Fertilizer! And Moisture. Farmers Bhould lnveHt largely In oonimerctul fertilizers. They cost something, but greatly Increase the yield of crops.- Water Is npcosanry to dissolve fertilizers, for which reason they should be applied on the Innd early, In order that the plentiful rnln.i of spring niny prepare it for the use of plants. The failures that have occur red with fertilizers are usually due to the lack of moisture, and manure from the barnyard may be equally as use less If there Is an Insufficient supply of moisture In the ground. EpItomlKt. In a bucket with the cider of each bar rel. Tho vinegar will be strong enough to use In two or three months. Ths first good rain we fill each barrel near ly full with rain water. When fall comes we draw It off as before and put It In the house again. At that time It must be diluted with water to use. We sell a great diMil of cider and vinegar and have customers that have patron ized us for eighteen years. You will observe we take a great deal of pains and time to do as we do in mnklng the vinegar, but it pays well to bo ilean and honest in all your transactions. Reducing Farm Expences. The fanner who begins the new year with the Intention of reducing ex penses will find ninny opportunities for so doing, and will also be surprise! at the end of the year at the ninny avenues for allowing the loss. One cause of the loss Is the neglec t of farm wagons and Implements. An account kept of the cost of repairs will show that quite a large sum goes In that di rection, much of which rmild he saved. The use of more oil on tools, and keep ing them sharp and In the best condi tion for use, will save lnbor, which U an Item that must be paid for. Too many unprofitable animals, however, cause more loss than anything c!s and the farmer should begin the new year with sufficient courage to thin out the flocks and herds so as to re tain only the best and most profitable. Epltonilst. A Cheap Cellar. Our house is built on a hillside. The ell, or kitchen roof, is but very Utile higher than the bank where It was left for walling up. I dug back In the hill twelve feet, Just as wide as the kitchen porch, cov ering the top of dugout or cellar wltli a porch. The soil was tough, red clay, and after cementing the Inside, I used rocks for front wall the fame as for walling up the balance of th.! bank. The top of the cellar was ceiled over head and filled in with sawdust up to the roof. A door was supplied with a window hinged In; also, a screen door which could be used In the sum mer. A Berles of shelves holds the canned fruit. Ixing, narrow bins hold potatoes, beets, etc., on one Bide; the other side is lined with broad shelves, one foot apart for apples. A sprinkle of sand on the shelves and layers of sand In the bins, prevent fruit and vegetables from spoiling. Pumpkins and squashes are set around on top of shelves. Nothing ever freezes, and but few vegetables rot or decay. L. B. Phillips, In the Epltomlst. About Merino Sheep. A theory was prevalent in Spain ear ly In the last century that, the super iority of the wool of Merino sheep was due to their nnnual migration, and that If they remained stationary for a few generations it would become na coarse as that of the Amlalusian sheep, says the London Live Stock World. Mr. Jacobs, M. P., F. H. S., who vis ited Spain In 1809 and 1810, found thli belief to be general, and says thnt at that time the Merino flocks Invariably passed the summer in the northern mountains, returning to the wanner climate and richer pastures of the south of Spain for the winters. In April they began the journey nortn ward, and as the time approached they became restless, and if not closely watched wouid begin the journev alone; instances having frequf ntly oc curred of flocks proceeding severil leagues northward early in the morn ing before the attendant shepherd? were awake. Shearing began the mid dle of May, the shearing of eight ewes or live rams being considered a good day's work. As soon as the flocks ar rived at their summer quarters they were allowed as much as they would eat the quantity allowed for the five summer months being about two and one-half pounds for each sheep this rock salt was laid on flat stones, and the sheep llsked it as they passed from fold to pasture. At the end of July the rams were placed with the ewes in the proportion of six to 100. Rams were considered the. more profitable, as though their wool was not so fine, the fleece was heavier, and they were longer lived. Making Cider Vinegar. This receipt for