Subscription (t.00 per year in advance. C A. STEPHENSON, KdltOT and Pnb. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8, 1910. Entered at the poitofflce at Keynoldsvllle Pa., as second class mall matter. 8011II1RVILLI rLPBOSI NO. 11. SpectallOffer To Owners of Edison , Phonographs Ten special Amberol Records for One Dollar. A If you buy an Amberol attachment for your 'Ed ison Phonograph, we will put, the attachment on without charge for our work. Stoke S: Feicht Drug Co., REYNOLDS VILLE, PENNA. fl Little ol EvemtMnQ. Big time here July 4. ' Arrange to spend the Fourth of July In Reynoldsville. Sure good time. The orchestra will assist In the Uhii " dren's Day exercises at the M. E. ohuroh next Sunday morning. If you want to have a good time July 4th, come to Reynoldsville. Good pro gram being arranged. The auditors' report of the Wlnslow township school board will be published Jin The Stab next week. ' The Republican countv convention will be held in the court house at Brookville at 2.00 p. tn. to-day. The Young Peoples Branch of the W. C. T. TJ. will meet Friday evening, J6ne 10, at H. E. Phillips' on Jackson street. Rev. A. J. Meek add Prof. S. R. Mallery will represent the Baptist Sunday school at the county conven tion in Brockwayvllle to-day. June 3, 1910, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l C. Bond, of DuBois. The new boy is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. tn ir T" T" ..1 ,1 ! n i . A u " ) v. J ' Mrs. Harry Copping lost a 1126 00 diamond setting off a ring one day last : week. She thinks she lost it in the grass In the backyard of her home. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is havlog the passenger station, dis patcher's office, freight statist and other railroad buildings at this place repainted. . Thomas Green and John C Conser began Monday excavating for the foun ' datlons for their new buildings on Main street, between Imperial Hotel and W. i H, Moore's grocery store. A fine baseball ground has been fixed up in Mammoth Park by Tom Reyn olds, of the Mansion. By removing a number of trees in the orchard ample room was made for a full dlamomd and field. Ormonde Fisher, young son of M. M. Fisher, pulled the Adelphi Theatre fire escape down on his. head several days aero and a doctor had to sew un the crash on Ormonde's head. It required .four stitches. The Croquet Club of Reynoldsville played" first game on nnew grounds next to The Stab office Saturday even-' ing. They have a fine ground, regu - latlon size, 30 x CO feet. It Is lighted with electricity. V Frank Bohren, of this place, had charge of the American House restau rant in Brookville last Friday to allow Eugene Coobran to come to Reyn oldsville to attend the funeral of his uncle, James L. Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MoKernan and daughter, Emma, left here Sunday on a pleasure trip to the western part of New York- state and into Canada. Yesterday they attended a wedding of a niece at Warsaw", N. Y. Give peddlers the cold shoulder. They have no business reputation to sustain, and are more likely to skin you than not. There is absolutely not a peddler, therefore give itinerants the The Codling Moth. A.Mercar oounty,-Pennsylvania, fruit grower has written; to State Zoologist H. A. Surface that there appears to be something wrong with his one hundred 12-year-old apple trees and encloses specimens for examination and, infor mation as to the trouble and remedy. The professor replied: "The apple twigs Bent are InfeBted with the Fall Canker worm. The eggs are just hatching. This Is the fellow that, as it becomes larger, 1b known as the looper, span worm and measuring worm. There is only one thing to do now, and that Is to Bpray all the in fested trees with an arsenical poison. Use either one-third pound of parls green or two or throe pounds of arsen ate of lead in fifty gallons of water. As this is about the right time for one of the sprayings for the Codling moth, you will not lose anything by making the application of the poison at "this time. It will Insure the destruction of thiB pest, which otherwise might destroy your leaves and fruit crop for this year, and will also help to insure fruits free from the 'worm,' commonly known as the Codling moth," Elks' State Convention. 