THE APPROVAL of the most iEMlttENT PHYSICIANS and its WORLDWIDE ACCEPTAKCE by me WELL-INFORMED, BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARIS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, HAVE GIVEN TO Sijrup ofltgs ELIXIR of SENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH. THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, ALWAYS EUTTIIE GENUINE Manufactured by the: CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. TOR SALE HYAIX LEAPING DRUGCIbl S lNC SIZE ONLY, KECULAR PRICE 3U' PER BQTIU I 1 1 Well-Staged Volcano. No volcnno la belter staged tlinn Hip peak of 'fenci'lfe. Koi-tiiiuilo'.y feir Hie Islanders, tills twelve thousand-foot high monster usually employs tho centuries 1 it sleep, nml Ills present fu rious outburst nmy be nothing but. a drowsy ynwn. Although from t lie lesser nclghborhorlng peaks of l!l I'l ton nml Chiihorrn Biilphur Is constant ly emitted, there bus boon no real sen sational How of lava since 1T!" and 1798. An inmost perpendicular bar rier of rock surrounds tlm horrid (taping mouth of the cent nil crater. The Island will not accept. It as a sign of grace on the part of tlm great White mountain that her more active rlvnl, Vesuvius. Is now wreathing her elf In poisonous fumes. London Chronicle. A ritOKKSSIONW, Nfltsi! Opt 1111 Tells of I-'Ivp Years' Sufferings With Kidney nml llliiddcr Troubles. Mrs. Mary Campbell, 1312 Jackson Bt., Phlhi., l'n., says: "For live yenrs I doctored for kidney disease and not no better. The urinary passages wero too fre quent and co pious. I could not attend to my professional du ties. Since using Donn's Kidney Pills, however, I have found such welcome relief thnt I now rec ommend Donn's Kidney nils to very sufferer I see." Remember the name Ponn's. For ale by all dealers. GO rents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. fl Graft and Woman Suffrage. It Is one of the signs of progress that Judges are slouching their ancient garb of secret wisdom, and speaking their minds p'alnly. One of these progressives Is Wesley L. Howard of the supreme court of New York. He has decided opinions on "graft," and Is In favor of votes for women. The other day he told an assembly of suf fragists that he favored giving them the franchise because they would help eliminate official corruption and cor porate robbery. Only One "Hroino Quinine," That Is Laxative linimo Quinine Look for the si (mature of E. W. Grove, lined the World over to Cure a Cold in One Duy, itto Ample Wardrobe. In the Russian campaign the per sonal baggage of Napoleon's brother, Jerome Bonaparte, contained CO pairs of boots, 200 shirts and 318 pocket handkerchiefs. The transportation of his wardrobe entire required several heavy wagons, while his whole cam paigning, kit stretched over half a mile. French Inheritance Law. According to French law a certain reserve Is established which no testa tor can bequeath away from his off spring. A Frenchman with one child can dispose of half his property ac cording to his p'.eaure; the other hall must inevitably pass to the child. Prices of Shoe Leather. Ii mnv rill bo true that slum lenthor unit shoo materials have been maklliK record heights In soaring above the pnckelhooks or tlio people at large. The great modern nvlolors havo been iiinliliiir tome 11 v-1 ii ip records in Cali fornia recently, but they had to come down finally to the ground. .lust now Alexander A!- Co.. of this town, lira teaching the shoo trndo In general that kiiiii'Imu lent her niiees can bu brought down to the uround n their treinen doiisl.v attractive llound-l'p Shoo salo. Judging from t lie crowns waning in I'd Into this store llieso Hound-Up .shoe sain prices appear to appeal to economical and thrllty shoe buyers. Electric Cure for San Jose Scale. The San Jose scale has nearly kill ed my fruit trees. They bore no fruit and the bark was badly shriveled, In some places It was split open. It occurred to me that perhaps 1 might lie able to kill the scale by electricity. On a rainy day, when the trees were wet, I put n strong pocket (French I bnltcry at the base of a tree and the other pole at the tip of each llmli, and completely killed the scale, so thnt It has entirely disappeared. New shoots have come anil good fruit has been produced. Suburban Life. Christians Lead World. In a religious census of the world wlili h he has just published, Dr. II Zeller, director of the statistical bu reau in Stuttgart, estimates that of the l.M l.ii 10,000 people In the world. 