making cider vine gar, although necessitating consider able labor, seems so near practical common sense that It Is suggested readers store it in the scrapbook for reference next season. An Indiana Writer tells about It in the Rural New Yorker: I will give you my way of making. I have been making cider vinegar for twenty years. When the apples are getting ripe, we gather all the fallen ones and bring them to the shed. When we have eight or ten bushels, one of two persons cuts every apple In two; cuts out all the rotten and worms, and discards all we think will not make good cider (worms, rotten or green apples will not make good vine gar). We clean our barrels thorough ly, lay them down on a platform near the press with a spigot in each; these are filled full as we make the elder. In fall, before freezing, ws draw oS this spigot to each barrel. There will be from one to two bucketfuls of set jtlings In each barrel, which we throw away. When spring comes, about April 1, we draw off the cider and put In clean barrels, under an open shed filling the barrels within four or ,five bucketfuls. Then my wife makes ,tne fresh yeast, of which I put one to lone and a half pints into each barrel, also five pounds brown sugar dissolved Poultry and Farm Life. Of all the many plai-os I have been and rend about, both in country and city life, I know of no better place or one In which I can take more Bolld comfort, than I can In a well kept flock of thoroughbred poultry. I love to care for them, watch them grow and develop into prize winners. We find ninny a young man rushing off for tho city as soon as he possibly can, to seek his fortune among such a mob that, should he be lost, or even work ing on from dny to day, would be thought no more of than If he were on tho opposite side of the world. There are more places of immediate amusement, to be sure. In a city, no matter where It Is, than In the coun try, but what Is life for? Is It to be spent In hours of pleasure, or shall we as citizens of a flourishing nation put our slioillder to tho wheel and our brains In action and raise ourselves above the common level of those who arc content to drift along from year to year, satisfied with a few paltry dol liirs, with which to barely pay for llielr own keeping, missing the oppor tunity to broaden out and became ac quainted with the great works around about us. In speaking with our city friends they ask us what we have at our country homes to Invite our boys and girls to remain nt home. This Is some what of a difficult question for some of us to answer, for the pure and simple reason that we have allowed our farms and building to get rusty and look unattractive, when with a little extra work with the bush Bcythe, stoneboat or a garden rake on our lawn our homes may be made attrac tive and homelike. We find our city friend continually paying out his money or working late hours, In or der to have his lawn look better than his neighbor's. We see him working overtime, day In and day out, that he may raise money for something extra. Now let us go right back upon our hills and choose Borne good, earnest, energetic farmer. Here we have a father Interested In general farming and In turn bringing up a family of children who feci a great pride in be ing sons and daughters of a man who can make a success of a life that keeps the universe In existence. As they grow to manhood and woman hood they soon become aware of tho fact that many nnd many a man from the city, In riding by their homes, will remark "here lives a happy man." And It could be said of more, should each one of us be educated to the fact that it Is the most noble life of man. Of this same family, we can follow them and In nine cases out of ten every 'one will sooner or later engage In some kind of farming'. One may choose the occupation of the father, another may take up farming, anoth er poultry raising, etc. The well edu cated mind travels In a course with which it is most closely connected, and when we find our country boys rushing off to the rank and file of the city we may give vent to a drawn con elusion that there Is a neglect some where. But to return to my starting point. Poultry ig the rock of my standing. In it I find the greatest opportunity to carry out every thought that I learn lu every day life and It gives a quick re ply to whatever problems I put into it. In studying nature we find laws of which sometimes we wish to learn more about and we can turn them to fit our poultry culture and make a handsome return for our trouble. There