The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 23, 1910, Image 1

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    Beat V P 1 05
Offers exceptional advantuKes for tbe loca
tion of new Industries I Free 'actory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct ahlpplus
facilities and low freight rates and plentlfu
supply of laborers.
Has modern schools and churches, pared
streets, waiter, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley sertrlce, high- and
healthful location, Tarled employment for
labor and many other residential advantages.
1NCW "lUCipill JLllCcUJLC
( is One of the Finest
r .In
New Playhouse Is Practically
Completed and Will Open
April 7th.
M. M. Fisher's new Adelphl Theater
Vsv Sat Reynoldsvllle is practically com-
pleted, the painters and decorators are
I now giving the last artlstio touches,
and on Thursday, April 7th. the house
J will be opened to the public with the
production of "The Gentleman irom
Mississippi," one of the most noted
plays of tbe season. The troupe Is
large and throughout the season has
received a guarantee of $500 per night
wherever It played.
In all respects the Adelphl Theatre
is equal to any playhouse In the state
outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Those who have not visited it since
completed can have but little concep
tion of Its Interior beauty and the con
venience of its plan. Over 800 persons
may be comfortably seated In It and
1000 might be accommodated.
The building Is 60 x 90 feet, built of
brick: and is absolutely fireproof
throughout. The main room has a
height of twenty-seven feet and has
a metal celling of unusual beauty. The
scenery lofi towers 65 feet Into the air,
and contains a completi assortment of
scenery painted by James Brady, one
of the most noted scenic artlbts in
I- Pennsylvania. The stage has an open
ing width of 2U feet and 18 zu leet nign.
It is separated from the main audi
torium by one of the latest asbestos cur
tains, absolutely fireproof and quick in
Next to the beauty aud convenience
of ti.c isicricr, probably tbe most not
able feature is the extreme precautions
taken to guard against fire in every
form. All tbe walu, the partitions
and dressing apartments are of brick,
the eleotrio wires are all In conduits,
even when running in the brick walls.
Two large lines of hose, a tank and fire
extinguisher are on the stage and tbe
heaters la tbe basement are surrounded
by brick and concrete. The floor of
the auditorium is concrete laid on a
aolid base of sand and gravel, making
collapse Impossible. Tbe gallery in the
rear is in crescent form and supported
by strong iron posts. There are six
exits from the mala floor and Btage ot
the theater and two more from tbe
galleries, as well as easy exits from the
dressing roomB under tbe stage. Mr.
Fisher spared no expense in construct
ing the building, making the con
venience, comfort and safety of his
patrons paramount in bis plans.
The fifty-foot entrance to the theater
occupies the entire Bpace formerly oc-
Icupled by Rogers cigar store and con
tains the ticket office. Eatering the
main room the gaze meets a mingling
of the deep rich red of tbe seats, the
prevailing green tone of the walls and
the finishing of yellow pine which' la
exceedingly luxurious In effect. The
room is wide, allowing of every seat
in the house being placed' within a
short distance of the stage, an effect
wblch is sought in tbe ooetlteBt metro
politan playhouses. A sloping center
aisle leads down to an orchestra pit,
while seats branch Out from it in cir
cular rows. On each side of tbe stage
are two private boxes, tastefully bung
with draperies and beautifully modelled
in form. Tbe walls are a dark green
in color and artistically stencll'cd.
Tbe coiling is of a lighter tone and tbe
whole effect is very pleasing.
The acoustics are excellent. A per
son speaking in an ordinary low tone
upon tne stage may be beard distinctly
la the most distant seat.
Manager Fisher has arranged to have
a regular orchestra furnish music, com
posed mainly of tbe old "High School"
and "Cadenza" musicians so popular in
previous years. A magnificent Strich
& Zeidler piano furnished by Fred
erick's, ot Pittsburgh will be installed
before the opening night. It is now on
exhibition in Williams' Brothers parlors
and Is one ot tbe deepest and purest
toned in town.
' In connection with the theatrical at
tractions, Manager Fisher will keep
the theater open each night after the
opening for moving picture exhibitions
and vaudeville attractions at the
, customary low price of admission.
