The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 09, 1910, Image 1

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Offers exceptional ttUvuatunes for the loca
tion nf now Industries ! Froe 'BCtorj situs,
eui'iip an I ubuudant fuul, direct shlppluR
(liuillilnoand low freight rules and plentiful
supply of laborers.
llm modern schools and churches, paved
dtreots, water, iftis and electric accommoda
tions, enliven ent trotlny survlee, hluh and
houltliful In-all. in, varied employment for
laDiir and many oilier residential atviMitages.
fib fjl
First Baptist Church Celebrates Tenth
Anniversary of Dr. Meek's Pastorate
Special Services Were Held In
the Church Sunday Morning
And Evening.
The exorcises attendant upon the
commencement of the eleventh year of
Rev. Dp. A. J. Meek's pastorate In the
First Baptist church at Reynoldsville
Sunday evening were conducted In the
presence of a large audience and were
notable fur showing the complete har
mony existing between all departments
of that church. A program had been
arrnnirn whleh brought forth reports
from every branch of the church work,
and without exception they Bhowed
steady and consistent growth through
out the decade covered by Dr. Meek's
Report from the deacons were made
byN. P. Dean, J. II. Corbett, Uu'us
Kirk, E. D. D.ivls, T. J. Fagley and J.
Wbltinore; for the deaconesses by Mrs.
G. G. Williams, Mrs. Dr. A. H. Bowser
and Mrs. Hannah Prescott; for the
trustees by Dr. J. C. King; Mission
Circle, by Miss Lucile Mitchell; Ladies
Aid, by Mrs. H. E. Phillips; Bible
School, by M. C. Coleman; Sr. B. Y.
P. U., by Geo. H. Rea; Jr. B. Y. P. U.,
by Miss Ida Williams and Miss Florence
Harris; choir, by Mrs. H. E. Phillips.
After general remarks the pastor, Dr.
Meek, presented a report covering the
ten years of his work here which was
as follows:
Sermons preached, 1538; first and last
sermon as pastor, I Cor. 3:9, "Co
Workers with God."
Pastoral calls, more than 5,000; Sun
day schools attended, more than 600;
prayer meetings attended, more than
Funerals attended, 248. First funer
als were the Smith girls, who were
killed on Friday morning Deo. J5, 1899,
Miss Llllle F. Smith, Miss Maude
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Smith They met with almost Instai-t
death while on their way to work In
the silk mill. Burled in one grave.
The last funeral attended was that of
John B Motherwell, killed Instantly in
the mines at Eleanora February 12th.
Funerals by the year are as follows:
First year, 21; second, 211; third, 24;
fourth, 27; fifth, 23; sixth. 27; seventh,
29; eighth, 23; ninth, 28; tenth. 23;
total 248
Baptized 238; received ny letter, 33;
received by experience, 29; restored, 1;
total 301. A number have died and
a number have moved away.
First baptism was Mrs. Sarah B.
Dr. J. Bell NetT
Superintendent of the Clarion District for M. E. church,
will lecturein the M. E. CHURCH iu this Dlace at eight
o'clock on "
Thursday Evening, larch lOtli
Subject, "The Ships that Jack Built, or, The Navy That
Conquers the World." Admission 25 cents for adults;
15 cents for children under 12 years. Proceeds to buy
Bangs. She moved to Lock Haven,
Pa , taking her membership with her.
First young man was Claude L. Mum-
ford, who was killed In Indian Territory
on the Frisco R. R. Sept. 11, 1906.
Married 104 couples. First couple
was Stewart Crotzer and Miss Susan
Booth, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J.
During the ten years the church has
expended over $6,500 on repairs and Im
provements on the church and parson'
The choir rendered special music
both morning and evening and the
ladles decorated the baptistry with
potted plants and the pulpit with
Borough Council
Reorganized Monday
Jacob Delble Elected President
and Clement W. Flynn
On Monday evening of this week the
old council of tbU borough held a short
session and then adjourned sine (fie and
the new council was Immediately or
ganized. Jacob Dolble was elected
president, C. W. Flynn solicitor and
secretary, John H. Kaucher .r asurer,
Titus Wbittaker Btreet commissioner,
Frank P. Adelsperger chief of police,
John Spears assistant.
The retiring members of council were
Augunt Baldauf and G. M. Herold.
The new members are Dr. Thomas F.
