The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 06, 1910, Image 8

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Of t he Finances of Winslow
Township for Ycnr Kniling
March 7th, 1910.
Thoi. Wood. Fnnk lllllls and J. M. Nm-rU,
To ain't aorli mud iliipllcal" il.2:il 21 -'
I'nult ' " 1:1117 7H
Improve. ' 2UIMIH
" burrowed money .... 4.HIU III)
By um't mini tux wnrlicd nut I.IIUli tf
" wink road lux turned
over lo 1'rciis I.ltn (M
By htn't cn'li rimil tax turned
over lo treasurer 1,1197 78
By um't Improved tax In rurel
over In treasurer 2.018 II)
By um'l burrowed money .... 4 UH1 01)
1 1,2711 UH H.271) 118
, Frank 11 litis.
To am'l received from I'lno-
creck township
TO UHl'l llv'll fill sale nf I llo.
" I wp. Iiiniit' rents
" lux rolli'i'li'il. ..
By mn'l -11 duy sulury im up.
" paid in Cu. Cum. ...
" " for Ki'imp
I. M. Mclliiniild
11 due Kiiink lllllls, sul'iy
37 76
21) 40
ID in
il IH
4H 47
4 71
m.n in mt
it mi
Til ;i;i (7ii
J. t. Norrii.
To uin'l i 'd twp Ihiiim' riMit
" due .1. M . Non-U, siil'y
By mn'l 21 diiys salary us
Hiii"t viuiir, Ji.w) i;.. .
By mn'l riir furi"
" :illl till lil-d
n mi
29 5,1
.11 Til)
I Hi
i ,'ifl i:i r,.i
Thomas Wood.
To uin'1 due un su'tin'
By nm'l. nf 20 diiys service tm
supcrvNnr, li.'ill t)
By Hin l i'iir funi
Ill) Kl
t m on t ni ihi
Stale Road Improvement Fund.
To am'l nf duplicate 2.11m IX)
" burruwed ninecy I.IHIO 00
By am'l paid to staionn stale
rimil (1,1111 07
By nni'l pulil to ('n ('mil. on
stale mini 20 II
By am'l. Interest piiil 2IHI lit)
" ft rebate . . .. 71) HI
" ri'I'il to Co, Cnnun'r. IH) 51
" cxntHiriitlnns Ill 111
" liens. ill, I'i'. :m Kl
By baliiiii'i! ilno from trcus... ia.1 70
$n,tus in) t'l.niMm
To am'l work nn mud for
wh'cli nn lillieHheels were
fiirnllcd hy mini niiiHl'rs 415 01
By ain't nrders Nsuiid by rnml
eiipcrvlM ti'M fur wnrk nn
riniilH lsucd nn tune IiIHh
t u cover the above ucc't. ,. "1 41ft 0.1
(HA 05 (lift 0ft
Amos Strouse, Treasurer. j
To ain't ivnrk roml lux ree'd
Nov. I. HMD. 1,8:15 m
To ain't i'iinIi mud duplicate I,:n7 7H
tmprnvoii r il tux uup 2,1ns ihi
" ree d from lUpinr He. IH0 00
" 11 Hp. mud tax.
" " Do. Dew, on
road lax .
To am'l bill, due Tr. Hirnuto.
By ra't old order" redeemed
" new "
" ft rebate on work
p road tax
By am't ,H rebate on cash
I road tax
By am't M rebate on Improv.
road lax.
By am't trims at I 'it,
' due Anion Htrouse,
treas., at last settlement.
8 70
Oil 75
300 15
I BO 52
0.0114 82
67 05
22 :n
70 81
02 IM
00 07
0,408 53 6.408 53
Amoi Strouie, Collector.
lo am't work road tax rec d
Nov. 1, W09 1,8.15 01
To am't cash road tax dupl.. 1 37 78
" Improv. " . 2,848 00
" liquor licenses 1H0 00
" ree'd from Co. Onm . 08 7ft
" " as special tax. 8 79
" due from Collector
last settlement. 1,480 47
By am't of treasurer's toe'ts 0,15134
By am't 5 rebate on work
road tn x 67 05
By am't 6:6 rebate on cash
road lux 22 33
By ain't 5:t rebate Improve.
road tux 7iel
By am't of ex. ii rations on
work mud tux 77 10
By am't in exnnoruilons on
casb mad tax 172 0.1
By am't nf exnni'iBtl.ins on
Improve, ruud tux 01 0.1
By am't returned nn work
road tax 77 42
By am't returned on rasb
road tux 15 04
By am't returned on Im
prov. Mart I, -x 80 ftft
Bhl. due f'ui C'ul. ritroue Hill r
v , 7,1110 8i i.0111 M
Financial Statement of Winslow Township
For Ibe year ending March 7, 1010.
Sy amount due from Amos
Striiu?-e, co!!eitor "..
885 02
To am't, of borrowed tuouey.
road fund imp
To am't due road supervisors
on salary
To ar.i't overdraft Treas.