1 The Bradford Lodge, of Elks will en tertain the Pennsylvania State Elks Reunion Association on August 23, 24 and 25. In order to provide some en tertainment for the visitors, who are expected to number between 3,000 and 4,000, the secretary of the Bradford lodge is in correspondence with the Wright Brothers and Glenn Curtlss to put on bp exhibition of the work of the aeroplane The Wrights are willing to send their ''underBtudles" there and make three flights for $5,000 and Curtlss Is also willing to send his men and make a flight for $1,500. In ad dition to the above possible features of the entertainment, the first evening there will be a street carnival. During the three days there will be a series of baseball games between teams from visiting lodges of Elks, and the third day there will be a mammoth parade, to end with a ball at night. Baptist Church. Services at the Baptist church. On Sunday morning the pastor will preach on the theme, "My Father's Business." Following the sermon delegates will be appointed to the Clearfield Baptist As sociation, which will meet in the New berg Baptist church at LaJose, Pa., June 15, at. 10.00 a. m. Also a new con stitution will be considered. It Is hoped that there will be a good attendance of the membership of the church. In the evening a Children's Day pro gram will be rendered. The church will be modestly decorated and a good time is assured. The publio is cordially invited to hear the little ones sing and speak. State Demonstrator. J. S. Briggs, of NorrUtown, special inspector and demonstrator for the Division of Zoology Department of Ag riculture at Harrtsburg, was in town Friday and visited David Wheeler's farm near this place, that being one of the farms of this community selected by the Department of Agrloulture for Mr. Briggs to visit. He gave a demon stration of how to trim, spray and cul tivate trees. Mr. BrlggB la well posted in this line of work and frequently de livers lectures. He expected to remain here longer and would ' have given a leoture, but be was called to Philadel phia to deliver a lecture. Birthday Party. There was a birthday surprise party held tn honor of Mrs. J. L. Cabel at her home on Pike street, West Reyn oldsville on Tuesday of last week. A number of guests were present and everyone had a very enjoyable time. Refreshments were served. Tn a free-for-all fight at Stanley Mon day night John Gura, a Polander, was murdered. The murderer was captur ed and now Clearfield county will have a murder case for trial. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shearer were at Curwensvllle last week attending the funeral of their slBter-in-law, Mrs. G. A. Shearer, who died at Medlx Run May 30 and was burled at Curwensvllle June 2nd. Diabetes was oause of death. G. A. Shearer resided in Reynoldsville some years ago. Tula was his second wife. Say young man, you who are so ready to call everybody tiat don't suit you a hypocrite, would It not be just as well to look up your own standing? A man who keeps his own record all it should be has not very much time to devote to the faults of others, and to go out of his way to fire rocks at those who are treat ing him with civility St. Marys Gazette. Mrs. Matilda Phillippl and daughter, Miss Bessie Philltppi, of Arcampo, California, are visiting at home of the former's brother, Amos Deemer, . at Deemers' Cross Roads. They arrived at Sykesville June 1st. It has been years since Mrs. Phillippl went to California and this is ber first trip east and the first time this brother and sis ter have seen each other in the thirty- six years. Mr, Phillippl .died several years ago. , . ; , Circus Coming to Town. OSun ', Brothers' greater progressive shows will exhibit in Reynoldsville on Saturday, June 25. Fifty all star actors and a 'constellation of new, top notch sensations. Watch for their advertise ment In our next issue. County Treasurer's Sale. County Treasurer W. G. Bufflngton's sale of seated and unseated land for taxes will take place at the court house tn Brookville