The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 02, 1910, Image 7

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    - l , . ; ;
(TV n11" paw-pawiiiTVcu uH
t 2 Jt!H3MC,w I'o Hioiir TYf
worth Livmo, lo piLLT lo
Itltlnyoa'a rnw I'iiw I'ttln nwi thnllnrlito
aotlvlly hy sfntlc mi'thtKliL TUy do lint HAnlir, (rrllio
or WitlM-ll. Thny art a Ionic to Uw MlonuMih. Uwv
and lirrveAt ItiviKnnito lii.M'ail of wnakpn. e
rlt'k Hm IiIinhI nn.l piiiililt thH MUimnch t.. M a tk-s
imurbwiiietil Iniin i.wmI thM In put Into Ik T1im
pills contain no 4-alotlti'l; Ihry an- soothm. hutkw
awl tlinalA!hift. tor iml ly all ilriitrKlntfi In life uul
iwc Kyuuni'iMl inclftvil', wni Mm
yon' linclon. 1'liey will attvl.n to the linn tit ttivtr
Willy aunoluti-ly Irrn of rhnrim. MX D ON'H,
03d uuil Jrllvmuu Hi,, I'ailiidKlplilu, ru
Munyon'st'old Kcmcly cures a mid In on ilnj.
frlt-cxle. Munynn's llhi'iimnttiim Ui-m.-dy mlluvw
In a few uours and tiurua la a fuw day. I'riua feu.
The Reason.
"Why lo women nlwnyn ring the
hell on the street enr for their corner,
even If six others have Just riinu It for
the same Mop?" asked a man of his
wife the other dny.
"They don't nlwnyB," she retortad.
"I'll admit thnt f nlwnya do It If I'm
next to -the window and nomeone In
seated liOBltlo me on the bIhIo. It's
nn ennler way to Indtrntn thnt they'll
have to let you out for the next slop
than to turn m ound and tell 'em In bo
. many words."
Constipation onuses and nuRrnvntea mnnv
Mrinu disease. It is tlmroiitslily ourrd bjr
Dr. rirree' I'lcnmiiit l'ellulg. Xlio favorite
family laxative.
Automobiles and Life Insurance.
The BiiirgeRtlon of flovernor Mar
shall of Indiana, that people nre Riv
ing up their life Inmirnnre In order
to buy and lieep automobiles ought not
to Interfere seriously with the life In
surance business, and especially with
the accident style of Insurance. The
more automobiles, the more danptr
to life and limb, nnd consequently the
more need of Insurance. Hut It Is not
working that way, according to the
governor. l'robnbly, Jf this Is tr.
It 1 owing to a Bort of recklessness
that has taken possession of tho heart,
and which easily Infects a whole cons
nwnlty. However, It Is Ilkoly, If
there la a reduction of the Ufa haanas
ance business, It Is a coincidence rath
er than a result of automobile suprem
acy. Ohio Stato Journal.
The portion of the city street which
la subjected to the greatest wear Is
that Immedlntelr beside the oar tracks.
Added to the Long List duo
to This Famous Remedy.
Oronoffo, Mo." I was simply a ner
vons wreck. I could not walk across
itho lloor without
my heart llutterlna
and I could not even
receive a letter.
Every month I had
such a bearing down
sensation, as if tho
lower parts would
fall out. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound has
dono my nerves a
gTcat deal of good
and has also relieved
the bearing down. I recommended it
to some friends and two of them have
been greatly benefited by it" Mrs.
Mae McKnioht, Oronogo, Mo.
Another Oratcful Woman.
St. Louis, Mo. "I was bothered
terribly with a femalo weakness and
had backache, beuring down pains and
pains in lower parts. I began taking
Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Com
pound regularly and used the Sanative
Wash and now I liavo no more troubles
that way." Mrs. Al. Ili-.nzocs 672a
I'rescott Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Because your case is a difilcult ono,
doctors having done yon no pood,
do not continue to suffer without
giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacement!!,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
"pains backache, that bearing-flown
icelinft indigestion, dizziness, and ner
vous prostration. It costs but a triflo
to try it, and the result is worth mil
lions to many suffering women.
reierencee, Bett raulta,
P. N. U. 4, 1910i.
want him, Back mt !itMaith m4 m trMrtatnU
Vrt. Of. U. H. RBBIB BOIfft, Bkt ft, AUmU. tia,
Bbonchiajl Troches
An abaohtely hannhal aamWr tot Sot TMat,
Hoarmn and Coajha. Un kaaudatM NlM la
Bronchial and Lung AUccdoal
FHty yaara rrpntatlon.
