BABY'S EYES. Tell me, baby sweetheart, .What would a mother ilo i With those shining eves, Like the summer skies. That are eteened in the morning dew Tell me, oh, my bahy, ,Vhat should a mother do With a curly head And tins so red, Dyed to love's own hue? Shall she cover them over with kisses; Khali she kiss the smiling eyes And the crimson tips Of the fragrant lips IWith love that never dies! Bearch ye the whole world over, There is nothing half so sweet ' As the fond alarms Of babv's arms, 'And the patter of little feet; The touch of clinging tinge. The sound of a lisping voice, And the going to bed Of a drowsy head, To make the heart rejoice. Buffalo Kvening News. jSH5H5H5aSH52S35HSHSHSH5V THE FIVE FAIHIES. g "tt5H5ES12SH5HSE5HSHSE5H5Hi? There was once a little girl who iad careless fingers. Of course they did not really mean to be careless, but they were always losing her hair ribbons, and forgetting to button her frocks, and leaving the dolls out in the garden all night. One morning the little girl's fairy godmother came Into the playroom. There had been a party In the doll bouse the day before, and the little girl had not washed the plates and teacups or brushed the crumbs from the floor. The little girl's pet kit ten was playing with some tangled hair ribbons, and the girl herself sat by the window in a mussed up frock and her hair was not combed. "Now, my dear, this will never do," aid the fairy godmother. "You must go out and find five fairies to help you keep tidy. Run along, and mind you don't come home without them!" "But I don't know which way to go," said the child, beginning to cry. "You must find your way," said the fairy godmother, "and the five fairies will know you if you do not know them." So the child put on her hat and started out to try to find five little fairies who would help her to keep tidy. Well, the child went up and down the streets and the highways, peeping through the keyholes and Into all the corners, but not a fairy did she see. There were only plain, ordinary, real folks about. So the child went far ther still, across the meadows and down a hill, until she came to a path In a deep, dark forest. On and on 8he went, until she bumped right into a queer little red house under the trees. At the. door of the house sat a fat little man in a red cap, spin ning. Jane stopped and bowed very politely. "Please, sir," she said, "can you tell me where I shall find five fair ies?" The little man never said a word. He Just went right on sewing so fast that his needle broke and his thread knotted. "Oh, that isn't the way to sew," aid the child. "You should be care ful and not pull the thread so hard." "Well, suppose you had one dozen pinafores and two dozen pairs of knickerbockers and three dozen blouses to finish before sunset," said the little man, crossly. The child looked, and there were the pinafores and the knickerbock ers and the blouses, all cut out and piled in the doorway. "Why, I'll help you finish them," he said. So the child and the fat little man Just sewed and sewed and sewed. When the last blouse was done, the little man looked up. "You might go a bit farther on," he said, "to where my brother sits on the turnstile. Perhaps he has een some fairies." So the child went a little farther through the forest, and she came to a turnstile. There on the top sat a sec ond little man. He was dressed in green from he, ti foot, and he had his arms 6pre-d out very wide to how which way the roads went. "Please, sir," said Jane, politely, "can you tell me where I can find five fairies?" But the little man did not answer. "I've been out here for days and days," he said, pointing to the roads, "and I haven't been able to get down once. Look at my face and hair and my dusty coat." "Why, you poor little thing!" said the child. "Just wait a moment and I'll tidy you a bit." So she took her pocket handker chief and dusted off the little man's coat. She smoothed his hair, and he brought some water from the brook in the palm of her hand and washed his face. "There, you look much better," she aid. "I feel better," said the little point ing man, "but I haven't seen any fairies. Yon might ask my tall broth er at the fork of the roads if he's een any. He is just a little way ahead there, looking for his cap." So the child went down the road. and, just where the little pointing man had told her, she saw a third 'little 'man, much taller than the oth- tors, but not very big at that. He was down on bis hands and kneel, looking tin the grass and under the bushes. "Pint and needles! Oh, my pins Mind needles!" he was paying over and lover to himself. "What will Thumb- lkln ay If I don't find my cap?" "Is this your cap?" asked Jane, as Hhe picked up a little round silver thing from under a leaf. It looked like nothing so much as a thimble, but the tall little man clapped It on his head and scampered away through, the forest as fast as his legs could carry him. As he ran, he called back: "No. I haven't seen any fairies, but perheps my sister has. She la mixing cake on a toadstool over there. You will know her because she wears a gold ring abou'. her neck," and the little man