The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 06, 1910, Image 4

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    Yt Wis
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ROBERT A. FISCHER and HANS ROBERT, Co-Stars in "A Gentleman from Mississippi,"
which opens the Adelphi Theater Thursday night, April 7th.
Reynoldsville Girl
Writes From India
Continued from First Papa
used to It now. Thev never hurt npmiln
i i
unless they ure very hungry and there
18 so much to eat around here that no
one is af.rald of them.
We see all kinds of wursbippers here
and it Is so sad to see some of them. I
do so lone to reach the girls and boys.
There are so many of them around here
and they do appeal so to me.
Last Sunday we had about twenty
five In the Sunday school who had never
been there before and the same ory we
bo often hear at home came to me: "No
one to teach them." Very often they
are very dirty and yet tbey seem so
anxious to get in. I will be one more
teacher when I can speak jproperly.
With the folks who came last Sundav.
there was a goat and the first thing we
saw was 'Mr. Goat havlnc a camhnl
right In the center of the church and
none of the scholars even smiled. The
janitor led it out with no excitement
whatever and bad to watch so that it
did not come in again.
These women and children wear rings
In their ears and noses and they also
wear anklets and bracelets. Sometimes
when you hear them coming you might
mistake them for strange sounding
slelghbells. The Christians wear few
of such things compared with non
Christian. Must close as duties are Dressing.
With best wishes aud a prayer In my
heart for you, I am,
Your fellow worker,
Elsie Hoss.
Low Rates to the West.
Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets to
Rocky Mountains. Pacific Coast, West
ern Canada, Mexico and southwestern
points on sale daily until April 14 ih
at reduced fares. Consult nearest
ticket agent, or J. P. Anderson, D.
P. A., Pittsburgh, Pa.
When you want a good easy fit and
a good looking shoe, Adam has them.
A gun metal cloth top button oxford
for women, very natty. Price 13.00.
at Rcynoldsvlllo, In the state of rennsy'
vanln, at the close of business Mnrch 2lt, 11)10;
Bonds and Securities....! S.noi 2(1
Loans and Discounts 21)1,2114 05 I2!),SM 81
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. OS H4
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... 100,000 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 2,1500 00
BnnklnK house, furniture, fixtures.. 84,1X10 00
Other roal estate owned 6,501 70
Interest earned IlliO 87
Due from approved reserve
agents 38,047 40
OhecKsandothercusli Items 1,5X3 05
Notes of other National
Banks 2,000 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and rents 273 SB
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, viz:
Specie 15,770 (15
LeRal-tendor notes 2,40 00 60,315 88
Redemption fund with C. 8. Treas
urer (5jt of circulation) 4,400 00
Total $508,837 69
Capital stock paid In. . $100,000 00
Surplus fund $ 25,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses ana taxes paid. 5,508 29 HIO.IWR 29
National Bank notes outstanding... 90,400 00
Dividends unpaid 08 00
Individual deposits subjei-t
to check $270,27(1 40 279,339 40
at Reynoldsvlllo, In the State of Pennsylva
nia, at the close of business March 20, 1010."
Loans and discounts $301,583 04
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 1N4 IB
IT. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... 75,000 00
Premiums on li. 8. Bonds 1,000 00
Bonds, securities, etc 28,000 00
Furniture and fixtures 2,600 00
Other Real Estate Owned 21,315 83
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) .... $40,217 49
Due from State banks and
bankerB 8,005 37
Due from approved reserve
agents 130,404 Ofl
Checks, oilier cash Items .. 11)8 M
Notes of other National
banks 2,135 00
Fractional paper currenc,
nickels, anil cents 197 58
Lawful money reserve In
bunk, viz:
Specie..; 20,455 20
Legal-tender notes ill Kin (in 911 K19 59
Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas
urer (5 per cent, of circulation).. 8,750 00
commonwealth of penn'a
State Highway Department
Harrisbcrg, Pa.
Total $509,337 69
State of Fanniylrtnla, County of Jeffanon, :
I, F. K. Alexander, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
F. E. Alexander, Cash lor.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
1st day of April, 1910.
Smith M. McCn-EiOHT, Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan. 30, 1918.
