The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 10, 1910, Image 4

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    Baoacnptiov ii.00 per-, year in advance.
Editor nnd Proprietor
Entered lit thepostoHtee at. Kevnoldsvlllt
t ., as second class mallmatter.
',, With s issuo The STAR-appears
tinder new management. Having been
a resident of Reynoldsville for over
twentv, and connected with The
Star for over thirteen years In every
capacity from ."devil" to managing
editor, no in assuming the final role
of owner, we feef that we need no
introduc(.li n to The Star's patrons or
the people of Reynoldsville and for this
reason we feel u curious reluctance to
make any extended statement at the
present time. What THE STAR has
been In the past is known to all; as to
th'i future, we prefer to let the future
epcak for itsell.
. We have but one request to make
to our patrons at this time. It is
that all persons make prompt settle
ment of standing accounts, both sub
scription and advertising, and thus en
able us to add new equipment and im
prove the service rendered.
It takes but one ride in an auto over
country roads to transform one into an
ardent advocate of good roads.
' Punxsutawney, like Reynoldsville,
has a fine silk mill, but the silence of
the grave reigns in both. Punxsy's
mill has neyer operated an hour, due to
''depression in the silk market."
Traveling men Bay Reynoldsville
business and industrial conditions are
better than in any other town in the
coal region. The depression In the
coal business has almost killed business
In many places.
It reflects little credit on the council
of Punxsutawney that after its leading
newspaper has been pleading for six
weeks to have the public streets
cleaned, claiming they are the dirtiest
In this section, the municipal body re
mains somnolently Inattentive.
The death of Jacob TIufT, known all
over the United States by his
pseudonym of "Faraway Moses," will
b) noted with sorrow by thousands who
grew familiar with his homely
philosophy in Grit during the last
quarter of a century. There were many
more eloquent writers than "Faraway,"
but few who appealed to the common
people more forcibly.
. The Superior Court handed down a
decision last week affecting school
districts all over the state. A county
court had ruled that a school district
was bound to pay the tuition of pupils
"from Its district attending high school
In an adjoining district, regardless of
whether or not It maintained a high
school of Its own. The Superior Court
rules that a school district maintaining
a high school is not bound to pay the
tuition of pupils to attend high school
"Honesty and devotion to duty are
' not essential elements of success In
Pennsylvania politics. They ought to
be, but careful observation has convinc
ed me that the people of this state, In
spite of professions to the countary, will
rally to the standard of a shrewd and
successful man sooner than to that of
the sincere and rigidly upright man.
The day has not yet come in Pennsyl
vania politics when you can appeal
successfully to the higher moral ideals
Of the voter in political campaigns. He
is always willing to look out for himself
at the expense of the state." Hon. M.
S. Quay as quoted by Hon. W. O.
Six months ago Rldgway was about
the gloomiest town in the state, caused
by the prospect of losing industries and
4y the heavy fire losses. In the crisis a
dormant board of trade was revived,
active work to improve conditions com
menced and to-day the town Is rescued
from its peril and new life is manifest
ing Itself among the citizens. Follow
ing the announcement that through the
efforts of the board of trade a big in
dustry has been induced to remain with
them, a "boosters' meeting" was called
to enlist the aid of all the citizens for a
campaign of town booming. Organiza
tion is the only sure means of carrying
forward such work.
In connection with the proposed es
tablishment of a savings bank' in Reyn
oldsville, it is interesting to note an
official report showing that in one year
128,146 Individuals in the United States
took out money orders aggregating
' $8,104,447, each order being made pay
able to the purchaser. These orders
were, issued in the first nnd second class
postofflces alone, the olliclal investiga
tion nptextanding to the smaller offices.
It was the widespread usj of this
method of maklDg a savings bank of the
local postofflce that brought about the
citation la f vor of the recently passed
The banks' enrolled in the new
Central BankeT'a Association have a
combined capitalization of $4,500,000
nnd a combined surplus of 83,000.000,
making the actual capital employed
$8,100,000. The total deposits In the
banks exceed $21,000,000.
It is early yet for commencing the
political primary campaign of 1911, but
aspirants in various parts of the county
are letting it be known that they will
enter the race. From present indica
tions there will be a lot of old familiar
faces among the gentlemen who will
shake our hands so genially next spring.