Prtcc, 25 canta, 60 carta aad $1.00 pat fax.
Sampla atnt on noiuat.
Cure For Wind Puffs.
Blniplo wind puffs may bo mado to
disappear by persistent pressure with
a bfiiida'e and pads, applied at first
two horn's twice a day, and two hours
more eaoh day thereafter until they
ean be htpt on all thn time. This may
require Ave or six w notes and should
be etoppsd It oausos Inflammation
In the sac, Formors' Home Journal.
Roughness For Brood Sows.
I have seen and rwvd with Interest
mmy aiiestloiin In tho Indiana Farm
er on management ond feeding of
brood sown. Hut thoro la. one thing but
few seem to consider in that connec
tion. That ts, brood buwb nood a good
dl of rouHhiiwMi a part of their feod,
iich as olover hay, alfalfa hay, ot
whti tlifse oan't to had give thorn
corn fodder. This rough food Is nel
d to distend the digestive organs, and
to bolp digestion. Corn fed alone is
too oonnentratod for brood sows. Tlio
alfalfa and clove luivo the protein
lemonts to supply that need, and If
we feed corn to sows tou much the
piirs will show It whon they ooine and
will not 1 as vlgonoiifl and strmg as
When tho bows are fed during tho win
ter the roughness, or course a lit
tle corn Is all right, but wo must not
forget to feed the roughness It we
want good strong pigs. 10. V. James,
In tho Indiana Farmer.
Model Dally Farm.
There Is a wonderful toning up in
tie dairy Industry. This Is truo es
pecimJly In the mlddlo west Recently
exIovernor Hoard, of Wisconsin, a
noted dairyman, hlniftolf, said:
"I know a man who lives in Wiscon
sin who owns fifty acres of land and It
ts possibly worth $50 an aero. Ho Is
now carrying tweiit.y-flvo cows on this
land, and they are cows. A year ago
I addressed the farmers at a fair In
La Oroese, tho county In which ho re
Idos. His entire hord was brought
onto the race track and I talked for
an hour, taking tlieso cows as my text.
They were only grades, yet they earned
for trim last year $100 apiece in tho
eoie of their cream alone. His cowb
earned him In cream and skliiunllk
$120 a year per cow. He Is a constant
reader and student ol what other men
are doing. He usoa four times as much
dairy Wiinklng, reada four times as
much on diary subjects, consequently
he will do Bt ft much business on
bU ttnw loss capital In land and one
bnaf n many cows as tho averago
A Time to Found Herds.
At th cnrrnt rangn of prions pod!
grw b4 mttUt ar Ixxfitor iuvefftniciits
than thr Imvw bm for yews. It la
an oppnrtnns ttmatm Ixiy ami plaut
pood boriDs sod." Ond or praotioal
trnr tt will from4sAt Into aubatantlal
apofltB. JftidMoTW lnvTwtlumitfl now
or tba foonoVrttmi ot fintAtr Uuweasod stndonta of the trado In regis
tetwd bwf ctfle stoolis conlldtiitly
U9ol a steady npward trend. It hoa
already set It, aa annp! evidence
prwvee. lBSt weolc, for Instance, 122
Herefords sold ni Wtst Vii-ginla at
an average of about $M0, says Drood
er"s Oawette.
Acoording to tnutworthy statlstios
the Uultod States Is markedly short of
bwf cattle. Our consumptive capacity,
whlob. Is growing rapidly, Is far ahead
of production, so far as beef Is con
cerned. A strong, stablo demand calls
for dn Improved quality and a groat
fncrranod quantity of beef.