To am'tof outstandlnjjo ders
' of actual Indebted
ness of township
4,1)00 00
03 If
30!) 11
220 55
3,726 03
We, the auditors nf Wlnslnw township, here
by certify that we have examined the above
accounts and believe th stime to be correct
M stated for the year luOU-10.
The Ideal OH for tithe sir-
cooled or water-cooled Ma
chines. Distilled from Penn
sylvania Crude Oil light la
color, which means absolute
freedom from carbon.
thin oil. feeds freely through
any style labrlcatnr, and will not
congeal w IM coldest weather.
Of Finnnti.'il Condition of ltor
oujh ol West Kcynolilsvillc lor
ycfir ending Marcli 11-, 1UKI,
'. II. W lr.'.',;i(. I'ux Cnllii-liir. In in
Willi Ibe lluinlliib of Weil lieynulil
VU7 Tax.
To am'l due lal mmi Iimim iii
Hy lllll'l fi'X cull. T. nil .IMI ....
" t I'i'iiH. rt'i'eli'lH
WA Kit.
Tn ain't due lal sett I unit ...
Hy um'tft't enll. nn VIM 01 ....
' '1'ieiiH. ici'clpls
To ain't duo lust eitl""ienl ....
Ily nm'l. ft roll. nn f! 4 . ..
" lieas. rvcelpiH
iqoH Tas
To um't due last settlement
Ily ii'tiirunf seated pjnpi'i-ty to
riilllllilsslniiem . . , . ...
Ily uin'l r I e II, nn 'ill 2N ....
" I lens' leci'lptH
WAT Kit,
To uin'l, due last sell lenient.
Ily ret urn nf seuied prnpc rly In
Ily Uin'l ft'i foil. nil $17 till..
" Treiis. reei'lpiH
I'll uin'l, due lust sellletni'iit...
Ily return nf smiled properly to
eniuiiilsslnncl'S ... ....
Ily uin'l. iW, tilt. nil Jill IHI ...
' TieiiH.rei'elplH
48 11,1
ni 114
2 HI
I 2 40
45 II I
2 70
il 411
it Ni
27 Kl
1 :is
M .11
27 81
1 IW
37 52
30 75
I,. II. in IV I. K. Tax Cnllei'tnr, In iii'i-nuul with
the llnrmii!li nf West Iteyeiililsvllle veiir
i'iiiI'iih Miirch Hill, linn, fiirtuxes nf mm.
Tn uin'l duplicate 'fil75 73
" ft;f, milled in, 118 7ft ti CI HI 080 117
Ily am'l exuiierullnus
ft'l. reliale on f 15ft 57
'' M coll. !T nn ft7
' i.'t coll. nn I17 12
lit, coll. nn I7 42. ,
il in
22 7
13 117
0 Mil
" Treas. rei'elpta 544 lie
lliilunce due bum
mm 2d
81 ;ih
To uin'l diiplhMile -
" R auded nn 114 77 .
CU. .
Ily um't I'Xuneral Inns .. ..
ft'i, reliule nn 2KI HI.
" 11 coll. on 2h:i hi.
" fit, enll on 72 211..
" ft enll. nn III 8M .
" I reuNiirer's reeetplH
lliilunce due burn
To tnu'l diiptleule, .
" . ' added nn I8 27 .
Ily uin'l exunernllnns
ft !, lebllle nil 114 18.
' :K enll. !l nil 114 IS.
" (, enll. f oil 211 54..
IIl'II 84
3 24 (I'M 08
II 'ft
14 III
H ,11
311) 1.0 $174 4'l
411 IW
I 111 fll'ii
2 P3
5 71
3 4.1
1 4H
ft:C coll. nil 4 47 22
" IretiHiirer'H recelpls 1,18 24
llalaiice due liuruiuli
12 HI
u, O. IIF.HI'KI,, lluiKess, In iiceniint with the
llnruiiuh nf West KeynnldHvllle fur the
year emlliiK March Hill. 11)10.
To um't received frnm County
I inniiilsslo'ier, hall rent.... 20 00
Ily am'l treasurer's recelpls.... 20 00
WM. Hl'lt OF,. Ex-Huraess, In accuiint, with
the linrnuidi of West. K-ynnldsvlllo for
the year ending March 14th, 1010.
To am't due from lust settlom't I 2 28
Duo borouith 2 28
WM. Ii. JOIINHON, Treasurer, In account
wllh lloroiutli of West. Hoy niildsvllle for
year endlnn March I4lh, 11)10.
To am'tdue last settlement.... M4 20
" received f'm Collector
Btauffer . 181 09
To am treed from Coll. Hoyle 1,021 70
ltur. Ilerpnl 20 00
" " " Hale Treas. 2 30
Co. Treas.
licenses TO no
Toam'trec'df.mO.D.&P.T.Co. 67 50
1,927 66
By am't orders redeemed 1,302 78
" '1 trea-urer's 27 26
1,300 04
Balance In hands nf Treas.. 537 02
REOAPITl'l-AHON. March 14th, 1010.