on Monday, June 13, at 10 00 a. ra The list of properties to bo sold was advertised in The Stab in April. Who Shot Her? A few days ago some person shot and killed a valuable Jersey cow owned by by Francis McDonald. The cow was in a pasture field near the R. & F. C. R'y round house. As there was no signs of struggle the hole torn in her side by load of shot must have killed her almost Instantly. Fruit Tree Cases Taken to Court. The noted -fruit tree cases from Winslow and Washington townships will be tried in the Jefferson county court. Two or three of the caseB were tried before 'Squire Perry B. Love and he decided In favor of the nursery company. Last Saturday the defendants in these cases took an appeal to the county court. Entertainment This Evening. This evening the pupils xf the St. Marys school of Reynoldsville will give an entertainment in the Adelphi Theatre. Over two hundred boys and girls will take part. The program con sists of instrumental music, catchy songs, pretty drills, grave and gay recitations and dialogues, including a humorous play. It will be a fine enter tainment. Graduated With High Average. Last June Miss Isabel Arnold, former ly of this place, graduated In the Gull mant Organ School of New York City, and last fall Miss Arnold took up a post-graduate course in the same school' and on Thursday of last week, June 2nd,' received her post-graduate di ploma. She took nine examinations course in the Guilmant Organ School means a high standard in the musical world, as the work required in the Guilmant is the same as that required by the Royal College of Organists of England Epworth League Convention. - The annual convention of the Clarion District Epworth League will ba held in New Bethlehem Thursday and Fri day, June 16 and 17, in the Methodist Episcopal church. Each chapter in the district is entitled to send two dele gates, and each chapter having an aclivemetnbershlp of 50 is entitled to an additional delegate for every 25 or fraction thereof.' An extensive ajid interesting program has been arranged on which many prominent clergymen of this district will have a part, as well as other eminent church and league workers. Snyder-Corbin Wedding. On Wednesday, June 1, 1910, at 4.00 p. m. at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Moore, at Hormtown, Miss Ida Corbln, of Aliens Milis, and Mr. Homer Snyder, of Hormtown, were united in marriage. Miss Jessie Corbln, sUter of bride, was bridesmaid, and . Irvin Ross, of Aliens Mills, was best man. The bridal party stood under an arch of greens and flowers and the ceremony was performed by Rey. Chas. E. Rudy, pastor of the Trinity Lutheran church of Reynoldsville. The ring ceremony was used. The parlor was strew a with flowers. A number of relatives were present. A fine wedding supper was served. Dot First Prize Gold Medal. J. Edward Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brewer, of West Reynolds ville, graduate of -our high school, now a student in the Pharmacy and Chemistry department of the Medico Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, won the first prize a gold medal in this collge last month for the highest per cent in all grades during the term. Some of the other students who were striving for the first prize were college graduates and Edward did not have an easy victory. Natural brightness and close application to the work is how he won the prize. We have reason to be proud of a young man who could carry off a medal from such a large 'class of bright students. The Presbyterian Work society will meet at the home of Mrs. O. D. O'Dell Thursday afternoon, June 0th. Ge'j a 50 oent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. and stop all distress.' Cure indigestion, or money back. T Can3 fn nlaan ...... . A vwuw lift UIHIU KUIDI UUIOUIh lIltT E. Beck, candidate for Assembly. A beautiful line of vumDS in Datent. iiaHa. tun And Hull Inar.hora nutin lo m , 13 00 and 13.50. Adam's Boot Shop. . Breathe Hyomel and cure catarrh bottle of Hyomel 50 cents; with inhaler 11.00. Stoke & Feicht Dru? Co. guarantees it. Fine for ooughs, oolds and sore throat. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB MEETING. Will Meet in Reynoldwllle Next Year- Officers Elected. The annual meeting of the Neighbor hood Club, composed of ladles' clubs of Rldgway, DuBois, Brookville, Reyn oldsville, PunxButawoey, Indiana and Johnstown, was held in Punxsutawney on Thursday and Friday of last week with the Irving Club of that place. The business meetings were held In the First Baptist church. The visitors were given a cordial welcome. A re ception was held at the beautiful home of J. L. FlBber, Esq., Thursday even ing, and after the business meeting Friday forenoon the visitors were giv en an automobile ride about town and a buffet luncheon In the Baptist church basement followed. The Reynoldsville ladles were highly pleased with the program arranged and executed by the Punxs'y ladles. Reynoldsville was selected as the place for holding the meeting next year. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. C. R. Hall, of Utopia Society; secretary, Mrs. F. K. Alexander of Utopia Society; Treas urer, Mrs. James W. Gillespie Utopia Society; vice-presidents, Mrs. F. R. Scbofield, Round Table, DuBois, Mrs. James Cunningham, Cambria County Clvio Club, Johnstown, Mrs. Gertrude Grant, Progress Club, Rldgway, Mrs. W. C. Elliott, Utopia Society, Reyn oldsville, Mrs. J. L. Fisher, Irving Club, Punxsutawney. Mrs. C. R. Hall, Mrs, W. C. Elliott, Mrs. Henry C. Delble, Mrs. H. Alex Stoke, Mrs. James A. McCrelght, Mrs. F. K. Alexander, Mrs. C. A. Stephen Bon, Mrs. J. W. iGlllesple and Miss Erma Robinson, members of the Utopia Society, attended the meeting of the Neighborhood Club in Punxsu tawney last Thursday and Friday. ."JVw Funeral. of Jas. L. Cochran.' Mention was made in hist week's issue of The Star of the death of James L. Cochran, which occurred at 1.30 a. m. Wednesday, June 1st, 1910. Funeral was held at the family resi dence at 3 00 p. m. Friday, conducted by Dr.A. J.Meek, of the Baptist church) and Dr. Russell A. McKluley, of the Presbyterian church. Interment was made in the Reynoldsville ceme tery. James L. Cochran was the son of Isaac and Sarah Cochran. He was born in Wlnslow township, nearJReynolds vllle, in July, 1854, and would have been 56 years old next month. Thirty years ago he was united in marriage to Mary Hunter at Luthersburg, Pa. Uoto them three children were born, one of whom died some time ago. Deceased is survived by his widow, one daugh ter and one eon, Mrs. James Williams, of Natrona,' Walter E. Cochran, of Reynoldsville, bis mother, Mrs. Sarah Cochran, one brother, David R. Cochran, of Reynoldsville, and several sisters. ' James Cochran, who was a painter and paper banger by trade, was known by a large number of people In this place and community. Among the out of town relatives who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, of Natrona, Pa., J. Hays Hunter, of Punxsutawney, Eugene Cochran and wife, of Brook ville,' and a number of others from Brookville, DuBois and Punxsutawney, Christian Endeavor Convention. Arrangements are now being made for the Pennsylvania Christian En deavor convention to be held at Frank lin July 12-14. It is expected that this will be one of the greatest conventions ever held in the history of the state Christian Endeavor work. Speakers of world-wide reputation will be present. Children's Day Exercises. . Next Sunday Is Children's Day and special programs will be rendered In three of the churches. In the Method ist and Presbyterian churches the Children's Day Exerolses will be at 11 a. m. and In the Baptist church at 7.30 p. m. - Methodist Church. Services for Sunday, June 12th, 11.00 a. m., Children's Day, program by the children, assisted by the choir and or chestra. 