The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 30, 1910, Image 8

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The Earl of Stanhope nnd the Trust-
i ing Highwaymun.
One night when tin? Etui uf SHr-dope
was walking uluiu- lu (ho Kentish
lanes u lunu jumped out uf thu Lodge,
leveled a pistol mid demanded Ids
''My gooil man, 1 uavo no money
with mo," sakl Lord Stnnhnpo In hl9
remarkably Blow tones. The rubber
laid Ivimls on his watch.
"No, 7 Ionl Stanhope went on; "that
watch jou nuisL nut hare. It wax giv
en to me by 0110 I love. It la worth
.100. If yon will trust me, I will go
bnck to (.'hovelling ami bring a 100
. noto nnd place It lu the hollow of that
; tree I cannot lose my watch."
Tuo man did trust him. The carl did
' bring the note. Years after Lord Stan
hope was Rt h city dinner, and next to
blm sat a London alderman of great
wealth, n tmui widely respected. Uo
anil the earl talked of ninny things
and found each other mutually enter
taining. Next day Lord Stanhope received a
.' letter, out of which dropped a 100
noto. "It waa your lordship's kind
lo'an of this sum," raid the letter, "that
started me In life and enabled me to
havo the hmior of sitting next to your
lordship at dinner."
A strango story, but the Sinn hopes
are a strange race, and things happen
to them that never did or could occur
to other people. London Spectator.
The Red Rose Sprang From a Drop of
Mohammed's Blood.
"A tiuly tvlLlous Turk, lool.s Ujion
the rose Willi great revennieo," said
a florist, "The ruo Is beyond ques
tion tho prettiest llowcr that blooms,
and It was lamsidered by tho Turks
ninny years before the conquest of
Grnnntla. There Is n religious legend
generally believed in throughout Tur
key that the red rose sprang from a
drop of the great prophet Mohammed's
blood. Everything beau:iful in nature
Is ascribed to bim. The Turks, there
fore, have great reverence for the
flower nnd allow It to llooni and die
Untouched, except ou stnte occasions
and for the purpose of 'raking rose
water. .
"After the coiuiuest by the Turks
they would not worship In any church
until the walls were cleansed a: d
washed with rosewater and thus purl
fled by the blotd of tho prophet. ;t
la used on the body for the same pur
pose. A Turk whose conscience h
stung by some act or deed he lias com
mitted will caress and pay reverence
to the rose to appease the wrath of
the prophet and Allah.
"With these ideas Inculcated In him
from youth It would shock blm severe
ly to see the pretty flower strewn In
the path of a bridal couple, thrown on
the public stage or banked up In hun
dreds nt a Well reception or party to
be crashed and spoiled in an evening."
Notes on 8peed,
. The maximum speed acquired by the
average person in swimming comfort
ably la thirty-nine inches a second.
While oarsmen in an eight oared boat
acquire a speed of 107 inches in a sec
ond. Skaters average from nine to
1 fen yards a second. The horse can
- gallop sis miles In an hour for a con
siderable length of time. The swift
est dog in the world, the borzoi, or
Bussian wolfhound, bag made record
1 runs at the rate of seventy-five feet In
; a second, while the gazelle has shown
-measured speed of more than eighty
' feet a second, which would give it a
trpeed of 4,800 feet in a minute If it
eould keep It up. The whale struck
vy a harpoon has been known to dive
at the rate of 300 yards a minute. A
species of falcon known as the wan
dering falcon flies from north Africa
$ northern Germany in one unbroken
flight, making the distance in eleven
v nours.
Rules of Sleep.
" Those who think most, who do most
vb,rain work, require most sleep, and
time "saved" from necessary sleep is
Infallibly destructive to mind, body
and estate. Give yourself, your chll--aren,
your servants give all that are
under you the fullest amount of sleep
they will take by compelling them to
f to bed at some regular early hour
and to rise in the morning the moment
they awake, and within a fortnight na
ture, with almost the regularity of the
' rising sun. will unloose the bonds of
'sleep the moment enough repose has
been secured for the wants of the sys
tem. That is the only safe and sufll
ident rule, and. as to the question bow
much sleep any one requires, each
most be a rule for himself. Great na-
4mA W-tll nnvTA,. fall 4-a v.IIa t- .. I . .
the observer under the regulations just
jfiven. London Globe.
.Bunched His Blunders,
"John," said Mrs. Blllus after the
cal'er bad gone ' away, "I wish you
-wwuldn't bunch your blunders so."
