The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 17, 1910, Image 5

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Mr. Edison
Has authorized us to
give to every owner of
a Phon ograph, SIX
Edison Amberol Records
(worth $3.00) without
charge. Special records
that you cannot buy at
any price.
Come in an hear the
latest records and let us
tell you about the plan.
Stoke & Feicht
T Drug Co.,
ft Little ot EvemtMnq. -
t Ground has been broken for the new
' glass bottle factory at Hawthorn.
One of the largest chemical plants in
the Btate will shortly be built near
Galeton, in Potter county.
The nineteenth annual harvest home
picnic at Alcola Park, near Oak Ridge,
will be held August 24, 25 and 20.
John Cummings, son of Robert
Cu minings, of Jackson street, fell off a
fence recently and broke bis loft arm.
Fire on the hill corth of Sandy Valley
, threatened the lodge of the Reynolds
ville Camping Club with destruction
We will consider It a favor if our
readers and friends will either send or
'phone in local news, personals or items
i if natiorfll
' There is Union' Sunday school every
Sunday afternoon at the old Baptist
church at Prescottvllle. Chas. Hoff-
' man is the leader. .
A meeting of the members of the
Koon Korn Klub of jolly memory has
been called for Thursday night by Pres
ident Charles M. Milliren.
George Wise, of Ratbmel, had the
- Index finger of his left hand caught in a
sprag on a mine car one day last week
and it was smashed to pulp.
Philip Koehler, who was oonfioed to
his home in West Reynoldsville two
' weeks by a severe attaok of rheuma
tism, was able to be out again Friday
There was a Polish - wedding at
Rathmel last Saturday a"hd it is said
that $60 worth of beer went to the home
the same day to help along the jollifica
tion. Don't fail to hear the Indian band.
" Don't fail to see the base ball games,
. Don't fail to look In the big shows. All
' can be seen and heard at Nolan Park
' Carnival.
The company store and adjacent
buildings In Reynoldsville have been
' brightened up with a new coat of paint.
. The work was done by Hetrick & Boney.
of Punxsutawney.
The Presbyterian Sunday School and
members of the congregation will hold
a picnic at Romantic Park, Sykesvllle,
to-day, Wednesday. On account of the
picnic no prayer meeting in the church
The W. C. T. TJ. will meet with Mrs.
A. L. Keagle, at Rathmel, Thursday
afternoon, August 18. It has been re
quested that the ladies take well filled
baskets and hold their annual picnic at
that place.
Firman Dean, who recently purchas
ed the London homestead in Rathmel,
is making' extensive improvements
around the buildings and property and
will soon have one of tbe best appear
ing estates along the Rathmel road.
Tbe Epworth League will hold a
moonlight picnic at the old gas well
below Hopkins Thursday right, Aug.
k 18th. They will leave Reynoldsville on
the 8.08 p. m. train, All members are
requested to attend and bring a friend.
The W. C. T. U. of Reynoldsville
" will, hold a picnic to-morrow, Thurs
day, in ' the grove near , Pleasant
Avenue. The ladies will go to the
grove in the car leaving Main street
at 11.00. m., dismounting at Buldauf's
residence. ' .
One of the moat artistic jobs of bouse
painting to be seen in Reynoldsville
is on the JN' S, Hammond residence on
East Main street. D. R. Cochran and
. bis corps of assistants did the work
after aealgn prepared by a deoorator
jjl natio-Jeputation.
The country mines near Rathmel are
now operating about half time. -
Services at the Methodist church
next Sunday evening at 7.30, sermon
by the pastor.
A small fire in John .O'Hare'a whole
sale barn caused a little excitement last
night. There was no damage.
Word was received here last week
that Mildred the Infant daughter of
Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Weaver, of
Portsmouth,- Ohio, formerly of
Reynoldsville, . had died and was
buried August 8th. The baby was
born in Reyjoldsville and was about
ten months old.
Fred Wise is the last victim of the
dogs in Rathmel, having been severely
bitten last week. The dog nuisance In
this little hamlet is becoming serions,
Dr. Ira Bowser, the physician at that
place statin; that no less than nine
persons have been bitten so severely
during the last six weeks that the
wounds had to be cauterized.
Every farmer or person Interested in
farming should make it a Bpecial point
to be at Nolan Park Carnival Thursday,
September 1st, as the Association has
arranged with Prof, R. L. Watts, of
the horticultural department of State
College to give an address on the sub
ject of "Farming in Clarion County,"
ttnd it will certainly be worth any man's
time, who is interested in farming, to
hear this lecture. The exact hour will
be announced later.
