The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 22, 1910, Image 8

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Of the School Board of West
Reynoldsville Boro for
Year Ending June 6,
v . 1910.
Tax collector, in acconu'. wib Wyst
lloynoldsvlke school dinirlct lor vuar
ending June 0, 1910.
- DU.
To am'l duplicate souool.... tl. (303 1)3
6 ndlfl'J on 238 7S... 11 1)1
' l,(il5 87
CR. ' '
By am't ..xotidratton 42 00
. " " 5 rebate on l,0: 52. 51 li:l
," " 2i col. (inll.fl.1H5J, 20 77
" " (")', col. on 2S:i.7.1... 14 1!)
" " 5 col. onHltl 61... ft M
" " treasurm-'a ret-t-tpls. . . 1.273 87
1 Tobul. due district 200 3H
'1,15 67
To ain't ditplloa sinkinjr fK $ o:!2 32
. . " " 5X added onl;l0.H .. fl 61
038 83
By am't exoneration IS 00
" " h rebate on I25 29. . . .'1120
" 3t col. - on iir) 20. . . IS 7(1
" " 6.col. on lf8oi... 7 1)4
" " b col. on (II 14... 3 0(1
" " treasurer' receipts. . . 778 47
" " due district 81 34
t 038 83
To am't duplicate school b'd. t 695 38
," " 6 added on $88.10. .'. -4 41
$ 599 79
By am't exonerations. t 11 49
" " 5 rebate on $303.41. : 19 07
" " 3t col. f. on $.193.41. ' 11 80
" " ft col. on $102.32. 6 12
" " 5 col. on$ 39.01. , . 1 95
" " ' treasurer's recelptB. 495 39
To am't due district ' 54 37
' 599 79
W. B. STAUFFER, ExCollectofX
To am't due last settlement. . $ 29 73
$ 29 73
By am't 5 col. on $29.73.. . $ 1 49
" am't treasurer's receipts. 28 24
29 73
State appropriations year end
ing June 6. 1910 $ 1,238 80
Rec'd from Ex-treas. Brewer 1,172 50
" " col. taxes, all kinds 2,H'iH 88
" " loans since last rep't 12,074 24
... " " county treasurer. . . 0 27
" " all other sources.... 143 30
Total receipts .$17,302 05
Building and furnishings. . .. $13,570 90
Renting and repairing 373 79
Teachore' wages 1,760 00
Sobool text books , 78 88 I
School (supplies 210 30
Fuel Ht.d contingencies 337 07
Fees of col. $90 91; treas. $30 1 20 91
Salary of secretary 45 00
Debts and interest paid 259 90
Other expense1. 230 07
$10,94 02
Cash on hand $ 308 03
Amount due from collector. . . 342 09
Total resource! $ 650 12
Liabilities. '
' Am't due. uti unsettled bills
and interest. .' ",$. 534 01
Am't bonds and notes with
'. . interest 12,246 76
j , . ' 1 . $12,780 77
Liabilities over resources ' $12,130 65
T. C. McEntekr, I .,.
'abacrtbe for
The -X- Star
A leaky
I f
wSrS?tfMiiij oooks, siu sioout Hooting, ana
fty'&i "The Ruberoid Album."
'vvuiwffWiiir"i'''"w:r ,.;?w-wuiu'w,'t.
TheWoodwork Supply Co., ,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa. , '
,&.V Sewing
liPSc Machine jkS
1 1
Jwt Think of It?
Tm Fsi-t Sewing Machine U In
sured for five years against acriilciit
breakage, wear,- fire, tornado, light
ning and water. This ahoni our
faith in
Sewing Machine
ThtnE what thU roanl
U jsunj tan II r-x bmk tha wholt oucblu
ot tor Mil (smA, Mi, or ttxbmtat, tK.)
II will M MDllca4 fa M wlllual rham.
Hughes & Fleming ji
t KoycoldsviUo, Pa. ,( 11
,-' Soldiers' Burials. .
