ReynoldsviHe ReynoldsviHe Offers exceptional advantages for the loca tion of new Industries I Kree factory Bites, cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping facilities and Ion freight rates and plentiful upply of laborers. lias modern schools and churches, pared streets, water, gas and electric accommoda tions, convenient trolley service, high and healthful location, varied employment for labor and manyother residential advantages. VOLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1910. NUMBER 47. Glass Plant scape From Fire Friday Brockwayvillc Suffers Again Has a $50,000 Fire In Heart Of Business District Brockwayvlllt) bad a t'0,000 fire Thursday night, which compluted the work of destruction in the square partially burned about six weeks ago. It Is supposed to hare been of In cendiary origin. The Are leveled the business center of the village and Is a terrlfio blow to the property owners, many of whom carried but partial In surance. The -borne fire department was unable to check the flames and a company from DuBoIs was rushed to the scene. The Are started at ten o'clock p. m. and was not checked until three In the morning. The heavy losers are: B. E. Taylor gents' furnishing, new Stock, (20,000. Walker furniture store, until re cently owned by Hutchinson Brothers of DuBoIs, 12,000. Squire Pelt, $300. I. O. O. F. hall, Including K. of P. and ' Red Men quarters and para ph renal la, 1(1,000. Record printing office, just repaired, 5,000. A. HempBeld, undertaker, $000. W. P. Burchflold, restaurant, just repaired, $2,000. W. H. Olmstrad, groceries, just re paired, $5,000. Daley building, vacant, $300. , Mrs. M. L. Hewitt, resldenoe, $1,000. John Hobln, owner of I. O. O. F hall and Hewitt residence, $0,000.' Filing N mination Papers. . Inquiry has been made as to the date for filing nomination papers for pri maries on June 4th. All such inquiries are met with the Information that the last day for filing such papers will be . May 7th, and they must be In the office of the secretary of the commonwealth by midnight of that date. The papers are then certified to the county com missioners, and after the election they are returned to the state department and then again returned to the county for the purpose of preparing the nallot for the general election. ' If you own a Hyomel Inhaler, Stoke Felcht Drug Co. will sell you a bottle of Hyomel (liquid) for only 60 cents. Guaranteed to cure catarrh and all throat troubles or money back. Com plete outfit $1.00. Walk-Over shoes for every occasion. Price $3.50 to $5.00. Adam's Boot Shop. No Reason for Doubt A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and positive relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where our remedy fails to do this wo will supply it free. That's a frank state ment of facts, and we want you to substantiate them at our Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener and tonic, that are eaten like candy. They re establish, nature's functions in a quiet, easy way They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nau sea. They are so pleasant to take, and work so easily, that they may be taken by any one at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. They have a most beneficial action upon, the liver. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass able and ideal for the use of chil dren, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. That's' why we back our faith in them with our promise of money, back if they do not give en tire satisfaction. Two sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents and 36 tablets 25 cents. - Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Rexall Store. 1 Stoke & Feioht Drug Company. gTJGHES & FLEMING. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main Street. . ReynoldsviHe, Pa Had Narrow Hope Fire Company Called to Save Property Loss and Succeeded. The glass plant aud several dwelling houses on the bill south of Roynolds villehad a narrow escape from destruc tion by fire Friday afternoon and were saved only by the prompt response of Hope Fire Company to the alarm given by the whistles at the plants threatened. The fire started near the stool plant and swept over the dry grass and old stumps with extraordinary speed, aided by a high wind. Before its seriousness was realisied It hnd ranched the storage house of the Star glass plant and one corner was on (1 ro. Hose belonging to the glass company soon quenched the (lames there andshortly after the local firemen arrived on the scone to save the threatened dwellings. Half a hun dred men and boys carried the hose from place to place over several acres of land and extinguished the burning stumps. A private hose of the Ameri can Silk Company protected the rear of that plant and Thos. E. Evans bad his crew of men out fighting back the flames from his place. The Brick and Tile company and Blaw company plants were not In danger, but part of the crews at each placo were sent to help fight the onward rush of the fire. Keeping State Roads Repaired Instructions Issued to Super visors by State Department. Supervisors, in whose townships state highways pass, are boing advised by the State Highway Department to pay particular attention to the roads this spring if they desire them not to disintegrate. They must have proper repairs or the money spent upon them will be lost. In an interview with the state engineer some facts relative to the care of macadam were learned. - In the first place It may not be generally understood that, although built with state aid, the care and perservatlon of a state highway devolves wholly on the township through which It passes. In too many instances, after a highway has been scoured the view taken seems to be that it Is going to last forever, whereas, the engineer says, to protect a piece of macadam and make the road lasting, constant attention Is necessary. Otherwise what might be a fine and permanent improvement will speedily go to pieces, bringing a yery poor re turn for all the money Invested. The first repairs, the engineer says, should be put on the highway six months after It Is thrown open to travel. Thereafter at the end of every year repairs should be made. A Man ol Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where stomach, liver, kidney and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the matchless regu lators, for keen brain and strong body. 25o at H. L. McEntlre's. Lace Curtains and Portiers Are our specialty,, but we. carry the Elrsch lace curtain and over drape rods, both single and double; also por tier and sash curtain rods. C. R. Hall. Leonard Harris, who has won quite a reputntlon as reader with the Glee club of Allegheny college, will recite at the musical In the Baptist church, March 31st. Leonard is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, of this place. A great variety in men's and boy's dress shirts at bargain prices. A. Katzen. Prof. Dickey will play the organ at the musicale In the Baptist church March 31st. ' Stomach misery, gas and Indigestion are promptly relieved and permanently cured with Ml-o-na stomach tablets; 50c at Stoke & Feioht Drug Co. on money back plan. ... - Our store is full of bargains and all we want Is that you come In and ex amine our stock for yourself. Then you will be convinced of tbe great bargain! we offer. A. Katzen, I Second Industrial j! Excursion Thurs I day Afternoon All the business men of S ReynoldsviHe, and any jjj others who may desire jjj to join them, are request- X cd to meet in the Business . Men's Association rooms to-morrow, Thursday, j afternoon at 2 00 o'clock jjj sharp, for the purpose of Jj visiting the industries of J ReynoldsviHe and West J ReynoldsviHe which were J not on the line of march J three weeks ago. An in- j teresting and pleasant trip has been planned. I The visit to the steel plant and fiye other in- i dustries a few week9 ago $ was one of the notable events of the year come out to-morrow and make this excursion bigger still. See for yourself whatyour I business depends upon. jj ! The Falls Creek Water Fight Settled By a Compromise, with B., R. & P. Company. The fight between the citizens of Falls Creek and the B., R. & P. R'y over the latter securing the publlo water supply ot the town for its pro posed 'new reservoir has Been satis' faotorlly settled. An agreement was made and signed by the attorneys representing v the several interests in which the court is instructed to hand down a deoree .hat tbe B.. R. & P, company shall release from their reservoir on Kyle as soon as completed the maximum amount of 50,000 gallons dally for the use of the borough at