The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 31, 1910, Image 3

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Illustration Shows Plan of Getting at
Small Jobs With Very Little '
There are many Jobs on the farm
where It Is necessary to have staging
or scaffolding. Accounts kept by one
doing repair work show that on an
average it takes double the amount of
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness oi women Is doe to some derangement or dls
case of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness on be eursd is enrad
I want any person who suffrrs with bll.
lonsneHS, constipation, lmllifestlon or any
liver or blood ailment, to try my Pnw-Pm?
Lirer Pills. I guarantee trwy will purify the
blood and put the liver and stomach into a
healthful condition nnd will positively cure
blliouunens and constipation, or I will refund
rour money. Munyon's Homeopathic Home
Remedy Co., 63rd and Jellenon Sit, Phlli., Pa.
. Her Little Brother Say, are you
goln' ter marry my sister Besa?
Her Suitor Why, er er er don't
, know.
Her Little Brother Well, you ere. I
heard her tell pop she was goln' ter
land you tonight.
The professional man who can't
make a living can go around sneering
at the business man who can.
Constipation cntiws and nfturavntes many
serious (Indues. It is inorousniy curcu uy
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
The favor-
its family laxative.
I have come to see that cleverness,
success, attainment, count for little;
that goodness, or character, is the im
portant factor in life. Romanes.
Her Rest.
"How do you expect to spend your
summer vacation. Mrs. Brown?"
-Frying fish for the men as usual,
t suppose.".
Rockefeller's Hard Shot.
John D. Rockefeller tried a game of
golf on the links near Augusta. On a
rather difficult shot Mr. Rockefeller
struck too low with his Iron, and as
the dust flew up he asked his caddy:
"What have I hit?" .
. The boy laughed and answered:
"Jaw-Jan. boss."
A Fake Camera.
"Yonder is a beach camera fiend,"
said the first bathing girl. "They are
disgusting, I think."
"This one Is particularly disgusting,"
declared the second bathing girl.
"After I had posed all morning for his
benefit, he ate his lunch from that
Real Modesty.
"An actor should be modest, and
most actors are," said James K. Hack-
. ett at a luncheon in Pittsburg. "But
I know a young actor who, at the be
' ginning of his career, carried modesty
almost too far.
"This joung man Inserted In all the
dramatio papers a want advertise
ment that said:
" 'Engagement wanted small part
such as dead body or outside shouts
preferred.' "
On 8ome Ministers.
The worst o' these here shepherd!
Is, my boy, that they reg'larly turns
the heads of all the young ladles
about here. Lord bless their little
hearts, they think It's all right, and
don't know no better; but they're th
wictlms o' gammon, Samlvel, they're
the wictlms o' gammon. Nothin' else,
and wot aggragates me, Samlvel, is
to see 'em awastln' all their time and
labor in making clothes for copper-col
ored people as don't want 'em and
taking no notice of flesh-colored Chris
tians as do. If I'd my way, Samlvel,
I'd Just stick some o' these here lazy
shepherds behind a heavy wheel-bar
row, and run 'em up and down a If
inch plank all day. That 'ud shake
the nonsense but of 'em, if anythln'
vould. Mr. Weller, Quoted by Charles
, Right food is a basis
For right living.
"There's only one disease," ,
Says an eminent writer
"Wrong living
"And but one cure "
"Right living."
Right food is supplied by
It contains the vital
Body and brain-building
Dements of wheat and barley
Most impbrtant of which is
The Potassium Phosphate,
Grown in the grain
For rebuilding tissues
Broken down by daily use.
Folks who use Grape-Nuts
Know this they feel it
"There's a Reason"
tea5 "The Rbad to Wellville;
Found in package:. V
8plral Hinge Makes Door Close of Its
Own Weight Clears Carpets
and Rugs.