A nerson can now he fined $200 if he
takes from the poatoflle mall which has
been put into his box by mistake, and
does not return it at once. The, law
applies to newspapers as well aa letters.
The excuse that you found it in your
box and that it was the fault of some
employe of the postofflce will net
relieve you of responsibility. Wrong
mail coming Into your possession must
be returned at once.
Farmers near Reynoldsville are com
mencing to plant alfalfa In lMrge tracts.
It Is claimed that an acre ol good
alfalfa produces twice as much digesti
ble nutriment as an acre of red clover
and It is therefore profitable for the
farmers to make every effort to establish
alfalfa fields. The climate Is favorable
to Its cultivation and It can be grown In
a variety of soils the best being a
gravelly loam with a porous sub-soli.
"Coming, as I do, from a rural
county, I appreciate the Importance of
good roads. Much progress has been
made In that direction. Much more
remains to be done. The concensus of
opinion in which I heartily concur, la
that there should be a more compre
hensive system of state wide road Im
provement and that all the highways
of the Commonwealth sr.all be Bpeedlly
and permanently Improved." From
John K. Tener's speech of acceptance.
William H. Berry, nominated by the
'third party" men for governor of
Pennsylvania at Philadelphia recently
is an excellent type of the commonplace
man who achieved accidental fame
and has more than held his own ever
Blnce, with no other quality to recom
mend him than personal Integrity.
As an orator he does not rank with the
auerairo country lawyer; he Is not
prepossessing in appearance and lacks
the personal magnetism to enthuse the
people. Shrewd steel eyes alone be
tray the energy and ambition of the
Thore Is food for serious thought In
the remarks of Sheriff Caldwell, of
Butler, who recently attempted to
enforce Sunday closing laws in Butler
and found himself hopelessly alone In
his crusade: "When people with
Bibles under their arms and prayers
warm on their lips, patronize ice cream
factories and soda water fountains I
have ordered closed, in enforcement of
the Sunday laws, I am ready to give It
up." His experience duplicates that of
a Reynoldsville burgess a few years ago,
Theoretically the average christian is
In favor of Sabbath observance
Practically many of them are directly
responsible for Its violation by patronlz
lng the places kept open and rerderlng
It more profitable to do business and
pay a fine than remain closed.
The following Items are taken from Thi
En, a journal published In Reynoldsville in
1878 thirty-two years ago by BenBCOter ft
Oh! for a base ball club.
Why don't some-
body organize?
Mr. John Lowther, mining boss of the
Hamilton Coal Co., Is In town and has taken
possession of the unique residence In Cold
Spring Hollow.
The Soldier Rur4 Railroad Is a certainty.
This road has been under contemplation so
long, and lta immediate construction has
been so frequently'agltated that the word
has become almost.. .proverbially mythical
Whether the parties who in the past planned
building this road practiced deception Inten
tlonally or not, we do not venture to say, but
leave It to the discretion of our readers. One
thing is certain, that for the past three years
this vicinity has been vainly hoping for and
depending In a large measure upon the com.
pletlon of this enterprise as the surest means
of bringing prosperity to our people. A road
up Soldier Run will amake an outlet for a
number of collieries on either side of the line
and hence it is looked upon as being of vital
importance in connectlonwlthotherdovelop.
lng interests.
The seventeen year (?) locusts have appear
ed again. It is strange how these seventeen
year cusses manage to turn up every sum
The firm of Blmes ft Flynn, proprietors of
the Central Drug Store, come to the front
this week and try the balsam of printer's
Ink This Is the only first-class and exclusive
drug store In this part ct the country and
Justly deserve the large and extensive
patronage which It is constantly receiving.
Mr. 11. A. Stoke the gentlemanly and accom
modatlng prescription clerk, fills the bill In
that particular to the letter. He1 Is a young
man, attentive, trustworthy and as neat as a
new pin.
Chief Burgess Bartnian will administer the
the oath of office to a corps of policemen this
evening. Constable D. E. McOahan will act
as chief and will be supported by Messrs.
Phil Taylor, H. M. Iseman, E. PeUaven and
Emanuel HIse.
