The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 23, 1910, Image 8

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Jefferson County
For the Yc.-ir l!)Ot).
' ';'-m '- '- A'1 ; rill.
VI. c. lirii'KIMi'niX, Ti In
nrcnint tvttli li'lTi'tt'ii nitl l':i.. f"l
th' year I'liil'iiK 1,'i'ii'iiiln'r IIIhI. 1909:
( fit NT V ITNIlN.
Til Hint, rut'elvi-il on rounty
mill itnte lux fur 19119 ami
impvi.imh , trn.oir, -in
To smil. hotel license received n
To t"iiiiiinii y limits received . 1 r.i(i( oil
Tn ICi-niB from Treasurer's Re
ceipt hnnk 1 7.R 1 2 49
Til redempt Ioiih received 69 Ofi
Tn mill. li-iinsferred ffnm Poor
fuinlH ii m liMMini-m-.v hum... 6,:i2R
Tiilul (1 1B.K7D 'i
lly county orders redeemed . . $H6,7IMI 21
Itv ri'l'iinilhiK nnli'l'H redeemed OH 111
Ity anil, piilil Stntc TreiiHUt-cr
'dm iiiTHiiiml 1 :i x 10,292 22
!!v mill, tmlil County Hutiei-ln-
'iniiilrnt 2tifl nit
Rv mill, im lil directors' iihho-
Vlailon loo no
Itv unit, paid 1 11 .if lh t fit I'M of vl-
tnl statistic TTi 1 Oil
Ity unit, nf ri'ili'inpl Iiiiih piilil. lil 91
Ity mnt. retained liy Iru .1.
CnnipliHI, due him at scttle-
ini'Tit of 19u8 a. 20 I 7!l
By mnt. reliilned liv It'll .1.
(.'ampln-ll, porcetiln;e due
It I in im m-coiinls nl' 10IIS.. II, 122 59
Itv Ti-onsiii-er's pcrccittnuc for
'recclv'mr $! .47K.:i! 1 . J t T 17
Itv Tt-eiiMurer's percentii;o for
paylnif mil t-ix.m l.lifl 1,471 Till
Amount nf riiiinlv funds hi
treasury H.lilM 21
T.itni Tir,,K7r. 82
l'tiult I'l'NUK.
To niyt. nf reported
In ii'cliHiiry el lus'l settle
ment, loss Hip followlntt;
Items: Aiiinitnl retained by
Ira .1. 'mntilii'll a IiIh per-i-erlne,'
for poor fuinlH of
Kins. $r.i:2.:i!': ainnunt trans
ferred IO rillltllv of $6.-
M2s;tx; ami i!io.nn tnitiH-
terrrtl tn mnt' Iionil fllllil,
loavliiK poor funds In trens-
nrv 7.212 .IS
Tn a;nt. received on lioiir lux
.if anil previous 13, 028 17
To stnte n lit received for I n
unites of iNitinty llnnio..,. 4,MH 01
To Items I'rnni Treasurer's
llceclpt Look 1.860 08
Total 120.818 04
Ity pnor orders redeemed . . . . $ 2 4 . 2 fi 7 117
Ity refunding oI'iIim-h redeemed 14 40
Itv Treasurer's pcrccntiiffo for
'receiving 294 B2
liy Treasurer's perrentnije for
"pnylnir mil $21,272.4:1 361 08
Anpimil of pnor funilH in
treasury 1.917 M
Total 120.848 Til
rum: ltti.NI I-TNl).
Ti ninl. received mi Itnnil lax
of ISO!) and previous $ 6,870 .11
To unit. , transferred from
Poor fuinlH, temporary loan 700 03
Total S 7,600 ill
Uy I'ouponH redeemed $ 3,000 00
Ity rpfunillui; orders redeemed fi 64
lly retalnpil by Ira .1.
Oanipbpll for atnt. due on
Kett Inn-Dint 651 44.
Uy unit, rctnltipil by Ira ,1.
t'amphell for percentage
due him on bona funds of
tons 138 r9
Ilv treasurer's percentnKe for
receiving $0,870.31 , 103 05
Uv treasurer's perccnlaffe for
pay I til? nut $3,005.54 45 08
Ainnunt of bond funds In
treasury 3,710 64
Total $ 7.600 34
To reserve fund In treasury
after pnylng Ira .1. Camp
bell's percentage for 1908.
To dog tax collected for 1909.
To dog tax collected for 1908.
To dog tax of 1907 nnd pre
vious collected
214 72
947 4x
687 32
153 67
$ 2,003 09
Tly Sheep orders redeemed. .$
' ly nmt. transferred to school
By treasurer's nercentuge for
receiving $1,788.36
Hv treasurer's percentage for
paying out $995.50
Reserve fund In treasury...
