The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 30, 1910, Image 7

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Need Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Brookfleld, Mo. "Two years ago I
was unable to do any kind of work and
only weighed lis pounds, mi trouDie
I IV ' ' ' i ' "7V ' ' 'lif ; vj'I dates back to the
time tnat women
may expect nature
to bring on them
the Change of Life.
I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Tinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound ana it mauo
me feel much better,
and I have contln
ued its use. I am
very grateful to you
for the trood health
am now eniovinir." Mrs. Saraii
Lou8iokont, 414 S. Livingston Street,
Brookfleld, Ho.
The Change of Life is the most criti
cal period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain.
Women everywhere should remem
ber that there is no other remedy
known to medicine that will so suc
cessfully carry women through this
trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from na
tive roots and herbs.
For 80 years it has been curing wo
men from the worst forms of femalo
ills inflammation, ulceration, (lis-
f'lacements, fibroid tumors, irregularl
ies, periodic pains, backache, and
nervous prostration.
If yon would like special advice
about your cnse write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. lMnkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always hclpfuL
An aching back is instantly
relieved by an application of
Sloan's Liniment.
This liniment takes the place
of massage and is better than
sticky plasters. It penetrates
without rubbing through
the skin and muscular tissue
right to the bone, quickens the
blood, relieves congestion, and
gives permanent as well as
temporary relief.
Here's the Proof.
Mr. James O. Lee, of 1100 9th St.,
8.E.,Waahln!ton,I.0., writes: "Thirty
years ago I fell from a scaffold ami serl
omly Injured my back. I Buffered terri
bly at times ; from the small of my back
all around my stomach was Just as If I
had been beaten with a club. 1 used
every plaster I could get with no relief.
' Sloan's Liniment took the pain right
out, and I can now do as much ladder
Work as any man in the shop, thanks to
Mr. J. P. Evaxs, of Mt. Airy, Ga.,
ays: "After being afflicted for three
rears with rheumHtism, I used Sloan's
Liniment, and was cured sound and
well, and am glad to say I haven't been
troubled with rheumatism since. My
leg was badly swollen front my hip to
my knee. One-half a bottle took the
pain ana swelling out."
Sloan's Liniment
has no equal as a
remedy for Rheu
matism, Neuralgia
or any pain or
stiffness in the
muscles or joints.
flloan's hook oa
norees, cattle, sheep,
and poultry seat
free. Address
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Bad Breath
'For months I had great trouble with my
Stomach and used all kinds of medicines.
My tongue hat been actually as green ai
grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two
weeksago a friend recommended Cascareti
and after using them I can willingly and
cheerfully say that they have entirely
cored me. I therefore let yon know that I
hall recommend them to any one suffer
ing from such troubles." Cha. H. Hal.
' pern, 114 E. 7th St, New York, N. Y.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good,
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Grtpe.
10c. 25o, 50c. Never sold In bulk. The sen- -nine
tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
eon or your money back, 923
Statrliuonlal parier oonwlnluf hundreds of
advertisements marriageable peonie fiomall
seetlons. rloh, poor, young, old, Protestants,
Catholios, mailed, sealed, free.
If All I Lll LAP; any kind, anv quantity,
anjwlie e. Write lor prJoes. RICHMOND
BAO CO, INC, Richmond. Va.
1 -
Pi Tf"f ITC vsoaE.Colrman,Wah.
PATENTS iereLrrr
DsonchtaIs Troches
A sunesuleul ens' effect stneoy fo Coughs ana
H sntnm Invaluable m Branchial and LeagTrvufeleJ
an. k Smgess sad Speakm lor clearing the votes.
Bottrefyfteebsm opiates or any harmful sneresleat.
Price, It cents, SO cents an $1.00 pat bos.
(Wl 1. pQQWW I
IflPfp Y Leone
A simple and easy method where
by one's gloves may be made to wear
longer is to turn the fingers of
gloves, when they are first bought,
on the wrong side and stick little
strips of court plaster over the seams.
This will be good for a long time.
Angela Harrison, in the Farmers'
Home Journal.
A pretty conceit Is a four-leaved
clover In the finger bowl in place of
the usual violet or geranium leaf.
Some people find these lucky clovers
easily. Others looks for them in vain.
They are said to be more plentiful
late in the season after the grass has
been cut many times.