Am't In tiensurer's hands.' ... 15 '7 02
Am't. due f mm Collector Bnvje 141 1'5
Am't due f in Ex-Bur . Hii'iio. t 28
Am t of bll's oulst'd'x and 'Jue 0 50 $800 ! 5
Titos. C. McF.ktiiish,
In re antiHcuiinn of Thnmii Oreen fnr trans
fer nf llie Ketull L1(Uui' License heretofore
grunted tn Th mns iJreen nd John Onnser,
at "The Imperial" In ibe Iturnuub nf Heyn
nldsvll e, letferHuii county, I'eiinsylvanta.
In Ilia Court of Quarter Sessions of Jeffer
son county, I'a,
No. 1, April Sessions, 11110.
iNotl. e Is hereby given thiit nn Monday,
April 25. 11110, Thomas Green, of the Borough
ot KeynoldsylUe, County of Jefferson, Penn
sylvania, will present to the shove "otirt his
pe'illou pravln r mr a transfer to him nf the
Ketull Lliiuor License heretofore grunted by
said ,'ourt lo Thomas Green and John Crui
ser at No. 40, January Sessions, 1910, at "The
Imperial," situate on the corner of Main and
Fourth streets In the Borough of Keynolds
ville. County of Jefferson and State of Penn
sylvania. That said hotl is located on lot
No. Ill, In Darld Reynolds plan of lots In said
borough, bounded on the north by Willow
Alley, on the east by other land of Thomas
Green, on south by Main street and on the
west by Fourth street.
Blaki E. Irvir, Olerk of Court.
1 1 vmi have anything to sell, try
oar Want Column.
If you have any difficulty in
Waverly Special
from your dealer or garage, com
municate with us at once and wa
wilt tee that you are supplied,
'Perfect labrlcatloa with
aat carbon daaaait."
Waverly Oil Works Co.
Indmmdant RtHntra
Pittsbnr, I'a.
Jefferson County
Tor tlie Ycur H)UJ.
Treasurer's ,teeounl.
WM. (1. KtiKKiNUTON. Trensurer, In
neeuiiiit Willi .IniTi'iHun ciniiily, I'll., fnr
the year ciiiIImk I loeeiulier 8lHt. 1909:
To nint. received on enmity
and slate tux fur 1909 uml
prevluus $75,015 110
Tn unit, lintel license received 1,0511 (III
To leiiipuiHiy Inuna received. 15,000 00
To IteniH fruui Treasurer's ltu-
elil bunk 17.R12 49
Tn rcilciiiptlmtH received 69 05
Tn flint, transferred frnm INinr
fuiiilH as teiiipiirary loan,,, 0,328 UH
Tul ul $115,
Ily fimtilv nrdet'H redeemed .. $S0,
My ref uiuliiiK urders redeenieil
Ily unit, paid State Treusurer
'on tiersniuil tax 10,
Hy Hint, liultl (,'uuiity Hiiierln-
Hy unit, pniil illreetuis' usso-
cliit Inn
Hy nml. pniil rcKlstiai'H nf vi
tal HtlltiHllCS
Ily unit, uf reiloiiijit inns paid.
K75 82
700 24
58 10
292 23
200 00
100 00
751 on
19 91
Ily unit, rnliiliipil hy irit .1.
Cniiipbell, flue him ut settle
ment. Ill inns
Hv unit, retained by Ira .1.
('ninpliell, percenliiirn due
llllll nil lieenlllitH nf 10IIX,,
1 1 v Trensu rer's iiereenlimo fur
rei elvlmr III I.47K.11H
Hv TreiiHiirer'H tiorrenliio fur
imvliiK nut (UK. I II 1.511
Aiiiiiiint uf cuiinty fuiiilH In
it, 20 1 79
3,123 5!)
1,417 17
1,471 Gfl
8,531 24
uliil l 15.875 82
I'lioll FUNIiH.
Tn nint. uf $11.8111.18 reported
In treiiMiiry lit hint set I le
nient, Iuhm I ho fulluwliiff
IteniH: Ainuiint retiiiiind by
Ira .1. Ciiuipholl us bis por
cenlnire fur pmir fluids nf
19118, $552.39: it in oil il t tr il in
ferred tn cuiinty of $11,
328.38; il nd $700.03 trans
ferred In pnnr bund fund, ,
leavluir pnnr funds 111 treas
ury 7,213 38
To Hint, received nn puur tax
nf I9U9 mid prevluiis 13,020 17
Tn stale aid received fnr In-
luiites nf ('miuly Knine.... 4,148 91
Tn Hems from Treasuror'a
llecolpt bonk 1.800 08
Total $20,848 64
Hy pnnr nrders redeemed .... $24,257 07
Ily rofiitidinK ufdors redneiiicil 40
II V TreaHiiror's tmreentaKe fnr
rerelvliiK $ ' 291 (2
Hv Treasurer's iierreiiliiKO fur
pnylnu; nut $24,272.43 , 304 08
Aiiimint uf iunr funds In
treasury 1,917 51
Tolnl .$20,818 54
To null, locelvcd nn Hnnd tax
uf 19119 mid iii'evlniiH $ 0.870 31
To nint. transferred from
Pnnr funds, temporary loan 790 03
Totnl $ 7,600 34
Ily cuiipiins redoomed $ 3,000 00
llv reftiiitlliiK orders rodeeined 5 54
Ily Hint, retained by Ira J.