the demand of council. Provided tbe borough' shall have expended 112,000 on a water plant, or built a reservoir of 10,000,000 ca pacity. The B.. R. & P. is to pay all costs In the case lnoludlng the at torneys' fees; that tbe citizens are not to file any bill of costs. School Note. Rev. A. J. Meek attended the morn ing exercises In Assembly hall on Fri day. Room 15 set a good example for the schools on Friday afternoon. Every pupil was present. Miss Black spent Easter at her home in Irvona. Miss McEntee was called home Sun day by the deatn of her cousin. She Is expected to return Wednesday. Prof. Rife and family visited friends In DuBoIs Saturday. Miss Elvira Johnston taught Room 10 on Monday in tbe absence of Miss McEntee. ' ' A lecture on birds and flowers Is booked for the 8th of April. The county superintendent will hold a high school entrance examination in Room 15 of the ReynoldsviHe school building ou Saturday i April 2nd. , The examination is held for the benefit of pupils outside the borough of Reynolds viHe who wish to attend the Reynolds viHe high school next year. ' The freshman class lost another mem ber this week Eugene Campbell. His parents have moved to Indiana. You Want a New Rug. We have royal wlltons, body brus sels, velvets, tapestries, crex, fiber and wool fiber rugs. All sizes and prices. C. R. Hall. . The Peoples Bargain store offers great bargains In men's, boys' and children's up-to-date shoes. A. Katzen. "A more interesting, Instructive and eloquent address than McKinley's 'Sail ing an Unknown Sea has seldom been heard. New Cumberland Independent, W.Va. Hear it Friday evening In the Presbyterian ohnrch.. , Pla-Mate shoes for the children in gun metal, patent and tan. Price 11.50 and 1175. Adtfh'a Bcot Shop. . v Why Oo So Far For News? A DuBoIs paper stated last Thursday "that trains on the Allegheny Division j of the P. R. R. between Oil City and Fbilllpston are now being moved by telephone orders. The service has proven so satisfactory in every way that there is little doubt but that it will eventually supplant the use of tbe Morse instrument of this railroad." ' Why go so far away from borne for news? Trains between DuBoIs and Red Bank, on the Low Grade Division of the P. R. R., have been run by telephone orders for at least three months Booster Man Gave Address To the Business Men's Asso ciation Friday Evening. J. A. Bollman, the "Booster Man" from Iowa, addressed the Business Men's Association last Friday evening on the general subject of "getting to gether" to work for local Interests Bollman makes a profession of or ganizing boards of trade in towns where the publlo spirit has become dormant and be gave series of illustra tions and Instances of good results ac complished by "working together." Many of his Ideas were effectually car ried out by tbe local Association long ago, but others, such as the methods employed by Delaware, Ohio, to pre vent outside merchants from robbing the little town of its commercial life, were well received. The various heads of Boll man's ad dress wore: Harmonizing tbe warring factions in a town; fighting the mall order houses; the effect of the parcels post; the need of paying cash for farm produce; the necessity of advertising if the local merchant would succeed; and the value of working together at all times. "A whirl of eloquent speech," says the teubenville Star, referring to Dr. McKinley's "Sailing an Unknown Sea," whloh will be delivered in the Presby terian church Friday evening. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. State Livestock Sanitary Board. Regulation relating to dogs in BORO OF REYNOLDSVILLE AND WINSLOW TOWNSHIP. Theattentlon of all owners of dogs in the above described district Is called to tbe following order of quarantine of dogs adopted by the State Livestock Sanitary Board, March 20, 1910. Dog owners are warned that disregard of this notice may lead to the destruction of their dogs and that they themselves may be proceeded against legally. S. H. Gilliland, State Veterinarian. Harrisburg, Pa., March 26, 1010. Whereas, There Is reason to be lieve that the disease known as rabies or hydrophobia exists in Borough of ReynoldsviHe and Wlnslow township and the nature of this disease Is Buch that for the present all dogs, within certain limits, must be suspected of being