When You Think I the pain which many women enerience with every month it makes the gentleness anil kindness always associ ated with womanhood sceut to be almost a miracle. While in general no womnn rebels against what she re gards as a natural necessity thero is no woman who would) not gladly be irce irom this recurring period of pain. Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and aclr women well, and ilrea them freedom Irom pain. It establishes regularity, subdues Inllam motion, hcnla ulceration and cures te ' male weakness. Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, fret. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without lee to World's Dispensary Med-1 ical Association, H. V. I'icrce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Ii yon want a hook that tells alt about woman's diseases, and how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing tmly, and he wilt send you a fret copy of bis great thousand-page illustrated ) Common Sense Medicul Adviser revised, up-to-daso edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. A ITAVOH that ts nnM tint sums ss Imo ArviuiHIa. Hy dissolving granulatm! engitr la watArEnit witling M snUilue, erinllrlua syrup la Iruvlnanfl esynip bni tor than mapla. MiipMiie la sold by cfticera. Bond 2n stamp fur sample and recipe book. Crescent atfe. Co., Seattle. Miracle of Modern Warfare. How "almost by pressing a button," the stnndlng army of the Herman em pire, comprising In round numbers 616,000 men and 110,000 horses, may be transformed, with the addition of the first reserves, Into an immense fighting mnelilne of over 1,000,000 1W and plnced In position at nny of the frontiers of the country, ready for battle. Is the theme of a timely nnd authoritative narrntlve in the April Century, told by George von Sknl, un der the tltlo "If Germany Were Call ed to War." It takes half again as long for freight to go from our Atlantic sea board to tile west coast of South America, by way of the Isthmus of Panama fifty to sixty days as for It to go from Rurope, by way of the straits of Magellan thirty or forty days. Stops Lameness Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not al. lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Y !n!mnf rt. i i . 1 nn,l n...l.. n. .,,iuii.ib vii iiiiiiu anu al'ylJ il the first sign of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant. Here's the Proof. Mr. G. T. Roberts of Rcsaea, Ga., R.F.D.No.i, Uox 43, writes: "! have used your Liniment on a horse for swee- : ney and effected a thorough cure. I al so removed a spavin on a mule. This spavin was as large as a guinea egg. In i my estimation the bcit remedy for lame- ' ne and soreness is Sloan's Liniment Mr. H. M.Gibbs.of Lawrence, Kans., R.F.D. No. 3. writes: " Vour Lini ment is the best that I have ever used. I had a mare with an abscess on her neclc and one 50c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely cured her. I keep it around alt ' the time tor galls and small swellings ' and for everything about the stock." Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, Sweeney, founder and thrush. Price 60o. and $1.00 stlonns boon on ttnrara, ctittlc, hfct Bnil poultry sens tVee. Addrots Sr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, llass., U. B. A. JL LCD EE A Package rnfcE.'f "Paxtine" Will Be Sent Free of Charge to Every Reader of this Paper. Give one a aweet breath ; dean, white, ferm-free teeth antiseptically clean mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking dispels alt disagreeable perspiration and body odors much ap preciated bjr dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. A little Paxtine powder dis solved in a glut oi hot water makes a delightful antueptic so lution, potteuing extraordinary Jal cleansing, germicidal and heal th K J ing power, and absolutely harm s' It 1 less. Try a Sample. 50c a large box at druggiits or by moil. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, M8s. W ATFlVITO Capitalise Toor brains. AfMre flX I IM I book W free. Special or- sil s w fera. penl)mB gorviccn Pntenu advertised free. It. H. Owen, Washing-Ion, li.V. PATENTS Watson E.Colrmnn.Waxh. tutton.D.O. Bookifrm. High, si references. Best results. P. N. U. 14, 1910. DROPSY Wl. MM. Bmk ft MnUi las lO T,m.rm' trataraS ooa. Br. M. M. huh ssaa, su a. iUaata, A Mountain of Gold. "Any ono with the prleo can do as Clay lord WIlHhlre did go to Inyo coun ty, California, nnd stand on a moun tain of gold ami silver ore," said a mining man. "Hveryone of my age In the business," he continued, "knows about that mountain of gold and silver ore. The late Senator Stewart and ex-Senator Jonee, both of Nevada, spent millions trying to got gold and sliver out of that ore at a profit. That was the famous Fanamlnt mine operation, Jones and Stewart and others lost every rent they put In to that deal. The gold and silver Is 'rebellious' to a degree that the science of mill men anil furnace men has never been able to overcome." New York Bun. Ask Your Denier Por A lien's Foot-Knsi. A pmvih'r. It roMt the foi't. t'li res Corns, Itiiniiiim, Swnl li'ti. Sore. 1 lot .