The county commissioners have
named the following residents of the
different townships , and boroughs In
this Bection as a committee, in their
several districts, to look after the
burial of deceased soldiers:
Plnecreek township Wm. Knapp,
W. D. Kane, John Carberty. ,
Reynoldsvllle Dr. J. W. Foust, C.
R. Hall, NInian Cooper.
Sykesvill W. H. Reber, J. L. Long,
J. B. Sykes.
Washington township William C.
Smith, R. F. Morrison, Craig Wilson.
West Reynoldsvllle Samuel Brill
hart, J. N. Smail, W. P. Woodring.
Winslow township James Cathcrs,
John Norris, William Wardick. '
Very Few Genuine Celebrations.
The projected Fourth of July cele
bration lo Brookvllle has been aban
doned. The firemen, who were in
terested In the matter, found a ladk of
enthusiasm among our poople, and
thought it best to abandon the proposed
entertainment. Brookvllle lfrpiMican.
That is what happened In most towns
In this section and would have happened
in Reynoldsvllle but for the energetic
hurtling of the finance commiteeof the
Business Men's Association. Reynolds
vllle business men are to be congratulat
ed on the live public spirit manifested
In their subscriptions to the big
celebration fund.
Teachers' Examinations
The annual examinations for the
teachers of Jefferson county for the
year 1910 will be held at the following
places on the dates named: Punxsu
tawney, Friday, June 24; Reynoldsvllle,
Saturday, June 25; Brockwayville, Mon
day, Juno 27; Beech woods, Tuesday,
June 28; Brookvllle, Wednesday, June
29. Certificates will be in the hands
of teachers by July 1,5. All examin
ations begin at 9 00 a. m. In tnakicg
the announcement Supt. Jones states
that persens under 18 years of age and
Inexperienced teachers from other
counties will not be examined.
Can Lav
Now is the time to
take off that shingle
or tin roof when it is
beginning to leak with
every rain, and put on a
roof never gets better. It
, worse, in spite of constant
patching. The best remedy is a
new roof that doesn t leak.
RUBEROID Is a perfect roofing. It Is
weather-proof, sun-proof, wind-proof
and fire-resisting.
RUBEROID costs less to maintain than
tin, tar or slate, or any other
to-day or our two tree rooting
H J f at . n ft
100 WaiUm St. New York
Lo, the Poor Sparrow!
His Doom is Sealed.
DuBois Man Discovers Way
. To Exterminate the Little
According to a DuDoU paper II. W.
Smith, of Clearfield, has discovered a
successful method of combating the
English sparrow nuisance in the gar
don, and after having thenewiemedy
working one week has ninety-one little
feathered marauders hanging up iu his
bank yard. Smith Is qltt an expert
amateur gardener and takes jrreat pride
In his work, and tbesparrows have been
the.huneof bis life for the last two or
three years, they seemingly holding all
their celebrations or gatherings In his
garden. He tried poison and every
known remedy or cure, evea soliciting
and securing aid and," advice from Dr.
Surface, of the State Agricultural De
partment. After trying the poison
suggested by Dr, Surface as a last re
sort, and with practically no effect, lie
was about to give up the battle India
guBt, and was sitting on his back porch
watching a band of sparrows making
havoc of a prize lettuce bed, when he
stumbled un what has since proved to be
the salvation of his garden. While the
sparrows were getting ' their ' fill of
lettuce a gust of wind blew a chicken
feather across the garden, and In an
Instant every sparrow In the crowd
made a dash for It, and when tbey got
it had a Jolly time palling it to pieces.
Like a drowning man' grasping at a
straw, Mrf Smith hustled Into the
house, and securing a small wire mouse
trap, placed a feather thereon and set
It near the lettuce bed.H- He had hardly
got back to the porch when a sparrow
made a dash for the feather and was an
easy victim. The trap was set again,
and in a few minutes another little
villain met his death, and Mr. Smith
made a bee line for a hardware store,
where he invested in a dozen mouse
traps, which he has set about his
garden and Is rapidly depopulating the
sparrow tribe hore-abouts.