995 50
706 43
26 83
14 33
200 00
Total $ 2.003 09
Township Account.
Amount of Ilond, School, Water.
Light, Police and Horougli Itond funds
In the hands of Treasurer Hulllngton
and due the various boroughs and
townships December 31st, 1909.
iload. School. Dog.
1'.:. nett $ 22 88 $ 39 00 $ 17 01
Hi aver 20 23 14 62
Jlc'l 6 07 9 33 24 42
11: ltun 12 65
1-r ickwayvllle . 19 01
1 r.iokvllie 14 15 9 60 21 05
Clover 4 60 9 05
C rslca ' 1 16
K dred "207 75 010 78 18 31
Kalis Creek.. 36 73 43 07 12 21
C.'lMkill 55 30 540 91 12 58
IVath 28 09 29 10 5 ,16
It ldjrsoll 28 37
Vr. ix 107 45 260 65 40 09
JW-Calinoi t 2 90 71 77 69 80
I diver 32 1 1)5 22 77
l'.-rry 2 51 21 30
Flnecreek 190 10 1 1 86 33 51
Polk 1 40 38 1 71 27 18 72
I'o-ter 11 01
Pi-nxmt.i- rev . 19 611
lleynoldsvllle l 7 0I II 111 19 37
Jt nggold 18 10 25 01 7 86 44 71 53 07 4 45
H-iyder 30 92 80 81 35 49
Scinn-.erville ... 5 25
ti'. kesvllle 19 60
fnion 1 60 4 63 12 66
Warsaw 25 0:1 41 02 29 24
Washington ...I 14 22 14 52 34 60
W. Hevnnldsvllle 6 36
Wlnslow 71 80 263 26 65 20
-V'orihville 78
y .nng 158 274 J110
" a'is Creek, Water, Light and Po-
iff tax $1.1 84
'teynoldsvllle. Water, Light, and
.'ottce tax 8 65
Shrrlirn Account.
'. E. (5ALBRAITH, Sheriff, In ac
i" it with Jefferson county for the
: i' ending December 31st, 1909.
T. nmt. of orders drawn... $ 6,449 65
T i' Jury fees collected 40 00
Ti Com. costs collected 1,828 94
T i fines collected 100 00
1 snap paid for by county,
Tor Jail . 7 70
T errors in charges for draw-
:t Jurors 4 00
.ai.'ie due Sheriff 90
.' '. ..$ 7.431 09
J, - boarding prisoners 5,296
days at 60c per day $ 2,648 00
lly 114 commitments 72 00
.; 125 discharges 62 60
IXf Sheriff's fees 1,309 69
r;. removing & prisoners to
-ritentlary, 19 to work
-:uuihb and 3 to .reform
schools 967 48
Tf Court proclamations 11 00
J - drawing and summoning
..'urors 206 00
lv executing 20 venires 20 00
If 26 days attending court. 75 00
Pv Election proclamation... 2 75
. 3 per cent, commission
'collecting $1,868.94 costs
ar.d Ju-y fees 87 38
Uy 3 por emit, cnllectlnn f 100
My unit, paid fur clcanlm? I lie
bltHpnien! of Jail
lly clerk lilro paid for Jury
Ity lianil rulT furnlHlipil I'ounty
Ilv exerutlllKT 27 Hi'llllMH'PS of
lly Jury fees paid tn cniinlv..
lly i oiiutmn wealth conIs paid
to roitnty
Ity (Iiiph paid to county ....
3 00
3 75
D 00
8 00
27 00
40 till
1.828 ill
Hill III)
.$ 7. i:il 09
i 'eiiiiMlMliniei m eemilitN.
A. I 111.1)',, I 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f I'.
j Ity one year's siilury ii:i t'oin-
i 'jllNHlntici- mill liniir dil'ni tor.$ 1,2110 110
! Itv uuuiiint Iravi'lhiK expiMises
us i-iiiiiiiilMslinier 51 50
t:- iiiiiniiiil I riivellnir exnellHes
as i r illrectnr. 117 .17
.$1,351 87
Tn a im ii n t nidei'M drawn $ 1.351 87
hi. T. Aid 1 AW. CiiiinnlsHloner.
Ilv iiinount duo at last settle
ment rr $ 200 (III
Itv one year's snlury ns enin-
tiilMMio'ner and poor illrectnr $ 1.200 00
lly aiuuuul triivelltiK expenses
as cnniuilssliiner 37 36
Ity ii iiiijii ii t traveling expenses
as pnor illrectnr 29 21
Tiilul $1,406 57
IHl. '
Tn amount orders drawn $1 406 57
.1. N. KIOI.LY, I'ouiuilssloner.