"What do you mean, Maria?" asked
Mr. Blllus.. . ,
T didn't mind your telling her that
'jvm. were ten years older than I, but
ytm. followed it up a minute later by
letting it slip out that you were fifty
two." Chicago Tribune.
Listen. v
" "Well, Henry, how do yon like your
"Not at all; they're so quiet that I
daren't move or mamma can't hear
. & . . 1 , , ,. T 1
A Question of Time.
How much does it cost to gtt mar
iEl47' asked the eager youth.
"That depends entirely on how long
3fea lire,' replied the sad looking man.
ShUade'jlaa Record.;
The lata Lord Httvlle used to say
that high diplomatists had always to
be on their guard against Intriguing
women, mainly Itiisshin agents, who
would uso any wile to extract Infor
mation. Paring the Itusso-Turklsh
war, when Ktirope was always on the
vergo uf a crisis and ltusslan states
men were most anxious to know what
England would do under glveu circum
stances, a lady came up to hlin sud
denly nt a ball and said:
"I hear that the Russians have inade
a forced march and entered Constanti
nople." hoping, uo doubt, that he
would be surprised Into some Indis
creet expression.
lie merely replied:
.. "ludeed! And I suppose- the sultan
lias conferred on them the order of
the Turkish bat hi"
Tho lady continued gravely:
"And they say lu Paris that if Kim
Innd does not Interfere tho eastern
question Is settled In favor of Itussla."
"And that." replied Ills excellency,
"Is, I suppose, tho new Judgment of
The Raising of Rice.
The cultivation of rice extends back
Into tho dim past, and there are uo nil
llienllo records as to when It llrst be
gan. Evidence points, however, to the
Chinese having boon among the ear
liest people to cultivate. It. and such
great value was attached to It that In
(he annual ceremonial sowing uf Im
portant plants inaugurated by the
Hror ('blunting so far back in the past
as 2S00 I!. C. the rice had to be sown
only by the emperor himself, while the
four other plants of Hit roiimny
mght be sown by the princes of Ills
family. In India rice has been culti
vated from lime Immemorial. It wns
Introduced at an early period Into
Syria, Egypt nnd other parts of north
ern Africa. In mure modern times rice
has been sown in Spain, France and
llaly. the llrst cultivation in the lust
mimed country being slated to have
been near 1'lsa In MilS. The plant Is
believed to have been introduced Into
America In HH7. when Sir William
Herkeley raised a crop of sixteen
bushels from half a bushel of seed.
The Waiter't Tip.
"Splitting a live dollar bill with a
waiter when you reach a hotel nnd
promising him the other pice when
you leave If well served Is a poor
game," said n veteran waiter lit 0110
of New York's biggest hotels
"A man tried It 011 mo mice, and It
made me sore. 1 took pains to serve
III m poorly, showing that I did tint
en re for his money. I was so careless
that when he was leaving he refused
me the other half. I had him sized
up for a cheap skate, so 1 pointed out
to It! in that the piece he. had was 110
good to blm as It was and offered to
buy It from 111 11) for PI. He thought
deeply a minute and declined. Then
I offered to sell my half for $.1. Soine
hov or other tills annealed to him.
uuit be bought it and seemed happy.
) I'll li;t he hasn't stopped figuring out
I jet whether he won or lost. One
thing he's sure of be didn't tip the
walter."-New York Sun.
A Gentle Hint.
A certain butcher is renowned
timing his contemporaries for the
iiinlnttiesa and originality of some of
bis remarks. On a road leading to a
neighboring parish he one day met ft
gentleman who at the time owed blm
for some moat. After a salutation the
gentleman remarked:
"That's a Hue fat dog you have. Al
"Sae weel be may, sir." was the re
ply, "for he has an easy conscience
and is oot o' debt, and that's mnir
than you or I can say."
The bint was taken, and the butcher
gol his money next day. London An
Waiting to Find Out.
Cincinnati Tourist (who for the first
time has Just entered a restaurant In
Parisi Have yon ordered? St. Louis
Tourist twho has reached the table
some minutes before and who lookn
up from n French bill of fnrei Yes.
Cincinnati Tourist What did you or
der? St. Louis Tourist (impatiently)
How do I know? Chicago Xews.
The Funny Doctor. '
Dr. MeCreo My dear Mrs. Goodman,
how could you bring out a young child
on such a day ns this with such a
strong east wind blowing? Mrs. Good
manAh. doctor, you will always have
your little Joke. How can a child of
this age possibly know what wind it
Is? London Answers.
