The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 23, 1910, Image 8

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    Showing What May Co Achieved
by Nerve and Reiteration.
ting to Prove That Repetition Will
Work Wonders if Man Ha Only
the Necessary Amount of Cheek to
Stand Up and Keep on Talking.
Murk Twain once told u reporter
thai If a lima siiys the sumo tiling of
ten enough people will begin to listen
to lilin.
Now," mi lit the great ImmorlHt,
"there wns that story about Uank
Maud That was the oklcat, staleat,
drd'Kt, ileuili'Hl lilt of ullegeil humor
that liny mini ever heard. It had been
Circulated around Novutln and Cali
fornia until (here uaxu't a man left
who would even listen to It. 1 bad
hennl It so many times that I knew it
by heart. It told how Hank Monk got
Horace Hreeley over the Gleiinbroolf
grade to l'liieei vllle.
"I wan alioul to deliver my mx'ond
lecture at I'liilt's hall In San Finn
Cisco tlie seioiul one I had ever lie
IJvercd. It oceuiTed to nie that I
might begin that lecture with the
sjBnrst Btory I had ever heard and by
ttHltug It often enough start the lec
ture with a big laugh. I toolc that
atory and memorized It so that (t
would not vary In the telling, and I
made It jUHt ns pointless anil Just as
dull mid Just as dry us 1 could.
"When It came time for me to talk
I stood up ami with a few Introduc
tory remarks began that story. If I
remember It went something like Ibis:
"'Horace (ireeliy once went over
the Clonnbrnok grade to I'laeervllle.
When he was I 'avlug t'arsou t'lty he
told the driver. Hank Monk, that ho
hail an engagement to lecture at
riKcci'VllIc and was very anxious to
go through Ulek. Hank Monk crack
ed his whip and started off at an aw
ful puce. 'J'ho Hinge bounced up nnd
down In such a terrlllc way that It
Jolted the buttons all oft Horace's coat
nnd dually shot his head clean through
the roof of the Blage, and then bo yell
ed to Hank Monk nnd begged him to
go easler-sald be warn't In as much
f a hurry as he bad been awhile
ago. Itut Hank Monk said, "Keep
your seat. Horace, and I'll get you
thereon timet" And he did, too what
ymx left of him.' .
"Now. that was nU.tuiH'o jvus to the
will accept your registered letters containing money or checks, and
give you the receipt of the Government therefor, thus insuring
eiife delivery. Mnil your deposits to thin etrong and popular bank,
which will forward bank book recording the entries by return mail,
ond pay yau FOUR PElt CEMT FEB. ANNUM on your money.
Officers of this bank are among the most careful, conscientious and
experienced bankers In the United States, and your money is absolutely
safe in their hands. It is further secured by assets of over BIXTEEN
MILLION DOLLARS, ond a much larger cssh reserve than the lawa
of the State require.
4-fi.AVE and SAfTHFfELD ST.
Coll or Write fur Booklet 0 M.
Tfu.Star's Want Column
Cape May
Anglesea.iWildwood, Holly Beach, OccanCityJSeallsleCity,
Thursday, March 24th, 1910
Special train of Parlor Cars, DiningJCar and Coacfae9 leaves
iPittsburgh at 8.55 a. m. and runs through to Atlantic City.
$ J 0.00
Tickets good only In roaches
Tickets good In parlor or Sleep
ing Curs In connection with
i4 iU . JifHV'"Wi
pro) fr I'ullmun ticket.
For leaving time of trains, stop-ovor'iprlvlleges, and Jfull In-
formation consult nearest TlcketiAgent,; on ,Thos. E, Watt,r J
r. A,., 401 Fourth Ave., Cor. iBmlthfleldJlt., Pittsburgh, Penn'. i ',
'Passenger Traffic Manager
aloty. It was bail enough to begin
with, but I made It worse In the tell
ing. I droned It out In a flat, monoto
nous tone, w it hunt a gesture to mar lis
depressing effect. 'J'ho people received
It in dead silence. I had Insulted every
man In Ihe audience-1 had 'graveled'
them wllh u Ainry that was not only
stale and pointless, but ono which they
had board nt least n thousand times.
