ft Rcynoldsvillc Rcynoldsville Offers exceptional advantuxea fur the loca tion of new Industries I Vtno factory altos, chiMtp mitl abundant fuel, direct shipping fitclllttus and low freight rates and plentiful supply of laborers. Mas modern, school and churches, payed streets, wuter, rim and oloctrlu accommoda tion, coiivnn'ent trolley sorvlco, li It'll and liiiallliful loi'iillon, varied employment fur labor and imtnyoOicrroHldniiUal advantngoa. VOLUMK 18. ltKYNOLOSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2(5, 1910. NUMI5EK 38. Railroaders Suffered Severely During Saturday's Blizzard. OMR OF "RONEY'S BOYS" Convicted of Murder In Second Degree " 3u W r -r Tickets Nominated For February Election ii Republicans and Democrats " Are Lined,Up for Local Honors. Great Difficulty in Getting the D Trains Through All Over The State. Wo talk about thla being an old fashioned wintor, but no other clasa of men are more thoroughly convinced of thla fact than the experience! railroad men. The storm of Saturday gave the Pennsylvania railroad the hardest struggle It has had tor years to keep passenger and freight trains moving, especially on the River and Low Grade Divisions. An army of nyn along these lines shoveled snow all day Saturday and Sunday, Besides all the freight crews, passenger men were called into the service of moving freight trains on Sunday, and even then six or seven freight crews from the P., V. & C. were used on the River Division to relieve the freight congestion in and around Pittsburgh. Passengers snuggled down on a plush covered, comfortable seat in a warm coach on a cold, snappy winter day, have not the slightest conception of the hardships the railroad men are ex periencing. School Notes. Miss Butler'B school reports no tardy pupils for last week. Room 15 made a "" good record for punctuality, there being only one delinquent. Room 14 had 2; room 13 bad 0. Miss McEntee was called home Satur day by the death of her grandmother. Dr. J. George Becht, of the Clarion Normal school, will deliver an address on Patrons' Day, February 18. Wanted Five hundred purchasers of tickets for the "Roney Boys" Thursday night. Miss Sloau spent Sunday at her home in Clarion. , Dr. Means was a school visitor Friday ' morning. Napoleon's Grit Was of the unconquerable, never-say- die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad oold, cough or lung disease. Suppose troches, cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfac tion la guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It saves thou sands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hem orrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and Is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affections. 50c, tl.00. Trial bottle free. For sale by H. L. MoKntire Children's shoes at Adam's. worth 75o now 40o The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus Resources , ' OFFICERS 3. 0. Kino, Vlee-Prea. v DIRECTORS J. O. King Daniel Nolan J. 8. Hammond John H. Zadohkr, Pres. John H. Kaucher 1 Henry O. Delble Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking For Most People It Is Easier to Earn Money than to Save It. But yourjearninglability will not continue indefinitely, and it is therefore important to save while you can. Make it a rule to de deposit in this strong bank regular install ments of your wages. This will provide you with an income when earning .'money is not so easy and formergericies like sickness and bereavement. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Why Not Tell Truth. On Monday evening a party of young folks' from UuUnis visited Reynolds vlllo wllh the Intention of attending a dance and having a supper at midnight. Thoy were ushered Into the parlor of one of the hotels, whuro supper had been ordered ami no tilled that the feast would be a um that was regarded as greatly unreasonable and the order for the supper was cancelled. However, the hotel management was not out of pocket In the deal, the party being ul timately ordered out of the. public house Into the rain and charged for the use of the parlors at the rale of $1 per minute. It would be well for future sleighing parties to take note of these tlilugs