Perfectly Cool.
Mr. FIgg G.tsser says he kept per
fectly cool last night when that bur
glar got into the bouse. Mrs. l-'lgg
So his wife told me. She found bim
trying to hide in the refrigerator.
Boston Transcript
Food and Freth Air.
You can live forty days without food,
but you cannot live four mluutes with
out air. These things being true, to It
wise to stuff ourselves with food and
starve ourselves for want of air?
Not Always.
Tommy Pop, what Is the difference
between a probability and a possibil
ity? Tommy's Pop A probability, my
son, is something you want to bap
pen. Philadelphia Record.
Taught Him a Lesion.
"Why don't you give your wife an
allowance?" '
"I tried that once, and she spent it
before I could borrow It back." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
It belongs to great men to have great
defects. French Proverb.
Jefferson County
For the Year 10l)J.
TrcitNiircr'N Account.
VM. (I. HUFFINGTON. TrcBHiirur, In
account Willi .lelTerHon county, I'u., for
tho year ending December 81st. 11)09:
To nmt. roeolvod on county
ami HtnlH tux for 1(H)9 und
in ' r ... $7B 'T. 'II
To unit, hotel license received 1,050 nil
To temporary Iouiim received. 16,000 00
To ItmnM from Treasurer's Re
ceipt hook 17,812 49
To redemptions received 69 05
To nmt. transferred from Poor
funds as temporary loan... 6,328 88
Total $1 10,875 82
Rv county orders roilcoinod . . f S4.700 24
Hv refunding orders redonmed 58 10
Bv nmt. paid Hlate Treasurer
on personal tux 10,292 23
Ily 111111. puiu county nupnrui
tendont Ily unit, paid directors' asso
ciation I . . . .
Fly unit, paid registrars of vi
tal statistics
By unit, of redemptions paid.
II v unit, retained hy Ira .1.
'('atiipliell, duo him at settle
ment of ions
Rv mot. retained bv Ira .1.
200 00
100 00
754 00
19 91
3,201 79
'Campbell, porcontngo duo
him on accounts of 1908.. 9,123 59
fly Treasurer's percentage for
- receiving $94,-178.811 1,417 17
It v TreiiMiirer's percentiigo for
paying out $:is.l()l.r, 1,471 56
Amount of county funds In
treasury 8,534 24
Total $1 15,875 82
To nmt. of $14,894.18 reported
In treasury nt lust not Mo
ment, less thn following
Items: Amount retaltleil hy
I in .1. C'ninphell as his per
centage for poor funds of
1908. $.',02.39: amount trans
ferred to county of $,
32S.3K; und $790.03 trans
ferred to poor liond fund,
leaving poor funds In treas
ury 7,213 38
To unit, received on poor tax
of 1909 nnd previous...:.. 13,020 17
To stata nld received for in
mates of County Home.... 4,148 91
To Hems from Treasurer's
Receipt liook 1.860 08
Total $28,848 54
Hy poor orders redeemed. .. .$24,257 97
Hy refunding orders redeemed 14 48
Hy Treasurer's percentage for
receiving $19,635.16 294 53
Dy Treasurer's percentago for
paying nut $24.273.43 364 08
Amount of poor funds In
treasury 1,917 51
Total $26,848 64
To nmt. received on Hond tax
of 1909 nnd provlotm $ 6,870 31
To amt. trannforred from
Poor funds, temporary lonn 790 03
Total $ 7,060 34
By coupons redeemed $ 3,000
Hv refiindlnir orders redeemed
Liy nmt. retained by Ira J.
Campbell for nmt. due on
settlement 661 44
By nmt. retnlnnd by Ira J.
Cnmpbell for percentage
due him on bond funds of
1908 138 59
By treasurer's percentage for
receiving $6,870.31 108 05
liy treasurer's percentage for
paying nut $.1.005.64 45 08
Amount of bond funds In
treasury 8,716 64
Tetnl .$ 7,660 84
To reserve fund In treasury
after paying Ira J. Camp
- bell's nercentaire for 1908. 214 72
To dog tax collected for 1909. 9)7 48
To dog tax collected for 1908. 687 32
To dog tax of 1907 and pre
vious collected 158 57
Total $ 2,003 09
By Sheep orders redeemed.. $ 995 60
Bv amt. transferred to school
districts 768 43
Bv treasurer s nercentaire for
receiving $1,788.36 26 83
By treasurer's percentage for
paying out $995.50 14 33
Reserve fund in treasury... 200 00
Total $ 2,008 09
Totrnahlp Accounts.