Tbe seats were furnished by the
American Seating Co., the same com
pany which supplied the million dollar
Pittsburgh base ball grand stand. The
heaters are the standard "Wise"
manufactured at Akron, Ohio.
The Adelphl Theater was built by
M. M. Fisher and will be managed by
. his son, Melvia M. Fisher, both well
and favorably known to the people of
Reynoldsvllle. Mr. Fisher has given
the local people a theater finer far than
any citizen had ever dreamed of in past
years. He further showed the con
fidence In his home town by commen
cing tbe erection of this house in the
midst of the severest depression the
town has ever experienced. He la
deserving of tbe sincerest thanks from
tbe people and of the utmost possible
encouragement and support. For a
theatre so fine as the Adelphl is more
tban a mere private enterprise. It is
a positive influence in increasing tbe
prestige of the town and in making it
pleasanter for every resident, and tbe
man who assume! the financial risk and
burden of management la a benefactor
of the community.
At the meeting ot the Business Men's
Association last night a vote of thanks
was given to Mr. Fisher. ,
Tile Plant Operating.
TheTbos. E Eyans tile and building
block plant started their factory Wed
nesday morning Everything seemed
to run much better than was expected
after the long winter Idleness and they
had a very fair day' run of building
blocks. Mr 8. Zsntz. of Magnolia,
Ohio, has burned one kiln wblcb gives
Croof of bis ability as a burner. The
iln Is much better than has ever been
seen at the yard and Ib very encourag
ing to tbe'eompany. There Is no reason
to doubt but that the plant will be
greatly enlarged during the summer
and by fail fifty or seventy-five men
will find employment. Mr. Zentz thinks
the' clav Is an excellent quality and
might be suitable for tbe manufacture
of conduits. In that event fifty kilns
could not supply a ready demand.
Esteemed Lady Dead.
Mrs Ellen S. Frederick died at the
Grube Hospital In Punxsutawney at
7 80 a. m. Sunday, March 18tn. Tbe
body was brought to her late residence
in Reynoldsvllle and funeral service
was held Monday afternoon, conducted
by Rev. J. F. Black, of the M. E.
church, and burial waB made In
the Reynoldsvllle cemetery. Mrs.
Frederick was born In Clarion county
about 41 years ago. Uer maiden name
was Ellen S. Klepfer. At an early Bge
she was united In marriage to Henry
Frederick, who died about five years
ago. After the death of her husband
Mrs. Frederick and children moved to
Reynoldsvllle and bad ever since re
sided here. She was highly esteemed
by all. Six children survive: Mrs.
Alfce Wilson, of Ridsrway, Dora, Aldie,
Essie, John and Edna Frederick, of
Died at Prospect.
Sara M. Broadhead died at tbe resi
dence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary
C. Lyons,- near Prospect, at 'J 00 a.m.
Monday, March 21st. The Immediate
cause of death was grippe but she had
not been in good health for a year.
The body was taken to Glenwood, N.
J., last night for burial beside the body
of her husband, who died six years ago.
Mrs. Broadhead wbb 78 years old and
was for many yeara a resident of Reyn
odsvllle. After the death of her hus
band she went to Seavlew, N. J., to
live with a relative, returning here
nine months ago. She is survived by
two children, Mrs. Mary C. Lyons, ot
Prospect, and Benjamin Broadhead, of
Seavlew, N. J.
Easter Service it M, B. Church.
An Easter service will be held In the
M. E. church at 11.00 a. m. Sunday.
Special program by tbe scholars of the
Sunday school. It will be missionary
Sunday and all scholars are requested
to be prepared for a missionary -collection.
Change at Brockwayville.
According to a Washington dispatch
to the Pittsburgh Gazette IHmes, Con
gressman Langham, of this district, has
recommended the appointment of J,
W. J oh nt ton for the postmastership
at the Brockwayville office, to succeed
George R. Adam, tbe present incum
bent. Methodist Church.
Services for Sunday, March 27th;
11.00 a. m., Children's' Easter pro
gramme by the Sunday school; 7.30 a.
m., an Easter song service and an
address by tbe pastor on "Easter."