Cniiipbell fur unit, due on
Nottlmnent 051 44
Hv nml. retnlneil by Ira J.
Campbell fnr percontaKO
dun III in on bond funds of
11UI8 138 69
Hv treasurer's porcentaKe for
receiving $0,870.31 103 06
Hv treasurer's percontaa-e for
pnylnx out $3,005.64 46 08
Aniniitit of bund funds In
ti-eusury 3.718 04
Tntnl $ 7,000 84
To roaorve fund In treasury
after paying Ira J. Camp
bell's percentage fnr 1908. 214 72
To dog tax collected for 1909. 947 48
To dog tax collected for 1908. 687 32
To dug tax of 1907 and pre
vious collected 153 67
Total -. I 2,003 09
By flheep orders redeemed..! 995 60
By Bint, transferred to school
districts 766 43
By treasurer's percentage for
receiving $1,788.36 i 26 83
By treasurer's percentage for
paying out $995.60 14 33
Reserve fund In treasury... 200 00
Total 2.003 09
Township Accounts.
Amount of Tlond. Rchool. Water.
Light, Police and Borough Bond funds
In the hands of Treasurer HulilnKton
and due the various boroughs and
townships December 3 1st, lutiv.
"Road. School. Dog.
$ 22 88 $ 39 00 $ 17 01
20 23 14 62
0 07 9 33 24 42
12 66
19 61
14 15 9 60 21 (15
4 GO 9 06
, , 1 16
207 75 610 78 18 34
35 7.1 43 07 12 21
55 30 540 91 12 58
28 09 29 10 6 36
28 37
107 45 200 55 40 09
2 90 71 77 69 80
32 1 06 22 77
2 54 21 30
190 10 11 86 33 61
116 38 171 27 18 72
11 01
49 60
7 04 14 11 19 37
18 16 25 01 7 86
44 74 53 07 4 45
30 92 80 81 35 49
5 25
19 56
1 66 4 63 12 56
25 03 41 02 29 24
14 22 14 62 34 50
6 36
71 80 263 26 65 20
, 78
1 68 2 M El 10
Hlit Hun
Hrookvllle ....
Falls Creek.
McCalmont ...
rinecreeK . . . .
Ringgold ...
Sykesvllle ..
WlnBlow . ,
Young ...
Falls Creek, Water, Light and Po
lice tax $13 84
Reynoldsville, Water, Light, and
Police tax a 65
Sheriff's Account.
A. E. OALBRAITH, Sheriff, In ac
count with Jefferson county for the
year ending Decern tier 3isi, ivuv. . .
To amt. of orders drawn... f 6,449 65
To Jury fees collected 40 00
To fines collected 100 00
To -soap paid for by county,
fnr lail 7 70
To errors In charges for draw
ing Jurors 4 00
Balance due Sheriff 90
Total $ 7,431 09
By boarding prisoners' 6,296,
days at 60c per day $ 2,648 00
By 144 commitments 72 00
Bv 125 discharges ' 62 60
Hy Sheriff's fees 1,809 69
Bv removing 6 prisoners to
penitentiary, 19 to work
house and 3 to reform
r schools ...r. 967 48
Ov Court proclamations 11 00
Hv drawing and summoning
Jurors 205 00
Bv executing 20 venires 20 00
Bv 25 dnys attending court. 75 00
By Election proclamation... 2 76
By 2 per cent. commission
collecting $1,868.94 costs
and jury fees 87 88
Py 3 or cent, collecting $100
llue:i 8 00
Hy Hint, paid fur cleanlntr tho
liiiHeinent uf Jail 3 75
My clerk hire mild for Jury
I ciiuiiiilHsiiiliei's , 9 00
I'.y tut nd run" furnished enmity 8 00
' 1 1 v"litlntr 1:7 mmiIuihich nf
l'.ni; t 27 00
Hy Jury fees pniil tn tiniiily,. 40 oil
Ily ciimiiiiinweiiiLli cunIs pniil
to cnunty 1.828 04
Ily lines paid to cnunty .... 100 00
Tntnl .' .$ 7,431 09
C'oiiiitilslotiers Accounts.
