A Plckag. Mailed Free on Request of t HUNYOtJ'S PAW PAW PILLS Tha best Stomach and Liver PlMp known antj a positive and spends) cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Jaundice. Biliousness, Sour Stom-I ach, Headache, and all aliments arising from a disordered stomach oil sluKKlsh liver. They) contain In conceit trated form all tha virtues and values of Munyon's Paw Paw tonic and are made from thq Juice of the Paw-Paw fruit. I uni hesitatingly recommen these pills as being the best laxative and cathartlq ver compounded. Send us postal bi . letter, requesting a free package o Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw I.axa-t I tlve Pills, and we will mall same fret) ,' of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO- PATH1C HOME REMEDY CO., fm and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pn. Constipation Cannes and nirgntvatet many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favoriC fttniily laxative. On get it hy highway men Ten a theoaaiuls by Bad Bowtlm No dif ference. Constipation anil dtnd Ever male tha whole system sick Every body knows It CAS CARETS re fut car Bowel and Liver troubles by simply doing nature's work until you get wU Millions use CASCARETS, life Saverl CASCABHT9 toe s box for week's trntment. all druHists. BiyKcit seller In the world. Million boxes month. ornnmentnl, eon Tftnfotit, cheap. LmusU Made of metitl, otinnot rplllortlp OTr. wirl not soil or Injur any. thhwr. Gnaran. tiid effective, of 111 dislrrt rr Rent prepaid for too. auuiLD auautaa, 1W Uekals M Brsoklra, K. Y. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OrttJo Onr for Feverlflhtieiiat or in Child- n bcurt. At nil OnurRintt, Sbcta. rao'i Home. Dnpi mftiion r ur.it. Attar, H.wYorkOitr A. S. OLMSTED Roy. N. V Cures The OLD Sores That Other Remedies Won't Cure V The worst cases, no matter of how long J standing, are absolutely cured by 3D r.Porter's Healing: Oil Discovered by an Old Railroad Surgeon. All Druggists positively refund money if it fails to cure. 25c, 50c & $1.00 Fat It Me-licine Co. tellna, Ohio. Gentlemen. We tre requested to lay to yon that prominent citizen here an old loltller hat bad a run; Bloff sore on hit leg tor a number ol years and your I)R! PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL cured hfm. U It prepared to make a sworn statemrrtt to thti eflrct. (Signed) WVCKOI F BKOS.. DtugglMi. Made by SWA Maker of Laxative Bromo Quinine Greatness In Art. x Great works of art are only great be cause they are accessible and compre hensible to everyone. The story of Joseph, translated Into the Chinese language, touches a Chinese. The atory of Sakya Muni touches us. And there are, and must be, buildings, pic tures, statues, and music, of similar power. So that, if art fails to move men, It cannot be said that it is due to the spectators' or hearers' lack of un derstanding; but the conclusion to be drawn may, and should be, that such art is etther bad art. or is not art at r Wl. Tolstoi Charlemagne's Poem. Cardinal Rampolba, in answer to a letter of inquiry as to the Charlemagne manuscript which was recently discov ered by him In the Vatican, as an nounced some time ago, says: "There can be no doubt as to its genuineness It Is well known also that he had oft en expressed himself In poetry, and a good example of his composition and afyle Is the epitaph on Pope Stephen. The discovered document is an elegy on the death of his son, written in Latin, and when found was in two pieces, the Joining of which was a la borious task." London Globe. We Give Away Absolutely Free n,. Pannle'a Common Sense Medical English, or Medicine Simplified, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Stir i:l In.timta at Buffalo, a book of 1008 lro pages end over 700 illustrations, in Btronf paper covers, to any one tending 21 one-cent tamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular pries of $1.50. Afterwards, one and a half million copies erewe given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition it now ready lor mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Du raNSABY Mbdical Association, It. V. Pierce, M. D.t President, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. FIEUCE'3 FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments food enough that its makers are not afraid to print on it outside wrapper its orrery ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE REMEDY for women which oontains no alcohol and aw habit-forming drags. Mad from native medicinal forest roots of well arablisbed enratfr value. ' ' MAY LkARN FOR JAPAN Her 8choolt Have Courses Thtt Maka Good 8cholarc '' ' Japan has no laws prescribing tha age which pupils must attain before being permitted to leave school'. In stead there is a law that a child must complete an elementary course