The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 18, 1910, Image 8

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    ITou Should ItOokYor
'Thin Edges
VOU will always find them on the
' best made clothes. The ability of master
tailors is judged by them. The thin, even edge is
one of the distinctive features of Clotlfcraft Clothes.
It enables the cloth to lay flat
All-Wool Clothes 10to25
Our spring line of Clothcraft is now complete. Let us show you. '
Bing-Stoke Company.
Northampton Hard Vein
Roofinrj Slate
A superior product, does not absorb moisture, is unchangeable
in color and does not fade, rust or decompose.
A roof of Hard Vein Slate needs no repair.' Sold by
you may avail yourself of the unexcelled facilities
offered by this strong bank. Uncle Sam's mail car
riers Will bring your deposits from any part of the
world. We will cheerfully mail you booklets ex
plaining our system of giving to out-of-town accounts
precisely the same care as those of local residents.
Write for Booklet CM.
Niagara Falls
Five Day Excursion
Saturday, May 28, 1910
Train leaves Falls Creek 2.32 a. m. and 1.06 p. m.
The time is coming for summer outings. Have you j
thought about yours yet? ,
No other country on the face of the globe contains
so many delightful summer resorts as the United States,
with its near neighbor, Canada.
The Pennsylvania Railroad will issue its popular
Fummer Excursion Book on June 1, and you will find it
a wonderful help in plotting out your summer trip.
It contains descriptions of about eight hundred of
the leading resorts of North America, lists of hotels and
hoarding houses at these various places, a map, routes and
rates from the principal stations on tbe Pennsylvania Rail
road, and other valuable information.
If you have grown tired of the resort you have
v isited for years, you may make a selection from this book for
u stay of a day, a week, a month, or the whole summer.
You may plot out ah extended tour covering
mountain and seashore, or a fishing trip, or a hunting
jaunt, by rail or boat, or a combination of both.
Any Ticket Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad will
be glad to furnish a copy of this valuable bpoV for, ten
cent9, or it will be mailed yu postpaid on receipt of
twenty-five cents, by Geo. Boyd, General Passenger
Agent, Philadelphia, Pav
between the buttons one
result or sciennnc tailoring.
We select them from over
a score of different lines to offer
you, because we know them to be
the best tailored pure wool clothes
and selling at a sensible price.
These clothes will satisfy you,
no matter how particular you are."
With each suit you get a signed
guarantee that every thread is wool and .
the style and thape will last you until the
suit id "01 n out.
You Live
A Well Paid, Fiery Job That Wears a
Man Out In Fifteen Yeari.
Tbi) man n ho Btoud at the lever bail
a story tlint Is common all over Amer
ica.' Ten years before lie lind been a
peasant luil In a dull little village In
Ireland. Drunn up and along by the
einlgrunt tide, be bad drifted to Chi
cago, and bere In tbe works be had
caught the true spirit of tbe place,
which Is to strain every nerve and
rise, tie bad risen. II U pay was $90
0 week. He worked every nllit from
0 p. m. to G a. in., twelve vigilant
hours. Watching those three mam
moth tanks, by the tints and hues in
their columns of (lame be could tell
Just wheu to wrench back a lever.
This he did over a hundred times In
the night, and if he missed by so much
as thirty seconds he spoiled thousands
of dollars' worth of steel. He never
To bold this Job Is to Jiitn the
strength of a lifetime Into fifteen
years at $'J0 a week. The man recog
nized this as a mutter of course,' only
qualifying It by the remark that be
knew of a redheaded Scotchman at
Homestead who bad held It seventeen
years before breaking. That bis Whole
life had bwu changed; that tbe little
Irish village, the misty bog and the
bovels were back hi another age, on
another planet all this be felt vague
ly and summed It up. with a twinkle.
"Shure," be said, "It's a terrible quick
spin this ould wurld Is aftber takln'."