' Hanging to a Qas Pipe
Will not stretch lace curtains but the
new stretchers at Hall's will. They
run in price from 00c to f 1.25 a pair.
The people who attended funeral of
Wm. Heckman from out of town were:
Mrs. Lizzie Smith and John Davis, of
Rlddlesburg. Miss Lamanda Heckman,
of Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. Klrtes Bennett
and son, Melvln, of Irvona, Mrs. John
Ellis, of Ansonville, Mr. and Mrs. L.
T. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Dunlap, of DuBois, Wm. R. Yohe, of
Cloe. Jerry Hockman, of Curwensville,
Mrs. G. Best, of Clearfield, and Mrs.
U. Bower and Mrs. Walwork, of Rath
mel. J. E. KIrkwood secured the appoint
ment of Archie Caldwell as missionary
of the American Sunday School Union.
Mr. Caldwell will leave here Thursday
for his field in Brown County, Ind.
Mrs. Caldwell will remain here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CharleB
Dickey, for a month.
Wanted Sewing of all kinds. Leave
at Hoffman building, Fourth street.
For Rent House. Inquire of Mrs.
Armor, Grant street.
Wanted To buy a second hand In
cubator. Icquire of S. J. Burgoon.
A. Katzen baa in a very select line
of spring and summer goods the best
quality for tbe lowest prices. Call in
and we will show you many styles in
clothing, dry goods, shoes and furnish
ings in general. 1
If you are interested in a good school
it will pay you to write to the Lock
Haven State Normal school for a copy
of lta handsome catalog. In eqlpment
and faculty, and in its social environ
ment, it la an ideal school. The spring
term opens April 4th.
CANINES Twiddling Bob's' Lecture
Three More Dogs Show Symp
toms of Rabies; Two Per
sons Were Bitten.
After the mad dog scare last week
many were skeptical of tbe reality of
tbe canine's malady and It was not
until Dr. H. B. King received the fol
lowing letter that the alarm became
Harrlsburir, Pa., March 16, 1910.
Dr. H. n. King, Ueynllvtlle, Fa.
Dear Sir: On March 14th we received at our
laboratory the bend of a (luff from a suspected
cane of rallied. The bruin contained In this
head was submitted to an examination and
changes bucIi us are seen In rabies were ob
served. We bvit to advise you that we are
this day aaklux Dr. V. F. Hoffman, of Brook
vllle to InvesilKHle this matter for the (Hate
Livestock Sanitary Hoard and place In quar
antine all animals that were known to. nave
been bitten or In any way exposed to Infec
tion wllh rabies In connection with this case.
8. U. UUlilund, Stale Veterinarian.
The State Department of Health was
notified immediately and it acted with
promptness and decision. Dr. F. F.
Hoffman arrived Friday morning and
placed all dogs under quarantine for a
period of one hundred days. Every
dog known to have been bitten was
killed, among them several very val
uable Dloouea animals.
Austin Shannon, son of John Shan
non, one of tbe victims of the mad dog,
was hurried to the Pasteur Institute
of Mercy Hospital In Pittsburgh Satur
day and will undergo a three weeks'
course of treatment. His father ac
companied him, b it returned Monday
reporting the boy doing well.
Clarence Patterson was bitten in the
calf of the right leg by a small dog
belonging to H. T. Peters Monday
mornlrg. Tbe dog showed no signs of
being road, but as a punishment for tbe
act Mr. Peters had the canine des
patched Monday afternoon.
Monday evening a dog belonging to
Joseph McKernan In West Reynolds
vllle became rabid and In attempting
to kill it, James McKernan was bitten
In the right hand. The wound was
promptly cauterized and whether the
boy will be sent to tbe Pasteur insti
tute wilt depend on later developments.
Both of Mr. MorCernan's dogs were
killed at once.
Among the dogs shot the past week
was a valuable bull dog belonging to
H. Alex Stoke. Another highly prized
bird dog belonging to Francia McDon
ald was shot yesterday by George Mc
Donald. Mr. McDonald had been of
fered thirty dollars tor bis dog less than
a month ago and refused It.
