The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 08, 1910, Image 7

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original and
Syrup of Figs
Senna, known
world aa the beet
fcr men, women and
has the full name cf
W every package. It
leading druggists
size only, regular
per bottle. The
times offered ere
and do net give
Increased Clgaret Smoking.
"Are we becoming a clsnret na
' tlon?" asks the United Stales Tobacco
Journal. This query is prompted by
the statistics of the cigar and clgnrot
Industries for the first three months
of the year. The figures show.thnt
the output of clgarets In that jiorlod
exceeded by more than 50,000,000 the
output of cigars. The figures are, re
spectively. 1,850,309,228 nd 1.797.322.
811. In March alone there was a de
crease of more than 6.000.000 In full
Bleed cigars throughout the United
States and an Increase of more than
109,000,000 In clgnrets. It Is unex
plained whether this condition Is a
result of the high prices of food, com
polling the cigar smoker to take to
clgarets, or is a burning protest
against the legislation In many states
against the paper rolls.
The Navy league of Germany has a
membership of 1,031,329 and Its 'unils
emouni. to S315irva
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetable Compound
Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. rink
ham's Vegetable Compound has mado
me a wen woman,
and I would like to
tell the whole world
of it. I Buffered
from female troublo
and fearful pains in
my back. Iliad the
best doctors and
they all decided
that I had a tumor
in addition to my
female troublo, and
advised an opera,
tion. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mado
me a well woman and I havo no moro
backache. I hope I can help others by
telling them what Lyt'ia E. l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for
me." Mns. KmaiaImse, 633 EirstSt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
The above is only one of the thou
sands of grateful letters which aro
constantly lxSing received by tho
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn
Mass., which prove boyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such sut
ering woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound a trial beforo submit,
ting to an operation, or giving up.
hope of recovery.
.' Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass.,
invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has puided
thousands to health and her
AdvlcA in fre
You indoor
must give the bowers help.
Your choice must . He be
tween harsh physic and candy
Cascarets. Harshness makes
the bowels callous, so you need
increasing: doses. Casearets do
just as much, but In a gentle way.
Veat-restbo.10cente-atdro-stores. 89
Bach tablet o( Uw genuine la marked C C C ,
Wntaea K.Calrman.Wmh.
Infton.D.C. ftookxfn. High.
Ml reference, Beat results.
P. N. U. 22, 1910.
and Elixir of
throughout the
of family laxatives,
children, always
the California Fig
is for sale by all 3m
everywhere, one
price 50 cents
Imitations some
cf inferior quality
should be
Microbe of Lockjaw.
Lockjaw, known to medical men as
tetanus. Is one of those terrible mala
dies which occasion great suffering
and baffle the best attempts of the pro
fession to successfully treat them.
Commencing with stiffness of the Jaw
muscles, tetanus quickly goes on to
produce violent convulsions, which ut
terly exhaust Its victim's strength,
preventing him from taking food, ow
ing to his being unable to open his
mouth; hence Its more popular desig
nation of "lockjaw." Investigations
have shown that this dreadful dis
ease is due to a microbe which com
monly exists In ordinary soil and the
surface mud of the streets, which hab
itat explains the reason why tetanus
frequently attacks persons who hatye
been Injured In street accidents and
had their wounds contaminated with
refuse nnd dust from the roadway.
Although no certoln cure for tetanus
Is yet known, progress is being made
with Injections of "anti-tetanic ee-
i rum." London Telegraph.
Rany's Scalp All Crusted Oyer.
"Our little daughter, when three
months old, began to break out on the
head, and we had the best doctors to
treat her. but they did not do her any
good. They said she had eczema. Her
scalp was a solid scale all over. The
burning and itching was so severe
that she could not rest, day or night.
We had about given up all hopes
when we read of the Cutlcura Reme
dies. We at once got a caTte of Cutl
cura Soap, a bot of Cutlcura Oint
ment and one bottle of Cutlcura Re
solvent, and followed directions care
fully. After the first doBe of the Cutl
cura Resolvent, we used the Cutlcura
Soap freely and applied the Cutlcura
Ointment. Then she began to Im
prove rapidly and in two weeks the
scale came oft her head and new hair
began to grow. In a very short time
she was well. She Is now sixteen
years of age and a picture of health.