Correct Attest :
W.B. Alexander,
John O'Hauk,
AnorjST Baldacp,
Total $1148,545 95
Capltalstock paid In $75,000 00
Surplus fund 100,000 00
umiiviiien: proms, less expenses and
taxes naid m aho m
National flunk notes outstanding... 7oo0 00
uhiiiiwi- i-tmiouai nanKS Dili (13
Olvldends unpaid 78 00
inuiviiiiiHi deposits sunject
to check $!06,0flfl 25
Demand c'tlfic'tesof deposit 400 00
Tlmecertlficalcs of deposit 180,447 40
Certified checks 20 15
Cashier's checksoutstand'g 157 81 387,100 61
Total $ti4N,845 95
8Ut of Pnniylrni, County of Jeffenon, n:
I, K. O. Schlickers. Ctluhlet- nf t.ha nhnv
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
nuuvc miLLummit is t.ruo to me Dest of my
knowledge and belief.
K. 0. rinnwricvna Chin.
Subscribed and sworn to before' me this
uu uay oi a pru, inill.
Lawrence J. McEntirk, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
John H. Kabcher.I
John H. Oohhett, f Directors
K. H. Wilson,
For Most People It Is Easier to Earn
Money than to Save It.
But your earning ability will not continue
indefinitely, and it is therefore important to
save while you can. Make it a rule to de
deposit in this strong bank regular install
ments of your wages. This will provide you
with an income when earning money is not
so easy and for emergencies like sickness and
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the State Highway De
partment in the Capitol Building, Har
rlsburg, Pa., until two o'clock in the
afternoon of April 20th, 1010, when
bids will be publicly opened and ached
uled, for the construction of 4,100 feet
of road, extending from Station 63-00 to
Station 100-00, 14 feet wide, in Pine
creek township, In the County of Jef
ferson, under the Act of Assembly ap
proved May 1st, 1005.
Plans and specifications can be seen
at the office of the county commission
ers, Brookvllle, Pa., and at the office of
the State Highway Department, Har
rieburg, Pa. Each bid must be made
Upon a blank furnished by the State
Highway Department, (which blanks
will be supplied upon request) and en
closed in a sealed envelope endorsed:
"Proposals for reconstruction of road In
Pine Creek Township, Jefferson Coun
ty." Joseph W. Hunter,
State Highway Commissioner.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
vory Insertion.
Indian Runner duck and Buff Ply
mouth Rock eggs $1.00 per setting. F.
E. Bussard.
To Exchange An organ for horse,
or a piano for a team. C. J. Kerr.
Eggs for Hatching Prom winter
laying Rhode Island Reds; also white
Leghorns and Black Minorca; fifty
cents. G. G. Williams.
For SALE A fresh cow. Inquire of
F. E. Shumakor, R. D. No 1, Reynolds
ville, Pa. .
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Inquire of E. Neff.
WANTED To buy a second hand in
cubator. Irquire of S. J. Burgoon.
Eggs for Hatching Thorough
bred barred Plymouth Rocks. T. H.
Stevenson, Route 2, Reynoldsville. 1
For Sale One three and a ualf
wagon. May be seen in Mrs. Zel tier's 1
nam or inquire or ID. Uonrad, f ieasant
At Reynoldsville, In tbestnte of Pennsylva
nia, at tbe close of business March 20, lulu.
Loans and discounts IU9.S.17 8
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. am 43
u.b. uonas to secure circulation.... 40,000 00
Premiums on U. S. bonds i its nn
Banking house, furniture, fixtures . 10,100 00
uue irom national oanics tnoi re-
serve agents 4,n 00
Due from State banks and bankers. 2,500 (10
Due from auuroved reserve airentA . 1? o:tn 9n
Checks and other cash Items 1,9;5 12
Notes of other National banks MO 00
fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents . ji
uawiui money reserve in Dank, viz:
Boeele I fl Bis 43
Legal-tender notes 8,Si0 00 10,105 43
Redemption fund with U. 8. treas
urer (5 of circulation) ... 1,850 00
Total 1234,780 89
Capital stock paid In f 60,000 00
Surplus fund 26,000 00
Undivided proflu, less expenses and
taxes paid l ,017 02
National bank notesoutstandlng... 40,000 00
I'Tviuenus unpaiii IS 00
Individual deposits subject
to check 116,341 34
Time certificates of deposit 2.322 02
Cashier's ch'ks'nd'g. 87 01 118,708 07
1234.780 f.9
State of Fennsylrula, County of Jefferioo, :
I, J. V. Hunter, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that, the
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
.1. v. hitntfr, Cashier.