A real four-leaved clover on one's
note paper has far more character
than the conventional decoration
bought at a stationer's. Indianapolis
Although the presence of plants in
sleeping apartments, so long as they
are exposed to the action of the sun's
light, tends to increase health, owing
owing to the quality of oxygen they
exhale, yet at night they should al
ways be removed, as during the dark
ness they give off, instead of oxygen,
carbonic acid gas, which produces the
most injurious effect on the system,
even when respired only in small
quantities. The reason plants pro
duce another effect when exposed to
the light than when in darkness has
by attributed by Lelblg to the chloro
phylllgerous leaves, when not under
the influence of light, allowing the
carbonic acid furnished by the roots
for the support of the plant to es
cape. New York Times.
All soaps tend to discolor matting,
and even water should be used as
sparingly as possible on it. Sweep it
with a soft brush and then go over
it with a damp cloth to remove dust.
Rub any especially soiled spots with
a cloth vrung from hot water, and in
case oil or grease has been spilled,
apply a paste of fuller's earth and
water. When It dries lay a paper
over it and let it stand a few days,
then brush up and the stain will have
disappeared. If water Is spilled, wipe
up as dry as possible and let the win
dows stay open till it Is dry, or it it
is too cold or damp, lay a dry cloth
over the spot and press with a hot
flatiron till dry. When laying mat- j
ting, paper should always be put un
derneath to lessen the wear. They j
should be cut long enough to admit of
the ends being turned under, and
when a half width is use! that side
should be bound and placed next to
the wall. Old window shades make
excellent binding. Sometimes mat
ting is sewed together Instead of each
strip being laid separately, but it will
not fit the floor as smoothly as when
the edges Just meet and are Joined
with double-pointed tacks. Matting
should never be lapped. The best
grades are very soft and beautiful '
and wear almost as well as a carpet,
but cheap matting is so loosely woven
and so easily broken that it is dear
at any price. It is well when buying ;
to get enough extra for several small j
rugs. The ends of these may be
fringed out, and thsy can be placed
over the spots on the floor whene the !
most wear comes. They are so fine
and thin they will be hardly noticed.
Boston Post.
Finnan , Haddle Heat ono-halt
pint of cream; just as it is about to
boll, add a teaspoonfnl of butter and
one well-beaten egg; Btlr continuous
ly until sauce commences to thicken,
then add the fish freed ot bones and
broken in small pieces; season with
salt and pepper.
Hamburger Steak Pnt one and
one-half pounds ot hamburg steak
In a frying pan; cover with hot water,
add a good-sized onion chopped fine;
let simmer for a half hour; season
with pepper and salt and a little
poultry dressing If liked. It water
holla away, ajld more to keep covered.
A few minutes before serving thicken
gravy with a little flour.
. Cream of Potato Soup Peel and
cook about six medium-sized pota
toes, one generous slice of bread, a
small onion and a little parsley in
two quarts of Batted water until all
is sufficiently tender to press through
a sieve. Add one qnart of hot milk
palatably seasoned with white pepper
and slightly thickened with butter
and flour rubbed to a paste.
Indian Squash Pudding Stir one
pint of New Orleans molasses into
one quart of scalding hot milk, then
add one and one-halt pints ot stewed
squash, the same of Indian meal, one
scant tablespoon of ground ginger,
the grated rind of one lemon; tie good
and tight into your pudding bag, drop
Into boiling water and boll for four
hours. Keep boiling hard every min
ute ot the four hours. Serve with
sauce. .
Consolidation Preliminary, In
Opinion of Geologleal Survey - -Our
Country Behind Others.
Consolidation of water-power con
trol in the United States is inevitable,
but the ultimate control will be in
the hands of the Government. This
is the assertion made in a bulletin on
the subject Just issued by the United
States Geological Survey.
Marshall O. Leighton, chief hy
drographer of the survey, in a pre
face to the bulletin, says there is a
menace to American Industrial lead
ership In the present . situation of
American unpreparedness to meet the
new questions involved in power de
velopment in the United States In
connection with the great advance
made abroad in this direction.
He said certain great consolidations
of water-power interests hav ken
place during the last, few years,
which, with the appearance of the
names of a few persons among the
officers or in the directorate of a
large number of water-power compa
nies, point unmistakably to a concen
tration of ownership in several
groups that might consolidate or at
least effect a community of interest.
This Nation, he says, now has no
water-power policy worthy of the
name. It must, therefore, he de
clares, cither meet the situation with
some such comprehensive plan as that
recommended by President Taft in
his conservation message to Congress
or else give way to countries which
have well defined policies.