('nllinifi, Arhinir, Sweating l'Vet nnd Inifriiwinr? Nails. Allen's Font-Kitse makes newnr tight nhops easy. At nil DruKi"' nnd Shoe Htores, 25 renin. Ao cppt no Kiibstihitp. Siiniilr mnihil Kiikk. Address Allen S. Olmsted, L lt..y, N. Y. Tloth tho paying and the receiving teller In tho Maiden Ijtno, Savings Bank of New York are young women. Constipation causes nnd njrjjrnvntes many serious disease. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. I'ierce's 1'lenaaut 1'ellets. The favorite family laxative. 14 Cost of Aeroplaning. A writer In the London Graphic fig ures out that It costs about $5,000 be fore the ordinary Individual can at tempt to fly, this Bum Including not only the aeroplane itself but a shelter for the flying machine, tools needed for the counless repairs, etc. He as serts, also that every return to earth Is marked by the necessity of $10 worth of repair and readjustment. No wonder Hint flying Is not n popular amusement for tho man In the street. Itaby Sleepless With Awful Itching. "When our baby was seven weeks old he broke out with what we thought was heat, but which gradual ly grew worse. We called in a doctor, lie said It was eczema and from that time wo doctored six months with three of tho best doctors In Atchison but he only got worse. Ills face, head and hands were a solid sore. There was no end to the suffering for him. Wo hnd to tie his little hands to keep him from scratching. Ho never know what It was to sleep well from tho time ho took tho disease until he was cured. Ho kept us nwako all hours of the night and his health wasn't what you would call good. We tried everything but the right thing. "Finally I got a set of the Cutlcura Remedies and I am pleased to say we did not use all of them until he was cured. We have waited a year and a half to see If It would return but It never has and to-day his skin Is clear and fair as it possibly could bo. I hope Cutlcura may save some ono else's little ones suffering and also their pocket-books. John Lcason, 1403 Atchison St., Atchison, Kan., Oct. 19, 1909." The Ambition to Bhine. There are few men who are not am Wt1"i'n of distinguishing themselves in the nation or country where they live, and of growing considerable with those with whom they converse. There Is a kind of grandeur and respect which the meanest and most Insigni ficant part of mankind endeavour to procure In the little circle of their friends and acquaintances. The poor est mechanic, nay, the man who lives upon common a'.ms, gets htm his set of admirers, and delights In that super iority which he enjoys over those who are In some respects beneath him. This ambition, which ts natural to the soul of man, might, methlnks, receive a very happy turn, 'and, if It were rightly directed, contribute as much to a person's advantage as it generally does to his uneasiness and disgust. Addison. GAVE UP HOPE. Doon's Kidney Pills Cured When Doc tors Failed. Mrs. John H.-Cole, 82 Arlington St., So. Framlngham, Mass., says: "For years I was a martyr to kidney trouble. One phy sician treated me and then another, and It was thought I would not live. I rallied from that attack, but my back ached as If it would break. I was languid and nervous. Life seemed a burden. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me very promptly and it was not long before I was cured. Now I enjoy perfect health and am with out an ache or pain." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. ASPHALT POOL8. A Callfornlan Deathtrap That Ante date Adam. The western portion of the North American continent has been so gen erally recognized as one of the most Interesting regions of the world for the study of the life of past geological periods, and has therefore been so as siduously explored for many years by geologists nnd paloontologlsts, thnt the discovery of a new field for Inves tigations of this nature almost with in the limits of a large city ts dis tinctly surprising. Yet this has recent ly been made In the location of a great accumulation of remarkably preserved remains of extlnot anlmnls In depoclts around prehistoric tar or asphalt pools at Itancho La Drea, near Los Angeles. Of the recent discoveries made In the asphalt work one of the most In teresting to the find of a gigantic lion, representing the group of true caita as contrasted with the sabre tooth cats which has been found here so abundantly. Although fragments of the skeleton had been known for some time, the first recognl.nblo spec imen was obtained In Deoeniber, 1908, by Dr. William Hobb of Los Angoles. The ekull found by Dr. Unbb resem bles that of the modern African Hon In its general chnracter, but is larg er than In any other member of the cat group, recent or fossil, of which any record has been obtained by the writer. Tho species seems to be the same as that rcpiescnted by a large Jaw fragment obtained In 18:10 In tho vicinity of Natchez, Miss. This aulinitl was given the name