Joseph S. Johnston, road master in
Wlnslow township is going over the
brick road from Prescottvllle to Rath
mel this week making all needed
repairs. Johnston was supervisor on
tbe road before the brick was laid and
knows every Blnk hole on the stretch
that used to coBt the township a pile of
money each Bpring and still allows the
brick paving to sink a little In various
Asa result of the recent hold-up of
paymaster Brown of the Widnoon
mines, Saturday morning, July 23r5,
1010, the regular semi-monthly pay for
tbe first time in the history of the
mines was made at Lawsooham laBt
Saturday and it is said that this plan
of paying will bemused In tbe future,
and thus avoid tbe transportation or
a large sum of money across the creek
and up through the woods where the
recent attempted hold-up occurred.
New Bethlehem Leader.
The Lock Haven State Normal school
is easily accessible from every part of
Pennsylvania either by means of the
Pennsylvania Railroad of the New
York Central. It Is located In
thriving town of ten thousand people
on the west branch of tbe Susque
bannaandin a locality that is famous
throughout the state on account of Its '
scecio , beauty. The buildings are
modern, comfortable and convenient.
It has a faculty of College and Uni
versity trained men and women. Its
professional work is peculiarly, well
adapted for the training of teachers for
tbe public schools. If you are Interest
ed in a good school, address the
Principal for an Illustrated catalog,
Robert J. Burdette, tbe well-known
writer, speaking of the opportunity of
American boys said: "Why the world
Is always at a boy's feet, and power,
conquest and leadership slumber in his
rugged arms and carefree heart. A
boy seta his ambition at whatever
mark he will lofty or groveling as
be may elect: and the boy who resolute
ly sets his his heart on fame, on health,
on power, on what he will who con
secrates every faculty of his mind and
body on ambition, courage, industry
and patience can trample on genius;
for these are better and grander than
genius. "Such a boy will begin to rise
above his fellows as surely as the sun
climbs above the mountains."
Want Column.
Bates: One cent per word for eob and
very insertion.
For Sale or Rent House and lots
on Tenth street; also some household
goods for sale. Inquire of Mrs. W. P.
For Sale Second hand tapestry
rug, 9 x 12; one hot blast; one gas
stove. Inquire Mrs. Charles F. Hirst.
For Sale Property on Jackson
streeti Mrs. Katharine Smeltzer.'
For Sale Five billiard tables In
good condition. Low price to quick
buyer. Dr. B. E. Hoover.
For Sale A very desirable home;
alBO two store rooms. Inquire of Mrs.
R. L. Taafe.
FOUND A purse containing money.
Owner can secure same by giving an
exact description of purse, contents and
time lost, and by paying for this ad.
Call at The Star office.
Wanted SO v miners at Penfleld,
Appl Penfleld Colliery Co., Penfleld,
Pa- ... .i
Found Sum of money on Main
street. Owner may secure same by
describing same and paying for this ad.
W. U. Ellenberger. -
For Sale Two houses in best resi
dential section. Dr: B. E. Hoover.
For Sale or Rent, or will trade for
town property, the Geo. Tapper place
sear Prescottvllle. Inquire of Thos.
F. Adam.
Agnes, Daughter of Peter Rob
ertson, Passed Away.
Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Robertson, formerly of Reynolds
ville, died at the home of her parents in
Clymer at noon Thursday, August 11th,
1010, after a fourteen months' struggle
with tuberculosis. Tbe body was
brought to Reynoldsville and taken to
tbe home of a sister, Mrs. John Reddn
cliff, on Worth street, where funeral
services were conducted Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock by tbe Rev. John F.
Black, of the Reynoldsville Methodist
EpiscopaNihurcb, and burial was made
In the Rey r.oldBville cemetery,
The deceased was born in Lawrence
county In 1881, and at the time of death
was but a few days past her 20th birth
dap. When a girl she came with her
parents to Reynoldsville and attended
the public school . of Reynoldsville
borough for many years, where she was
very popular with her schoolmates and
became known to many. When her
parents moved to Bitumen a few years
ago, she went with tbem and later ac
companied them to Clymer where she
passed the last years of her life.
Besides her parents, she Is survive1
by the following brothers and sisters:
James Robertson, of Evans City, Pa.,
William Robertson, of Bitumen, Pa ,
John Robertson, of Clymer, Robert A.
Robertson, of Butler, Pa., Mrs. George
Roller and Mrs. John Reddeollff, of
Reynoldsville. Mrs. William Bone, of
Barnesboro, Pa., and Misses Mary and
Annie, of Clymer,
Besides the Immediate relatives of
the deceased, named above, all of whom
were here to attend the funeral, the
following persons came to Reynolds
ville Sunday to be. present at the last
rites over the remains: Mrs. William
Robertson, of Bitumen, Mrs. John
Robertson, of Cljmer, Mrs. Barbara
Robertson, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Robertson, Jr., of Wampum, Mrs. John
Miller, Hugh, Andrew and John
Miller, Master Peter Miller and Mrs.