We used the Cutlcura Remedies about
Ave weeks, regularly, and" then we
could not tell she had been affected
by the disease. We used no other
treatments after we found out what
the Cutlcura Remedies would do for
her. J. Fish and Ella M. Fish, Mt.
Vernon, Ky., Oct. 12, 1909."
Small German Savings Banks.
There are many small savings banks
in Germany which accept deposits of
10 pfennigs (21 cents). Thirty per
cent of the people in Prussia have
ravings accounts. Travelers ere struck
by the absence of beggars. The gov
ernment permits no person to solicit
alms. Indianapolis News.
People Talk About Good Tilings.
Sixteen veur nw few puple kuw of
puch a preparation as a Powdor lor the
Feet. To-cluy after the genuint) merits of
Aden's Fo it-Ense Imva been told yearafter
year by gniteful person , it is innispun
Milne to million". ItiHclttaniy, wholesome,
healing ami antiseptic and gives rest aui
cuinfo. t to tired aching feet.
It cures while you walk. Over HO.OOO
teRtimoniiils. Imitaiions pay the dealer a
lurger profit otherwise yon would never be
ottered a substitute for Allen's Foot-Ease,
the onn'nal toot powder. Ask for Allen'
Foot-liiise, and see that you get it.
Things Get Better.
In spite of all the confusions and
thwartings of lire, the habits end resi
liences and the counterstrokes of fate,
it is manifest that, In the long, run,
human life becomes broader than it
was, gentler than H was, finer and
deeper. On the whole and nowadays
almost steadily things get better.
This is a secular amelioration of life,
ind It is brought atoout by good wi'.l
working through the efforts of men.
1 1. G. Wells.
A substance called paraphenylene
fllamlne Is now much used In hair
t yes Instead of nitrate of Bllver. This
flrug appears to change to a poisonous
rubstance called qulnone dl-ldide upon
exposure to the air and oxidation.
Ilany oases of poisoning, the London
Lancet says, have resulted from hair
dyes containing the drug.
Europe's forest school at Charlot
tenburg, Dresden, and E?berfeld, In
Germany, also at Borstal Wood, near
London are attracting the Interest of
physicians and teachers.
One vine Unit grows quickly Is the
moon vino, bolunlenlly known as Ino
moea Mexicans Kran.llflora.
The flowers are four or live Inches
across and open early In the evening
nn (I remain open until the nun shines
upon them. They are moFt fragrant.
It Isr Interesting to watch the blos
soms open. If at the right time you
turn your 1ack upon them, closed,
when you turn again to face thnm
they will he open. . Literally, they
open as quickly as ono could open an
urn hrella.
The three things necessary to make
them grow are sunshine, lots of fer
tilizer and lots of water. Plant the
vine, which may ho a cutting, In a
slight depression so the water may
joak In, and once or twice In two or
three weeks give a liberal dressing
of fresh cow manure or pulverized
sheep manure for the water to carry
down. It Is not unusual for a vine
to grow a foot a day. Indianapolis
Besides the shrubs in the yard we
must have flowers. f Plant all you
can afford to buy. If you are prepared
to take care of them. If you do not
wish tho trouble of caring for them,
do not plant them. Starved, sick,
discontented flowers cry out for help
to every passerby. Cruelty to flowers
khould be made a criminal Offense.
It is almost as bad to abuse a beauti
ful flower plant as to beat a horse.
Don't plant in round beds. Plant
In long beds In front of the shrubbery
where the flowers can have the back
ground of green foliage. Plant the
tall, brilliant-colored flowers at the
back, the cannas, hollyhocks and the
like. Take that bis ugly canna bed
out of the lawn and string the cannas
out two or three plants deep In the
front of the' tall shrubbery way back
In the yard. Plant the smaller and
more delicate ones near the front.
Plant some sweet-scented flowers
near the porch and near the windows
of the living room. Plant little tri
angular beds In the shnrp corners of
the walks. Above all, do not put
clashing colors together. Indianap
olis News.
