The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 27, 1910, Image 1

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Offers exceptional advantages for the loca
tion of new Industrie I Free factory site,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
Has modern schools and churches, pared
streets, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, blub and
healthful location, vnrled employment for
labor and many other residential advantages.
Agri&ment Reached By Oper
' ators and Miners at Altoona
Saturday Ratified.
Late Saturday night the joint scale
committees of operators and miners
of District No. 2 of the U. M. W. of A.,
a scale agreement, which Is to be rati
fied by the various local unions of the
district within thirty days, and the
miners of this section are at work
again, after almost tour weeks Idleness.
The scale agreement Is practically the
same as In force during the past year,
with the exception of the rules aud the
Increase granted on pick mining, day
labor, dead work and yardage, as
: This agreement made this twenty
third day of April, 1910, by and be
tween the Association of Bituminous
Coal Operators of Central Pennsyl
vania, and the United Mine Workers of
America of District No. 2, hereinafter
called the Mine Workers, party of the
second part, Wltnesseth:
It is hereby agreed by and between
the parties that this agreement shall
be as of the date of April 1st, 1010,
and Bhall continue in force during the
period ending March Sist, 1912. The
following scale of wages Bhall be paid
at all collieries owned or controlled
by members of the aforesaid Asso
ciation of Coal Operators wherein a
majority of the employes are mem
bers of the United Mine Workers of
America, during the period ending
March 31st, 1012, unless the prices
are modified by the Commission here
inafter mentioned.
Pick mining, per gross ton, 69 cents.
Pick mining, per net ton, 61.0 cents.
Machine loading, per gross ton. 40
Machine loading, per net ton, 35.40
. All other wages for labor, Including
dead work and yardage, to be advanced
5.55 per cent, above the wages paid
during the scale year ending March
It is hereby agreed by and between
the parties hereto that a Commis
sion consisting of two representatives
of the Operators and two representa
tives of the Mine Workers and a fifth
member who shall be appointed by the
aforesaid four members within thirty
days after the signing of this agree
ment, and K the fifth member is not
chosen within thirty days after the
signing of this agreement, he shall be
appointed by the Judge of the U. S.
Circuit Court of this district, upon the
petition of either party.
The Commission so appointed shall
at any time- during the life of the
agreement and upon request of either
of the parties hereto investigate and
determine whether a general reduction
of wages from the wages paid on June
l, 1910, has been made In either the
Latrobe - Greensburg, Windber- Scalp
Level, or Somerset-Meyersdale fields,
and the percentage thereof.
The finding of the fact by the Com
mission shall be final and shall be
come operative on the date fixed by
the Commission, but said date shall
not be prior to April 1st, 1911; that is
to say, that on and after the date fixed
by the Commission the rate of wages
and prices for labor to- be paid under
this agreement shall be modified with
the mandate of the Commission.
All differentials in tonnage and
yardage rates existing under the 1909
scale agreement to be continued and
remain in force during the life of this
agreement, or until April 1st, 1012.
All the conditions and provisions bt
the 1909 scale agreement to remain
unchanged during the period covered
oy this agreement, except as modified
or changed by the new rules.
Good Congressional Timber.
In these days of political unrest and
the great pleasure of the American
people at the ovations to Roosevelt in
Europe, much thought Is turned, by
the people, to the American Congress.
There is a del and for high-minded,
able and trusted representatives to
Congress. Without any disrespect to
any other representative, the people
of this Congressional district are turn
ing their thoughts and desires to the
faithful, tried and trusted represent
ative, Gen. Harry White, of Indiana
Co., Pa. If he will consent to stand
for the Republican nomination in this
Congressional district hundreds will
rally to his standard.
For six years he was Senator In the
Pennsylvania Senate and an able record
he made there. He was bIbo repre
sentative In Congress and he made a
name there which is known throughout
the whole country. For more tban
three years he was a soldier In the
great civil war, and through the mis
fortunes of battle on Lee's march into
Pennsylvania In 1803, he fell into the
hands of the enemy, and because of his
important and influential position in
Pennsylvania he was refused all offers
of exchange, and 8' yed solitary con
finement In the dungeons of their
Gen. White has a glorious record as
a soldier, as a statesman and jurist.
His influence, experience and ability
still belong to the people. Hun
dreds of his old frlendp are urging
bis candidacy and are hopeful he will
Farm For Sale.
