The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 12, 1910, Image 7

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I A.VATTW Ml 1 1
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trials ofrfomu l;ms
Minis oil's I'nw Vn w I'lll ronx Ihn llrer lo
attUttly l.y ift-MJit mi'licl. 'lliAyiln not iifoirr, iiHfie
and n'-v- llkVtvrM timTAflH
ti'ii th" tilomt ntul .naM iha 1
Hurln'iiiiHiil (rtun fml fhut
lul t I'oiihiln lui ii.tlitn)l: Oiea
e1 of ITenli.n 1 V
eMtniVII Ut al All OM
, H) jml Inlt. It- 'roi
nd Htlmuiiuliiit. for wtr ht iH 4rtiMlaoi In inn MM
ISifcjtlMW. UyOllUIM'tl IIJ4MfJl, WrilA lu
yop'n Uuctnra. Tiioy will sotIm to Lfce 'M of Otr
iliUny atnolutely frm ..I CNtrm UVM UN'S,
3U unit Jcller.ou ., rhlluiMpkia, rt,
' Munvon'K OoM Ram efml a ewe1 M one
Frfcviuo. Miinyoa llwinsi.ia Kmttj Pal
tat law hotii-a nml enrol lu a raw ilsjt. I'rte.
Haunted Alaskan Island.
To U10 south end went of Kodlnk,
dtotuni nbout ono hundred miles, nnd
forming; one of the ttemldl proiip, H
Uie Islnnd of Clilrlkof. the haunted
Island of Abulia. IKnHhromled for
great portion of the tlino with ulnumt
Impenetrable, this lonely Isle Is nn
object of terror to tho nailvoe, who
claim It Is haunted by tho ot
Ruralan exiles. Tho nnllvm will not
po near the island, unylng It nmann
oertnln death to Invndn the cHtiny
confines, and thero are few men In the
Far North who have the temerity to
test the truth of the many and weird
tales told of this forbidding nnd bar
ren Island. Shipmasters and ealUsrs
pnaHliiK the place assert that the atn
lzlnpr cries of Russian exiles sent there
to starve or tllo by torture are some
times hoard on quiet nlghte, while the
clink of chains and tho sound of
blows are testified to In nn nffldavlt
by a whlto man who once attempted to
remain there for a week and who
nearly lost his resson. Tannna Tri
bune. '
Skin Humor I.nMrl 25 Years.
"Cutlcura did wonders for me. For
twenty-five years 1 Buffered atrony
from a terrlblo humor, completely
covering my head, neck and shoul
ders, so even to my wlfo, I became an
object of dread. At large expense I
consulted tho most able doctors, far
and near. Tholr treatment was of no
avail, nor wag that of the Hos
pital, during bIx months' efforts. I
Buffered on and concluded there was
no help for me this side of the grave.
Then I heard ot some one who had
been cured by Cutlcura Remedies and
thought that a trial could do no harm.
In a surprisingly short time I was
completely cured. S. P. Keyes, 147
Congress St., Boston, Mass., October
12, '09."
Face Covered With I'lmplo.
"I congratulate Cutlcura upon my
peedy recovery from pimples which
covered my face. I used Cutlcura
Boap, Ointment and Resolvent for ten
days and my face cleared and I am
perfectly well. I had tried doctors
tor several months but got no results.
Wm. J. Sadlter, 1814 Susquehanna
Ave., Philadelphia, May 1, 1909."
The Open-Window Schoolroom.
An open-window room In the Gra
ham school hag proved a success dur
ing this cold weather. The children
are dressed warmly. Their lungs are
full of good oxygen. Their bodily
heating plants are In good order. They
rtudy better, catch cold less frequent
ly and are genrally happier than If
they were In the ordinary heated
rooms. Old fogies will raise their
hands In horror at the thought But
anybody who has tried sleeping out of
doors say In such weather as that ot
the last few days knows that It is
eaay to' keep warm and that the hard
ships are none at all, while the com
pensations are many. Chicago Record-Herald.