Nolun and Samuel Wllllami. The
council U now oomuosud of following
members: Jacob D.iiblo, J. V. Young,
F. S. HolTman, Dr. J. C. King, D R
Cochran, Dr. Thomas F. N.ilan and
Samuel Williams.
On account of the latencus of the
hour the new council adjourned a'ter
the organization. A special meeting
will be called this week to consider a
new ordinance.
Now Occupies the Only Sky
scraper in the County.
The Puntsutawney Spirit, one of the
best country dailies published In West
ern Pennsylvania, has only been four
pages, Instead of six, the past couple
of days on account of the fact that the
newspaper office has been moved Into
new seven-story building erected by the
Spirit Publishing Co. and It takes some
time to take down and set up the
presses and get them adjusted to the
new location. The new home of the
Sphit Is one of the most imposing
structures in Punxsutawney, In fact It
Is the only "sky-soraper" In this sec
tion. We congratulate the Spirit Co.
on being able to move into tuoh a fine
home, and the citizens of Punxsu
tawney should appreciate the efforts
of the Spirit Co. to give that town
a good dally and a newspaper building
which the citizens can be proud of.
The liberal support of the merchants
and business men in general of Punxsu
tawney made it possible for Messrs.
W. O. Smith and John P. Wilson to
erect such a magnificent seven-story
building in that town.
Thev are alwavs right and thev are
always light Queen Quality shoes for
women. Price $3.00 and ?3. 50. Adam's
Boot Shop.
Special preparation Is bring made by
the authorities of the Clarion Slate
Normal school to provide for thorough
reviews in the common branches and
to give as wide a professional training
as possible. Write to the principal for
circulars. Spring term opens March
20th. J. George Becht, Principal.
Senator Thomas P. Gore, of Okla
homa, will lecture In Brook v 11 le on
Friday evening of this week, March
11, on "Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson
Davis." A Springfield, Mass., news
paper sayB: "Senator Gore, of Okla
homa, blind and eloquent, entertained
the company with a wealth of poetic
language utterly beyond the power of
any Massachusetts orator to-day and
his rhetorlo wan a rapid flowing Btream
of natural grace and wit."
At the Family Theatre Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nlnhts t.f this
Room was Packed Silk Mill
News Industrial Prospects:
Steel Plant Visit.
The meeting of the Business Men's
Association last night was largely at
tended. Since the last meeting over
forty new membership cards had been
issued and many new nierabnrs were
present. In the absence of President
Caldwell Vice-President Charles M.
Dinger Oiled the chair.
The Assocla Ion Is working on a num
ber of important projects which were
thoroughly gone over. Most Important
of these Is the effort to secure resump
tion of work at the silk mil'. The sec
retary read a number of important
communications from officers of the
company, the tenor of which was that
the worK of the re-orgHnizatlon com
mittee Is now almost completed and
that In a very short time an announce
ment of importance to every stockhold
er of the American Silk Company will
be made. And upon t his report will
depend In a largo measure the future of
the Reynoldsvlllo mill.
A largo number of business men will
visit the plant of the Blaw Collapsible
Steel Centering Company Friday
afternoon, gathering at the Association
room at 2 00 o'clock and going to the
plant in a body. The date was changed
from Thursday when It was learned
this morning that a number of high
officials of the company are coming
Friday to Inspect the plant.
The committee appointed to visit the
publlo schools made a report highly
complimentary to the management of
Prof. Rife and his corps of assistants.
Valuable suggestions were made and
the committee seemed to have accom
plished its work so well that by motion
a second committee of Ave was appoint
ed to make another visit, the members
being Mayor J. D. Williams, C. R. Hall,
Dr. Thos. F. Nolan, Warren W. Deibie,
and E. Wray Hunter.
The secretary reported reoelpts of
$58 50 since the previous meeting, all
of which was turned over to Treasurer
C. It. Hall.
A committee will make the rounds
of town to-day with the membership
oards and It Is hoped that before the
sun goes down the Association will
number a round two hundred on Its roll.
Under the new 11.00 a year rate .'there
Is no excuse for any citizen remaining
outside and while the sum from each Is
small, collectively It will form fa; sub
stantial fund with which to oarry on
the work of securing new Industries.
When the committees meets you to-day
put up your dollar without haggling.
A committee composed of F S. Hoff
man, P. B. Love and J. M. Humphrey
was appointed to see about having the
swinging bridge near B., R. & P. sta
station repaired.