The Peter Baum farm situate along
the Reynoldsvllle and Brookvllle Turn
pike, in Pine Creek township, Jeffer
son county, Pa. The said farm con
tains 200 acres, of which 175 acres are
cleared and In a good state of culti
vation. The said has a large frame
dwelling house, three barns and other
necessary outbuildings erected thereon.
A coal mine is opened and being
worked on the premises and a large
part of Bald farm is underlaid with
coal. s
AIbo The coal rights in 41 acres
of a four-foot seam of coal situate In
Perry township, Jefferson county,
For further information apply to
John H. Baum,
' D. W. Dinger,
Clement W. Flynn, Executors.
Attorney. Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer is appendicitis
with many - victims. But Dr. King's
New Life Pills kill it by prevention.
They gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that invites appendicitis, curing con
stipation, headache, biliousness, chills.
25o at H. L. McEntlre's.
Dainty shaue, patent pump, plain toe,
ankle strap, dull color, jet ornament.
Price 13.00 at Adam's.
Henkles bread flour $1 50 per sack,
every sack guaranteed. Sold by J. H.
Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa.
Thursday, May 19, 1910
Tickets will be good going on trains
leaving Pittsburgh at 7.55 a. m (8.33
p. m. coaches only), (8.50 p. m., 10.40
p. m., and 11.10 p. m. sleeping cars
only), and' connecting trains on date
of excursion, and to return within
ten days, Including date of excursion.
Full Information regarding leaving
of trains may be obtained of Ticket
General Passenger Agent.
3. H. WOOD,
Passenger Traffic Manager,'
Gum Hoke Used on Insane Patient
Woman Not Injured at Home.
County Commissioner Reitz, In an
interview with a representative of the
Spirit tuts morning explained, the
situation at the county home in de
tail, and from his statements, it would
appear that the first reports of the
Investigation by the grand jury were
exaggerated, and that the ml!d recom
mendations of that body was entirely
in keeping with the situation.
Mr. Reitz states that Superintendent
Smith bad used a gum I ose on a big
Italian, the demented mm who gave
the physicians at the Punxsutawney
Hospital so much trouble, on
occasions, w'u? . the big fellow
grew especially obstreperous, but that
he had at no time been Inj red or
marked by use of the cane.
The boy reported by a member of
the grand jury to have had his finger
broken when struck by Superintendent
Smith with a cane, is Bald by Mr. Reitz
to be a youngster who does not know
the meaning of the word "obedience,"
and that he Is somewhat harder to
handle tban the majority of the insane
patients. The boy had his finger
slightly Injured, not broken, when Mr.
Smith endeavored to fan his trousers
with a light cane, and the boy placed
his hand behind him and received the
blow on bis first finger.
The woman who tee tided that she
had been permanently Injured by being
thrown against a table is said to have
been injured before she entered the
institution. Punxsutawney Spirit.
Farmers and Agent Still Wide Apart but
the Latter is Trying to Untangle
Matters this Week.
The peculiar situation which develop
ed in portionsof Pineoreek and Wash
ington townships last week over the
refusal of many farmers In that region
to accept nursery stock previously or
dered, has changed little during the
past week, but the agent who secured
the orders, who is also president of the
nursery company, retured to this sec
tion Monday and is endeavoring to un
tangle the matter. He carries with
him this time evidence of the reliability
of the house and many testimonials
from people in nearby piaces to prove
that bis statements regarding the prof
Its of currant and other small fruit rais
ing were not exaggerated.
A few of the purchasers, whose orders
were small, have aooepted the deliver
ed goods, but some of the larger pur
chasers are awaiting further develop
ments and will neither pay for the
stock or open the box. So far as has
been learned the stock delivered has
been of first-class quality, but the peo
ple In that region were led to believe
that the nursery was not reliable and
that there was not the profit in currant
raising which had been represented,
two points which the agent hopes to
approve to the satisfaction of all, and If
he does matters will, doubtless, quiokly
adjust themselves and costly litigation
will be avoided.
Association Meeting.
The Business Men's Association held
a largely attended meeting last night.
A full report of silk mill affairs was
made and the Association voted to call
a special meeting of its local stockhold
ers for Friday afternoon. The Associa
tion is also sending a committee of
three H. A. Stoke, C. R. Hall and W.
H. Moore to ask council to name a
"Cleaning Up" day In Reynoldsvllle.
Letter 1.1st.
List of unolaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for
week ending April 23, 1910.