Hon. S, B. Elliott lo Speak. TJ
Prof. J. A. Ferguson, of State Col
lege, accompanied with twenty-eight
students preparing forthe National
Forestry service, are In summer camp
on the Clarion river, near Foxburg.
It has been the practice of the college
to establish a camp each year for the
graduating class for the purpose of
according practical lcsBons In actual
work in the woods. Hon. Robert S.
Conk'ln and I. C. Williams, of Harrls
burg, and Hon. S. B. Elliott, of Reyn
oldevllle, of the Pennsylvania State
Forestry Commission, are expected to
visit this camp, and on Saturday even
ing, June 25, in the New Lincoln Hall,
Foxburg, there will be a ouollc Forest
ry meeting held, to which all In the
surrounding country are cordially In
vited. No admission charge. The
questions of forests, wood lots and what
we are going to do for timber In the
future Is of vital Importance. The cost
of planting and maintaining trees, the
benefits accruing financially and other
wise will be' expertly discussed. '
Nothing Doing at Big Run.
We ought to have at least an old
fashioned picnic on the Fourth. Some
body could read the Declaration, some
body else make a 1 little speech, all
could have a good dinner and with
sociability, swings, ball games etc.,
everybody could have a good time.
Wby not have this kind of a celebra
tion? It takes little preparation and
could be easily arrangedBig Run
What's tbe use? Better jump on the
trolly and come to Roynoldsylllo and
have tbe time of your life. Reynolds
vllle has the only ' big celebration In
five counties. -
Clarion Commencement Exercises.
The arrangements for the annual
commencement at tbe Clarion State
Normal School have been completed.
This commencement season promises to
be one of tbe most interesting occasions
tbe school has ever had. Bishop
Etbelberl Talbot of the Bethlehem
Diocese, Central Pennsylvania, will
proaoh the baccalaureate sermon and
Edwin Ea1 Sparks,' president of State
College, ' will be tbe commencement
orator. Tbe Campus Pageant, Class
Reunions, Literary Contest, Music,
Graduates' Recital and tbe Class Day
Exercises will be among tbe Interesting
events ol the week.
Banks on Sure Things Now.
"I'll never be without Dr. King's
New Life Pills again," writes A. Schln-
geek, .647 Elm St., Buffalo,, N. Y..
"Tbey cured me of chronic constipa
tion when all others failed." Un-
equaled for biliousness, jaundice, In
digestion, headache, chills,- malaria,
and debility. 25c at Stoke & Felcht
Drug Co.'s.
The cornerstone of the new M. E.
church at Brookvllle will be laid June
25th. Thomas H. Murray, Esq., of
Clearfield will deflver the principal
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
UyrostomoeatJleynoldBrtllo, Pa., for
weekending June 13,' 1910.1 :
fMrTand Mrs. Hlle Allen, Mrs." Delia,
Bearfleld, Peter Burgoon, Mss, Rose
Burns, Mrs. Mary Crlssman (2), Mrs!
Mae Cox, Chas., Mrs. Ruse
Fullerton, Mrs. C. M. Gregg, E:
Httnpnstoln Mrs. 0en Hunter Mies
Mayino Jonctt, J. M. Moran, Harry M.
MoglH, Nelson MuGreggor Cecil Me
Kee J. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Brltta Robert
son, Miss nsz-il Scott, Frank Suchrlst,
Mrs. Carl Smith. MIm Blanche Stewart
J. M. itevensou, Dr. Dvls F. Turnball,
Wllbert White.
List ad ertlsed June 20, 1910.
Mrs. to" rv Ad im. D. B. Barker,
MlnsCliilr Brlthon, Justia Bmh, Jos.
Carey, Fi'uuK IS. Cf-llv, Eva Fnnn,
Jos. McDonald, S. F. Miles, B. Rice,
W. B. Ruth, L. E. Snyder, G. E. Vas
blnder, Abrara Vardy.
' Foreign Maroln Mlknlt.
Hay advertised and give dale of list
when calling for above.
S. M. McCreight, P. M.
Old Friends Meet.