The maa dog scare la becoming a
serious matter and those having dogs
under quarantine and all others as
well should assist to tbe utmost in
preventing further developments by
closely confining dogs for at least
three months. It requires from 10
to 100 days time for rabies to develop.
It would be well if every dog in town
even suspected of being bitten was shot
at once Tbe lite of a dog Is of little
consequence alongside the life of
children who may later be attacked.
Business Men Getting Together.
A representative of the National
Rating League is In Reynoldsvllle
organizing tbe work in this locality.
It Is tbe business of the league to
supply the business men with a guide
to be used in extending credit to their
customers. For instance if a party has
failed to settle his accouqt with any
ot his creditors, this fact will be made
known In a rating repurt published at
frequent Intervals by tbe league. By
referring to this book each merchant
can find the namos of those who refuse
to pay their debts and can deny credit
to such. Every- merchant or business
man who is a member of the league
lists his dead accounts with the con
cern, which, after giving the creditor
due notice to settle the account, and
upon his failure to do so, lists the
names in their book and they remain
there until the account Is settled. Thus
debtors are rated all ovr the United
States and wherever they go tbe book
issued by the rating league will tell
whether or not they ar.i deserving of
Successful Opeiatton.
George C. Hunter. .of the firm of
Hunter & Milllren. was 'Hlien to Mercy
Hospital In Pittsburgh last Friday
afternoon and an opera ion was per
formed the fi llowlng day which seems
successful. Mr. Hunter was very close
to death at one time. His wife ac
companied him to Pittsburgh.
You Want a New Rug.
We have royal wlltons, body brus
sets, velvets, tapestries, crex, fiber and
wool fiber rugs. All sizes and prices.
C. R. Hall.
The library or the Central State
Normal school at Lock Haven is well
selected and tbe boons are easily ac
cessible. Tbe library rooms are said to
be handsomer tban those of any Normal
school in the state. Tbe remarkable
success of the school's debating team in
the Inter-Normal debates is due in a
large measure to the library. Tbe
spring term opens April 4th. Write
the principal for a catalog.'
Eggs for Hatching Thorough
bred barred Plymouth Rooks. T. H.
Stevenson, Route 2, Reynoldsvllle.
The Peoples Bargain store offers
great bargains in men's, boys' and
children's up-to-date shoos. A. Katzen.
There Is a rumor to the effect that
the B., R & P. R'y contemplates in
stalling motor oar servioe between Du
Bois and Punxsutawney and DuBoia
and Reynoldsvllle.
Millinery opening at
Miller's on Friday and
this week.
Mrs. L. P.
Saturday ot
i The Tennesseeans Address Was
a Masterpiece of Diction.
The leoture of Senator Robert L.
Taylor In Assembly ball Saturday even
ing was a masterpiece of rhetoric and
diction, an idyll ol tbe southland that
transported his bearers from tbe bubub
of modern commercial warfare to a
misty mld-reglon of fancy anc. content
ment. Taylor has no superior in piat
form eloquence, bis well modulated
tones penetrated to every part of the
hall, and while there were few out
bursts of enthusiasm, there was many
a genial smile and laugb at bia mellow
and kindly humor. A red-blooded
youth Vnlght wonder at his warning
note to young men to "keep out of
politics." but "SeRHtor Bob" has been
in that game for thirty years or more,
never missing a chance to run fur office,
and surely ought to know. Aside from
a few brief passages, tbe lecltye had
little to do with practical life, seeming
more like a chapter from another
"Dream Life" In which tbe shades ol
southern characters floated before an
audience lulled by tbe music of Taylor's
gentle tones.
This Is the last of tbe five numbers
ot the publio school lecture course. As
a whole the numbers were selected
more with a desire to please the
popular taste than the personal prefer
ences of those who arranged tbe course.
In this way it was singularly success
ful. But there are a tew who cannot
repress a wish that It bad included a
few men live and virile enough to stir
up tbe people In Tlllmanerquo style.
We have an idea that tbe uay ot tbe
stereotyped lecture, no matter how
gracefully delivered and a sthetlcally
correct, is past.