A. K. It H IT',. I' liiiiiilssluner.
Ily tine year's snlnry its CnniJ
iiilHslnner mid iiiiur ilirnelur.$ 1,200 Oil
Hy ninuiiiit triivelliiH: expenses
as cuiumiHHluiiei' 54 50
Hy aniuiiut trnvelinir expenses
lis puur dlreclur 97 87
Tulnl ..$1,351 87
Tu ntnmint nrders drawn $ 1,351 87
T. McUAW, Cuininlssluner.
Hy nmoitnt due at last settle
ment $ 200 00
Hy line yenr's snlary ns com
missioner ninl piicr dlreelur.l 1,200 00
Hy h i in n t ii t travelltiK expenses
us cuinmlsHlniier 37 30
Hy Hiiiuuut traveling expenses
as puur dlroctur 29 21
Total ..$1,400 67
To amount orders drawn $1 400 57
.1. N. KI'il.ljY, CuminlaHlunor.
Ily Hiiiuuut due at lust set
tlement $ 200 00
Hy uiio year's salary as cnin-
luiHsinner nml tiunr fllrectur.$ 1,200 00
Ily iiiiiuutil tnivclliiff expeiisns
a s cniiuiilHslniier 38 75
Ily iitiiuiiiit I riiveliiifr expenses
as puur dliectui' 08 18
Tutu! $1,6110 93
Ult. '
Tn aiiiuiiut nrders dm wn . , . . $ 1,60ft 1i3
ColiniilsMlolinrs' Clerk Account.
W. A. KKI.I.V, Clerk.
Ily one year's siilnrv ns clerk. $ 1,000 00
1 ill.
Tu n in on n t nrders drawn .... $ 1,000 00
County Modeller's tecotitit.
A. II. KTKWAIIT, Hullcllur. '
Amount dun lit lust settle
ment $ 600 00
Hy salary fnr 19119 600 00
Financial Statement oT Jefferson County
Year, District mid Collector.
Heaver 10. M. Thniniis
Hell A. J. Ornlllus
llriu'kwnvv e (i. VV. Neisun
llruokville 10. O. llonsley
Clover I,. C. Carrier
Corsica I. F. Luther
lOldred W. M. Wilson
l.'nlln Creek D. C. Klllitll
(iasklll O. A. Koller
I I..1.II, Ij. C. Kellv
Henderson J- W. Hung
Knox J. & Hnrrlgor
McCiilmont J- P- Hwarta
Oliver - W. O. Hroakey
l orry 1. w. Monney
I'lnncrnnk C. Vi i minor InHH
Polk J. Plntiier,
I'orler l;. ri. maiiK
Punxsiitawnoy Jas. S. Iickard
ift,n,i,iUtiiin H. J. Hurguon
lllngguld Cam. Stewart
Knse A. H. Klnuse
Hnydnr 0. M. Prlndlo
Hiimniervllle O. 8. Wamplor
Sykesvllle 1. P- Weber
Un on 1 ;
W.r.uv . A. W. WOUS
Washington J. J. Sterrett
West Reynoldsville .1- II... Hoyle
win.inw Atnna Strouse
Young V- C. Haag
Year, District and Collector.
Kins Winslow ..
1 ana llarnatl .
....Amos Strouse
w. A. wanace
r ,i,..,aP M A. McLaughlin
I (MidOliver A; J C.elst
1908 Reynoldsville Wm. Conplng
1908 Rose ,-A'SiK"",H?
1907 Summerville O. 8. Wampler
1 008 Sykesvllle J. F. Weber
. Totals
Total outstanding tax: County, $17,179.97;
State, $1,170.66; Dog, $1,237.09.
Receipts and Expenditures for 1009.
County Funds.
Amt. transferred from Poor
funds as temporary loan..$ 8,J2 as
Amt. County and State tax ' .
received In1 1909 68,08 84
Amt. County and State tax
received In 1908 and pre- .....
vlous ,",".' 15,751
Amt. unseated tax and Inter- j
Amt. seated "tax of 1906,
1907 and. 1908 2
Amt. personal tax returned
by the state .JO "
Amt. hotel license 1.050 00
Amt. redemptions '
Amt. Commonwealth costs
and fines 8,690 39
Amt. Jury fees
Amt. rent received from J.
W. Walker and water lot. 110 00
Amt. seated tax received of
Commissioners (see Lien
Record) " 49
Amt. from stale on primary nr
elections ',''
Amt. from state for destruc-
tion nf noxious animals.. 998 b
Amt. from state for Agrlcul-
tural association il l"
Amt. from Btate on forest
fires 576 50
Amt. from state for making
tax returns 60 ou
Amt. from Clarion county
for painting Cooksburg
bridge i,VV 64 92
Amt. . returned by W. A.