hurried on. , So the child looked about for a toadstool. Presently she spied one standing tall and straight like a real table. Beside it wsb the daintiest lit tle lady that ever was, in a little pink dress that had short sleeves, and wearing a gold ring about her neck. She had an acorn bowl, and she was stirring very fast with a maple leaf for a spoon. "Please, have you seen five fair ies?" asked the little girl. "Hand me thnt sugar," said the little lady. "That's right. Now put a gill of rose water and an ounce of dew and a measure of honey in. Now beat it well until I tell you to stop, and then, It you are a good child and you look very sweet, if your frock is unbuttoned and your hair is mussy you may wash all my dishes." When Jane had stirred the cake until her arms ached, and then washed the dishes In the spring, the little lady said: "You asked me about fairies. Sup pose you ask the baby. I put her to sleep over there In the humming bird's nest, but she's awake now. Per haps she has seen a fairy. Babies do sometimes, you know." The little girl peeped In a wee hum ming-bird's nest that hung on a tree close by, and there Bhe spied the lit tle lady's baby. Such a dear baby, no longer than Jane's tiniest finger, but as pretty as the prettiest doll! Her dress was spun of gossamer spi der webs, and her cap was of frost lace, and her cheeks were as pink as rose petals, and her eyes were as blue as the blue of the sky. "Oh, you dear little thing," cried the little girl, taking the baby up In her hand. "You look like a fairy yourself!" The baby laughed, a tinkling little laugh that sounded like bells. Jane looked and what do you think had happened? There were five fairies right In her hand! There was fat Thumbkin, with Pointer standing very straight Just behind him. There stood Tall Man in his thimblo cap. There was the little lady In her gold ring. Last of all, there was the dear baby, so pink and sweet. "Run home, little girl," they all cried. "You helped us, and we are going to help you now." So the child went home to her fairy godmother with her hand full ot fair ies; and the five Thumbkin and Pointer and Tall Man and the Httlo Ring Lady and the Baby helped the child all the rest of her life. Carolyn S. Bailey, in Kindergarten Review. TSHZIVGS &WORTII; KNOWING A bee visits on an average of ten flowers before securing a load of nec tar. Old silk hats are in demand In the East End of London as nosebags for donkeys. Over 4000 muscles have been counted in the body ot a single com mon moth. Farmers are beginning to light up their lands with electricity generated by waterfalls. London motor bus drivers are fined for being ahead of time, but rarely for being late. Tanning snake skins for the man ufacture of women's belts has become a lucrative industry in Madras. The largest delegation of foreign students attending American colleges last year was sent by Canada, 242. The Chinese divide the day Into twelve parts. Each part is distinct in itself and is ot two hours' dura tion. The sudden demand for popular education In China is shown by the fact that the school attendance in one province alone has Increased 8000 per cent, in five years. An iron cyclone cellar is a novelty described in Popular Mechanics. It says that a metal concern in one of the cyclone States of the West is manufacturing the cyclone cellars of extra heavy galvanized corrugated iron. It has a cylindrical shape, and is provided with Btairway, seats, Bhelves and bins. A large number of money prizes are awaiting winning in England by aerial flights of different distances and under different conditions, but the one great condition attending nearly all the prizes is that either the machine or the aviator, or both, must be English. The most important prize is the $50,000 offer of the Dally Mail. Horses seldom suffer from de cayed teeth, but because of the upper teeth closing on the lower ones a lit tle on the outside points are some times found which lacerate the cheek or penetrate the gums, creating a tenderness that prevents the proper mastication of. food, annoying the horse so much that he falls away very rapidly. G v KINDNESS OF A CYCLONE. "L. E. 0. Old Sailor of the Rails," as he signs himself, was run ning through Western Kansas during a season when constant high winds and cyclones brought danger with every trip. He was pulling an im portant fruit train of twenty cars with order to land the conslgnniant at the point of delivery on schedule time. As they pulled out of the termlnnl there was every evidence of bad weather, and the fireman stopped shoveling coal long enough to remark that he guessed they were In for an other batch of trouble before they reached the end of the division. By the time they had got fairly Into the flat country there was no mistaking the signs of a storm of more than usual severity. Not only did It begin to get dark, but the clouds began to move In all directions, In sure indi cation of n real Kansas cyclone. The two men in the cnb noticed specially a gyrating mass of many colored clouds which appeared to be np proaching at a great rate. Then sheets of rain fell, hiding everything for a minute