- ... "VV ni'Ulll m uuiuio nia bins
4;h day of April, I1M0.
uam hknck j. nicENTiKl, Notary Public.
OoHHKOT Attest:
I). Wheeler,
E. W. Hunter,
For Assembly
Of Punxsutaffney.
Subler.t to action nf the RAnuhllcnnH ti
Jefferson county at the primary election to
be beld June 4, 1910.
For Assembly
Of Big Run.
Rublect to the action nf t.h Rnniihlii'nn
voters of Jefrerann conntv at tha nplmnrv
election to be beld Juue 4. 11)10.
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair
trouble, 1 ake Advantage (
of this Offer
We could not afford to so strongly
endorse llexall "93" Hair Tonic
and continue to sell it as we do, if
we were not certain that it would
do all we claim it will. Should our
enthusiasm carry us away, and
llexall "93" Hair Tonic not give
entire satisfaction to the users,
they would lose faith in us and our
statements, and in consequence our
business prestige Would suffer.
Ihercfore, when we assure vou
that if your hair is beginning to
unnaturally fall out or if you have
any scalp trouble, llexall "93"
Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate
dandruff, stimulate hair growth and
prevent premature baldness, you
may rest assured that we know
what we are tall;inc about.
Out of one hundred test cases
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gave entire
satisfaction in ninety-three cases.
it has been proved that it will crow
hair even on bald heads, when, of
course, the baldness had not ex
isted for so long a time that the
foliiclcs, which are the roots of the
hair, had not become absolutely
llexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly
different from other similar prep
arations. We believe that it will
do more than any other human
agency toward restoring hair growth
and hair health. It is not greasy
and will not gum the scalp or hair
or cause permanent stain. It is as
pleasant to use as pure old water.
Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Ton
ic is so strong that we ask you to
try it on our positive guarantee that
your money will be cheerfully re
funded without question or quibble
if it does not do as we claim. Cer
tainly we can offer no stronger
argument. It comes in two sizes,
prices 50 cents and $1.00. Re
member you can obtain it only at
The Rexall Store.
Stoke & Felcht Drug Company.
The Grocery on the Corner
A few prices on good new
Prunes 7c per pound
' 4'pounds for 25c
Chocolate 17c per cake
Ginger Snaps 7c per pound
Seeded Raisins
3 pounds for 25c
Tomatoes 8c per can
Flour, feed, i chicken feed,
etc. Prices right all down
the line.
We have just unloaded a solid car of 1910 Bee Supplies. When
iv1011 Cal1 at our ncw store on Main street andsee our fine stock.
We offer some bargains just now which you cannot afford to miss.
Satisfaction guaranteed. A square deal to all.
Rea Bee & Honey Company.
Yon Get
Style Plus Quality
7 SERIOUS condition of the Cloth"-
ing trade today is a continuous sacrifice of 6tyle
for quality, or quality for style, to maintain a sensible cost. A few
iiimcii uu cumijine Btyie ana quality, Due
you know it results in an exorbitant price.
Let us tell you the problem to
combine style and quality, yet keep the
cost within the limits of the average man,
is solved in Clothcraft Clothes. Cloth
craft makers have blazed the trail in their
scientific tailoring methods.
We investigated the clothing
market thoroughly and were independent,
because we wanted to offer you the very
best the country afforded. And we are
proud to be known as the Clothcraft Store.
All-Wool Clothes 10to25
Clothcraft are the only clothes that guarantee you both style and quality at popu
lar prices. We and the makers take all the risk; you take none.
Bing-Stoke Company.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
John B. SAConm, Pres.
John H. Knucher
Henry 0. Oetble
J.O.Kiro, Vlce-Pre.
J.O. King Dnnlnl Nolan
J. H. Hammond
K. 0. Schockehs. Cashier
John H. Oorbett
K. H. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Picture of President Taft
If you will send two cents in stamps,
we will mail you a lare reproduction
in colors of a painting of President Taft
(two thirds cf Lfefcize), suitable for fram
ing a uc'.n-.: for home or office.
We pay 4 , Ccrr.yrMnd Interest cn
Savings Acccu:..-i or e.r.y size, and you
can bank by rra-'V Irt nesting booklet
free upon request.
Capital and Surplus, .10 Million Dollars.
The Star's Want Column never fails to bring results'j