Story of the Interesting Comedy of
Washington Life That Ran All Last
Season in New York City and Will
Be Played Here April 7th.
Singularly human Is the story told
by Hairison Rhodes and Thomas A
Wise in their, new "national oomedy,"
"A Gentleman from Mississippi,"
which will be acted Thursday evening,
AprH 7th, in the Adelphl Theater, by
tbe Messrs. William A. Brady aLd
Joseph R. Grismer's special cast,
beaded by Robert A. Fischer and Hans
Robert. It Is a story that Is duplicated
year after year in the busy social and
official circles of the national capl ol,
and it Illustrates anew the lesson that
has so often been pointed out in the
editorial columns of the dally press
that a certain social' Impressment goes
a long way toward official success in
the case of new-comers in the city
where the nation's lawa are made.
Death of Former Citizen.
William J. Heckman, a brother of
J. Heckman, 'of Reynoldsvllle, and a
former resident of Reynoldsvllle, died
at Broad Top, Bedford Co. March 19,
11)10, and his body was brougnt to
Reynoldsvllle for interment Sunday.
Tbe funeral Bervlce was held at the
home of J. Heckman on Main street
at 2 30 Sanday afternoon, three minis
ters, Rev. Messrs. A. Jj Meek, J. F.
Black and Swartz, of Altoona, taking
part in the service. Burial was made
in tbe Reynoldsvllle cemetery under
direction of Henry Prlester. The
deoeased was 67 years old. He was a
veteran of the civil war.
A Man oi Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are never found where stomach,
liver, kidney and bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities and
the success they bring, use Dr. King's
New Life Pills, the matchless regu
lators, for keen brain and Btrong body.
25o at H. L. McEntire's.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their kindness during tbe
death of our brother and uncle, William
Heckman. J. Heckman and Family.
Lace Curtains and Portiers
Are our specialty, but we carry the
Kirsch lace curtain and over drape
rods, both single and double; also por
tler and sash curtain rods.
C. R Hall.
Attendance at the Business Men's
Association last night was bo large tha',
the big banquet hall of the I. O. O. F
building bad to be used. Lack of space
prevents reporting the meeting this
We have some dainty soft-sole shoes
for babies 25, 35 and 50 cents. Adam a.
Drop In at Flo Best's millinery store
to-day and see the new Easter display.
Leonard Harris, who has woo quite
a reputation as reader with tbe Glee
olub of Allegheny college, will recite
at tbe musical In the Baptist church,
March 31st. Leonard is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Harris, of this place.
A great variety in men's and boy's
drees Bhlrts at bargain prioea. A.
Jos. E. KIrkwood organized a Union
Sunday school at Cowanshannock last
Sunday and also preached there.
' "The Prodigal Son," will be the
attraction at the Family Theatre Fri
day evening. Tbe film Is over 1000 feet
long and is a special order for the-day.
BarJtlst market In Hoon's store on
Saturday afternoon. , -
Prof. Dickey will play the organ at
the musicals in the Baptist church
March 31st.
The Woman's Relief Corps will bold
a market in Hunter & MiUiren's meat
market Saturday.
Seventy Gar Loads Of
Material Coming to the ,
Steel Plant in 60 Days
A Little ol Everyttilnq,
An unexpected rush of official and
commercial advertising this week com
pels us to omit many articles in'tnded
for this week's Issue and abridge others.
It isn't often that a Reynoldsvllle paper
is crowded with "ads" and our readers
will pardon us for sacrificing news to
cash for one week.
E. C. Burns and wife were in Pitts
burgh last week.
William Wildauer went to Pittsburgh
to work Monday morning.
Joseph B. Means, of Brookville, was
In Reynoldsvllle Monday.
H. K.' Atwater, of Pittsburgh, spent
Sunday In Reynoldsvllle.
Saturday was pay day at the J. &
C. C. & I. Co. operations.
Miss Anna Scheblg went to Emlen
ton, Pa., yesterday on a visit.
Misses Nellie and RobIo Montgomery
are visiting in Pittsburgh aud East
Brady this week.
Tbe interior of the Blng-Stoke Co.
store has been brightened up with a
new coat of paint.