To Cure m Cold in One Day :
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
Druggist refund money if it fails to cm.
E. V. Urove'a signature ia on each box. 23c
Sunlight and Crass.
The Iowa agricultural experiment
station has found out that on railroads
running east and west it is necessary
to plant a different kind of grass on
the north Bide of embankments from
the south side, because of the different
amount of sunlight that each, side re
ceives. ilri.Winalow's Soothing Syrnp for Children
teething, softens theguma,reduceeinflamma
boo, alky pain, curat wind colic, 23c a bottle.
In a Novel.
"So," said the heroine, "at last you
admit that you care for me."
"Yes," said the hero. "Being all
out of epigrams, It was time to fall
back upon the love talk. Louisville
The American Vice Consul General
at Calcutta, India, reports that a great
business is springing up in that metro'
polls In securing and preparing the
kins of brown rats, which are used
for many purposes, such as binding of
books, the making of purses, gloves
and other articles of femine use and
The bottle that keeps Its contents
hot or cold for hours was no catch
penny Invention. The glass vacuum
Jacket was first devised by Lord Do
war in 1895 for his experiments in
liquefying air and gas.
'J. LV4 "nit fc
i r it i r hm
Government Experts Announce That These Will Be
the Figures Ultimately in the United States at the
Present Rate of Increase in the Ratio and Regard
Their Estimate r.n Conservative Divorce More Fre
quent in the Far Western States Than in the East.
Two-thirds of thq Total Number of Divorces in This Country
Between 1887 and 1906 Were Granted to the Wife De
sertion the Cause in 39 Per Cent, of the Cases
. Delaware Has Lowest Divorces in Pro
portion to Population, With
New York and New Jersey
Next Lowest.
In two lar!?n volumes fit Isllnil
reports, entitled "Miirrlnrn :d 1)1
vorre," recently lfisued by tlie 1'tdaral
(lovernment, thero hnvo been com
piled complete- dula uncm thin absorb
In;: problem of niclnl Hfo lu the
Vnltfil SlatHii. U hn.i been unulyzul,
(Infilled, compnred In a score of dif
ferent methods, all of which point to
the omr dominating fact, namely, that
lu tho United Mated divorcfM are
stei-.dlly IncreashiK, not merely In
number as tho population Inm-nscs,
but In propoitluu to both HK'.rrlRgH
and population.
Tho period covered In the report Is
tho twenty years from INK" to 1B00,
nnd tho pluvious twenty yearn be
twoen 18(17 snd 188(1 la fully covered
fur tho purposes of comparison.
HtarllnR with luanlaKCB, fur that In
tho necessary preliminary to divorce,
It is found that the nixrrliii;') rate
fluctuates according to roninmrclnl
prosperity. Financial panics always
pull down tho of Increase, this
belli;; noticeably apparent during tho
Marriaje Rats Per 100,000 Adult Unmarried Population.
Indian Ter. csiMZ'&az 5,550
Arkansas imrzaHZsniGsjs 5,4 40
New York &mia&i&mvttmvmi 2,690
Connecticut ttWftTtis&iiSESMEctosai 2,20
Divcrcs Rate Fer 100,000 Married Population.
Washington EinBEiBaiEffiE 513
Montana Hm'rasnEi-xssira 479
New York psajLSSStitsESEta 60
Delaware EauzrEZE&TB 43
Divorce Rate In Countries
United Statcs2ftiR3K3am 73
Switzerland tssBsw&iwaswwafmaiBa 32
France KBT.!f.sjsiiggi-ji3i 23
England G2J 2
hard times of 1894 nnd 1904, when
lu each case tho totals decreased be
low that of tho previous year.
Mora Marriages in South.
The percentngo ot marriages Is
Teater in tho South than In the
North. The Western StateB, during
tl'e Ui3t fow years, have uiado a rapid
jtfmp upward in tho marriage rate
and are passing tho Southern States.