Henry on insurance...... 24 00
Amt. from Forest county for
repairing the Cooksburg
bridge , 344 65
Amt. refunded by Qocella on
stone for Penn street .
bridge 03 42
Amt. received on surcharge
cases 80 a
Amount refunded by Wachob
and Sheriff .............. 525
Amt. received of Campbell
for cement 49 BO
Amt. received for old plank
and stone J09 44
Amt. received on notes 157 40
Amt. poll tax from Reynolds
ville and Ringgold town- .
ship n
Amt. excess of fees on prl-
mary election refunded... 26 20
Amt. from Reynoldsville and
Punxsutawney Trolley Co.
on bridge rent 84T90
Amt. received for rules of -
court 5 00
Amt. temporary loan 15,000 00
Amt. redemptions received.. 69 05
Amt. miscellaneous Items . . . 26 83
Total $115,875 82
Assessors' and Registrars'
bill $ 5,865 50
Auditors' pay (county).... 694 50
Auditing Prothonotary s and
Recorder's accounts 60 00
Allegheny County Work
house 2,065 70
Appropriation to O. A. R. for
Memorial day 200 00
Blank books and stationery. 1,651 27
Bar Association, Com. fines 455 00
Bridge contracts of 1908.... 10,870 78
Cherry Run Bridge 900 09
Tu nmuuiit orders drawn.... 1,000 00
Sleivnril unit nimriin'N Aeeount.
lOliilAlt H.MII'If. Mtewurd, and Alllfl.
H.MITH. Matron.
Hy iimiitinl unn year's salnry.$ 1,000 00
. . in:.
T.i iimniiiit in (loin drawn.,.. $ 1,000 00
County Home I'ImmIHiiu's Aeeoiint.
Ilt. IIAIIIIY 1'. Tlli'AII'rJUN, J'hyslclan.
Hy mnniitit due nt lust settle
ment $ 100 00
Tn ordrirs drawn ,.$ 100 00
lilt. A. !'. H A I, M lill, 1'hyslclnn.
Ily one yenr's snlnry $ 800 00
To iiiiKiunt orders drawn. ..$ 800 00
IhII I'liyslclnn's Aeeoiint.
. nil. J. K, HIliiWN, I'liysiclan.
Amount utio yenr's salary.. $ 100 00
Tu u iiioii n I orders drawi $ 100 00
Inliltor'M Aeeoiint.
I.. II. ri, VI,, .Innltor.
Ily aiiiuiiiit olio yenr's salary. $ 480 00
Tu Hiiiuuut orders drawn.,.. $ 480 00
County iiierliientlcnt'N Aeeoiint.
I'ltliK, U 51. ,ION;h, Hiiporlnteiident.
Hy u n i on ri t due from county. $ 200 00
Tu amnitnt orders drawn.... $ 200 00
.1 UK I'' 10 It HI N COUNTY, HH:
We lite iinderHiued Auditors nf Jef
ferson cuiinly. In the state of Pennsyl
vania, do certify that In pursiintice nf
Hie I'liily-Hcvi'iitli Heitlon of mi Act
entitled "An Act relating tu Counties,
Townships, etc, passed tlio I6tli day or
April, A. II. 1834," we met III the (.'nin
luiHHioners' nlllcn In the borough nf
Hrookville, I'a., nn tiie first Monday of
.liiniiiiry. A. Ii. HI 10. It being Hie 3d
day of said month, and did eudit, nd
Just iind veltle tho several acenunts re
quired of us hy Inw, iiKi-eeably tn the
several Aits ul Assenildy and supple
ments liierelo. iii'cordinir lo the host of
our Jiiiiuiiient mid ability, mid find
tiiein as net fort li In (be nhovo report.
In witness whereof we Iiavo hereunto
set our bunds mid seals lit the nlllee
nrmesald this I7lb day uf March, A. D.
I) Will MO A 1. 10, denl.)
IllllXtS II. AlltMS, (Seal.)
.11)11 V (I. ( (l( IIHV, (Srul.l
County Auditors.
YEAR J 909.
"i " '
County Poor Bond State Dog
$220 69 $ 45 62$ 22 78 $iT"08 $ 17 60
: 90 74 27 79 0 30 15 10 32 60
i 309 60 63 34 30 20 27 23 60
376 29 76 65 39 Hi 44 15 25 01)
604 39 131 62 05 15 26 65 19 50
68 68 10 71 6 60 60
34 69 0 72 4 64 9 72 B 60
404 (Hi 90 44 4 5 60 32 25 40 00
600 43 101 77 61 08 99 83 13 60
150 47 40 06 14 77 12 29 15 00
25 64 3 20 1 43 2 08 7 60
358 49 73 13 37 67 35 23 15 50
' 217 (13 45 16 22 10 7 90 35 60
; 970 63 205 11 90 28 13 II 210 00
3X5 71 78 05 33 15 18 60 10 00
309 71 74 46 37 45 6 24 81 00
3S7 03 73 61 36 85 10 82 20 00
98 57 19 94 8 08 6 00
159 74 40 41 10 30 3 31 , 13 00
1923 65 385 11 193 41 61 89 '43 60
1515 77 301 91 154 44 75 89 35 60
161 05 30 10 15 10 1 68 . 8 60
, 1329 40 275 22 130 22 383 26 69 00
i 463 99 93 63 47 70 18 69 75 60
42 79 7 39 3 01 4 00
205 15 42 25 21 10 17 76 17 60
193 12 38 90 19 41 40 9 60
663 60 130 49 73 10 25 72 30 60
499 68 99 57 49 78 84 22 $3 60
i 170 49 34 30 17 88 16 1)0 6 40
638 07 129 90 64 86 81 83 53 00
767 72 158197584 6 18 119 00
14828632937 S0144O 6lToT2 04109 40
County Poor
T34 532 "274 63
121 78 46 89
1 87 1 89
271 12 102 66
605 24 93 40
619 22 103 26
917918 78
12856 441 6i04li
Bond State Dog
153 50 8""76 8989
15 68 21 42 6 60
1 39 2 78 2 21
51 07 27 09 24 00
47 05 55 03 19 99
60 71 25 20 38 00
10 62
10 08 78217 00
22938 16"8 62 19769
Poor, $3,67-7.91; Bond, $1,769.73;
Newcome's Run Bridge, con
tract price 1,100 00
Extra work on same 185 66
Little Mill Creek. Bridge.