ReVi Dr. Mofcinley, now of Reynolds
vllle, and the editor ot the Tribune
first met in Iowa some 28 years ago
where they were members of Council
Bluffs, Presbytery and pastor In two of
Its churches. They had not met for
about eight years until at (be C. E. con
vention this week. It certainly gave us
great pleasure to see and talk with our
old co-presbyter and to hear htm
preach. He has a prominent church In
Clarion presbytery now and Is doing In
It as elsewhere good work. May he
live long and prosper. Big Run
Tribune. '
Johnsonburg Will Celecrote.
They are preparing to celebrate the
Fourth of July In grand style at
Johnsonburg this year. Tbe business
men of the place are lending their sup
port to the project and every effort will
be put forth to make tbe celobratlon a
bi-r success. There will be fantastlo
parade, several bands of music, races,
games, baseball, fireworks and all the
other concomitants of an old-fashioned
Independence Day demonstration.
Subscribe for The Star.
I never fail guaranteed best for all Auto purposes. Three brands: I
I Made from Pennsylvania Crude Oil. Cost no more than tbe ordinary kind. I
H Your dealer knows ask him. . I
II Wavcrly Oil WorKs Co.; hTu," Pittsburg, Pa.
Sixteen-Day Excursions
June 30, July 14 and 28, August U and 25, and Sept. 8, 19J0
Of fl or PIO T0 J Atlantic City, Cape May
All I IV I I Wlldwood, Anifelsea, llullv llenrh, IVean City, Sea
ylU lICa I IhIw CUy, Avalon, N. .1., ltehoUith, Del., and Ocean
$12 - $14
rolnt rleanant and Buy Head, N. J.
Tickets at tbe lower rate ?ood only in coaches.' Tickets at the higher rate Rood
In Parlor or Sleeplng Csrs In connection with proper Pullman tickets.
Leaves Pittsburgh at 8.55 a. m. and runs through to Atlantic City.
Tickets good for passage on special train and its connections or on trains leav
ing Pittsburgh at 4.55 p. m., 8.33 p. m., (coaches only), and 8.60 p. m. (sleeping
cars only), and their connections.
For leaving time of trains, stop-over privileges, and full
information consult nearest ticket agent, or James P.
Anderson, D. P. A., Sixth Avenue and SmltnQeld St.,
flttsburgb, Fa.
Passenger Traffio Manager.
Of the School Board of Winslow
Township for Year Ending
- June 6, 1910.
To nm'l. !lio(il Iiijc lnvicd ... 7,UII 41
" " lld(. tux lovlnd U"
. . CR.
llyrtrd'tt'rn dnv'rtnOtrniHH 6,1(10 4s
ret. to CIo. Treiuurer 272 0a
I'M! 48 H,4a2 48
DR. '
To ain't rec'd t'm Onl. Pt rcime 7.RV 41
I! .". 8,ll,B IM... 4.BIII 47
of horrnwKd muricy.. 1,I) 4'J
" rec'd f'niHn. Trims., 'too 00
" hhIh of Iioiimi m 01)
" reii'd I'm dim tux.... ih m
" trurn tulilnu tt m
By am't of lei:lier' siiHry.. ' 0,371 to
rnl, and ri'piitrs 312 10
'' imld InucliHiH for ut-
ti-ndlnu I null t,u t nix) 00
By nm'l nuld for txt IhhiIis. liiw j
", " h ii ii il ! oilier
limn li'xt l)iinl(4 ins 44
lly Hiu't fur find mid run lint. 4iu w
. " IviM IrutiMuror'g lie
fur UkHI-IO 410 XI
By am't mi'rnlary'H salurf
and piMt.aKH 7S m
By nm'l nrliiiliiK & auditors 111 2.1
'' drill u"d wii'm paid. 3,141 Ml
" Diifniidni! coinp, law - 7170
liililim an m
" xuiidrlL'H 109 40
15,201 42 19,201 42
To am't due f'm col. last
settlement R41 B7
To am't school dun 6.V22 86
" " school bulldlnft IXM 07
" " IS addition
on 102 45 2M 12
By am't exonerations school 2H2 87
" " exonerations building. 20 i)7
" " taxes returned sidiool VA 09
" " taxes returned building 00 W
" " 8 rebate on 91,940 0.1.. 117 OS
" " 2 col. on ll.HI I 90.. W M
" " fi col.- on 012.13.. . . 80 01
" "6 col. on iryiw.M.. 207 M
treasurer's receipts... 7,852 45
Due from collector 1,407 85
110,257 12 loi257 12
Borrowed money IU90 49
Due treasurer 150 00
Outstanding orders 18151
11.472 00
Due from Collector Strouse l,4t)7 85
Actual Indebtedness (4 05
A.M.Norhis, I .