Clyde Pantall, of New Bethlehem, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh McCallum, of Pitts
burg, James McMurtle, of Clymer, Ira
McKtnnon, of Clymer, and Henry Mc
Klnnon, of Bitumen.
Pleasant Trip to the Mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. James Armagost re
turned recently from a camping party
In the huckleberry mountains which
was very pleasant to them. In tbe
party were MIbs Ethel Funfare, of
Pittsburgh, Miss Ethel Gallagher, of
Wlnterburn, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Gallagher, of Wlnterburn and Gust
Pash, of Phllllpston. On their return
from the mountains they visited at the
home of Peter Gallagher, of Winter
burn, where tbe party was joined by
Mr, and Mrs. J. Stevlng, of Pittsburgh,
and one of the events of their stay there
was a hay ride from Wlnterburn to
Weedvllle which was enjoyed by
twenty-four people.
Our Guarantee.
Shoes bought here sold under a full
guarantee as to quality. J. H. Fink,
Punxsutawney, Pa. ,
Won't Need a Crutch. .
When Editor J. P, Sossman, of Cor
nelius, N. C, bruised his leg badly, it
started an ugly sore. Many salves and
olnments proved worthless. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it
thoroughly. Nothing Is so prompt
and sure for ulcers, bolls, burns,
bruises, cuts, corns, sores, pimples,
eczema, or piles. 35c at Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.
. The recent commencement' of the
Lock Haven State Normal School Is
noteworthy for several reasons: one
being tbe fact that the school graduat
ed the largest class In Its history and
the otber that a very satisfactory
lecture and entertainment course was
com pit-ted during commencement week
by a splendid presentation of Shake
Bpeare's "As You Like It" on the front
campus by the famous Ben Greet
players of England. The educational
value of this performance was In Itself
sufficentto warrant the large outlay.
It will pay you to see the beautiful cata
log of this first-class school.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Teacher of Voice, Piano, Harmony,
Music History, Counterpoint, Canon
and Fugue, Choir leader and chorus
funeral directors.
Maid Stree't. - Reynoldsville, Pa.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
. Meets every second and fourth Thurs
day In I. O. O. F. ball.
Rent or Sell
E. Neff, Justloe of tbe Peace
' Reynoldsville, Pa.
Pifer Reunion.
' The Pirer reunion will be held In
Alahoe Park, near Big Run, August
23. The committee is preparing an
excellent program for tbe day. In tbe
morning there will be a ball game be
tween the Pifer relatives. In the
afternoon there will be addresses by
Rev. Hartman, of Troutvllle, and Miss
Katherlne Pifer, and Miss Grace Pifer,
of DuBoIb, graduates of Susquehanna
University, will sing several solos.
Good muslo will be furnished The
affair is open to all Pifer relatives
and friends.
Buy Tbem Here.
School shoes. Better shoes for less
money. Try us. J. H. Fink depart
ment store, Punxsutawney, Pa.
Banoor Slate
Just received a car
loadthe best in the
market for the price.
Reynoldsville, Penn'a.
S. C. Henry's Grocery Store
I. V. washing tablets 10c now 5o.
Best 60o teas going fast at 20o. Better
get a good supply.
Best 6 (t. Bhow cases 116.00 value goat
$7.50 each.
Star tobacco cutters worth 75o selling
' at 25o each.
Orange peel 25o now lOo pec lb.
25c vanilla reduced to 15o,
Dr. Winters cough syrup 25o now lOo.
Dr. Kaisers cough syrup 25o now lOo.
Jello ice cream powder 15c nown ow 6c.
Eeinze's evaporated horse radish 25c
now 10c
Pure imported olive oil 60c bottles now
Tea canisters worth tl 00 now 50c.
GofT's Herb Bitters 25c now 15c.
GoIT'b cough syrup 25a now 15c.
Pratt's horse and cattle powder 60c
reduced to 25o per package.
Chewing gum worth 6o package now 3c.
Sen-Sen 5c now 3c.
One cash register best (50, will sell at
Royal baking powder 25c cans now 15c'
I loyal baking powder loo cans now 10c.
Royal baking powder 10c cans now 8o.
MuRtard seed 40c now 20c per lb.
Whole cloves 40o now 20o per lb. :
Wbole pepper 40o now 20o.
Pratt's worm Dowder 50c now 25o.
Golden Shield baking powder 40c lb. f
reduced to 10c a lb.
Quaker baking powder 50o now 25c.
Canary seed 10c now 5o lb.
Celeay seed 40c now 20c lb.
Borax lump 40c now 20c a lb.
Candles 10c per dozen now 5o a dozen.
Candles 3c each now 2c each.