Charles E. Snyder, one of the pros
pective Republican candidates for
Assembly, was In town Monday.
Blake E. Irvln, of Brookville, pro
thonotary for Jefferson county, passed
through Reynoldsvllle Monday.
Rev. T. R. Johnston, of Goshen, N.
Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, L
Johnston, In West Reynoldsvllle.
Mrs. J. A. Armstrong, of Reynolds
villn, took a trip to Pittsburgh and also
visited ivirs. Jonn Morton at Kastbraay
last week.
Misses Esther and Mary Klepfer were
visiting their sister, Mrs. Charles
Woodford, in Mt. Jewett the latter
part of last week.
H. K. Cochrane and son, Paul, of
Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting tbe for
mer's sister, Mrs. W. C. Gibson, of
West Reynoldsvllle.
James V. Murray, corporation clerk
in tbe capital at Harrlsburg, passed
through Reynoldsvllle on his way to
Punxsutawney Monday.
Mrs. John P. Feloht and children,
of Seanor, Pa., are visiting the former's
parents near Desire and at home of
Peter Felcht in this place.
Miss Anna Woodford recently re
ceived as a gift from a California friend
a box of real Chinese nuts, wblob are
curious and rarely seen in America.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hirst were
called to Oil City Monday by tbe illness
of Mr. Hirst's mother, a message stat
ing that she was not expected to live.
Miss Anna Jelbart, of Brockwayville.
spent tbe past few days with relatives
in Reynoldsvllle, stopping off here on
her return Irom a visit in Pittsburgh
and Faye'tte City.
James H. Moore, of Curwensville,
has opened an upholstering and furn
iture repairing shop in tbe Taafe build
ing, above Fifth street and is now ready
to receive work. He Is a genial gentle
man with long experience In his work.
The Family Theatre was unable to
opeiate Saturday night on account of
a burned out battery on tbe electric
circuit. It was a Saturday night and
a pay day the most profitable night
in the week for Mr. Montle generally.
Word received from the Mercy Hos
pital in Pittsburgh indicates that both
of the Reynoldsvllle appendicitis
patients operated upon last week,
MisB Hallle Burns and Fred Wheeler,
are doing well and no further compli
cations are expected.
Every checker player in town should
be out at tbe opening of the grand
annual tournament of the Checker and
Chess Club Thursday night of this
week. Whether members or not, all
are welcome and all may try their skill
in the competition for tbe champion
ship. There will be special Easter services
at the Presbyterian church next Sun
day morning and evening. The subject
in the morning will be "The Philo
sophy of the Resurrection." Tne topic
In the evening will be "The Historic
Fact of the Resurrection." There will
be special Easter music.
It Is improbable that the Star Glass
Co. plant will be Btarted before six
or eight weeks Extensive repairs are
now being made by the Colburn people,
who will operate it during the next
run, both to tbe tank and lehr, and
It will require some time to melt the
glass again after tbe repairs are com
pleted. G. A. Prescott, of Tawas City,
Michigan, Is a guest at tbe home of
J. H. Corbett and other relatives in
Reynoldsvllle. Mr. Corbett spent bis
boyhood days in this place and though
wealth and political honors have come
to him in Michigan he has still a warm
spot in hie heart for the local people
and scenes.
Mayor Galvin, of Clnoinattl, has
has established a "Kicking Day."
Every Thursday he or his secretary
la at home to receive complaints on all
subjects pertaining to civic welfare.
After issuing the dog quarantine last
week Mayor Williams of Reynoldsvllle
thought there were about seven days a
week on the "kickers" program.
Equibment of the Rankin Plant
Will Soon be Shipped to
A little section of tbe Pittsburgh
district is headed towards Reynolds-.
ville loaded on seventy freight cars.
In about two months' time tbe whole
Rankin plant of the Blaw Collapsible
Steel Centering Company will be ship
ped to Reynoldsvllle and afterwards
the entire operations of the company
will be centered here.