All signs dlsooverafoto by farslghted
wen ldentlOod with tho productive In
ifostries Indtonto that a period 'of con
swrratiTe, deep-rooted prosperity has
bctrnn. BJrery factor having a bearing
on slock husbandry In America favors
(lie founding and upgrading of beef
herds while tho Iron of opportunity Is
suMatoly hot Farmers who buy pure
bred bnHs or fem&ls now will show as
sound business acumen an can bo ap
plied to most human affairs.
Mtthod of Corn Culture.
Sevsral years ago a fanner named
f it, 'Williamson of rarlIngton coun
ty, South Carolina, developed a ys
tem of corn culture which has already
Vor4 an agricultural revolution In
th rssdos River region of that stato,
fmd wtricb Is destined to bring about
ta U Bouth an Increased ylokl an
sm t eorn which would go far tow
ard rsduolng the cost of living.
Wlinamson reasonod that the appli
cation of fertiliser at time of planting
stimulated growth of stalk rather than
that of grain. Ho therefore reserved
tba fertilization until the plant was
about to fruit, 'when tho stimulant ba
con a direct aid to this process of
grain production.
Since smaller stalks occupied less
ground spaoe he soeded more thickly,
and tit combined treatment increased
the yild enormously, to as much in
some cases at 120 buetiels an acre,
and with a quite common result of 50
to 00 bushels an acre.
Williamson's system has now been
so generally adopted In his immedi
ate locality that I found Darllngtdh
county abundantly supplied with corn
for home consumption, whereas it for
merly spent large of Its cotton money
for Western corn.
Th upland Southern lands are thus
proved capable of rivalling the great
corn producing states of the West.
All honor to Farmer Williamson, wha
deserves a niche In the natlonnl hall
of fame as a benefactor of bu raoe.
Tank It Chambers, In the New York
Got Winter Eos-
Following up our reount article In
thes. columns headed: "The PulleUi
In the Straw," and thinning about the
aid stable at horns on the farm, where
wo used to pitch the manure from the
stable out ot a convenient bftoi win
dow; and how the hens ust?d to go
book there and work In that duhg-hoap
on the sunny-sldo of the staMe, we are
led to the suggestion that In jflflt such
situations, with a little baUormoht In
tho way of protection from, the rain
and tho snow, it is possible for every
farmer who la alive to the situation,
to convert tils manure-pile during the
winter, Into an ogg-plftht or egg-mine.
Our Idea Is this: Suppose we go to
work and put a shed about twelve or
fifteen feet long, and eight or ten feet
wldo over and above the back window
to the stable, so as to protect tho
manure and the fowls working in it,
from tho bad weather, planking it up
somo tlireo or four feet alt around at
the base. This would give us an ideal
''scratch pile," one rich In things that
chickens love to scratch for; and, as
for that, we could be liberal lu what
we pitched out thore In addition to tho
manure, nddlng somo grain dally, and
some clovor hulls, or millet hay, and
so make It the feeding place for the
fowls. Then, down under tho liorse
troiifihs at the rear of the stable next
to the shod we could box up a space
n couple of foot wldo, and several
feet long, and In there we could put
nest boxes, nnd nests, with an opening
In tho back end leading out under the
shed. This would make an Ideal place
for the hens to scratch, and retreat
Into the filablo under the troughs to
lay. And they would do It, with an in
crease of 25 to CO percent In eggs over
their usual winter laying without any
such congenial quarters.
Ono end of the shed might bo board
ed up, and part of one side, from the
top down four of five feet, and the
roosts for tho hens put up in there;
thus virtually making the dung-heap
from the stablo the basis of a success
ful chicken plant, and roosting house.
Wo wonder how many farmers who
read this suggestion will act on It.
We wish several would, nnd then re
port results In these columns.
Tlie way to learn what a thing, or
a timely thought is worth, Is to try
It. II. B. Goer, In the Farmers' Home
If the In-aiichos of trees afflicted with
blight are cut and promptjy burned the
trees may assumo a healthy and vlg
oroiia growth.
If everyono realized tho health pro
moting value of apples there would
bo mrrre trcos planted in th.6 private
gnrdorw for homo consumption.
Unloss the fowls have plenty of op
portunty to exorciso during tho win
ter, thoy will become weak and slug
gish and more Hablo to disease.