capable of spreading it. It is Hereby Ordered, by authority ot the State Livestock Sanitary Board under the provisions of the Act of March 27th, 1003, that all dogs in the above described district are hereby deolared to be in a state of quarantlno, and must be strictly confined or firmly secured on the premises of their owners, and not allowed to run at large or enter public highways ex cepting when led or when muzzled with a well fitting muzzle that will effectually prevent biting. This quarantine shall remain in force for 100 days from the date hereof or until removed by the State Livestock Sanitary Board. Attention is called to the following seotlons of the above mentioned Act: Section 3. Should dogs be permitted to run at large, or escape from restraint or confinement, or to go without muzzle, In violation of the quarantine, or regulation, or order, established by the State Livestock Sanitary Board to restrict the spread of rabies, or hydro phobia, as provided by this act, suoh dogs may be secured and confined, or they may be shot or otherwise destroyed, and the owner or owners thereof shall have no claim against tbe person so doing. Section 4. Any persons violating the provisions of this7 act or of a quarantine, or of a regulation or order to restrain, confine or muzzle dogs, duly established by the State Livestock. Sani tary Board for the purpose of restrict ing the spread of rabies, or dydro phobla, In the manner provided In the other seotlons of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a fine of ..not . less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion ot the court. Anti-Spitting Law To Be Enforced In ReynoldsviHe Arrests Will Be Made By the Police and Full Fines Will Be Imposed. In spite of printed warnings and re quests, of sermons and editorials, the disgusting habit of Bpltting on the sidewalks continues prevalent in Reyn oldsviHe. Filthy as It 1b a certain class, either through habit or contempt for the law against it, disregard utterly pleadings and threats, and tbe local officials have decided to literally en force the law and arrest every person caught in tbe act of spltt'ng on the sidewalk. The State Department of Health Is looking Into the matter and have reminded local authorities of their duties In the matter. There is a hoavy fine attached to the offense and those who have no regard for the unsanitary aspect of spitting on the sidewalk may have more respect for tbelr purse after after appearing before the chief bur gess. John S. Barr Passed Away Was Best Known Politician In the County. John S. Barr, the veteran politician of Brookvllle, died at bis home Thurs day morning In his eighty-fifth year. Mr. Barr was born in 1825 In Centre county but came to Jefferson county when a youth. His first office was that of constable In Union township, fol lowed in 1872 by an election to the office of sheriff of Jefferson county. In 1895 he was chosen register and recorder of the county, and re-elected at the close of his term. In 1005, when in his eightieth year Mr. Barr again entered tbe political arena to contest for tbe office of county commissioner, and through the wide acquaintance and knowledge of practical politics, won out over a number of younger men. Between his terms of office Mr. Barr was engaged In many different lines of business, In many different localities, having conducted hotels In Brookvllle, DuBoIs, PunxBUtawney and Pittsburgh. During the civil war he served a year in the 67th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Possibly no man In Jefferson county was better known to the voters or had more personal friends. It Saved His Leg;. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swensen, of Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured It, sound ana well." Infallible for skin eruptions, eczema, salt rheum, boils, fever sores, burns, scalds, cuts and piles. 25o at H.' L. McEntlre's. Want Column. Bates: One cent per word for each and Tory Insertion. Wanted Balod straw wheat or oats. Write P. O. Box 773, Reynolds viHe. For Rent Small house In rear of Frank's Tavern. Inquire of Mrs. L. P. Miller. Eggs for Hatching From winter laying Rhode Island Rede; also white Leghorns and Black Minorca?; fifty cento. G. G. Williams. For Sale A fresh cow. Inquire ot F. E. Shumaker, R. D. No-1, Reynolds viHe, Pa. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Inquire of E. Nell. Wanted To buy a second hand In cubator. Icquire of S. J. Burgoon. Eggs for Hatching Thorough bred barred Plymouth Rocks. T. H. Stevenson, Route 2, ReynoldsviHe. For Sale Two mares. Inquire of G. M. Rea. For Sale Light team: 1200 lbs. In quire Fred Goes, Falls Creek. F r Sale One six room house and two lots, with good spring of living water; located on 13th street. Price 1000. Also one six room house and extra large lot; located on Tenth st. Price 1800. Inquire of A. T. McClure For Sale One three and a halt wagon. May be seen in Mrs. Zeltler's barn or inquire of E. Conrad, Ploassnt Avenue. AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Finances of Winslow Township for Year Ending March 7th, 1910. Thoi. Wood, Frank Hillli and J. M. Norrli, Suptrvisori. DR. To nm't work rouri duplicate 8,2:i4 20 ' cash " " 1,397 78 Improve. " 2,6(8 (XI " borrowed money .... 4,t00 00 CR. By nm't road tax worked out 1,399 14 " work rotiti tax turned over to Trend " 1,835 00 By am't cash rod tux turned over to treasurer 1,397 78 By Hm'l improved tux turned over to treastiror , 2,648 00 By am't borrowed money .... 4.000 00 1 1,279 m 11,279 98 Frank Hillii. DR. To am't received from I'lne- creok township.... To am't ree'd f'm Hale of tile. " twp. bouse rente " tax collected... CR. By am't 31 days salary as Sup. " paid to (Jo. Corn " " for scoop " " O. M. McDonald ' due Frank HIHIm, nal'ry 37 75 20 40 15 00 3 18 J.M. Norrli. DR. To um't ree'd twp. limine rent " due J.M. Norrls, sal'y CR. By am't 21 day sulary as supervisor, 11.50 O.. . By nm't car fare .... " paid on Inst Thomas Wood. DR. To am't due on salary CR. By am't of 20 days service as supervisor, $1.50 C By am t car fare Stale Road Improvtmtnt Fund. DR. To am't of duplicate 2,048 00 " borrowed money 4,000 00 . - CR. pi niu uaiu w Hin ouii 01,1.10 road 6,041 VI By am't paid to Co Com. on state road 20 II By am't Interest paid 200 00 " 6 rebate . . 70 81 " ret'd to Oo. Comm'ra. 60 SS " exonerations 61 95 " treas. at 1!4 36 8S By balance due from treas... 155 75 16,648 00 16,648 00 DR. Xo am't work on roads for , wblcb no time sheets were furnished by road mast'ra 415 05 CR. i By am't orders Issued by road supervisors for work on roads Issued on time bills to cover the above acc't... 415 OS 1415 05 1415 09 Amos Strouse, Treasurer, f DR. I To am't work road tax ree'd Dev. 1. I U00 ... 1.835 06 TT i . ..i. .1 .... It , onn 9a &l Mil l uim.ii njnu uu)jiii;ia. j.ovi 10 " Imuroved r'd tax dun 2.648 OO - rec d from liquor 11c. 180 00 " " sp. road tax. " " Co. Com. on road tax To am't bal. due Tr. Strouae. 8 79 96 75 300 15 CR. By am't old orders redeemed 160 S3 new " 5,991 SI " 6 rebate on work road tax 67 (3 By am't 6$ rebate on cash road tax 22 33 By am'tS rebate oo lmprov. road tax 70 81 By am't treas. at 1 'it 92 33 due Amos htrouse, treas., at last settlement. 60 07 6,468 53 6,468 53 Amoi Strouse, Collector. DR. To am't work road tax ree'd Nov. 1, 11109 1,835 06 To am't cash road tax dupl.. 1397 78 lmprov. " 2,648 00 " lluuor licenses 180 00 " ree'd from Co. Com . 96 75 " ' as special tax. 8 79 " due from Collector last settlement . 1,480 47 CR. By am't of treasurer's rec'ts 6,135 34 By am't S rebate on work road tax 67 69 By am't ft'i rebate on cash road tax 22 31 By am't 6$ rebate Improve. road tax 70 8t By am't of exoneration on work road tax 77 19 By am't of exonerations on cash road tax 172 OS By am't of exonerations on Improve, road tax tl 93 By am't returned on work road tax 77 43 By am't returned on cash road tax 13 64 By am't returned on lm- Brov. road tax 60 55 ial. due f'm Col. Strouse 865 W 7,646 83 7.648 ii Financial Statement of Window Townihlp For the year ending March 7, 1910. RESOUBCES By amount due from Amos Strouse, collector 865 92 LIABILITIES. To am't of borrowed money, road fund Imp.. To am't due road supervisor on salary To am't overdraft Treas. Strouse To am't of outstanding orders " of actual Indebted ness ot township 4.0CO 09 63 ii 300 lit 3,726 93 We, the auditors of Wlnslow township, here by certify that we have examlaed the above accounts and believe the same to be correct as stated for the year 10-10k. , - W. J. MORRHOil, t Kt.aihnr- 46 47 20 11 4 75 10 09 500 176 83 , 76 83 500 2S S5 . 81 Slf i m 39 60 39 OO 60 139 60 39 60