Parks yanllia 25o now 15c. ' i
Barker's llnament 25o now 15c. -One
handsome bread case sells at $5.00,
One wagon good as new, $35.
One hack $75. now $40.
One horse $150.
10 lb. red supar bags 2o per lb.
No goods sold on credit at these
Big Harvestf Home
Picnic andO Carnival
On the P., S. & C. R. R.
Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3, 1910
Royal Carnival Company carryingj8 big'shows,
including animal,' vaudeville, 7 plantation, electric
shows, also Shedman's circus of 20,performingdogs.
The free acts this year will includeJSterck, the
king of alljwire performers, alsoj the7greatMonteS;
Myra troupe, the laughing success of Europe. One J
of the unique features; will he a full bloodedIndian2J
l band led by Sitting Bull. - $.i(Ji
Baseball Games; Dancing, Music
Excursion rates and trains on the P.JR. R.,and;P. S.;&'C.;
Admission'to'park free to JaHpersonsJholdingf railroad
tickets? others JOjcents.
At Adelphi Theater
Thursday, Sept. 1st
Under Auspices of the Business Men's
Last Season's New York Success.
GofT's Liniment 25o now 15o.
Pratt's animal regu'ator 25o now 15o.
Wetmores pudding lOo now 5o.
Grain-O 25o pkgs. now 15o.
Bird seed 10c now 5c.
Old Pard fine cut lOo now 7c.
One four foot show case $5 50.
Whole allspice 40o now 20c.
Ground allspice 40c now 20c per lb.
Cayenne pepper lOo now So.
Ground cloves 40o now 20c per lb.
I. X. L. starch 10c now 6c per box.
Poultry seasoning 10c now 5c per box.
Sublime Borax lOo now 3c.
Baking soda lOo now 6o a lb.
Vanilla 10c bottles now 6c.
Sulphur 20o now 5c a lb.
Vanilla 25o now 15o.
H. O. Presto flour 10c now 5c.
Paper cutters 50c each.
One six foot desk $15. -
Enameline stove polish So now 2c a box.
X Ray stove polish 5o now 2c.
Tbe Bing lamp burners 25c, glass tops,
now 10c. i
Lamp wicks lc each now 3 for lo.
2 gas stoves $15, now $10, each as good
' as new.
Wash tubs all sold at cost.
Pratt's food, $1.75 pail at $1.45.
Pratt's cow tonic 10c now 6o.
Pratt's calf tonic 50c now 25c.
Butter color 25o now 10c.
Wrapping paper 12 Inch rolls value 5o
lb. now 4o.
Lamp chimneys 15c now 5c.
Beman's automatio oil cans 5 gal. $1.25
now 75c. A great bargain.
Beman's automatic 3 gal. oil or gasoline
cans $1.00, now 60c.
3 gal. cans with pumps $1.00 now 60c
5 gal. oil cans with pumps $1,20 -now 75o
Good barrel covers 25o.
Good vinegar bbls, 75o.
Good molasses and syrup bbls. $1.00.
ijnterprlse pumps 9n w) anil at 9Z.W,
prices. These prices gcod only while present stock lasts
in Prices
One fireproof safe $40.
Wbole wheat flour 30o now 20c.
80 lb. tubs 10c each. '
Ono Toledo Bcale $110 will Bell at $50.
One cheese safe $2.50.
Eagle condensed milk ISc cans goat 14a.
Dr. Shoop's Health ceffee 25c now 10c.
Wrapping paper 24 inch rolls worth 6o
lb. goes at 4o.
OneStlmpson computing scale $75, now
Van Camp's soups 10c go at 5c.
Kirkohne washing powder 35c now 10c.
One two wheel truck $1.00.
1 pair Fairbanks platform scales 600 lb.
capacity, $12.00.
Flour $1.50 per sack.
Best floor oil 25c per gallon.
Vinegar pump 75o now 50c.
Roth rock's condition powders 20o now
5c each .
Heckerman's condition powders 25c now
Crystal scouring soap lOo now 5o.
Washing soda lc per pound.
Wire end wood butter dishes 5o, $1.60
1G lb. Golden Rod paper hags 35o per
hundaed." i . j-
1 lb. Goldon Rod paper bag8'7o per
1-4 lb. Golden Rod paper bags 5c per
1 grain scoop $1.50 now 50c
No. 1 cotton bags 10c each.
Lemon cling peaches 15o per can.
ThoBO goods, are fine.
Oil lamps 50c now 25o each.
Lantorns 75o now 60c.
Barker's horso, cattlo and poultry pow
der 15c now oo.
Lomon extract 25c now lOo per bottle.
Lemon extract 10c now 8o per bottle.
Lantern globes 10c now 5c each.
Climax Btovo polish 10c bottles 5o.
One desk chair worth $7.50, will sell at