and not be put to Buch Incon veniences upon arriving In that town. Du Hols Courier Jan. !). The above statement la not correct and Is not fair to the hotel referred to. This party of young folks hud not or dered supper at the hotel at any price. They came to the hotel, got a room for the young ladies, who took off their wiaps while the sporty (?) young men tried to arrange to have supper seryod at midnight for fifty cents a plate, but the proprietor would not agree to get up a supper at that hour for less than 75 cents a plate. Would any DuBols hotel serve a supper at that hour for regular rate? Guess not. The young men could not stand the extra 25 cents per plate and tbey left the hoteb They were charged 81 00 for the room, the bedding and stand cover having been soiled some by tbo wet wraps. Anothor sleighing party from DuBois had ordered supper at this hotel for ten o'clock the same night and supper was served to them at 75 cents per plate. The truth looks 'different In print. 8et? 'The Man Across the Way." Zelda Marston & Co., in the musical comedy playlet, "The Man Across the Way," at the Family Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Cast: Ulenspelgel, Miss Leah Emlson; Otto Ulmo Kldd, M. H. Luther; Rosabel Angelina, Zelda Mar ston. Up-to-date music and songB all the way through the performance. Admission 10 cents. Coats and Furs. Gllle8ples have cut the price on all coats and furs. That's all. GlLLESPIES, Special bargains In shoes this week at Adam's. - Ml-o-na, that's the name of the best prescription ever written for Indlgost ion or stomach distress. Guaranteed by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. 50o. A lot of men's shoes good values for $2.75 now $1.80. Adam's. $175,000.00 $550,000.00 K. 0. 80HCCKKR8, Cashier John n.Corbett R. H. Wilson mm V5. - - l" Who will appear in Assembly Hall To-morrow Night. ALEXANDER DUNSMORE DEAD. Superintendent of the Peale Coal Com panies Dies at Age of 73 Years. Alexander Dunsmore, general mana ger for the Peale Coal companies, oper ating mines In Clearfield, Jefferson and Cambria counties, died about 2 o'clock Monday morning at his home at St, Benedict, Cameron county. Mr. Dunsmore had been superintend ing for the Peale organizations ever Blnce they engaged In the mining bus iness, which Is upwardsof twenty years. Ha was e native of Scotland, coming to this country when a mere lad, about the time the Hebelllon broke out. He bocame employed In coal mining In Tioga county, this state, and learned the practical side of the business In the mines as a muscular producer. He Boon became a mine manager and then gen eral manager for the Interests that he was with when he died, at about 73 years of age. About two years ago Mr. Dunsmore was severely Injured In an accident, and after that time he was but rarely able to visit the numerous operations under his supervision, but the burden was taken up for blm by bis son, A. M. Dunsmore, who was one of his superintendents, having charge of the Bloomlngton mine, near Reynoldsvllle. The young man, having had suoh ex cellent opportunity for schooling in the position, even though It came through misfortune, Is the present manager in fact. DuBols Courier. Sunday School Convention. The semi-annual convention of the Washington Township Sabbath 8ohool Association will be held in the Falls Creek Presbyterian church on Friday, February 18, 1910. Program as follows: MORNING SESSION. 10:00 Dovotlonal Exercises Rev. F. M. Kedlngor 10:30 Address of Welcome M. E, Barber Response McCurdy Hunter 11:00 The Benefit Derived from the Graded Lesson System... .Rev. t?. D. Wuldrop 11:20 The Relation of the Sunday Hcliool to the Church A. O. McWIIIIams Rev. O. II, Hill Solo Miss Agnes Cowle BusinesB. AFTERNOON SESSION. 