The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 22, 1910, Image 5

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    Jioscription 1.00 per year in advance.
ysfi A. STEPHENSON, BdUorand Pib.
"nt.rnrt at thao8tomce at Keynoldsvllle
I Pa., as second cli mall matter.
8f5llllRVrLI.TLEPBOH NO. 61.
(Special Offer To
Owners of
x Ten special Amberol
Records for One Dollar.
If you buy an Amberol
attachment for your Ed-
son Phonograph, we will
t the attachment on
ithout charge for our
Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.,
ft Little ol EverutmnQ.
. N. Hanau was in Philadelphia over
John P. Strauss, ofvAltoona. was In
town yesterday. (
Prof. I. M. Smith spent Monday eve-
Ing at Beechwoods.
ohn BaBhor and children are visiting
Iharon, Pa., this week.
Judge John W. Reed presided In the
utler county court last week.
Mrs. D. R. Cochran Is visiting a
ster at Cat', tsburg. Kentucky.
I The soda fountains have the nickel
odeons beaten to a frazzle these nights.
Take vour baskets and join the plonlc-
lng parties at Nolan Park on July 4th.
St. Marys Is extensively advertising
a Fourth of July and firemen's tourna
ment combined.
Miss Barbara Mitchell, who has been
terlously Hi for several weeks, is im
proving slowly.
all your friends about Rey noldsvllle's
Fourth of July and invite them to
and enjoy it.
I J. Farrell has added to the beauty
rfs home on First street by a new
buff brick sidewalk.
Miss La vara Long, of Leechburg, was
the guest of Miss Lucille Delble on
Grant street the past week.
H. C. Clevenger, division freight
agent of the Pennsylvania railroad, was
in Reynoldsvllle yesterday,
a. Dr. J. C. Sayers and Will Bell are In
arrlsburg to-day attending the Re-
llloan State Convention,
reparations are being made to
fitly inoroase the capacity of the
ckwayvllle glass bottle factory.
Has it ever occured to you that you
Tire jour life to some of the Reynolds-
'(lle automobllists who haven't run over
The United Wireless Telegraph Co.,
which collapsed last week, had many
small stock holders In DuBois but very
few in Reynoldsvllle. v
e, reunion of the Knights of
oJRagle. originally set for June,
Btponed until August. It
former principal of the
ytiOldsville schools, will spend
nmumer on a bu,uuu acre tract or
rffmher in Florida studying forestry.
Dr. J. H. Murray is greatly beautify
ing the lawn on the First street side of
his residence by filling In and regradlng.
Anew buff brick walk has been laid
' John Trudgen and mother Mrs. Jane
Spry, left yesterday on an extended
visit to Canton and Sheffield and
several other cities In Illinois where
they have friends and relatives.
William Rhoden has a young pear
tree on bis lot on Mabel street that
has net burst forth in full blossom and
Will is happy in the expectation of
fresh fruit for his Christmas dinner. '
Peter Robertson, fomerly of Reynol
dsvllle, now of Clymer, Indiana county,
passed through town yesterday on bis
way t.j Lock Haven to be presentat the
RoberMoh, from the Central State
jvormai scnooi. .
Danolng, ball games, fire works and a
big time for every body at Nolan Park
on July 4th.
A fistic encounter between three local
characters on the ball ground Saturday
night almost resulted in death for one.
Mrs. 'Henrv Hernel has been In
Mead v tile the past week ' attending he
commencement exercises in the
Allegheny College.
Dr. A.J. Meck's theme at tbe Baptist
church Sunday morning will be, "Rock
and Perfection." In the evening
"Still There Is Room."
Miss Maud Pratt daughter of V. R.
Pratt, of this place, Is a member of the
class graduating from Allegheny
College, Meadvllle, Pa, this week.
Mrs. Edward Maloney and Mrs.
James Fltzpatrlcks from Olean, N. Y..
visited at the home of James H.
Maloney, on Jackson street the past
The meeting of the Clearfield Baptist
Association at LaJose last week was
largely attended. The next meeting
will commence June 19, 1011, in the
Marron Baptist cnurcb.
Mrs. M. H. Caldwoll and family went
to Indiana, Fa., . this week and the
household goods will' bo shipped to that
place in the near future. Mr Caldwell
bus been employed at Indiana for
several months.