By taking advantage of the law of
gravity, a Washington (D. C.l man
has invented n hinge which also acts
as a spring. Spiral strips of metal
are screwed at top and bottom and
middle of the door casing. Other
metal strips, with slots for the spiral
to pass through, are fastened to the
door at corresponding distances and
form the hinges. When the door is
opened It rides up on the spirals, clear
ing rugs, carpets, mats or whatever
else may be at the bottom. Then,
when the pressure on the door Is re
leased it settles of its own weight and
closeB slowly and gently as the in
closing strips slide down the spiral.
There is no necessity to have a pneu
matic device attached to prevent the
door from closing with a bang, as is
the case with many other spring
Novel Door Spring.
doors. These spiral springs are made
of strong metal that will not rust or
break, and as they are kept lubricated
automatically, there is no squeaking
or grating noise.
Device Arranged for Flowers, Etc.,
Either Inside or Out Where
Space Is Small.
The device shown In the Illustration
makes a handy table for flowers, seed
lings, etc., either outside or interior,
where space is small, says Farm
Press. It is made by securing a
plank of serviceable size to the wall
Window Table.
or window casings; by utilizing a
couple of strong binges on the under
side of said plank; further support Is
given by large wires held by screw
eyes to table and bo on.
Allowing Land to Lie Idle Does Not
Bring About Result Lazy
i Farmer Imagines.
A neighbor of ours, is a bit discour
aged over his crop outlook and thinks
his soil needs a rest, therefore, he is
talking of .fallowing his land next
year. Allowing to lie idle for a season
may be a good i thing for the lazy
farmer, but I never could see any
other reason for it. The idea, of
course, "is to' "rest" the land and the
conserving of an extra season for a
Bingle crop. This might be done pro
vided the man has cultivated during
the fallow period, a fine mulch main
tained, and the weeds kept down, but
if it is all to grow up to weeds and
grass this will take out quite as much
moisture as a crop of corn or anything
felee. Soil cannot assimilate plant
food unless It is cultivated, and there
fore, it follows that much of tills food
goes to waste on fallow land. If the
farmer would set his plants a little
deeper, ' keep the cultivator , going
more" steadily, "rest" his land by a
change of crops, buy a manure spread
er, then use it, his farm would pro
duce twice as much as It will if he
carries out his fallowing plans.
Succeeding With Alfalfa.
The men wbo have succeeded best
with unlrrlgntod alfalfa have pre
pared their land well and then seeded
It when an abundant supply of mois
ture was present .
17 ViMS W7
Staging Bracket.
time to erect scaffolds that It does to
do the work on small Jobs. A very
convenient movable bracket is made
of 2 by 4 Inch scantling, nailed to
form a right angle and braced with
boards. A 2 by 4 is then inserted and
the bracket slid up the side of the
building with the staging boards on it.
The foot of the 2 by 4 is then staked
to prevent slipping. Often there are
odds and ends about the farm build
ings that may be substituted for the
2 by 4s, using the above plan for the
staging bracket.
Increase In Importation Offers Market
for Larger Home Production
of Fiber.
The bluegrass region of Kentucky,
In the center of which lies Lexington,
raises about 20,000 acres of Cannabis
sativa from which hemp is procured.
The acreage devoted to hemp In other
parts of the United States is very
small perhaps COO acres around Lin
coln, Neb., and an equal number in
the lower Sacramento valley in Cali
fornia, with small experimental plant
ings In Indiana, Pennsylvania, Wis
consin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa and
Russia produces more for export
than all other countries, but Italy,
Austria-Hungary, Germany, France,
Belgium, Turkey, China and Japan
grow It commercially for fiber.
All the hemp fiber produced in this
country is used in American mills.
and as Increasing quantities are being
Imported, a market for a larger home
production is offered. Therefore, the
circular recently Issued by the United
States department of agriculture on
the cultivation of hemp in the United
States, in which climate, soil, sowing,
harvesting the plant, and methods of
preparing the soft gray or yellow bast
fiber are described and explained,
should prove of Interest to farmers in
those sections of the country outside
of the recognized hemp growing re
glon where soil and climate seem to
offer a prospect favorable to its pro
In Cabbage Fields.