There is no soil so poor that It can
not bo made to grow flowers, vege
tables, shrubs and trees well. If prop
erly treated. Successful cultivation
demands two things a good mechan
ical condition of the soil and rich
ness. The first Is equally as Impor
tant, even more Important than the
second. Given a soil In good mechan
ical condition, It Is simply necessary
to work In the proper amount of well
decayed manure at planting time.
Never dig fresh manure into the
ground Just before planting. If you
have none which is well rotted and
can not get any, then spread the
fresh manure thinly on top of the
ground between the plants and allow
tho rain to wash it in gradually. If
the soil has been cultivated before
and has plenty ot decayed vegetable
matter in It, excellent results may be
had with artificial fertilizers bought
from the florist or seedsman.
Bone Is good, but It Is not a com
plete fertilizer. Wood ashes should
be used with cautloD, as the large
amount of lime they contain may do
mischief. The best Is what Is known
as a complete fertilizer. Ask when
you buy It bow to use it and never
use more than directions permit. A
very light sprinkling over the soil
after spading or- plowing and then
raked In is best. Chemical fretlllzers
are very strong and will kill or In
jure plants it used to excess. Indian
apolis News.
A subscriber, In Adams County,
asks a number of questions about the
culture of sugar beets; It is quite
probable that many, of our readers
are Interested In the subject. In Mich
igan and other States where consid
erable attention has been paid to the
Industry, the Interest seems to be
growing, and the indications are that
growing the beets for the factory is a
fairly profitable business for the far
mer. Years ago when experiments
with beets were carried on at Perdue
and In other parts of tbe State the
sugar per cent. In our beets was found
to ba fully equal to that in other
States where trial was made with
them, and where since then large and
prosperous factories for making the
sugar have been maintained. We
have never fully understood why In
diana failed to engage in the beet
sugar Industry.
One question asked by our corre
spondent is "How many tons ot sugar
beets can one expect to raise, per
acre, on ground that will produce
from seventy-five to ninety bushels of
That would be number one land
and would produce a crop of beets
considerably above the average,
which is from twelve to sixteen tons
per acre. Such land as he describes
ought to be good for twenty tons. The
factories pay from $4 to $4.50 a ton
for the beets, the cost of producing
and harvesting varies from $25 to
130 an acre, so that a twenty-ton
crop would be quite profitable. In
diana Farmer.
: Farm Topics j
Mr. Fcrree Hoyt, of Washington
County, Indiana, says to prevent n
cow sucking herself, he uses the head
stall ot a halter, and puts on the
cow's head, and a circlnglo around
her body back of the forelegs, then
take a piece of wood stilllclcntly
strong, and of the proper length, to
extend from tho headstall back be
tween the forelegs to .the clrclngle.
This prevents sucking, and Is not a
burden to the cow, he says.
Our experience In saving tho pigs
and getting them started right has
been for about fourteen years.
Tho first thing necessary to be a
successful hog raiser Is to get ready
In a right way. I build my houses
so tho sow can keep warm If the ther.
momotcr stands at zero. I breed my
sows to farrow In February and In
August. In the fall I sow about three
patches of rye and when It gets up
good I let my pigs run on It until
about Christmas, then I take them
off for the spring litter. When the
pigs are about one month old I begin
to give them warm cream separator
milk, and by the time they are nine
or ten weeks old I have them ready
to weatl and push to a finish at seven
or eight months. Warron J. Smith,
In the Indiana Farmer.
Reforrlng to feeding corn silage
the year round, Hoard's Dairyman
says that when land la too expensive
to pasture, that la, when silage from
an acre will feed three or four cows
while an acre ot pasture will feed only
one or two cows, the silo becomes one
of the most economical as well as the
best methods of preparing succulent
feed for cows the year round. We
believe that a silo Is one ot the best
methods of supplementing short pas
ture during the dry time In summer.
Silage is not equal to good June pas
ture, but we do not know of a better
substitute. There is no question but
that more mlik can be produced per
acre by the use ot the silo than from
an acre of grass.
This Is Just the thing a good many
dairy farmers have yet to fully
reallzo, that corn silage can always
be relied on fer producing milk, and
especially is .the thing to carry mi'k
production through dry seasons when
there Is no grass pasturage.