is nothing but what we can in some way turn into benefit, for some thing should we desire It Country life and poultry is a gireat factor of it. Archie B. Vanderroot In the In diana Farmer. Farm Notes, Never let a prompt horse work with a lazy driver. Fire the driver or cut down his feed. It is a good plan to have a pair of well bred mares to make up the extra farm team for the fight work. The colts dropped after fly time are "clear gain." Keeping the cattle interested and happy, is the condition sought after by successful stockmen. These condi tions apply especially to the dairy herd. Hogs require less attention than any other farm animal, yet they yield the biggest returns from money In vested in them than any other farm animal. ' Roots are a valuable succulent feed for hogs in winter and are greatly relished. Sugar beets or mangels should be stored for the brood sows and fall pigs. Make up your mind that you will not let the calves get stunted. Keep them growing. They will be better cows, and better cows are what we are all working for. As long as a good boar shows vig or he should be kept with the herd. It Is never a good plan to discard a good vigorous animal Just to make room tor another one that Is younger. BURDENS LIFTED FROM BENT BACKS Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. AH day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends a sharp twinge through the tack; It is torture to stoop or straighten. At night the sufferer retires to toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kidneys. To cure backache you must first cure the kidneys. Plasters or liniments won't ' do. You must get at the cause, inside. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS BH'KAt'IllO, DIZINK83, NKItV- OUS.NK89 Completely Helleved by Donn's Kid ney Pills in Two Tests. Mm. P. W. lii-minucr. 1328 Taylor St., Columbia, H. U, snB: '1 menu Jjoan a rvmney nils, kimmviiik hum, experience that they Bre a valuable rem edy. Several veniH ago 1 suffered severely nt time from pains in the small of my hack and often felt dirjiy and nervous. The kidnpy aecretiona were irregular in manage and caused me much annoyance. Hearing Donn's Kidney Pills highly rec ommended 1 procured a supply, and after taking the content of several boxes I was ao greatly relieved that 1 considered it unneceamirv to continue their use. Re cently 1 felt a alight recurrence of my trouble, but 1 immediately began using Dnan Kidney Tills and waa Sold by A Greely in Music. Illegible lmndwrltlnjr, which hns given rise to bo ninny comedies, led to a tragedy In the cnao of Ilncher, a mu sical enthusiast of the hint century, who devoted several yenrs to the com position of a history of Viennese mu sic. His task finished, he submit ted the manuscript to the Austrian Im perial academy, which ho had been led to believe would defray the coat of its publication. After three months his manuscript was returned; despite their best efforts the members had been un oblo to decipher It. , Dacher then en deavored to liave his work coplod; but every professional copyist who un dertook the ask had to confess him self baffled. He thereupon attempted dictating the work, only to .find that even he could not decipher it; and, heartbroken at the discovery that his years of toll had proved fruitless, he attempted suicide, and finished bis days In a lunatic asylum. 10 Age Limit Lengthening. With Chief Justice Molvllle W. Pul ler of the supreme court of the United States seventy-seven years old Fri day, and Associate Justice John M. Harlan seventy-seven next June, and both vigorous In mind and body, the age limit of man is surely lengthen ing. New York Herald. Japanese Railway Completed, By the opening of the last section of the Kyushu railway, the Grand Trunk line of Japan has been completed from Sapporo on the north to Kago shlma on the south, a distance of 1,300 miles. The first part of this line to be thrown open was the Toklo-Yokohama section, which began to carry passengers and goods in 1872. CHANGE THE VIBRATION It Makes For Health. A man tried leaving off meat, po tatoes, coffee, and etc., and adopted a breakfast of fruit, Grape-Nuts with cream, some crisp toast and a cup o Fostum. His health began to Improve at once for the reason that a meat eater will reach a place once In a while where his system seems to become clogged and the machinery doesn't work smoothly. A change of this kind puts aside food of low nutritive value and takes up food and drink of the highest value, already quickly digested and capable of being quickly changed Into good, rich blood and strong tissue. A most valuable feature of Grape Nuts is the natural phosphate of pot ash grown In the grains from which It IS made. This is the element which transforms albumen In the body Into soft gray substance which fills brain and nerve centres. A few days' use of Grape-Nuts will give one a degree of nervous strength well worth the trial. Look In pkgs. for the little book, "The Road to Wellvllle." "There's I Reason." 