Certain European countries, not
ably Switzerland nnd Italy, are far
ahead of America with respect to the
water-power problem, and advanced
action In the matter of Federal regu
lation already has been taken, accord
ing to a report in the bulletin from
M. Rene Tavernler, Chief Engineer of
the Department of Public Works of
France. M. Tavernler says that these
countries now recognize water power
as a public utility.
Leighton urges the need for con
certed State or National action. He
cites opinions to show the right of
the Federal Government to control
water power on navigable streams
and tributaries and to make charges
for water power.
The water-power sites of Europe,
he says, are close to the great mar
kets of the world and the cheapest
sources of energy are going to be
used without reference to any partic
ular flag. He asks if there is any
one In the United States so confident
of this country's leadership as to as
sert that the wholesale development
of these large and cheap powers will,
not seriously affect this nation's In
trial status.
He ends with the declaration that
the solution of the problem lies in
legislative regulation of water-powier
Tiillboard Revenues.
One hundred and fifty dollars a
month! That is the revenue Los
Angeles derives from the myriads of
billboards that convert the beauty of
the town into ugliness.
Five dollars a day! That is the
sum total of the payments made by
all the vandals here engaged In the
business of desecrating the charming
homes of Los Angeles. For that rev
enue the city bestows its permission
on the billboard builders to destroy
values in the residence section; to
maintain nuisances that are flagrant
ly objectionable and highly injurious
to hundreds and hundreds of men
and women who spend time and
money and labor In making their
homes beautiful. It Is an outrage!
And it is an outrage against which
all the powers of this municipal gov-
eminent should be promptly em
ployed. Los Angeles Express.
Eye Strain in School.
A little boy or girl totally blind is
an extremely pathetic sight, but next
to this Is a child wearing spectacles
to piece out its defective eyesight.
Yet such cases are declared by doc
tors to be on the increase, and they
claim that many of them are caused
by the eye strain to which those I
, under ten years of age are subjected
in the schools. A number of years I
ago a crusade was begun against
: nizrBemaias, eioer Bisters auu even
reckless mothers who would expose
; babies' eyes to the direct glare ot the
sun when taking tne helpless lntants
out for an airing in baby carriages.
That crusade la by no means .ended
yet, and many a courageous woman
wfll tordav stoD a baby carriage whose
! occupant's unprotected eyes are he
.' ing blinded by the sun, and will in
j struct the attendant to either shut
out the light or wheel the carriage In
i another direction. Newark News.
Dutch Bulb Trade.
According to a recently-Issued
Britisn consular report, tne traae in i
Dutch bulbs continues to Increase.
I mi 1 TT 1 . - A AAA - M '
i-nere are m nuimuu iv,uuu acres ui
htilh farms nrnriitAfno. vpnrlv soma
16,000 tons ot bulbs for export. Near.
ly half ot this comes to the United
Kingdom. It is remarkable that the
Dutch thus maintain their supremacy,
and can still produce better bulbs
than English florists. Some attribute
this to the peculiarity ot the soil ot
Holland, and the bulb farms are
mostly on an area between Leyden
and Haarlem, recently reclaimed
from the sea. The Illy bulb trade,
however, has passed almost entirely
to Spain.
The source of the world's clove
supply is Zanzibar and the neighbor
ing island of Pemba.
Government vs. Brewers.
The biggest brewer In England
states that the consumption of beer
has decreased in five years bv more
than 2,000,000 barrels from 32 to 26
gallons a head of population. His
manager says: "The government has
mads up its mind to damn brewers if
possible. We have made up our
minds to damn this government; it
will be impossible for us ever to pay
a dividend so long as we have the leg
islation the present government wants
to force upon us." New York Press.
Free to Onr Renders.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
for 4o-page illustrated Eye Book Free.
Write all abont Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise as to the Propor Applica
tion of the Murine Eye Remodira in Your
Special Case. Your DrtiftsrlBt will tell you
that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength
ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart Soothes
Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It In K onr
Eyes and in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids
and Granulation, -
Promising Career Cut Short,
The Boston bank clerk who on a
$12 salary gave champagne suppers,
carried a "roll" of $15,000 and display
ed other symptoms of budding finan
cial genius has had his career blight
ed by the failure of the bank to stand
the strain. Something has been lost
to society by the untimely extinction
of this promising youth. New York
Australia will borrow $5,000,000 for
the development of railroads, mines
and public works.