Tl'0 porccntago of marriagos to every
10,000 of population has been de
creasing somewhat In the North At
lantlc and North Central Stat6s, whllo
It Is increasing rapidly olsewhero in
tho Union.
Tho highest marriage rate Is In the
old Indian Territory part of Okla
homa, followed closely by Arkansas
and TexaB. The lowest rate Is In
California, Connecticut and Delaware.
).'ow York Is well down toward the
bottom of the list, close with New
Jersey, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania
and Massachusetts.
In the United States as a whole
thoro are nlnety-threo marriages tor
every 10,000 ot total population, and
357 marriages tor every 10,000 of the
population ot marriageable age, or
above fifteen years old. The only
countries that rival this high rate are
Western Australia, Hungary and
Baxony, which present about the same
average figures. The fewest mar
riages occur in Ireland, with Sweden
next. Ireland's rate is less than one
half that of the United States, t
The number of divorces granted In
this country in 1867 was 9937. Forty
years later, in 1906, the number was
72,062. Taking the census years of
1870 and 1900 as a basis for popula
tlon, this was a percentage increas3
of from 28 to 73 per 100,000 of popu
lation. The rate of increase was
nearly three times, and the evil has
been growing in even greater propor
tion during the last half dozen years.
Rate Constantly Increases.
The movement, though occasionally
chocked or retarded by commercial
crises, periods of business depression
or other causes, has been almost
without exception upward. In only
tour years, 1870," 1884, 1894 and
1902, was the divorce rate for the
country as a whole lower than it was
in the preceding ysar. The upward
movement, although varying in in
tensity in different sections, has been
general throughout the country.
Divorce Is far more frequent In the
far Western States than in the East.
Washington has a long lead, with
Montana a close second. Colorado Is
third.- Delaware haa the fewest In
proportion, with New York and New
Jersey next lowest.
It Is not easy to account tor the
wide vnrlnllonu In the dlvoico rntes
In different. Kl ales', New York wllh
only slly to every 100,000 ninrrled
pei'B"ii!i, and Washington with nail In
similar proportion. The results are
affected by a great vnrl-'iy of Influ
ences. The population as regards
raco or nationality; tho proportion ot
Immigrants, and the countries from
which they came; tho relative
Blrenstli of the prevailing religions,
nnd particularly the ntrength of tho
Uoninn C'alholle fallh; the variations
In dlvurca laws and In the proreflnre
nnd practlco of tho courts grsntltir!
divorce; tho Interstate migration of
population, either for thu purpose of
obtaining n divorce or for othur r
Bons all tin b'.', nnd, doubtleus many
more, are factors which may affect
the figures.
Tho divorce rntn Is li!nhr In thfl
United States than In any fortlgn
country, except Japan. Swltsorland,
which hafi tho hlghiiKt ruto In I3urop,
has Inns than ono-hr.lf our proportion.
According to the International figures
Per 100,000 Population.
the number of divorces per 100,000
ot population Is nn follows:
Japan, 215; United States, 73;
Switzerland, 32; Saxony, 29; Franco,
23; Itoumanla, 20; Prussia, 10; Italy,
3; England, 2; Austria, 1.
Ono in Twelvo Dissolroi.
While definite data Is not obtain
able, the Government experts figure
that at tho present rate In the United
States not less than one marriage in
every sixteen will bo dissolved ulti
mately by divorce, and it seems rea
sonable to suppose, they add, that tho
ratio is nearer ono in twelve.
Possibly many persons will feel,
says the report, that these figures aro
not confirmed by tholr personal ob
servation of the relative frequency of
divorce. It should be remembered
that the comparison relates only to
marriages that have been terminated
either by death or divorce. Existing
marriages do not enter Into the ratio.