From a reliable source we learn that there
are 65 small children on Grant street, and a
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Teacher of Voice. Piano, Harmony,
Music History, Counterpoint, Canon
and Fugue. Choir leader and chorus
Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Meets every second and fourth Thurs
day In I. O O F. hall.
Rent or Sell
Nell. Justice of the Peace
-Reynoldsville, Pa.
Notice Is hereby given that the printing
business of the lute I!. A. Slophenson, lu
eliidliiu t tie and mind will of nnd to Tim
Htar, Iiiih tills diiv been purchased by
(JhnrlcsS. Mini, to whom all accounts due
the office of whatsoever nature are payable
and to whom all hi Is amilnst the business
should be presented.
Mrs. Laura G. Bteimirnson,
Executrix. S. Lord.
August 4th, 1010. ,
Bids will be received by the supervisors of
Wlnslow township until September 3, WW, for
the construction ot a road from a point near
the Ueynoldsvllle Brick and Tile Co., plant
to the farm of Curt Wells In Wlnslow town
ship. The supervisors reserve the right to
reject any or an uius. lmormauou may
had at the office of 8. M. McCrelRht, Esq., In
Iteynoldsvllle. Bend sealed mos to
r KAPiH II lljl.lS,
R. D. 3, Keynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Aug. 10 1010.-2t.
Notice Is herehv given that application will
he made by W. K. Meredith, A. O'Donnel and
T. W. White to the Uovernorof Pennsylvania
on the seventh day of September, IlilO, at ten
o clock a. m. unuer tne provisions or an aci
of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for
the Incorporation and regulation of certain
corporations" approved the day of April
A. 6. 1874, and the seve al supplements there
to, for a charter for an Intended corporation,
to be called MEKEIU'H BK1CK COMPANY,
the character and object of which Is THE
SELLING OF THE SAME and for these pur
poses to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of
Assembly and the supplements thereto
Aug. the 10th, 1910. 4t Solicitor.
Men's dress trousers selling at one-
fourth less than regular price. Bing
Stoke Co.
Want Column
Rates: One cent per word for eaoh and
vory insertion.
FOR SALE Property on Jackson
street. Mrs. Katherlne Smeltzer.
WANTED 50 miners at Penfleld,
Apply Penfleld Colliery Co., Penfield,
Pa. '
Found Sum of money on Main
street. Owner may secure same by
describing same and paying for this ad.
W. U. Ellenberger.
For Rent Six room house with
tarn, Inquire of E. Neff.
For Sale or Rent, or will trade for
town property, the Geo. Tapper place
near Prescottvllle. Inquire of Thoe
F. Adam.
I. Horvitz's
Opens to-day with a .
complete assortment ol
seasonable dry goods,
ladies', men's and child
ren's hats, shoes, cloth
ing and notions at prices ;
guaranteed to be lower
than any other store in
Jefferson county.
We have been keenly j
alive to secure extra-'
ordinary opportunities
important and extensive
transactions, the details
of which would consume
too much space to
Injustice to yourself
see these bona fide low
' prices, compare the great
values, examine the won
derful variety, share the
enormous savings.
Come 200 miles if .
necessary, it will repay
you several times over;
but don't buy until you
have consulted i
Opposite Frank's Tavern
Aiiust Sale
S. C. Henry's Grocery Store
Candy pails 10c each
One li.rge glnss bowl II. BO reduced to $1.
85o mom, b-.-et mutlo 25o, t 3 &'.
Canned corn lOo reduced to 5o. A great
bargain, these goods are fine
I. V. Washing tablet 10c now 5o.
Best 00c tees going luot at 20c. Better
get-a good supply.
Best 8 ft. show cases 116 00 value go at
110 00 each.
Candy trays 10c selling at, 5o
Star tobacoo cutters worth 75o selling
at 25c each.
Citron worth 40c now 15c lb.
Lemon peol 25o uuw 10c a lb.
Orange Peel 25o now 10c a lb.
Fletchers Castorla 35o now 25o.
25u Vanilla reduced to 15c.
Dr. Winters cough Syrup 2fic now 10c.
Snyders Catsup 25u uuw lfjj.
Snyders' Catsup 15c now 10c.