Amount of Itond, School, Water,
Light, Police and Borough Bond funds
In the hands of Trensurer Bufnngton
and due the various boroughs and
townships December 31st, 1909.
Itonil. School. Dog.
Big Hun
Brookville ....
. $ 22 88 $ 39 00 $ 17 01
20 23 14 62
6 07 9 33 24 42
12 65
19 61
It 15 9 60 21 05
4 fill v 9 05
1 16
207 75 610 78 18 34
35 73 43 07 12 21
55 36 640 91 12 58
28 09 29 10 6 36
28 37
107 46 260 65 40 09
2 90 71 77 69 80
32 1 05 28 77
2 54 21 30
190 10 11 86 33 61
146 38 171 27 18 72
11 Ot
49 60
7 04 14 11 19 37
18 111 25 01 7 86
41 74 53 07 4 45
3D 92 80 81 35 49
5 25
19 56
1 66 v 4 63 12 56
25 03 41 02 29 24
14 22 14 62 34 60
. 6 86
71 80 263 26 65 20
1 58 2 74 61 10
Eldred '.
Falls Creek.
Gasklll ,
McCalmont ...
Oliver ,
Porter -......,
Punxsiitnwney ,
Ringgold ..
Snyder . . . .
Sykesvllle .
Warsaw. . . .
W. Heynbldsvllle
WInslow .
Young ...
Falls Creek, Water, Light and Po
lice tax ; .........' $13 84
Reynoldsvllle, Water, Light, and
fouce tax o oo
- Sheriff's Accout.
A: R OALBRATTH. ' Sheriff, in ac
count with Jefferson county for the
year ending December 31st, 1909. ,
To amt. of orders drawn... $ 6,449 55
To Jury fees collected 40 00
To Com. costs collected...... 1,828 94
to nnes collected
To soap paid for by county,
for jail
To errors In charges for draw
ing Jurors ,4 . , . . .
Balance due Sheriff.,.,
100 00
7 70
4 00
Total $ .7.431 09
By boarding prisoners 5,296
days at 60c per day $ 2,648 00
By 144 commitments. 72 00
By 125 discharges 62 50
By Sheriff's fees 1,309 69
By removing 5 prisoners to
penitentiary, 19 to work
house and 8 to reform ,
schools 967 48
By Court proclamations 11 00
By drawing and summoning
Jurors 205 00
By executing 20 venires...... ,20 00
Bv 25 days attending court. ' 75 00
By Election proclamation... 2 75
By -1 per- cent. commission t .- -.
collecting $1,868.94 coats '
and Jury fees 87 $8
By ft por cent, collecting- $100
lines . ,-r
Ily unit, paid for cleaning tho
baxcio'-nt ot Jul I
Ily cleik hire paid for Jury
: Ily him. I cult furnished count v
Ily executing 27 1 onleiices of
i ouri
I'y Jury fees paid In enmity..
Hy loiiiuioiiwimlt li cimtn paid
to county
Ily lines pulil to county ....
27 00
411 00
1,828 01
100 00
Total , $ 7,431 09
I 'nimiiliaaloiicra' Account.
A. I''.
ltl-.1T. Commissioner.
Ily otui year's sulurv as f'oui-
mlsHloner and poor director 1,200 00
Ily i in ii u n I traveling expenses
ns c ooiiulHxIonor fil GO
Ily ii 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 1 traveling expenses
us poor director 97 37
Total $1,351 87
To amount orders drawn $ 1,351 87
H. T. MctlAW, IJoinmlsslonur.
Ily amount dim at Inst settle
ment $ 200 00
Ily nun year's Hillary as com
missioner nod poor director $ 1,200 00
Ily amount traveling expenses
us cntnuilsHlonor 87 36
Ily ainoiinl traveling expenses
as poor director 29 21
Total $1,4116 57
To amount orders drawn $1 466 57
.1. N. KELLY, Commissioner.
' I'll.
Ily iiuioiint dun lit Inst set-
tlei it $ 200 00
Ily ono year's salary as com
missioner and poor director. $ 1,200 00
ny iiiooiiiii i raveling expenses
us (-ouitnlsstouer
Ily atuoitiil traveling expenses
as poor dlrei-tor 68 18
. .$1.5011
To amount orders drawn..., $ 1,50(1 till
I'oiiiuilNHloncrN' I'lcrk Account, l
W. A. KKI.l.V, C'lerk. t
IMt. '
Ily ono year's salary as clerk. $ 1,000 00
I J It.
