The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 09, 1910, Image 1

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Reynolds vifle
Reynolds ville
GITors exceptional advantages (or the loca
tion of new Industries I Free 'actory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
tl modern schools and churches, paved
streets, water, gas and electrlo accommoda
tion, uouvement trolley service, blttb and
lie 1 1 1 ti r ii I locution, varied employment for
lithur and many other retldenllul advantages.
Three Hundred Men Will Soon be Employed at Steel Plant
ySoId to the Blaw Collapsible Steel Centering Company
v Of Pittsburgh Thursday Night and a Crew of Men
Are Now Preparing It for Operation.
PAY ROLL OF FROM $10,000 TO $15,000 A MONTH
Nmffetfan C.rritA on hv the Business Men's Association Finally Brine to Reynoldsville the
Largest Industrial Concern That Ever Located Here Blaw Company Has Applied For
Five Acres of Land Adjoining their Present Plot on Which tc Erect Additional Buildings.
The Company is Strongly Financed and Ably Managed and Has an Established Business.
The Pittsburgh Industrial Iron
Works at Reynoldsville, popu
larly known as the "steel plant,"
was sold Thursday night, Feb
ruary 3rd, to the Blaw Collap
sible Steel Centering Company
of Pittsburgh for a consideration
not publicly stated.
The purchasing company bag an
nounced Its Intention of putting the
plant into Immediate operation. A
crew of twenty-five man started work
repairing and re-fitting the plant . Sat
urday, and within another week fully
one hundred men will be regularly em
ployed. Part of the machinery of the
plant waa moved to Huntingdon by the
last operating company and the new
company has ordered more equipment
to take ltt) place. When this machinery
arrives, which will be within three or
four weeks, the number of employes
will be increased to two Ljndred.
The Blaw company now operates a
plant at Rankin, Pa., which, for bus
iness reasons, is very unsatisfactory
and whloh cannot be Improved or Its
capacity enlarged to any extent. A. C.
Lehman, manager of the company, has
stated that within one year, and pos
sibly sooner, the plant at Rankin will
be abandoned and all operations carried
on at Reynoldsville. When this Is done
It will necessitate the employment of
about three hundred men In the local
plant and give a pay roll of 115,000 a
month, or 1180,000 a year, a larger sum
than is paid out by any local Industry,
. the coal company alone excepted. Even
with the two hundred men the plant
starts with the pay roll amounts to
$10,000 a month.
' The Blaw Collapsible Steel Centering
Company Is one of the best known and
most prosperous ot the younger indus
trial concerns of the Pittsburgh dis
trict. With an able management they
have In a few years built up a business
now backed by over $300,000 of assets.
They specialize on the manufacture of
collapsible steel centering, which takes
the place of wooden framework in the
construction of concrete work, and ab
solutely control the patents covering
the device. It has been adopted by the
United States government for use in
all its sanitation projects, and the com
pany has been receiving orders from
this source alone sufficient to keep
their Rankin plant running at ordinary
capacity. The device was placed on
I will visit the
American Hotel,
Brookville, Feb. 14
and 15, Reynolds
ville February 16th.
First class eyework
by first class me
thods. G, C.GIBSON,
There's a noise like pros
perity over at the "steel
plant" and the rush and
hustle looks good to the
local people. Fire has been
placed under the boilers,
the engine was started yes
terday and belting has been
re-placed thfoughout. Four
carloads of material arrived
Monday and a dozen more
cars are on the road. Prac
tically all the machinery
which had been taken apart
has been put together and
found in perfect condition.
The company has made
supply of gas from the well
$ near the plant and will lay
1 their own line to the well
in a few days.
It is probable that anoth-
2 er railroad switch will soon
jjj be built at the plant. jjj
the market but a few years ago, but its
great economy and obvious oonvenienoe
have appealed so strongly to large con
tracting firms that the use has become
national and the Blaw company Is now
shipping Its product to all parts of the
United States and even to foreign coun
tries. In the beginning the company
had the centers manufactured by con
tract, some of their work being done in
the Reynoldsville plant they have just
purchased, and after the demand justi
fied the step the company leased an
idle plant at Rankin, where they are
now located. The volume of orders
during the past six months has been so
great however that they have been
unable to handle all with their limited
capacity and were forced to look for a
larger plant. The Reynoldsville "steel
plant" was called to their attention and
after seven months of persistent work
the company and the local bondholders
were finally brought together on a sat
isfactory price basis.