A practical dairy farmer in Ca,nai'i
referring to his experience, In th
Farm and Dairy, lays down the fol
lowing rules for dairy feeding at the
greatest profit:
First, build a summer silo and
grow more corn, using ensilage to
supplement pastures In summer. .
Second, take fifteen acres ot land
(on a hundred-acre farm) near the
buildings. Divide into three fields.
Follow a three-year rotation thereon.
First year: Corn, an early variety.
Feed In August and September.
Second year: Mixed grain, oats,
peas and barley (four bushels per
acre) seed down ten pounds red
clover, four pounds timothy per acre.
Cut quite green In July. Do not al
low to lodge.
Third year: Clover cut in late
June and early August
' Do not hesitate to feed this fifteen
acres of crop In the summer, even If
things should look blue for the win
ter forage supply. Let no considera
tion prevent -Us utilization at the
proper time, not even an abundance
of grass. It will always pay to feed
such forage In summer.
There Is a good deal of force In the
following, on the subject of crossing
breeds, by a correspondent of tbe
Breeders' Gazette. He says:
The tendency ot the American
farmer In the past has been to hybrid
ize all his farm animals. Even his
hens all became a mixture after a
year or two. Especially has this
been the case with farmers In the
Eastern States. Those who bad Jer
sey cows have crossed and re-crossed
with Holsteln-Fresian bulls until
they have got neither one nor the
other, and some of tbem come very
near ' to nothing. Some farmers
seemed to think they could outwit
the Almighty by crossing the Jersey
with the Holsteln and so get the large
flow of the Holsteln with the rich
milk of the Jersey. The difference
between the two breeds Is too great.
Nature was shocked and dumbfound
ed. The result has been In many
cases the small yield of the Jersey
coupled with ths poor quality of the
There Is a vast difference between
a good Holsteln and a poor one, both
in quality and quantity of milk. Jer
seys also differ very much In regard
to quantity of milk. A herd of first
class Jersey cows Is as good as a
gold 'mine to a farmer who knows
how to handle them for best results
and Improve them by judicious se
lection. The same can be said of
the Holsteln. The breeder of Hol
steln cattle In quite apt to condemn
(he Jersey cow, and the breeder of
the Jersey is apt to condemn the Hol
steln. There are noble specimens in
each breed, and the breeders, the
men who handle the animals, are re
sponsible for so many poor ones. It
Is the result of carelessness, lack ot
Judgment, taste and discrimination.
The Shorthorns aro rapidly comlns
to the front and the milking strain
of this breed will doubtless supplact
many ot the mongrel Jerseys .nd
If "Veins that nov occupy the land.
Womerts Secrets
There is one man In the United Stites
more women i leorets than any other
enuntrv. These aeerett are not secret!
the (ocrets of luffcrint, and they have
It. V. l'lcrco in the hope and expectation or advice and help.
lion women, in a nraotice of over 40
and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded bim by women, as the first of
tpccinlisls in the treatment of women's diseases,
livery sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without
charge. All replica are mailed, sealed in perfectly plpin envelope!, without
eny printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without (ear with
out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. It, V, Pierce, Preat.,
Buffalo, N. Y. s 1
IMl. PIICnCR'S FAVORITR PRESCRIPTION 'js oali Womoii Strouc, ' A
JSlols. Women XAToll.
some of the advantages in using the
Mew Bereetion
Oil Cook-stove
It has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food
hot Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled
towel racks.
It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel
finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very
attractive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners;;
the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: BciartTnsttililt-MctlMtttwiume-platerei4i "NEW rElfECTION.
Evory dealer everywhere; If not at youra, write for Deecriptlve Circular
to the nearest eteney of the
The Atlantic Refining Company
( Incorporated
Limit of Vision. '
What Is the farthest limit to which
tho human vision can reach?. Power,
in hta book, "The Eye and SiKht,"
Rives the ability to sne the star Alcor,
situated at the tail of the Great Hear,
as the tent. Indeed, the Arabs call it
the tent star. It Is most exceptional
to be ab!e to see Jupiter's sutillltes
with the naked eye though one or two
cases are recorded, the third satellite
belnn the most distinct. Strand Mag
azine. Dr. rirrce'i 1'leannnt Pellets reaulnte and
invinornte atomnch, liver and bowela.
feiiKar-coated, tiny granules, eaay to take.