The figures relate to marriages In all
classes of tho community, represont-
fni? nrnhnltlv rtvoi-v Aottvan nf waolrh
... . .. . . .
ttiiu every position inline social scale. , . " . .
Almost exactly two-thirds of the Th9 corts hafve """ "nr ?,n
total number of divorces In the United averas ,,ree "'J1.01 cvorr four dl"
States during the twenty years bo- vorce l'Qtltlons Med.
tween 1887 and 1906. were granted ,,. , . .,
to the wife. A partial explanation of ?cU Kno,Tn SolJ
this preponderance lies In the fact Lawrence's famous portrait of the
that without any reference to the Duko of Wellington was sold at auc
questlon which party is the moro fre-! tion in London for $10,000.
quently responsible for tho marital The Agaews have bought In St.
unhapplness ihat leads to the divorce Petersburg Rembrandt's portrait of
the wife has a legal ground for di- "An .Old Jew." Tho painting was
vorce moro frequently than the hus- sold to tho Agnews by M. Deloroff, a
band. private collector, for $72,500. M.
Certain wc-.l known and compara- Delaroft bought tho picture a few
tlvely common grounds are more years ago for $20,000 from Countess
readily applicable against tho hus- Adlerborg. New York Sun.
Tho marriage rete Is larger In Southern than in Northern States.
Marriages are increasing most rapidly in the Far West and decreas
ing in Northeastern States.
The United States has the highest marriage rate of any country in
the world, rivalled only by West Australia, Hungary and Saxony. Tho
tewest marriages occur in Ireland, with Sweden next.
There are far more divorces, both in number and percentage,
granted In the United States than in any European country. Japan
alone excels our figures.
The divorce nate Is rapidly increasing. It Is three tiniC3 greater
than forty years ago. -
Divorce is more frequent in the Far West. Washington and Mon
tana head tho list. Delaware, New Jersey and New York are lowest.
One in every twelve of the marriages now performed v.lll be dis
solved by divorce.
Two-thirdof tho divorces granted are to wives.
Tho nic-t Tommon ground for dlvoroe Is desertion. Cruelty and
adultery come next. Theso three account for three-fourths of the cases.
Only fifteen per cent, of the case3 are contested. Ttree out of
every four applications are granted.
band than against the wife. Notably
there is non-support, or neglect to
provide, which, for the husbnnd seek
Ing divorce, Is not ordinarily nn avail
able ground, although in Utnh six
divorces hnve beeii granted to hus
bands for neglect to provide. Cru
elty, although not Infrequently the
ground for divorces granted to hus
bands, Is more often existent as the
eauso for the wife's application. Five
divorces for cruelty are granted to the
wife for every one grunted to tho hus
band. Desertion Commonest (.round.
Tho most common slnglo ground
for divorce Is desertion, This ac
counted for nearly 8!) per cent, of all
tho divorces granted In tho twenty
years. It Is rather remnrknblo that
almost ore-half of all those nruiiled
to hiishauds were for desertion, whllo
'.n tho cases of the wives only 0110
thlrd. j
Tho next inont important ground
for divorce in, for liunlmndH, adultery,
and for wives, cruelly. Of tho di
vorces granted to luiHlinnds, 28 per
cent, were for ndullery of the wife,
and of tho'o granted to wives, "7 per
cent, for cruelly oil tho pnrt ot tho
husband. Only 10 'per cent, of tho
divorces granted to wives were for
ndullery of tho liushnnd, nnd 10 per
cent, of tho divorces granted to hiiR-'
bi'iids were for cruelty 0:1 tho part of
tho wife.
Three-fourths of all tho divorces
granted lu the United nro for
ono or tlm other ot the threo great
j c:uinu e.eeriicMi, ci u'-ii. nun mini-
tsry and llnlr frequency is in tne
order nsmjil. Ot all thi ctvifa In
twenty ycaiM tho pnrcciitnsi was:
IXsrtlnn, 3S.!; crti'lty, 21. S; adul
tery, 10.3. All other grounds for
octlon, such as drunkenness, ncRlect
to provldo and many oilier legal
charges flguro only In small fruitions.