Scrub brushes 10c now flc.
Dr. Kaisers cough svrup 25c now 10c.
Jello Ice cream powder 15c now 5u.
LIptonB teas i lb wins a grade Ceylon
& India 18o now 10c.
Llptons tea i lb. H5c now 20c.
Jello 10c now 7c a pkg.
Gas mantlej 10c now 7c.
Helnze's evaporated Horse UadlBh 25o
now 10c.
Cherry & Blackberry preserves worth
2oo now 10c a can.
Pure Imported Olive Oil 50c bottles
now JOo.
Tea canisters worth 11.00 new 50c.
Goffs Herb Bitters 25c now 15c.
Golls oouuh. syrup 25ii'now 16j.
Pratts Horse and Uattle powuer
reduced to 30o per pkg.
Fairbanks Tar snap 5c now 3u.
Chewing gum 5c pkg. go 3c.
Sen Son 5c now 3e.
Licorice penny sticks now 2 for lo
One plr tea anil run'ly scales $2 00,
One Ca-b Kwlrl I" n 'St muilo ifou,
sell at 125 00
Royal Baking powder 50c c ans go at 3f)c.
Royal Baking powder zoc cans now too.
Royal Baking powder 15o'cana now 10c.
Royal Baking powder lOu cans now 8c.
Mustard seed 40o now zoo per in.
Whole Cloves 40o now 20o per lb.
Whole pepper 406 now 20o.
Cinnamon Bark 5o now 2o.
Pratts worm powder 50o now 30o.
Golden shield Buklng Powder 40o lb.
reduced to 10c a lb.
Qutker Baking Powder COo now 25o.
Canary seed lOo now 6o a lb.
Copperas 25o now 5o a lb.
Nutmegs 3 for lc.
Celery Beed 40o now 20c a lb.
Alum 40o now 20o a id
Borax lttmp40c now 2(lo a lb.
Salt Peter 40c now 'JOo.
No goods sold on credit at these
When you want Job Printing of any kind call up The Star office on the Summerville
'Phone and tell us what you need we'll do the rest.
lie Service that Never Sleeps
Bell Telephone Service never takes a rest or a holiday. It is on
duty all the time and everywhere.
Whether as a carrier of business or social messages during the
day, or for any emergency call through the night, it is always ready.
- With the lifting of any Bell Telephone receiver, night or day,
the operator's response is almost simultaneous a fact which in itself
assures you that the wires are open to you that no matter how far
you wish to send your spoken message, trie entire Bell system is awake,
on the alert, and at your service. '
With the added advantage that" the Bell System goes farther and
reaches more people than any other telephone system.
The -universal service the always reliable service the
standard service.
For rates and other information regarding service, call (he District Manager.
The Central District and Printing
Telegraph Company
Guff's liniment 25c now 15u.
Pratts Animal Regulator 25c now 15c.
Welmores Pudding lOo now 6c.
Graln-0 25o pkgs. now 15c.
Bird seed 10c pkgs now 6c.
Sweet Cuba fine cut 6o now 3c.
Old Fard, fine cut 10c now 7c.
Mall Pouch 6o now 3o.
Natural Leaf Scrap 5o now .lo.
Honey Scrap 6c now 3c.
Sealing wax 5o now 2 for 5o.
One 4 ft. Bhow case 17 00.
All 10c cuts of plug tobacco go at 8c
Whole Allspice 40u now 20c.
Bakers Ammonia 25u now lOj per lb.
t round allspice 40c now 20o per lb.
Jelly g;ussuf 10c per dozen.
Cayenie hopper lOo now 6o.
Grouml Cioves 40c now 20o per lb.
Cream ui tartar 50c now 25u per lb.
I. X L. Starch lOo now 6o per box.
Poultry seasoning IOj now 5c per box.
Sublime Borax 10c new 3c.
Baking soda 10c uuw 5c a lb.
Vanilla 10c battles now 5c.
Miutrs Cotton 30c goods now 15c per lb.
Sulphur 20c now 5a a lb,
PilUbury Vitos Breakfast food l."c now
now 7o per pkg.
Vanilla 25c now 15o.