corre sponding to the first six grades In American schools. Thus the brighter and more industrious the pupils, the sooner he may leave school, if his par ents desire it. There is no holding back smart scholars for the sake of the dull and indolent. Neither la there any injurious forcing of lnmature intellects. It is said that the "bad boy" is practically unknown in Japan, that the playing of "hookey" is never Indulged In by the youth of the Flow ery Kingdom, so eager are they to ob tain an education, says the Pittsburg Gazette Times. In this respect America can hardly hope to duplicate .her ancient neighbor. The irrepressi ble bad boy we shall always have with us. He is indigenous, and we like him better, on the whole, than his un naturally good brother. But in one or two respects we might well take a leaf from Japan's book of education. Benefits of the Farm Garden. A striking case in which the benefits derived from the farm gardens are shown is that of a Germantown widow who has supported herself and six children since the death of her hus band last year and has supplied her table almost entirely from the truck she herself has raised. There are many other similar cases, and it is said that the Vacant Lots Cultivation Society, which is responsible for the distribution of these little farms, is very much gratified with the results obtained. More lots are needed, how ever, and this Is a charity that must appeal to everyone. It is to be hoped that the scope of the work may be broadened to the extent the society wishes. Philadelphia Inquirer. 25 The Sense of Taste. At an adjourned town council meet ing in the north a member casually mentioned that a person could not en joy or even distinguish between drinks in the dark. A worthy bailie denied this and offered to bet that, bllndfold er, he could name any driuk given him. The bet being accepted and the bailie blindfolded, the test commenc ed. The bailie drank everything sub mitted smacked his Hps and correctly named the drink, until the taker was In despair. Then "Try him wl water," whispered a councillor, and the hint was taken. Sip smack sip a shake of the head "I canna just mind the name o" this, but I mind o' tastin' it when I was a wee laddie." London Chronlclp. FIVE YEARS OF PAIX. A Tnle of Terrible Kidney Suffering. Mrs. J. F. Kibble, 62 Stevens St., Wellsvllle, N. Y., says: "I cannot de scribe the suffering I endured from kidney trouble for over five years. My back was so lame and painful I could not turn in bed without assistance, nor raise my arms above my head. I often be came so dizzy that I fell. The kidney se cretions .ere dark, thick and scald ed. I received no relief until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. My Im provement was so rapid that my fam ily did not think it would be lasting. In six weeks I could do a hard day's work with ease." Remember the name Doan's. For Bale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Recipe for Longevity. A New Jersey man died the othet day at the age of 115. He had always chewed tobacco, drank whisky and voted the Democratic ticket. . His lon gevity is not fu-Tibed so much to his having used whisky and tobacco as to bis having voted the Democratic tick 3t and to having just hung on for the past 40 years in the hope of seeing Bill Bryan elected president Skin Rennty Promoted. Id the treatment ot affections of the skin and scalp which torture, dis figure, 'Itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for preserving, purifying and beautifying the com plexion, hands and hair, Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are well nigh Infallible. Millions of women throughout the world rely on these pure, sweet and gentle eftiolllents for all purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, and for the sanative, antisep tic cleansing of ulcerated. Inflamed mucous surfaces. Potter Drug A Chem. Corp., 'Boston, sole proprietors of the Cutlcura Remedies, will mall free, on request, their latest 32-pags Cutlcura Book on the skin and halt. Rain falls more frequently between 3 a. m. and 8 a, m. than at any other time. of G Adviser. 