7.30 p. m., theme, "Yeast." Ladies, Attention! Don't fail to attend the millinery opening at Mrs. L. P. Miller's Thurs day and Friday of this week. For Sale. 200 bushels of agricultural lime; cheap, If sold at once. . The Woodwork Supply Co., ' Reynoldsville, Pa. For a thorough test of your eyesight --crlasses if you need tbem go to Gibson at Reynoldsville, June 10th or Brookville June 11th. ' Low shoes for women, almost any style you want. High heels and narrow1 toes, wide toes and heels, in leathers to please your fancy," at Adam's. The eagle will scream in Reynolds ville July 4th. A comfort giver is a broad toe ox ford; room for all the toes. $4.50. Adam's. , THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO. Miss TheressaiBurns spent Sunday In Clarion. Mrs. P. G. Burkhart spent Sunday at Corsica. Harry Copping was in Pittsburgh last week. "" B. A. Barrett visited at the Loop, Pa., Monday. Mrs. Martin Phalen was in Pitts burgh this week. Alberta Fleming, i-of Clarion, vlBlted Olive Parrlsb last week. ?.'.aa uootipr visited his 'son in Brockwayvllle last week. Miss Helena Black spept Sunday with a sister in Tyler, Pa. Mrs. L. O. Mellinger, of St. Marys, was a visitor in town last week. - John M. Coleman, t of Iselin, spent Sunday at his borne in this place. ' Mrs. B. A. Barrett and Mrs. E. J. Barrett visited in DuBois last week. CMlss Isabel Barrett is visiting her grandparents at the Loop, Indiana Co. Miss Bess Sensor visited in Bellefonte and Unlontown during the past ten days. Mrs. William Anderson, of Adrian Furnace, was a visitor In town yester day. Ross Clawges and wife visited the former's parents in Brockwayvllle last week. Miss Helen Smith Is visiting at home of her uncle, L. O. Mellinger, in St. Marys. - Mrs. H. L. Priester and Miss Grace Hauck are visiting; relatives at Homer City, Pa. Mrs. Anna SIple visited her daugh ter, Mrs. E. S. Miller, at Penfield the past week. Keith Darr. of Brookville, visited ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hall, the past week. Miss Elizabeth Coxe, of Philadelphia, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. M. Rife, on Hill street. Edward Lewis, of East Brady, is vis iting his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Kirk wood, in this place. QMrs. John R Elder, of DuBois, spent Sunday with her brother, C. A. Steph enson., in this place. Mrs. Mame . R.;" Gourley, of Pitts burgh, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sutter. Miss Francis Williams, of Ridgway, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Rea, In Winslow township. " Mrs. C. H. Rea returned Monday from visiting a' sister, Mrs. J. C. Williams, in Rldgway. Miss Margaret Denny, of Driftwood, who taught school in Paradise the last term, is a visitor in town, Benjamin J. Sykes, of Troutville, visited bis brother, George W. Sykes, In Roynoldsvtfle Monday. ' Mrs. B. C. Coleman, of Lebanon, Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kroh, on Jackson street. Miss Naomi Mitchell, who 1b em ployed as trimmer in a millinery store at Tyrone, is home on a vacation. Mrs. S. P. Yount and son, Clayson, of Brockport, are visiting at home of the former's sister, Mrs. J. P. Eddy, in this place. j Mrs. Charles Tompkins, of Edrl, Pa., was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Blanche Headley, several days last week. C. A.' Fye and wife; of DuBois, spent Sunday : and Monday at borne of the letter's ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Barrett. Mrs. G. D. Barrett, of Loop, Indiana Co., who was visiting her son, B. A. Barrett, in this place, returned home Monday. ' .. Capt. T. C. Reynolds, of Harrisburg, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Captain came here to vote at the pri mary election. George Rupert, an employe In the Bohren bakery, went to Ifort Allegany, Pa., Monday to see his mother, Mrs. Benjamin Taylor. Rev. James H. Jelbart, of Brockway vllle, was In town several hours Mon day on his way to attend the Clarlori District M. E. conference at Punxsu tawney. i Mr.' and Mrs. Michael Hetrick, of Pansy, visited their daughters, Mrs. Mabe Harrlgor, Mrs. L. H. Boyle and Mrs. E. E. Schuckers, in this place the past week. Mrs. Frank R. Best went to Philadel phia Friday morning to visit her daughter, Miss Elvae Best, who holds a position as Inspector In a large factory In that city. Mrs. C. M. Dinger, Misses Lois Robinson, Lulu Black and Gertrude Hammond are taking in the sights this week in the world's great metrop olisNew York City. Mrs. Francis O. Sutter and sob, Ken neth, and the former's mother, Mrs. Hattle Brigham, went to Buffalo, N. Y., Monday, to visit