5:M,9-I0.ihmi nre Christians, 175.200,000 are Mohammedans, 10 X00,000 aro Jews, and K2J, 420,000 hold other be liefs. Of these UOO.OOO.OOO are Confu- clans, 214,0(10,000 nre Brahmins, and 121.oo0.0oo nre Iluddhlsts, with other bodies of lesser numbers. In other words, out of every thousand of the cnrth'B Inhabitants 310 are Christians 114 are Mohammedans, 7 nre Israel ites and 51)3 are of other religions. lw and mMm Cows mid What They ICnrn. The returns from cows, when ex pressed In dollars and cents, stand out much more vividly than they do when expressed In pounds of milk and butter fat. Therefore, If every dairyman would keep a yearly record of the amount of milk mid butter fat produced by bis Individual cows, nnd from this calculate, according to this table, the prollt or loss on the Indi viduals, ho would be astonished at the wldo variation in earning rapacity of the different cows In bis own herd and the results would bo of untold value to li I in . Illinois Fanners' Institute. The Turkey Industry. Blackhead among turkeys has conio so near In worklnir extinction of the "national bird" In New Kng land nnd elsewhere that nn extended Investigation of Iho rniisu of the dis ease Is being mndo by such scientists ns Dr. Theobald Smith unci Dr. K. R. Tysxer, of the Harvard Medical School, nnd Dr. rhlllp Dudley, of the State Kxporlmonlal Station, of Rhode Island. A similar disease has of late spread to game birds, cuch as par tridges and quail, nnd iho Massachu setts fish mid gamo commission Is prosecuting an Investigation In this special Hue. When tlm (license attacks n turkey or game bird, there la in hope, pay tho scientists. The cause lias brought forth a variety of opinion, the most forcible being Hint tho common Kng llsb sparrow carries tho organism which nffects Hie larger birds. Free fo Our Renders. Write Murine Eye Keinedy Co., Clilcflgo, for W-pngH illustrated Kye Honk b'ron. Write nil about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the I'ropvr Applica tion ot the Murine Eye Komedien in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tall you thnt Murine Kelioves Sore Ky, Strength ens Weak Eves, Doesn't Bmiirt, Soothes Kye Pain, nml sells Tor 600. Try It in Your Eyes nnd in ilnliy's Eyea, for Boaly Hyolius aud UriimiliUion. Hunger Among the Rich. "Do yon Know thut there is almost as much hunger among the very rich In New York ns there Is aimong the very poor, In proportion to the size ot the classes?" said a physician the other day. "It all comes from trying to get Blender, and I may say Is large ly confined to the women. Why, not so very long ago a frlond of mine, a specialist, was called to see a woman who had millions In her own right. Her own phyistclan had not been able to determine what was the matter with her. The specialist looked her over and asked her a few questions. 'Ma dam,' he eald, 'you are Btarvlng to death. All I would prescribe for you would be a few hearty meals.' " New York Sun. The chair of Christian archeology has been established in the University of Rome by direction of the Minister of Education, and Professor Maruccl has been appointed as Its first occupant. No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong man it strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the ttomsoh and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is loss of the nutrition contained in food, which ia the source of all physical strength. When man "doesn't leel iuit right," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, ia languid, nervous, irritable and dejpood- at, be is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Sac m man