American lion by Prof. Leldy, who flnst described It. It probably had a wide range over North America In tho last geological period. It Is Interesting to note tho pres ence In the same nsphalt beds of the great American lion along with the sabre tooth tiger, tho two represent ing the blghest stages of development of the cat group, and being at the same time two of the most formidable carnivorous crenttires that have exist ed. They represent two o.'ito distinct divisions of the cat family, which de veloped concurrently through many geological periods, but reached their highest stage of efficiency in these two typos. Tho true catB, represented by the lion, although very ancient, have been less Important in past geo logical periods than the sabre tooths. Thoy are apparently a production of the Old World, having come Into America In comparatively late geo'ogl cal time. The sabre tooth group;' mi the other hand, has flourished for many periods and was represented In North America by numerous species and individuals. These two groat groups of animals, represented by their most formidable types, existed together In the envir ons of the Bret pools. What battles werewngedbetweenthem -wecanonly conjecture, but we may feel certain that encounters 'were not to be avoid ed. The snbre tootiHutnumbered the Hons at least live to r.u, judging from the number of specimens found. The combats were, however, not ordinar ily between groups but between Indi viduals. Tho stylo of attack of the two animals must have been funda mentally different. Roth animals slashed and toro with their claws. The Hon, with Its powerful Jaws and monstrous mltlng musclos, throttled Its prey, shaking and twisting It ns a modern cat deals with a rat or rabbit. Tho sabre tooth slashed and stabbed with its knlfollke teeth, sometimes In capacitating Its adversary with a sin gle blow. In some cases while lifting Its head to strike It gave an opening for the lion to attack Its throat, and the battle was quickly ended. At oth er times a blow from the lion's paw may have broken its,, long, thin sa bres, and rendered it a comparatively Inefficient adversary. Harper's Weekly. STILL USE FLINTLOCKS 8ense About Cents. "There is no such coin In the United States as a penny," said Deputy Treas urer W. H. Gibson, at the Treasury Department today when asked about the supply of the Lincoln head 1-cent pieces. "Nearly every bank in the United States writes us for Lincoln head pen nies, and the thousands of people who came to the cash room In the last ten days for these coins called them pen nies. The law authorizes 1 cent pieces and not pennies. When Ellis H. Rob erts was United States Treasurer be would not sign a letter with the word penny in it 'It is cent, 'he used to say, 'and some people have more cents than others,' and the way he empha sized the 'cents' made it sound very much like he meant 'sense.' " The cash room of the Treasury paid out none of the new coins today, in forming callers there were none on hands. Washington Telegram to the Philadelphia Press. The Fighting Bjornsons. Bjornsterne Bjornson, who lies gravely ill, was "a fighter ever" and Is also the son of a fighter. His father, the Rev. Peder Bjarneon, went to take charge of a parish in the rural district of Oesterdalcn and found that the laxity of his predecessors had taught his parishioner to treat pas tors with contempt. At the first dis play of rudeness he took off his coat and punched the heads of the ring leaders, with the result that his pas toral authority was established on a sound basis and he and his flock liv ed happily together ever afterward. The poet himself, at the time when he was leading the separatist move ment, went so far as to challenge King Oscar to mortal combat. For this offence he was sentenced to a year's imprisonment, but he got away and spent the year in Paris. Siamese Anxious for Chinee to Buy Modern Firearm. In the distant provinces of Slam the old flintlock guns are still in use for hunting nnd dufense against the wild beiiHls of the junglo. However, the modern rl Mo is much in demand by those who can afford to buy It. Tho traveler In remote districts Is often ImiHH tuind to dlxposo of his firearms, as such are difficult to obtain, the Im portation of arms, ammunition and ex plosives being prohibited except by the previous special permission of the Siamese government. Travelers on arriving at tho port of Bangkok are r quired to deixislt their arms and am munition with the custom-house au thorities before landing, a receipt be ing given for the same and everything being restored again on the traveler's departure, or, on special request through the respective consulate, the visitor may obtain possession of his wenpons and ammunition for personal use. Ships on anchoring at raknam, at the entrance of tho river, must also give over to the customs all the guns and ammunition before proceeding fur ther up tho river. it Is understood that the Siamese government hits an imminent factory tinder construction near Bangkok, but