Bressler, J. H., Colen C, Donaldson,
Mrs. Myrtle, Easton, R., Globe Novelty
Co., Rohrbough, B. R., Sayhait, Mrs.
M. Williamson.
Hay advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
S. M. McCreight, P. M.
Lace Curtain and Portiers
Are our specialty, but we carry the
Elrsch lace curtain and over drape
rods, both single and double; also por
tier and sash curtain rods.
C. R. Hall.
Elmer E. Beck, of Punxsutawney,
Democratic candidate for representa
tive to the General Assembly at the
primary June 4th. ''
All !adtes' suits reduced at J. H.
Fink's store, Punxsutawney, Pa.
Gray calf, two eyelet ties for young
men. Price 14.00. Adam's.
. We pay freight on all orders of 15.00
or more anywhere. . J. ' H. , Fink,
Punxsutawney, Pa.
Shoes for children, patent, button,
with white, red or dull top, nature
shape. Price 11.00. Sizes 2 to 6.
Week In The
Public Schools
Exercises Will Commence Fri
day Night and End Next
The exercises of commencement week
will begin on Friday and close on
Wednesday evening.
Friday morning at 9 a. m. In Assem
bly ball. Primary grades will review
songs and memory work. This exercise
ought to be largely attended by direct
ors and patrons.
Friday evening in I. O. O. F. ball. .
Rooeption to the class of 1910, given by
the undergraduates.
Saturday evening at 8 p. m. in As
sembly Hall. Exercises by the eighth
grade. The program.
Bong "Love's Old Bweet Song"
Recitation .Katlileene Neale
Declamation .. Vlvil Black
Recitation . Mabel Wlsor
Recitation Mary Sterley
Fairy Song. .
Declamation Henry8toke
Recitation ...Hiuel Sharp
Recitation Edith Zeitler
Recitation Phyllis Young
Essay Margaret McOlure
Bong The Bugler
Recitation Julia Murray
Declamation Francis Phillips
Recitation Orelle Anderson
Recitation Fayotta Kodgers
Bong , Hall Columbia
Sunday evening, 8 p. m. in the Pres
byterian church. Baccalaureate ser
mon by Rev. A. J. Bonsall, or the San
dusky Avenue Baptist church of Pitts
burgh, Monday evening at 8 p. m. in Assem
bly hall. Class Day exercises. The
Trio "Canadian Boat Bong darker
i 7i Aldlne Reed, Annabel HcOIure, i i
: . Florence Atwater. -
Reading Huth Johnston
Essay Sadie Owens
Reading Dorothy Elliott
Piano Solo Gertrude Hammond
Class History Jane Smith
Oration "Primus inter Pares"
Helen Meek
Chorus "Spring Blossoms" Valentine
Poem., Aldlne Reed
Prophecy Hazel McCreight
Donor Charles Wlsor
Class Bong.
Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. in Assem
bly Hall. Annual commencement.
Chorus "Voices of the WoodB".. .Rubinstein
Salutatory "The Ideal Student"
Florence May Gray
Valedictory "8eelng Things"
Gertrude Lenore Hammond
Presentation of Diplomas.
Chorus-"Happy Miller" Veazte
Commencement Oration
Deputy Btate Superintendent of Public
Instruction Reed B. Tletrlck.
Chorus "Anchored" i Veatle
Wednesday afternoon In Assembly
Hall. Annual business meeting of the
Alumni Association.
Wednesday evening in I. O. O. F.
hall. Alumni banquet.
Black suede pumps for women; black
suede two eyelet ties for women. Price
$3.60. Adam's Boot Shop.
We save you from 60c to 12.00 on
every pair of shoes. J. H. Fink,
Punxsutawney, Pa.
In the Pittsburgh Gazette Times of
April 10th was a ploture of the business
men who made the first visit to some of
the Industries of our town
We save you from 50o to $2.00 on
every pair of shoes. J. H. Fink,
Punxsutawney, Pa.
Want Column.
Bates: One cent per word for each and
vory Insertion. ,
For Sale Two chests of carpenter
tools. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of
Will Rhoden.
Lost Between E. of P. hall and
tannery, good frame bi-focal spectacles.'
Finder please leave at Star office.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Inquire of. E. Neff.
For Sale Good team of horses.
Inquire of J. R. Mllllren.
For Sale China kiln. For partic
ulars address Mrs. Albert Strauss.