I waited n few seconds for the laugh
ter, nnd then I began to hem and haw
nnd shift my feel. I tried to nppenr
Just ns embarrassed as 1 could, and
nftor floundering about helplessly forn
fnw sentences I cheered up 8 little nnd
said that I would tell it funny nnec
dolo which might be new to them. It
"'Horace Greeley went over the
Olennbrook grado to IMiteervllle'
"I told It In exactly the same miser
able, pointless way that I had told It
before, and when I got through I watt
ed ii longer lime for the applause, but
there wasn't any applause. I could see
that several men In the bouse were
growing (iilte Indignant. They had
paid money to hear n humorous lec
ture. I took a long brent Ii and plunged
lu n third time, more embarrassed and
flustered and worried than ever, and
by and by I worked around again to
the time when Horace Greeley went
over (ilennhrook grade to Placorvllle.
"This lime some of tho smarter ones
begun to laugh, ami this encouraged
me so much that I thanked them and
slnrled right In to tell the story over
again, never varying tho delivery so
iniieli ns a pause to lake brealh. The
fourth time felvlied 'em, and at the
end of the story they stood tip and
whooped and yelled and cheered for
some time.
"Von see, I thought thnt If a man
tin ft sand enough to stand up before an
audience and tell tho oldest, stalest
ami most uninteresting story In the
world he could inako people laugh If
he bad the nervo to tell the story often
enough. The rest of my lecture went
very well. They wero willing to laugh
at my anecdotes Hie first time I told
them. Maybe they were ufrald I would
tell them a second time.
"I felt so sure that I had discovered
a new phase lu human character that
I tried the same thing In New York
yours afterward. There was an au
thors' reading bee one afternoon, nnd
most of tho authors rend selections
from their works. I snt on tho plat
form besldo James Russell Lowell.
He asked me what I was going to
read. I said that I wasn't going to
read anything. I Intended to tell an
" 'Is It o, funny one?' ho asked.
"I sntd it would bo If I lasted long
never fails to faring results
Reynolds ville.
Tickets good for pas
su' e on Special Trains
and Its connections or
on trains leaving Pitts
burgh at 4.55 p. m., 8.33 p.
m., and (8 50 p. m. Sleep
ing Uar only, and their
Uenerai Passenger Agent
"I RtnrtPtl out without any premnblo.
mill I told the 1 1 n nk Monk nmrriolR.
Tlioro wiih mi iiwful Hllotioe nt (lie
end. I took n drink of wiilrr, moppi'il
my forelioii'l mill told tlm Htory ii'riiln
rjuine I'lToit. Yumm tmi tt. I told tluit
story five tlnnn lu-fure I Imidcil 'em
When I snt down nt Inst Mr. Lowell
whlHpored to m:
"'You linve cost mo di'nr. I hnvi'
boon slttlnu here nnd wiihIIiir syniiii
'.liy on you.'
"Tlmt's tlio point, yotitiK mini. Iti'lte
tltlon will do nuytliliiB If n mnn hiw
the Ritnd to xtnnd up nnd keep oil tnlk
Inc." New York American.
And Then Told the Author About His
Book of Travel.
Trltice de Tiilleyriinil one dny, when
rlnlng from lunch, mild to Ills wife, a
very Ignorant Indy: "You will Imve nt
your aide at dinner ioiiIkIm n very ro
nmrknljlo mini, lie Iiiik wHiiimi ti In
irnvelH. l-'nr lieim-u's mike, do lull,
to lilm simirIIiI.v. Am you iiinh tlinuiuli
tlio lllirnry nsk for Iho hook ninl rtn t!-
It thrniiKli mid hrlnjs the convorsinloii
to tlilH MiihliM'l. l)o mil forget to mtk
for M. IH'iioii's work."
The prioress oheyed. hut the t lion; -hi
of the torrent of Hiirriisiu which v.onlii
follow nil iliisiicci'Msl'iil Issue of he:
lord's cnmiuniids itmile her fori'el I''
tin mo of Ihe nutlmr. "!lve n;e." s.iiii
tho pi'liiceHS. nddressliiK the lllii'iirhin.