Give nitrate of soda a trial in your
cabbage fields. One hundred per acre
at each application is the usual
amount, although 200 pounds at
time Is used by some growers. Leave
check rows to show the difference In
zxm m.i
Clean cultivation is half the battle,
Cnuliflower seed are still brought
from Denmark.
Intensive farming means more than
double cropping.
The present day farmer is a spe
cialist in the true sense of the word,
The legumes are especially strong
In protein and therein lies their great
value. - - .
Potatoes are continuing to absorb
quite a good deal of the trucker's at
tention. ;
Leaving plant root exposed to the
sun and wind is like leaving a fish but
of water.
Old, stale vegetables will hurt your
trade. Feed them .to the pigs, cows
or poultry.
The tb;ee Important leaf troubles of
cucumbers are powdery mildew,
downy mildew and anthracnose.
In applying manure with a spreader
it is put on uniformly, and all parts
of the field are equally benefited.
It Is seldom, it ever, necessary to
inoculate land for alfalfa when it has
been well enriched with manure.
The United Kingdom seems to be
able to produce more wheat from an
acre of land than any other country,
If the melon vines are rusty pull
them up and burn them. If only wilted
you may find a borer about the roots.
- Peas of the extra early sorts are
sown thickly along the furrows in
rows two and a half to three feel
Every farmer's garden should con
tain all the good fruit and vegetablci
that the soil and climate will grow.
They make up a great part of tjbe
actual living,, and they are the mos'
healthful foods that can be eaten.
7 "V,"
(As narrated by her friend Tottle of the
English pony ballet.)
D'isy Chine upon my wold
She can never act the lydy.
Yesterd'y per'aps you hold
Wot she said to me an' Sydy.
Forrad thing! (he saw us gyze
At a gent who comes here d Uy
Truth! He cornea twice Baturd'ys,
And 'Is name, we 'ear, Is B Hey.
And this poyson, D'loy Chlse
Lor'! I'd love to slap er ncel
Mister Biley, as I s'y.
I'llhses 'ere at 'alf pahst 'eight,
Sometimes pahslng twice a d'y
Never 'all a moment lite;
I nnd Sydy 'ave a w'y
Of observing pahslng stryngers
Though we're not the least bit g'y
And well know a city's dyngeri.
And this poyson, D'lsy Chlse
How I'd love to slap 'er flee!
Yesterd'y we stood a while
W'ltlng there for Mister B'lley,
Wondering If he would file
To pahss, as he used to, a lly.
D'lsy Chlse, she wolked a glme
She Is nothing more than snlky!
Strolled, and met him as he cyme.
Lor'! I'd think she would feel shlkyl
O, that poyson, D'lsy Chlse
But I d love to slap 'er nee!
She cyme along the w'y,
Did this llnytlng, scheming D ley,
Pausing at the gyte to s'y
Mister B'lley thought us crlsyl
Said he's seen us on a pyge
As before and ahfter tyklngt
Every lydy hides her rlge
Or for her I had been myklng.
Ugh! That poyson D'lsy Chlse
I should flke to slap 'er flee!
Force of Habit.
Motoring along In our elegant new
six-cylinder, high-power auto, . we
come upon a dignified looking gentle
man standing beside an auto, about
which are scattered tools of various
sorts. Two of the tires are removed.
The dignified looking gentleman Is per
spiring freely and looking helplessly
at a sympathetic lady In the tonneau.
"Having some trouble?" we ask,
"I decline to be Interviewed," he re
"Carburter out of whack?" we in
quire. "I have nothing to say," he answers,
"Had a blowout?"
"I will not make any statement at
this time."
"Stripped your transmission?"
"I don't remember."