The company is now represented In
Reynoldsville by H. E. Loxterman, who
has been employing the necessary men
and making all arrangements for the
commencement of actual operations
Charles Crates, a gentleman very
well and favorably known to many of
our people, having lived here a few
years ago when foreman of the Pitts
burgh Industrial Iron' Works, has
been in Reynoldsville the past week
superintending the work of refitting
the plant, and It Is possible that he will
be placed in permanent charge. When
here before Mr. Crates proved himself
one of the most competent'superintend
ents the Industrial Iron Works ever
had and on account of his success In
handling Reynoldsville labor at that
time the local people would be greatly
pleased to see him placed in charge. R.
A. MaoArthur, chief engineer of the
company, is also well known in this
section of the state, having planned
and supervised the erection of the B.,
R. & P. car shops at DuBois and the
Adrian Furnaoe near Falls Creek. The
main office of the company will remain
In the Westing house building at Pitts
burgh, a branch being maintained here.
It is probable that fifty or sixty fam
ines will move to Reynoldsville within
the next sixty days from Rankin, as It
is the intention of the oompany to bring
many of their skilled laborers with
them. Among these will be a number
I of Uovnoldsvlllb men and boys, former
employes of the Pittsburgh Industrial
Iron Works,' who went to Rankin to
enter the employ of the Blaw company
after suspension of work hero.
The capaolty of the Reynoldsville
plant must be largely increased and the
company will erect several additional
buildings . and make some radical
changos In the working plans after Rot
ting work under way. They have made
application for a grant of five more
acres of land adjoining thn present plot
on which to erect new buildings and
provide storage yards. It Is one of the I
peculiarities of this company's business
that thoy never sell their product, but
lease It. Consequently they require
large storage yards in which to keep
the centering after being returned acd
while waiting new orders.
Since May, 1008, the "steol plant"
has been held in trust by W. Harry
Moore, of Reynoldsville, acting for a
group of bondholders who pooled their
interests and bought in the property
to save themselves from total loss after
the collapse of the Pittsburgh Indus
trial Iron WorkB. The negotiations
for its sale were carried on under the
control and at the expense of the Bus
iness Men's Association of Reynolds
ville, and the story of their troubles in
trying to secure a purchaser Is decided
ly interesting but too well known
locally to need repetition. Over' a score
of companies were at various times in
correspondence regarding the plant,
many of whom sent representatives to
examine the property. At one time
previously a deal was practically olosed
for Its sale, but inability to sell stock
in a panto year foroed the company con
sidering It to drop the project. The
correspondence with the Blaw company
covered a period of seven months in
which the alternate periods of bright
ening prospeots and apparent failure,
were of a character that brought a gray
hair or two into the locks of those who,
for the sake of the town, were trying
to Bteer the deal through to success.
The deal was finally made possible by
the generous sacrifice ot the institu
tions and individuals holding the bonds,
especially the First National and the
Peoples National Banks of Reynolds
ville, to whom, and to the trustee,
W. Harry Moore, and the Business
Men's Association, the people owe a
vote of thanks for this, the largest in
dustrial concern that has ever located
In Reynoldsville.
Book 231 Yean Old.
Our mention of a century old edition
of Gibbon's Rome in the school library
last week has brought to light another
remarkable old work, the property ot
Rev. Charles E. Rudy, pastor of the
Trinity Lutheran church in Reynolds
ville. It is a volume printed in London,
England, in 1679, during the reign ot
King Charles II, and but five years
after the death of John Milton, the
poet. The book Is therefore 231 years
old, but Is printed on fine paper and
remains In excellent condition. It Is
printed in a large face Old Caslon type,
and its typographic appearance, with
its quaint orthography, is decidedly in
teresting. The following Is a copy of
the title page:
By JOSEPH HALL, late Lord
Blfbopof EXCESTER.
Printed by E. Flefher, and to be fold by
Jacob Tonfon, at the Judge's Head, in
Cliancery Law, near Fleet-flreet.
Rev. Rudy also has in his library a
copy of the first edition of the Bible
printed in America.
Stay at School.
There Is a tendency, especially on
the part of boys, to quit school as soon
as study becomes Irksome or whenever
they become dissatisfied with any
teacher. The mistake, which is thus
made, grows more serious as the years
pass by. Sooner or later the boy finds
that entrance to the learned vocations
Is dosed against those who have not
oompleted their high sohool education,
and then there is a rush to correspond
ence sohools, night schools and the like.
In two cities situated near each other
it Is reported that 7,600 persons are
taking correspondence' courses. The
motive whioh drives them to (jo to this
expense Is the ambition to rise to tuu
ranks of the higher wage-earners.
Evening schools, like Temple Uni
versity, have a large patronage from
those who quit Bchool too early In life.
It is uphill work to spend one'B days In
gainful occupations and to devote the
remaining strength to study at night.
Those who are gifted with superior
health and perseverance succeed In pre
paring for examinations, but double
work frequently results In weakness
whlob one cannot outlive.