1:.K Hong service J. W. Hunter l.'bO The Ubo and Misuse of Music In the Sunday School 8. M. Hench Rev. J. V. Bell Recitation Miss Mary Bmlth Presentation ot Map and Banner ( The President Oration Miss Henrietta McKay 8:10 How can we get each member of the Church Interested In the Study of the Bible Rev. M, V. Gold Three minute talk from member of each school Rev. R. F. Howe Music Male Quartette 4:10 Teachers' Training. ...Rev. J. II. Jelbart EVENING SESRION. I Song 8ei vice J. J.Lukeburt Vocal Solo Mr. Drexcellus Music ..Olrls Chorus . Vocal Solo R.S.Campbell Address. . Rev. J. B. Eaklns, D.D., Ph.D. Music v Male Chorus Valuable Booklet. A valuable booklet is being issued for free distribution by the Waverly OH Works Co., of Pittsburgh. Pa. This booklet contains 100 pages, and In ad dition to telling all about oils of every kind, it has about 70 pages devoted to tables and matters of general informa tion, much of which is entirely new. Itisof considerable value to engineers and mechanics, and one of these book lets should be on the desk of every bus iness man. A postal card request ad dressed to the Waverly Oil Works Co., at Pittsburgh, Pa., will bring one of the books promptly. Little gents shoes extra nnnA tnr II 50 now 11.19." Adam's. - V Below we publish the mimes of can didates who have been nominated by the Republicans and Democrats of UeynoldsvUle and Republicans of West Reynoldsvllle for the February election: REYNOLDSVILLE repuiilican ticket. Town Council Samuel Williams, Dr. Thorna F. Nolan. School Directors J. S. Hammond, A. P. King. Justice of Peace Perry B. Love. Auditor D. H. Briakoy. Assessor William Copping. Fit st Precinct RcglsteE) Joseph C. Williams; judge of election, J. C. Ferris; Inspector, George Heckman. Second Precinct Register, Joseph B. Mitchell; judge of election, W. n. Ford inspoctor, Samuel Itessler. REYNOLDSVILLE DEMOCRATS. Justice of the Peace John Dlllman Council Charles H. Young, M. M Mohney. Schofl Directors David 8owers, f- G. Burkhart. Auditor Fred J. Butler. Assessor Harvoy S. Deter. Judge of Flection First, Frank Mul bollan; second, I. M. Swartz. Inspector First, C. J. Kerr; second W. C. Schultze. Uegister First, M. U. Coleman; seo' ond, Nlnlan Cooper. ' WEST REYNOLDSVILLE REPUULICANS Justice of the Peace Chas. Berg' quiet. N School Directors Fred Austin, W, E. Guthrie. Town Council E. D. Davis, A. B Weed. Assessor R. S. Williams. Auditor E. W. Leech. Judge of Election S. E. Brillhart. Inspector of Election H. E. Stewart REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property Changes in Jefferson County Put Upon Record. John H. Burtop to Mary Moon, for 85 acres In Washington township. 1382.60. December 22, 1909. Thomas Maxwell, by administrator, to Margaret Hunter, for 12T acres in Washington township, 11,200. June 23, 1909. John Hartman, by exeoutor, to Amos W. Bennett for one-half Interest In 8 lots in Reynoldsvllle, 155. April 24, 1909. Amos W. Bennett to John J. Hart man, for one-half Interest In lots in Reynoldsvllle, II. May 19, 1909. Goorge Burkett to J. E Burkett, for 25 acres In WIdbIow townBhlp, 11.00. December 28, 1909. Frank A. McConnoll to Magnus Allgelor, for lot in Reynoldsvllle, 14,000. January 6, 1910. " David Reynolds to The Reynoldsvllle Water Co. for lot In Winslow township, 1100. January 5, 1910. William H. Plfcr t William R. Morrison, for 40 acres In Washington township, 1850. July 15, 1909. , "Hyora -1 certainly saved my life and I accord It the credit which it deserves and merits." Mrs. Ada Hopkins, Cold' water, Mich. Hyomel is guaranteed by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. to cure catarrh, coughs, oolds, croup or sore throat. 11 00 for complete outfit. Cut prices on women's shoes, 14.00 ones $2.48 at Adam's. M. H. LUTHER j At Family Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. J fcvri. V -;.-.y u t . i& ZELDA MARSTON At Family Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week "Roney's Boys" Concert Co. nmowaswoen "buys' sloping" was understood to necussarlly mean the mi . ... forcing of harsh, metallic chest tones far above their range Into the head voice, as so commonly heard in the pub lic Bchool8, In little tunes of the Sunday 8chool order, which have neither mu- Bical value nor Interest. It has been a revelation to thouxaDds to hear the vel vety flute-like tones of the boy sopranos, and the rich sonorous notes of boy altos, so trained ns to sing solos, duets, trios, quartets, and even in five-part harmony, like prima donnas, with the Interpreta tion of artists. ' And It Is a greater surprise to hear "Roney's Boys" render high grade stan dard muslo from operas, oratorios and