Es- nco for CnlTen 2o per pkg.
i H. O Presto flour 10o now 5o.
Pratts Cow tonic 50o now 30o.
Pratts Calf tonic 60o now 303
Butter Color 25c now 10c.
Candles 12c per doz. now 5c a doz.
Candles 8c each now 2c each,
('arks vanilln 25c now 15c
Barkers Liniment 25o now 15c.
1 handsome bread case sells at $5.00
One fire proof safe 140.
Paper cu'ters 50c each.
Ooe 6 ft desk $15
Tooth pleks So now 2o.
Enameline stove polish 5c now 2c a box.
X Kay stove polish 6o now 2c
Blackola shoe polish lOo now 5c.
Perfection shoe polUh lOo now 5o.
Queen Aon lump burners lOo now fic.
The Bing lamp burners 25c, glass tops
now 10c
Lamp wicks lo each now 3 for lo.
2 gas stoves 115. now $10, each good as
- new.
Wa9h tubs all sold at cost.
Cakes 10c per lb.
Cake stand $2.
One adjustable cake stand $5.00.
Pratts food 90o pails 75c.
Pratts foi d $1 70 pail $1 15.
One 25o haskot 15a.
Fiber pail 35o now 25o.
Matches 10c pkgs now 7c.
Whole whnat flour 30o now 20o.
80 lb tuna 10o each. "
' One 45c basket now 30n. .
prices. Above prices good only while present stock lasts.
One 35c basket now 20c.
One 75c basket now 50c.
One Toledo scale $1 10, will sell at 150.
One cheese safe 12.60.
Good barrell covers 25c each.
Nine o'clock washing tea 6o now 2c.
Eagle condedBed milk 18o cans go at He.
Dime Brand milk go at 7o a can. .
Dr. Shoops Health Coffee 25o now 10c. '
Quaker pulled rice 15o reduced to lOo.
Wrapping paper 24 lnoh rolls worth be
lu gui at 4c. '
Wrsppln? paprr 12 Inch rolls value 5c
lb. now 4u.
Parchment paper 12 Inch rolls 15o now
10c a lb S&ffi'
Lamp chimneys 15o now 5c. CLf .
Wheat h'-rrles lOo now 8o.
Orleans 15o cans now 12o. STS
H. O- Rolled Ot.ts 15o pkgs 10c. fca?
Inverted gas globes was 10 now 5c.
Canned totnatois lie cans go at 3 for 25c,
Syrup 25c cans now 20c
Syrup loo cans uuw 10c.
Bemane Automatic Oil cans 5 gal 11.25
now fiOc a Bargain.
Bemaus automatic 3 gul oil or gasoline
cans $1.00 now 65c each.
3 gal cans with pumps $1 00 now 65c.
5 gal Oil cans with pump$l.25 now 80c.
1 S'irn'ison c inputing fcaie $75. now
Van Camps Soups 10c go at 5o.
Pearline 6o now 2c.
Pbsker suit lOe now 5o.
Kirkolint) washing powdeJ oj3 now 10c.
Quaker Corn Meal 10c now 7c.
Suit lOu ska. go at 6c.
4X powder sugar 50 a lb.
Oue Two wheel truck $1 00.
T vo 60 gal oil tanks $1 50 each.
Pure corn, oats and barley chop 11.25.
per cwt.
Wheat screenings $1.00 per bu. now 80c.
PurejCorn Chop tl 25 per cwt
Pure white mids, white as fliur 11,75
per owt.
1 pair Fairbanks platform scales 600 lb.
capacity 112 00.
Salt per 280 lb. bbl. OOo.
Salt per 1401b. sk. 45o.
One wardrobe 13 50.
Old process oil meal $1.50 per cwt.
Flour $1 50 persk.
Good Vinegar bbls. 75o.
Good molasses and syrup bbls. 11.00. J
Enterprise pumps $5 00 sell at $2. 1
One bench $1 50. I
Pure older Vinegar 10c per gallon.
Mica axie grease 10c now 5o
Oil 9o per gallon.
One wagon good as new, $35.
One Hack $75 00, now $40.
One Horse $175
California Lemon Cling peaches
per can.
jpoetal savin? bsn,:'a,
lair prospect for more at no distant day.