School Notes. There were only four cases of tardi ness la all the schools last, week. We continue to acknowledge con tributions to the laboratory fund, from Mr. Bell, Mr. Harris and Mr. 1'arrlsb. MlssEITle MlUlren was In Brookvllle over Saturday. Col. Gordon's farewell address to the Senate was read before the High School on Friday morning. A committee representing the Business Men's Association visited the schools on Friday afternoon. They saw a sample of work from every depart ment above the fourth grade, We hope the next committee will give us a full day. The school board has fitted up the physical laboratory with water, light, heat and has supplied a largo case with glass doors for the care and display of the apparatus recently purchased. This apparatus, which is sufficient for the performance of about 30 experi ments, will be formally presented to the school on the evening of March 18. Tbe program for the occasion will be announced next week. Senator Robert Taylor will be here March 15th. The chart for reserved seats will open five dftys before, March 10th. Mr. Taylor is booked for DuBols the plght before his appearance In Peynoldsvllle, Admission 60o. Only 40 school days remain. Tbe Lash of a Fiend Would have been about as welcome to A. Cooper, of Oswego, N. Y., bb a merciless lung racking cough that defied all remedies for years. "It was most troublesome at night," be writes, "nothing helped me till I used Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me completely. T never cough at night now." Millions know its matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whopping cough, or hay fever. It relieves quickly and never fails to satisfy. A trial con vinces. 50o to $1.00. Trial bottle free. It's positively guaranteed by H, L. McEntlre. Letter Llai. List of unclaimed letters remaining in post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for week ending Mar. 5, 1910. . Harold Dlllie 2, Peter Hetrick, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. W. T. Tyrer, George Wilt. bay advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. Snow Fall Past Winter. Several different persons In nearby towns have made public reports concern ing the amount of snow that has fallen during tbe past winter, some of the re ports plauiug the ainouut to as much as six feet, six Inches. However, all these marks have been passed in DuBols and tbe man that kept tally on the downfall Is one who ban been doing so in a scien tific way anil for the good of the bor ough. Water Commissioner Lord Is the man and his teloritido Instrument showed a downfall of seven feet, four Inches. Mr. Lord did not mane his re port directly to thu public, but to coun Oil at the special meeting' on Wednes day evening. DuBols Courier. A Man ol Iron Nrtve. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where stomach, liver, kidney and bowels are out. of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the matchless regu lators, for keen brain and strong body. 25o at II. L. McEntire's. A sign of good fitting shoos Queen Quality tor women. 13.00 and $3.50. Adam's. Want Column. Rates: On cent per word for each and very insertion. For Sale Two mares. Inquire of G. M. Ilea. WANTED Girl to do general house' work. Inquire of E. Neff. FOR SALE Light team: 1200 lbs. In quire Fred Goss, Falls Creek. FOR SALE Three and a half wagon E. Conrad, Burns farm, Wlnslow town ship. FOR Sale Seven room house and lot on Beech street. Inquire of Oscar Tapper. For Sale A property In grtbd con ditlon, located on Grant street, between Fourth and Fifth Btreets. A bargain to a quick buyer. Inquire of H. E, Phillips. For Rent Store room 22 x 100 feet; basement same size; wareroom attached 22 x 50; also two large office rooms, well lighted and equipped with steam beat. Inquire of A. T. McClure. For Sale One six room house and two lots, with good spring of living water; located on 13th Btreet. Price 900. Also one six room house and extra large lot; located on Tenth st Price $800. Inquire of A. T. McClure Twenty Boys Wanted to work for a Shetland pony, cart and harness Liberal pay to bright bovs. besides the chance to earn a pony. Successful boys will be given permanent positions which will not enterfere with school studies. S. J. Burgoon, Main Btreet. The First National Bank lOF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus s $ 1 75,000.00 Resources . . $600,000.00 Johh H. Zauchir, Pres. John H. Kaucher Henry O. Delble OFFICERS J. O. Kino, Vlce-Pres. DIRECTORS J.O.King Daniel Nolan J. 8. Hammond K. O. Bohdckirs, Cashier John H. Oorbett R. H.Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking For Most People It Is Easier to Earn Money thanjto Save It. But your earning ability will not continue indefinitely, and it is therefore important to save while you can. Make ita rule to de deposit in this strong bank regular install ments of your wages. This will provide you with an income when earning money is not so easy and for emergencies like sickness and bereavement. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Town Council Meeting. Tbe regular monthly meeting of town council '-as held In , Secretary Flynn's office on Monday evening, March 1st, with all mo moors, but one, present. Ex-Tax Collector Wm. Copping re ported having collected following tax uurlng February: $52.72 on ll08 tax. 814 (17 on 1!)07 tax and 9100 32 on 1908 tax. Tax Collector S. J. Burgoon reported having collected $44.34 during Feb ruary. Tax Collector Burgoon presented a list of exonerations, which council looked over carefully aud, with few exceptions, granted the exonerations. The borough property committee was instructed to have three incandescent lights placed In hose bouse No. 3, two lnsldo of building and one outride. Current bills wore ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet Monday evening, March Do your banking with a bank that will pay you a liberal rate of interest compounded twice a year and allow you to withdraw same on demand no notice required. You may deposit any amount and at any time. We will do this. And no worry. The Peoples National Bank (Omest B a nk in the County. ) REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA . afital and Profits f 130,000.00. Resourced $560,000.00. Illustrated Lecture for Miners. A business meeting of tbe DuBols District Mining Institute, which in cludes Reynoldsvllle, Sykesville, Rath mel, Soldier and surrounding districts, will be held in the Central Y. M. C. A. rooms, Long Avenue, OuBoif, on Fri day evening, March 11th, at 7.00. The lecture, "Explosives," will be delivered by Clarence Hall, expert In charpo Ex plosive Section, U. S. Geological Sur vey, Pittsburgh, Pa., and will be suit ably Illustrated by stereoptlcon views. Mr. Hall has also promised to bring some of the most approved apparatus from tbe testing station along with blm. As the lecture Is free it is hoped that those Interested In such work will try and attend, as tbe lecture is bound to prove full of Interest to mining men. $25,000 Baseball Sensation. The Pittsburgh Dispatch announces that It has secured the right to publish serially, commencing next Monday, the book which Cbrlsty Mattbewson has written, entitled "Won In the Ninth." Every fan knows that Mattbewson is the world's greatest baseball pitcher and he Is a member of the New York club. Several weeks ago the newspapers and magazines all over the country were printing articles about Mattbew son writing a book and baseball en thusiasts have been looking forward to a great treat, but not anticipating that an opportunity of reading the story in a newspaper would be offered. How ever, The Pittsburgh Dispatch, ever on the alert for the "best always," sur prises the public with tbe good news that will enable everyone to read the great story before the book is put on sale. No fan should miss It, and to be sure of reading It you had better notify your newsdealer now. Remember the date of the opening chapter is next Monday, March 14th. Stockholders Meeting. Reynoldsvllle, Pa., Feb. 28, 1010. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Reynoldsvllle Brick & Tile Co. will be held at the office of the company at their works in Winslow township, Jefferson Co., at 2 o'clock p. m., Tues day, April 5, 1010, for the election of directors and the transaction of anv other business that may properly come before that body. Clyde C. Murray, Secretary. Good Weather After St. Patrick's Days. The Pittsburgh Oazrttc-Twus said yesterday: "The temperature will gradually rise and continue warm for several days, but the weather man will make no definite prediction as to how long it will last, as he fears to antici pate the conditions that may vary greatly between now and St. Patrick's day. But after March 17 the Hon will be chased to his lair and the lamb will then be free to gambol on tbe green." It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose mv psr. wrltna J. A. Swensen, of Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me im. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it, sound ana well." Infallible for skin eruptions, eczema, salt rbeum, bolls fever sores, burns, scalds, cuts and piles. 25o at H. L. McEntire's. Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. guarantees Ml-o-na tablets to promptly relieve after-dinner distress, and cure In digestion, or money back. Large box 00 cents. The long wearing shoe for the lonr. beaded man Walk-Overs. $3 60 and $4 00. Adam's Boot Shop. If you have anything to sell, try oar Want Column warn a.' Q7 PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN RAILROAD Sherwood and Beuson at the Family Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this week In a comedy and talking act, which Is a. ''Merry Ming ling of Mirth and Music." If you are not on the sunny side, Walk Oyer price $3.50 and $4 00. Adam's. DREADNAUGHT CARS The nub of railroading is first-clans equipment and re liable service. The Pennsylvania Kailroad provides this for the public. For many months big all-steel coaches, built like Dreadnaughts, have been operated on all through trains. Their easy riding qualities and steadiness of motion have been widely praised. The all-steel dining cars too have distinct advantages over the wooden ones. They are stronger and steadier, rind the act of eating is made more enjoyable by the smoother movement. There are also some steel Pullman cars combined par lor smokers and bnggnge in. the service now. Travelers like them. They have plenty of elbow room and they glide over the rails. The sleeping cars are coming. Some lour hundred parlor and sleeping cars will be in use by Summer. These steel coaches and cars are the strongest vehicles ever built for passenger transportation. They are fire proof, hteak proof and bend proof. They represent the climax of safety and the perfection of comfort in railroad travel. The Pennsylvania Railroad has always been the leader in all manner of improved equipment as well as in all methods of making their patrons more comfortable This is why it is known and honored as The Standard Kailroad of America. Easter Garments Made to Measure Half the Usual Price We show all the new styles, all the new fabrics of the American Ladies Tailoring Co,, Chicago. The variety is almost unlimited. The prices are amazingly low. We take your measurements and guarantee you service exactly as good as you would get if you went to Chicago. All Done Right at Home. We have in our store now the Spring Port folio of the American Ladies Tailoring Co., the leading concern in its line. In this book there are shown, in actual colors, a wealth of the smartest styles for spring. There are G6 separate styles the very finest creations in suits, skirts, dresses and capes. We also show samples of 238 fabrics, all this season's weaves. And we offer you the choice of any garment made in any fabric a far larger variety than you can find in any tailoring shop in the country. S.-'SiSSSS How It is Done You pick out your style here, and choose your fabric, just as you would if you went in person to the American Ladies Tailoring shop. An experienced fitter in our store takes all your measurements. Then a diagram is made showing your figure, style and carriage all the facts which a tailor needs. The tailors who make the garments have all the information which they could have if you stood there before them, The garments are not only fitted tayour figure. They are fitted to your style.your individuality. You get all the distinctiveness, and all the perfec tions which are possible in man-tailored gar ments. And you get this right at home, at prices which run from a half to a third what small er ladies' tailors charge. No Better Tailoring. You cannot at any price get better service than we offer to you in this way. That we guarantee. If anything proves unsatisfac toryfit, style, workmanship or materials we will return the garment to the makers. You will not be asked to accept it. But you will be more than satisfied. You will be amazed at what a garment you can get for the money. The work is all done by the best of man tailors. It is directed in person by Monsieur Kayser, one of the masters of this craft. Not a garment is sent out by the American Ladies Tailoring Company until a dozen inspections prove its utter perfection. The Amazing Prices. The American Ladies Tailoring Co. makes a thousand garments to the usual tailor's one. They buy their materials direct from tne mills, and in enormous lots. Everything is done on such a scale that the cost is reduced to a minimum. We will show you suits which will be made to your measure as low as $13.50, as high as $45.00. Coats from $8.00 to $30.00. Dresses, $9.50 to $30.00. Capes from $9.50 to $22.00. Skirts from $5.00 up. These prices will average not more than one-half the usual prices of ladies' tailors. Yet no one can offer you anything better than you can secure in this way. See Our Styles and Fabrics. We have ready to show you 66 styles and 238 fabrics. Come and see which you like best and learn what it costs. No garment requires more than ten days to two weeks in the making, so wecan prom ise you prompt service. Please come at once see what this system means to you. Then, if you decide on a garment we can have it Here when you wantit. BING-STOKE COMPANY REYNOLDSVILLE, PA.