aboald as Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical Dlaeovery. it cares dleeaeee of the atomaeh mad other orfna of digestion mud nutrition. It aarlehoa tarn blood, larlioratea tho liver, atrentthenm tho kidney , nourtehea tho norrea, mud ao GIVES HEALTH aD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. Yarn can't afford to aooept tttret nostrum as substitute (or this noa loobolio medicine or known cotirosrnoN, not even though the argent dealer saay thereby make little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. Pertinent Pointers. If your (lock of poultry shows per sistent lack of thrirt nnd robust health, tho best thing to do Is to change stock. You will not accom plish much otherwise. When a fel low gets on the wrong track, the best thing Is usually to back out and start entirely new. No wonder the poultry business Is growing each year. There are more then 5000 poultry shows b-lng held nnnunlly In the United Slates nnd Canada, each one or which Is a val uable bureau for tho dissemination of poultry lore nnd the chicken fever. Cabbage Is one of the most populnr winter green foods for fowls. It Is easily grown, easily kept, nnd easily fed, and the fowls seem never to tiro of It. A good way to feed It Is to sus pend n bend In the nlr by sticking It on a nail In the wall, making the fowls .lump a few Inches In order to rench It. Fumigate the hen house often enough to destroy all germs nnd ver min. It nlso pays to use n good dis infectant frequently nnd freely around the houses and ynrds. Disin fecting nnd fumigation are two Im portant matters and should receive more attention than they do. The Importance of exercise for poul try might well bo placed subordinate only to good housing nnd feeding. But a writer In nn agricultural month ly pertinently remarks that "scratch ing to get a minute's pence from mites and other pests Is not the right kind of exercise." The truth Is ob vious. Give the fowls plenty of encour agement to scratch for their grain feed by keeping a portion of each pen deeply bedded with leaves or straw. There Is nothing like It for promoting thrift and contentment among n Hock of fowls In the winter, nnd it Is also a grent aid towards getting fertile, batchable eggs allzes no profit on his capital If the expense of operating his dairy Is not less than the gross receipts of the dulry products. The profits In the dairy Industry nre mensured by tho average produc tion ot the cows. One animal will produce .1000 pounds of milk In a Ben son, and another cow 8000 pounds, which, sold nt ii per 100 pounds, would represent a difference of $50 In the minimi Income between the two cows. If tho smaller producer only paid for her feed mid attendance the larger milker would net tho own er a profit of $50. A herd of twenty mediocre cows may only produce op erating expenses, while a dairy of twenty good rows would yield n net prollt of $1000, It. Is to the ndvsn tuge of tho dairyman In every partic ular to weed out. bis poor rows and reolaco them with profitable producers. Dow PenmiM Crow. "Do you know how peanuts grow?" asked Mr. Joseph D. Warren, of Rich mond, Vn., In n recent Interview, "t have found few persons of the North nml West who can answer that ques tion. Porno sny on a vine, porno on a bush, some on n tree, and some In the ground, like potatoes. "The peculiar thing nbout a peanut Is that It grows In two ways on a bush nnd like n potato. The first step lu the process Is tho plnntlng of n single peanut. From that n bush grows. I.vIik close to tho ground. A branch stretches out closo to tho rnrth, and sends up Into the nlr shoots on which nro little yellow flowers, like buttercups. Directly beneath these flowers, growing straight downwnrd, small, sharp pointed shoots appear, like thorns. They nrn called "pegs," and grow back Into tho ground. It Is nt. tho end of these 'pegs' that the pennuts are found." Forest reports declare thnt within n few yenrs there will not. be n single chestnut, tree within twenty miles ol New York City. A fungous disease Is killing them, and