled about 2000 mtles. We came through some very nice farming country althougn we have not seen muoh of Texas yet. We do not Be much but a wide expanse of prairie and ousandsof head of cattle and some w-boys. We decided to settle at Orange Hill instead of Eagle Lake where we first intended, as the land seems good here. Eagle Lake and Sealy are the nearest towns. Tbey aro each 0 miles from here they have a town site laid out here but we are among the very first settlers; we are pioneering now There is very little Improved land near us. inere is a railroad going right past the land we bought. We are living in one of the company's houses for a few weeks until we can build. There are a good many people coming to settle on their land this fail. There are over a thousand acres sold In small farms here now. We have a store and postottlce. Rake straws who moved here from Falls Creek, are about one balf mile from our place. We burn wood, hauling it from the woods along the San Barnardo River. We live near the San Bamardo river and it is right along the Cane Belt railroad. Mr. Barrett, of Reyn oldsville, and Mr. Eaves and Mr. Fye, from DuBois. arrived here last Friday morning, June 17th. They all have land close to ours. We have about four acres out In corn and sweet potatoes and a few peanuts, Jerry is plowing for a fall crop of cabbage. ..The cost of living here is about the same as Id DuBois and the expense of getting started in farming is not much I cheaDer. if anv. than in Pennsylvania. l It is very hot here, the thermometer r Viai vaunhaA H httrh as 1 Oft Viti t wa An not mind the heat much for there is .... nearly always a good breeze and the nights are grand. We have a good well drilled 40 feet; that Is as deep as we had to go for plenty of water. There is no coal here only what U shipped I do not know anyone who uses It here but In the towns Borne burn oil but we can see carloads of coal passing once in a while. There is j)li nty of timber land near hero and nlong the San Bernardo and Brazos rivers. The people d jrK pretend to do much here durins; Vi AuiMKt as It is the dry nean, .!. work the rest of the year and so t i lake It easy now. Spring and fall H when they have the best crops, but they say this Is a very good year in Texas. They begin in September and plant for the fall crop and in January for the spriog crops. We built a house 24 by 28 with four rooms; will send you a picture of place soon. ' We receive the "Star" every week. We read it till we have it all in pieces. Thanking you lor the paper I remain, your friend, Mrs. J. G Buchanan, Orange Hill, Texas. EXPOSITION ATTRACTS TREMENDOUS CROWDS Victor Herbert and Orchestra at Pittsburg's Big Show How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the tlmo," writes B. F. Tolson, of Eliza beth town, Ky. "Everywhere I go re commend Electric Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every lime." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and hovels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for woak, run-down men and women, restoringst.rength.vigo-and health that's a daily j y. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. Left for Texas. Mrs B. A. Barrett and children, who have been staying at Loop, Indiana county, since Mr. Barrett loft Reyn oldsvlllefor Orange Hill, Texes, afew months ago, started on their journey to Texas Monday last. Mr. Barrett and Bon, Stephen, are well pleased with the now country after their short sojourn. School Shoes. Buy them at J. H. Fink's, Punxsu tawney, Pa. The Sharpless Tubular Separator Ib sold on easy payments. See the Reyn oldsville Hardware Company. The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus Actual Resources over $175,000.00 $650,000.00 John H. Xadohir, Pres. John H. Knucher . Henry 0. Delble OFFICERS J. 0. Kino, Viee-Pres. ' K. 0. Bchuckkrb, Cashier DIRECTORS J. 0. King Daniel Nolan John H. Cor bett J.S.Hammond K.H.Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking THE MAN who has saved nothing has yet to make a beginning. Each day's delay makes the start more difficult. Tasks that are easy for us when we are young, be come burdensome when we are old, and as we are younger to-day than we will ever be again, it will be easier to start to save to day than to-morrow. We invite your account, even it is only one dollar to start with. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Annual Fair and Races AT Dubois, pa. SEPTEMBER 6 TO 9, 1910 EXCURSION TICKETS to DuBois will be sold September 5. 