Color more goods brighter anrt fanlnr colors than anr
can dye any garment without ripping apart. Write
How the Proprietor of the Clark Coun
ty Sentinel Announced It.
A. E. Olmstead, who publishes a
weekly Democratic paper at the little
town of Borden, Ind., and who recently
took unto himself a wife, thus narra
tes the fact in the last issue of his
paper, the Clark County Sentinel.
"Mrs. Lucy Hurst McKlnley, widow
of the late Francis McKlnley, and
your humble servant, 'ye editor,' on
last Saturday Joined partnership in
the bonds of matrimony. The new
firm will continue the publication of
the Sentinel as heretofore, and all bills
and accounts, for both advertising and
subscription, will be thnnkfuHy re
ceived and receipted for by either
member of the new firm." Indianap
olis News.
For the 8k In and Rrnlp.
Because of its delicate, emollient,
sanative, antiseptic properties derived
from Cutlcura Ointment, united with
the purest of cleansing ingredients
and most refreshing of flower odors,
Cutlcura Soap Is unrivaled for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, scalp, hair and hands, and, as
sisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for dis
pelling itching, irritation and inflam
mation and preventing clogging of
the pores, the cause of many disfigur
ing facial eruptions. All who delight
In a clear Bkln, soft, white hands, a
clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy
hair, will find that Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment realize every ex
pectation. Cutlcura Remedies are
sold throughout the world. Potter
Drug & Chetn. Corp., sole proprietors,
Boston, Mass. Send to them for the
latest Cutlcura Book, an authority on
the best care ot the skin, scalp and
hair. It Is mailed free on request.
The Power of Oratory.
Can one imagine a more thrilling
and exhilarating pleasure than that of
swaying with one's words a listening
host of people, warming or cooling
their passlonB, bending their thoughts
and wills in the direction of one's
own thoughts and will, even as Bryan
did at the Chicago convention in 189C?
This power has wrought mightily for
both good and evil, and It is astonish
ing that nowadays so few speakers
should train themselves to wield skil
fully such an effective weapon. Dvery
lawyer, every preacher, every politi
cian, every man, In fact, who has oc
casion to address audiences, ought to
study the technique of oratory so that
he can at will, within his own sphere
and limitations. Interest and persuade
his hearers. Scrlbner's Magazine.
Piles Cured in O to 14 Days,
Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to enro any
Pilos in 8 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c
British on Skates.
England, Scotland, Ireland and
Wales are all in the throes of an epi
demic of the American roller skating
rink. In Bristol the rink, which was
established under American manage
ment In a large building erected for
the purpose, paid for itself on the first
four months.
Ufht and aatUy sttsched. Will pay (or them,
suns sersrsl tunes oar. They outlsst ths shoes.
Any cobbler can put tbsia on or your shoe dealer
ass shoes already fitted with thera.
Writs lor booklet that tslls sll shout them.
I a tin
Fortune Telling
Doe not tske into consideration the
an's bsppineis womanly heslth.
The women who neglects her health Is neglecting1 the
very foundation of all good fortune. For without health
love loses its lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally bo
refaiaed by the use oi Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Thin Prescription has, tor ore IO rears,
been carlnQ delicate, weak, paln'wracked
women, by the hundred of thonaanda
end tli la too In the privacy ot their homea
without their harlnt to aubmlt to Indell
cate questioning and attentively repot'
Bant examinations.
Sick women sre Invited to consult Dr. Pieree by letter frit.
All correspondence held ss sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medieal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pibscs's Cheat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Seas
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of
21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
Itifncted t
o.Anrti, i
avnri Hheeo ana Cbolur
im urippu mon Daman doiiiki ana u one Kiaua rmody.
botUailrtftnl$lUi1oeii, Cat Oil oat Keep Ik Show to
who win get it ror
HDrvlnl surnU wntcKL
other n, Ono Wo, p iokago colors all libera. Ther lje In cold water better than anr other dya. Toaj
lor fros booklet Uow to uye, lllooou ana alls Color MOMtOB Kill U I II., Qulncr, Illinois.
No. 1 Spalding's Official
Base Ball Guide.
Na tot now to Play Baas Ball.
No. 223 How to Bat.
No. 232 Mow to Run Bases.
Na 230 How to Pitch.
Na229 How to Catch.
Na K5 How to Play First Basa.
Na 226 How to Play Second Kaaa.
No. 227 How to Play Third Base.
Na 228 How to Play Shortstop.