Is reported ns snreiidlng In nil directions. Tho elimination of tho chestnut would bo n serious loss to timber resources, for chestnut wood Is valuable. Tho esthetic loss of this noble tree would nlfin be lamentable. With It would go the joys of chostnuttlng, one of he most, delightful pursuits asso ciated with tho first, frosts of nu tttmn. These excursions of old will always hold delightful place In nil reminiscences of youth. Indiana Farmer. Keep Better Cows. As cities Increase in population there Is an annual expansion In the demand for dairy products. The mere fact thnt in 1908 there was an in crease of 526,000 milch cows report ed In the United States Indicates a wonderful broadening of the dairy Industry. Railway transportation fa cilities are Improved, traffic rates are more reasonable and the city supply ot milk and dairy products is ex tending farther Into the ' country, says Drovers' Journal. Where help can be obtained to op erate the dairy milk production is one of the best paying branches Ot animal husbandry. The farmers op erating their holdings with milch cows are enabled to market all the roughage and grain produced on the farm In milk, butter, cream or cheese. The dairy Industry is especially adapted to build up and Increase the fertility of the farm. It Is popular among farmers, because the farmer realizes a monthly Income on his In vestment. As a rule dairymen are thrifty and prosperous agriculturists. The profits of dairy husbandry all depend on the productive ability of the cows. Unquestionably many cows are in dairy herds that do not more than pay the expense ot keep, leaving no profit to the dairyman. It the farmer had $10,000 to loan he would prefer to invest it in six per cent first mortgages Instead of loan ing the money without interest. The farmer sells his hay, grain and rough age through the products ot his cows, and it the revenue only equals the cost ot production there Is no profit in the Industry. He Is losing the Interest on his investment and re- The Cnlllvnllon of Corn From my observations I am con vinced thnt this latter-day machinery for "shallow cultivation" is not, In the mnjorlty of Instances, on tho cor rect prlnrlole; nt any rate In this lat itude. With the present improved soil conditions we hnve, by nnder drnlnlng, clover, etc., the low average of twenty-five bushels per acre as reported for nil the Slntes Is most deplorable. Kven the forty bushels credited to Indiana this year, which Is above the actual fncts, Is not more than half what It should be. We should plant deeper, nnd after the first nnd second plowing, with smnll shovels, go straight down nlong side the plants. After this the object should be to keep out, leaving the roots undisturbed. There are only two methods by which this can be done properly. One is by tho use of larger shovels In order to throw the dirt over to the corn; the other ex treme shallow cultivation, with drag or harrow, circumstances to govern the matter according to conditions of soil, season and time of doing it. However, under most conditions I find the larger shovel the better, as it throws the soil up over the roots to nourish and fully mature a crop of ears. In "ye olden time" the corn ground was furrowed out with a large shovel plow, or maybe a little mold board, corn dropped down In the bot tom of the furrow, covered with the hoe, drag or "straddle bug," and cul tivated with larger shovels on the plow or cultivator. And it took a hard wind to throw down the corn In those days, and needless to say ears hung over the rows, long and hard as stove wood. The writer can re call as a hoy, taking one year as an Instance, in 3000 bushels he raised there wasn't a bushel basketful of nubbins to feed a cow. Indeed I had to break the ears over the doorslll of the old log crib to get It small enough to feed. Let us get down to common sense in the matter by procuring a planter (or adjusting the latter devices for attaching to the ordinary ones in use) that has the fenders, or pairs of discs set before the runners of the planter, making a