Do not gripe.
Cultivate Beauty.
Whatever there Is of ugliness on
earth Is provided by man. He makes
and allows accumulation of filth and
pollutes the streams whose waters
should flow clear and pure. It is man
whose commercial Instinct and indif
ference and selfishness create those
things which offend the physical Idea
of beauty and permit those things that
are detrimental to tho health and mor
als of a community. The importance
of the rapidly growing crusade against
ugliness In munlclpa'lties cannot be
overestimated. It does not deal with
architectural Incongruities, though
they would be practically Impossible
In a community properly educated
along the lines of the new movement.
Chester Republican.
The Weak and Helpless.
Those men who try experiments on
the eyes of little orphan girls, some
times blinding them for life, are cau
tious persons. They are wise In se
lecting friendless children, for no an
gry parent wl 1 call them Into account.
The weak and help'ees are the safest
victims. Hence orphans and dogs for
the vlvlsector's table. I there to be
no punishment for these medical de
generates who can deliberate'y and in
cold blood Inflict blindness upon
friendless children? Life.
Kidney Troubles "Lower the Vitality
of the Whole IJody.
Don't wait for serious Illness; be
i'ln using Doan's Kidney Pills when
you first feel backache or notice urin
ary disorders. W.
W. Cosden, 711H E.
Marshall St, Rich
mond, Va., soys:
"My doctor said I
had Inflammation of
the bladder. My
limbs swelled to
twice tbelr real size
and It seemed as if
there were thousands
ot needles sticking
Into them. I bad
been bedfast for three months whea I
began nslng Doan's Kidney Pills.
Boon I was in better health than In
Remember the name Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 80 cents a boi
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
who has perhaps hem J
roan or woman in the
of auilt or shame, but
been oonfided to Dr. aC
veari. it la phenomenal.
No Heat Except
Where Needed
Dishes hot food well
cooked kitchen cool. No
underdone food no
overheated kitchen in
summer. Everything hot
when wanted. Heat un
der perfect control and
The blue flame is all
heat no smoke no
odor no dirt. These are
A rhAVOH that la nervd the nrme a bmrna
orTaallla. Jlr diMnlving grannleiM angir la
waterand aitillni Mapleli)n,adn)i lcnieeyrapka
made and a ernip bettor t han maple. Manlittna
la anld by erocera. Rend Ho utamp for eaopl
and reolpe book. Cruceot Kit. Co.. SaaUto,
Rice production In the United Slatee)
frrnnr frrim An nimonnA . I . . v.
..v.... mi a.innu Ml .t?no iiinu
100,000,000 pounds per annum a fear
years ago to an average of 600,000,00
pounds per' annum In recent years,
and reached over GOO.000,000 pounds In
For Red, Itching Eyellda. OjrM, Rtff
Kalling Kyelaehea and All Kyea That NeJ
Care, Try Murine Kye Knlve. Aaeitiaj
Tube, Trial Siie 2.5c. Aek Your DnicKiot
or write Murine fcye Kemeriy La.,Uiic
Rumors have been rife that the con
stitution of young Japan Is degenerate
ing year after year, says the FSbua
Teushlnsha, but they are firmly da-
nled by t.h authorities.
For Quarrymen. Miners, Farmers and Al
Ren Who Do Rou$h Work
This means you. Marie of steel. Lighter
than leather. Outwear the shoe. They
save you money. Easily attached. Any
cobbler can put them on or your aho
dealer has shoes already fitted with them.
Send for booklet that tells all about them.
Send postal for
Free Pakatro
of Paxtine.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Givea ona a sweet breath ; clean, whits,
germ-free teeth antiiepticaily cleaa
mouth and throat parities the breath
after smoking diapeU all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by dainty women. A enuck
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paxtine powder die.
solved in a glass ot hot water
makes a delightful onbseptie so
lution, posse sang extrsorrasesy
kl I clesnamg, sernibda! and heal.
I I ing power, and absolutely harav
l I less. Trr a Samola. 50c a
large box el eVnggisto or by omsL