2 Yitih FARMERS HOME AND 'ACRE5 (, Silage For Cows. Silage provides a succulent food, and milk cows fed on silage will pro duce as much milk in midwinter as they will in June, other conditions be ing similar. Silage and cotton seed, etther whole or ground, will make the best possible feed for beef cattle, and and thousands of cattle in the north' em states are fattening on these ra tions. Silage solves the feed prob lems of winter'or a dry fall,jind with silage but little hay or roughness is needed for either milk stock or beef stock. Farmers' Home Journal, Rid the Pasture of Weeds. The cheapest way to rid the pasture of weeds, as well as other parts of the farm where sheep can be allowed to run, is to keep some sheep grazing upon it I believe it is also the best way to keep down weeds as the sheep wander over the same land day after day and keep the weeds closely picked down all the time, while If you depend on mowing the weeds, it can only be done occasionally and not very often at best. A goodslzed bunch of sheep will do more weed killing than a man and do It at a profit to the owner, while the man would be quits an item of expense. Fanners' Home Journal Profitable Stock. We are dally coming In contact with the products of the dairy cow In one form or another, thus It Is to the Inter est of the owner of the dairy breed wnen laying a foundation lor his herd. which will yield him the best profit, not only selecting animals which are from a good healthy stock but animals which are good profit producers, or in other words, that yield a flow ot milk, containing sufficient butter fat. to war rant the animal worth the while of keeping upon the premises. While it is always essential that anl mals be well fed and cared for. It Is oftentimes found that the animal pro ducing the largest amount of milk Is not necessarily the animal which de vours the most feed and for this rea son the owner should learn the tem perament of each individual animal and feed it accordingly. In thin wav realizing profits which might otherwise he wasted. Farmers' Home Journal The Best Ration for Hogs. In a recent bulletin the College of Agriculture of the Unlversitv of Mis. aouri has published the results of a number of swine feeding experiments, by E. B. Forbes. These experiments prove that corn good corn Is a good feed for any animal and that there Is no reason for withholding it from anv animal needing food. At the same tlitne, It is snown that corn alone is not nearly so good or so profitable a feed as corn supplemented by some proteld food such as tankage, linseed ollmeal, or eoy beans. If hogs fed exclusively on corn the animal becomes very fat and chubby and does not develop properly; the bones are brittle and easily broken. Sixty-flve hogs were used in this experiment and they were divided Into lots of five each. Twelve different ra tions were used with corn alone in two of them and corn supplemented with some other feed in the others. The hogs fed on corn and linseed ollmeal and those fed on corn and tankage gained the most; those re ceiving corn alone were most unsat isfactory. Horse Distemper. It is known that a horse with dis temper can communicate It to a heal thy horse, and the germs are found In the discharges of the nostrils. In most cases distemper appears before horses are five years old. The veterinary of the Colorado agricultural college says: The Constitutional disturbanves caused by the shedding of the teeth, and cutting eame, as well as impure air in poorly ventilated stables, over. worked and poorly fed animals, are factors that weaken the resistance and make Infection possible to produce the disease. The disease Is more common In the spring' and fall of the year, particular ly the former, on account of the chill received as a result of the sudden changes at these seasons of the year. The disease can also be transmitted from dam to offspring through the milk. Young animals should not be brought in contact with those affected nor watered out of the same bucket nor come, in contact with any other property until It has been thoroughly disinfected. An animal should not be castrated while suffering with distem per. A vaccine made from the specific germ causing this disease is prepared in the laboratory of the Veterinary Department of the Colorado Agricul tural College. This vaccine is very useful In com bating distemper, both as a preven tive and as a cure, and promises to be of as great value as the antlsuppura tion vaccine made in the same labora tory from the germs which cause poll evil, fistula, and wound infections. Like the antlsuppuratlon vaccine, to get the best results It must be used by one who4is trained in the t. jeasis of the lower animals and understands the use of vaccines on same. It Is therefore advisable to have It used by a competent graduate veterinarian. Breeding and Laying Houses. The question ot housing is one much discussed and one on which a great many disagree. A successful poultry house need not be a fancy affair nor a very expensive building but It should be well built and constructed so as not to allow any drafts whatever, as a draft is the one sure road to the many annoying dis eases common to poultry. All poultry buildings should be lo cated on a high, dry place see to it that there Is no possibility of water standing near it Plenty of fresh, pure air and sunshine is the most essential. All houses should face the south, for It is from that direction that they get the most of the sunshine, and in an open front house