8. 7, 8 nd good to return until September 10, 1H10, Inclusive, from RED BANK, BL1GO, DRIFTWOOD, and Intermediate stations: BT. HARYS, KANE, and Intermediate stations, Including stations between R1DQWAY and FALLS UKEEK. at J. W. WOOl Passenger Traffic id Reduced Rates (Minimum Bate Cents) ager. GEO. W. BOVD, General Passenger Agent. PROF. C. V. SMITH WITH ELDERSRIDCE ACADEMY Former Keynoldsville Princi pal Chosen to Head Noted Institution of Learning. t The twenty-second annual season of the Pittsburg Exposition opnned Wednesday night under circumstances that were gratifying not only to ths management but the thousands In at tendance. Everything seemed to be In a state of preparedness for the event passed off without a slni;le hitch. The buildings and booths have been redecorated and there Is a fresh ness and newness about everything. The number of exhibits this season la much larger than that of last and the show on the whole reflects no UUte credit on the enterprise of progressive Pittsburg. Victor' Herbert and his orchestra Is the opening musical attraction and at the two concerts given on the open ing night Music Hall was filled to its capacity by delighted audiences. Mr. Herbert, the author of a score of comic opera hits,' received an en thusiastic welcome and he presented a program that pleased everybody. He not only Introduced excerpts from his best known works and selections from the old masters, but he presented here for the first time some of his latest compositions. It was a program of charming melody and encores were in order throughout the evening. Among the new features this season is a pustolhVe exhibit furnished by tho United States government at Wash ington. It gives much lnforniat'on pertaining to Uncle Sam's maili'.i;; system. With the exhibit is an om stage coach used for carrying mall in Montana many years ago. lmig be fore the present advanced system was thought of. Two rail-'oads are represented this year, the Great Northern, whl'h makes Its first oppea'-.-r'e here, n';! the Norfolk and Western. The former shows whnt Irrigation has done for crops In the northwest and the latter Illustrates what scientific farm'ng I' doing for Virginia. The commercial growth of the country through which each line passes Is an Interesting feature and the fruit exhibit of each line Is well worth seeing. There are two educational exhibits that attracted a great deal of atten tion on the opening night. The public schools of Pittsburg have a very lnnrn and attractive display of painting, drawing, fancy and needle work, manual training and, In fact, every thing connected with the local educa tional system. All the schools of the city have contributed and the exhibit Is a thorough nnd comprehensive one. The Allegheny Playgrounds Assocla t'on has an exhibit of what was done by- the summer vacation schools on the NrthsVo. The benefit derived by the children who took advantage of the playground schools Is shown In their admirable work and reflects no little credit on the association. Mechanical Hall has a great deal to offer this season and the exhibits are In the ma'n new. Labor saving de vices of every description are to be seen and the electrical display is finer than ever. The leading stores have beautifully artistic exnibits and the Italian pergola In the foyer Is mag nificent and looks as if tho cene had been taken bodily from Italy and transplanted In the Exposition. There Is something new and Instructive to be seen at every hard. The wireless telegraph which has attracted attention all over the world by Its wonderful achievements Is an exhibit In the main building which drew large crowds. Demonstrations of the wonders of the wireless were given In the most convincing manner, "The Universe," a new scenic electrical spectacle, makes its Initial bow in the Exposition this season. The scene Is supposed to take place in 19.10. An aviator makes a tour of the world In his airship. Dawns, sunsets, meteor flights, volcanic eruptions, tropical and polar landscapes and every conceivable aspect of land, sea and sky are revealed to the highest degree of realism. The Monitor and Merrlmac in their historical battle at Himpton Roads is again in the Hippodrome Building and it is greater, grander and more beautiful than ever. Real boats and reaguns are used end the tremendous roar of battle is