Farm Bargains 70 acres $2,500;
84 acres $2,850; 00 acres $4,200; 100
acres $4,500. In Clarion county, good
buildings, timber, coal and gas, conven
ient to railroads, school and church.
For full descriptions address F. W.
Kirkpatrick, Sligo, Pa., R. D. 3.
For Sale Child's go-cart and bed.
Inquire at Star office.
For Rent Five room house. In
quire of Mrs. Dora Yenewine.
Wanted Chickens at Frank's Tavern.
Notice to Silk
All persons owning stock in
the American Silk Company are
requested to meet in the Asso
ciation room on second floor of
the I. O. O. F. building at 3.00
o'clock Friday afternoon, April
29th, to devise some means to
protect the $44,000 of Reynolds
ville money invested in the com
pany's stock.' Quick action is
imperative. A request is made
that no proxies -be signed until
after thi9 meeting.
Meeting called by order of the
Business Men's Association of
You Want a New Rug.
We have royal wlltons, body brus-
selB, velvets, tapeBtrles, crex, fiber and
wool fiber rugs. All sizes and prices.
C. R. Hall.
Friday, April 22, was the 00th birth
day anniversary for E. D. Davis, of
West Reynoldsville, and the event was
oelehrated with a family reunion and
oirmaay uinner. rar. ana mrs. r. M.
McEntlre, of Frampton, Pa., and Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Wbltesell, of Bellwood,
Pa,, came here for the occasion. The
ladles are daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Davis. Mr. Davis received a shower of
post cards from friends.
Bfg Hyde-Murphy, Plant Was
Levelled to the Ground
business Men Lose.
The most destructive Are that has
vUlted Rldgway in many years broke'
out at one o'clock Saturday morning
In the Hyde-Murphy plant and before
its progress was checked damage esti
mated in the neighborhood ot $300,000
was done. The blaze originated In the
engine room of the p'lanlng mill and
spread with incredible swiftness to the
other parts of the struoture and soon
the entire structure was a mass of
flames. The buildings were nearly all
wooden and the efforts of the local
department were of little avail against
the fierce blaze. It was early seen that
if the progress of tne flames were to
be checked that assistance must be
secured and St. Marys, Johnsonburg
and DuBols were called upon for help.
The flames, after onnsumlng the
Hyde-Murphy plant, traveled up Broad
street and Mill street and traversed a
section of Main street, cleaning up
everything In Its path. The flames
were checked on the west at the Lund
& Shanlev building, and on the east
at the Union block. On Main street
at Smith brothers' store.
There U a rumor current In Rldgway
that the fire was the result of incen
diarism, it being stated that the night
watchman had put out three incipient
blazes before be discovered the one
that baa gotten beyona control.
Get our price on clover and timothy
seed. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa.
places a greater value upon what he
saves than upon what he earns.
Men with sufficient determination to,
save money rarely fail in business.
Why not start an account with us ? . We
are here to assist you to save. Deposit $1
or more with this bank and see it grow.
nm ' 1 a x
maae-io-measure at .
Half Usual Prices.
Come and see the Spring Fashion
Portfolio of the American Ladies Tail
bring Co. We have it on show.
Here re pictured in actual colors
sixty-six new spring styles, including all
of the most charming creations. Every
detail is shown to perfection. There are
suits, coats, skirts, dresses and capes.
We also show samples of 238 new
fabrics. Any garment, in any style and
anv fabric, will be made to vour individ
ual measure. It will be made by the
best of man tailors in the largest tail
oring shop ot its kind under the person
al rlirwrinn nf M. Kavapr. an einert of
national fame.
It will be promptly delivered to you
under our guarantee of perfect satisfac
tion, it it isn't ngnt m everyway, you
will not be asked to accept it.
No 1 rouble at All
An experienced fitter right in our store
alrpa all vnnf mMSnrpmpntfi. Anrl 11
diagram is made insuring a garment
fitted to your style and figure. You get
all the distinction, all the man-tailored
effects which the highest priced tailor could give you. , You could
not obtain any better service by going to the shop in person.
The prices are from one-half to one-third those usually charged
for similar garments by the smaller ladies' tailors. Suits from
$13.50 to $45. Dresses $9.50 to $30 Coats $8 to $30 Capes
$9.50 to $22 Skirts $5.00 up.
XThese prices are for man-tailored garments, made to your
measure the hishest erade of made-to-order service. Let us sho w
you what it means to get such service at such low prices without
going away from home. " '
Bing-Stoke Company