To lunoiint orders drawn.... $ 1.000 00
County Mollcltor'M Account.
A. H. HTKWAHT, Hollcllor.
Amount due nt last settle
m i-ii t
Hy salary for 1909
Financial Statement of Jefferson County
Year, District nnd Collector.
Brookvlllo ....
I. 'lover
fulls Creek .
I lenderson . . .
E. M. Thomas
A. J. UrnlMus
G. W. Nelson
........ K O. llensley
Ij. C. Carrier
J. f. Luther
W. M. Wilson
D. C. Smith
(1. A. Keller
U C. Kelly
J. W. I lung
J. S. HnrrlBer
MoCnlmont J. P. Swnrtz
Oliver W. C. Brenkey
l orry J. W. Mohney
I'lnecreek C. Zimmerman
l'olk J. Plotner
Porter C. E. Mauk
I'unxsutawney Jns. S. Lockard
Iteynoldsvillo H. J. Burgeon
ItliiKgold Cam. Stewart
Hose A. S. Kloune
Hnyder C. M. Prlndle
Hummervllle O. S. Wampler
Hykesvllle J. F. Weber
Union O. C. Aaron
Warsaw A. W. Wells
Washington J. J. Sterrett
West Keynoldsvllle U IL Boyle
Wlnslnw Amos Strouse
Vnunir F. C. HaftlC
Year, District and Collector.
1908Wlnslow Amos Strouse"
1906 Harnett W. A. Wallace
1905 Clover M. A. McLaughlin
1908 Oliver J. A- Gelst
1908 Revnoldsvllle Wm. Copping
1908 Hose r....A. 8. Klouse
)9078ummervllle O- 8. Wampler
19088yKeavllle J. F. Weber
Total outstanding tax: County,
State. $1,170.66; Dog, $1,237.09.
Itecelpts and Expenditure for 1009.
County Funds.
Amt. transferred from Poor
funds as temporary lnan..$
6,328 88
Amt. County ana pinie mi
received In 1909 68,068 84
Amt. County and State tax
received In 1908 and pre- ,
vious 5,75
Amt. unseated tax and inter-
Amt. sented tax or moo,
24 43
1907 nnd lu ;
, . ........ 1 , t. v rolornno
"'ily' the slat.:::. 7.719 17
Amt. hotel license i,o V
Amt. redemptions '
Amt. Commonwealth costs ,
nnd fines .
Amt. Jury fees
Amt. rent received rrom J.
W. Walker and water lot.
Amt. seated tax received of
110 00
61 49
Commissioners tee uicn
Itnpftrd I
Amt. from state on primary
elections 2,373 li
Amt. from stnte ror aesiruc
iin tt noxious animals..
998 66
719 15
676 50
60 00
64 92
Amt. from stnte for Agricul
tural association........
Amt. from state on toresi
Amt. from state for making
tax returns
Amt. from Clarion county
for painting uooKsuuris
Amt. returned by W. A.
iinnrv on Insurance
24 00
344 65
803 42
90 25
5 25
49 60
109 44
157 40
4 77
26 20
341 90
Amt. from Forest county for
repairing tne couksuuib
brill ore
Amt. refunded by Gocella on
stone lor renn eirei
Amt. received on surcharge
Amount refunded by Wachob
ana snerire .......... . .
Amt. received of Campbell
for cement
Amt. received for old plank
And Atone
Amt. received on notes
Amt. poll tax from Reynolds
vllle ana lungsoiu iuwu-
Amt. excess of fees on prl-
. ...... .Unllnn ralnnHAil .
Amt. from Reynoldsvllle and N
Punxsutawney rrouey v;o.
nn I..-1 .1 ir rent
Amt. received for rules of
. 5 00
Ami temnnrarv loan 15.000 00
Amt. redemptions received.. 69 05
Amt. miscellaneous Items ...... 28 82
Total fllD.BIO B
Assessors' and Registrars'
bills $ 5,865 60
AiulitorA' nav (countv).... 694 50
Auditing Prothonotary'a and
Recorder's accounts 60 00
Allegheny County Work
house 2,065 70
Appropriation to O. A. R. for .