furrow ot sufficient depth for the seed, but not necessa rily covering deeper than It should be, or would be without them. There Is reason, yes, true science in the at tachments where snch planters are to be UBed, as the discs cut looser and throw up and out the soil In the dif ferent grades, mingling together as It falls over the corn as the runners pass through. - This method, properly applied, would work a revolution In corn growing. I. M. Miller, In the Indiana Farmer. CONVINCING PROOF OF THE VIRTUE OP Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in tho face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they aro genuine and honest, too, every one of them. mm him- nun ,:. v.: ,! IffiSSSi tftja el J ! t" ' ' " 1 Mrs. S. J. Itarber saysi "1 think Lydia E. ll'lnklinm'B Veiro- 1 table Compound Is tho best meill- lolne in the world I for women nnd I feci it my duty I to let others know the good it has done for me. Three vearsairo 1 1 had 11 tumor willed the doctor Isnld would have to be removed by an operation or I could not live mora (bait a year, or two, nt most. I wrote Mrs. Pink, lmm, at Lynn, Mass.. for advice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia K. Pink, ham's Vegotablo Compound, and to day tho tumor is none and I am a perfectly well woman. I hope, my testimonial will be of lienePt to oth ers." hits. H. J. JUuiiKit, Scott, N. Y. Mrn. E3. F. Ilnyrs 'xyat 'I wan under tho doctor'B treat ment fur a fibroid tumor. 1 suffered with prln, sore ness, bloating', and could not wallc or Ht.'itid 011 my feet any loiifftdof time. I wrote to Mrs. I'iiikham for ml. I vice, followed her JdiroctioiiH nnd took Lydia R Pinklinm'g Vegetable; Compound. To-day I am a well woman, tho tumor wan expelled and inv wliolo flysloin Htrongtlmned. I advise all women who nro nllllcted with tumors or fetnalo troubles to try Lydia K. Piukham's Vfgetablo Compound." Mrs. I). V. JUyks, ISM Washington St., Lo3ton, Mass. For CO years Lydia T. IMnlihnm's Veiretnlde Ootiiounl has boon tlio Htandnrd remedy for fcmalft U!h. No rtl')c woman ! ,iis(lco t IwrMolf wlio will not try this famous nicdicinei. Mud exclusively from roofH ami herbs, and lias thousands of cures to its credit. rfJgnMr8. 1'inlibRni Invites nil Blck 'women fo v.rifo her for advice. She has guided thousands to health fro of charge. Address J!rs. l'inkhnm. Lynn. Mass. I I 0 in perfect healt, ham n Vegetable Com. Mrs. Cleorpn May says 1 "No one knows I what I have suf fered from fc- lmalo troubles, liieuralgla pains. land backache. I My doctor said I he could not give mo anything to cure it. Through. jtho ndvlco of m ll'rictid 1 began (o uso Lydia J5. Jj'Inkbatn's Vcw- table Compound, and the pal 11 soon disappeared. 1 continued its use and am now J.vui.'i J',. J'liiKhain s Vegi pound lias wen n tinii-seim to inn as 1 believe I should have been in rtiy grave If it bad not been for Airs, rinkhntii's advice and Lydia K. l'inkliairi's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. tiKoirou May, 80 4td Aye., 1'utsrsoii, S.J. Mrs. XV. K. lloiish nayst r'"JMvn"1 ''VP bflflT .. Ai V.'-7Mprirniiti'f.eltf enreil of a severe fo malo trouble by Lydia K. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound, and want to recom. tnend It to all suf fering women." -Mrs. W. K. Hovsti, 7 J'ast. view Ave., Clo, climati, Ohio. liecauso your cast) is a dilllcult one, doctors having done you no pood, do not. continue to suffer with out giving Lydia K. I'inkham's Veg etable Compound a trial. It surely lias cured many cases of female ills, Hiirh as I nll.'iin mat Ion. ulceration, dls jdaeements. fibroid tumors, irregu laritios.iierlodic palns.backache.eto. r IIP mm Wm W) The Right Way In All Cnscs of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC., Of All Ilnrscs. Ilrood Mures, Colls, iStiillions, is to "5POHN THEM" On trie Ir tmifriH'ti or In tlm fewl pur Kpnhn'i Liquid (.'