Itv amount due at last sct-
lleinellt $ 200 00
Ity one year's salary ns com
missioner mid pour director. $ 1,200 00
lly ti 1 1 i 1 1 ii ( travellnn expenses
us commissioner 38 75
Ity amount travellnu expenses
ns poor director 08 18
Total $1,500 9.1
To niiiuiiiil orders drawn.... $ 1,506 93
4'iiiiiliilsNliinrrs' Clerk Account.
W. A. KrifXY, Clerk.
Ity one vein sularv as clerk. $ 1 .000 00
To amount orders drawn.... $ 1.000 00
1'iniiit.v SiillehrM Account.
A. It. HTUWAIIT, Solicitor.
Amount due ul last settle
ment $ 50 00
Ity salary for. 1909 500 nil
l(,iii!iiici;il Statement of Jcflcrson County
Vein. District and Collector.
i leaver
Hrookvllle . . .
Kails Creek
. . . ,K M. Thnnins
A. .1. tlralllus
fi. W. Nelsen
....10. 11. Ileasley
I,. C. Carrier
I. V. Ijuther
W. M. vvllsnn
D. O. Smith
I). A. Keller
I leu tli
.Ii. C. Kelly
Henderson J- W. Hnag
Knox J. H. Harrlger
McCalmoiit I. P- Hwarta
dllver W. C. Ilreakey
l errv .'. W. Mnhney
Plnei'reek C. Zlmineiiiian
Polk r..Jv I'hitner
ii..i.ii C. F). SIUIIK
I Punxsutiiwney las. S. Ixickard
ItpvnoldsvlllH H. .1. Ilurgoon
I lllnggohl Cam. htewart
I iie A. S. K louse
Snvder O. M. Prlndle
, SuiiiiiiPi vllle O. B. Wnnipler
' Svkesvtlle ' F. Veber
i;nlon O. C. Aaron
Vnrsaw A. W. Wells
i Washington J- ',?t,;rreft
. West lleynoldsvllle U II. Iloyle
' Wlnslow Amn Htniuse
Young F. C. Ilnag
Year, IHstrlct and Collector.
1908 Wlnslow ....
1900 llnrnett
1905 Clever
1908 Oliver
I i) 1 1 H Keynuldsvllle
1908 Hose ,. .
1SI07 Hutnmervllle .
1908 Sykesvllle ...
..Amos Strouse
.W. A. Wallace
A. Mclaughlin
....J. A. (!clst
. .Wm. Copping
. . A. r. K louse
.O. 8. Wampler
. . . . J. F. Weber
Total outstanding tax: County.
I State, $1,170.66; Dog. $1,237.09.
Itccelpta nnd KxiienilHures for IIMHI.
County Funds.
Ami. transferred from Poor
funds as temporary lnan..$ 6. .128 .lit
Anil. County and State tax
received in 1909 58.068 81
Amt, County and Slate tax
received In 1908 and prt- ,,, .
vlous 1B.(51 18
Amt. unseated tax and Inter-
nsl 1,709 90
Amt. seated tnx of 1906.
1907 and 1908 2 1 43
A int. personal tax returned .
by the state 7.719 17
Amt. hotel license I.OiiO 00
Amt. redemptions . . . 3 is
Amt. Commonwealth costs
and tines d.b.Mi jj-
Amt. Jurv fees uu
Amt. rent received from .1.
W. Walker and water lot. 110 00
Anil, seated tax received of
Commissioners (see Lien
Record i 61 49
Amt. from state on primary
elect inns 2.3 i 3 22
Amt. frnm state for destriic-
1 1 .in of noxious animals.. 998 66
Amt. from slnte for Agriuul- .
tural assuciatlon "19 15
Amt. from state on forest .
tire 576 50
Aint. from state for making
tnx returns 60 00
Amt. from Clarion county
for painting Cooksburg
bridge 92
Amt. returned by . A.
lienrv on insurance.... 24 00
Amt. from Forest county'for
repairing, the Cooksburg
bridge 344 6d
Amt. refunded by tSocella on
stone for Penn Btreet
bridge 303 42
Amt. received on surcharge
cases 90 2o
Amount refunded by Wachob
and Sheriff 5 25
Amt. received of Campbell
for cement 49 60
Amt. received for old plank
and stone - W109 44
Amt. received on notes 157 40
Amt. poll tax from lleynolds
vllle and Ringgold town
ship 4 77
Amt. excess of fees on pri
mary election refunded... 26 20
Amt. from Reynoldsvllle and
Punxsutawney Trolley Co.
on bridge rent 34-1 90
Amt. received for rules of
court 5 00
Amt. temporary loan 15,000 00
Amt. redemptions received.. 69 05
Amt. miscellaneous IteniB ... 26 82
Total $115.875 82
Assessors' and Registrars'
bills $ 6.865 60
Auditors' pay (county).... 694 50
Auditing Prothonotary's and
Recorder's accounts 50 00
Allegheny County Work
house 2,065 70
Appropriation to Q. A. R. for
Memorial day 200 00
Blank books and stationery. 1,661 27
Kar Association, Com. fines 455 00
Rridge contracts of 1908.... 10,878 78
Cherry Run Bridge 900 00
To amount orders drawn.,.. f 1,000 00
ftlrivnril iiiiiI Miifron'tt Aeeiiunt.