or two. By this time they were reeling off the miles at a splendid clip and ma king full use of n stretch of down grade, nt the foot of which was n small town called Snlona on the other Bide of a big trestle. Halfway over this piece of track the full fury of the storm struck them. Without doubt they were wrestling with a genuine Kansas twister of the kind thnt Is capable of sweeping whole villages from Its path. . Just ahead was tho bridge, or where It should be. But even as the engineer peered eagerly through the blinding sheets of water, he had a momentary vision of a grent black mass rising up and fleeing Into the arms of the whlwv.ind. "Was that the bridge?" gasped the fireman, plucking at his sleeve. "Yes, and It's no use to Jump," was the answer. One moment more and both must be at tho bottom ot the river, with a dozen or more cars piled on top of them. And then something hap pened. The engineer's head struck hard. Instinctively he attempted to swim. Then his head cleared, and he sat up, to find himself on dry land, lie thought he must be dream ing, and when he b.iw his fireman coming toward him he was certain of it. "What does it mean?" asked his assistant. "I don't know; but I guess it means we're still alive," replied the engineer. "So In the circumstances perhaps we had better Investigate." But nt that moment the storm came up with redoubled fury, and both were obliged to throw them selves face down on tho ground and wait for a lull. At last It was possi ble for them to make their Investiga tion. The explanation was close nt hand In the form of the cab, which had been torn bodily from the en gine nnd carried nearly five hundred feet through tho air, where engineer and foreman had been dropped half Fc"i?less, but practically unhurt, in c corn field at the side of the track. As soon as possible they made their way to the bridge, which they found had been carried clean away, while in the river bed lay what was left of the engine and eighteen cars of fruit. The company was two weeks clean ing up one of tho worst wrecks in the history of the road, and during that fortnight the settlers on each side of the river had a big fru-It feast. They promptly dubbed the scene of the ac cident Fruit Ravine, and although seventeen years have passed that is its name to this day. New York Tri bune Sunday Magazine. A CUNNING LUNATIC. A court officer from BInghamton was taking a lunatic to an asylum at Middletown, N. Y., pursuant to an order from a committing magistrate. The lunatic was informed that he was merely going on a pleasant rail road trip, and be cheerfully accom panied the officer. The breakdown of a freight train occasioned two hours' delay, and when the passenger train arrived at Middletown, it was too late to proceed to the asylum, so they put up for the night at a hotel. Early next morning tho lunatic got up, and searched the officer's cloth ing, and he found the magistrate's order. With that cunning which lun atics not Infrequently display, he made his way to the asylum, Baw one of the keepers, and told him that he had a poor mad fellow down at a hotel, whom he should bring up in the course of the day, adding: "He's a queer chap, and has very odd ways. Don't be surprised If he says I am the madman, and he is bringing me here. You must take care of him, and not believe a word that he says." The keeper promised compliance, and the lunatic walked back to the hotel, where be found the officer still asleep. He awoke him, and they went to breakfast together. "You're a lazy fellow," said the lunatic; "I have had a good walk," "Indeed," said the officer; "I should like a walk myself after breakfast; perhaps you will go with me." The lunatic assented. During the walk the officer led the way, Intend ing to deliver his charge; but It never occurred to him to examine whether his order was safe. When they got within sight of the asylum, the luna tic exclaimed: "What a fine house that Is!" "Yes," said the ofilcer, "I should like to see the InBlde of it." "So should I," observed the lunatic. "Well," said the other, "I dare say they will let us Inspect It. Anyway, I'll ask." They went to the door; the officer rang the bell, and the keeper whom the lunatic had previously seen made hlB appearance with two assistants. The officer then began to search his pockets for the order, when the luna tic produced It and gave It to the keeper, saying: "This Is the man I spoke to you about. You will take care of him." Hands were at once laid on the poor officer, who vociferated loudly that the other was the madman, and thus conforming the real madman's story. The officer's violent struggles ended in a strait waistcoat being put upon him. The lunatic then re turned to the hotel, paid the bill, and set out homeward. The good people were not a little surprised to see him back, and they, fearing for the officer's safety, asked him what he had dono with him. "Done with him?" snld the mnd tnnn; "why I left him at the Middle town asylum as mad as possible." Which, indeed, was not far from the truth, for the wits of the poor of ficer were well-nigh overset by his unexpected detention and subsequent