(rnMiifil. Olvit Hi- rTinly fi .ill of tln-m. It iw-W mi the IiI'hmI nml kImhK II rontn thf illHcaw by ex IH'IIHiK Ihtt illMffttc tft'rin. It ward o IT t ho trniiMo, di mailer how thiy an "exiMi-," Alrnohilirly fn-A from ntiylhliiK Injurious. A rlillil run wifely titkn It. 60 oU. it nil fi.ijM; t' ami $Mi.mi the toen. KolJ hy dfijicifiMU, hftriM'HH doiiiuftt, or wui, ox promt paid, by tlio luanuffuaufurn. H pre 1 11 1 A urn in Wanted. SPOIIN MFJMCAI CO., C'liemiMtn nml HntlerlnloKlMtN, CONMKN. I?m.. II. H. A. $ $r W4 j ton if n if New Soles for the Old. Revolution in footwear seems to be promised by an Ingenious invention which shortly will be placed on the market. The idea Is no less than a reinovablo sole the old wears through, the new slipped In, for all the world like a new pair of lnces! The heel resembles the ordinary va riety, but Is made In two parts, the wenrlng portion of which can be re moved. Interchanged or renewed In a second or so wlthlut the use of tools or Implements. Roughly .eighty thou sand pounds a year will be saved by the war office In boot repairs if, as is expected, this Invention Is adopted for the army. Apart from this, there Is the Immense importance from the mil Itary point of view of the fact that the adoption of the system would dispose of the difficulties of transit during a campaign. Instead of heavy wagon loads of new boots would be the in comparable lighter load ot soles and heels. London Graphic. Haeckel and Huxley. Of Ernst Haeckel, Professor Vernon Lymart Kellogg declares, In The Pop ular Monthly, that he "Is no longer tnerely the German champion of Dar winism and Monism, but the world champion." When compared with Huxley, his famous companion-inarms, Haekel appears as the more egostlstlc of the two. He fights more for himself He advertises himBelf more. And he comes in for sharper scientific criticism than Huxley did. He has been accused of a certain "carelessness" in his handling of bio loglcal facts, of a tendency to specu latlveness which Ills critics have dubbed "der Haeckellsmus in der zool ogle." But of his influence at large there can be no question. New York Evening Post. November was the coldest as well as the wettest month In the history of the Isthmus ot Panama. The max tmum temperature in the sun at Cu- lebra was only 90 and the average temperature was below that ot any previous month on record. . Itch cured In Sn mlnntm by WoolfrmPe Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. A vegetable cheese s being made in an experimental way in England from the casein contained in soya beans. g The movement ot the drifting ice of the Far North Is about two toilet a day. Coal In Japan. There Is not less than 1,200,000,000 tons of con! deposited in Japan. This coal Is now being mined at the rate ot 14,000100 br.ns a year. The coal seams usually vary from three to eight feet thick, and nre mostly so conveni ently situated that they can be worlc ed by Incline. Rt. Petersburg will establish lnrge ozone plane to purify the city's water supply, drawn from the germ- lartPn Neva. Baby Smiles When He Takes pi SO'; l CURE 1 I So pleumt do) Wt Bin k ml eanuira m oei- I in. Then k tmimt lik t Braxliila, 1 Antima and ,Q troobla nf lha tSroal mi laaafc I ASuixkad Rnc4rlKh!( aixalMrT. I AH Drum!.,.. S C-w,. XJ PJL "I have suffered with piles for thirty six years. One year ago last April I be gan taking Cascarets for constipation. Ia the course of a week I noticed the piles began to disappear and at the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at all. Cascarets have done wonders for me. X am entirely cured and feel like a new man." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. P1rant, Palatable, Potent, Taits Good. I)o Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Grtpe. 10c. 25c, 50c. Never aold In bulk. The g-en-nlne tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your niuoev back. 920 mCentsnRod ForSt-ln. HoffFneo: flt-4ror l-liihi IH He for Ml twin i Me for M-lnch IM for 7 Inrh. Farm Kviice. &0-lnch Poultry Fenc tie. Sold om 30 4wy trial. Mroti shvI Idem, ftarb Wlr9l.SS CilOru fre. KITSELMAN BROS Boa 98 MUNCH, INO. m P. N. U. 9, 1910. PATENTS.; liiffton. D.U. HooltMfrt. Hlch menaces, atmt result SiHSTbompsoa's Eye Water