Memorial day 200 00
Blank books and statlpnery. 1,651 27
Bar Association, Conft fines 455 00
Rrldge contracts of ,f9& 10.878 78
Cherry Run Bridge',..... 900 00
To nniount ordors drawn.... $ 1,000
... "cunril unit Matron's Account.
immjau hmitii, Nlowiml, und
.-t.uiiii, iiiuiron,
ITnnioiint one ye;u'H salary. $ 1,000
To amount orders drawn ... .$ 1,000,
Citiinlr llikiiiM llt'Hi..i..H ........
Hit. llARItV i'. TIlDMl'BUN, Physician.
i it.
Hy n mount duo nt lout settle
ment $ ioo
To orders drawn $ 100
mi. a. '. iialmek, I' hys c an.
H.V one year's salary $ 300
to amount orders ilruwn...$ .100
.lull ii'Xi Aceiiiinl,
Oil. J. K. JllluiVN. I'hyslelaii.
Amount one year's salary.. $ 100
In li mount orders t!rnwn....$ 100
.Innlliir'a Account.
It. ri.YI.KH, Janitor.
Hy ii in on ii t one year's salary, f
To amount orders drawn.,,. $
County Niiiicrliitciiitcnt'N Account.
1'ltol''. I.. M. J ON I'M, HiipflHntnndc'iit
Ily amount duo from county. $ 200
To lti ii n t orders drawn.... $ 200
.IKKh'KllHilN CiiUNTV", BS:
We the iiimIci'nIkuciI Auditors of Jef
fersoti count v. In I ho statu of Pennsvl
viiuia, do cerliry that lu pursuance,
I he l-'orl v-Seven I h Hectloo of nn
75 cut l ed "All Al l ro nt on- to fount
i itw iiHiiipM, on-., puHHi-ii ioo mm ouy Ol
April, A. li. I Kill," wn met In the I'nlii-
nilsHlotiers' ollleo In the horough
93 1 I'.rooUvlllo. I'u., on the first Alouduy
.laniiary. A. I). 1910, it. heiiiK thu 3d
day ot said tiionlh, und did audit, nd
Josl ami settle the sevenil accounts ro
iiilrei of dm hy law, aureeahly to tho
Hcvcrul Acts of AHNfttihly find Slippln
llientH thereto. aeeordlUK to tho host of
our j 1 1 1 1 nt and ability, nnd llnd
them iim net forth In the nhovu report.
In witness whereof we have hereunto
set our hit ml m nnd seals lit tho ollleo
iilorcxald this 17th day of March, A.
imviii mum:, iscni.)
00 Jl)ll U. I III lilt N, tMenl.l
00 I County Auditors.
YEAR J 90?.
jcounty Poor Bond j State Dog
$220 69 $"45"02 $ 22 78 $ 12 US $ 17 60
90 71 27 79 6 36 15 10 32 50
309 66 62 34 30 20 27 23 50
376 29 76 55 39 16 41 15 25 00
661 39 131 52 65 15 20 65 19 50
68 6S ID 71 6 50 50
81 59 6 72 4 54 9 72 5 60
464 96 90 41 45 60 32 25 40 00
606 43 101 77 51 08 99 83 13 50
150 47 10 06 14 77 12 29 15 00
25 6t 3 20 1 43 2 08 7 60
868 4 9 73 13 37 67 35 23 15 60
217 03 45 15 22 16 7 90 35 60
970 63 205 11 96 28 13 11 210 00
385 71 78 05 33 15 18 50 16 00
369 71 74 46 37 45 5 84 81 00
887 03 73 51 36 85 10 82 20 00
98 67 19 94 8 08 5 00
159 74 40 41 16 30 3 31 13 00
1923 65 885 II 193 41 51 89 42 60
1515 77 301 91 154 44 75 89 85 60
161 05 30 10 15 10 t 68 8 60
1329 46 275 22 130 22 383 25 69 00
463 99 93 63 47 76 18 69 75 60
42 79 7 89 8 01 4 00
205 15 42 25 21 10 17 76 17 50
193 12 88 96 19 44 40 9 60
563 60 136 49 73 10 25 72 80 50
499 68 99 67 49 78 84 22 33 60
170 49 34 30 17 88 16 00 6 40
638 07 129 90 64 86 81 83 63 00
767 72 156 19 75 84 6 18 119 00
." 14323 53f937 50H40 35"i"f7T2 041039 40
Bond J State
1315 32
274 53
46 89
1 39
153 60
15 58
1 39
51 07
47 05
8 78
21 42
2 78
121 78
1 87
24 00
19 99
38 00
197 69
271 12
102 66
27 09
505 24
93 40
103 26
18 781
55 03
619 32,
60 71
10 08
25 20
10 62
91 79
7 82
2850 44 640 41
229 38 158 62
$17,179.97; Poor, $3,677.91 ; Bond, $1,769.73;
Newcome's Run Bridge, con
tract price
Extra work on same
Little Mill Creek Bridge,
contract price
Extra work on same
Bridge repairs
Burial of Indigent soldiers.