Adullory Is tho only ground on
which tho number of divorces Rrnntod
to tho linaliand exceeds tlm number
gra'ifed to tho wlfo. Thhi difference
my ,m ft,ti.ii,(.eii to tho probability
that tho offmiHo when committed by
tho wlfo Is lr:sn likely to bo condoned
and perhaps moro llkoly to be dls
oevsrad. Public sentiment doubtless
condemns tho ofirnsm In the wife more
p.trongly than In tho husband, and
possibly tiio courts aro In Bomo degree
Influoucod thereby.
Tho enormous Increase In divorce
In recent years is almost wholly In
the lss r.erlous c'ja;'gcs of desertion
and cruelty.
l''eiv Cases Contested.
Only 15 per cent, of the) cases
brought In twenty years wore con
tested, nnd In many of theso the
contest was merely a formality. The
wlfo more frequently contests than
the husband. Cruelty beads tho list
of contested grounds and desertion is
at the foot. Alimony Is asked In
about two cases In overy fifteen and
granted in two cases out ot twenty
two. A most Interesting phase of tho
question Is how long marriages last
before divorce Is granted. Owing to
tho law's delay and the time required
beforo a decree can bo obtained, the
percentage Is small In the first two
years of married llfo, although many
couples separate very quickly. Tho
highest figures aro reached after
threo and four year3 of married life,
and then gradually decreases. More
than one-half of all divorces are
granted beforo tho end ot tho ninth
The -rapidity with which matters
come to a crisis In tho married career
13 Indicated by ctatlstlcs of tlm tlmo
when they actually separate beforo
applying to tho courts. More separa
tions occur In tho first and second
years of married llfo than in any sub
sequent year. By tho end of tho
fifth year moro than half ot all the
separations havo taken place,
Tho Federal inquirers were not
ablo to obtain complete data about
the occupotlons of divorced persons,
but from the partial figures collected
they were ablo to show that actors
and professional showmen head the
list in proportion to their numbers.
with musicians nnd teachers of music
comins next. Commercial travelers
rank third. Divorce is least frequent
among agricultural laborers and
Welcome Words to Women
Women who suOer with dliordert peculiar to their
ex ihould write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the
advice ol phyilolan of over 40 years' experience
a skilled and auoceaaful apecialiit In the diaeaaea
ol women, livery letter ol this sort haa the mott
careful consideration and it regarded as aaoredly
confidential. Many aenaitlvely tnodeat women write
fully to Dr. Fierce what they would shrink trora
telllnf to their looat physician. The local phyalclan
la pretty aura to say that he cannot do anything
without "an examination." Dr. fierce holds that
theae diataateftil examinatione are generally need-
leas, and that no woman, except in rare caiei, ihould submit to tliemt
Dr. Plcrce'a treatment will cure you right in tne privacy of t
your own home. Ilia " Favorite Preaoriplion" baa cured
hundrcda ol tliounanda, soma of tliera the worst ol cates.
It is the only medicine, of Its kind that la the product ol a regularly graduated
rhyaicinn. Hie only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its ntiraide wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will hear examina
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found In It. Some tinicrup
lllous medicite dealers may offer ynu a auhalitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle
with your health. Write to Wor'd'e Dispensary Medical Ainocintion, Dr. K.
V, Pierce, l'reniilrnf, I'lifhilo, N. Y., take the advice" received and be well.
histtwT' 'raal j!ca?TTT!''iTMTTTrspBSBf"sriraie-wr'wy 1 .'T''TwwfBfawMai
Not the Editor's Fault.