But be loved the fiery Job, called the
huge tanks "me dnrlln's" and said be
would rather be what be was than be
president Ernest Poole In Every
body's. .
Red Is the Most Frequent, and' After
That Cornel Blue.
It Is entirely appropriate, of.furse,
that red, tbe war color, should' -ijipear
so frequently In tbe flags of tue vari
ous nations. Of the flags of tbe coun
tries of tbe eastern hemisphere .there
is only one that pf Greece which
does not show the murtlul color. In
the western hemisphere, however, we
And several stauilurds not showing
red. Tbe flags of the Argentine ite
publlc, Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala
Uruguay and Honduras contain no
In this country there Is no red In
the union Jack or In the flags of the
secretary of the navy, the admiral of
the navy, the rear admiral senior in
rank and the rear admiral Junior In
rank. Ited appears In the pennnnt of
the rear admiral second In rank aud
the pennant of the revenue marine.
Tbe United States mall flag also shows
red, and that color is also found in
tbe pennants for the vessels of the
lighthouse sen-Ice, the yacht ensign,
the ensign of tbe revenue marine, tbe
president's and the seeretnry of war's
The flags that are almost entirely
red. except for tbe devices shown
thereon, are those of Austria-Hungary,
Egypt, Morocco and Japan. Tbe flag
of Turkey Is practically of a solid red.
After red tbe prevailing color In flags
Is blue. narper's Weekly. ,
Something Wrong.
The balloou pilot landed In tbe little
backwoods village and told tbe loiter
ers the thrilling story of bis escape.
"Aud at one time." he related, with
dramatic force, "1 was In a storm and
sweeping over a vast desert. There
was nothing to do but throw out sand
and prepare for tbe worst. Gentlemen,
at one time I felt as if I had lost my
bead and gone plumb crazy."
Tbe oldest inhabitant slowly lighted
bis pipe and drawled, with a sarcastlo
smile: ,
"You must have been plumb crazy,
bub, to throw sand on a desert Didn't
you think there was ebough sand
there already?" Chicago News.
' What Intermittency Means.
Intermlttency Is that form of i'Jifgu
larlty in which tbe pulse appears to
drop a best occasionally. In some in
stances it occurs regularly and two or
three times per minute for several
hours. Sometimes also it ' is very ir
regular and Is noted a number of
times within a few seconds and not
again for a minute or more. This pe
culiarity generally causes much un
easiness. Yet, while It may be a very
serious symptom and associated wltb
grave and incurable disease of the
heart. It often signifies merely a func
tional disturbance whlcb Is In nowise
Why He Got Up.
It was only about noonday, but the
commuter yawned. He yawned heavi
ly two or three times. i-
"Got up at 6 o'clock," be explained.
"Bad to catch my train. Wben my
wife waked me I said to ber: 'Six
o'clock! Tbe chickens haven't begun
to crow yet, have they? Wby must I
get up before the cblckena do, I'd like
to know.'
" 'I don't know,' she said, -unless it's
because you're no chicken.'" New
York Press.
Fatal Curiosity. .
"How did they manage to get such
a fine thumb print of the burglarr "
"The bouse bad beeo painted that
day, and he Just couldn't resist tbe
temptation to feel of the paint to see
If It was dry." Houston Post
Her Worry.
Mrs. Hoyle You seem unhappy.
Mrs. Doyle I am. I don't believe
that If I were to die my husband
would wear as deep mourning as be
did for his first wife. New Tork Press.
Scruples too rigid are nothing else
but concealed pride. Goethe.
One Wy In Which It resembled
Tiny Sptcisj of Fijh.