contract price :. 1,400 00
F.xtra work on same 159 33
Bridge repairs 4755 51
Burial of Indigent soldiers. 997 00
Court Crier 183 00
Clothing for prlsonors .... 180 81
Constables' returns 659 99
Care of ballot boxes 253 00
Care of clock 50 00
Commissioners pay
A. F. Reitz 800 00
10. T. McOaw 800 00
.1. N. Kelly 800 00
Commissioners' traveling ex
penses 130 61
Commissioners' Cferk 1,000 00
Commonwealth costs 6,492 71
Cnunty Superintendent 200 00
Discharge cases 253 46
District Attorney 1,249 66
Disinfectants ' 65 75
Delivering Ballots 19 73
Iilrectors' Association 100 00
Express 26 19
Election bills 3,841 73
Electric light 587 15
Freight and hauling 34 15
Fair Association 719 15
Fire bills 1,019 25
Furniture 98 98
Gas 692 02
Insurance 318 60
Interest on temporary loan. 875 00
interpreters' fees 159 80
Crand 1.837 2i
Petit 3,634 68
Traverse 2.1J3 40
Talesmen 65 00
Janitor's pay 480 00
Jury Commissioners' pay... 116 80
Jail Physician 100 00
Livery hire 71 00
Medicine for prisoners 52 70
Meals for Jurors 113 05
Miscellaneous 89 65
Penitentiary bills 1,207 43
Prothonotary's bills 970 95
Postage and box rent 291 89
Inquisitions 172 41
Primary election bills ' 2,842 86
Reform Schools ami Indus
trial 676 32
Repairs to Court house and
Jail 667 61
Register and Recorder , 57 65
Rent for District Attorney's
office 100 00
Road and bridge views 745 53
Rent for telephones 273 15
Refunding orders redeemed. 68 10
Redemptions paid 19 91
Registrars of vital statistics 754 00
Renairlng pike 24 10
Stenographer's pay 940 10
Supplies for Court house
and Jail 270 98
Sheriff's bills 5.449 55
Solicitor's salary 600 00
State road 7,729 41
State tax 10,292 23
Traveling expenses and hotel
bill 130 61
Tipstaves 397 02
Trunlnns; erection of and
painting cannon balls.... 37 46
Treasurer Campbell's per
centage due at last settle
ment 8.123 69
Amt. due Treasurer Camp
bell at last settlement.... 3,204 79
Treasurer Bufflngton's per- .
centage receiving and pay
ing out 2,888 73
Printing bills
llrnnkvllle Republican ... . 1,808 60
.lefTeraenlan Democrat'.,.. 719 85
1'iinxsiitnwiiey In. publican 268 20
lleynuldsvlllo Star 611 20
Spirit Publishing Co 163 20
Fulls Creek Herald 94 03
Kruckwny villa Uncord ,., 84 80
I'tinxstltuM ney Niilffl, 89 40
Iteyiioldsvllln Volunteer... 82 30
Big Run Trlliuno 7 20
Otto J. Nupi , 1 25
To ami. Ill treasury 1,534 24
Total $116,875 82
Ccncriil Slnlrmrnl.
Amount cutinly and stnte tax
outstanding $ 13,860 63
Amount cash In treasury,,. 8,684 24
Total I 26,884 87
Amt. duo Poor fund $ 6,828 88
Amt. due on temporary loan. 15,000 00
Total I 21,828 88
Assets over liabilities $ 5,661 49
Receipts and Fipendlliirrs tor, 1900
Poor Fund.
Amt. received from Treasurer .