SMITH, Matron.
Itv amount otto year's salary. $ 1,000 00
To amount orders drawn. ...$ 1,000 00
('entity Hume IMiyNlebin'N Account.
Hit. 11 A 111 ti I'. TlliiMI'SiiN, riiysiclnn.
Itv ainnunt due at last settte
tnnt $ 1"0 on
To orders drawn $ 1(10 00
I'll. A. K. IIAI.. riiysiclnn.
Hv one year's siiliirv $ 300 110
To hi tut orders drawn... $ 300 00
.lull I' llj nIcIiiii's Aceoitut. '
lilt. .1. K. i;ltnNN, i'liysiclan.
Amount one yeai''s snlury.. $ 100 00
To ii mi ' ii ii I orders drawn.... $ 100 00
.Innltor'M Aerniin4.
I.. It. I'l.VI.KIl. .lunltor.
lly it 1 1 1 ii n t one year's salary. $
To amount orders drawn.... $
480 00
480 00
('amity ftiiirrliiliMlciitM Account.
I'll! IK. Ii. M. JtiNKS. Siiiierlnlemlent.
Hv amount duo from county. $ 200 00
To amount orders drawn... .$ 200 00
We the undersigned Auditors of Jef
ferson county, In the state nf Pennsyl
vania, do certiry that In pursuance of
the Korty-Heventh Section of an Act
entllled "All Act relating tn Counties,
Townships, elr., passed the 15th day of
April, A. I. 1834, " we met In the Com
mlssloners' iitllco In the borough of
llrookvlllo, I'a.. on the llrsl Monday of
In ii mi rv. A. Ii. Itilo, It being the 3d
day of said mouth, and did audit, ad
just and settle Hie several accounts re
quired of us by law, agreeably to the
several Ads of Assembly and supple
ments thereto, according In the best of
our ludgiiient ami ability, nml Mud
them' us set forth In the above report.
In witness whereof we have hereunto
set our hands and seals at the olltcn
aforesaid this litli day of March, A. I).
II Will MOtl lO. (Senl.l
tllinnit II. AIMMS, (Scril.)
.IOII.M (i. t M MltW. (Men 1. 1
(Nullity Aiiilltors.
YEAR 1909.
'iCotintv Poor Ilond Stnle Hog
I I (
$220 69 $ 45 02 $ 22 78 $ 1 2 08 $ 17 50
90 74 27 79 0 30 15 10 32 50
309 00 62 31 30 20 27 23 50
376 29 70 55 39 HI 44 15 25 00
0114 39 131 52 05 1 5 20 05 19 50
58 58 10 71 5 50 50
1 34 59 6 72 4 54 9 72 6 50
404 90 90 4 1 4n ho 32 in 40 in!
500 43 101 77 51 08 99 83 13 50
150 47 40 06 14 77 12 29 15 00
25 Bl 8 20 1 43 2 08 7 60
358 49 73 13 37 67 35 23 15 60
217 03 45 15 22 10 7 90 35 60
970 63 205 II 96 28 13 11 210 00
385 71 78 05 33 15 18 50 16 00
369 71 74 46 37 45 6 34 31 00
387 03 73 61 30 86 10 82 20 00
98 67 19 Ht 8 08 6 00
159 74 - 40 41 16 30 3 31 13 00
1923 65 385 11 193 41 61 89 42 50
1515 77 301 91 154 44 75 89 85 50
161 05 30 10 15 10 1 68 8 50
1329 40 275 22 130 22 883 26 69 00
40.1 99 93 63 47 70 18 69 76 50
42 79 7 811 3 01 4 00
205 16 42 25 21 10 17 76 17 50
193 12 88 911 19 44 40 9 60
563 50 136 49 73 10 25 72 30 60
409 68 99 57 49 78 34 22 33 60
170 49 84 30 17 88 16 00 5 40
638 07 129 90 64 80 31 83 63 00
767 72 166J9 7(5 84 6 18 119 00
1 4323 532937 50i44O 8ri1012J)jU)3940
Jcounty Pour Howl J State Dog
1315 3"2274-63 153 50 870 "89 89
121 78 46 39 15 58 21 42 6 00
1 87 1 39 1 39 2 78 2 21
271 12 102 60 61 07 27 09 24 00
605 24 93 40 47 06 55 03 19 99
519 32 103 26 60 71 25 20 38 00
10 52
91 7 18 78 10 08 78217 00