One wlhii-i Miine' win nyo 11 liirs
I Willi IP HII- till. I'll drill Ul'i- of Hi h A i
lillill Mi'iifi'i Is lis rrr:i- hum tiilii'l
asllltl l'. in.-IISHll mi IV. I' II:" CHI'S inn'
transported lilt IiiIiiihI in elites ivhen
a uliiile nil:- it riTii"ii,v I hill penili
would pay In see II van liei essiii'j'. i.'
course. I Inn ilie i-r III1 ill Inns should I
given III tiulieiile.l ImiK uml us It mi
a cold I HUT Hie wliiiie kepi III il fair
l.v goml stale ill n-sei i Mtlmi (or II col.
slderulile niniiliei ol neeks before I'
became luipeiiillt e lo close the ainiise
nii'iil season so l:i r as tlml p:irilciili.
celiiceau ns coin e.'iied While 'It
was nn exhibition In Chicago a nier
chant from u Utile town In southern
Illinois, wlni happened to lie In Hie cm
on business, went to se Il W hen to
returned home he ron Id talk nf noil)
lug else.
. "You nni.v think you've seen big fish.'
be sn Id, "Inn unless you've come ucrosr
a whale somewhere you haven't."
"How long was It. JeffV" somelnnh
asked him
"It was mighty close lo ninety ftx'
and about tin ecu feet thick It Wie
the biggest I III nn I ever saw nut of the
water that swims In the water."
"Well," said the village doctor, "you
didn't expect to find it a smelt, did
you ?"
"No." he answered hesitatingly, "but
It did. Just a little."-Exchange.
They Became a Society Craze at One
Time In England.
i'laster patches were Introduced in
England In the reign ot Kdward VI.
by a foreign lady who In this manner
Ingeniously concealed a wen on her
nec k. They becume such a craze and
were carried to such exaggerated
lengths that they -urn- liuiilly lam
pooned out ot sight The men, as well
as the women, sluck themselves over
with these beauty spots. No lady of
fashion coiihidered her toilet complete
untll she was equipped with her little
box of patches cut in her favorite de
sign. If one happened In come off in
company she hurriedly replaced It
with a fresh one-from t be box.
At length patching in England went
so far that party spirit was symbo
lized by the position of the patches.
A letter In theipaper on June 2. 1711.
tells of u visit to the II ay market and
the discovery by Jhe writer of three
classes of women In the boxes nil dlf
ferently pntchul Upon Inquiry he
discovered that those who patched on
the right side of the forehead were
Whigs and thosi who favored the left
were Tories, while those who patched
Indifferently on either side were a
neutral party, whose faces had not
yet declared themselves. London Sal
turday Iteview.
A lazy Race.
! A lazier man than the average Pur '
man It would be extremly hard u
And. Wheu It Is absolutely necessar
for blm to work he generally lilts upon
some method which will save til in a I. i
I of exertion. If be wishes to cultivate
a piece of ground he sets light to the
brushwood as a cheap, easy and elhVa
clous method or preparing the soil
For two or three years he cultivates
that piece of land, and then he sets
light to another spot, allowing the Jun-'
gle to grow In the old place, which
will be ready for reburnlng when the
other ground wonts a rest. ICIce
growers dispense with plows, turning
loose Instead a number of buffaloes,
which cut up the saturated soil with
their hoofs. Wben a Burma n has
earned a little money ne immediately
proceeds to spend It all, for the Bur
mese bafe no ambition to be rlcb and
never board: consequently there are
no large landowners, and,, there being
no aristocracy, the people ore as near
being on an equality as possible.
A Poser.
A vegetarian writer nnrrated in a'
recent address a "poser" that bis little
son had put to blm.
"My little boy," said tbe speaker,
"often turns away from bis lentils anil
expresses a Jonglng for chops and
roast beef.
"The other day at table I explained
to blm that we become what we eat
tbat by eating vegetables we become
mild and placid, but by eating meat
we become savage and gross.
"Well, papa.' said tbe lad. 'If It's
true that we become what we eat.
why don't cannibals become mission
ariesT "
Fishing For Plunder.