W.J. MoHHisow, Auditors.
Main Street. Reynoldsvllle, Pa
(Asbury Park, Long Branch
" West End. Hollywood, Elberon, Deal Beach, Allenhursr,
I North Asliury I'ark, Ocean Grove, Bradley Beach,
V Avon, llelmar Ct mo," Siirlnu'e. Sea Ulrt. Brlelle.
General Passenger Agent.
Of ReynoldsviPe Borough Tor
the Year Ending June
G, 1010.
Ex-Tiix r'ullerior. In Mcrouiit, with the II ,r
oimli J..ool hhtrlci of Kevnoldsville, l'a.;
for I he year CMidlim Junes, 11)10. 1
School Account.
To am't du.-f'm Wm. Cop-
ping luMtsetth-nimit.... H, 178 61
m.j mi, , iiHiimirer x rece m
" dim from Win t'ou
pllllt 11,717 05,
1.4.11 6fil
11,178 01 $3,178 Ol1,
Monrt .roount.
To am't due from Wm Cup-
t-liilt laiit aeHIu.uiit . .. WMf8
lly nm'l ireHH. ri"wliii) -qj
"' uni'l dnr lrm Win.
UniH'Init . J29 57
, - mi mi m w .
J"," c;'!!Vu!r' ln awi'imfr with the Boroujili
M...M i nntiuii Keyimidm llle, Pa,, for Wie
isohool Account.
To am t duplicate 8 371 811
n aou on I2.S17 IH..
By am tof exonerations. ...
" taxen returned. ...
6 rebate on 5.27:1 110
' t col. on 5.IKI9 80.
o col. on 1,11117 Ki.
R col. on 2,748 04.
trean. recelum, ...
due from Collector
8. J. Ilurgoiin ......
1.(0 m
1 li 3
2n:l m
Bond Account.
To am't of duplicate 12 707 7J
" S add. on 1772 89... 38 64
By am't exoneration. ... 22 62
" taxes returned 3 87
.. re!'le on 1 570 10 . 78 51
. f:i!-onl,4lsi 29 85
" 5 col. on :W7 98. 19 90
fi col. on suit 53 . 40 58
" treas. receipts .. . 2.086 12
" due from H. J. Bur-
goon, collector ' 824 (B
12,806 40 12,806 40
Treasurer, In account with the School Dls-
trlctof the Boronh of Keynoldsvllle, Pa.
for the year endlnii Junes, 1910.
School Account.
To am't hal. In hands of J.
H. Kauclinr last sett,.... (1,0X7 10
10 am't rec'd fin Ht. treas.. 3,53129
" " State treas-
urer, for high School .... 345 00
To ain't rec'd fin Co. treas.. 32 73
" " hank loan.. 2,300 00
Wm. Uop- .
pliiff. collector 1,747 05
To arn't rec'd f'm B. J. Bur-
Koon, collector 6,951 SI
To am't rec'd f'm Prof. W.
M. Klf, tuition 1J9 85
To am't rec d f'm Sec. W. H.
Bell, tuition 2 so
To am't rec'd f'm Prof. W.
M. Kite, lantern fund... 90 28
To am't rec'd f'm Prof. W.