Big celebration at Nolan Park on
P. S. & C. R. R. July 4th. Base ball
games, dancing, fire works, picnlclng
parties, etc. Special trains and rates.
Admission to Parkjree to all persons
holding railroad tickets, others 10c
Benjamin Berrls Shaffer, a young
man 21 years old, was killed by light
ning near,DuBols during the storm Fri
day. He was standing on a porch with
his back to a brick wall when a bolt of
lightning struck him on the head and
passed through his body to the ground.
Rev. Charles C. Mohney, pastor of a
Methodist Episcopal churoh near
Meadvllle, Pa., and a student In. Alle
gheny college, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, M. Mohney, in this place.
Sunday evening Rev. Mohney delivered
an excellent sermon in the local M. E.
Prof. S. E. Downs, for ten years
superintendent of Brookvllle's public
schools, has tendered his resignation
and expects to accept a similar position
in the schools at Latrobe, Pa. Prof.
Downs has placed the Brookvllle
schools on a high plane and bis desire
to retire has been noted with regret by
press and public in Brookvllle.
Thomas H. Means, one of Brookvllle's
best known business men, died June 14
after a two months illness. He was 56
years old and a life-long resident of
Brookvllle. He todk a prominent part
In Masonic ' affairs and was widely
known In the western end of the state
among members of that order. Funeral
services were held Friday afternoon.
Levi Schuckers of Plnecreek town
ship, one of the best and most Intelli
gent farmers in Jefferson county, was
In Brookvllle on Monday. His opinion
Is, that the farmers of Jefferson county
have an equal chance with any in the
stato west of the Allegheny mountains.
He says what Is needed to bring
success is intejllgent, careful judicious,
persistent work, with the right sort of
fertilizers, seeds and tools. Democrat
The Hoyt Comedy Company which
played in a tent on the ball ground
June 13 to 18 has been playing In hard
luck for Beveral weeks. At Emporium
the top of their tent caught fire and
burned, but the management made the
best of a bad situation and commenced
to advertise as a special attraction their
new "alrdome" tent. The "airdome"
was a beauty when the sky was clear
but a woeful failure on rainy nights.
Commencing July 6th moet of the Im
portant stores In Reynoldsvllle will
close at six o'clock each evening exoept
Saturday. A committee appointed for
the purpose by the Business Men's
Association secured the signatures to
the agreement. This is in accordance
with the policy pursued in all towns
that have outgrown village customs and
should be adopted In all lines of
mercantile and professional business.
s Reynoldsville's paved streets will
compare favorably with those in any
town in Western Pennsylvania in point
of beauty and grade, and . surpass most,
but tbe uneverness of the sidewalks Is
in curious contrast to tbe grades estab
lished in most towns having paved
thoroughfares. Tbe numerous little two
and three inch steps between walks in
front of adjoining properties should be
eliminated, and wherever possible the
Bidewalk should follow tbe grade of the
paved, road. Tbese are little things but
they count greatly In adding to the
town's beauty and convenience. v
The W. C. T. U. held a dues social at
tbe home of Mrs. George Williams also
elected tbe following officers for the
ensuing year. President, Mrs. A. T.
McClure; Recording Sec, Mrs. Lysle
Gourley; Corresponding Sec, Mrs. T.
C. Shields; Treasurer,. Mrs. S. M.
Gourley; Vipe President of Baptist
church, Mrs. H. E. Phillips; Vice
President of Presbyterian church, Mrs.
J. P. Eddy; Vice President of Methodist
church, Mrs. George Harris. Prof.
Smith delightfully entertained the
society by singing several beautiful
selections. RefreshmMta were served.
Lawyers' Annual Vacation.
Commencing June 27th all members
of the Jefferson County Bar Association
will take a month's vacation and their
offices will remain closed for legal
business. i '
' Operated on Saturday.
C. A. Stephenson, editor of the THE
STAR, was operated on for stomach
trouble Saturday morning in the
American Stomach Hospital at Phila
delphia. He rallied successfully after
the operation and at last reports was
doing well, though his case bad been
found very serious.
Another Dog Victim.
A six-year-old son of Matthew Latz
was bitten by a large dog owned by
George Tapper Monday evening. The
wound In tbe thigh was deep and had
to be cauterized. It is not known
whether the dog is affected with
rabies or not.
Will Preach at Kaylor.