A visitor to one of tbe hotels at re
kin was awakened during tbe night
by tbe noise caused by tbe fall of a
roll of paper. Getting out of bed. be
saw wltb astonishment .a pole, to
which were attached a Ashing line and
hook, moving about the room, collecf
lng various objects and removing them
through tbe window. Upon going
downstairs he was beard by tbe bur
glarious Chinaman outside to whom
the rod belonged and who escaped,
leaving bis Ashing line behind tilm.
An Effectual Cur.
"She wants to be a sister to me."
"Yon can easily get her out of that
"Treat her aa you would a stater."
Kansas City Journal. --
Her Guess.
. Hubby There's another chap com
mitted suicide because his home was
Wide I dare soy it will be happier
now. Illustrated Bits.
A cruel stor runs on wheels, and
every hand oils tbe wheels as they
run Oulda.
i A Useful Remlndor.
An M. 1'. wbo in bis magisterial
capacity periodically visited a private
lunatic asylum told tbe story of a
man of some position in tbe legal
world wbo went to see a patient wbc
bad occasional lapses Into sanity. The
patient made a greut impression on
bis visitor as a well informed, healthy
minded gentlemau and was assured
that bis case should be Inquired Into.
On leavlug, the grateful patient'
courteously conducted his morning
caller to the front dour, affectionately
pressing bis baud at parting. '
"You won't forget what I've told
you," be pleaded, wltb tears in bis
"No," responded the visitor, turning
round to descend tbe rather long flight
of steps.
' "I don't think you will," said the pa
tient dreamily, "but lest you should
you know"
And. lifting up his foot, be gave tbe
unsuspecting, defenseless visitor a
kick behind that sent blm spinning
down tbe stairway and sprawling on
the gravel. Pearson's Weekly.
A Bird's White Feathers.
Tbe occurrence of white feathers In
a bird's plumage Is very common. It
Is, of course, due to lack ot coloring
matter and Is liable to appear in both
young and old birds. 1 have known of
several old birds to exhibit this pe
culiarity (mostly In tbe wing feathers,
however), and it may be due to imper
fect nutrition and circulation as tbe
bird ages. I have also noticed It in
young birds In a number of instances.
The phenomenon thus cannot be said
to occur simply as a result of old age,
but Is rather one of those slight
changes in the bird's system the
causes of whlcb we do not know.
There is tills much more to be said,
however when a young bird starts
out with a few white feathers they
are usually retained throughout life,
molting each time in a similar man
ner. Old birds may exhibit this loss
of coloring at any time. St Nicholas.
Patrick Henry's Fee.
It is said of Patrick Henry that dur
ing his practice of law In the Virginia
courts and wben be was familiarly ad
dressed as "governor" a man wbo bad
been arrested for stealing a bog and
wbo was out on ball went to tbe gov
ernor to have blm defend him.
The governor said, "Did you walk
away wltb that shoat?"
"1 don't like to say."
"Out with it"
"Yes, sir."
"Have you got the carcass?"
"Yes, sir."
"You go home, you wretch, cut the
pig lengthwise in half and hang as
much of it In my smokehouse as you
keep In yours."
At court tbe governor said, "Your
honor, this man has no more of that
stolen shoat than I have." .
Tbe man was cleared. National
The Generous Barber.
"II ere, 1 sn.v! Be a bit more careful
with that razor. That's tbe second
time you've cut me."
"Well, well, so it is. Hut there! 1
always deduct a ha'penny for every
cut. Wby, it's nothing for a man to
go out of bere having won fourpence
off me." Ixmdon Tatler.
Might Be on One's Nose. .
"Don't get down in tbe mouth, old
nian.V said the optimist. "Look on the
bright side of things."
"That's all very well," mournfully re
plied tbe sufferer, "but what is tbe
bright side of a eumboll?"
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
J. 0. Kino, Vl.-e-Pres.
J.O.King Daniel Nolan
1. S. Hammond
Inus H. itAdcasn. Pret.
John H. Kaiioher
Henry C. Delhi
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
Continues to offer to a consfantly growing body of de
positors adequate facilities and perfect service derived from
thirty-six years successful bankingexperience. Let us dem
onstrate to you. Interest paid on Savings Accounts, hav
ing liberal withdrawal privileges.