1 285 6 44 1 6I0"41 229"38158 62 19769
$17,179.97: Poor. $3,577.91 ; Hond. $1,769.73;
Newcome's Run Hrldge, con
tract price 1,100 00
Extra work on same 186 66
Little Mill Creek lirldge,
contract price 1,400 00
Extra work on same 159 33
Rridge repairs 4.755 51
llurhil of indigent soldiers. 997 00
Court Crier 18.1 00
Clothing for prisoners .... 180 81
Constables' returns 559 99
Care of bnllot boxes 253 00
Care of clock 50 00
Commissioners pay
A. K. Kelt. 800 00
E. T. Mcdaw 800 v
.1. N, Kelly 800 00
Commissioners' traveling ex
penses 130 61
Commissioners' Clerk 1.000 00
Cnmmnnwealth custs 6.492 71
County Superintendent 200 00
Discharge cases 253 46
IHstrlct Attorney 1,249 66
Disinfectants 65 75
Delivering Ballots 19 73
Directors' Association 100 00
Express 26 19
i Flection bills . 3,84 1 73
Electric light 587 15
Freight and hauling 34 15
' Fair Association 719 15
I Fire hills 1.019 25
Furniture 96 98
(las 692 02
Insurnnce 318 50
Interest on temporary loan. 375 00
Interpreters' fees 159 80
Orand 1.337 28
Petit 3.634 66
Traverse 2.113 40
Talesmen 65 00
Janitor's pay 480 00
Jury Commissioners' pay... 116 80
Jail Physician 100 00
Livery hire 71 00
Medicine for prisoners 62 70
Meals for Jurors 113 05
Miscellaneous 89 65
Penitentiary bills 1,207 43
Prothonotary's bills 970 95
Postage and box rent - 291 39
Inquisitions 172 41
Primary election bills 2,842 86
Reform f ii.jjls and Indus
trial 676 32
Repairs to Court house and
Jail 667 66
Register and Recorder 67 65
Kent for District Attorney's
office 100 00
Road and bridge views 745 63
Rent for telephones 273 15
Refunding orders redeemed. 68 10
Redemptions paid " 19 91
Registrars of vital statistics 754 00
Repairing pike 24 10
Stenographer's jpay 940 10
Supplies for Court house
and Jail 270 98
Sheriff's bills 5,449 65
Solicitor's salary 500 00
State road 7.729 41
State tax 10.292 22
Traveling expenses and hotel
hills 130.fl
Tipstaves 39,7 02
Trunlons; erection of and
painting cannon balls.... 37 46
Treasurer Campbell's per- '
centage due at last settle
ment 3,123 69
Amt. due Treasurer Camp
hell at last settlement.... 3,204 79
Treasurer .Bufflngton's per
centage receiving and pay
ing out 3.888 73
Printing IiIIIh '
llrookvlllo ... 1,868 (0
jeiiei Hoiuan ueuiocrat . . . . 719 85
I'unxsutnwnny llrpulillcan 208 20
lleynoldsvllle Star , 69 20
Spirit I'iiIiIIhIiIhk On ' 103 20
falls Creek Herald 91 03
Itrockwiiyvllle llecord ... 84 80
I'iiiii'iiIjiwih'V News 89 41
Iteyiiolilsvilln' Volunteer. . . 32 30
llli,' 1 1 1 1 t i Tl'llmiiu '' " 7 20
It In .1. Nlili. . ... : f . . 1 25
To ami. In treasury , 8.534 24
Total $1 15.875 82
;enernl Mlnleiiient.
! Amoii'it comity and stale tux i
i . . 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 M I . , K $ 18,350 03
; Amount cash In treasury. . . 8.531 24
T'llnl $ 20,881 87
1 .1 A ( tl I.ITI
Ami. Hue I'. ...I IiiiiiI i) 6..128 38
A in t . due on temporary loan. 15,000 00
Assets over
$ 21.328 3
liabilities $ 6,666 4
Itrtrlfila unit lltnt-iiillf iirm for IIMHI
Pour K ll nil.