"Look here, old chap, you seem to
be In trouble. Isn't there anything we
can do to help you?"
"I refuse to answer on the advice
of my attorney."
"Did the steering gear get stuck, or
"You may quote me as Baying I had
nothing to say."
"Well, you're a crusty person. Don't
you want Borne assistance?"
"I have nothing to say."
"Oh, don't bother him!" begs the
sympathetic lady in the tonneau.
"The poor, man has been a witness be
fore the grand Jury and two lnvesti
gating committees in the past month,
and It has affected him oddly."
No Alternative.
"Are you the person who answers
questions?" asks the worried looking
man who enters the office of the an
swers-to-the-anxious editor.
"I am," answers that Individual, an.
swerlng a question right away, as you
"Then what I want to know Is, will
it be wrong if I wear a pair of plaid
brown trousers to u morning wed
ding?" "It certainly will. Tou should wear
a light gray str!pe."N
"But the plaid brown ones are the
only ones I have."
"No," said the first little girl, "1
never skip the rope."
"But why? It's lots of fun."
"Yes, but there was a little girl In
Kalamazoo who skipped the rope so
much that it made her die and be
sides, it shakes my hair all out of curl."
What She Needed
""What you need,", said the doctor,
is country ,alr. Evidently you are in
a sadly nervous state. What brought
it about?"
"Juat because I wanted country air,
doctor. , My husband absolutely re
fused to buy me an auto."
very day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It acts directly on the orfins affected and is at the same time general restore
five tonio for the whole system. It cures female complaint rifht in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms at
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, sent fret on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover eost oi mailing tnlj; or, In cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y.
Workman's Thoughts Not Altogether
Fixed on What Might Be Called
Higher Things.
Mayor William S. Jordan, at a Dem
ocratic banquet in Jacksonville, said
of optimism:
"Let us cultivate optimism and
hopefulness. There is nothing like it
The optimistic man can see a bright
side to everything everything.
"A missionary in a slum once laid
his hand on a man's shoulder and
" 'Friend, do you hear the solemn
ticking of that clock? Tick-tack; tick,
tack. And oh, my friend, do you know
what day it inexorably and relentless
ly brings nearer?
"Vjs, pay day, the other, an hon
est, optimistic workingman, replied."
Few parents realize how many es
timable lives have been embittered
and social and business success pre
vented by serious skin affections
which so often result from the neglect
of mlTUV eruptions In Infancy and
childhood. With but a little care and
the use of the proper emollients, baby's
skin and hair may be preserved, purl
Ded and beautified, minor" eruptions
prevented from becoming chronte and
torturing, disfiguring rashes, itchlngs,
Irritations and chafings dispelled.
To thi. Hid, nothing is so pure, so
sweet, so speedily effective as the con
stant use ofCutlcura Soap, assisted,
rrnu necessary, by Cutlcura Ointment
Bend to Potter Drug ft Chem. Corp.,
sole proprietors, Boston, for their free
82-page Cutlcura Book, telling all about
the care and treatment of the skin.
Excelient Definition.
"BJornstJerne Bjornson, In his hotel
fronting the Tulleries gardens, re
ceived a few friends up to the last in
Paris," said the continental agent of a
typewriter firm,
"I had the honor to be among those
friends and I never wearied of the
great Norseman's wit and wisdom.
"The last thing he said to me, In
cautioning me not to give an Impor
tant provincial agency to an easy-going
man of the world, was this:
" 'Beware the easy-going man. An
easy-going man, you know, is one who
makes the path of life very rough and
difficult for somebody else.'"
A Specialist.
'1 don't see you on the messenger
force any more, Jimmy," said the lad
with the envelope in his hand.
"No; I've got a good Job with a dog
fancier," replied Jimmy, as be puffed
a cigarette.
"Wld a dog-fancier? What do you
do feed the dogs?"
"Nawt When a lady comes in and
buys a pet dog I teach 'er 'ow to
Hard to Convince.