1 Iftheftlnlslto (Faealmile of the genuine package slightly reduced.) HOW TO TELL WHEN THE KIDNEYS ARE DISORDERED. heartily rorom- PAINFUL SYMPTOMS Hackache, siileaehe, pains when atooping or lifting, sudden sharp twinges, rheumatic paina, neuralgia, painful, S'-anly or too frequent uriiialiun, dizzy apeila, dropsy. URINARY SYMPTOMS-Diseolored or cloudy urine. Urine that contains sedi ment. Urine that ataina the linen. Pain ful paaanges. Illond or shreda in the urine, let a botllcfiil of the morning urine atand for 24 hours, if it ahowa a cloudy or fleecy settling, or a layer of fine grains, like briuk-diiHt, the kidneya are disordered. reurven." A TRIAL FREE nay Pills Ysurself Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foater Milburn Co., Buffalo N. Y. A free trial package of Doan'a Kidney Pilla will be mailed you promptly. A. C. L. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS all dealers. Price 5o cents.. To ster Considerate Wife. The Doctor Mrs. Murphy, you must be at your husband's side constantly, as you will need to hand him some thing every llttlo while. Mrs. Murphy Nlver, doctor. Fur bo it from mo to hit a man whin he's down. Puck. Ifovf a Doctor Cured Bmlp Disease. "Whon I was ton or twelve years old I had a scalp disease, something like scald head, though it wasn't that. I suffored for several months, and most of my hair came out. Finally they bad a doctor to see me and he recommondod the Cutlcura Remedies. They cured mo In a few weeks. I have used the Cutlcura Remedies, also, for a breaking out on my bands and was benefited a great deal. I haven't had any more trouble with the scalp dis ease. Miss Jessie F. Duchanan, R. F. D. 8, Hamilton, Ga., Jan. 7, 1909." Kept With Itanium's Circus. P. T. Barnum, the famous circus man, once wrote: "I have had the Cutlcura Remedies among the con tents of my medicine chest with my shows for the last three seasons, and I can cheerfully certify that they were very effective In every case which called for their use." American Capital In Canada. It Is estimated that there are now between 150 and 200 American facto ries or branches of American factories In Canada, 50 of these In Toronto and 20 in Hamilton, and -between $150,000, 000 and $200,000,000 of American cap ital Invested in industrial enterprises in the Dominion. This transfer of in dustries and df capital Is bound to continue, assisted by the Canadian tariff and the opportunities for invest ment, which the Dominion now af fords. Retalltory measures, approach ing commercial non-Intercourse, may check the movement, but only for a time, and only partially. London Times. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it faila to cure. E. W. Urove'i signature is on each box. 25c. Training Ballet Girls. BaKet girls In European cities are taken at a tender age and held like apprentices for several years, under the severest discipline. They are housed and fed by the master and mistress, their teachers. In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. The antiaeptie powder. Your feet feel un comfortable, net-rone and often cold and damp. If yon have sweating, eon feet or tight ahoea, try Allen'e Foot-Ease. Sold by all dnrggiata and shoe stores, 25 cent. Sample cent free. Address Allen 8. Oim ited, La Roy. N. Y. The British Government has decided to open a roads department, which will administer a fund on projected highway improvements of about $3, 000,000 during the first year of Its existence. TWO VK.MtH ClIKKD. Ilnrkiiclie, Kidney and IIlmMcr Trou ble IHHiippenrcrt For Good. J. A. Wirt, Pusaell St., Canisteo, N. Y., says: I had kidney and blaililer trouble for more than a year. My back waa lame und 1 had an ache across my kidneya day noil night. For dnya nt a time I eould not stoop or lift, and if 1 attempted to do ao sharp shooting paina radiated through my i i.. 'i i. I.:' i - . : .., iwiii j lie imi,-jr blxi .Timlin -i n iiiiimi.