Rev. S, Wallace Mitchell, of Reyn
oldsvllle, who has been a student in the
Crozlor Theological Seminary, at
Chester, Pa., will act as pastor of the
Baptist church at Kaylor, neatf East
Brady, the coming summer. Rev.
Mitchell preached his first sermon In
the Kaylor church last Sunday.
Early Cherries. ,
Harry K. Pifer exhibited last Wed
nesday several branches broken from a
cherry troo on bis father's farm near
Wishaw which were laden with heavy
clusters of ripe sweet cherries. That
the fruit could ripen so early despite
the continuous cold weather and ralnB
is extraordinary.
County Medical Ass ciation.
The regular meeting of the Jefferson
County Medical Society will be held at
tbe Punxsutawney Country Club at
2:30 p. vi. Friday, June 24, 1910. The
Punxsutawney physicians will meet the
members at Pantall Hotel, 2:00 p. m.
and take them to tbe meeting place In
their automobiles. Dr. J. M. Grube,
Dr. S. M. Free and Dr. H. B. King will
read special papers.
Won Second Prize.
About half a hundred members of
Washington Camp No. 168, P. O. S. of
A. of Reynoldsvllle, attended the
reunion of the order at Clearfield Fri
day and were successful In carrying off
the second prize for best marching in
the parade. The reunion was ex
ceptionally enjoyable and very largely
attended. It is said that over 1500
members were In the line of march
during tbe parade. Next year the
event goes to Houtzdale, in Clearfield
Charles P. Yenewlne, son of Mrs.
Dora Yenewlne, and Mies Sal lie Lewis,
of Perklnston, Mississippi, were united
In marriage Monday evening, June'20,
by Dr. A. J. Meek, of tbe Reynoldsvllle
Baptist church, at the home of tbe
groom's brother, John Yenewine, on
Railroad street. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of the im
mediate relatives and friends of tbe
contracting parties. Refreshments
were served during the evening, Tues
day morning Mr. Yenewlne and wife
left for Perklnston, Mississippi, the
former home of tbe brtde, where they
will make their future borne.
Fourth of July Committees.
The following gentlemen are on the
committees which have charge of tbe
Music George Geisler and Arthur
H, Hasklns.
Advertising H. A. Stoke, Hugh
Morrison, Ed. C. Burns, Jr., J. O.
Edelblute, W. W.y Higgles, John
Barclay, Robert P. Koehler, x
Amusement W. H. Bell, J. D.
Williams, Irving Klock, Harry
Copping, Frank Bohren.
Prlvlege Geo. Geisler, Hugh Mor
rison, Harvey Moyer, J. M. Dalley, T.
F, Nolan, Frank King, Jos. C. Williams.
Decorations Melvln Fisher, Clyde C.
Murray, C. R. Hall.
. Moving to Texas.
B. A. Barrett, who has resided in
Reynoldsvllle for a number of years,
left Tuesday of this week for Orange
Hill, Texas, where he proposes to make
his home in the future if conditions are
satisfactory. He was accompanied by
his son, Stephen, and at Pittsburg was
joined (by his son-in-law, Charles A
Fye and another DuBois man, and the
four will travel together to the land of
promise along tbe M., K. & (T. R. R.
Mrs. Bsrrett and Mrs. Fye and the
children will remain at Loop, Indiana
oounty, for a few months, the house
hold goods having been moved there
the past week, and will then join Mr.
Barrett at Orange Hill. During their
residence in Reynoldsvllle Mr. and Mrs.
Barrett gained tbe highest esteem of
all. They took a prominent part In
ohurch work and their departure will
cause regret.
August Walter, the town's reliable old
artist, agent for City Steam .Laundry of
Bradford, agent for Brace Bros. Dye
and Dry Cleaning Works of Pittsburg,
has removed his quarters from Wll
llamB Brothers barber shop to tbe City
Hotel. Will appreciate highly to meet
my old customers and a lot of new ones
August Walters, Artist.
An Echo From Happyland.
It Is said that the general American
publio is particularly fond of comedy.
Having this In view, tbe management
of Sun Brothers' Progressive Shows,
that are billed to appear here Satur
day, June 25, have arranged to present
at every performance what the manage
ment styles, "The Stars of the Comic
Firmament," in which they have re
cruited purveyors and delineators of
fun from every country where humor Is
known and appreciated, thus making of
It an International Assemblage of tbe
World's Joyful Jesters.