M. Itlfe, hook diimane... 2 60
By am't oiders redeemed... $16,159 05
" ' Yi commission 80 79
To am't due treasurer ... 19 03
16,2:18 84 16,238 84
Bond Account. - ,
To am't balance In hands of
J. II, Kaurher last set .. 328 22 ,
To am't rec'd f'm Wm. Cop-
plni?, collector 60 41
To am't rec'd f'm fl. J. Bur-
goon, collector 2,086 1!"
By am't orders redeemed ... 2,375 00
" Yt rommlsslon 11 87
' bal. in bands treas.. . a' 891 88
f!,V?i 75 $2,78
Itemized Statement of Expenses'
Of the School District of the Rrrrnu-rh of I
Kevnoldsvllle. Pa., for the yenr nriinir J,m 1 1
0, lUiU.
To am't paid teachers. ...... 18,350 00
" " of music 203 13
" " janitor 720 00
" " fuel and Unlit 276 80
1 . ' Secretary of
Board, salary 60 00 '
To am't expenses to State
Teachers' Ass'n 14 00 '
To am't express, freight and
drayane 17 W
To am't p'd for school books 54 13
" " stationery sup. 210 61
" " Janitor's sup... 43 65
" " laui dry. towels 22 65
" " Star I'm. OrHce 1 50
" , " VolonteerOfce 26 00
' ' furniture... 30 00 ;
" " Insurance 21 50
" ' aftldavlta 1 75 ',
" ' telephone. ... 3 00
" " water 114 S7
" ' truantofllcers 125 20
" M commenceni't
expense 86 50
'lo am't paid for material
and labor on buildln-r . S3 40 I
To 'am't paid for castings
for furnace 45 W
To am't paid for laboratory
appaiatus 89 00
Toam't pald for purchase
of Khoads ft Evans pro. 1,425 00
Toam'tpald auditors 12 00
To am't paid bonds red'm'd 2,000 00
To am't p'd notes and Int.. 3,645 80
To am't p'd Int. on bonds. . 300 00
18,533 0J
Of the School District of Reynoldsvllle Bor
ough for the year ending June 6, 1910.
Resources. '
To am't from Wm. Copolnz.
School account 11,431 56
To am't from Wm. Copping,
Bond account '' IM R7
To am't from S. J. Burgoon,
To am't from 8. j. Burgoon,
bond account. I01 M
bcdooi account 1 wr hi
To am't from I. H. Kauch-
er, Bond account 591 88
By am't bonds outstanding 5,000 00
My am'tcerillicate Indebt.. 2.000 00
By am't loan First Nat. Bk. 1,500 00
By am't due J. II. Kaucher,
School account ... 10 Art
Br am't orders outstanding rii m
To am't actual lndebtedn'sa (4,295 22
3,840 60 $M,I0 69
These reoorta audited Junn avium mH
found to be correct.
W H. Moohi, ) Audi tors.
D. H. Bhbakbt, (
The stockholders of the JeffnHnn mnh
Clearfield Coal and Iron Company, m
corporation organized and existing under
tne laws or the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, with Its Drlnclnal orHcn at fn.
oldsvllle, Jefferson county, Pennsylvania,
are hereby notified that a meeting will be
held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the twelfth day
of July, A. D. 1910, at the general office of
aid company, to take action on the approval
or disapproval ot the proposed Increase of
the Indebtedness of said corporation. In
pursuance of the following resolutions,
whleh were adopted by a majority of the
entire Board of Directors of the Jefferson
ana Clearfield Coal and Iron Company, to
wit: -
"RESOLVED. That tbe Indebtedness of
the Jefferson & Clearfield Coal A Iron Com
puny be increased from Two Million, One
Hundred and Foriv-one Thousand i$2,14l OUOi
Dollars to Four Million, Six Hundred and
Fort y One Thousand H,(H1,000( Dollars."
"RESOLVED. That a meeting r tho
stockholders be called to convene at tbe
general office of this company on the 12th
day of July, A. D. 1910, to take action 00 tbe
approval or disapproval of the propose,
incrvasn of the indebtedness of this cor
pany, and tkat tbe secretary be attlJks hi
bv law." J
Attest: Ltwra favf.m1
May 10, 1910. , Secretary.