Little Tommy (eldest of the family,
at dinner) Mamma, why don't yon
help me before Ethel?
Mamma Ladles must always come
Tommy (triumphantly) Then why
was I born before Ethel? Tit-Bits.
Seventeen Years the Standard.
Prescribed and recommended for
Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre
pared reme-7 of proven worth. The
result from their use Is quick and per
manent For sale at all Drug Stores.
Answering for Him.
Physician And would you like to
be a doctor, Jack? '
Mother' (while Jack is still hesitat
ing) No, nol The dear boy couldn't
kill a fly. Punch.
An Operatic Expletive.
"Bifferton is awfully gone on grand
opera, isn't he?"
"I should say he is! Why, he even
swears by Gadski!"
lira. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the g-ums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 15c a bottle.
.The man who considers himself one
In a thousand naturally regards the
other C99 as mere ciphers.
Woman's inhumanity to man makes
jiUcag divorce lawyers happy.
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Atlantlo Refining Co.
A FT, A VOIt that Ifl nurd the name &n lemon
or vanilla. By dlsuoMnfr granulated miffur la
water and adding Maplelne, a delirious syrup 13
made and symp better than maple. Mnplolne
is sold by grocers Send 80 stamp for sample'
and recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle.
"I Just had a fall on your sidewalk."
"I am very sorry, my dear sir."
"Well, I wish you would sell youf
sugar straight and put your sand on
the sidewalk."
There is in every man's heart, as In
a desk, a secret drawer; the only
thing Is to find the spring and open
it. Anon.
For Misers, Quarrymea, Farmers aid AS
Men Who De Roofs Work )
Made ef steel, but lljhter this leather. Support
the ankle. Outhtit the ahos. Eaey to attach. Aay
cobbler caa put them en. Your shoe dealer baa
shoes already fitted with them.
Send lor booklet that telle all sbont theav
0. .1
The Natural
acts on the bowels just as soma
foods act. CatcaretB thus aid
the bowels just as Nature would
Harsh cathartics act like pepper,
la the nostrils. Soon the bowels
grow so calloused that one must
multiply the dose. ei
Veet-poeket boa, 10 emits l drug-stores,
luh tablet of tie tnuls Is marked CCC,
Can't Cut Out
THOROUGHPIN, but . . s
will eleaa them off pnnniitlf, uA
you wnrk th borse nme time, Doef
not blister or remove tb hair. $UH
per bottle. Book 4 E free.
A BSO RBLN K,JK., for mtnUnd, H
nd 12 bottle. Krducet Varicose Veins,
Va.rtrneele. HTdrocele. RuDtnml Miis
! or Ligaments, Bnlanred Glands. Allays paia
quickly. Your drnrglst can supply and aire refer
eocns. Will tU tou more if Tou write. Mfd.onlr trf
W V. TOikti, r. B. sal Imin K DfrieiftoM, Jlasfc
I For Red, Wetk, Weary, Watery Eyes sad
rtssU I
Murine Doesn'tSmart-Soothes Eye Pain
Drwdrta Stt Harisa Er Reswir, Urahl, Be. Me, $I.N
Murine Ere Salro. in Aeaprie Tnbw, 25c, $1.00
Murine Eye Remedy CoChicago
t4M quick rvlWr and
iml cat, book rir'tlnmlal m4 10 DfiyV tnttnOtV
A re. Rati H. KjUi sosti. Bu n, aikm n-
war; happy woman. clonn kHolipn. no want,, traartaf
Uwtimo. Why? Trio IMI'tUiVKD Bi'()NOMV JtriB
raaeniaUTes wanted, mutr saUS Ok, itamao' V'
Bosks trf. HlitK
retawnsa. . fiaM lasuita,
W. N. U, PITTSBURG, NO. 85-1910.
T jfgi
J I 1
"7- ME&LUC !
tare in