up to tho present time specifications for tenders for Its equipment have not been Issued. Export of British Horses. Consul Homer M. Bylngton, of Bris tol, reports thut according to the board of agriculture, 10,159 horses, valued nt over 20 ($U7.:i:i) per head, were ex ported from (treat Britain In 1!)0S, chiefly to Belgium, Franco, Nether lands and (icrumny (178 being export ed to tho United Slutes), and thnt, as those horses are valued for army pur poses, considerable Interest Is being manifested In I ho statistics. (Gladness wWm&L. (TOMES WW Y A Jj J?, v, .vim ,7v With a bolter understanding of the transient nature of the many physi cal ills vhich vanish before proper efforts nontle efforts pleasant efforts riphtly directed. There is comfort in tho knowledge that to many form's of illness are not due to any actual disoaso, but simply to a consti pated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value cood health. Its beneficial efforts are due to the fact that it is tho only remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It Is, therefore, al!-im-portant, in order ti get its beneficial effects, to purchase and note that you havo tho cenuine articlo, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. It is ploaaant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yot promptly on tho kidneys, livor and bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and assists in overcoming habitual constipa tion permanently, also biliousness and the many ills resulting therefrom. Tho groat trouble with all other purgatives and aperients is not that they fail to act when a single dose is taken, but that they act too violently and invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmented doses. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the ladies find it delightful and beneficial whenever a laxative remedy is needed, and businpss men pronounce it invaluable, as it may be taken without interfering with business and does not gripo nor nauseate. When buying note the name, California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every packago. Prico, CO cents a bottle. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cnlnr ninn Komla lirlirhtrr ruiil falr pnlnrit than any othr itv. O-io lln fittt-kiifrn rulors nil nhiri. Tli-y rty In foiti wntfr rwftT trmn nnv nthr flya. YoS eari uu any Knriiit-nl without ripping upurt. WrltA for tro boolclut How u lyc, ltlriio:i anil Alls Color. MOMtOli IJKfJO CO., tlulnny. Illinois Pneumatic Tubes in Rio. Vice Counsel General J. J. Slech ta writes that plans have been com pleted for Installing In Rio de Janeiro a modern pneumatic tube system for transmitting telegrams and other mes sages. Tho topographical position of the Brazilian capital necessitates its separation Into distinct and widely separated districts, between which communication Is slow, because of the circuitous routefl, to avlod mountain ous districts, either by tramway or other street vehicle. By the pneuma tic tube system telegrams may be sent from one part of the city to distant parts In 15 minutes, as compared with 45 minutes to nn hour for messenger delivery. At first the system will operate only In the more densely pop ulated portions, the service being per formed in 12 stations conveniently sit uated. The equipment is to be the "Blower System," furnished by the American firm. A Fortified Tunnel. Both Italy and Switzerland are for tifying the enrtance of the Slmplon tunnel, while In the tunnel Itself engi neers are engaged In constructlnK mines and strengthening those nlrendy In place In order to blow up the tun nel at a moment's notice In the event of war. Near the middle of the tun nel, a few yards from the Swiss f.on tior, Italian engineers liave put in place a double Iron door, which can resist the rueh of an express train traveling nt CO miles an hour. i nia Iron door Is worked by electricity from Iseile, the station at the Italian end of tho tunnel, and under ordinary con ditions it Is hidden in the rocky side of tho tunnel. The door Is carefully tested once a week. The mines art connected with Brlgue and Iseile by electricity also, and bysalmply press lng a button the Slmplon tunnel would be destroyed In a second. New Bridge Projected. The project for building a new iron railway bridgo across the Neva In St Petersburg has now been worked out and the bridge Is to be begun without delay. The bridge will be of an ex tremely simple pattern, and its lengtt Is to be 1,750 feet. ROSY COIX3II Produced by Post urn. "When a person rises from each meal with a ringing in the ears and a general sense of nervousness, it is a common habit to charge it to a deranged stomach. "I found it was caused from drink' ing coffee, which I never suspected for a long time, but found by leaving off coffee that the disagreeable feel ings went away. "I was brought to think of the subject by getting some Postum and this brought me out of trouble. "It is a most appetizing and Invig orating beverage and has been of such great benefit to me that