In European countries the professions
are olosed against all who neglect their
books In youth, and our legislation, to
prevent quackery, is bringing about
these restrictions In the Unlfd States
Only dire necessity should induce a boy
to quit school before be has the equlv
alent of a high school education. Dr.
Seneca Egbert, Dean of the Medlco
Chirurglcal College in Philadelphia,
recently sent out a letter which is
worth quoting because it sets forth the
folly of those who quit sohool without
completing the high school course. In
the body of the letter be says:
"The increase In the standard of pre
liminary education now required of
prospective medical students by the
law of this state, and the medical
schools within Its borders, makes it im
perative that every boy or girl who
contemplates entering the medical pro
fession should oomplete a oourse equiv
alent to at least that of a four-years
high school. So also the other profes
sions, suoh at law, dentistry, pharmacy,
pharmaoeiitlo chemistry, etc., are in
creasing the requirements hitherto
necessary, and there was never a time
when the securing ot one's fundamental
education and training was so impor
tant as at present.
"I am, therefore taking the liberty of
suggesting that you inform the pupils
under your charge of these tacts, and
that you urge each one who has any
ambition to enter upon any of the pro
fessions in later life, to permit nothing
short of the grayest necessity to inter
fere with their continuing in school
until graduation. Tell them that it is
scarcely possible in these days for one
to secure too much preliminary Instruc
tion and that it is worth almost any
sacrifice 'to obtain It." Editorial In Pa.
School Journal. . '
The Best Hour of Life
Is when you do some great deed or
cover some wonderful fact. This hour
came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt., N.
C, when he was suffering intensely, as
he says, "from the worst cold I ever
bad, I then proyed to my great satis
faction, what a wonderful cold and
cough cure Dr, King's New Discovery
is. For, after taking one bottle,
I was entirely cured. You can't say
anything too good of a medicine like
that." Its the surest and best remedy
for diseased lungs, hemorrhages, la-
grippe, asthma, hay fever any throat
or lung trouble. 50o and $1,00. Trial
bottle free. Guaranteed by H. L. Mc
Entire. '
Card of Thanks.
I hereby give expression of my thank
fulness to the neighbors and friends
who were so very kind and helpful dur
ing the illness and after the death of
my mother. Elizabeth Biusbin,
Gibson's; thorough knowledge, long
experience and up-to-date methods In
sure good, well-fitting glasses. Call on
him at Brookvllle Feb. 14 and 15, or
ReynodBvllle 16th.
Coats and Furs.
GUUnples have cut the price on all
coats and furs.
That's all.
Little gents ahoes extra good for
$1 60 now $1.19. Adam's.
Glasses accurately fitted by Gibson,
the optician. At Brookvllle February
14 and 16, and Reynoldsville Feb,
Borough Council
Held Regular Session
Committee Appointed To Con
fer With the West Side
On Sewage.
The regular monthly meeting of town
council was held in Secretary C. W.
Flynn's oflloa on' the evening of Feb
ruary 1st with ali nmmburs present.
Ex-Tax Collector Wm. Copping re
poi tou umiHCiiim of following in Jan
uary: 1(1.35 on 190(1 tux. $18 38 on 1907
tax, $119 60 on 1008 tax.
Chief Burgess J. D. Williams report
ed collection 'if $9.25 in flnus and li
censes In January.
The standing sewer committee whs
Instructed by pn-sident to meet with
West Roynolosvllle town council to as
certain If that borough proposes to join
with Reynoldsville in the erection of a
sewage disposal plant. Tne Btate au
thorities have suggested that would be
the proper course for both boroughs to
Borough bond No. 15 was ordered
paid on next Interest paying date. This
was one of the old bonds issued years
ago for fire extinguishers.
The committee appointed at January
meeting to Investigate the fire hell
tower and If necessary find new location
for fire bell, reported, and Btatd they
had made arrangements with M. M.
Fisher, properletor of The Adolphl
theatre, to place the bell in tower of
the theatre. The matter was left In
the hands of the committee. The bell
will bo moved to theatre tower as soon
as weather conditions permit.
An ordinance relative to the digging
up of streets, was was reported and d 1b
oussed, but the passage thereof was
held over until next meeting.
School Notes.
Rooms 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 12 1-2 and 14
were perfect in punctuality last week.
There were reported only 8 cases of
tardiness for the week, 6 tor the grades,
3 for the high school.
A contribution from Mrs. L. L.
Means to the Alumni Laboratory Fund
is hereby acknowledged.
The following readings were given
at the Friday morning exercises:
Dorothy Elliott, II Penserosa; Sadie
Owens, L' Allegro; Marion Harris, The
First Snowfall; Alex London, Liberty
and Union.