"the nilveiililles of this linveler. I. Is
ten. now. n inline which ends In ''"
"I know," fail lit Iho llhnii'liiii. him'I
Utft. Mini lie hiindeil linr "llolilnsoii
Mine, do Tiille.vrnnd rend the hook
nnd w:is enoliniiled u lili llii'slor.v. mmI
more so with the Ihoimht Unit she ns
lo dlno wllh the nulliiir. At iiIkIii 'h
found herself next lo M. Iieimn nt
tntile. She wns not limit In lunilm;
tho poiiversnilon Into tho line directed
hy the prince, so she xnld lo her iinkh
hor: "Your travels hnve Interested m
deeply, monsieur. Wlnit Joy yon inn :t
have experienced In your lonely Islniid
when .von found Trlihiy!'" from
"IEsprlt de Tnlleyiiiinl."
The Boy Vni Wlllirrj to !3s Frirnd
to Srnalor Hanna.
When Penntor Milium wus wnlklnc
throiiKh his fnctor.v In Clevel.ind some
yenrs iifjo on the lookoui for new
Idens or miyllilni; which would niil Ihe
proRresa of hnslness he overhennl it
llllle red heniled hid tenmrk:
"Wish I hnd old Il'innn's nimiey nnd
he wns In the poorhciise."
The ReimtiT returned lo his nlli'M
nnd rn nir to hnve the hoy sent lo lihn
The liny cnine to the olllce tlnilillv.
Just n hit conscience stricken, wonder
Iiijr If his renniik hud heen overhennl
nnd renily for l he pemiliy. As the hid
twisted his hiinds nnd nervously slood
on one foot hefore Ihe unite of I host
twInkliiiK dark eyes fixed on him hv
the mini nt the desk he felt ihe lined
of Uncle Mnrk on his Blietilt'T:
"So you wish you hnd old Hiimiit'F1.
money nnd he wns lu (hp poorhouse.
ell? Suppose your wish should he
Krnuled. Wlmt wtuld -ii do?" ,
"Why." slnminereil (he Ind. "the lirsi
thin,i I would do. sir. would be to net
you out of the ponrhotMe." v
The senntor hititrhed nnd sent the
boy buck to hln work. Todny he Is
one of the innnnders of n Inrije fne
tory. but he never tires of tolling the
story thnt held his llrst Job. ,Ine
Mitchell Chnpple in Nntlonnl MnKO-zlne.
Canine Etiquette.
In their relntlons with one onotliet
doss hnve n keen sense of etiquette.
A well known traveler mnkes this un
expected renin rk about a tribe of
nuked bhick men living on one of the
south sen islnnds: "In their everydny
Intercourse there Is much thntls stiff,
formnl nnd precise." Almost the sntne
retnnrk might be itiiide about dogs.
Unless they nre on very Intlmnte teruis
they tnke grent pnlns never to brush
npnlnst or even to touch one nnother
For one Cog to step over nnother Is n
dniiKerous brench of etiquette unless
they ore special friends. It is no un
common thing for two dogs to belong
to the snuie persou nnd live iu the
same house and yet never tnke the
slightest notice of ench other. We
hnve a spaniel so dignified thnt he
will never permit nnother member ot
the dog family to pillow his head upon
him; but. with the egotism of a true
aristocrat, he does not hesitate to
make use of the other dogs for that
purpose. Henry C. Merwln In Atlan
tic. .
When Llvea War Cheap.
In the prisou of Luxembourg one ot
Fouquier Tinville's agents could miike
up only seventeen convicts out of the
list of eighteen which had been given
him. "I wnut one more." be Bald. lie
asked the first suspect who passed by
bis name and on bearing it said, "Yes;
it Is you." lie had him carried off.
and the next day be was guillotined.
On another occasion a warder called
out the name of an aged prisoner. A
lad who was playing ball In tbe gal
lery mistook tbe name for his own and
asked If he was wanted. "Yes," was
tbe answer; "come along," and tbe
next day tbe boy was guillotined in
stead of tbe man. 1
At Bordeaux a boy of sixteen named
Mellet was guillotined Instead of an
old man of eighty namel Bellay. On
objecting be was told tbat be was
eighty years old In wickedness. .
Not Guilty.
It was 4 a. in. and Bllklns crept
Boftly Into the house and removed bis
shoes, but as he tiptoed up tbe stairs
one of the treads gave a loud creak.
"Is that you, John?" demanded Mrs.