I nat nralfy speak of it from time to time as opportunity offers. "A lady friend complained to m that she had tried Postum, but it did not taste good. In reply to my ques tion she said she guessed she boiled It about ten minutes. I advised her to follow directions and know that she boiled it fifteen or twenty mint utes, and she would have somethlnrj worth talking about. A short tim ago I heard one of her children sa) that they were drinking Postum now-a-days, so I judge she succeeded it making It good, which Is by no mean) a difficult task. "The son of one of. my friends wai formerly a pale lad. but Blnce he hai been drinking Postum, has a fln color. There Is plenty of evidence that Postum actually does 'make red blood as the famous trade-mark ays." Read "The Road to Wellville," found in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. Thej are genuine, true, and fall of bnmai Interest. Bakes-Roasts-BroHs-Toasts BAKES bread, pie and cake bakes them perfectly all through, and browns them appetizingly. ROASTS beef, poultry and gams with a steady beat, which pre serves the rich natural flavor. BROILS steaks and chops makes them tender and inviting. TOASTS bread, muffins, crack. ers and cheese. No drudgery of coal and ashes; no stooping to get at the oven; no smoke, no dust, no odor just good cooking with greater fuel economy. Irons and water in wash boiler always hot. The New IfeESctiort Oil Cook-stove has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very attrac tive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3 -burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. CAUTIONARY NOTE : Be sore yon let this steve-(tt that the aame-plsle resds " NEW PEBFECTXMl" Every dealer everywhere ; If not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular to the nearest sgency of the The Atlantic Refining Company (Incorporated ) LJW'jmE.aT3'..'V Pure Food and Pure Butter, Pure food, what crimes are commit ted In thy name? A Cornell profos sor, an officer of the New York State Dairymen's association, warns Con gress against a plot of the oleomar garine makers, and wants every friend of pure food to rally. The professor Is worried for fear that oleomargarine may be colored to resemble butter. The New York Times suggests that If it Is wrong to color oleomargarine. It is wrong to color butter. Under the law as It stands, oleomargarine can only be sold under its own name, anu the Times thinks that If any one wants to buy oleomargarine, whether colored or not, he should be able to get It. It pertinently adds that "Peo ple with short purses cannot see why colored oleomargarine should be ille gal and colored butter legal, particu larly as the matter used to give the required tinge Is the sjime for both and entirely harmless." There la a lot of good sense In the pure food law, but a lot of nonsense In the uses that some would put it to. Leslie's. 14 Cubans Have No Waterways. In Cuba there are no canals and no navigable waterways which are used In competition with land transporta tion. In fact, there are only two riv ers which wouM permit navigation the Cauto, which rises in the interior of Orlente province and, after a course of 150 miles (fifty miles of which are navigable for small boats, empties In to the Guacanayabo gulf, and the Sa gua la Grande, which debouches on tne north coast of Santa Clara pro vince and affords navigation for light craft boats for about twenty miles. Both of these rivers, however, are practically unused for transportation, except In the way of floating small barges containing lumber and, at other times, in the service of sugar es tates. The Sagua is really, an estuary. In Ireland, owing to a lack of sun light and heat, peaches, grapes and to matoes must be grown and ripened under glass. The prices are conse quently almost prohibitory. Some men get very optimistic paint ing; their pessimism and the town red. The ticket speculators In front of th theaters in Berlin, against whom th directors have made war, will remain active in their business. The author Itles have decided that the speculator cannot be driven away from their haunts, but that they must not block traffic. METALLIC HE ELS 3 3 COUNTERS For Miners, Quarrymen, Farmer and Afl Men Who Do Rough Work Lighter than leather. Withstand rough usage. Outwear the shoes. Easily at. tached. Any cobbler can put them oa or your shoe dealer can sell yon shoe already fitted with them. Send for booklet that tells all about them. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. BOSTON, MAM. eadache "My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last tsventy-five years and never found any relief until be began taking your Cascarets. Since he baa begun taking Cascarets be has never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of nsing his name." E. M. Dickson, II20 Resiner Sr W. Indianapolia, lad. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Nmr SkknJWuka or Grin 10c 23c. 50c. Nmr sold In bulk. Tho fw nine tablrt stamped CCC (jnaranrawl its an raw asanay back. M