Na 224 How to Play tea Outfield.
Na 12 SpiMlnit's Offlelnl Athletlo Almanao. 1 Na S 8pnMlnn'sOmlal Cricket Outde.
No 831 Schoolyard Atlilctlra. No. a Kpalillnii's Oftlclal Oolf Uulde.
Na 4 Spalding's onicl il Lawn Tennis Guide No. 177 How to Swim.
I Na 'Jul Lacrosse.
fy s tit
NKWARlt, N, J.
t 'i aaa.
Color Cure for Lunacy.
Dr. Ponza, director of the lunatic
asylum at Alessandria, Italy, has cur
ed many of his Insane patients by con
lining them in rooms of some uniform
color. Patients suffering from acute
melancholia have become cheerful
after confinement in a red room.
fn Winter Cse Allen's Foot-Rase.
The antiseptic powder. Your feet feel nn
oomfortable, nervous sni often eold and
damp. If you have sweating, sore feet or
tiiht shoes, try Allen's Koot-hnse. Sold by
all druRniats and shoe stores, 25 cents.
Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
No More Ragtime In Parks.
Ragtime in the New York parks
must go. Mayor Gaynor's new park
commissioner has decided that the
$80,000 appropriated each year for
park music in Manhattan must here
after buy music of higher quality than
has been the rule under Tammany ad
ministration. After a consultation
with two well-known orchestra lead
ers the commissioner decided that the
cost for classical music would be no
greater than for ragtime and accord
ingly ruled that the classics must pre
dominate. Sacred cattle are slaughtered and
shipped to Paris to he!p out the scar
city of beef. In far away Madagascar
are great herds, several millions of
cousins to India's breed of sacred
hump cattle, and the far-seeing
French, as protectors of Madagascar,
pronounce the meat ot these animals
equal to beef.
By the old method of salvage the
rents and breaks in the bull of the
vessel were closed and the water
pumped out. By the latest system
the Ehip is rid of water by pumping
air Into the holds, which floats the ves
sel. The ritv nf Wlnnlnav la lltaratlv
one essential to worn
Pink Eye, Eplzoodo
Shipping Fever
S Catarrhal fererj
In Poultry. Lsu-rest Mil in 1
roar dnunrtsttV
you. Jrrea BooKiM. ML litem
I tern per, Ciumi an4 Ciim
A FLAVOR that ! ated th nme u ttmm
or vanilla, Jly dissolving granulated nprli
water and aduing Majilflinfarielicloua syrup Is
made and a syrup bettor than maple. ilapWna
la aold by grocers. Bond 2o stamp for Mm pi)
and rocipo book. Crescent Mfc, Co.. Seattle
1A Spalding's Base Ball Record.
How to urganlze a Itase Ball Leag-ua.
How to Organize a Base Ball Club.
How to Manage a Bnie Ball Club.
231 How to Train a Base Ball Team.
How to Captain a Bale Ball Team.
How to Umpire a Gnm.
I Technicnl Bane Ball Terms.
Z19 Ready Reckonerof Base Bsll Percentages.
a so. o. a rat. orr.
Official Ball
of the Game
for over
Thirty Years
.-3. cm
assess, lias I IS isllini aaa I
New York City has more automav
blles run at public expense than an
other three cities in the world.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reeulate sad
invigorate stomach, liver ana bowels.
Sugnr-coated, tiny granules, easy to tsJua.
Do not gripe.
True Hospitality.
A woman who possesses a charm
ing temper and cordial manners h
sure to be popular. Said a witty Bow
ton woman: "I do like to have peop!t
behave as If they were glad to see me,
whether they are or not. I think a
hostess should speak in a pleasaat
tone, even If she only says, 'My dear
Mrs. So-and-So, I am perfectly delight
ed to see you! Do sit right down oa
this bent pin!'" Harper's Bazar.
Itch cored in 30 minutes by WootfofsTe
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At drtigipas.
At Freiburg, Germany, is a roaa
bush bearlne; 10,000 buds.
is the word to remember
. vritayuuiM&dttttie&f
D ATC1JTC Capitalise toot bratna. asMus
V " " fere. Personal setleaaVpntaaa
advertised free. St. B.Owen. W aohlnert . U.C
P. N. TJ. 12, 1910.
Mrteewe, a t .-.1 i.T 7TT .T
. a, a, ojums-t s-as imrnVSiSlZ s7
j - f m UVV..
built over a swamp.