The best medicine for poultry Is
good care. Cleanliness, light, warmth,
dry houses, sound feet and pure wa
ter aro better than the whole list of
remedies. Those are tho "ounces of
prevention" that save the "pounds of
Many town people do not rally
know how much better nlteo frcsb
vegetables right from the gardon are.
Educate them up to It Get thom to
try a little of your stuff. Once Induce
thom to do this and tliey never will
want to go back to the stale stuff of
tho grocery.
Damp quarters and a lack of hoat
promotlng foods, frequently cause
rheumatism In fowls. Birds so afflict
ed witl cramp and the legs draw up.
Thoy wflll often eat heartily. Dry
quarters, good food, and liniment
briskly rubbed Into the limbs will us
ually effect a cure.
Qlghtseelng with Reearvatlons.
Out of the Grand Central Station
tho other day came a couple the sight
of whom caused citizens who saw
thom to admit to themselves tfhat there
might be, after all, some basts of truth
in th "Uncle Josh" Jokes of the al
legedly funny papers. The old man
grasped bis carpet bag and bulging
gren umbrella firmly, and looked up
and down the street, his mouth agape.
"There's a heap o' sights in New
York, I guess. Maria," he saM. "I
misdoubt if we see them all."
The old ladys mout set grimly.
"Well, Silas," she replied, and her
manner was more than significant,
"beta' as I'm with you, there's some,
I expect, that you alnt goln' to see!"
Old Oil Fields Active.
Oil oozing from dry hofes In aban
doned soctloas of the Sour Lake, Sar
atoga and Spindle Top oil fields, in
Texas, are attracting attention, new
wells have been sunk and four gushers
brought In thus far. Test wells are
now being sunk In all sections of the
abandoned fields in hopes of renew
ing them.
Scientists and expert oil men eay
the disturbance In the bed of the Oulf
some weeks ago is responsible for tha
resurrection 6f thV oil fields-. New
YoTfc Trfbhne,
Famous Old Baptismal Font In Church
at Florence.
In the old baptistry at Florence
the baptlsry with the wrmdorful bronze
doors which Mlebaol Angelo called
"so beautiful that they were worthy
to be the gates of PamdlHe" most of
the babies of Florence have been bnp
Used for many hundred ycure. '
At mlmost any hour of any dny one
will find hnptlsinal parties waiting be
fore the font, with bublus of every
rank In life from the princely heir of
a great house noarly smothered in
costly laces and attended by a small
army of friends and relatives, to the
little creature decked out In gaudy
cotton and held In tho onus of a soli
tary old peasant woman.
No register of baptism was kept In
the very early days, says Youth's
Companion. The first record was
made In this wise: A certain priest
took It Into his hend to keep account
of the number of children he baptised.
Accordingly he put a white benn Into
a box tor every boy aud a bUick beau
for every girl.
Iter on records were carefully
kept, "and If one coukl look ihem
over it would be a fascinating study,
for probably the grenter pnrt of the
painters, scholars, poets and soldiers
who have made Florence famous re
ceived their names at the font of "my
dnar little Saint John" as Dante call
ed It.
Kpltlenilc of Itch In Welsh Vlllnge,
"In Dowlals, South Wains, about
fifteen years ngo, families wore strick
en wholosale by a disease known ns
tho Itch, relieve me, It Is the most
terrible disease of Its kind that I
know of, as It Itches nil through your
body ond makes your life on Inferno.
Sleep Is out of the question nnd you
feel as if a million mosquitoes were
attncklng you at the same time. I
knew a dozen families that wero so
"The doctors did their best, but
their remedies were of no avail what
ever. Then the families tried n drug
gist who was noted far and wldo for
his remarkable cures. Peoplo came
to him from all parts of tho country
for treatment, but his medicine made
matters still worse; as a last resort
they were nd vised by a friend to use
the Cutlcura Remedies. I am glad to
tell you thnt after a few dayB' treat
ment with Cutlcura Soap, Ointment
and Resolvent, the effect was wonder
ful and the result was a period cure
In all cases.