Bllklns from above,
i "No, my love." replied Bllklns. "Ifs
. ftIrs." Judste. '
The Leather of the Eryptlana.
The undent Kj'j ,l Inn wero skilled
In Hie nit of I inn Ip : IcnijiT mid muii
II 'in lured ll In v.u! us t.n.vs mid for
Vllt loi: I plli'pi ::e:l t". :!es Hint of fur
Ill !ilv;t covci'l" ' f i' the fe 't. lulled.
It 1 1 lo t hose Imi'.t' i of I !n ;. TiiinliU
thnt v,e mo Indelilcd forlhe dim nitls
tic fiii nu of fool v. on!', nnd. so fur us
eiln be iiscertiilncd from hltory nnd
the l-.;e:ti'cheM of iiicliiieohi;,'lnts, Hie
F. -.vidians were Ihe llrst slioeiniiliers
who were worthy of thnt inline. It Ih
a fuel, loo, llml In'i1 ers of todny em
ploy very much t!io sumo method
lis did the mnleiils. Ahnul Ihe Hiune
niuleiliilH nre used, mid the processc
nre iilini si precisely nlmllnr to those in
vogue hundreds of yen in ago, It Is
truo thnt limners of Ihe present dny
huvu found n menus of creully shorten
ing tlio tint required to convert n hide
Into leather mid thnt Hleuin power and
modern mm hlnery have doiio much to
expedite mid Improve the processes of
flnlMhliiir the lent her; but, nfler all, tho
principles of (tinning remulii the snine
as they li'ive been fro-n the first.
London (ilohe.
ITo kicked oil Ii I : wet iionls. slid III
tired feel Inlo it pnlr of carpet slippers.
Ill Ills pipe, s:i( down In the easy hnii
wltli n sl-.'li i f relief and declared that
twenty thoiii'Miid wl.'t horses couldn't
miike til in Ml lr from the house l
"Ilenrv," remarked Ihe lady with the
It ii 1 1 1 1 ti -r noodles, ".vou posted that Id
le' I ui've you thU liioriilli, I Kill
"1 did, toy love," lr. answered un
lilil'ihlu -!;.'. '
"I nsked ma to postpone her visit foe
nwhlle." his wife went en. You hoc"
Henry did jNce. Ills vITe saw too.
Wlml y.hi' s nv win Ihe tlr'-d mnn Jiiiuji
from his chair. I; hi; o!T Ills slippers,
put on his boots and skip out Into the
slre" us If ii In was Hie very thlie; he
liked wiiilliu; I'iroU'il.
And when. I've in In ul ck later, Henry
(nine back wllh n" Hint lio'd .111 i
been to see how Ihe I'lermoiueler out -side
the po'-lolliee slcod she smlled.
I.ondoti Scraps.
Just Like Eve's Apple.
A fruit supposed to bear Iho murk of
Eve's leelli Is one of the many botan
ical cililosllles of Ceylon. The tree on
which It grows Is known by the slu'
li I Meant inline of "tho forbidden fruit,"
or "Kve's apple tree." The blossom
has a very pleasant scent, but the real
ly romarknblo feulure of the tree, the
one to which It owes Its name. Is the
fruit. It Is bountiful mid bangs from
tbe tree in u peculiar maiitier. Orange
on the outside nnd deep crimson with
in, each fruit has the iippenranco of
bnvlng bad a piece bit ten out of It.
This fact, together with Its poisonous
quality, led the Mobnmmednns to rep
resent It ns the forbidden fruit of the
garden of Eden and to warn men
against its noxious propprtlps. The
mnrk upon the fruit Is attributed to
Eve. Why the bite of Adnm did not
also leave Its mark Is not known, bnt
as only one piece seems to be missing
Its loss Is ascribed to the woman.
C.onatable Had tha Evidenee.
One of Philadelphia's lending corpo
ration lawyers was visiting In New
England, and, returning home, he told
how he had been arrested there. lie
had not had n vacation for some years,
and, getting Into the country, he pro
ceeded to be a boy again.
lie struck a piece of country road
and ran along for a half mile. He
found a fence and vaulted It He saw
a tree and climbed it. Finally be re
turned to the village. Just as he struck
tbe town a hand was laid on his
shoulder, and a man said In a gruff
"Come with me."