The exercises next Friday morning
will deal with Abraham Lincoln. This
announcement carries with it an in
vitation to be present.
The Italian Boys on the 16th. Chart
opens at Stoke's on the 12th . They
cost more than Rooey's Boys and you'll
be pleased to hear them.
. Notice.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Reynoldsville Building
& Loan Association will be held in tbelr
office February 21st, 1910, at 7.30 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of electing di
rectors and auditors and for the trans
action of such other business as may
properly come before them.
Attest: John M. Hays,
L. J. McEntire, President.
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant com
pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will
instantly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald,
wound or piles staggers skeptics. But
great cures prove Its a wonderful healer
of the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons,
eczema, skin eruptions, as also chapped
hands, sprains and corns. Try it. 25o
at H. L. McEnsire's.
Coats and Furs.
Gillesples'bave cut the price on all
coats and furs. Trat's all.
Breathe Hyomel and kill the catarrh
germs; heal the Inflamed membrane;
stop the discharge of mucus and for
ever rid yourself of catarrh. Guaran
teed by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co,
Complete outfit $1.00.
Children's shoes worth 75o now 49o
at Adam's.
Do your eyes need care? It so call on
Gibson at Brookvllle Feb. 14 and 15, or
Reynoldsville 16th.
Special bargains In shoes this week
at Adam's.
Eleven Men Perish
In Mines at Ernest.
Was One of the Saddest Tra
gedies in Indiana Mining
The worst disaster in the history of
mining In this section of state in the
lois of life, occurred at No. 2 Slope
of the Jefferson & Clearfield Coal &
Iron Company's mine at Ernest, .
Indiana Co., at 9 00 a. m. on Saturday,
February 5th, when eleven men lost
their lives. One American and ten
foreigners were the vlotlms in this ex
plosion. The American was Michael
Harrington, son of John Harrington,
so mn years ago a resldont of Reynolds
ville, now mine boss In the mine where
the explosion took place. Six of the
foreigners were married and leave
The first report received here was
that 175 men were entombed In the
mine, and as a number ot former resi
dents of this place are working at
Ernest, there was considerable anxiety '
as to how many men, and whom, were
killed In the explosion.
The first rescuing party to enter
the mine were driven back by after
damp. Mr. Harrington, whose son
was killed, knowing his son was in
section of mine where explosion took
place, went, to far and was overcome
and it required strenuous applications
of oxygen to restore him. Supt.
William Reed and Michael Sullivan
were also overcome by afterdamp, but
restoratives were applied and they soon
Every sufferer from stomach trouble,
gas, belching, sour stomach, nervous
ness, dizziness and biliousness, should
get a fifty-cent box of Ml-o-na Btomaoh
tablets to-day and start a treatment.
Guaranteed by Stoke & Felcht Drug
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
For Rent One of the beBt store
rooms and locations In Big Run, Pa.
Six rooms overhead, spring water and
electrlo lights In house. Good barn la
rear. Call on or address P. F. Ellen
berger, Big Run, Pa.
Pad Qit TO Canan tstttn ViAiiBA and Irttl
I UH OAlib uo'eu avnrau uumow auu aw
on Beech street. Inquire of Oscar
For Rent House and land at Wisbaw.
Inquire B. J Rudolph. .
Wanted Chickens at Frank's Tav
ern, Reynoldsville. F. A. McConcell,
FOR SALE One dining table, one
kitchen cupboard and one organ. Will
be sold very cheap. Inquire at W. L.
Johnston's feed store, West Reynolds
ville. For Rent Six rooms over my store
room. Bath and all modern improve
ments. Inquire at my store. W. P.
For Rent Store room 22 x 100 feeti
basement same Blze; wareroom attached
22 x 60; also two large office rooms, well
lighted and equipped with Bteam heat.
Inquire of A..T. McClure.
F R Sale One six room house and
two lots, with good spring of living
water; located on 13th street. Price
$000. Also uue six room bouse and
extra large lot; located on Tenth st.
Price $800. Inquire of A. T. McClure.
For Sale A good cow, pair of sleds
anl a heavy wagon. Inquire at THE
STAR office. .
, For Sale Desirable property on.
Jackson street, near Company office.
Good bargain to quick buyer. Inquire
at Star office.
The Ladies' Home journal
and The' Saturday eveninq
POST want a man or woman in
Keynoldsville and vicinity to look
after subscription renewals and to
forward new business. A guaran
teed weekly salary, the amount
depending on the work done, and
a commission on each order. Ex
perience unnecessary. Anyone
can build up a permanent paying
business without capital. Com
plete outfit and Instructions free.
Agents Division "
Ths Curtis Publishing Company 9
si Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.