the sun's direct rays enter and penetrate Into the dark corners and assist so materially in decreasing the vermin. Through many experiments it has been taught that the open front house is by far the most sensible, economi cal and practical of all houses a house built with the East, South and West walls thoroughly tight and draft proof, and with a good sized opening from one-third to one-half the entire front wall In the opening, and then a frame made and covered with domestic to cover the entire opening. This frame should be hinged at the top and a" hook put at the mottom to fasten it when closed, be hinged at the top and a hook put at the bottom to fasten it when closed. The frame can be opened by means of a rope run through a ring or pulley In the celling and tied to a hook In the wall, to keep It open In the day and on pretty clear nights. A frame of this sort will keep the wind and rain out of the house and at the same time will permit the fresh air to enter the house diffused and thus avoid drafts. The size of house to build depends entirely upon the number of hens you care to keep. Five square feet of floor space Is really sufficient for each bird In the pen, but if you can allow eight or ten square feet, the results will easily pay you for the difference. Breeding stock to be kept in the best of condition need plenty of room to exercise. Farmers' Home Journal. Farm Notes. How many thousands cf dollars are farmers going to lose by letting the stock run down? ' With feed high the dairyman must get more for the butterfat The price is bound to advance. Cut off at any time, any sucker you may fiiud growing at the foot of fruit trees or on the trunk or main limbs where branches should not go. The alfalfa' grower does not get wor ried when mill feed goes up in price. His dairy herd Is provided for if the alfalfa crop Is In the stack or barn. Make tree use of the straw in bed ding the cattle. You provide better for the cow and at the same time Increase the amount of good fertilizer for the fields. A pig Is a money making machine and should be fed all he will eat cleanly from the time he is able to nibble; then keep him going until he Is on me diock. The greater the capacity for food the better the milker. A cow cannot pro duce a large quantity of milk if she does not have the capacity for food that makes nvilk. President Taft on Apples. "I have always loved apples and al ways eaten them, lnueed, my father usee o tell of his uucle, who said he aisllked apples so much that he wouldn't put bis mouth out of puck er for less than a peck. I have in herited that taste myself. And I have very decided opinions about apples. "Apples are a good deal like per sons. You take the Ben Davis and the King apples, as I know them. They are fine when you see them on the stand for sale, and they are beau tiful when you see them on the table but if you are a real l'over of apples and put your teeth Into them you know that they' are just as much frauds as some people that you know; that they are mealy and they haven't that sort of Juice that means character, and they haven't that sort of flavor that means character in an individual. 'Now, I don't know whether you have out here any apples that are not as large and fine as those I have seen. For what you do with apples that don't look well I would like to know. I can't find out except by spending some time here, for you are so combined In featuring the best in your communities that you hide those apples where no man can find them." Indiana Farmer. The Real Enemy. "Why didn't you come to the dance tie other night Lieutenant-Colonel Schmidt? I believe you were afraid of all the girls you have been engaged o." V Lieutenant "No, not them: the ithers." Fllegende Blatter, Did You Ever Try Shopping By Mail at Macy's Great New York Store? New York shoppers know values and logically flock to the store that gives the greatest values. At many s a quarter of a million New York City shopmen have visited this zreal Macy store in m single day ihst Is the best reason In the world why you who live twiy from Rew York should do as much of your buying u possible by mall at Macy. Yoa will not only get better goods than ordinary Vores carry, but you will ret ttm much cheaper. . We want you to become acquainted with this Macy store's mail order shop pin j service. .To tet you to do so promptly we offer these special null order Bargains in Women's Suits and Skirts. Buy them, and if they are not satisfactory in every way send them back and we will promptly refund your money. Skirt 60c Zonophone Sf Records, 19c Each. As you perhaps know, the fixed price of Zonophone .Disc Records heretofore has been 60c. each, the country over. Now you may buy them of Macy's at 19c. each, and choose from over 1,500 different titles. Every Record perfect; may be used