This ono comes from Missouri,
where one editor "nhowed" them whv:
"An evangeliKt ashed all tho men
present who were honest nnd paid
their debts to stand up. All arose
nut one. j io said no was the local
editor nnd couldn't pay his debts be
rnilMo the men fltnrulirif vorn Ihn hla
dellniiiont subscribers." Atlanta Con
Piles Cured In O to 11 Days.
Tnr.n Ointment in guaranteed tnenr any
en an of Ite.hinjr, Hlinil.FitrivllnKrirPrntTndiiiJ!
Piles in ft to lilnynorinonnrymfundnd, ftftf
Once Was Enough.
Magistrate (discharging prisoner)
Nixw, then, I would udvlr.o you to keep
away from bud company.
Prisoner (feelingly) Thnnlc you,
elr. You won't see mo here again.
Conntirmtinn eanrtm- many serious dis
rtws. It is thoroughly cuntd by Dr.
IWre's Plrnrnint I'ellete. One a Inxntive,
three foT cathartic.
The Lonely Mahogany.
Thero is no such thing as a forest
of mahogany. The mahogany tree
lives by and for Itself nlone. It stands
solitary of Its species surrounded by
the umaller trees and dense tuoder
growth of the tropical forest, rearing
Its head above Its neighbors. Two
trees to the acre In a liberal estimate.
Indlnnapolls News. ,
IthenmntlMii Cured In a Day.
Dr. Deletion's Kelief for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action is remarkable, lieiiioves the cause
and disease quickly disappears. First dose
greatly benefits. 75c. and $1. All druggists.
A Free Bridge at Niagara.
Celebrate the century of peace be
tween the United States and Canada
by opening a free bridge over the Ni
agara river at the Falls. There Is a
bridge there now, but It Is not free.
Everyone who passes over that bridge
pays a toil to its owners. That toll Is
a barrier. Thore should be a free
bridge. The interests of both coun
tries would be served by the aboli
tion of toll-taking. If this could be
done in no other way, a new bridge,
constructed by the governments of the
two countries and their peoples would
bo worth wb"e. Toll-taking Is a vex
ation to everybody who pays It, and
Is a relic of the days of toll roads.
Toronto Globe.
It Is said that when Sir Andrew
Clark, Mr. Gladstone's physician, rec
ommended a patient to drink wine, the
latter expressed some surprise, say
ing he thought Sir Andrew was a tem
perance doctor, to which Sir Andrew
Clark replied: "Oh, wine docs some
times help you to get through work;
for Instance, I have often 20 letters
to answer after dinner, and a pint of
champagne is a BTfjat help." "Ifr
deed," said the patient, "does a pint
of champagne really help you to an
swer tho 20 letters?' "No! no
said Andrew, "but when I've had a
pint of champagne I don't care a rap
whether I answer ihera or not:
Hoes and Rakes at 82.
There are probably not many land
owners who ply the hoe and rake at
the age of 82, but Lord Haddington
has always given the closest personal
attention to his property, and garden
ing In particular his always been one
of his keenest delights. Eieventn eari
and a representative peer of Scotland
Lord Haddington succeeded to the
title nearly 40 years ago, and 'for
more than a quarter of a century he
has been lord lieutenant of his coun
try. Tit-Bits.
Great Men's Great Heads.
Thackery was six feet two Inches
In height and Sir H. W. Lucy says
the creat novelist wore a 7-lnch hat,
beating Dickens and John Bright by
a full half inch. Mr. Gladstone's hat
was of 7-lnch measurement the
same as. Macaulay's while Beacons-
field needed a full 7-Inch. The. hat
ot Daniel O'Connell, however, would
have beaten them all, measuring 8A
inches by 10 inche3. Indianapolis
There was never an Imitation made of an " imitation. Iml- $
tators always counterfeit the genuine article. The genuine la j
what you ask tor, because genuine articles are the advertised ones.
Imitations are not advertised, but depend for their business on the W
ability ot the dealer to sell yon something claimed to be "Just a T
good" when you ask for the genuine, because he makes more proflc ?