Ciiinphell , $ 7,213 88 '
Amt. received on Pour tax
. 1909 9,851 $7
Amt. received on Poor tax
of 1908 2,673 17
Amt. received on Poor tax
of 1907 and previous 741 94
Ami. received on unseated
. lax 339 64
Amt. received on seated tax
on Lien docket 6 88
Ami. received mi seated tax
frnm Receipt book 13 96
Amt. received mi redemptions
frnm Receipt bonk 33
Slate Hid received fur Insane 4,148 91
Ami. recoived for care of
private Inmates 1,323 52
Amt. rocelved fnr rent..., 108 09
Amt. received for farm pro
duce 70 14
Amt. received for bides 31 76
Amt. received for team sold 145 00
Amt. received for stone ' loo 00
Ami. received on miscellane
ous Items 81 67
Total $ 26,848 54
Blacksmith bills $ 60 67
Burial expenses 10 00
Comiiilssluners' pay
A. F. Roltx 400 00
10. T. Mcllaw ' 600 00
.1. N. Kelly 600 00
Commlsslunera' traveling ex
penses and hotel bills 194 76
Csskets 168 00
Disinfectants ' 80 00
Drugs ....' 147 81
Freight and hauling 61 41
Feed 10 00
Fertilizer and manure ..... 126 62
Lime 423 63
lias and oil , 1,208 23
Coal , 281 00
Butter $18 01
Groceries and provisions
From Allen and Klrkpat-
rick 881 95
From Dilworth Bros 210 04
From Robert McCoy & Co. 220 46
From (treat Atlantic, and
Pnclflo Tea Co 194 28
From other firms 392 60
Ico 19 60
Insurance 159 60
lOxpress 9 10
Hospital Bills - )
Dixmnnt 357 00
Mercy Hospital 400 00
I'olk 819 86
Warren 6,206 60
Wernersvllle 130 29
Western Pennsylvania In
stitute nor the blind.... 22 64
Mvnry hire 79 23
Labor 85 80
Lumber 88 64
Outside relief 2,639 48
Orders of relief and In
sanity certificates 163 80
Plumbing and repairs 1,042 64
Printing 28 00
Rent for pasture , 40 00
Shoes and clothing 1,018 88
Supplies 463 18
Seeds and plants 96 79
Seed wheat ,, '10 00
Seed potatoes 74 00
Team 475 00
Cuttle 38 00
Hogs 24 29
Refunding order to Mrs.
Zeltler amount overpaid
on maintenance of Lee
Zeltler 12 00
Salaries -
Kdgar Smith, Supt 800 00
Mrs. E. Smith 200 00
M. M. Haugh, Asst. Supt.. 600 00
Dr. H. P. Thompson, Physi
cian, 1908 100 00
Dr. A. F. Balmer, Physi
cian. 1909 , 800 00
Mrs. Elizabeth McCullough,
18 months 480 00
Rev. Flnnecy, Chaplain... 28 00
Mori Bhobert 271 00
N. K. Oaks 27i 00
Mary Steele 130 00
Flora Plotner 96 00
Lena Smith 31 00
A. H. Stewart, Solicitor, 2
years , 600 00
Telephones 28 00
Transporting Inmates 143 44
Tobacco for Inmates lit 99
Tuition for children In home 64 40
Tceasurer'a percentage for
receiving and paying out. 65$ (0
Amt. of Poor funds In treas
ury 1,917 51
Total $ 26.843 64
Ornrrsl Statement (Poor).
Amt. of Poor tax outstand
ing $ U.67T 91
Amt. due from County funds 6,328 38
Amt. due from Poor Bond
fund 790 03
Amt. due from Clearfield
County Poo- District 164 4t
Amt of Poor funds In treas
ury 1,917 61
Total $ 12.778 31
No Poor liabilities on Decem
ber 31st, 1909
Assets over liabilities 12,773 31
Peer Building Fund.
Amount received for tax of
1909 $ 4,944 61
Amt. received on Bond tax of
1909 and previous 1,747 79
Amt. received on unseated
tax 170 05
Amt. received on seated tax
and redemptions 7 96
Amt. transferred from Poor
funds (temporary loan).. 790 03
Total 7,660 34
Coupons redeemed 8,000 00
Refunding orders redeemed. 5 54
Amt. retained by Campbell,
due him on settlement of
1908 4 651 44
Amt. retained by Campbell
for percentage due him on
Bond funds of 1908 183 59
Treasurer's percentage for
receiving and paying out. 148 13
Balance in treasury 3,716 64
Total $ 7.360 34
General Statement.
Amt. of Bond tax outstand
ing 1,769 73
Amt. of Bonds In treasury.. 3,716 64
Liabilities over assets 70.863 66
'Total '. f 75.850 03
Bonds outstanding $ 75,000 00
Coupons due 60 00
Amt. due Poor fund 790 03
Total $ 75.860 03
The Commissioners having called our
attention to the repeal of the law re
quiring the publication by them of an
annual statement, we therefore extend
our report as above.
Also we find that the Treasurers
have received from all sources as com
pensation for their servlvces, as fol
lows, viz:
Ira J. Campbell, year 1908. .. .$4,921 (4
Wm. G. Bufflngton, year 1909. 4,402 70
mvlD NE ALE. Cb.
County Auditors.
March 24, 1910.