Anil, received from Treasurer '
Campbell $ 7,213 38
Ami. received on Poor tax
1909 0,851 87
Aint. received on Poor tax
of J90X 2,673 17
Ami. received on Poor tax
of 1907 ami previous 741 94
Ami. received on unseated
tux 339 54
Ami. received on seated tax
on l.len docket 5 86
Anil, received on seated tax
liniti llcceipt bunk 13 96
Atnt. received mi redemptions
from Itecelpl book 33
Slate aid received for Insane 4,118 91
A:nt. received for care of
private Inmates 1,323 62
Ami. received for rent 108 00
Atnt. received for farm pro
duce 70 14
Ami. received for hides 31 75
Ami. received for team sold 145 00
Ami. received for stone 100 00
Ami. received on miscellane
ous items 81 67
Total $
Ithicksmllh bills $
Iturlul expenses
Ciiinui 'ssloners' pay
A. K. Hell.
I;. T. Mil lu w
.1. N. Kelly
C'ltnmlsMloners' traveling ex
penses and hotel bills
Kicight nud hauling
Keri llizer nnd immure
(las and oil
Groceries nnd provlslons--Kriiiii
Allen and Klrkpnt-
Krom llilworth Hros
l-'riilit Hubert McCoy & Co.
l-'rom (Ireut Atlnntlc nnd
Pacltlc Tea C
From other (irms
Ex press
Hospital Hills
Mitcx Hospital
Pn Ik
16.848 54
60 67
10 00
400 00
600 00
600 00
194 76
168 00
30 00
147 81
01 41
10 00
126 62
423 63
1,203 23
281 (10
618 01
881 95
210 04
220 40
194 28
392 60
19 50
159 60
9 10
:!.r,7 oo
400 00
319 85
6,200 60
130 29
22 64
79 23
85 30
38 66
2,639 48
163 80
1,042 64
28 00
40 00 ,
1.018 38 '
403 18
96 79 i
10 00
74 00 ,
475 00
386 00 ,
Western Pennsylvania In
stitute lor llio blind. . . .
Livery hire
Outside relief
Orders of relief and in
sanity certificates
Plumbing and repairs
Kent for pasture
Slioes and clothing
Seeds and plnnts
Seed Wheat
Seed potatoes
Team Cnttle
Refunding order to Mrs.
Zeitler amount overpaid
on maintenance of Lee
Zeltler (...
Edgar Smith. Bupt
Mrs. E. Smith
M. M. Ilaiigh. Asst. Supt..
l)r. If. P. Thompson, Physi
cian. 190S
Dr. A. F. Haliner, Physi
cian. 1909
Mrs. Elizabeth .McCullough,
18 months
Rev. Flnnecv, Chaplain...
.Me i-1 Him licit
N. E. oaks
Mary Steele
Flnra Plotner
Lena Smith
A. II. Stewart. Solicitor, 2
Transporting inmates. .......
Tobacco for Inmates
Tuition fnr children tn home
Treasurer's percentage fnr
receiving and paying out.
Amt. of Poor funds in treas
ury 24 39
12 00
800 00
200 00
600 00
100 00
300 00
450 00
28 00
275 00
275 00
136 00
96 00
36 00
500 00
..23 00
113 44
179 99
54 40
658 60
1,917 61
Total S 26.818 51
(eiiernl Statement (I'onrl.
Amt. of Poor tax outstand
ing I 3.:
Amt. due from County funds 6..
Amt. due from Poor Hond
fund 790
Amt. due from Clearfield
County Poor District 164
Amt. of Poor funds In treas
ury 1,917
48 ;
31 I
Total $ 12,778
No Poor liabilities on Decem
ber ::ist. 1909
Assets over liabilities $ 12
8 31
Poor llnllillng Fund.
Amount received for tax of
1909 t
Amt. received on Itond tax of
1908 and previous ....'....
Amt. received on unseated
Amt. received on seated tax
and redmptions
Amt. transferred from Poor
funds (temporary loan)..
4.9(4 51
1.747 79
Total I
Coupons redeemed
ltefundlng orders redeemed.
Amt. retained by Campbell,
due him on settlement of
1908 4
Amt. retnlned by Campbell
for percentage due him on
Hond funds of 1908
Treasurer's percentage . for
receiving and paying out.
Balance in treasury
Total 3
General Statement.
Amt. of Bond tax outstand
ing 1.769 73
Amt. of Bonds In treasury.. 3.716 64
Liabilities over assets 70,363 66
Total ..." , t 75.850 03
Bonds outstanding ... 75.000 00
Coupons due
Amt. cjue Poor fund
Total t 75,850 03
The Commissioners having called our
attention to the repeal of the law re
quiring the publication by them of an
annual statement, we therefore extend
our report as above.
Also we find that the Treasurers
have received from all sources as com-
fiensatlon for their servivces, as fol
ows. viz:
Ira J. Camphell. year 1908 14,921 64
Wm. O. BufHngton, year 1909. 4.402 76
County 'Auditors.
March 24. 1910.
170 05 '
7 96
790 03
7,660 34 P9
n: i -i i m
138 59 I I
148 13 I I
3.716 64 J
7.660 34 i I
60 00 I I
790 03 I I I
Want Column.
lutes: On rent per word for each ana
vary Insertion.
Foil Salic Two mares. Inquire of
G. M. Ilea.
Foil Sale-Light loam: fU00 lbs. In
quire Fred fiiiss, Falls Creek.
Foil Sale A property In ifood con
dition, located on Grant Htrr.o', botwoon
Fourth hikI Fifth st.rnnts, A bargain
to a quick buyer. Inquire) of H. E
Foil Uknt Store room 22 x 100 feat;
basnmunt samu rIz-; wareroom attached
22 x 6(1; bNo two larife onion rooms, well
lighted and tqulnpod with steam beat.
Inquire of A. T. McClure.
F B Sale One six room house and
two lots, with (food spring of living
watnrj located on 13th street. Price
MOO. Also one six room bouse and
extra lrife lot; located on Tonth at,
FVIchISOO. Inquire of A. T. McClure
FOR 8a LB One three and a lal
wsfc-nn. Mav be seen In Mrs. Zoltlor's
hsrn or Inquire of E. Conrad, Pleasant
Stockholders Meeting.
Keynoldsvllli). Pa.. Fob. 28, 1010.
NotlttH U- hnroby given that the
annual tn etlm; of the stockholders of
the lli yiioldsniii! Brick A Tile Co.
will be held at the offleu of the company
at tholr works in Wlnslow township,
.fnffe,Hion Co., at 2 o'clock p. m., Tues
day, April 5. 1010, for the election of
directors and the transaction of any
other business that may properly come
before that body,
ClydbC. Ml'IlKAY, Secretary.
For Catarrh
W e Guarantee a Cure. If
We Fail the Medicine
Will Cost Nothing
When a medicine effects a suc
cessful treatment in a very largo
majority of cases, and when we
offer that medicine on our own
personal guarantee that it will cost
the user nothing if it docs not com
pletely relievo catarrh, it is only
reasonable that people should be
lieve us, or fit least put our claim
to a practical test when we take
all the risk. These are facts which
we want the people to substan
tiate. We want them to try Kexall
Mucu-Tone, a medicine prepared
from a prescription of a physician
with whom catarrh was a specialty,
and who has a record of thirty
years of enviable success to his
Wo receive more good reports
about Rexall Mucu-Tono than we
do of all other catarrh remedies
sold in our store, and if more people
only knew what a thoroughly de
pendable remedy Kexall l.'ucti
Tone is, it would be the only catarrh
remedy we would have ay'demand
Ilexall Mufti-Tone is cuickly ab
sorbed andir its therapeutic effect
tends to-l''ict and cleanse the
entire mL IliitiJiembraneous tract,
to destroy! J remove the parasites
which injure - the membraneous
tissues, to soothe the irritation
and heal the soreness, stop the
mucous discharge, build up strong,
healthy tissue and relieve the blood
and system of diseased matter.
Its influence is toward stimulating
the muco-cells, r.kling digestion
and improving nu'.ri'i.r.i v.p.'.'.l i'::;
whole borly vibrates wil'i licrdihy
nctivi; . I:i r !: '-rriiiv.-' v . 1 ;rt
time it briupy about a not icea!j!r!
gain in weight, strength, pood cclc.r
and feeling of buoyancy.
We unre you to try Itexnli Mucu
Tone.. beginning a treatment to
day. At any t inic you arc not sat is
fied, simply conic and tell us, and
we will quickly return your money
without question or quibble. We
have ilexall JIucu-Tone in two
sizes, 50 cents and $1.60. Remem
ber you can obtain Rexall Reme
dies only at The Rexall Store.
Stoke & Felcht Drug Company
Experience in the manu
facture of Gasoline means
much to the motorist. In
the use of
yoQ are guaranteed the
greatest pouiblsef&ciency
Install tan eons, power
ful, dean explosion free
dom from carbon deposits
on spark plus's or In cylin
dersready ignition. Your
dealer will supply iron.
Kaverly Oil Works Co.
iMtpMsHn MtBam
Fittsbtwg, Fa.