Court Crier
Clothing for prisoners ....
Constables' returns
Care of ballot boxes
Cnre of clock
Commissioners pay
A. F. Helta
E. T. McOaw
.1. N. Kelly
Commissioners' traveling ex
penses Commissioners' Clerk
Commonwealth costs .v..
County Superintendent. . .
Discharge canes
District Attorney
Delivering Ballots
Directors' Association
flection hills
Electric light
freight nnd hauling
fnlr Association
fire bills
furniture ,
Interest on temporary loan.
Interpreters' fees
Petit ,
Janitor's pay
Jury Commissioners pay...'
Jail Physician
Livery hire
Medicine for prisoners
Meals for Jurors
1,100 00
185 66
1,400 00
169 33
4,755 61
997 00
183 00
180 81
559 99
253 00
- 50 00
800 00
800 0D
800 00
26 19
3.841 73
587 15
34 15
719 15
1,019 25
ii a
692 02
318 60
375 00
159 80
1,337 28
3,534 S6
2,113 40
55 00
480 00
116 80
100 00
71 00
62 70
113 05
89 65
1,207 43
970 95
291 39
172 41
2,842 86
576 32
567 56
67 65
100 00
745 63
273 15
68 10
19 91
754 00
24 10
940 10
270 93
5.449 55
500 00
7,729 41
KPenltentiary bills
frothonotary s bills
Postage and box rent
Inquisitions ...
frimary election bills
Reform Schools and Indus
trial Repairs to Court house and
Register and Recorder
Rent for District Attorney's
Road and bridge views
Rent for telephones
Refunding orders redeemed.
Redemptions paid
Registrars of vital statistics
Repairing pike
Stenographer's pay
Supplies for Court house
and Jail
Sheriff's bills
Solicitor's salary ,
State road
State tax 10,292 22
Traveling expenses ana noiei
130 61
397 02
37 40
3,123 59
3,204 79
2,883 73
Trunions; erection or ana
painting; cannon bans....
Treasurer Campbell's per
centage due at last settle
ment Amt. due Treasurer Camp
bell at last settlement....
Treasurer BufBngton's per
centage receiving ana pay
ing out
Printing bills
llrnnk vIIIh Itepubllenn. .'. .
.lofrorsnnliin liemocrut. . , ,
uiiKHUtiiwnoy Republican
Iti'vnolilm-lllo Slur
Spirit I'uMlKhliig Co
fulls Creek Herald.-
Hroekwayvllla lteeord ...
I'linxxiiliiu ney News
Heyiiolilsvlllo Volunteer. . .
Hlg Run Tribune
into J. Nitpi
To unit. In treasury
1,868 60
69 20
1113 20
i 94 03
84 80
' 89 40
,12 80
7 20
. 1 25
8,634 24
T"''' $116,875 82
' ClPiirml Ntntenient.
Amount county and state tax
outstanding $ 19,350 93
Amount cash In treasury.. . 8,584 24
Total 1 2j gg4 bt
, , . 1.1 ABILITIES.
Amt. duo Poor fund $ 6,328 88
Amt. duo on temporary loun 15,000 00
Total 21
Assets over lluhllltlns $ 6,
Itrrelitta nnd Kxpmilltnrpit for 1000
Poor Fund. ,
Amt. received from Treasurer
Campbell $ 7,213 33
Ami. received on Poor tax
. ,861 87
Amt. received on Poor tax
. "J JH"", ", 2,873 17
Amt. recolvoil on Poor tax
of 1907 nnd previous 741 94
Amt. received on unseated
. tax 839 64
Amt. received on seated tax
on Lien docket 6 86
Amt. received on seated tax
from Receipt book 13 98
Amt. received on redumptions '
from Receipt book 33
State nl'l received for Insane 4,148 91
Amt. received for cure of
prlvntn luuiiiti-s 1,323 62
Amt. received for rent.... 108 00
Ami. received for farm pro
duce 70 14
Ami. received for hides 31 76
Amt. received for ten in sold 146 00
Amt. received for stone 100 00
Ami. received on miscellane
ous Items 81 67
Total $ 28,848 54
Hlnckmiilth hills $
Burial exfieiiHCH
Commissioners' pay
A. F. Rolls
K T. Mrlinw
.1. N. Kelly
50 67
10 00
400 00
600 00
600 00
194 76
168 00
80 00
147 81
81 41
10 00
126 62
423 63
1,203 23
281 00
618 01
Commissioners' traveling ex-
peilMOH una nuioi II1IIH
I ilslnfectants
freight and hauling
feed t
Fertilizer nnd munure
Lime v....