This season , the ''Main Show" pro
gramme is replote with merry and
breezy entrees and interludes of all
kinds; here are some of the names of
the entertainers that, will appear, and
they really are the merriest band of
jovial, joyful jesters (hat ever trod tbe
tan-bark. Fred Kenno, originator and
creator of more laugh provoking
"stunts" tban clowns have ever known;
A. C. Millens, Australian Clown; Eddie
Vercello, Acrobatique Joey; Frederick
Wright, Rustic Booby; Jack Young,
American clown;' Connie Boyle, as
'Wandering Willie;" Coco Dutton,
French pantomlmist; Miss 'Annette
Roltalr, tbe only Lady clown; Billy
Chapman, the German musical eccen
tric; the Atlas Troupe, jolly English
fun-makers; Frank F. La Veil, tbe
Premier Ventriloquist; "Murphy," the
Simian Actor Vtid a coterie of others.
There are also a plethora of comic
trained animals, that present many div
ersified exploits, all of a humorous char
acter and that all appeal to the children
and their elders as well. Here will be
found Big Burly Bears, Massive Bab-
boons, Cute, Cunning Ponies, Comical
looking Mules, Goats, Monkeys, etc, in
the garbs of fun-makers.
Two complete performances will be
offered here, Matinee at 2:00; Night at
8:00 p. m. The tents are all of massive
size, tbe seating capacity is so arrang
ed to Bhelter an audience of Immense
Blze. .
In the morning at 11:30 o'clock, there
will be glved on tbe show lot, a galaxy
of free out-door exhibitions that are
Bald to beat anything of the kind ever
carried by a tented show.
' l J Welcome! Brockwayville.
Up to the present time nothing has
been done towards arranging for ' a
Fourth of July celebration at Brock
wayville this year, and from present
indications it is the intentention to let
the surrounding towns have the honor
of a special blow out on the occasion of
the great National holiday next month.
During the past few years Brockway
ville has had first class programs for
July 4th and this town was tbe centre
of much attractiop on that date, and it
is to be regretted that we are to pass
up the annual celebration this year.
Unless some move Is soon made for a
special observance of tbe day here it is
quite likely that our people will take in
the celebration at Reynoldsvllle and
other places where goou programs are
being arranged. Brockwayville Record.
Farewell Parties.
On Tuesday evening of last week a
farewell surprise party was held at the
home of Mrs. White on Worth street
In honor of Mrs. W. E. Kunselman.
On Friday of same week twenty-four
little friends held a surprise party for
Berna Kunselman at ber home on
Worth street. Refreshments were
served at both parties. Both persons
were the recelplenis of beautiful
W. E. Kunselman and family are
moving to Grove City, Pa., this week.
i m ;
Stop Where Are You Doing?
Down to J. W. Cunningham's to learn
more about this new library, everybody
is talking about, Have you joined It?
No Guess I'll go along, sounds good
What! only need a few more appli
cations! Come on Wm. let us help to
get them.
We know a good thing when we see
Sutter Reunion.
To-morrow, Thursday, on the golf
grounds near Punxsutawney, there will
be a reunion of the members of the
Sutter family in this part of the state.
The gathering Is primarily In honor of
the visit here of two brothers of J. J.
Sutter of Reynoldsvllle, and W. M.
Sutter, of Punxsutawney, C. P. and D.
R. Sutter, who have been residents of
Illinois for over two score years.
For Sale.
Lot of agricultural Lime way down
price. Must make room for other
material. Come and See.
The Woodwork Supply Co.,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Notice to Taxables.
July 8th Is the,last day to pay your
county and state taxes and save 5 per
cent, J. A. Burqoon, Collector.
Bare foot sandals, sizes 5 to 8 50 cents
8i to 11, 60 cents Adams.
Mi-o-na make your stomach feel fine,
stops belching, heartburn and all dis
comfort in a few minutes. Guaranteed
by Stoke & Feicht Drug .Co., 50c.
Make your feet comfortable In a pair
of Adam's Oxfords. .
With Fingerling Trout Supplied by U. S.
Bureau of Fisheries.
Saturday over 800 gallons of fine two
and three Inch fingerling trout from
white Sulphur Springs, Virginia, were
placed in the pure water streams within
a seven mile radius of Reynoldsvllle.