"I may add that my three brothers,
three sisters, myself and all our fam
ilies hnve been users of the ('utleiirn
Remedies for fifteen yenrs. Thomas
Hugh, 1C50 West Huron St., Chicago,
111., Juno 29, 1909. "
Ferry Business Declining.
Aftor 272 years of growing forry fa
cilities in Now York City the decline
has started, owing to the Increasing
number of bridges and subaqueous
railways. The great system of fer
ries grew from the solitary skiff that
Cornelius Dlrksen had In 1C37, where
Peck Slip now Is. and ferried pnssen-
gers, who called him by blowing a
horn that hung on a tree nearby.
In nil its forms, among nil agn of horse
and dogs, cured and other in the anme
stable prevented from having th dinenne
with Spohn'i Distemper ("tire. Kvery hot
tie guaranteed. Over S00,0(fl hottles sold
last year. 50c. and $1.00. Good dnmiriata,
or aend to manufacturer. Agent wanted.
Write for frea book. Kpolin Med. Co.,
Speo. Contagious Diaeaaes, Goahen, Ind.
The practice of cutting the daws of
tho more ferocious animals of the Lon
don Zoological Garden hns recently
been greatly facilitated by chloroform
ing the animals.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day,
Dr. Detchon's Kclief for Klienmntiam and
Neuralgia radically cure in 1 to 3 day. It
action u remarkable. Removes the cauae
and dieae
quickly diianiiear. First dona
fit. 75c. nu $1. AU druggist.
greatly benefit,
The Sultnn of Zanzibar, who Is
once more visiting England, Is no
stranger to British shores, for he was
educated at Harrows and at Oxford,
and, of course, speaks English perfectly-
II. II. OnEEX's Poss.of Atlanta, G.,r
tha only (ticcoasfnl Dropay Specialiat in the
world. Set their liberal offer in advertise
ment in another column of this paper.
The American red gum is entering
'largely Into tho manufacture of furni
ture. Early objections to Its use
have been overcome.
Itch cm-ed In .10 mmtrtes by WoolfmrTg
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At drogxwU.
New Version.
Everybody knows the story of Cor
nelia and her Jewels. It's In all the
school readers, and a Louisville teach
ed tells it with variations as supplied
by a little boy In her class. Ho was
reading aloud, nnd this Is the astound
ing utterance that fell on the teach
er's ears:
"Cornelia's only corn was her beau
tiful hair. On her face she wore a
tender smell; her eons could never
forget that scent."
According to the book the paragraph
Cornelia's only crown was her beau
tiful hair. On her face she wore a
tender smile; her sons could never for
get that scene."
In the Hotel of the Future.
Hotel Clerk (sizing him up) Per
haps you woul(J like what we call our
diamond suite.
Mr. Muntoburn Diamond nothing!
Give me your radium suite.
To Literal.
Old Lady Is this ticket good to
stop off?
Conductor Yes, madam. But it
won't be good to get on again. Bos
ton Transcript.
Color mors xxU hrljhter And ranter colon traa nr othsr dre. One loe. porkaaa oolors allflber. Ther dj in coM witor httr ttiMi snr othr dra. To
aa a an farinut without rlpplu apart. Wnia tot ttm booklet-How to ujra, Blaaou awl JCU Colors. ao.lKUI Dstl'U to, Vttlaor. llliaaia.
It i non-secret, non-alcoholio ond ha a record of forty year of cure.
Ask You Nbiomdors. They probably know of somo of it many cure.
If you wsnt book that tell all about woman' disease, and how to cur
them at home, send 21 one-cent stamp to Dr. Fierce to pay cost of miilinf
only, and he will (end you a frew copy of hi great thousand-page Illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper cover.
In handsome cluth-bindinff, 31 stamp. Address Dr. K. V, I'ierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
Destined to Replace Klttena and
Youngs Dogs, a Philadelphia
Professor Say.
rigs as pets for children are destin
ed to replace kittens nnd young dogs,
according to 1'rof. E. A. Barnes, of
Philadelphia, who delivered a course
of lectures at I'assnlc, N. J.
"The best companion for a child of
flvo or six years Is a slx-wcek-oid pig,"
said Dr. Barnes In tho first lecture.