Uas and oil
Groceries nnd provisions
From Allen and Klrkpat
rlck From Til I worth Bros
from Robert McCoy & Co.
from Orent Atlantic and
Pacific Ten Co
From other firms
881 95
210 01
220 46
194 28
392 60
, 19 50
159 60
357 00
400 00
. 319 85
5,206 60
130 29
22 64
, 79 23
85 80
88 68
2,639 48
163 80
1,042 64
28 00
40 00
1,018 38
463 18
96 79
10 00
74 00
475 00
88S 00
24 39
iiospttni inns
Dfxtnont f
Mercy Hospital
Western Pennsylvania In
stitute for tba blind
Livery hire
Outside relief
Orders of relief and In
sanity certificates
Plumbing and repairs
Rent for naHtiire
Shoes and clothing
Seeds and Plants
Seed wheat -
Seed potatoes
Refunding order to Mrs.
denier amount overpaid
on maintenance of
12 00
800 00
200 00
600 00
100 00
300 00
450 00
28 00
275 00
275 00
186 00
9 00
6 00
500 00
23 00
143 44
139 99
ii 40
658 (0
1,417 51
F.dgar Smith, Supt. .......
Mrs. E. Smith
M. M. Haugh, Asst. Supt..
Dr. H. P. Thompson, Physi
cian, 1908
Dr. A. F. Calmer, Physi
cian, 1909
Mrs. Kllxabeth McCulIough,
18 months
Rev. Flnnecv, Chaplain...
Merl Shohert
N. E. Oaks.
Mary Steele
Flora Plotner
Lena Smith . .
A. B. Stewart, Solicitor, 2
Transporting Inmates
Tobacco for Inmates
Tuition for children In home
Treasurer's percentage, for
receiving and paying out.
Amt. of Poor funds In treas
Total .$ 28,848 64,
General Statement (Poor).
Amt. pf , Poor tax outstand
ing $
Amt. due from County funds
Amt. due from Poor Bond
Amt. due from Clearfield
. County Poor District
Amt. uf Poor funds in treas
ury -
3,577 1
6,328 88
790 03
164 48
1.917 51
SI To,a' 12'778 31
71 No Poor liabilities on Decem-
00 i ber 31st, 1909
48 ' Assets over liabilities $ 12,778 31
66 I
li I Poor Building- Fund.
Amount received for tax of
1909 $
Amt. received on Bond tax of
1908 and previous
Amt. received on unseated
tax ,
Amt. received on seated tax
and redemptions
Amt. transferred from Poor
funds (temporary loan).. '
4,944 61
1,747 79
170 05
7 96
- 790 03
Total $ 7,640 34
coupons redeemed $ 3,000 00
Refunding orders redeemed. 5 64
Amt. retained by Campbell,
due him on settlement of 1
. 1908 4 651 44
Amt. retained by Campbell
for percentage due him on
Bond funds of 1908 138 69
Treasurer's percentage for
receiving and paying out. 148 13
Balance in treasury 3,716 64
Total $ 7,660 24
Ceneral Statement.
Amt. of Bond tax outstand
ing 1,76$ 73
Amt. of Bonds In treasury.!. 3,716 64
Liabilities over assets 70,362 66
Total 75,850 03
Bonds outstanding $ 75,000 00
Coupons due 60 00
Amt. due Poor fund 790 03
Total $ 75.850 03
The Commissioners having called our
attention to the repeal of the law re
quiring the publication by them of an
annual statement, we therefore extend
our report as above.
Also we And that the Treaaurers
have received from ail sources as com-
fiensation for their servlvces, as fol
ows. viz:
Tra J. Campbell, year 1908 ... .$4,931 64
nm. u. Bumngcon, year 4,402 76
March 24, 1910.
719 85
"KM '1 11
828 38
566 49