The Ideal OH for either l!r-
ceolcd or water-cooled Ma
chine. Distilled from Penn
ylTanla Crude Oil light in
color, whlcb means absolute
Sieeilon) frons carbon.
thin OIL feeds freely through
id-style lubricator, ana wtii not
onceel in u coldest weather.
tEsreraroW; Anfir I
Notice Is hereliy given tlint the partnerMiln
lieretAiore ex lut ing between (leorue C.
Ilmilei- and Joseph It, Mllllrmi, doing
business umlnr the, firm mime of nunlar
Mllllrmi, omii niiukiil, Iti-ynoldsvlllii, ln
linn linen dissolved t,y mutual numert
(Ji'omB U. Humor rmlilng. The business
will hereafter no conducted by Joseph It.
MlllliBii, All ouiHliuidlnic luHiimiu lire due
and pup ils to II Minor & Mllllrmi mid must
be puld within thirty diiys. Any bills urhIiihI
,c uiu nun niiuuiu uw prcNfnii'u promptly.
IJKil II llriM'rv,,
April 28th, 1010.
Estate of tlio Into Mrs. Sarab Welsh, of
Notice Is hereby glen fliat letters testa
mentary on the esliitn of Mrs. Surah Welsh,
lute ol UeyiioldsvlllB borough, county of
J ii Iter sun and slate of Pennsylvania, de
ceased, have beea granted lo the under
signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said
estate are nsiinsUid to make payment, and
those having claims or demands will make
known tliesume withoutdelay. rrj
.. J. Kbhii, Executory
The stockholders of the Jefferson and
Clearfield Coal and Iron Company, a
corporation organlced and existing under
the laws of the Oommonwealih of Pennsyl
vania, with lis prlni'lpitl olllce at Keyn
oldsvllln, Jefferson county, Pennsylvania,
are hereby notllled that a meeting will ho
held at 10 o'clock a. ni., on the twelfth dav
of July, A. I). 1UI0, at the general office of
aid company, to take action cn the approval
or disapproval of the proposed Increase of
the Indebtedness of said corporation, In
pursuance of the following resolutions,
which wore adopted by a majority of the
entire Hoard of lllrentors of the Jefferson
and C'learlio d Coal and Iron Company, to
wit: "RESOLVED, That, the Indebtedness of
the Jefferson & Clearfield Goal & Iron (Jom-
Rany be Increased from Two Million, One
lundred and Forty-one Thousand (ti,l41,000)
Dollars to Four Million, Six Hundred and
Forty One Thousand (4,641,01101 Dollars."
KEHOLVED. That a meeting of the
stockholders be called to convene at the
general office of this company on the 12th
sy of July, A. I), lino, to take action on the
approval or disapproval of the proposed
Increase nf the Indebtedness of Inls com-
fumy, and that the secretary be and Is here
y directed to give notice thereof, as required
by law."
Attest: Lewis,
may iu, imu. Becretary.
i-HTrai n i w u
Will not melt, rot, tear or corrode.
Contains no tar, oil or paper.
Outlast! metal and shingles. "
Pliable-can be easily fitted Into ratters,
valleys, etc., thereby laving expense
of tin and copper.
Any handy man can apply Rnberold
Lengthens the life of any building.
Writ! for fricetand taiHflrl.
Woodwork Supply Co.
Reynoldsvillc, Pa.
I you have anything to sell, try
nur Want Column.
Vain Street. Reyooldsville, Pa
John H. Corbet
K. H. Wilson
Capital and Surplus $125,000
Resources $550,000
IfToa have any difficulty in
Waverly Special
from your dealer or (at age cent
manicate with ae at once and w
will mtm that yon are supplied,
rerftct laartcatiea w-B-mt
earkem deeeeiu
Waverly Oil Vlmts Ct