- iii ill and there waa iiiinh aediment in them. The paaaagea were nlao too fre mient and eauaed me much annoyanre. flnving I loan's my attention I brought relief tenta of four At that time I told of my experience in a puhlio atatcment, and can now aay that ihirinn the yearn which have ainee elapsed I have found whenever I have - "Milburn Co: , Buffalo. N Y- Proprietors, Careful Queen of Diamonds. Alexandra of Great Britain is the one ueen in Europe who has not lost or broken the family jewels. The Uritish royal ornaments have been preserved with the greatest tare, and the only change she has ever made Is to have certain of tho Jewels in the lilg collection reset to bring them up to the more recent fashionable re quirements. Alexandra has been de voted to Jewelry, Its caro and collec tion ever since her marriage. She has each sot embedded In a specially de signed tray of white velvet, and be fore she retires each night, attends personally to locking tho Jewels In burglar proof vaults. The only other person who has a key to those vaults is the Honorable Charlotte Knollys. New York Press. Ants. It was proved long ago that ants have the power of seeing the (to hu man beings) Invisible rays of the ultra violet portion of the spectrum. They fear the light for their larvae, and when allowed choice between differ ent degrees of light always carry them to the darkest place accessible. When given the choice between a compart ment lighted with yellow light and one dark to human eyes, but under the actinic ray, the ants unhesitatingly choose the yellow light, showing that to their eyes It Is darker than the other, to man invisible. Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for -page illustrated Eye Hook Frefl. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise aa to the Propor Applica tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Hpecinl Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieve Bore Eyes, Strength ens Wenk Eyes, Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain, and sella for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Wise and Unwise Charity. How often it is difficult to be wise ly charitable to do good without mul tiplying the sources of evil. To give alms is nothing unless you give thought also. It is written, not "Bless Is he that feedeth the poor." but "blessed is he that colsidereth the poor." A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. Ruskln. H. H. GrtFEs Soxs.of Atlanta, Ga., are the only aucceasful Dropsy Specialiati in the world. See their liberal offer in advertise ment in another column of this paper. Great Guns Wear Out. After about eighty shots the rifling of the present 12-inch gun of 2,500 foot-seconds velocity become so badly worn as to destroy the accuracy. In the case of the new 14-inch gun the erosion is much less and the gun will be serviceable for about three hundred discharges. .10 Itch cured m 30 minutes by WooIford"s Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. Mrs. Sophie Mayer of New York Is the first woman lawyer to appear In the courts of Austria. Kidney Pills brought to obtnined a box. Their iwe in a few bourn, and the con boxea completely cured me. Doan'a Kidney Pilla effective taken them. ItisYwK It Is probable that the poulatlon oW the earth hns doubled since 1800. METALLIC HEEIlSAND irniJUTCDc Por Misers, Qutrrymea, Farmers sad AS Mei Who Do RooB Work Mads of eteel, but lighter thin leather. Bappert the ankla. Outlset the shot. Esey to attach. Asp cobblar can pot them en. Yoor shoe ostler bat hoci already ttted with them. Send for booklet that telle all abmt then. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. i ft BOSTON, MASS. is the word to remember you need a remedy ErC0UCHS&C0LDS Worms "Caarareta are certainly flne. I a friea4 one when the doctor was treating him for cance ot the stomach. The next moraine; he passed four pieces of s tape worm. He then ro s bos end in three dsys he paMed s tape-worm 45 fas lone. It was Mr. Matt Freeh, of MUlersbarc Lwuphin Co.. Pa. I sm quite a worker for Cases rets. I use them myself end 6nd them beneficial for most any disease csused by impure blood. Cbss. B. Condon, Lewis ton. Pa., (Mifflin CoJ . Measant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DoCood. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 2Sc 90c. Never told ia balk. The I enn uis tablet strmpsd C C C Uuaraatced ta core or you money back. WX BROWN'S Bronchial Troches An rmmeststs fslisl U Hu . Csaehs. Seas Threat, Becocblsl seal Asthmstst Troubles. Ao) ntfcl ot superior asertt, atikrtily trse iraai (say harmful rnarealent. Price, 24 cstrts, 60 csa sad ,1.00 pot baa. tOHW t. BWOyW at SOf ii i n laiir 1 1 iT.ra h P