A few years ago the same streams were
Btocked but the dry summer and fall
during the last two years, causing many
of the streams to almost dry up,
rendered much of the good work futile.
The trout were supplied by tbe United
States Bureau of fisheries, a special car
passing through 'Reynoldsvllle Satur
day in charge of a government super-,
Tbese trout were secured through
tbe application of a number of local
people and distributed to the various
streams by them free of charge. It was
no easy job carrying tbe fish out to tbe
secluded head waters of the Btreams
and credit Is due them for their work.
It will take a long time for their work
to show material results but the sports
men of future years who camp on the
banks of streamB near Reynoldsvllle,
Instead of being forced to go to Clear
field, Cameron and Potter counties, may
bless them for their thougbtfulness.
At Fales & Fetter's on Extra Good Goods
at Low Prices.
To keep In the running in these days
of stiff competition takes eternal
vigilance and the merchant who is not
awake to special opportunities does not
get the trade. When Fales & Fetter
advertised a special lot of goods at extra
low prices recently they sold out most
of their lines completely and had many
calls for more. Now they have in a
new and better 'line of high class
Perfect Peas that they are especially
anxious to introduce and are making
the unusual offer of 3 cans for 27 cents.
A finer grade waa never offered here at
any price. JDrop in and get trial cans.
They still have a few cans of salmon at
2 for 25 cents and tomatoeB at 3 for 25
Fine Vaudeville at The Family Theatre.
Draws Good Crowds.
Manager Montle, of the Family
Theatre, has given his patrons a very
good bill this week and the crowds
havebeen;delighted. The Barnes Min
strels Co. Is one of the best vaudeville
troupes on the road, while the moying
pictures are up to tbe standard. Tbe
Barnes company will appear again to
night and will no doubt be greeted by
tbe largest crowd of the week. For
the program changes nightly and. the
people never weary of the sweet voice
of Mrs. Barnes or the witty jokes of
Mr. Barnes. The boys, too, pull off
some very clever stunts.
Big Fourth of July Celebration at Nolan
Park on P. S. & C. R. R.
On account, ot there being no July
fourth celebration at Clarion it has been
decided to hold a big celebration at
Nolan Park on the P. S. & C. R. R.
There will be ball games, both morn
ing and afternoon, between first class
teams of opposing towns, the details of
which will be announced later, also
danolng In the large pavillonand fire
works In the evening.
Get Your Money Ready.
The Fourth of July soliciting com
mittee will ask all subscribers to tbe
fund to pay before the first of the
coming month. Be prepareefwhen
they make the rounds.
Methodist Church.
Services for Sunday, June 26th, 1910,
11:00 a. m., them, A Good Desire. 7:30
p. m., theme, Tbe Uncast Stone.
Walk-Over - Baron shape Oxfords,
have room for all your toes and fits the
ankle, price $4. SO.' Adams.
Want Column.
Bates: One cent per"ord for each and
vary Insertion.
For Sale Good hardwood plank,
Inquire of.H. A. Swab.
FOR Rent Five room house. In
quire of Mrs. Dora Yenewine.
For Sale or Rent, or will trade for
town property, the Geo. Tapper place
near Prescottville. Inquire of Tbos
F. Adam.
For Sale Late cabbage, cauli
flower and celery plants. West Reyn
oldsvllle Greenhouse.
Wanted An experienced girl for
general housework. Reference re
quired. Call on or address M. 11, S.
State St., DuBois, Pa.
L'ost Between Horm settlement
and Emerlckvllle a bag containing
tools. Finder please return to Rea Bee
and Honey Co.
FOR Rent Six room bouse. Inquire
of D. H. Young, corner Grant and
Fifth street.
Wanted Lady pressor and repairer.
H. H." Dahler, pressing establishment,
Wanted Roomers. Inquire at The
Star office.
Qllmpses ol the People who arejPaf '
, ng To and Fro.
Mrs. Charles M. MUliren visited is
Kane last week.
Wl'llam Rhoden and wile spent Sun
day in Brookvllle.
Miss Nula Neale Is visiting In Mead
vllle, Pa., this week.
Mrs. Olive Miles, of Fisher, visited
Mrs. W. W. Fales Friday.