the great composers, every selection memorized, and frequently quartets and trios without accompanlmentof any kind. . And the boy violinists, cornet- lsts, trombonists, flutists, clarinetists and Baxaphonlsts of past years, who ave given suoh splendid varletv to the programs, have been not a whit behind the singers in their wonderful mantam of their Instruments. The name ' Roney's Bovs" has al wavs stood for the highest cultivation of the boy's singing voice, and the most mas terful execution upon Instruments by little fellows the world has over known. At Assembly Hall on Thursday ev ening of this week, January 27tn. Letter List. List of unolalmed letters remainino in post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for ween enuing Jan. 22, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston. Mlu Maggie Lewis, W. B. MuClure. Nettle uaoer, J. W. Smith, Miss Edith Swartz. Hay advertised and elve date of list wnen calling for above E. c. Burns, P. M. Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little thlnes ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor Into enorgy, brain-fag Into men tal power; curlnc constipation, head ache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. 25c at H. L. McEntlre's. Coats and Furs. Gllletples have cut the price on all coats and furs. That's all. Gillespies. Oil nnafn nnltaK , V. n nnHn 1 . made. 10b boxes for 7c. Adam's. We have too many shoes have vou? Cut prices at Adam's. Want Column. Rates: One cent dbp vnni fn. ...h mA vorvlnsertlon. For Sale Desirable Dronertv on Jackson street, near Company office. Good bargain to quick buyer. Inquire at Star office. Do your banking with a bank that will pay you a liberal rate of interest compounded twice a year and allow you to withdraw same on demand no notice required. You may deposit any amount and at any time. We will do this. And no worry. The Peoples National Bank (Oldest Bank in the County.) REYNOLDSVILLE, JPENNSYLyANIA Capital and Profits $130,000.00. William Jones, Of Knoxdale, May Serve a Term in the , Penitentiary. Wtllium Jones, of Knox!ale,y Jeffer son county, was tried In the county court last week on charge of murdor Ing his wife In October, 100S The case was taken up M'inday and was given to the jury Friday forenoon. At It. 15 a m. Friday the jury retired and at 4 00 p. m. that day brought In a verdict of murder In the second dogree. Judge John W. Reed, in his Instruc tions to the jury, said that the verdict they should bring In admitted of but three forms first, murder in the first degree; second, murder In sosond de gree; third, acquittal. Jones was charged with causing the death of his wife by striking her In the aodomen whllo she was in bed, con valescing from typhoid fever. The chief wltnoss against Jones was his own daughtor, Mrs. Bert Kunselman.r On account of an application being made for a new trial, Judge Rood has not given Jones a sentence. P. G. Burkhart and Frank Bohren, of RoynoldHvlllo, were on the Jones jury. Notice to Delinquents. Somotime this month or early in Fob1' ruary all the subscribers for THE STAR who are In arrears a year or more will receive a notice of their arrearage. It would save us tlmo and oxponse If all persons Indebted to us for 9ubsonptIon would pay up promptly. As previously Btated In The Star It Is a small amount for each one but In the aggregate It means hundreds of dollars to us. Please make prompt payment. A Frightful Wreck Of train, automobile or buggy may cause outs, bruises, abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bucklen's Ar- nloa Salve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, bolls, sores of all kinds, ecze ma, chapped bands and lips, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile cure. 25o at H. L. McEntlre's. ' The Real Issuo Wealth lor Few. Poverty for Many. Can we hope for nothing better? Yes I Coma and bear how to Secure Plenty for All, REV. WILLIAM. A. WARD Of St. Louis, will discuss the above sub ject at the P. O. 8. of A. ball, Reynolds vllle, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 7.00 p. nu ADMISSION FREE Don't Miss It ! Tell Your Neighbor I " If you have anything to sell, try our Want Column. Resources 550, 000.00