"What for?" Inquired the other In
Tin the constable, and you're under
arrest I've been following you, and I
tli In y rou'ra. crazv." r""
"1 A ,C iritftftlCir rtf T . a sartor oil for GaaEwlne lubrication.
JilVIllirv VlUUlda from Pennsylvania Cruda OiL
Absolut freedom from Carbon, leave no deposit. Light la color flows easily.
WAVERLY never smuts, docs or rums, but keeps your motor In perfect ruoama;
ordar. For your protection ask any dealer.
"Ptrftct Lubrication Without Carbon Deposit."
Wavorly Oil Works Co. Independent Oil Refiners, Pittsburg, Pa.
Millions of
Lives Lost
An Awful Toll Collected by
Consumption. Many Un
necessary Deaths from
this Disease
If people could only understand
that systemic catarrh is an internal
diseaso thnt external applications
cannot cure, they would not need
to be warned bo often about this
malady, which, when neglected,
paves tho way oftentimes for con
sumption, at tho cost of millions of
lives every year. Yet catarrh may
be cured, if tho right treatment is
Catarrh is caused by a general
diseased state of tho system which
leads commonly to annoying and
perhaps serious local conditions,
which may prove a fertilo breeding
ground for germs of consumption.
External remedies jivo but tem
porary ease.
The only way to successfully
treat catarrh .is by employing a
medicine which is absorbed and
curried by the blood to till parts of
tho system, m that the mucous
!.K::::bi;i:io or internal lining of the
body is toned up and mado capable
of resi.'ling tho infect ion of eon
stijiip! mi I other discuses.
Wo havo a remedy prepared from
the prescription of a physician who
for thirty years Mudied and mndp
cnlarrh a specialty, and whoso
record wa.J a patient restored to
health in every cin e where his treat
ment was followed as prescribed.
That remedy is Hexall Mucu
Tono. We are to positive that it
will completely overcome catarrh
i i all its various forms, whether
,",cnff or chronic, that we promise to
iet urn every penny paid us for tho
medicine in every ciifo wherd it
i .iil.i or for any reason does not sat
j.u'y tho user.
Wo want you to try Ilexall Mucu
Toik; on our recommendation and
piaruntco. We are right here
where you live, and you do not con
tract any obligation or risk when
you try Ilexall Mucu-Tono on our
r 'Kini.ilec. We have Ilexall Mucu
'L'c.n in two sizes, 50 cents and
CI. 00. Very often tho taking of
one f.'i-cent bottle is sufficient to
make a marked impression upon
the case. Of courso in chronic
cases a longer treatment is neces
sary. The average in such iastances
is three $1.00 bottles. Remember
you can obtain Ilexall Remedies
only at Tho Rexall Store.
Stoke & Felcht Drug Company.
Eyesight Specialist.
Glasses Scientifically Fitted.
Difficult Canes Solicited.
Office In Matron Block. Hrookvllle, Ps.
Main Street. Reynoldsvllle, Pa
W.T. Brubaker, Mr.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Read Inn Terminal on Fllbortst,
European f 1.00 per day and up,
American f J.ftO r day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utatlon and consequence In
Art Calendar 1910
Cut out this card and send it to us
with two cents in stamps to cover cost
of postage and we will send you our
1910 Art Calendar. All the months of
the year are visible at one time on this
calendar, and it is embellished by a
reproduction of the famous painting
This Bank pays 4 Compound
Interest on Savings.
You can bank by mail ai easily a in peraon.
Booklet on request.
Capital and Surplus, 1 0 Millions.
fr(?LofllAL"lRV5T (?MPANY
Hv vlritin nf n writ t'.u..