awe-lnsplrlng. "The sky and cloud effects are beautiful and the White Squadron majestically passing in review affords a fitting close to this great spectacle, the original cost of which was $120,000 There were amusements of all kinds from the toboggan slide to the merry- go-round and the scenes of life and gayety that prevailed everywhere; and the interest that the exhibit created indicated that everybody was delighted and that the inauguration of the Exposition season was glorious success. Prof. C. V. Smith, a former principal of the Reynoldavllle public schools, has been elected principal of the Eldorsrldge Academy. The Academy has boen completely re-organlsd, tho buildings refurnished and renovated, aud the wholu put on a now plane of rftluiuncy. H la hoped that tliu new management will bj able to restore lhe famous Institution to the plane it occupied for many years previous to the trouble, of u few years ago. Stubborn As Mules are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then thure's trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Nervousness, Despondency, Headache. But buch troubles fly before Dr. -King's New L'fa Pill," the world's best Stom ach uuu Liver remedy. So easy. 25c at 6toke & Felgbt Drug Co. Subscribe for The Star. The Advantage. Tenant Look here, that bouse I took from yon. is extremely damp. House Agent (bluntly) Well, don't you see the great advantage of that? If It gets on fire It won't barn. Right and Wrong. Things should not be done by halves. If It Is right do it boldly; if It la wrong, leave It undone. Every day Is a Uttle life, and onr whole life Is but a Cay Hard Vein Slate A superior product, guaranteed unfading. Sold by Woodwork Supply Company Reynoldsville, Pa. ft p "jT-t.-"' ?rr rjpmjyJifi 'i;-x . .-..- :-, : ixv s: 4 r :;.r i ft?;v H '': -1 r - " - Miss Dorothy Marke 5S 7 30 Years Experience in the manu facture of Gasoline means much to the motorist In the use of Yaverly Brands 76- Motor Stove yen are guaranteed the ereatestpossibleeFRciency Instantaneous, power ful, clean explosion free dom from carbon deposits on sparK piuks or in cylin ders ready ignition. Vour dealer will supply you. Waverly Oil Works Co. Ind-paltnt selwra Pittsburg, Pa. in "Is Marriage a Failure," at Adelphi Theater To-night. Central Pennsylvania Lime H-0 is hydrated lime for drilling or broadcasting; it gives quick results. For best results from your land, USE LIME, ordinary lime, fresh forkings, or, best of all, USE H-O Lime for chemical and building purposes. Crushed limestone, any size, for concreting, &c. Lime and limestone for all purposes. We are the largest limestone manufacturers in . Pennsylvania, Prompt shipment by any railroad. Works at Bellefonte, Frankstown, Spring Meadows, Tyrone Forge and Union Furnace. American Lime & Stone Co., Write for literature on Lime and its uses. Office: TYRONE, PA. 7 Saves' Last year the B.'l Tele phone System han. led Six Iiillion ciil s or one hundred ami ninety every second. If each message meant a saving of only ten minutes time a most conservative estimate it means that in 1909 the Hell System saved to the American people, time equiva lent to 11,155 years. In other words the Bell Systern. rendered a service which would take an individual messenger 114,155 years to accomplish. A saving of ten minutes per call does not begin to represent the saving of time and steps even in the message I ( V", m bbM Steps across the street much less the .saving in the long distance message across the country. Nor does the mere saving in time begin to represent the comfort, the convenience, the dis batch afforded by thesr six billion messages sent from the five million Bell stations all over the country. The Bell System gets things done. It vitalizes affairs by instilling into them the spirit of NOW. Makes the business of tomorrow the trans action of the minute. Makesthoughts facts. . Economizes a Nation's time. Conserves a Nation's energy. The Bell Long Distance Service has broadened the scope of a i Nation's interests. Has given the minute a value of many. Has given the people a hold on time. Has brought Opportunity within grasping distance. Has accelerated the growth of the NA TION. American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Associated Companies For Kates and Otber Information Regarding Service. Call the District Manager The Central District and Printing Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM