The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 23, 1910, Image 5

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    Wearthing's for Easter are Budding'
in Fvprv Tlpnartmpnt nf tho nro
-ilk. im 'fii iwi vt:
The joyous Easter Day is,' drawing nearer. The" spirit of the day is in the air. With the advent of
Easter comes the need for various artich s of dress to complete the appareling for the Fashion day of Spring.
;8tocks have been assembled complete in every department the store is thoroughly ready to serve you.
There- need be no disappointment on the joy ins Easter Day if our advice is taken to make purchases now.
CUT Visit the store tomorrow you i ill fid stocks in all their Springtime newness an exhibition of
fashionable merchandise to delight admirers of the new and beautiful.
New Dress Fabrics
Are Moderately Priced
The designs are strikingly
beautiful and lend readily
to the fashioning of cob
tumes of the prevailing
modes. EaBter is but a few
days off so if you are plan
ning your Easter dreps
prompt purchasing is ad
visable. Priced from
25c to $2.00 the yard.
Stocks assembled embrace every good style
favored by fashion authorities. The store beck
ons you to view the most important collection
of Spring merchandise it has ever owned.
The beauty of the stocks aside from their moderate
pricing will be sure to meet the ready approval of the
exacting demands of this store's clientele.
We again repeat our advice Make Purchases Now.
The Glove Stocks are
Interesting to Men and Women
The woman to be properly
appareled on Easter Day
must have gloves to match
her Easter costumes. Es
pecially worthy of mention is
our gloves for women at
11.00 a pair. Each pair
Men's gloves too, are in
complete size and price
Wf fv!h . .4
i I if rhujV n jj&z wi
Smart clothrs for men fashioned by craftsman
whose reputation for good clotheB making is
country wide, get their inital showing to
morrow. V
Such famed clotheB as "Clothcraft" j inwosj
men and ' 'Widow Jones" suits for boys are ready
in an ample range of the season's styles. All sizes
art now in stock.
They are garments of style individuality while
quality and price measure up to the standard set
by this store. v ,
Clothcraft Suits from $8.00 to. $25.00
Widow Jones Suits from ' 2.00 to $8.00
Stylish Well Fitting Shoes
for Easter Wear
There is an indefinable feeling of being stylishly
appareled in perfect fitting and comfortable shoes. Every
good new last may be had in our stocks of carefully
chosen shoes for men and women. Let us fit you before
the last minute purchasing begins. Among , the brands
deserving of more than usual mention are Stetson,
Barry and Reed shoes for men, Julian and Kokenge and
D crothy Dodd shoes for wemn.
The Stetson shoe for Men at $5.00
The Barry Shoe for Men at 4.00
The Reed Shoe for Men at 3.50
The Reed Shoe for Men at 3.00
The Dorothy Dodd Shoe for Ladies, $3.00 to 4.00
The Julian and Kokenge Shoe for Ladies, 3.00 and 3.50
The Duttenhofer Shoe for Ladies . 2.50 and 3.00
The Gold Medal Shoe for Ladies 2.00 and 2.50
The Doris Shoe for Ladies 2.00
The Bernalda Shoe for Ladies 1.50
Ladles Wash Suits
We have all kinds, plain or
fancy, in the latest correct sta
pies and colorings. Quality
considered our prices are as
low as you will find any where.
Come and look them over.
Wash Fabrics are
Especially Attractive
A beautiful line just received
made from serges, coverts,
worsteds, etc., and priced from
$4.00 to $10.00.
Many new and striking patterns are numbered
in the superb collection we have gathered. New cotton
dress goods, percales and ginghams are here in splen
didly complete variety of qualities and prices. Notable
among the values are these
Lancaster Ginghams at 9 cents.
y Manchester Percales at 12 1-2 cents.
Bates Seersuckers at 12 1-2 cents.
Dress Ginghams at 10c and 12 1-2 cents.
Many striking designs por
traying the new fashions in
detail are on display. They pFtjl
arc fashioned of fashionable
materials and splendidly made.
Priced from $3.50 to $10.00.
( i lL.
in i t
Furnishings for Men
Don't Drift Past Them
There" are lots of things a man needs to com
plete his spring outfitting shirts, neckwear,
hosiery, underwear, collars, and the little things
Buch as collar and shirt buttons no man knows
how bad he needs these things until hie runs
short. Better make a list of your needs from
this list and drop in the store the first time you
are in the neighborhood.
Dress Shirts from 50c to $1.50.
Neckwear from 25c to 50c.
Hosiery from 10c to 50o.
Underwear from 25o to $1.00.