siii'iloiitor the Court, of Common i'lua's off
irm,M ciiiiiny, rn,, nnu 10 mil fllrertea, M
wlllexiMma to biihlli! hkIii or outer; at tbe
v,'u v Mwonu 111 IMM,KV1U, I'ft., OO
Friday, February 15th, 1010,
At one o'clock n. rn.. nil the following ral
os tin 0. to-wit: I
All Ihoddfomliint's right, tltlo,lntoretn
cimrn ,.r, In and to Hi I that uleca or parent o
Ian 1 nil unto In the tioroimh of Went key n
oldsvlllo, county of Jiirrurwm and etiitii of
Hmnxylviitilti ti I'ownrs and Warner' plan
of town lot to said borough of West jloyn
oldsvlllo, as niaiined and plotted by j iniSH
Uuldwidlln April, 1873, recorded tn the He
oonior's office In said county, In deed book
Jul. 2d, page 427, bounded and described a'
ollows to wit: On the south hv Hr,
sbrnei, ifnii im.j on me went uy mt numneii
one hundred and forty-t.o U2jone hundred
and fifty fent(IWi) feet: on tlie north by land
of Hmlth Mi'Unnnell sixty (itnj font: on the
east 117 hit no. 14 one nunnreo una nny (lou,
feet; containing nine thousand (fXKJO) square
feet, being marked and numbered In said
nlun as lot No. 14;t. Helnn the same lot el
ground deeded by The Bull. Lewis aid Yateii
uoai mining uompany to James H. HV'. by,
deed dated Aurll 24th. IMr.l. recnrdeirin the1
Kncorder's office In said county In deed bonis
vol. on, page fan. Having erected I hereon ak
two-story frame dwelling house 2'lx'H feeti
conviiiiiiiiK n riHinin, iniiir iHircii nxU iul, aiH(S
narx porcn anu pantry atiauhea. neir.ed and
taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of J. II. Hoyur and Harah Margareu
Royiiratthe si:lt of Keynoldsvllle Building
ann i,oan association.
Kl. Ka., No. tl. DAVIS.
ALSO-A II the defendants' Hunt, title
Interest and claim of, In and to all that cer
tain lot or niece of ground, situate In thi
boroiiith of Kevnoldtvllle, county of J ffer-
son and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows to-wlt: Nltuate in
Albert Knynolds' addition to said bomiurh
as mapped nnd plotted by James (Jaldwell
frontlntf on Jticksi.n street slxtv (HID f,,el
being north of said Jnrkxon street; on fhnl
ens' by dole alley one hundred and llrty
feet; on the north by Oordnn u ley slxtyl
feet; on the wewt by lot number sixty-one
(111 owned by M (lelnler, one hundred and1
nny ii.Mi reet and Known in saiu iinin an 101;
nomberslxtv ItKfl and cnritalnlnir nine iIioiih-
and lIKHKil siiuare feet. Ilelng tho same lot,
deeded hv .loanna K. Neule and Ii unhand tr,
Ma M. Mel.relght, by deeil .lainn th"27th duyl
offline, A. I., imri, reciirded In deed IkkiIc
vol. lux, pare stl, and having erected 1 hereon
a frame dwelling hoime IHx:KI feet, .wo'
toi in hhih. wllh I, nttached WxO feet rnn
talnlrig H rooms, bath mid Uillet and pnntrv
HxlOfcct. Alsoaframo dwelling houe 'Bxil
containing four rooms: tnirn about IHx'.'fi feet
and other oiilliulldlngH. Hleze:! and t then In and to be sold a the property of
Ida M. mccreight and wiiiuim J mc reiitht
at the stilt of the KeynnldHVllle Hullrllng and
loan Association.
Pi. Ka., No. 21, DA VI8.
Af.SO-AII the defendants' right., title In
terest and churn of. In and to all the follow
Irur dnscMbed land situated In the boioinrh nfi
Itevnoldsvllln. count v of Jefferson and KtuhJ.
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described &
rollows to-wtl.: wn ino eoutii oy .lacssori
street sixty-one feet; on the north by Oordoti
alley thirty-nine feet; on the rat hv Man
fred Moore lot one hundred and fifty feel:
on the west hy Owen (Jain lot one hundred
and fifty feet, containing seven thousand
and five hundred square feet, being the same
lend conveyed tn Ilenrv (1. Keatn hv Wil
liam M. Fruter and wife by died difted
February IHth, IKim, and recorded in vol. HA,
rniee H7. deed hook at Hrookvllle. Pa., and
deeded hy Ilenrv O. Peath and wife to Anna
M. Martin, wnien oeen is recoroeo in trie re
corder's office In JerTerHon county, In deed
hook vol. H!. ntigo 2til. and having erected
thereon a hrlck cased dwelling house 'HtxM
feet containing six rooms Willi kitchen atn
tached I!ixl7 feet, and other nocossary out
buildings. el7.ed and taken In execution
and In he sold a-, tho property or AnnaM
Martin and Mike Martin at the suit of the
Keynoldsvllle llulldlng and Ixmn Asocl
Kl. Ka., No. 20. DAV18,
A',HO-All the defendants' right, title. In
terest and claim of. in and to all those cer
tain pieces, parcels or lots of land situate
In the village of Prescottvllle. townshlnof
Wlnslow, county of Jefferson and state ofl
Pennsylvania, oounueu anu aescriuta at.