Mrs. Brigham's and from there will go to Mlohlgan. TH7 A. G. Milltren was In Clearfield this week. , . Mrs. John F. Black expects to be able to come borne from the lercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, next week. Mrs. W. V. Young, of St. Maryr" Ohio, was called here to attend funeral of her brother, James L. Cochran. Mrs. M. E. Beck, of PunxsutawnerJ was a visitor at home of John Reed on Main Btreet several days the past week, Rev. John F. Black and son, Virgil, were in Pittsburgh Monday to see Mrs. Black, who has been in the Mercy Hospital over three weeks. Misses Jane Smith and Ruth Stiles are attending the Sunday school county convention at Brockwayvllle as dele gates from Presbyterian Sunday school. Mrs. L. H. Young and two daughters, Mrs. Sidney Smith and Miss Anna Young, of Punxsutawney, are visitors at home of S. S. Robinson on Grant street. ' C. C. BenBcoter, Esq., of Brookville, was In town an hour yesterday morn- up(, vu uia it tj uuiuo jiuiu uc umi ivu M. E. district conference at Puhxbu tawney. Mrs. John H. Kaucher and daughter, Miss Laura Kaucher, who had been in Philadelphia since last fa'l, returned to Reynoldsville last Thursday. Miss Kaucher was a student in Gordon Sem inary in Philadelphia. Mrs. Imogens A. Reynolds, of War ren, Pa., passed through Reynoldsville Saturday afternoon on her way to Con nellsville to attend the funeral of her brother, Dr. Stanford Hyatt. , Mrs. C. A. StephenBon accompanied Mrs. Reyn olds from Reynoldsville (oConnellsvllle. Percy Parsons, of New Castle, Pa., son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Parsons, formerly of this place, was avisitor In town -over Sunday. Mr. Parsons is a student in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania at Phila delphia. He will spend the summer vacation In New Castle. Mrs. Prlsollja Baugbman and daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth Baughman, who went from this place to Montrose, Colo., about two years ago are visiting In town, the guest of Mrs. J. H. Pollitt and other friends. Mrs. Baughman owns some real eBtate In Reynoldsville which shefexpects -to sell before return ing to Colorado. KEITH VAUDEVILLE TUESDAY At the Adelphi Theatre Matinee and Night An Extra Special Attraction. , Manager M. M. Fisher.. Jr.: has ' secured another' Keith vaudeville at traction for the .Adelphi Theatre, which will be given on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, June 14th. The Keith companies are the finest on the boards and usually appear only on circuits, but the Avenue Theatre at DuBois has been rented foranother purpose next t" Tuesday night and Manager Fisher has secured the com pany which had been billed for the Avenue to appear In the Adelphi in stead. The crowds which witnessed the Keith production in the Adelphi one night a couple of weeks ago will appreciate the treat in store for them Tuesday. The bill will Include Hearn & Rutler singing comedians -and eccen tric dancers, who have just closed a , successful engagement at Hammer stein's Victoria Theatre in New York city, Leonard M. Phillips, in a comedy sketch called "The IrlBh Swede;" and Sidney Baxter & Company, in an European novelty act. This act has also just closed at Hammerstein's and was one of the biggest hits on the bill, . Card of Thanks. We hereby express our thankfulness to neighbors and friends for their kind; ness and sympathy after the death of our husband and father. Mas. James Cochran and Family. Want Column. Kates: One cent per wore, for each and very Insertion. For Sale or Rent, or will trade for town property, the Geo. Tapper place near Prescottvllle. Inquire of Thos. F. Adam. Wanted Girl at City Hotel. Wanted Sowing. Mrs. I. W. Bur kett, Hill street. Wanted An experienced girl for general housework. Reference re quired. Call on or address M, .11, S. State St., DuBois, Pa. Wanted Girl to do general house work. E. NefT, Wanted Chickens at Frank's Tav ern, Reynoldsville. ' ' For Rent Six room house. Inquire of D. H. Young, corner Grant and Fifth street. Gibson's optical i work has been a suocees. If your eye need care meet him in Reynoldsville June 10th or Brookville June 11th. v