. 4f.A ImOMnn Whv Divwnl ImfltaHnn whan vm, fan tr ci f .1. rr n rt . S
nine by InslstlngT
r i
A KI.AVOIl tlmt In owxl tlin minm
orvmilllit. liy (llFfolvih( f-niii'il;itrf Htiiprla
wittnrjui'l wl'llng M.ifih'ijm, nih-lff Jdiim wynip la
matin am a nvmp !''f(r llriu innyiln. JUuplnltt
M H'lMI IIV urm-nrfl. hffMl 20 HIIUHP Zor HMIIipla
aiid rocipo buuk. Ciecscnt Mlt. Co.. Seattle.
The Applan Way.
Tho famous Applno Vny was con
structed by dlgt;ln two parapet
trenches, threo feet In dooth at the
bottom rt which were placed two lay
ers of flat stone In mnrtnr, upon which
a layer of cobblestones wan plneotf,
rilpo laid In mortar; then raine
course of pebbles In conrreto. over
which were placed lnrKe flat blocks
of smooth lava well Joined together,
forming nn even, uniform surr:ieo. It
was primarily n military roail, and
extended from Homo to III unilusliim,
a distance of nrf miles. So perfect
was tho construction of this eglobraN
od-road that It still . exists. In places
as pood as ever, notwithstanding It
was made moro thnn 20 centuries ajo.
New York Amerlelin.
Small Lenees Prove Dest.
"It Is not the big telescopes which
are needed In the observation of the
planets so much as good dellnltlon,
nnd that can be had only when ihe,
atmosphere Is perfect for observa
tion." Prof. PlekerlriK of Harvard ob
servatory, deelarcs. Ho also Fays that
so Important Is this condition of the
nlr that he ban seen more with a tole-
nopo of five inches' diameter In Ja
maica than he has been able to se at
Harvard with a telescope of fifteen
Inches' diameter. 1
A shell which will hit two marks
will be tested this full. The solid
st.eol head of the hell contains a
charge of hlnh explosive v.hhh Is de
tonated on impact. Bark of this I
the shrapnel chamber, containing 120
bullets and a charge of high explosive.
The shrapnel portion can bo timed
to explorto above a body of troops,
leaving the solid head of the shell
to pass on and trlke elsewhere.
Itch cured in 30 minures by Woniford's
Sanitary Wion. Never tails. At drui(i(iata.
For train dispatching the Canadian
Pacific Railroad has found the tele
phone so serviceable that the present
system of obout five hundred miles of
telephone lines will be extended to one
Thousand miles within a yeir.
Don't Wait
Till Night
The moment you need help, take
candy Cascaret. Then headachei
vanish, dullness disappears. Th
results are natural, gentle, prompt.
No harsher physic does mora
good, and all harsh physics injure.
Cct this OCT, mall it with yonr adirit U
Sterling ftmxly Company, Chicago, 111., ani r
ceiren hundwmiB ponvpnir pol'l Hon Bon Krul
n .
For the baby often means rest for
both mother and child. Little ones
like it too it's so palatable to take.
Free from opiate.
All Draggbta. 2S conU.
VIKfUNl A, the Itome of otr Fath-r.
NOKFOLK, Th Sou-hero Gnowaf.
Nine railroads, mn)r tnnhlp line. S ,w
the time lo bar Norfolk Hie'nlm 1 Ion at l'fl
each. Pay $5 monthly, no Interest, n i taxes.
Boat all year cllmato Learn about So Jtn B'
sending for fur tree Dooklefc. A41res
Pnua-orfi!k Inr. Corp., Norfolk. Ys
liitftitn, L C. Eooat-( r-e. lititr
tut rtlereooei. Hem wiiu.
P. N. U. 53, 1909.
wttri tuti, Hawk f tMttfMila u4 IU lmyn' Uraiaanaal
Wrmm. Or U. H. fiUl.V frOUd (Us A. AMui
, '