rollows, 10-wn:
Plrst. On the north" by the Waterfnrd and
puwiueiianna i urnpige; on tne smitn mu
H Prescott; on the east by a forty foot
street and on the west ny Mrs. Montgomery,
now Jerry Myers, containing ten thousand
square reet, more or less, said piece or ground
being one hundred feet front and one hun
dred f iet deep, and being the same premises
deeded to Agnes Handyside by Louise D.
Reynolds, et. al.. bv deed dated Julv 2. IN7.
recorded In the Recorder's office In and for
thecnuntvnf .fetTerson In deed book vol. 79.
gage 117. Having arreted thereon a store
ouse 28x51 feet with wareroom 11x26 feet and
annex 16x41 feet for dwelling, all on stone
wall, good cellar, weather boarded and1
ana counwirs. aiso naytng ereciea tnereoD
a barn lftx:) feet with shed 16xl f et.
Second. Beginning at a post corner thirty
feet west of the northeast corner of thecellar
wall of thestre house, once occupied by Gib
son, now owned by Mrs. Jerry Myers, de
ceased, thence south along line of said lot
ownei by Mrs. Jerry Myers, one hundred feet
to a post corner on line of land nf 0. II.
Prescot t; thence west along line of said land
of 0 II. Prescott sixty feet to a post corner
of lot now owned by Mrs. Jerry Myers;
thence north along line of said lot now
owned by Mrs. Jerry Myers one hund
red feet to a post corner at the turn
pike; thence east along said turnpike sixty
feet to a post corner, the place of beginning,
contalnlng'slx thousand square feet, more
or Ifss, and being tbe same premises con
veyed by Elizabeth J. HhatTe", et, al., 10
Agnes llandvlde, hy deed dated July 31,
Ihftl, recorded in the Recorder's office In and
tv the county of Jefferson In deed book vol.
9l,paffe4fi6. Having erected thereon a five
room plastered house bix'iS feet, with stone
wa 1 ana easement ana oeing weatner-
boarded and painted.
Third. Beginning at a post at the fence on
the southrside of the Turnpike at the north
east corner of the lot sold to Mrs. Honors
Shannon; thence In an easterly direction
alongihe Turnpike fifty feet to a post; Ihcnce
In a southerly course one hundred feet to s
post ; Ihetice'ln a westerly course fifty feet In
a post at corner of Mrs. Shannon's lot; thence
In a northerly course along line of Mrs.
Shannon's lot one hundred feet to the turn
pike, the place of beginning, containing five
thousand square feet, and being tbe same
premises con veyed by Anna Feeney to Agne
nanoystoe ny aeea aareo ueremoer .si, is:m,
recorded in the Recorder's office In and for
the county of Jefferson In deed book vol.
W. page 52. Having erected thereon a house
Itivis feet with basement. Being weather
boarded and painted.
Seized and taker? m execution nnd to be
sold as the property of Morton Anthony and
A. Handyside at the suit of Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania for use of Armstrong
Test. Fl. Fa., No. 9.
The following must be strictly complied1
with when property Is stricken down;
1. When the plaintiff or other linn credit
ors become the purchaser, the cost on the
writs must be paid, and a list of liens. Includ
ing mortgage searches on Ihe property sold,
together wllh such lelu creditor's receipt for
the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such proportion thereof as he may claim
must be furnished to the 9herlfT.
See Pnrdon's digest, nth, Ed., page 448. .
Smith's form, Page:i84.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
All sa'es not settled Immedlatley will be
continued until two o'clock p. m., of day of
sale at which time all property not. settled for
will again be put up and sold at the expense
and risk of the person to whom first sold. All
writs staid after being adverlised, the coat of
advertising must be paid.
February 2, 1910. Sheriff
If you have anything to sell, try
oar Want Column