DrW. H. Thompson, of Brookvllle,
spent Sunday In Reynoldsvllle.
Mrs. G. M. McDonald vlBlted her
father's home at Penfieid last week.
Miss Etbcl Bristol a Cooper is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston,
Mrs. M. Montgomery and daughter,
Miss Rose, are visiting in buffalo this
week. ' '
ttuyiiiuuu Hi. diuwd, -um., anUtWiie,
of Brookvllle, wus In town a day last
t- j r n, .i ' .
D. W. Atwater Is at Dents Run look
ing after tbe interests of an insurance
order. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Trudgen, of East
Brady, visited "in Reynoldsvllle the
the past week.
Misses Vera and Margarette Apple
gate and Josephine Gibson spent Sun-,
day in DuBois.
Mrs. Anna Mabon, of Marion Center,
was tbe gueBt of Reynoldsvllle friends
the past week. V
Miss Margaret Butler visited her
sister Mrs. J. H. Jetbert at Brockway
ville over Sunday.
Miss Claire Proclous, of Hawthorne,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. J. C.
Sayers In this place.
Clyde C. Murray, secretary' of the
Brick and Tile Company, was in
JobnBonburg Monday.
Walter R. Reed and J. M. Dalley
were at Penfieid a few days the past
week on a fishing trip.
MIsb Florence Atwater attended the
annual commencement exercises, at
State College last week.
County Commissioners. A. F. Reltz,
and W. H. Kelly were in Reynoldsvllle
the latter part of last week.
Miss Claire Eddy has returned to her
home in Reynoldsvllle after a visit of
several months in Grove City.
Miss Minnie N. Keck, of Phila
delphia, is tbe guest of her sister, Mrs.
C. E. Shores in Reynoldsvllle,
Misses Aldlne Reed and Jane Smith
left Monday morning to visit In Pitts-
borg, Uniontown and Sharon. .
Mrs. William Copping went to
Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday to visit her
W. W, Wljey and wife and Misses
Aera, ituu nnu Virginia vvuey are
visiting in Klttannlng this week.
'i ht-. j tri ,! n, ii
Mrs. Mary Fassnacbt, of Phila
delphia, Pa., Is visiting ber brother,
James Maloney, on Jackson street.
Daniel Fitzpatrlck, student In St.
Bona venture College at Allegany, N.
Y., is home for the summer vacation.
Mrs. Hannah Speers, ol Pittsburg, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. David Reyn
olds, and sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Miles, in
this place.
Miss Coral Reynolds returned Satur
day from a five weeks visit with her
sister, Miss Sue, and other relatives in
Mrs. F. F. Baughmanand children,
of Brookvllle, visited the former's
siBter, Mrs. W. W. Fales lb WeSt Reyn-
oldBJtile the past week.
- Mrs. L. P. Byrne, of Indiana, Pa.,
has been visiting Reynoldsvllle re
latives the past two weeks. Mr. Byrne
visited in town last week.
Mrs. Samuel Reseler Is in Johnstown
this week to make the acquaintance of
a new grandchild that recently came to
the home of ber son, Homer R.
Harry H. Mincer, of Briar Hill, Ta,,
was in Reynoldsvllle Monday and Tues
day, stopping here on his road' from
Lock Haven, where he had been visit
ing his home.
Misses Laura Clawson and Evelyn
oldsville chapter of tbe Epworth
League at tbe convention held in New
Bethlehem Thursday and Friday.
Miss Edith Clark, who taught school
at Montrose, Colorado, last season,
arrived in Reynoldsville lost week and
will Bpend the ' summer at 'the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clark on
East Main street.
Charles Frank, of Pittsburg, who
visited relatives la Reynoldsvllle sev
eral weeks, returned to his home Mon
day. Miss Margaret Gibson, a grand
daughter, accompanied him to- Pitts
burg for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Organ and
son, and W. E. '' Sermon, wife and
daughter, of Punxsutawney enjoyed an
automobile ride to Reynoldsvllle on
Sunday and took supper with Mrs.
.Organ's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Shobert, on Jackson street.
Mrs. H. F. George and son, Harry,
Jr., who have been visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Ressler, in this place some 'time,
started for their home in Green Bay,
Wis., last week. She will stop for a
few days at Johnstown to visit her
brother, Homer R. Ressler, and then
proceed to Wisconsin.