It was the night for making the an
nual nominations but on account of the
large number of new members enrolled
and the certainty of many more joining
to-day, it was deemed best to name a
committee of three, consisting of J. W.
Gillespie, J. D. Williams and J. O.
Edelblute, to select suitable candidates
for the various offices. When their re
port is made two weeks hence the As
sociation will have the privilege of ad-
ding to it if they so desire.
The next meeting of the Association
will be held March 23rd.
Distributing Pamphlets
On Orchard Culture
Pennsylvania Railroad iWill
Try to Disseminate Informa
tion on the Subject.
Since Issuing the third edition of its
agricultural pamphlets on "Alfalfa"
and "Use of Lime on Land," the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
determined to enlarge upon its work
In the dissemination of farming liter
ature, and has just sent out for distri
bution through Its freight represent
atives a series of pamphlets on orchard
development. Some 18,000 of the first
edition of these pamphlets wero
The new pamphlets, which are to be
given a large circulation, have as their
subjects "Planting," "Caltlvatlon,"
"Pruning" and "Spraying." The text
matter was written specially for the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company by
Professor H. A. Surface, Economic
Zoologist of the State of Pennsylvania.
They were also approved by Hon. H.
B. Crltchfield, State Seoretary of
Union Service To
Welcome Dr.McKinley
! New Presbyterian Minister
Warmly Greeted by Town's
Christian Workers.
Other churches of Reynoldsville were
invited to attend a union service In the
Presbyterian church last Sunday even
ing as a welcome for Dr. Hussell A.
McKlnley, new pastor of the church.
The cimg regHtlon was so large that
the auditorium was too small to ac
commodate the people and the chapel
hal to be opened. Dr. McKlnley
preached an excellent sermon from
thlB text: "Whether Paul, or Apollas,
or Cephas, or the world, or life, or
death, or things present, or things to
come; all are yours."
After the fermon Dr. McKlnley
thanked the pastors and members of
the congregations that had united In
giving him this welcome, and said that
in all bis ministry he never had the
experience before of a union service
at the beginning of his ministry. He
said bo highly appreciated this ex
pression of good wjl towards him. r-n
Rev. John F. Black, pastor of the
M. E. church, in a few well chosen
remarks, extended a cordial welcome
to Dr. McKlnley to the pastorate of the
church and the ministry of the town, a
The following from Dr. Meek and
the Baptist congregation was read by
Dr. McKInloy:
"The First Baptist church and pastor,
Reynoldsville, Pa., sena greetings and
congratulations to the First Presby
terian church and pastor elect, Dr.
McKlnley. Wishing them prosperity
and trusting that the blessings of God
shall be richly enjoyed in the ooming
years. Text, Philippians 4:19.
Adopted morning March 6, 1910.
Note To-day is the beginning of the
eleventh year of the pastorate of Dr.
A. J. Meek, and the church In accord
with arrangements for some weeks past
Is In a quiet way celebrating the event.".
"The Ships that Jack Built." ,
Dr. J. Bell Neff, superintendent of
the Clarion District for M. E. churob,
will lecture in the M. E. church In this
place at eight o'clock on Thursday ev
ening of this week, March 10. Subject:
"The Ships that Jack Built, or The
Navy that Conquers the World." Ad
mission 25 cents for adults; 15 cents
for children under 12 years. Proceeds
to buy new books for the Sunday school
Svkesville Has Fire Co.
Last week a fire company, with
twenty-eight members, was organized
at Sykesvllle. It will be known as the .
Sykesville Hook and Ladder Co. Fol
lowing are the officers elected for this
fire company: Chief, J. A. Null; AsBt.
Chief, J. M. C. Allen; Foreman, J J.
Jeffries; Asst. Foreman, Henry Roush;
Reo. Sec, G. L. Null; Fin. Seo , H.
B. Brlllhart; Treas.. V. R. Holman.
The Lock Haven State Normal school
continually grows In popularity because
of the efficiency of its corps of teachers.
Its healthfulness, its home life, and be
cause nf it superior equipment. Its cen
tral location attracts students from
every Bection of Pennsylvania. It is
easily accesslblo either by using the
Pennsylvania system or the New York
Central. Write for a catalog.
I will visit Reyn
oldsville March 18,
Brookville Mar. 19,
with every needed
facility for testing
the eyesight. Glasses
accurately fitted. '
, r S