treatment. CHASED EY ELEniANT. Cycling in Rhodesia occasionally has the charm of adventure If there Is much charm In the excitement of the chase when the chased Is the human rider. A cyclist who was riding from Broken Hill to Ndala on the edge of a bush clearing almost ran Into the hindquarters of a baby elephant half a score hands high. "Very likely I never got oft my bike so quickly before, and I suppose both of us looked rather bamboozled. My new acquaintance gave me a long, look, and, screaming, ran toward home, or rather an old tusker and three cows browsing on the oppo site end of the glade," ho said In tell ing of his adventure. "In wonderment I stood rooted to the spot. The wind was blowing to ward me, and the bull, a magnificent monster, swung his trunk to and fro through the air to smell me out. It appears that elephants cannot see very far; besides, the sun was right against them. As soon as the now whimpering youngster arrived by his protectors they fumbled with their trunks all over him to find out what was wrong, uttering the while a curi ous rumbling noise through the long nostril. "By this time I thought It was time to return. In swinging my cycle around some dry twigs broke under me with sharp cracks. The puzzled bull stood for a moment motionless, with his huge ears extended like some topgnllnnt sails; then, as he heard the chink of the metal through my mounting the bike, tho huge animal lurched forward with a grunt that rumbled as distant thunder down his bis trunk. "I waited no longer, but pedaled for dear life, and wonder even now how I dodged the many obstacles on j the path. "Behind me enm-d a crashing ot trees, I did not look back, but put on, ob it were, more steam, until, after a retreat of some four miles, hearing nothing more, I nearly came a neat cropper over an ancient tree stump. "Still a trifle flurried, I dis mounted, but except the sighing of the forest and the buzzing ot tsetse flies there was no other sound. A few miles behind my carriers came bel lowing along with their peculiar swinging gait. As I believed the yarn of those elephants might fright en them further, 'mum' was the word. "However, I halted them on pre tense of desiring a rest, and after an hour's delay we all started once more. My cycle enabled me to scout cau tiously in advance, but, as I expected, the elephants had gone to some more sequestered sylvan retreat, and noth ing more was seen of them." Rho desia Herald. TOTES WOUNDED BROTHER ALL NIGHT. John Thomas, a woodchopper, oc cupying a shanty on Washington Mountain, near Pittsfleld, Mass., with his brother Frank, went to the wood pile to split wood. Thomas could not see well and one swing ot the axe missed a block of wood and the keen edge plowed through Thomas' rub ber boot and split the' foot nearly in halves. His brother bound up the foot and through two feet of snow and five foot drifts Frank Thomas started for civilization carrying his brother on his back. From 9 o'clock Sunday night until 4 o'clock Monday morning Thomas carried the wounded brother four miles. He finally reached a rural tel ephone and telephoned to a surgeon. The Pittsfleld surgeon feared to make the attempt I climb the mountain. Thomas got horses, attached them to a stoneboat and hauled the wound ed woodchopper into Pittsfleld, where his foot was sewed up. Only the superb physical condition and the grit of his brother saved John Thomas' Ufa. p Dreams That S Are Meant for Warnings Ey H. Jlddingion Eruce. OME years ago, any in the summer, I dreamed that, while out taking a walk, I was suddenly attacked by a huge cat, which clawed ferociously at my throat. That was all there was to the dream, or at any rate that was all I remembered on awakening In the morning, and naturally enough I dls- s H l missed it from my mind as "nothing but a dream." But When II I found myself dreaming the same dream again and again, k J! began to wonder what significance It could possibly have. Usually it varied the scene would be laid indoors, sometimes In a garden or on the street. One night I would be stealthily approaching the hateful cat In the hope of catch.. ing it unawares and making an end of it; another night I would be madly flee ing from it. Always, however, the climax was the same the cat had me by the throat and was biting and scratching viciously. Altogether, I dreamed this dream not less than a score of times in six months. ' Shortly before Christmas, I took a cold which settled in my throat, affect ing It so badly as to require the attention of a specialist. Much to my aston ishment It was then discovered that a growth had been developing for some time, and that an immediate operation was necessary. Several weeks later, the operation having been performed successfully, It suddenly occurred to me that I was no longer being troubled by the phantom cat. For the first time the meaning of that singular dream dawned upon me. It had been a genuine "premonitory" dream, of a type that Is bound to occupy a prominent place in the new dream book. Consciously I had been In utter Ignorance of the dangerous growth In my throat. It had not progressed for enough to give me any