"A pig Is more Intelligent than a kit
ten or a dog; It Is good-natured and
will follow a child; it is enslly kept;
It Is tough and rotund, nnd Its rotund
ity prevents the child from banning
It, for when the child picks It up and
squeezes it the little pig slips to the
floor every tlmo. Pigs make fine
plnynintes and I urge every mother
here to secure one for her littlo boy
or girl."
Indians Swearing Off. -
Uncle Sam's campaign for "moral
uplift" among his VHBt army of In
dian wards hns been chiefly signifi
cant because of the nlmoht total sup
pression of the sale and use of "fire
water" among the braves and the con
sequent diminution of warlike out
breaks on Iho reservations. Wash
ington officials evinced much Interest
In the report to Assistant Indian Com
mission, r Abbott that 700 Navajo In
dians went recently to their "white
futlier" superintendent nnd, surrender
ing nn enormous stock of gambling
pnrnphernnlie enrolled their mimes
a.ongsltle those of tho "simple life" ex
HHic:,ts. These gambling devices of
vnrled sorts nnd descriptions were
shipped here mid have been aced on
exhibition with the Immense collec
tion of relics nnd trophies of tho In
dian bureau. Washington Star.
There Is a belief prevalent among
the natives of Asia Minor thnt the
thicker the clothing worn at all sea
sons of the year tho better It Is for the
human body, protecting It alike from
the winter cold and the summer beat.
The shooting, tearing pains of neuralgia are caused
by excitement of the nerves. Sciatica is also a nerve
Sloan's Liniment, a soothing external application,
stops neuralgia pains at once.cjuiets the nerves, relieves
that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of
paralysis, and by its tonic effect on the nervous and
muscular tissues, gives permanent as well as immedi
ate relief.
One Application Relieved the Pain.
Mr. J. C. Lei, of i loo Ninth St., S. E., Washington, D. C, writes:
" I advised a lady who wa a great sufferer from neuralgia to try Sloan's Lini
ment. After one application the pain left her and she has not been troubled
with it since."
Lii HI iffl Eiort. 21.X
is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Stiff
Joints and Sprains and all Pains.
At All DruggUts. Trie JCo 60c. and $1.00.
" Sloan' TrsatlM tha Isns Mat Free. Addres
and Despondency
no one nut a woman can tell the ttory ol I lie ullcrmf, tho
despair, and the despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and
derangement of the delicate and Important ordnn that ire
distinctly feminine. The torture so bravely endured com
pletely upset the nerve if lontf continued.
Dr. l'ierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for
weakness and disease of the feminine organism.
It allay inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain.'
It tone and build up the nerves. It fits lor wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealer sell it, and
have mithinl to lira's tinon voti as ' lust as food."
Don't Cough! Use
Will instantly relieve your achln
throat. There I nothing like it lor
Asthma, Bronchitis- and lun$
trouble. Contain no opiate.
Very pleasant to take.
All Drustlits, 28 rents.
These candyj
tablets do just as
much as salts or calo
mel. But Cascarcts nevef
callous the bowels. They never
create a continuous need, M
harsh cathartics do. Take ona
just as soon as the troubla
appears, and in an hour its over.;
CtiTTHisoun mull tt wltn vonr adlr-as W
BU-rllng K4-melyOinpnny,CblcnKO, I IL, anIf
eetvon handsome aouTtioIr (tolil lion Bon Fata.
Tho American consul-general at
Liverpool shows that during the sis
months ending Juno HO of the present
year 272,124 tons of salt were ship
ped from the Mersey, of which 1 90,609
tons were billed from Liverpool.
To Cure a (dl In Ono Dny 1
Take Laxative llroino Quinine Tablet,'
DniKiriHts refund money if it fail to cure,
E. W.Urove'a signature is on each box. 25a,
Artificial Indigo manufactured In
Germany has ruined the Indigo Indus
try In India. In recent times $25,
000,000 worth of Indigo was exported
every year from India and the sui
rounding Islands and countries.
IT ft" rf
A FLAVOR that in nuM th anm u lemoa
or TaDil!.v t dlflftolriiig gruralaatad en fur ta
water and adding Mapleine, adeiicioaji wyrup i
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