on any Disc Record Talking Machine. A booklet with a complete list of the selections will be mailed to yoa upon request. Mention when you write us If you want your name on our mailing list for copies of our big catalogues. We want you to become one of our mail order customers, and we know you will be delighted with your buying experiences with this celebrated New York store. R. H. Macy & Co. gJLSS New York, N.Y. Languages in Churches. English language was In 19DC the sole language of worship in 181,393 re ligious organizations, with 2JI.61S.2GT members, or 85.6 per cent of the total number of the organizations, and 71.8 per cent of the tota! membership, in continental United States, according to Part I, now in press, of the Census Bureau's comprehensive report on the Census of Religious Bodies for 1900. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Eed, Went, Wenry, Wntery Eyes snd Granulated tyniids. It Sootlit-s Eye Pain. Murine Kye Itetnedy Liquid, 25v and 60a Murine Eye baive, 25u und f 1.00. Only 10 per cent of German school boys. It is said, go In for athletics, as against 75 per cent of British. Dr. Tierce's Pleamint Pellets first put nt 40 years aao. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. 25 A London hatter says that men's heads grow appreciably up to the time that their owners are (15 years old. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC No. 1 Spalding's Official No. Base Ball Guide. No. f2 Row to Play Base Ball. No. 223 How to Bat. No. 232 How to Run Bases. No. 230 How to Pitch. No. 229 How to Catch. No. 225 How to Play First flnse. No. 226 How to Hay Second Base. No. 227 How to Play Third Rase. No. 22S How to Hay Shortstop. No. 224 How to Play tha Outfield. No. No. OTttCR SEASONABLE BOOKS. No. 1J Spaldlna-s OBVlai Alhletlo Almanao, I No. s Spililtnir s Official Cricket Guide. No 831 Schoolyard Athletics. No. 5 Npahllna'somolal Golf Qulde. No. i Spaldln'a Odlolal Lawa Tennla Guide No. m How toswlra. I No. ll Lacrosse. ' i 3 J ( Waal if I national caguek V m A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK PHILADELPHI., PA. FITTSnUWti, PA. BUFFALO, .1. y. , SYRACUSE N. t. I NEWAHi, N. i. INDIAnAfUuS, IND. TORONTO Soys mis rretty Two-Piece Suit at $4'98 Minn FREI t ! fmt OfflM li tlw UaRMi StatM. 21 C.L.201 Model, as Illustrated: made of fine quality cotton crash, in white, tan or plnkj three-quarter-length coat, single-breasted, semi-fitting . with notched collar and revers Inlaid with plain linen in contrasting colon and harmonizing wtth cuff trimming on the long full sleeves; coat fast ens with buttons in contrasting color. Skirt b fuU gored, with fancy wide side pkuts be low hips, and a deep Inverted box pleat in back, under which the skirt closes Invisibly. Sizes ja to 44. ' Women's Walking Delivered Free to any Poet OfHea in the United States. $1.74 x SI CL.202 Made of white or dark blue linon, as Umstrated, with a deep yoke fitting closely over the hips; scalloped in front and plain in back; deep ;lde- pleated flounce: skirt fin. ished with deep hem; ornamented with pearl buttons. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES $5. 4. 83.50. $3. 97. SO A tl THE STANDARD ; FOR SO VKA0S. i.::. S? ' FOR 30 YEARS Million of men wear m W. L. DourUm shoe be cause ther are the low est prices, quality con sidered, in the world, Made upon honor.of the lb best leathers, br lbs f most skilled workmen, E in all the latest fashions, iv W. l Dontlas $5.00 and 14.00 shoes equal Custom Brnch Work eostinc $6.00 to $8.00. Boys'Shaes, S3.S2.50H2 w i n , V. ' ".Tw mm liike 1V Kuhatltt.t.-. ftt Color Knelrti l?"JTonr.,0Tnwr"f,,,r ""Ullrnert-ataloajiliow-lli how to nrilrr hy msll. Kl,e. ornrwl rflrrt from PATENTS Wataoe K. f 'Airmen. Witna. loatnn, D.C. Books fn. libit, eat references. Beat row Ua. P. N. IT. 25, 1910. If afflicted Thompson's Eye Wafer trim weak tea. LIBRARY CASE BALL SERIES 1A Spalding's Bat Ball Reoord. r How to Uriranize a Base Ball League. How to Oriraniie a Baae Hall Club How to Manasre a Bane Re.ll Club. 231 How to Train a Base Ball Team. How to Captain a Base Ball Team. . How to Umpire a Came. Technical Base Ball Terms. Ready Reckonerof Base Ball Percentages. 219 PRICE OF EACH BOOK 10 CENTS . Spalding "Official National League" RKtl. ft. . PAT. OK Ball Official Ball ol tlie (iaiire lor over Thirty Vcj.. BOSTON, MASS CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. BALTIMOKE, '.M. bT. LJUIS. MO. KANSAS CITY, MO. WASHINGTON, U.C CINCINNATI, O. PSVrlr, COL. ATLANTA. G. CLWi.ANi, t. MlNN&AP ,L1S, MIN'4. NbVV OHL8ANS. LA. tUl.lMdJ -j, ST. fAUt, Ml N. bbTHUir, MlCd. LOUISVILLE, KY. SiATTtK. WAS. I.OS a ':.US, OA'. DALLAS, TaX MILWAU.'EK. WIS. - MONTREAL. CANADA. LOND34. ENGLAND. pen rssrmswsis aflitrevi in any ol the saoys Mvnlrf. slerea and gel a new allaleth. gauata entalagae tree. I