It 1
Official Reynoldsville. '
NO, 138 '""T
AN ortDINANCK regulating- the
granting-of pnrmlts for excavating,
(iltfelnif or disturbing any of tn.i
' HtntotH, lanes or alloys within thu
Horouirh of Itoynoldsyllle; manner In
wbloh sumo hIih1! ba rustureft when
oponed, dug or disturbed and ilxlnp; H
imnalty fur tba violation of tbo terms
of this ordinance. ; ,
Ho It ordained and enaukd by the
Town Cutincll of the Uorouh of llnyn
oltlHvillii, la., and ll is horoby ordained
and t-uhoti'd by authority of the(same:
Suction 1. No jierson, persons, firm
or corporation shall dig or excavate in
any of the streets, lanes or alleys within
the norouifb of Keyaoldsvllla for any '
purpose whatsoever, except to build,
rebuild or repair side or footwalks.
without first obtaining a permit signed
by a majority of the Street Committee
of the Town Council of the Borough of
Reynoldsville. No permit shall be
granted to dig or excavate In any of the
streets, lanes or alleys within the bor
ough of lleynoldsvllle (nxcept In case of
accident, leakage or breakage of any
pipes in said street, lane or alley) be
tween the first day of November and
the first day of the succeeding April,
unless a permit be allowed by council
for urgent reasons shown.
Section 2. All trenches, ditches or
other excavations or dltturbanues of
any pavement or sidewalk or of any
street, lane or alley within the limits
of the borough thall be refilled and the
streets, lanes or alleys or pavement re
stored In such manner and with such
material as the Street Committee of
the Town Council sball direct. No per
son or persons, firm or corporation sball
refill any trench, ditch or excavation,
or restore any pavemont disturbed
without first notifying said Street Com
mittee. Section 3. All material which shall
be condemned by said Street Commit
tee for filling or refilling, any such
trench, ditch or excavation, or restor
ing any pavementas aforesaid, whether
such material has been excavated from
any street, lane or alley, or placed
therein or thereon by any person, per
sons, firm or corporation, shall be re
moved and such trench, ditch or excava
tion or pavement shall be refilled or
restored with such material as the said
Street Committee may require by suoh
person, persons, firm or corporation on
ten hours' notice so to do from tbe
Street Committee. Any condemned
material not removed as aforesaid Is
hereby declared a nuisance and tha
borough authorities may remove the
same, or any part thereof, at tho ex
pense or tne person, persons, V-- or
corporation offending, with t Ver
centum added thereto as i
be collected In the manner'
are by law collectable.
Section 4. Any street.
ey or
pavement opened, dug or
turbed and
restored, showing any defect or fault
within two years thereafter shall be
repaired by the person, persons, firm or
corporation last having made, or caused
to be made, the opening, ditch or .
trench upon ten hours' notice from the
Street Committee, or Council, and If
not so done It shall be done by tht bor
ough at tbe expense of tbe person, per
sons, firm or corporation last having
made, or caused to be made, such exca
vation, ditch, trench or opening la any
of the streets, lanes, alleys or pave
ment within tbe limits of the borough,
and tbe costs of such repairs sball be
collected from such person, persons,
firm or corporation as debts of like
amount are by law collectable, with
twenty per cent added thereto as a pen
alty, i
Section 5. Tbe permit specified In
Section One of this ordinance sball be
duly executed by tbe owner of I ho
property desiring to excavate In or dis
turb the street, lane, alley or pavement,
or by bis duly authorized agent, and la
case of a person, persons, firm or cor
poratinn using tbe streets, lanes or
alleys for tbe laying therein of pipe
lines, or any other purpose whatsoever,
tbe said permit shall be executed by
said person, persons, or .firm or the duly
authorized officer or officers of said cor
poration. In addition to any special
requirements of Council, Ibe said per
mit shall bind the person, persons,
firm or corporation to whom the same
is issued, to faithfully comply with all
the requiremnnts of this ordinance, and
all other ordintnes of the borough re
lating to streets; to keep guards and
lights nnd to use nil precautions ne
cessary to prevent, any injury to per
sons or property and to indemnify and
bbv.j harmless tbe Borough of Reyn
oldsvllle from all damages, loss, costs,
charges, attorney's fees, work, labor or
disbursement whatsoever for or by
reason of such digging, or excavating,
refilling or restoring as aforesaid.
Section 6. Any person, persons, firm
or corporation violating any of the pro
visions of this ordinance shall be liable
to a fine of not less than ten (10 00)
dollars nor more than fifty (50 00) dol
lars for each offense, to be recovered as
fines and penalties are by law recover
able.! . Section 7. All ordinances, or parts
of ordinances, in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
Passed and enacted finally by the
Town Council of the Borough of Reyn
oldsvllle at an adjourned meeting of
said body, held at the Council Chamber
on Mouday, the 14th day of March,
1910, at o'clock, p. m.
Jacob Deidle,
Attest President of Council.
Clement W. Flynn,
Secretary of Council.
Now, March 15th, 1910, the foregoing
ordinance has been submitted to me,
road, considered and approved.
J. D. WILLIAMS, Chief Burgess.
If you want shoes with style, Adam's
hag them at tbe price you want to pay.
Main Street.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa
W.T. Brubaker, Mifr.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Reading Terminal on Filbert st.
' European $1.00 per day and up.
American 12.30 per day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In