The Rankin plant now employs about '
one hundred and fifty men. Tbe addi
tion of this force to the Reynoldsvllle
plant means that tbe numberot employ
es here will jump from sixty-five to
two hundred before Jur.e 1st, and that
the pay roll will be easily ten thousand
dollars a month.
During tbelr visit to Reynoldsvllle
last Friday Albert C. Lehman, manager
of the Blaw company, ana Benjamin L.
Hirshfleld, a director, met Hon. S. B.
Elliott and H. A Stoke, president and
secretary of the the Reynoldsvllle Land
Improvement Company, and an agree
ment reached for the ceding of five
more acres of land to the Blaw company,
which is absolutely necessary for the
oarrying out of the Industrial plans of
this company.
Saturday cards were received in
Reynoldsvllle announcing the dissolu
tion of the firm of Saohs & Hlrshfielrl,
prominent attorneys of Pittsburgh with
offices in the Frick building. Mr.
Hirshfield abandons a large and lucra
tive law practice in order to devote his
whole time and energy to the Interests
of the Blaw Collapsible Steel Centering
Cyrr.pun.v. It was Mr. Hirshfleld who
ennduoted the negotiations In behalf of
the Blaw company during the corres
pondence preceding tbe purchase and
was tbe first member of tbe company to
favor locating here, for which reason
the ppople of Reynoldsvllle have an
especially warm regard for him.
As t he plans of tbe company gradual
ly unfold It is becoming more tban ever
apparent that the location of the Blaw
company In Reynoldsvllle was in every
respect the greatest event in the indus
trial history of the town. What baa
been announced la but a small part of
the tentative plana for the future.
School Notes.
Raymond Slpes has withdrawn from
school. His parents are moving to
Curwensville where Raymond will
enter the high school.
Lawrence Corbett dropped out last
week to go to work in Herpel's barber
' Miss Butler spent Saturday In Pitts
burgh. Rev. Rudy has enriched the school
museum with a specimen of ore and
a photograph of tbe Cornwall ore mine.
Contributions to tbe laboratory fund
from Rev. Black, Mr. Katzen and Miss
Stoke are hereby acknowledged.
Those who were present at le
exercises In Assembly Hall on Friday )
evening enjoyed a rare treat in tbe
address of the evening. Dr. Bechtis '
a pleasasnt speaker and a master of
his profession. His address at tbe meet
ing of the National Educational Associ
ation at Indianapolis is quoted in part,
In the New England School Journal of
March 17.
Rev. Johnston was a school visitor
for an hour on Friday morning.
The schools enjoyed two solos by Mies
Beck last week. Her selection Thurs
day morning was the "Dear Little
Shamrock;" on Friday morning "Kath
leen Mavoureen."
Mrs. Humphrey visited some of the
schools last week.
Rev. Wallace Mitchell called
shake hands Friday.
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg," writes
J. A. Swensen. of Watertown, Wis.
"Ton cub r a nf o i i .1 m o th.t ie A
- j ' " ' ' v... mi., tuau j uiiuujro
could not pure, had at, la-t laid me up.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it,
sound ana well." Infallible for skin
eruptions, eczema, salt rheum, bolls,
tever sores, hums, scalds, cuts and
piles. 25o at H. L. McEntire's.
Breathe Hyomei and cure catarrh
bottle of Hyomei 50 cents; with in
haler, $1 00. Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
guarantees it. Fine for coughs, colds
and sore throat.
If you need a nice suit for your tov
we have them In sizes from 3 to 15
yeara at low priceB. A. Katzen.
See the new Eastar display of
trimmed hats at Flo Best's to-day.
Our store la full of bargains and all
we want is that you come in and ex
amine our stock for yourself. Then you
will be convinced of tbe great bargains
we offer. A. Katzen.
I wore a pair of Men's-ease 14.00
shoes in the minea every day for almos ,
a year. Bought them at Adam's.
John Northey, Sykesville.
Get a 6cfcent box of Mi-o-na stomach .
tablets at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. snl
atop all distress. Cure indigestion, or
money back.
Black suede shoes for women, polntr(r
toe, button, high heel, very dresy.
Price W.00. Adam's.
Easter opening at Flo Best'. ;.o-day.
See the latest trimmed foods.