pain, or even to cause discomfort. At the same time the organic changes it involved had produced sensations plainly felt by what phychologlsts call the "subconscious," and manifesting through the sub conscious to the conscious In the form of a symbolic dream ft 6w Squabble for the Pole Ey C. K- HE North Pole in my youth used to be a serious subject; it was associated with great sea heroes and the heroic age ot science, with Tennyson's tribute to Franklin In Westminster Abbey. At this moment the North Pole Is as grotesque a the Greasy Pole. It Is being fought for with frantic gesticu- T H lations by coinio Americans. The quarrel itself and the slanging, self-advertising style In which It is conducted tali ij so far below the old Polar idealism that the actual discovery oi mt: ruie seems not so much a climax as an anti-climax. As to which or them has renlly done It I have no opinion, nor even any preference. Cook did it In the presence of two Esquimaux, Peary in the presence of one Esquimau; but If they had done it In tho presence of a million Esquimaux such people could give no evidence as to whether it was tho North Pole. It is as If Bobbnge had proved his calculating mnehine to the satisfaction of a tribe of Hottentots, or Newton had demonstrated the Calculi without any ref utation from the Infant school. In fact, the noise of the discussion seems a singular contrast to the still neES nnd secrecy of the discovery. Both thc-Be distinguished Americans seem to have gone on tiptoe, as it were more as If they wanted to hide the North Pole than to find it. It ever there was a man who on all artistic principle ought to have found the North Pole it was Nansen. He was tall enough to be the North Pole to be left there as a gigantic trophy and a beacon to ships. But It Beems as if something rules human affairs which prefers (as the children do) to have a harlequinade after the most exquisite fairy play something that likes King Arthur to turn into a Pantaloon and Sir Lancelot into a policeman. I think It is wholesome; It keeps us from seriousness, which is Idolatry. ft ft Modern Man Is Greater than Hercules Ey Eugene Wood rii e will now pass to the ... animals long enough. but behind the open nnri hniioi nmi H UW'.J UMU ...... . , -- to serve. I'm sorry this isn't one of the furnaces that they tip up to poor the steel, but we'll have to make out the best we can. The steel gushes out of the tapping-hole with the rich flow of cream, and Just about the color of it, if cream could only shine with such an unpitylng impact oi n iigni that the eves would shrink and cower before it. And as the dazzling liquid pours up from the ladle leaps, as it were, a grove of tall umbrella-palms of scintillating i re, that flourish and die down, flourish and die down, each stalk and its outspreading top, in an eye-twinkle. No sight I ever saw can equal it -tor sheer magnificence. I stood awestruck, afraid. And presently an exulta tion mounted in me, and thrilled my blood 'like wine. It had in it something of the ecstasy of faith. It was faith. Faith in Man, the New Creator. So short t lime 8,?o, fifty years a hundred at the outside and he commanded nothing but what his puny muscles could move and mold! And now, what Tho-- what Jupiter, what Hercules Is his match-in might? So short a time! Yet this Is only the beginning. It has all come about within the memory ot mu yet living, thiB almost ur-bellevable access of power. There are centuries) before us long, long r-roalons of them, endless processions of them, each one accelerating Man's control of Nature's forces, accelerating, not by addition only, but aJso multlplyingly. Man, the New Creator! ft jg? My Ey A- M. KNOW a little brook that winds, now through a sleepy mea dow, now through a quiet grove, and spends its last Ave hundred yards of life in a little dark ravine whose sides In spring are red and blue with flowers. And yet, sometimes I think I do not know this brook, for often as. 1 stroll along Its grassy banks I hear new music in its rushing falls and see new Joys reflected In its depths. . Sometimes I take my book, and lying 'neatb some tree i I that shades this brook this friend of mine I spend the last few hours of a summer day, then wander home; but always I have found the book remains unread. For books, nor other man-made things can break the spell that this brook oasts on me I dream and dream and watch Its purling ripples play. Once as I stood and watched its winding course three men with baited hooks drew near, and casting far into its deepest pools, soon filled their creels with trout and called It s-port. In early summer I am wont to take my light bamboo, and tying on a Coachman or a dun, match my best skill with all the fight and cunning of the trout. But often, when I turn my face toward home no flab, are In my creel; but I am satisfied, because well, brotksr. If you know this brook you will not ask me why. Front Recreation. greatly in minor detail. Sometimes) Chesterton main tent. If you have looKeo at we I don't mean to go out of the building, hearth. In which some steel has been ivitifid until it Is now done and ready ft ft Brook j& Eowman